Summary of entertainment for the first of September on the topic “How big we are!” Entertainment scenario “September 1” for older children

Elena Nikolaevna Ivanova
Physical education on September 1 “Journey to the Land of Knowledge”

Physical education on September 1st. « Travel to the land of Znani th".


1. Traces,

2. Bumps and arcs,

3. Racks,

4. A set of fruits and vegetables,

5. 2 baskets,

6. 14 gymnastic sticks,

7. Ribbons according to team color,

8. Cards for summing up.

The presenter meets the children on the kindergarten playground.

Leading: Hello guys! It's great to see you again. How big you have become, how much you have grown over the summer. And we gathered with you for a reason. Who knows what holiday is today? Today is holiday 1- September – Day of Knowledge. Today all boys and girls go to school! For what? That's right, to learn and be smart. And you and I haven’t grown up to school yet, but we have grown up to a very exciting travel to the land of knowledge. We want you and me to grow up smart and go to school. But a difficult journey awaits us, so before you hit the road you need to warm up a little.

Get ready to exercise!

1. Charging

1. Rise on your toes, arms up,

2. Shoulders up and down

3. Handles on the belt - turns,

4. Tilts to the side,

5. Bend forward

6. Squats,

7. Running in place

8. Leg swing

Leading: Well, let's hit the road? Oh guys, I forgot the way. What to do... Who knows the way?

I remembered who knows the way to the land of Knowledge... Dunno. He got into country of knowledge and became a very smart and educated boy, and soon he will also go to school.

Let's call him!

2. Dunno comes out.

Dunno: Hello guys!

Leading: Hello, Dunno! We are so glad that you came to us!

Dunno: Yes, I’m glad to see you myself! Why did you call me?

Leading: Dunno, the guys and I wanted to go to country of knowledge, but we don’t know the way. You go there, you study there, maybe you can help us get there.

Dunno: Why do you need to go there? You have to study and study there; they don’t like lazy people there.

Leading: And we are not lazy, we are very diligent and friendly, and we love to study and practice.

Dunno: OK then! There are only a lot of you, so we will divide into two teams, and which team will not be afraid of difficulties along the way, will show their knowledge and skills, that team will go to study in country of knowledge.

Leading: Well, do you guys agree? Then we divide into two teams (we tie distinctive ribbons to the teams). How will we go there?

Dunno: On trains! We board two locomotives according to commands and set off on a good journey!

Leading: Here's the first stop!

Dunno: Look, there are traces of someone here! They will show us the way to country of knowledge. Whoever makes the first tracks for his team wins.

4. Relay competition "Running in the footsteps". At the signal, the first participant runs and lays out on the way "traces", run to the designated place, run around it, and return to their team. The second person runs and collects these traces and passes them on to the next person. The task is completed by all team members.

Dunno: Well done! You guys are very friendly! We board the trailers and move on!

Dunno: Look how much harvest there is! And vegetables and fruits. It must be collected! The red team collects fruits, the green team collects vegetables.

Leading: The winner is the team that collects the crop in its basket faster and without mistakes.

6. Competition "Let's Harvest".


Leading: Well done everyone, but it’s time for us to hit the road!

Dunno: Here we are!

Leading: Where? Is there nothing here?

Dunno: This is the station "Mysterious". Now I’m going to ask you riddles and whose team guesses the fastest and most wins.

8. Riddles.


I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers "bathe!"- I invite you,

And you love me for this, I... (summer).

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly... (autumn).

I have a lot to do - I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth, I remove it from the ice of the river,

I whitewash fields, houses, and my name is... (winter).

I open the buds into green leaves

I dress the trees, water the crops,

There's a lot of movement, they're calling me... (spring).

Natural phenomena

You warm the whole world

You don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you... (Sun).

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it doesn’t get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes (rain).

Across the skies in a horde

Sacks with holes are running,

And it happens sometimes

Water is leaking from the bags.

Let's hide better

From the holey... (clouds).

In the morning the beads sparkled,

They covered all the grass with themselves.

And we went to look for them during the day,

We search, we search, we won’t find it (dew).

It made a noise, it made a noise,

I washed everything and left,

And gardens and orchards

It spilled all over the area (storm).


Leading: What a great dude you are, Dunno, you are so smart, you know so many riddles! And our guys know all the answers.

Dunno: Yes, guys, everyone is great! But for now we have to move on. Get on the train quickly.

Leading: Oh, where have we come! Just swamps and caves!

Dunno: And here is the next task for our guys.

Leading: The team that completes the obstacle course the fastest wins.

10. "Obstacle Course". Walk over hummocks without touching the ground and walk through a cave without touching the walls and ground with your hands.

Leading: Well, we’ve passed through swamps and caves, let’s move on!

Dunno: And here is my favorite station. Now we’ll see how smart our guys are.

12. "Checking for math knowledge» .

1. How many sticks can you use to make a triangle? (three) One person from each team makes a triangle.

2. How many sticks can be used to make a square? (four) One person from each team makes a square.

3. How many sticks can you make a house from? Two people from each team make a house and say the answer (six).

4. How to make two squares from seven sticks? Two people from each team to complete the task.

Leading: You see Dunno, our guys are not only smart, but also friendly!

Dunno: It's true! Well done boys! Well, then let's go to the last station.

Dunno: And here is the last station "Confusion"! Guys, at this station everything is confused: who says that cars fly, and who says that butterflies crawl. Let's help the residents of this station figure it out.

I will name the words, and you will do the following movement: if the object flies, you raise your hands up; if it doesn’t fly, squat down. Well, let's start.

14. Game "It flies - it doesn't fly".

Snowflake table

Bee Boots

Bed Leaves

Airplane Stone

Ball Machine

Cow Butterfly

Hoop Pillow

Skittle Bird

Dunno: Well done! I guys looked at you and decided that all two teams should get into country of knowledge, let one team be stronger, the other weaker, the main thing is that you are all friendly and strive for knowledge, therefore in everyone will go to the land of Knowledge.

Leading: Dunno, this is the last station? Where land of knowledge?

15. Game "Cars".

Dunno: All over me!

So we arrived at country of knowledge. Welcome to kindergarten No. 165, where you will become smarter and stronger, grow up big and strong. And after that you will definitely be accepted into school. It's time for you to go to your country of knowledge.

Goodbye, guys! See you soon.

Target. Creating a friendly atmosphere, creating a joyful mood in children, positive attitude to school and the desire to learn and acquire new knowledge.


1. Summarize children’s ideas about the Day of Knowledge holiday.

2. Develop the ability to quickly switch from one game to another.

3. Encourage children to engage in a joint play situation with adults.

4. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your peers. Material: subject pictures, chest, easel (2 pcs.) Character – Brownie Kuzka.

Move entertainment: Children sit on chairs, cheerful music plays.

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we celebrate with you the most important children's holiday - Day of Knowledge!

Little Brownie Kuzka runs into the hall

Hello kids - girls and boys!

I am a cheerful Brownie. I keep the peace here.

Make friends with me, but call me Kuzma.

And today I came to congratulate you, friends.

Hey, let's all clap our hands,

Let's join a friendly round dance!

Near the decorated Christmas tree

We'll meet you New Year!

Wait, Kuzenka, what Christmas tree, what New Year? (addresses children). Guys, New Year comes to us at what time of year?

Children: In winter.


What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.


Kuzya, what date is it today?


I didn't guess right again. Today 1 September – Day of Knowledge. Today all schoolchildren go to school. A new academic year begins. Leading:

Why do children go to school?

D. Kuzka: I know that!

To play, play around, fight, scream...


And again you are wrong! Guys, why do you need to go to school?

Brownie Kuzka sits on the carpet and is sad.

Leading: Kuzenka, what happened?

D. Kuzya: I don’t know anything, I answer questions incorrectly, the children laugh at me. What should I do, where should I gain my wits?


Kuzenka, don’t be upset, stay with us and we will teach you. Guys, do you agree?

D. Kuzka: Oh, how glad I am!

Guys, do you like fairy tales? And who tells them to you? (Answer)

And I have it, mine magic chest they live in it

my fairy tales and riddles.

D. Kuzka: Now guys, guess the riddles

D. Kuzka:

A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn't know

That danger awaits.

It glows behind the bushes

A pair of angry eyes...

Someone scary will meet

The girl now.

Who will deceive grandma?

To enter the house?

Who is this girl?

Who is this beast?

You can answer the riddle

Answer now.

("Little Red Riding Hood")


This fairy tale hero

With a ponytail, mustache,

He has a feather in his hat,

I'm all striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots.

(Puss in Boots)

Mom's daughter was born

From a beautiful flower.

Nice, little one!

The baby was an inch tall.

If you have read the fairy tale,

Do you know what my daughter's name was?


D. Kuzka: Grabbed tightly:

Oh, I can’t pull it out!

Oh, I'm stuck tight!

But also assistants

They'll come running soon...

Friendly common work!

Who is stuck so tightly?

Did you find out?


D. Kuzka: Well done boys.

Leading: Kuzya, do you know the colors?

Kuzya: Certainly!

Presenter: (shows petals different color) What color is this petal? What about this one? Well, what about this one? (Kuzya gets confused in his answers)

In our kindergarten even kids know colors: red, yellow, blue, green. Look how cleverly they find the petals desired color, and they even collect flowers from them!

A game "Collect a flower"

Leading: Kuzya, do you know where students put their supplies when they go to school?

D. Kuzka: How to where! In the bag! To the big one!

Leading: Do guys go to school with a bag? (children's answers)

Leading: No! They go to school with a backpack! Do you know what needs to be put in your backpack?

D. Kuzka: (lists quickly). Ice cream, cake, lemonade, chewing gum,

toys, candy wrappers, pebbles, a slingshot...

Leading: Stop! Guys! Let's tell Kuza what school supplies will be needed for studying.

Children: Briefcases, notebooks, pens, pencils...

Leading: Kuzma, do you remember?

D. Kuzka: Certainly! You can check.

A game "Who needs what" D. Kuzka: What a great fellow you are, guys! I learned so much today! Thank you!

D. Kuzka: Guys, it’s good to exercise, but you also need to rest. Let's play!

Round dance game "At Granny Malanya's"

The children hold hands, and Kuzka stands in a circle and begins to hum a song, accompanying it with expressive movements.

At Malanya's, at the old woman's, the children move in a circle

We lived in a small hut in one direction,

Seven daughters holding hands.

Seven sons

All without eyebrows. Stop

With such eyes and with the help of gestures

With such ears, and facial expressions depict what

With such noses as they say in text:

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

Didn't eat anything

They sat all day, squatting down and resting their chin with one hand.

They looked at her

They did it like this... Repeat any funny movement after the leader. (3 times)

D. Kuzka: Guys, I see you know how to play, but can you count?

Children: Yes!

D. Kuzka: I'll check now. I will ask you fun problems, and you will answer them. Do you agree?

At the house in the morning

Two hares were sitting

And together a cheerful song

One ran away

And the second one looks after me.

How much is the house

Zaitsev sits (1)

Three bear cubs in the apiary

They played hide and seek by the barrel.

One barely fit into the barrel.

How many ran into the forest? (2)

I'm drawing a cat's house:

Three windows, a door with a porch.

There's another window upstairs

So that it is not dark.

Count the windows

In the cat's house. (4)

*** Badger Grandma

I baked pancakes.

Treated two grandchildren -

Two pugnacious badgers.

But the grandchildren didn’t have enough to eat,

The saucers are knocking with a roar.

Come on, how many badgers are there?

Are they waiting for more and are silent? (0)

D. Kuzka: I can!

Leading: We'll check now. Listen carefully to the problem. Kuzka answers incorrectly and the children help him.

Seven funny pigs

They stand in a row at the trough.

The two went to bed,

How many pigs does the trough have? (5)

Leading: Kuzka, aren’t you ashamed? You don’t know how to count, you don’t know colors.

D. Kuzka: That's why I know how to play.

A game "Listen to the clapping"

Everyone moves around the room in a free direction to the music.

When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take a stork pose. (standing on one leg, arms to the sides).

If the leader claps twice, the players should take the frog position (squat, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between the feet on the floor).

After three claps, the players resume walking.

Leading: The game is very interesting. Well done, Kuzka!

Kuzka: Guys, there are more riddles for you in my chest.

1. I’m ready to blind the whole world

House, car, two cats.

I am the ruler today

I have (Plasticine)

2. If you hone it,

You can draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?. (Pencil)

3. Your braid without fear

She dips it in paint.

Then with a dyed braid

In the album he leads along the page. (tassel)

4. Students write to them,

Answering at the board. (Chalk)

D. Kuzka: What great guys you are, you know everything, you can do everything. Leading:

You see, Kuzya, the children are in kindergarten They learn a lot and continue to learn in schools and institutes. They become smart, educated people and acquire different professions.

D. Kuzka: Guys, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Children's answers

D. Kuzka: I also want to become someone very important and necessary.

Leading: Kuzya, in order to become someone very important and necessary, you need to study a lot and for starters, you Kuzka need to study at school.

Just today, 1 September, the school year begins, all schoolchildren begin to study. Go to school quickly, otherwise you will be late for lesson D. Kuzka: I ran! Goodbye! See you again!

Leading: Well, ours the fun is over. Guys, be obedient, attentive, inquisitive in order to surprise your friends and parents with your knowledge. Goodbye!

“Day by day, we are growing!”
Tkacheva Natalya Nikolaevna
physical education instructor.
Titovets Olga Vasilievna
teacher speech therapist.
Rostov region, Milyutinsky district.
MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 st. Milyutinskaya
Entertainment scenario for September 1st for younger children preschool age.
Participants: children of primary preschool age, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.
Target: create a joyful experience for children festive mood, evoke a positive emotional response to what is happening.
- develop in children cognitive activity, summarizing knowledge about the holiday “Day of Knowledge”;
— strengthen friendly relationships by communicating in a team;
— to develop cultural behavior skills in preschoolers,
- to develop children’s ability to navigate in space.
Decoration of the hall for September 1, a basket from a picture for solving riddles, a big Antoshka doll and small size, a screen, multi-colored balls and hoops for the game, a dove stencil for drawings on the asphalt, soap bubbles, a presentation compiled during the holiday, musical accompaniment.
(Children enter the hall to cheerful music)
Presenter 1:
Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,
Flowers, friends, smiles, light!
Study diligently, student -
The most important thing today is!!!

Our dear children,
You are students again
They flew by very quickly,
Your summer days
Presenter 2:
You're in a hurry to go to kindergarten again,
Adventures await you
And former comrades,
It's already close, right there,

The teacher is happy
You all gathered in the group,
All the kids are close now
Boiled all my life

Children read poetry.
WITH Good morning, Red Cat!
Good morning, birds!
The school year has begun
I'm going to study!

My friend Toma and I
We go to kindergarten together.
This is not like home!
This is a school for kids!

Here we do exercises,
We eat with a spoon correctly,
Let's get used to order!
Kindergarten is necessary!

We teach poems and songs
There are preschoolers in our group!
There is no more wonderful place for us!
What is your favorite kindergarten!

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

We have become a year older,
We know a lot and are smarter.
We are ready now
Show you a Master class.
Presenter 2:
Let's start the holiday
We offer to show you.
What are your hobbies,
How are you doing?
(the presenter rings the bell)
Presenter 1:
The bell rang for everyone,
We are starting the lesson.
Coming to kindergarten
What are the guys saying?
Children: Hello!

A lesson in politeness in riddle poems!
Presenter 2:
Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor
He tells him: “...” (Hello!)

And his neighbor is big-eared
Answers: “Hedgehog,...” (Hello!)

Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..." (Sorry!)

Fat cow Lula
She was eating hay and sneezed.
So as not to sneeze again,
We will tell her: “...” (Be healthy!)

Fox Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: "..." (Please!)

Duck from the shore
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “...” (Thank you!)

To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She told her: “...” (Goodbye!)
Presenter 1:
So that your health is in order
We start the day with: “...” (Chargers)

Exercise for kids: “Heel toe”
Presenter 2:
The bell is ringing again
And he calls us to class.
They brought us a basket
Let's guess what's inside.
Lesson about the world around us
(Children guess riddles; whoever answered correctly takes the picture and places it on the panel. A frog in the river, a fox in the forest, an apple in the tree, etc.)
And we are in the forest and in the swamp,
You will always find us everywhere
In a clearing, at the edge of the forest
We are green... (frogs)

Loves red carrots
He gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique,
Who do you say he is? (hare).

Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - [b](cow).

He roams the forest all the time,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes,
Who say this? (wolf).

He doesn't sleep at all at night,
Keeps the house safe from mice,
Drinks milk from a bowl
Well of course it is - (cat).

He repeats one thing - ha-ha,
Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone
Well of course it is - (goose).

He sleeps in a den in winter,
Little by little he snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar,
What's his name - (bear).

At the handsome fat man's
Bright red sides.
In a hat with a ponytail, signor -
Round ripe... (tomato)

Families live underground
We water them from a watering can.
And Polina and Antoshka
Let's call you to dig... (potatoes)

Round, rosy,
It grows on a branch.
Adults love him
And his children love him. (apple)

Everyone knows these berries
They are replacing our medicine.
If you have a sore throat,
Drink tea at night with... (raspberries)

He's heavy and pot-bellied
Thick-skinned, striped,
Sweet, like honey, to the taste.
What's his name? (Watermelon)
Presenter 2:
Well done guys, they guessed all the riddles.
Well done! It's time for fun, I suggest you play now. Do you want to play?
Look down the path
A centipede is rushing towards us
Offers to play
Show off your dexterity.

Outdoor game "Centipede"
Children stand one after another like a train, holding the belt of the one in front. At a signal (music accompaniment) they move after the teacher without breaking the chain.
Presenter 2:
Well done! How well and cleverly you did it.
Guys, the balls are tired of lying in the basket.
They want to play with you too.
Let's take the green ball in our hands
Let's take it to the green hoop.
We'll take the red ball
We'll take it to the red hoop.
We take the yellow ball
We put it in a yellow hoop.

Game: "House for the ball"
Children, accompanied by musical accompaniment, take colored balls and place them in a hoop of the corresponding color.
Presenter 2:
It's good to play with the ball
But it's time for them to rest.
Let's collect all the balls
And we'll put it in the basket.
Game: "Ball in the Basket"
Children collect balls that have been scattered throughout the hall into a basket.
(The children's song “Antoshka” plays.)
Presenter 1:
Guys, look who is sitting there sadly and looking out the window.
Antoshka: Hello guys, do you recognize me? I'm Antoshka.
Presenter 1:
Don't be sad, Antoshka,
The music is playing, look
We'll clap our hands
And you Antoshka, dance!
Antoshka: No. I don't want to dance!
Presenter 1:
But why?
Antoshka:(sighs) You have grown big, but I haven’t. I also really want to grow up at least a little.
Presenter 1:
Let's help Antoshka grow up,
We'll do a little magic.
Let's hold hands together
And let's go our separate ways a little.
Repeat everything after me
May Antoshka become big!
Pronounce magic words:
You stretch, stretch Antoshka.
To grow up a little.
You spin around in place,
And turn into a big one.
Let's clap together 1-2-3
Antoshka grow-and-and-and (children raise their hands up, rising on their tiptoes)
(Magical music sounds, the teacher changes the little hero Antoshka to the big one)
Oh oh oh! What happened with me?
I've grown so big!
I'm so glad guys,
Why do I have such friends!
I just want to play, sing and dance.
Do you know my favorite song about Antoshka? (children's answers) Then, sing with me.
Song "Antoshka"
Antoshka: How much fun you have, I want to start dancing!
Dance: "Children's song - Boogie-Woogie okay"
Antoshka: I have prepared a surprise for you guys.
I'll give you a template
A dove is drawn in it.
Take your crayons
And hurry outside.
With your help friends
The dove will fly here.
Let him live in your house
Brings peace and friendship to you!
Also, here are some soap bubbles for you.
Instead of festive fireworks they will be.
Happy holiday to you guys, Happy Knowledge Day.
I was glad to play with you,
But it's time to run home.
Mommy is waiting for me
Goodbye kids!
Presenter 1:
Well, the lessons are over
You all did great today.
Thanks for your efforts
See you soon!!!
(funny music “Wizards of the Courtyard” sounds, teachers put on a show soap bubbles for children)
At the end of the event, the children go out for a walk (or in the afternoon) and use a template and crayons to draw a dove - a symbol of peace.

leisure scenario, dedicated to the Day Knowledge “September 1 in kindergarten” for children 4-5 years old “Here we are!”

Target: creating a favorable climate in the group.
Development creativity;
Learning to act as a team;
Expanding ideas about the holiday of September 1.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Hello, dear guys. We are glad to see you again within the walls of your favorite kindergarten. Today our holiday is dedicated to September 1st. Guys, do you know what kind of day this is?
Children: This is the day of knowledge.
Educator: Yes, right. Although you and I are not at school, you and I are also starting a new school year. We will go with you to the land of “Knowledge”, where every day we will learn something new. Do you guys agree?
Children: yes.
Educator: In order to go to a magical land, we need to say magic words.
“Turn around yourself, you will find yourself in a magical land”
Educator: We found ourselves in the country. Guys, what do you see? (the numbers of the “station number” are laid out in advance)
Children: Numbers. 1,2,3,4,5.
Educator: Correct, what number do we start with?
Children: 1.

Station 1 "Greetings".
Educator: I will now read a line to you, and you will continue it:
1. Game "Hello"
- When we meet the dawn,
We tell him... (Hello)
-With a smile the sun gives light,
Sending us your... (hello)
- When we meet after many years
You will shout to your friends... (hello)
And they will smile back at you
From a kind word... (hello)
- And you will remember the advice
Give to all your friends... (hello)
Let's all answer together
We will say to each other... Hello!
(during the game, children do not stand, but greet each other, you can use different variants: first line with the word hello hands up, second line with the word hello smile at each other, etc.)

Educator: Well done boys. And now to station 2, you and I must gallop like bunnies.

Station 2. “We are strong guys”
Educator: We passed the first station successfully. Guys, do you like exercises?
Children: yes.
Educator: And this station will show us whether this is true or not.

Physical exercise.
We are athletes no matter what,
Yes, yes, yes! (claps hands)
We love to run, we love to jump,
Squats and push-ups (movements on the text in place)
And bend like a fish (exercise “fish”)
We are athletes no matter what, (hands on the belt, turns to the sides)
Yes, yes, yes! (claps hands)
We lift dumbbells
We walk along the path,
We stood on our heels, then on our toes, (movements through the text)
Our victories are very close. (jumping legs together and apart, clapping hands above head)

Educator: Well done, we are now real athletes. We need to walk to station 3 on our heels.

Station 3 “Guess the melody”
Educator: And at this station they ask us to guess the melody (children can not only guess, but also dance to the excerpt). Children turn on the music and guess.

List of songs:
1. Antoshka ** - music. V.Shainsky, lyrics. Y. Entina - m/f "Merry Carousel #1"
Pinocchio ** - words. Yu. Entina, music by A. Rybnikov - film "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
2. Two cheerful geese ** - Ukrainian folk song, m/f "Merry Carousel"
3. Song of Winnie the Pooh - lyrics. B. Zakhoder, music. M. Weinberg - film "Winnie the Pooh"
4. Song of Leopold the Cat (Twist, twist, pedal) - lyrics. A. Hight, music. B. Savelyev - m/f "Leopold the Cat"
Little Red Riding Hood's Song ** (If it's long, long, long) - lyrics. Y. Mikhailova, music. A. Rybnikova - film "The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood"

Educator: Well done guys, we can move on. We need to get to station 4 by train, one after another.

Station 4 “Guess what?”
We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

And the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.
(Dr. Aibolit)

The nose is round with a snout,
Tail small crochet.
They were friendly brothers
The evil wolf was defeated.
Answer me guys
These brothers...

It doesn't taste good with sour cream.
He is cold at the window.
He left his grandmother
He left his grandfather.
I escaped from the forest animals,
The fox got his lunch.

Educator: Now guys, we need to get to station 5 like mice on tiptoes and quietly - quietly.

Station 5 “Creative Corner”
(Children are offered paints, pencils, felt-tip pens and sheets of paper, laid out on the tables in advance).
Educator: what good mice we have. Guys, tell me, what day is it today again?
Children: September 1st, holiday.
Conversation: “September 1”
1. What kind of holiday is this?;
2. Attributes of the holiday;
3. How does he feel about kindergarten? (Start school year).
Educator: Well done. And at this station you and I have to depict this holiday. Do you agree?
Children: yes!
(Here you can use two options. 1- Free drawing. 2- Team work.)
Educator: how interesting it all worked out for us, but it’s time for us to return to the group.
“Turn around yourself, return to your group”
Educator: Did you guys like it?
Children: yes!
Educator: Will we still travel to a magical land and learn a lot of new things?
Children: yes!.

(Three sets of letters for each team, one at a time: Fidgets - pink (PEN), Znayki - yellow (PENALTY PENALTY, Dreamers - orange (STUCK). Each station will have three letters different colors, which the hero will give to the teams for completing his task, depending on the color.

Progress of the event:

Shainsky's music sounds "What they teach at school"

Ved. - Hello guys! Who knows what holiday it is today?

Ved. Right! Today is September 1st - the day of knowledge! Today, thousands of boys and girls went to school with one desire to learn!

In kindergarten, guys, you also learn a lot - first to dress and put on shoes, talk politely, make friends, sit correctly at the table, then hold a pencil, brush, scissors correctly, distinguish sounds, recognize letters and numbers!

I wonder what would happen if there were no kindergartens and schools at all?


If there were no schools -
How far would a person go?
What has man come to?
He would turn into a savage again!


If there were no schools,
How far would a person go?
I would eat raw meat with my hands
Both for the first and for the second!


If there were no schools,
How far would a person go?
All shaggy and in animal skin
He would come to visit with a club!

Horrible! Nooo, it’s good that we have kindergartens and schools!

(Vityusha enters with slingshots)

Vityusha - Kindergarten... Schools... All this is nonsense! - Well, I never went to kindergarten or school, and I live a wonderful life!

It can be seen! You are so rude - you came to our party and didn’t even say hello.

Vityusha - You might think that these short kids are better. - Yes, they don’t even know how to shoot with slingshots, or climb trees, or call names...

Ved. - But the guys can do a lot of other things - they are dexterous, smart and know a lot of interesting things!

Here, guess the riddle:

Black birds
On every page
They are silent, waiting,
Who will read them...

Black birds are RAVENS!

If they are silent it means they are SLEEPING!

Do you guys know what the riddle is about? (about letters)

Well, just think, one riddle solves nothing...

Here I have one test! SOOOOO complicated! I have a map! Who is on this map the path will pass, he will become a real preschooler! Well, where can you little kids go down this path...

Well, guys, let's cope with the test? (Yes)

Vityusha. Then a steam locomotive is waiting for you, hit the road

Music plays, children stand in a circle and move around like a locomotive.

Ved. - We got to the station "Gramoteikino" ! And here is the envelope with the task! Here you need to guess riddles about different letters, and if we do everything correctly, we will get the same letter! Ready?

Start with this letter
"Watermelon" And "Almanac" .
She meets us all
Almost in all words.

(Letter "A" )

If you lose a letter,
The goose will not be able to GoGot,
A chained dog will not be able to bark.
What letter? Who will help?

(Letter "G" )

This letter is in words
"Honeysuckle" , "Heat" , "Giraffe" .
And in words "ZhuZhZhit" And "Burn"
Several of those letters live.

(Letter "and" )

"Mole" , "Swing" And "Klyuka"
Start with.

("To" )

"Smile" , "Oyster" , "Hoopoe" , -
The common letter lives in them.

(Letter "y" )

This letter is important to us:
to the word "Motherland" needed
"Speech Native" , "Russian" Same
He won't be able to live without her.

The letter is needed, believe me!

This letter is.

(letter "R" )

"Honey" , "Raspberries" , "Macrame"
Start with.

("m" )

Ved. Well done guys, we completed the task! Let's move on.

Station "Scitalkino"


Hello, you have reached the station "Scitalkino" , and my name is Queen Mathematics! I want to check how well you can count and whether you deserve the title of PRESCHOOL CHILD? Ready?


I take
Do you consider
But don't rush.

Here look,
Don't be dumb:

Answer -
In my hand

How many everyone

(4 pencils)

Buying shoes
We were at the market -
We bought shoes for everyone.
For Anyuta-sweetheart

We bought slippers.
For Peter and Vovochka
We took sneakers.
Shoes - for Antoshka.

Kole - sandals.
Sandals for dad too.
For mom - leather slippers.
Good choice of product.

Count how many pairs?

(7 pairs)

The pied bird has five chicks.
The quack has five ducklings.
- Five plus five, -
Nikolka asked,

How long will this be together?

Dad, mom, brother, me -
That's our whole family.
All of us - adults and children -
We ate one cutlet each.

How much is mom for lunch?
Have you prepared the cutlets?

(4 cutlets)

Here's a task for you guys.
There is a dacha on the edge of the forest.
And at the dacha, the woman and grandfather,
Mom and dad, brother and me.

Do the math, guys.
How big is our family?

(6 people)


We begin to take away.
There were five pretzels,
And now there are a couple left.
How many of them did Tamara eat?

(3 pretzels)

Ts.M. Well done guys, you completed the task! It's time for us to say goodbye, your train moves on.

Ved. Goodbye Queen of Mathematics! And we go further on our journey Station "Sports"


Well, hello, hello! They finally got to me! Well, I won’t let you through that easily! Wow, how many obstacles I have for you! If you pass, you will receive a reward and move on, but if you don’t pass, you will remain here and will not get to the finish line, you will not be able to become PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN!

The obstacle course includes:

  • walking along a rope lying on the floor:
  • jumping from hoop to hoop

Vityusha: well, we completed the task. Well here's your reward (medals for preschool children)

Ved. That's how great we are! And our train leaves further

Station "Chistyulkino"


Hello children! Do you know me?

I know why you came to me - you need to pass all the tests to become PRESCHOOL CHILDREN! I will help you, you can prove that you know all the rules of hygiene, and you will receive a magic letter as a reward. Ready?

Aibolit invites the team to collect a cut-out picture on the topic of healthy lifestyle.

Aibolit: Well done! We completed the task!

Station "Smekalkino"

Presenter: So here we need to solve problems using ingenuity! These are such tricky problems, when solving which you need not only to calculate, but also to think and use your brains!

  1. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in back. How many legs does he have? (total 4)
  2. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (0 glass is empty)
  3. There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in the vase. How many tulips were in the vase? (There were only 3 tulips in the vase)
  4. 7 boys cleared 1 path in the garden. How many paths did the boys clear? (7 tracks)
  5. There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are left on the table? (4 apples)
  6. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one granddaughter)
  7. There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on an oak tree, with an apple on each branch. How many apples are there in total? (Apples don't grow on oak trees)

Ved. Well done guys, we completed all the tasks! Now let's go back to the children's room. garden.

Vityusha meets them in the garden.

Well, was it easy?

What is this in your hands? (Letters)

Oh-oh-oh! Again they talk about some letters. Well, what to do with these letters?

And from these letters we can make different words! Shall we try it, guys?

With the help of teachers, make up words: pencil case, backpack, pen

Vityusha - Some strange words... I have never heard such words...

What do they mean?

Guys, who knows what a pen is for? What about the pencil case? What is a backpack?

(Ved takes the backpack and shows it to Vityusha. He examines it, opens it and finds treats for children there.).


Hmm... But learning something is interesting and not even boring... (unwraps the candy)

And sometimes it’s also delicious... They convinced me that I will study too... And at the end of the year we’ll see who has learned what...

Well done! I dedicate you and all the children to preschool! Well, our holiday is over! Congratulations to everyone once again on September 1st! I wish you to be healthy, strong, smart and obedient!
