How to give a knife bypassing the sign. Knife as a magical symbol

Why not donate knives?

The birthday of a good friend is approaching, and more and more often the eyes begin to linger on things in supermarkets that could act as a gift. Any clothes? We don't know each other that well. Any electrical appliance? Yes, it seems that he has that and that, he does not want to give unnecessary things. Maybe some kind of cologne? And suddenly he does not like the smell and will not use it. What is it that you can give a man so that he likes it 100%?
O! But this seems to fit ... Knives ... Oh, how awesome! What a shiny beautiful blade! And what a great handle! He will definitely like this one, he cannot but like this one! And the price is quite reasonable. Well, take what?
Oh yes ... something, like, there is some kind of omen about the fact that you can’t give knives. Damn! Such a perfect gift, but you can not give.

Giving knives is a bad omen. Why?

Signs have been passed down from generation to generation for a very long time, and few people remember the reason why they appeared. Often it is enough for people to remember WHAT not to do and they observe it without hesitation and without asking questions. I'm curious, so I'll ask questions.
So, what's with the signs? Who should not give knives: only men or women too? And what happens if you donate?

Yeah, you can’t scare me that easily, I’m not that gullible to believe like that, right off the bat. In general, we are in the age of globalization. Now I will get into the Internet and find out everything. So what do we write here?

“This is not true. My friend and I gave our beloved teacher an expensive folding knife. Everyone is alive, he liked the gift, it does no harm. Conclusion: do not fill your head with all sorts of superstitions.

“I also gave my future husband. It's been 12 years and it hasn't worked yet."

What did I say! This is not true! Here is another comment:

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I got a set of knives for my birthday. They had a fight with this person in my DR, although they were close friends, and I also thundered into the hospital with a cut on my leg, which turned out to be very deep, lay there for almost a week, and everything happened by accident, I broke a glass and stepped on it myself. So think, to believe or not to believe in a sign.

“We have a very friendly company, a long-term team. There were gatherings outside the city, and one person had a knife. Another liked it, and he took it and gave it. And half an hour later this began, dear mother. Everyone quarreled, and it was these 2 people who were the reason, so everything somehow turned out. Then only they remembered about the knife.

Hmm ... The situation ... It works, then it doesn't.

In general, it seems that the knife as a gift will have to be abandoned. Although they write here that spirits are infused only in donated knives, but not in purchased ones. That is why nothing happens to you when you buy a knife for home use. And this means that if it’s impossible, but you really, really want to, then you can give the knife to the birthday man, but not as a gift, but as a purchase, taking at least some money from him, albeit a few coins. In this case, everything will be fine.

When a birthday, wedding, anniversary date or other solemn event is on the nose, you always want to do something nice for loved ones. A good knife as a gift often seems like the perfect choice for a man - but is it always so? Will such a present become a problem? Our article will tell about it.

What are gifts for a knife?

Despite the fact that the enlightened 21st century has long reigned in the yard, superstitions remain quite widespread and widespread. Many people choose gifts based on their ideas about what things bring happiness and good luck. And this also applies to knives, but opinions about them in the cultures of different countries and peoples have formed in different ways.

Before choosing a knife as a gift for a loved one, you should ask him if such a step would not be perceived negatively. Of course, many people want to make a surprise, but sometimes the result may not please at all. One of the most common superstitions says that giving knives is a quarrel, the end of friendship or love. And if a person receives such a gift, he may decide that you no longer value his location. Such signs are widespread in many countries of Latin America, as well as in China, England and some other European countries. In addition, giving knives and other sharp objects has been forbidden by Mongolian traditions since the time of Genghis Khan. Residents of Arab countries will not be happy with this gift either.

In medieval England, however, they figured out a long time ago how to give a knife as a gift and get around a bad omen. It is enough just to ask for a coin of any denomination for him - and this will already be considered a sale. So, the sign becomes powerless. An important condition is the presentation of a knife in a sheath or packaging: the gifted person must get it himself.

Another medieval tip, this time from Japan. In the Land of the Rising Sun, it is also customary to give a symbolic payment to someone who gives a knife as a gift to a man or woman. At the same time, it is considered a sign of special courtesy to put a coin in a gift box, and then ask to return it. Thus, you will not in the least burden the person to whom you are giving a present, since he will not have to urgently look for a trifle.

Modern science completely refutes the connection between receiving such a present and a decrease in life expectancy. There are coincidences, but many thousands of owners of donated knives will only laugh at such superstition and continue to celebrate their 100th birthday. And some of them can even tell a story that the blade received as a gift helped save their lives and health.

So is it okay to donate knives?

Undoubtedly yes! Many countries of Central Asia will be happy to receive such a present. The peoples inhabiting them believe that sharp objects protect against illness, misfortune and death, driving them away from the owner. For newborn babies, they are placed under the pillow to protect children's health. And if an adult falls ill, a knife is often used instead of a compress on the head.

The Japanese believe that a gift knife drives away troubles, and most often they give it for birthdays at an “unlucky” age. For women, these are 18, 33 and 37 years, and for men - 25, 42 and 61 years. At the same time, age is considered not from birth, but according to Japanese calculation, with the addition of 1 year (gestational age is counted). In addition to a knife, scissors are considered a happy gift - for a similar ability to “cut through” the path to happiness.

In Finland, a knife is considered a gift given during matchmaking. The young man must put his knife into the girl's sheath. If she does not take out the knife, then the proposal is accepted, and it's time to prepare for the wedding. So to the question is it possible to give knives for a wedding The Finns answer in the affirmative.

If you want to present not only a convenient, but also a nice-looking gift, many excellent options can be found among travel models. Comfortable scabbards, ergonomic shapes and high-quality blade steel are often combined with the original appearance. Interesting shapes, engravings and embossing, as well as other decorations on the knife will be an occasion to brag to your friends while sitting by the campfire. And reliable materials and a comfortable grip allow people dear to you not to have problems in using the gift for its intended purpose. Using such a knife, they will surely remember you with gratitude more than once.

Well, if you know exactly what your loved one needs. If he has already managed to look after himself an interesting model and told you about it, you can safely present such a knife as a gift. A sea of ​​joy and immense gratitude are practically guaranteed.

Do you want to give a universal thing that will be useful both in the city, and on a hike, and on a hunt? Excellent options would be folding, as well as tactical models. The former are good for their compact size: when folded, most models can easily fit even in a small pocket. The latter captivate with functionality: they are called tactical for their ease of use in any conditions and militarized appearance.

If you are looking for a blade for a gift to a girl or a child, you should pay attention to models with reduced sizes, as well as the already mentioned folding knives. Ease of use and wearing should be a priority, and only secondarily should you pay attention to the characteristics of the future gift, as well as its appearance. However, almost all models produced by modern knifemakers are distinguished by a harmonious design, so it will not be difficult to choose a beautiful present.

Have questions? Let us help you find the answers!

Can't decide which knife to choose as a gift for a man, woman or child? Our shop assistants will be happy to help you. Tell us about the purpose for which the blade will be used, and we will try to find the best options for you. Whether you want to pick up a gift for a hunter or a fisherman, a tourist or a military man, a collector or a person far from edged weapons - we have many models that will be interesting and useful to everyone. Casual and practical or richly decorated, formal? You can buy a knife from us as a gift to a man with any requests, for every taste and budget!

We provide unique warranty conditions: you can return goods purchased from us within 30 days, and exchange them within 60 days. Therefore, even if the gift was not to your liking, you have nothing to worry about: just keep all the receipts and save the technical characteristics of the knife.

Still have questions? Our specialists will be happy to answer them for you!

In some countries, including Russia, it is considered not a very good omen to give a knife to another person. It has long been believed that such a gift (a knife or any sharp object in general) can lead to a quarrel between the one who gave the knife and the one who received this knife as a gift.

Russia and England are not the only countries where such a sign lives. The knife presented as a free gift is considered a harbinger of the end of friendship in the Celestial Empire and in Latin America, in some states of the Arab world.

The countries of Central Asia, on the contrary, revere the knife and consider a gift in the form of edged weapons very expensive and prestigious - according to the beliefs of the peoples inhabiting the countries of Central Asia, sharp weapons have the power of amulets that protect against diseases, evil spirits and negative events in life. It is customary among the peoples of the Caucasus to give a knife or dagger at the birth of a son. Giving a knife as a gift to a man on his coming of age is a similar tradition that is common in many countries of the world.

Knife as a gift to a man

The Japanese believe that any knife, and even ordinary scissors, scare away evil spirits and attract success. Especially popular is the tradition of giving piercing or cutting gifts to the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun during periods of "yakudoshi" - the so-called "unlucky years": for men this age is 25, 42 and 61 years, and for women 19, 33 and 37 years. The veneration of edged weapons by the Japanese and its influence on the future (“open a new page in your life”, “open a new door”) even found its embodiment in the fact that in Japanese the hieroglyphs meaning “cut” and “open” are the same.

And even in Japan, where edged weapons have always been revered, it is simply impossible to give a knife as a gift. It is believed that the sharpness of an object can "cut" relationships between people - but still, gifts in the form of edged weapons are very popular. How so, you ask? There is an answer, and it is very simple.

Can I donate a knife?

The true reasons for this superstition have been lost for centuries (there are quite a few versions), but nevertheless, the knife is still considered an excellent gift for a man on his birthday, February 23, or another significant date. After all, even premium edged weapons are considered a symbol of masculinity, and they give it as a gift everywhere.

The knife is practical, original, beautiful, almost always unique (especially with engraving) and a symbolic gift. And even if you are superstitious and the above sign confuses you - there is a very easy way out, the tradition of which came from old England (very similar to the tradition when presenting a kitten as a gift :)).

All you need is for the recipient to give you in return for a gift - any coin (in England, this coin was traditionally considered half a penny). And if you feel embarrassed to ask the birthday man even at least something - take an example from the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. Among the Japanese, it is considered a standard to put a special coin in a box with a gift knife, which the birthday man will return to the donor “as payment”.

gift knife

What can you give a man? Almost any man will be delighted with a large universal knife with which you can go into the forest, arrange a picnic, and cut meat for barbecue. If you are looking for a gift for a young man, then a great option would be to give a guy (this is a city knife for constant wear) or a small penknife with several tools for everyday work - this is very convenient and practical.

For lovers of tourism and camping - it will do, especially, despite their awesome appearance, these knives are not melee weapons and are quite inexpensive. As an option, you can buy a knife + hatchet gift set, in particular, there are such in the product line.

For a man who loves high-quality knives, a good gift would be a knife “for a shelf”, with a decorative finish, which is pleasant to hold, twist, turn, stroke :). As a rule, it’s a pity to buy such knives yourself (after all, a knife should work, and it’s a pity to spoil beauty by cutting trees, for example) - but a beautiful gift knife will always please a real man.

And a woman can be presented with a high-quality kitchen knife, or a set of three knives. Now quite a lot of high-quality kitchen knives are being produced, made of steel that is optimal for this, for example, AUS-8 - it keeps sharpening perfectly, and, if necessary, is quite easy to correct or sharpen. But if the hostess treats the knife with love, then you won’t have to sharpen it more than once a year.

By the way, about the same Mora knives that are on the link above - there are reviews that it is better not to give such a knife to a woman 🙂 - otherwise you will never get it back, it will firmly settle in the kitchen, so Mora knives cut food thinly and softly and remain sharp.

Before purchasing a gift for a birthday or an important event, all donors, without exception, consider it their duty to scrupulously study the “blacklist” of gifts associated with certain superstitions. On the one hand, such actions are highly justified, because no one wants to be the cause of someone's black streak by presenting a gift with unfavorable overtones. However, if we look at the prejudices in more detail, it turns out that practically none of them contains even a piece of frightening background, and the gift itself is not marked with the seal of doom. Such gifts also include knives, which for a long time have been confidently leading in the anti-rating of gifts.

According to popular belief, along with knives, other sharp objects should not be given. Let's analyze all this together with the journalists of the site and find out: why it is impossible to give knives and sharp objects, what will happen for it and is it worth believing in it?

What should you know before giving a knife?

Why can't you give omens knives?

The sign about knives arose so long ago that no one has a shadow of doubt about the validity of the statement. Since ancient times, the knife has been considered a symbol of misfortune and attraction of evil spirits, who love pointed edges and sharp corners. In other words, with a knife, a person receives a “cute” bonus in the form of a malevolent spirit. The result is contention, squabbles and quarrels, and to the question: “Why can’t you give a knife?” more and more often you can hear the answer: "To a quarrel."

A knife given to a loved one or newlyweds brings discord into relationships, and a similar present for the New Year predicts failure for the next 12 months. The sign is additionally reinforced by the connection of the knife with magical and ritual rites, in which sorcerers and witches made a bloody sacrifice. In addition, at all times it was the knife that was considered a symbol of war and murder, and therefore was equated with an object with negative energy.

Is it possible to give a knife and sharp objects?

Few people now dare to give a knife for a birthday, wedding or other solemn event, without fear of being accused of all mortal sins. However, such persecution did not always pursue this gift. In the Middle Ages, a sharp knife went to the most courageous warrior who heroically proved himself in battle. Not everyone was awarded the award, and the badge of honor was awarded to the royal person, so it is unlikely that any of the men could have had the original idea to abandon the knife due to impending adversity or the likely “damage to the aura”.

If the excursion into history does not look convincing enough, more modern options can be considered. The Japanese believe that only a donated knife can ward off bad luck and bring good luck to the house. In the Middle East, one of the most treasured gifts is precisely the knife, which symbolizes trust and respect. In Finland, it is customary to give knives to business partners and superiors as a sign of friendly and honest relations. Even among the Slavic peoples many centuries ago there was a tradition of giving daggers, sabers or blades to kings, outstanding generals and chieftains.

An avid collector will be delighted with a sharp gift, especially if he finally got a rare and expensive copy. For a hunter, a knife is an absolutely indispensable thing, and he will probably give up on all sorts of folk wisdom. If you ask one of them about their fate, none of them will connect their failures with the donated knife.

What should I do if I was given a knife?

Until now, the knife refers not only to forbidden, but also to practical gifts, so there are still people who do not see anything wrong in this present. Most likely, the donated knife will be expensive and of high quality, because a self-respecting guest will not present Chinese consumer goods.

The correct reaction to a surprise will not be a face twisted with horror, but words of gratitude and a polite smile. If a knife is given to a free woman, she should even rejoice, because the gift promises a new acquaintance with a man. Such a gift for a man only symbolizes that the donor is striving for a long-term business partnership, so there is no reason for fear.

It happens that subconscious fears will not let you live in peace, drawing even in a dream all the “charms” of an unhappy future. If this is your case, give the giver one or more coins to calm the soul and conscience. After the ritual of "buying and selling", evil spirits will not covet your fate, because you bought the knife for your hard-earned money.

To believe prejudice or not is an individual matter for everyone. However, it is worth noting that most of the "horror stories" are drawn from outside, and there are not so many personal examples. If there are any, then all of them are nothing more than echoes of gossip heard and tried on. In life, so much space is devoted to signs that people are used to explaining incomprehensible phenomena with their help.

It’s not so scary to get another superstition as your companion, how to start attracting negativity into your life, “thanks” to the belief in prejudice. Do not think that the knife is the cause of all failures. Behind frequent quarrels and partings, a bad character can be hidden, and absolutely all people face recurrent adversity. And only the person himself will be able to choose an acceptable attitude towards the sign, looking at himself or blaming ice metal for his troubles.

Imagine: you spent a week running around the shops looking for a chic set of kitchen knives for a gift to your best friend. Or they paid a considerable sum for a decorative dagger trimmed with silver in the chief's office. Or long and lovingly chose a reliable camping knife for an avid tourist. And on the appointed day, they proudly presented their gift ... and the birthday man looks at you like a wolf, frowns and mutters something unkind under his breath. What's the matter? Ah, that's it! Bad omen. So is it possible to give knives, and if so, which ones?

General signs about knives as a gift

Among superstitious people, gifts in the form of edged weapons are notorious. Presented on his birthday, it prophesies swearing and turmoil to the family of the birthday boy. Given for the New Year, predicts 12 months of failure. Quarrels comrades with each other! It is believed that if one of the friends gives the second a knife, good relations will come to an end. And if a sharp blade is found in a pile of wedding gifts, “knowledgeable” guests will certainly begin to whisper that the young will have to live “on knives” and disperse with a scandal. Moreover, they say that a gifted blade can begin to act immediately, and already at the wedding a drunken fight with stabbing will break out.

And it would be nice if the sign existed only in Russia! No, on the other side of the globe, in South America, a knife presented to someone, even the smallest and most harmless, is considered a sign of a complete break in relations. And in China, the donation of piercing and cutting objects is viewed extremely negatively ... Where did this strange belief come from?

  1. The knife itself is a symbol of war and aggression, so it is considered initially charged with destructive energy.
  2. According to folk beliefs, evil spirits love sharp edges and corners. Isn't that why, by the way, knives and needles are especially eagerly used in witchcraft rituals? To give a thing, at least theoretically associated with something unclean, seemed to our ancestors the height of carelessness.
  3. In the old days, when there was no talk of mass production, weapons were often forged to order. Starting work, the master knew exactly who the knife was intended for, and this left a certain imprint on the weapon. For example, it was believed that such a blade knew its owner in advance and, falling into the wrong hands, would refuse to serve a stranger. On the contrary, it will harm the “false owner” in every possible way until he realizes his mistake and gets rid of the knife!

What a delightful gift a letter opener can be!

In general, even if you yourself do not suffer from prejudice, it is worth thinking three times before giving another item that has such controversial fame. What if your friend is superstitious? You are a gift to him wholeheartedly, and in response he will suspect you of trying to do something nasty. And even if he does not suspect, the knife will not bring joy to the new owner, because he will exhaust himself with fears: will something happen because of your surprise?

Is it possible to present such a gift to a beloved man?

Darling is an avid hunter or a collector of edged weapons, and you just want to please him with your gift? It is better for suspicious young ladies to immediately abandon this idea. Signs say: just as a sharp blade cuts friendship, it will destroy your love in a matter of weeks. In other words, give your boyfriend a knife - you will soon run away. Why do you need extra worries and doubts? You will start to worry, suspect a man of infidelity, demand more and more signs of attention ... And in the end you will really disperse, cursing an unsuccessful gift in every way. True, whether that will be the real reason for the gap is still a big question.

But girls who are confident in themselves and in their partner can make any kind of gifts. Knives, daggers and even sabers would be an option! If you want to completely neutralize the bad omen, try the following. Keep the gift for a few days. Touch it, pick it up, imagine how great it will look on the wall or on the belt of a loved one. Feed the blade with your positive energy and emotions. Let at one glance at the knife your mood rises, and only good thoughts swarm in your head! So the gift will not harm either the man or your relationship.

Are knives given to women?

Such a thing is useful in any household.

Young ladies are rarely interested in edged weapons. But not a single housewife will refuse to have a set of sharp, even better self-sharpening knives in the kitchen. But is it possible to present such a thing to a woman?

As it turns out, you can. Especially girls who are still in search of their soulmate. Here, a “dangerous” gift will not harm them at all, but, on the contrary, will prophesy an early acquaintance with a man, reliable and faithful, like steel. For the sake of such a prediction, it is worth neglecting bad omens, don't you think?

If donated, what kind?

There are no knives. Tourist, hunting, folding pen, kitchen, decorative, for letters ... However, the type of knife does not matter for superstitions, they equally dislike both a heavy hunting blade and a small neat device for opening envelopes. But it happens that the knife is the most successful, and sometimes the only worthy gift. Looking for something else, less suitable, is just a shame. How to proceed in this case?

If funds allow, make an engraving on the blade. You will act akin to the ancestors ordering a blade from a blacksmith, and from now on the knife will be considered pre-designated for a certain person. Of course, you can’t mark ceramics with engraving, and even a small penknife, perhaps, will look ridiculous with it. Well, then, you have to resort to a little trick during the presentation of your present.

Neutralization of evil

All bad omens about weapons crumble to dust at once when the knife goes from the status of a gift to the category of purchases. It is as easy as shelling pears to do this: if a dangerous little thing was handed to you, give a nominal fee for it. At least a penny! If you yourself are the donor, ask for a small coin in return. The price does not matter, the main thing is to fix the deal: "I give you a knife, you give me money." That's it, problem solved!

If you are a religious person, and doubts haunt you, wipe the gift with holy water and ask God to calm your confusion and take away bad events. Just please do not burn church candles over the knife and do not read conspiracies, of which there are many on the Internet! For a believer, this is unacceptable - after all, you have already entrusted yourself to higher powers with your prayer. Relax and use the novelty without fear.

To complete the picture, we note that the knife is by no means always considered a bad gift. For example, the Japanese will accept it willingly and with gratitude, because the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that a sharp blade scares away a bad fate. In Finland, the best way to win over a strict boss or please a friend is with a well-made knife. They are not afraid of such a gift in America either, where skillfully inlaid edged weapons are given all the time, especially to business partners - this is considered a symbol of fruitful cooperation. And in the Arab countries, daggers and sabers have always been considered an excellent gift, which speaks of respect for a person. Why go far? Take the peoples of the Caucasus! Can you scare a hot mountaineer by giving him a good hunting knife?! So the point is not in the blade and not in evil spirits, but in our perception of the gift. If a person believes that the offering will benefit him, and the knife of its owner will not fail. He will become afraid and nervous - troubles will not keep you waiting.
