Unusual tattoos on the human body. The light in the darkness

A couple of decades ago, tattoos made with colored inks were already considered unusual. Today, technology development has reached such a level that tattoo artists are doing incredible things! For a true professional, nothing is impossible; this has been proven more than once. If you are attracted to unusual tattoos, this article may help you get acquainted with the most incredible new designs.

New styles

It would seem that everything has already been invented. But the masters continue to delight with new ideas. Today, unusual tattoos are in fashion, made in styles such as:

  • total black - bracelets, sleeves, areas of skin uniformly painted black;
  • trash polka - a rebellious combination of the beautiful and the disgusting;
  • watercolor - colorful drawings, as if painted with a brush.

Of course, this is far from full list, but just a small part concerning the most interesting new trends.

White tattoos

TO traditional way application can be classified into the following group. In fact, it differs from ordinary tattoos only in the color of the paint. White color is often used in all sorts of unusual tattoos for girls, and representatives of the stronger sex choose this color much less often.

What effect does it achieve? White paint opens to the master the broadest opportunities. He can make a tattoo that looks like lace or a scar, depending on the idea. Flowers, Indian mandalas, and graphic patterns are often used as subjects.

The light in the darkness

Very unusual tattoos are obtained using special ink, which is not visible to the naked eye, but glows under ultraviolet light.

The entire tattoo can be made from such paint, then under normal lighting it will look more like a scart - scarring. And only in the rays of the nightclub will it begin to play with all its colors. There is another way: the main elements of the drawing are clogged regular mascara, and some of its parts are painted with a special glowing color.

A fresh look at tattoo art

One can argue about the look itself; to some it not only doesn’t seem fresh, but even scares them. But this trend is definitely new and unusual.

It's about introduction coloring pigment in the eyes. The cornea or even the iris may be stained. The technology appeared just recently. Some desperate people have already managed to take a risk and put such unusual tattoos on their eyes.

Incredible facts

The tattoo, which was previously considered something exclusive to bikers, punks and the like, today is very fashion accessory, which can be found as often as an earring in the ear.

“It’s a completely different world today compared to the one I came into 10 years ago,” says tattoo artist Megan Massacre.

In this article, we take a look at the history of body art, what the ink is made of, and what's really behind the tattoo craze.

Facts about tattoos

Fact #1: Tattoos have been around as long as humans.

The oldest tattoo belongs to the 5,300-year-old human ice mummy Oetzi, who is the oldest mummy ever discovered.

Ancient tribes used tattoos to mark many important life events, such as turning a boy into a man, marriage, punishment, faith, love, etc. According to many researchers, Ötzi's tattoo was more therapeutic.

Each society had its own characteristics and ways of modifying the body, but, as a rule, the ink consisted of plant or animal tissue. One of interesting recipes ink consisted of so-called black smoke (derived from wood or oil) mixed with breast milk women.

While the Inuit used threads soaked in ink to draw designs on their skin, the Maori people of New Zealand used tools to cut wood.

In almost all societies, the tattoo artist spent his entire life learning the dirty, painful process. In order to prepare the skin to accept the ink, sharpened sticks, needles, stones and other tools were used to cut the skin.

“In ancient times, without the proper equipment, tattoos were much more painful and took a lot of time to apply,” says Massacre.

Fact #2: A tattoo artist is very hard work, which is not easy to obtain.

Constant, ritual modifications to the human body are years of training. As research by Michigan State University experts has shown, in ancient times this was a sacred profession.

Today modern masters are tattooists They also undergo training courses lasting several years.“Like other jobs, all craftsmen start out as apprentices, doing various kinds of menial work,” Megan explains.

In fact, in the first year of practice, no one allows a newbie to approach the client. Instead, he learns how to properly clean equipment, learns how to protect himself and the patient from blood pathogens, and learns all the necessary medical conditions within which it must operate.

Fact No. 3: Tattoo artists are not always people with the appropriate education.

While it was once the domain of roving criminals and other unsavory figures, today everything has changed. However, before this "phenomenon" became widespread in the 1960s, many craftsmen did not follow safety requirements and did not comply with proper standards.

Such tattooists, as a rule, never had the necessary knowledge and were probably never even trained in the business, but due to the lack of real regulation in this area, anyone who made good money could afford to get a tattoo.

In the second half of the 20th century, when tattoos regained their former popularity, artists, entrepreneurs, managers, accountants, teachers and many others began to become masters.

“At one time it was not considered art, but now it is an artistic profession, because so many craftsmen have a design or art education.”

Fact #4: Leather is very difficult to paint on.


"The tattoo doesn't actually go all the way through the skin. It goes through 4-5 layers." Craftsmen learn their craft without actually seeing what they do because of the blood, ink, and equipment.

Additionally, leather, unlike paper or canvas, is not uniform in color, texture, or thickness. Good master It takes a long time to learn to create a single picture, avoiding scars, irregularities and stains.

Fact #5: Many people are allergic to red tattoo ink.

Does your skin change color when you wear jewelry? You may be allergic to nickel. Nickel allergy is the most common form of allergy contact dermatitis(a rash caused by skin contact with a harmless substance).

However, when ink is injected under the skin, things are a little different. The ink can cause mild inflammation, which can take longer for the skin to heal. Some people may experience severe allergic reactions for tattoos.

The results can be disastrous in some cases, so double check if you are allergic to red ink before getting a tattoo.

Fact No. 6: When you leave the tattoo artist, this does not mean that the procedure is finished.

You yourself can influence your tattoo, despite the fact that it is under the skin. A tan is the worst enemy of a tattoo. At laser removal Tattooing uses ultraviolet light, this is the same as tanning, only in more concentrated quantities.

Since the tattoo penetrates only 4-5 layers of skin, the melanin, thanks to which our skin tans, is located at the very “top” of the design. Over time, white, yellow and orange ink colors lighten and oxidize.

Over time, even black ink oxidizes and takes on a bluish tint. If you can't hide from the sun, then cover it up to preserve your tattoo for a longer period of time. sunscreen or don't wear it open clothes on the street.

Fact #7: Tattoos can glow, vibrate, and can be placed on any part of the body.

Vibrating tattoos were known about a few months ago, when Nokia patented magnetic vibrating tattoos - designs that inform you about the "activity" of your phone.

Tattoos can glow in the dark and even react to black light. Nevertheless, There is no such thing as an "invisible tattoo". Even completely transparent inks appear when human skin changes color due to the sun, emotions or seasons.

It is not news that people get tattoos on all parts of their body. This includes the inner surface of the lips, heels, and other more sensitive areas. Megan talks about a man who got a tattoo on the white of his eye.

A tattoo on the penis is not uncommon, however, in this case, for obvious reasons, heterosexual men prefer to contact a female artist.

Fact #8: Drinking before getting a tattoo is a bad idea.

A good artist will not undertake to tattoo a tipsy client. Keyword the previous sentence contained the word "good". So many artists will just take your money, do their job, and send you home to deal with your hangover and ink reaction.

Alcohol may make you less sensitive to pain, but it will also thin your blood, causing you to bleed more during the process. In turn, in addition to harming the client, a large loss of blood will complicate the work of the master and will significantly prolong the process.

Thus, You should not drink alcohol either before or after the procedure, let the wound heal first. If you are looking for a product that will help numb the pain, then there are special products on sale, however, they are not designed to last throughout the entire procedure, so be prepared for pain.

What should you pay attention to in a tattoo parlor?

The most important thing, of course, is sterilization of equipment. Look around and see how clean the area is, if there is dust in the corners, if there are any foreign odors. This is the main thing that should be in mandatory normal, the rest is up to you.

The most unusual tattoos in the world and the people behind them

Tattoos on the body

Man - tattoo

10. Maria Jose Cristerna

This woman has an extremely unusual appearance, the history of whose acquisition is no less interesting than Maria herself.

This was the tattoo lover in 1998.

Today she is the mother of four children and happy wife. Maria lives in Mexico, she is a lawyer by training, and for long period For a time she was an assistant judge. Now she has her own tattoo salon and is incredibly popular.

She loves to sing, act in various television shows, and also tattoo her clients with her own hands. In the photo below, Maria is shown with her husband David Pena waiting outside a school in Guadalajara for their children.

Maria became a woman – a vampire in her first marriage. Her husband often humiliated her and beat her, even provoked her into premature birth. Changing the body became a kind of psychological protection.

She has long been married for the second time, and is happily married, but still cannot stop, constantly making herself scarier and scarier. Probably, everything is to blame for the subconscious, which is still afraid of violence and hides behind an ugly appearance.

Unusual tattoos

9. Tom Leppard

For almost 28 years, the Englishman Tom served in the British Army, but at some point, when the time came to end his service, he realized that the society of civilians was not close to him, and he simply could not live in their environment.

Having decided to escape from civilization, he got himself $10,000 worth of tattoos and moved away from the benefits of civilization to the Isle of Skye. Tattoos covered almost his entire body, the “living place” remained only on inner surface ears and between the toes.

At one time, Tom was recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the most tattooed person in the world, but his record was soon broken.

The man turned into a leopard, even inserted fangs into himself that were the same as those of this animal. The only clothing he ever wore was a loincloth.

Once a week, Tom came to a town near the island to buy groceries and collect his pension. Now the almost 80-year-old pensioner lives in a small house on the same island, because he can no longer lead his old lifestyle due to his age.

Face tattoos

8. Tommy Wells

This great-grandfather is the most tattooed in Britain. For more than half a century, this man has regularly covered his body with a wide variety of designs.

As a result, almost by the age of 70, there was not a single millimeter of free skin left on Tommy’s body; he was completely “tattooed.”

He got his last tattoo after his wife died. These were the words: "Tommy, I will always love you." In fact, a woman who has lived her entire life with such strange man, worthy of love.

7. Etienne Dumont

This man by profession is none other than a newspaper art critic who lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland.

For what exact reasons this young successful man decided to turn into a monster is not known.

It is likely that he was not so successful before he covered his body with drawings, acquired horns thanks to silicone implants and inserted huge circles into his ears, nose and lower lip, or maybe it was all about banal shocking.

The look is always topped off with stylish sunglasses that have writers lining up to get a review from the fashion critic.

6. Gregory Paul McLaren

Gregory got his first tattoo in London at the age of 17 after meeting a prostitute. This tattoo, according to the man himself, who performed in the circus since childhood, gave him incredible self-confidence.

Since then he has been traveling the world and getting tattoos. He underwent this procedure on 4 continents, in 17 countries and in 45 cities. Moreover, 136 masters worked with his body. In total, he spent almost 48 days under the needle for 1,150 hours.

The man gained great popularity under the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich, and he also became famous for breaking Tom Leppard's record for the volume of his tattooed body.

Skull Tattoos

5. Rick Genest

This 28-year-old guy is a famous Canadian model. However, few people knew him in wide circles until he decorated his body with skeleton tattoos and turned his head into a skull design.

The young man got his first tattoo at the age of 16 after he received a serious injury, as a result of which he right hand a thick scar began to show off. He did the drawing to hide the scar.

The procedure for painting his entire body cost Rick 4,000 Canadian dollars, but at the same time, he earned a much larger amount from his new image.

In 2010, Rick, having gotten his tattoos, posted photos of them on his Facebook page. In a short period of time, more than 1.5 million users subscribed to his page. It was then that Lady Gaga's director noticed him.

Subsequently, he starred in the singer's video "Born this way", in which Lady Gaga’s face was painted to match Rick’s tattoos, and also took part in a very interesting advertising foundation from Dermablend.

Today he travels all over the world, he is a regular guest or participant fashion shows, and sometimes even works as a DJ in nightclubs. All that remains is to act in a movie.

4. Michelle "Bombshell" McGee

Michelle is a very popular person, and apparently has become collectively all the vices that exist in the world.

Most of the girl’s body is covered with drawings of extremely dubious content, however, this is how she earns her living, just like the hero of the previous paragraph. But if Rick is definitely a bright hero, then Michelle is a manifestation dark side life.

Deprived the popular actress Sandra Bullock of her equally famous husband;

White racist;

Greets people “Hitler-style”, because she is a convinced neo-Nazi;

Famous porn actress;

Star of women's fist fights.

Tattoos on scars

3. Julia Gnuse

Julia is a little different from all the people on this list, because she got tattoos in the first place not to make money or get any pleasure, it's all about her health.

Some time ago, the girl was diagnosed with a disease called porphyria. One of the manifestations of this disease is increased sensitivity to the sun (photodermatitis). There is treatment, but in most cases it is accompanied by side effect in the form of loss of vision.

The woman has large quantities blisters and burns began to appear, which naturally left scars. Julia decided to cover her body with tattoos to hide the terrible scars, and now 95 percent of the young woman's skin is covered with drawings.

You won't find anything on her body. These are heroes of popular cartoons, and Hollywood stars, And unusual flowers with plants, as well as beautiful landscapes of jungles and forests.

In the Guinness Book of Records she appears as the woman with the most drawings on her body.

Strange tattoos

2. Denis Avner

This man, better known as "Cat Man", is perhaps the most unpleasant character on the list. Before he began to transform into the tiger he always wanted to be, Denis served in the navy.

Gradually he began to realize his dream. First, he decorated his body with stripe tattoos, then implanted a mustache into his altered face shape. This seemed to him not enough, and Denis inserted artificial fangs into his mouth, sharpening his own teeth in the process.

He also had a real tail, climbed trees and ate raw meat every day. However, his life ended sadly. On November 5, 2012, Denis committed suicide; they say that the reason for this was prolonged depression. The cat man was 54 years old.

1.Erik Sprague

This eccentric is already over 40, and more than 10 years ago he began to gradually transform himself into a lizard. First, he tattooed his body with the scales of this reptile, which took more than 700 hours. Eric then took hold of his face. Five implants took root above each eyebrow of the man, which imitate the growths of a lizard. Sprague's lips are dark green.

Moreover, this man is considered the father of body modding because he was the first to sharpen his teeth to match the sharp teeth of his favorite reptile.

Later, Eric changed the shape of his tongue, cutting it into two parts, and stylized his nails as claws. Now he only lacks a tail, but Eric refrains from this operation, because it is impossible to implant a real one, and he does not agree to anything else.

It's no surprise that the man earns his living from his appearance while traveling as part of the Jim Rose Circus, where he has his own show.

Moreover, eyewitnesses of the show talk about him as something enchanting, because the man performs a huge number of tricks, jokes cheerfully and shows his bright intellect. Eric is married, and the couple lives in their house with another family pet, in addition to lizards - ferrets.

Tattoos have long been firmly established in life. modern society, becoming an integral attribute the most diverse social groups. Few people will be surprised by the presence simple drawing on the body, and, consequently, individuals striving for originality are looking for new ways to emphasize their individuality. For everyone who is looking for art body painting something special, there are unusual tattoos, sketches of which you will find below.

Tattoo on a guy's shoulder in the form of a snail

Where to look for unusual tattoos?

The difficulty in answering this question is that under unusual tattoos different people mean almost directly opposite concepts. For some, the blackwork style, covering the skin with a monotonous black color, vulgar trash, glow-in-the-dark tattoos, or the now popular white pigment will already be the height of unusualness.

For others, the peculiarity of a tattoo is related to the place where it was applied ( eyeball, eyelids, intimate area), variation (huge area of ​​application, unusual subjects) or novelty (after all, both new school and trash were once new to the art of tattooing).

This is interesting . Zombie Boy is rightfully considered one of the most original tattooed people. His body is covered with tattoos that imitate a human skeleton. The most painted man in the world - Lucky Diamond Rich - will boast that there is not a single one left on his body free space, so new tattoos have to be inked on top of old ones. And the most tattooed woman in the world, Julia Gnuse, has tattoos on 95 percent of her body. A 60-year-old American woman did unusual tattoo on, when her hair fell out, and the man who lost his eye made himself a very realistic tattoo in place of the scar.

Unusual tattoo on the leg

In most cases, sketches of unusual tattoos are created not by masters who work with the body and a needle, but by improvising artists, through whom the bases of tattoo parlors are replenished. If you are interested in unusual and original sketches, then it’s best to find an artist and order him a unique drawing.

If you need rare option glowing or white pattern, here you should look for a special master who has experience in in this direction and knows how to work with unusual materials.

Did you know? Many people paint their bodies in uniform style. Today there are Reptile Man, Cat Man, Vampire Woman and many other incredible characters.

Animal tattoo on a girl's leg

Options for unusual tattoos

Advice . If you decide to get an unusual tattoo, try to find and not cross the line where originality turns into vulgarity and looks provocative. Perhaps over the years you will regret your choice, however, it will be difficult to do anything with giraffes tattooed from shoulder to fingertips. Remember that moderation is good in everything.

Unusual tattoos, photos of which you see in our article, gravitate towards several trends:

  • Youth jokes;
  • 3D images;
  • White and ultraviolet drawings;
  • Unusual choice of application location.

Unusual combination of tree and face

Youth tattoos with jokes

This is the choice of optimists who approach life lightly and carefree, who do not look for complex symbolism in every drawing, but make their body a canvas for original and funny ideas.

Among this trend, the image of a mustache on a finger or eyes, nose, mouth, camera, spyglass, tears - on the hand. Such a design is usually placed on the corresponding part of the face, attracting attention and surprising others.

This also includes animal tattoos on the fingers, made in such a way that each limb of a giraffe or elephant is responsible for separate finger, after which you can make funny scenes with your hands.

When I was still a teenager, my parents forbade me to get a tattoo. As he grew older, he lost his love for ordinary images and decided to get a tattoo on his tongue, incredible at that time. I still remember the feeling, and have never regretted the choice I made. In my opinion, this incredible experience should definitely be experienced firsthand.

Artyom, Nizhny Novgorod

Tattoo in watercolor style

3D images and optical illusions

Biomechanics is especially famous for this approach, however, it can also be found in other areas. These body designs will definitely attract attention with their incredibly realistic detailing, which will make many doubt what they see.

A master who perfectly masters the art of chiaroscuro and the ability to correctly convey dynamics is able to depict a butterfly landing on his shoulder in such a way that no one can distinguish it from a real one. And imitation of cavities in human body, laces, zippers, bare bones or elemental ballpoint pen behind the ear will certainly make a splash in any company.

Biomechanics covers my entire back, chest and arms. At first I wanted to do only the sleeves, but gradually the idea of ​​the tattoo grew and grew. I can say that such an experiment is not suitable for everyone, because not all people will be able to get used to constant attention from others. My friends and I are completely satisfied with this masterpiece.

Yuri, St. Petersburg

Tattoo in the form of squares on the chest

Unusual pigments

This includes the so-called white tattoo and ultraviolet, neon designs that can glow in the dark or in the light of special lamps. If white designs are mostly chosen modest girls, then the second option captivated partygoers and nightlife. Not every artist will agree to work with such materials, but the cost of implementing such an idea is usually an order of magnitude higher than usual tattoos.

People began decorating their bodies with permanent images back in primitive society; tattoos were used to designate a tribe or clan, social status and as a talisman. A few decades ago, tattoos were signs of social outcasts - bikers, prostitutes, criminals. The tattoo was mainly of a political, military, social and prison nature.

But as for modern times, tattoos as a phenomenon have now come out of the underground and have ceased to be an attribute of certain social groups. Today, the average girl probably has a butterfly on her neck or a unicorn on her back. Tattooing has become an integral way of self-expression and self-identification, and as a genre of art it has absorbed the entire breadth of visual techniques, moving away from traditional permanent designs every year. Some people find it beautiful, others find it terrible, but there is no doubt that this madness is interesting to watch.

We have collected 5 of the newest, most amazing and even shocking types of tattoos that not everyone can decide on.

Eyeball tattoo

Perhaps a tattoo on the eyeball is the most severe body modification of all that currently exists. The pioneer of this terrible idea was Shannon Larratt, the founder and owner of the most famous site dedicated to changes in the human body.

The technology for applying an eye tattoo does not use a machine; it is usually done with a syringe and paint. As a rule, the eyeball is filled with one color, although sometimes there are rare color exceptions.

Fluorescent tattoo

A fluorescent tattoo is applied with fluorescent inks and glows under ultraviolet light. In natural light, such a tattoo is completely invisible, but in neon it will become clear and will emit a mysterious bluish glow. They look very impressive traditional work, lightly tinted with fluorescent paint.

Accessory tattoo

An accessory tattoo is no different in technology from a regular one. Some people simply decided to never part with their favorite things, and this led to the idea of ​​​​getting a tattoo of these very things. For example, Matthew, a guy from the USA, once decided to never take off his glasses.

Dental tattoo

American dentist Steve Heward is considered to be the founder of the dental tattoo fashion. This fashion has little in common with a regular tattoo, since the method of applying designs to tooth enamel and the traditional technology of applying a tattoo are different. To have an image on your teeth, you don’t even have to be there yourself - just send a plaster cast of the tooth and a picture by mail.

Tattoo on tongue

Quite surprisingly, a tongue tattoo is no different from a regular tattoo, for example, on the shoulder. The pain when applying a drawing is the same, only the fact is that the tongue is not a part of the skin, but a muscle, and the process is still different from the traditional one. The ink is applied not to the tongue, but to the epidermis of the tongue. A rapidly moving needle seems to implant paint into the tongue. The most difficult thing about getting a tongue tattoo is that you have to hold your tongue out for quite a long time.

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Tattoos are a great opportunity to express your feelings and emotions by applying a certain pattern or design to the body. Tattoos can be single-colored or multi-colored, different types and sizes. Now very unusual and extravagant options have begun to appear.

Work of painting

An interesting idea is to apply paintings by famous painters to the body. Such options are chosen by true art lovers. It is not simple beautiful image, but also a symbol of the era, a reflection of the artist’s views.

Vincent Van Gogh always attracted attention in his works with bright strokes and incredible colors. One young girl decided to imprint his “Sunflowers” ​​on her hand. Connoisseurs of the sea have repeatedly chosen for themselves the sketch of the famous painting “ A big wave in Kanagwa” by Japanese painter Katsushika Hokusai. A number of people were inspired by the work of Salvador Dali. They preferred the image of an elephant on long thin legs and a soft watch from the painting “The Persistence of Memory.”

3D images

Such a body design always attracts attention with its elaboration, as close as possible to reality, although it is made in a conventional plane. The stunning effect is achieved through correct application colors and shadows. Masters who have mastered the art of conveying dynamics to perfection are able to create real masterpieces. Here are some popular options:

  • imitation zippers, laces;
  • imitation of cavities in the human body;
  • portraits of people;
  • a butterfly landing on the shoulder.

Biomechanical patterns create the illusion of an optical illusion. And their main feature is absolute uniqueness. It is impossible to create two identical 3D tattoos.

Youth options with jokes

They are usually chosen by individuals who go through life easily and carefree. For example, you can prick some kind of animal on each finger, and then arrange funny scenes using your hands. Another interesting idea is to draw a teardrop, a camera, a mustache or something else on your finger to attract the attention of others.

A coffee tree

A unique tattoo suitable for true lovers this aromatic drink, of which there are now a lot. It depicts the complete evolution of the coffee tree. Bottom part decorates hands step by step process plant growth starting from a coffee bean. The area of ​​almost the entire hand is occupied by a twig with berries, flowers and leaves.


Such tattoos will cost an order of magnitude more than regular ones. These are various neon designs and white tattoos. The first option is loved by lovers of night parties and club life. Girls prefer the latter. White paint allows you to depict even lace. She looks elegant and does not stand out too much on the body. But there are some nuances to it application - white the ink is injected deeper than the rest. Not all craftsmen know how to work with such materials, so the work costs a lot.

Hands of a person praying

Subject for a modern religious tattoo. The drawing is interpreted from a painting by the famous artist Durer. He depicted the hands of the apostle in a similar way. You can add other elements to it:

  • cross on a chain;
  • Bible;
  • beads;
  • cross.

White feather

Very delicate tattoo, which requires white ink. This option is perfect for people who want their tattoo to be small and discreet. The feather must certainly bring good luck and luck to its owner. The very first tattoos depicting a feather appeared in ancient Indian tribes. They were allowed to be made only by a certain category of people who had won the respect of their tribe (shamans, elders, leaders).

Celtic patterns

This is an imitation of weaving braids, baskets and fabrics. They may contain some symbols in the form of people, birds, gods and plants. It is believed that the ancient Celts used drawings in witchcraft and magic. The interweaving of threads means movement energy flows person.


The body design is suitable for people with philosophical views on life who do not want to waste their time. It will serve as an excellent reminder that you need to constantly develop without wasting your vitality.

They contain the deepest sacred meaning. It is generally accepted that they are even capable of changing human destiny. Runes can be endowed with both positive and negative energy. When drawing a picture, black or dark gray ink is predominantly used. Since the images are compact in size, they are most often applied to the forearm, shoulder, legs or wrist. Incorrectly selected magic symbol is capable of bringing misfortune to its owner, so you must first carefully read the meanings.

In total, there are six runes that help a person achieve his plans, develop abilities and protect himself from enemies. Here is their list:

  • Man-develops mental capacity, attracts outside help;
  • Jera - provides assistance in implementing plans;
  • Ken - heals, gives stability in relationships;
  • Thorn is a symbol of new beginnings, an assistant in love affairs;
  • Ur-supports health, brings favorable events to life;
  • Lagu - increases vitality, develops intuition.


This Indian deity with the head of an elephant, which symbolizes wisdom, protects travelers and traders. Such a tattoo indicates a person’s involvement in Hinduism. It gives the owner patience and special fortitude, attracts well-being and prosperity. The drawing is large-scale, requires elaboration small parts and occupies a large area.


The animal signifies freedom, fighting spirit and independence. Big role plays the color of the picture. Light shades represent the bright side of life, and are a symbol of kindness. Black colors represent dark energy and evil forces. If you make a tattoo in a watercolor style, it will look very interesting and unusual.


Since ancient times, the firebird has been considered a symbol of fire and the sun. This is a talisman that protects against the evil eye and evil forces. Some even believed that such a body design prolongs a person’s life. It is suitable for both men and women. Looks best on the shoulders and back.

This is not a simple drawing, but a certain ideology. Applying such a tattoo indicates that a person is interested in Slavic culture and studies paganism. Intertwining rays form four hearths with fire. For the Slavic people, the hearth is a fundamental concept, a symbol of life. It contributes to the prosperity of the land, illuminates the human path, and protects from disasters and enemies.

Rubik's Cube

It means the search for meaning in life, the desire to comprehend everything that is happening around. If it does not contain some details, this indicates the presence of unsolvable life tasks in humans. If it is half assembled, then not all the assigned tasks have yet been implemented. The drawing looks very interesting in color. Moreover, each of the colors can give additional meaning to the image.


This is a magical diagram that affects a person’s biofield, his emotional condition. There are about 12 main diagrams, although in reality there are many more. Before deciding on a design, you should read about the meaning of the chosen ornament. For example, Satya means truthfulness, and Ahimsa means love for all living things.


As we know from mythology, Poseidon was the ancient Greek god of the sea. It endows the owner of the tattoo with indestructible strength and unites it with the sea element.

dream Catcher

A very elegant and attractive tattoo. For this reason, female representatives love her. Tattoos came to us from the Indians. They wove amulets from scrap materials (feathers, beads, branches, threads) and hung them over their beds. They were believed to ward off evil spirits.

The tattoo is for effective recovery internal strength of the owner, catching bad and negative thoughts. To make it more effective, it is better to apply it closer to the head (on the shoulders, neck).


They are often worn by women because it is a symbol feminine, which perfectly emphasizes tenderness. All female representatives are very different and choose what best suits their temperament. Here are some unusual examples:

  1. Lotus. Is a Buddhist symbol. In the East, it is considered a sacred flower, personifying duality (the unity of light and darkness) and the perfection of nature. Lotus signifies life, wisdom, immortality and creative power. It looks elegant, strict and gentle at the same time. If desired, you can supplement the drawing with an interesting phrase.
  2. Sakura. It is a symbol of the transience of time and reminds of the value of every minute of life. A lonely branch indicates that its owner strives for a solitary lifestyle. Also, it may mean that the owner belongs to a noble or elite society. In ancient times, sakura was applied to the backs of people close to the emperor.
  3. Dandelion. Suitable for a cheerful girl, as it means coquetry, playfulness and lightness. IN Victorian era The flower was endowed with the ability to fulfill wishes.
  4. Iris. And this is one of the few options that suitable for men. Japanese legends say that the flower instills in them courage and self-confidence.

Laurel wreath

Since ancient times, it has personified victory, courage and strength. The best philosophers, politicians, scientists, winners received the honor of wearing a wreath olympic games. A tattoo with a laurel wreath is still a distinctive sign of talented people and those who are used to striving for global achievements and winning. Other elements or inscriptions are often selected for such a tattoo, and the picture is stylized to suit your taste.


A tattoo with the image of the queen is applied by people seeking to declare their independence to the world. Girls use it to emphasize their femininity. Everyone knows that Cleopatra was one of the the most beautiful women of his era. In addition, a tattoo can mean endless love, devotion and fidelity. After all, the queen became famous for her devoted love of Mark Antony.

A tattoo of Cleopatra dressed in royal attire is a symbol of high origin.

The drawing can be supplemented with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs to give it the desired meaning.

Cheshire Cat

Everyone knows about fairy tale character from Carroll's works. The tattoo with his image is very closely related to the literary prototype. It symbolizes positive, worthy behavior under any circumstances. The Cheshire cat also speaks of an optimistic attitude towards life and the ability to easily get out of the most difficult situations. difficult situations. In addition, this furry character loves to chat and speculate on philosophical topics. Such tattoos are often preferred by young people, since a cat’s mere appearance lifts one’s spirits.


They are easy to apply and remove because they are transferable tattoos. They imitate gold or silver. They were first used by the famous designer Kar Lagerfeld at his fashion show. After that in fashion industry Such products began to be in demand. Transfer tattoos of a golden or silver hue look very beautiful, and their cost is very low. Application is absolutely painless. When creating the product, not only designers, but also dermatologists participated. Anyone can purchase an accessory and decorate themselves. This is especially true during summer vacation, because such patterns look great on tanned skin. The only drawback is that they don't last long (about 6 days).

Tattoos have taken a strong position in the life of modern society. Individuals who strive for originality use them as a way to emphasize their own individuality.
