Open lesson in the middle group on the topic “body parts”.

Abstract directly educational activities V middle group on the topic: “My body parts.”

Target: To form children's ideas about the human structure. Cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Tasks: Educational: develop children’s ideas about themselves and their bodies; intensify dialogical speech; develop creative thinking, attention, imagination, fantasy, random memory; develop the ability to correlate words with actions.

Educational: cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle; the ability to listen to each other and adults. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between students; create a joyful mood.

Educational: learn to identify and correctly name parts of the body; Strengthen knowledge about the purpose individual parts bodies.

Material: a picture of a person and a part of the body, an audio recording of a song about a giraffe.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures that show human body, showing sense organs, talking about healthy way life; didactic game“Get the little man together.”

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's start our day with Have a good mood. What do you think a good mood means?

Children: This is when people smile.

Educator: That's right, let's smile at each other now. First we smile at the neighbor on the right, then at the neighbor on the left. So we shared our good mood with each other.

Educator: Let's say hello.

Hello, palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

Hello boots! (stomp: stomp stomp)

Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)

Hello, cuckoos! (cue: ku-ku)

Hello, ringing heel! (click their tongue: clink – clink)

Hello, nimble breeze, (blow)

The train is long at the platform! (pull: toot-too-too)

Good afternoon wristwatch, (ticking: tick-tock)

Hello, radiant sun! (hands raised up)

Hello, kids, girls and boys! (hands forward).

Educator: And we will also play the game “We will not tell, but show”

I will tell you the parts of the body, and you will show them to me. During the game, I confuse the children by talking about one part of the body and pointing to another.

Physical education minute.

Song "The giraffe has spots, spots, spots everywhere."

Educator: As you already guessed, we will talk about a person. There are a lot of people on our Earth. People are similar, they can talk, think, walk. But all people are different. They differ in appearance, eye color, hair color, height, gait, voice, character.

Educator: Look carefully at each other and tell me how we are alike.

Children: We have arms, legs, heads, etc.

Educator: Well done! All people have arms, legs, a head, and a torso. Guess the riddle: They are not sown, they are not planted, they grow on their own.

Children: Hair.
Educator: Well done! There is hair on the head. The front part of a person’s head is the face; it has a mouth, ears, eyes, and nose. Why do we need them?

Children: eyes to see objects, people, distinguish colors, see the sun and stars, everything that surrounds us.

The nose is to smell, to breathe.

A mouth to eat, breathe, speak.

Ears to hear people speak, birds sing, music sounds.

Hands to work, sew, write, draw.

Legs to walk, stand, run, jump.

Teeth for chewing, biting.

Head to think and nod.

The torso connects all these parts together.

The teacher shows a picture of a person and body parts. Children look at the picture.

Educator: That's right, these are our assistants, since they help us learn everything about the world in which we live.

Educator: Let's play the game “Repeat the movements after me.”

Pull your ears; stroke your forehead; cover your eyes with your hands; stroke your cheeks with your hands; cover your nose with your hand;

Now I will confuse you, but you must show it correctly. Be careful.

Educator: All we touched now was our face, our head.

Educator: Guys, today we learned what parts of the body we have and what they are needed for.

Educator: Let's repeat once again, eyes help a person see objects around him, their color, size, shape. Thanks to hearing, we are able to distinguish sounds. A person uses his ears to hear the singing of birds and the voices of people, the babbling of a stream and the sound of the wind. Even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. The nose also helps to sense and distinguish smells.

Educator: With the help of our fingers we can write, sew, draw, sculpt, and do many different things. With the help of our fingers we can feel heat and cold, feel whether an object is hard or soft, smooth or rough.

Educator: Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things. Let's love our helpers and learn to protect them from dirt, illness and bruises. But you must not forget about the most important thing: a person must always be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to communicate with such a person. And we’ll talk about how to protect them next time.

Educator: Shall we play with our fingers?

Educator: This finger wants to sleep,

This finger went to bed.

This little finger took a little nap.

This little finger is already asleep.

This one is sleeping soundly, soundly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise,

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. In response to the words “the fingers will rise,” the children raise their hand up and straighten their fingers.

Educator: And in conclusion, I invite you to listen to the poem:

We are given one head.

And two eyes and two ears,

And two temples, and two hands,

But there is one nose and mouth.

But if it were the other way around,

One leg, one arm,

But two mouths, two tongues

If only we knew

What they ate and chatted.

Zumzum Ibragimova
Lesson summary for the middle group “Human Body”





Middle group


Formation of children's ideas about external features body structure person;

Introduce the capabilities of the body person(I can run, jump, etc.);

Develop the ability to consider yourself and each other;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions;

Material used:

Illustrations depicting different people,

Doll - "Arina".

Pictures with the image person and body parts;

Poster featuring human body.

Progress of the lesson.

Children look at illustrations depicting different people (children and adults, of different ages).

The teacher brings the doll and pays attention to it children: Guys, look who came to us, this is the Arina doll.

Educator: Guys, Arina is the smartest doll in the world, she wants to know everything and is interested in everything, and now Arina wants you to help her learn more about body parts person. Let's go with her let's say hello: Hello, Arina.

Arina: - Hello guys, where are you looking, what kind of pictures do you have hanging here, who is depicted in them? (children's answers). Oh really, there are people drawn here, they are all so different.

Teacher - Arina, you say correctly - they are drawn here different people, but if you look more closely, you will see that they are similar to each other.

Arina - no, they are different, look, the mother is so big, and the child in her arms is very small.

Teacher - guys, what do you think these people have in common? Let's look at the people in the pictures and name what they have the same, how they are similar.

A game "How similar" images: girl and boy, mother and child, grandfather and father, etc. The teacher asks the children to name the signs of similarity of the people depicted (features of similarity - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose, hair).

Teacher - guys, let's get up and show Arina what we have body.

Physical education minute.

I have a head turns

To the right - one, to the left - two. from right to left, head tilts.

She sits on a strong neck,

Turned and turned. circular turns of the neck.

Then the body goes, hands on the belt,

Bend back, bend forward, bend,

Turn - turn. turns

Everyone has skillful hands, hand jerks

Up - down, down - up. up down

We need legs to run, run in place

jump, jump (2-3 times,

squat, stand... squats (2-3 times).

That's my body!

You do everything with him "five"!

Educator - now you see, Arina, that all people have something in which they are similar to each other.

Arina is so interesting, isn’t it, guys? I want to know better about how it works the human body.

Educator - Well, guys, let's help Arina?

Is our the body is designed like this:

The head is placed on top, it is connected to the body using the neck. The neck helps the head make various movements.

Now answer the questions:

For what man's hands? (work, draw, sculpt, etc.)

For what man legs? (walk, run, jump)

For what man's head? (think, talk, look)

What parts does the body consist of?

The body also has parts (the teacher calls the child and points at him): chest, stomach, back.

Educator: All body parts to us necessary: with our hands we eat, draw, perform various jobs, with the help of our legs we can move. We need a head to think, on our face we have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to breathe and smell. And we need a torso. After all, inside it are organs: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines (shows on the table).

Arina - it can’t be, I don’t believe it.

Teacher - then try, give our children tasks, and they will complete them.

Children perform practical exercises:

Show me where your head is

Touch your neighbor's head, stroke it

Stretch your neck like a goose

Pull your neck into your shoulders

Perform a circular motion with your head

Turn your head one way and now the other

After completing the tasks, Arina praises the children.

Also, with the help of the neck, the head is connected to the body. The torso can also move.

Children perform practical exercises:

Lean forward and then back

Turn one way and now the other

And also inside the body "stored" important internal organs- the heart, you can listen to its beats from each other (children listen to how their neighbor’s heart beats), lungs - they help us breathe, and other very necessary and important organs.

Educator - Arms are attached to the top of the body.

Arina - Show me your pens, how many of them do you have?

A hand has a palm, and on it are fingers, what can your hands do? (children's answers)– practical exercises:

clap your hands

pet your tummy

hide your hands behind your back

touch your back

touch your neighbor's back

wag your finger

raise your hands in front of you

reach your palms to the floor

clench your hand into a fist

move your fingers

Educator - The legs are attached to the bottom of the body.

Arina - Show your legs. How many do you have? (There are also two of them.) Show how funny your legs are - practical exercises:

stomp your feet

jump on two legs, and now on one

put your feet wide

walk on your toes, and now on your heels

bend your knee

sit down

Educator: Guys, let's play a game, it's called "How similar":

A game "How similar"- review and discussion images: girl and boy, mother and child, grandfather and father, etc. The teacher asks the children to name the signs of similarity of the people depicted (features of similarity - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose, hair).

You see, guys, you and I can do a lot of different movements, and our body.

At the end classes Arina thanks the children and says that she will definitely come to them again.

Publications on the topic:

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a didactic game that can be used for social and communicative development in the classroom.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Me and my body” in the 1st junior group. Developed by Teacher 1 junior group Zagainova Tatyana Sergeevna Software.

Summary of educational activities on cognitive development for the middle group “Know your body” Direct educational activities with children on cognitive development in the middle group “Know your body” N. A. Isakova, teacher.

Lesson summary on the surrounding world “Human Body” Goal: To form the first concepts about your body, organism. Help children understand themselves as humans and find commonality with other people. Bring up.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Man and his body” Program content. 1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities: to intensify moral and mental analytical work.

Teacher first qualification category Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten combined type No. 201", Orenburg

Educational field "Health"

Age: 35 years.

Summary of GCD on the topic: “Human body”


Formation of children's ideas about the external features of the structure of the human body;

Introduce the capabilities of the human body (I can run, jump, etc.);

Develop the ability to consider yourself and each other;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions;

To develop an interest in other children, friendly attitude to peers.

Equipment: illustrations depicting different people, a doll - a glove “Dunno”

Children look at illustrations (previously hang on the board in a group) depicting different people (children and adults, of different ages).

The teacher puts a glove doll on his hand and draws the children’s attention to it: guys, look who came to us, it’s Dunno. Let's say hello to him: hello, Dunno.

Dunno: Hello guys. Where are you looking, what kind of pictures do you have hanging here, who is depicted in them? (children's answers). Oh, really, there are people drawn here, they are all so different.

Educator- Dunno, you say correctly - different people are drawn here, but if you look better, you will see that they are similar to each other.

Dunno- no, they are different, look, the mother is so big, and the child in her arms is very small.

Educator- Guys, what do you think these people have in common? Let's look at the people in the pictures and name what they have the same, how they are similar.

Game "How are they alike"- examination and discussion of images: girl and boy, mother and child, grandfather and father, etc. The teacher asks the children to name the signs of similarity of the people depicted (features of similarity - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose , hair).

Educator- guys, let's get up and show Dunno what kind of body we have.

Physical education minute.

I have a head

head turns

To the right - one, to the left - two.

from right to left, head tilts.

She sits on a strong neck,

Turned and turned.

circular turns of the neck.

Then the body goes

hands on the belt,

Bend back, tilt forward,


Turn - turn.


Everyone has skillful hands

hand jerks

Up - down, down - up.

up down

We need legs to run

running in place

jumps (2-3 times),

squat, stand...

squats (2-3 times).

This is my body!

With him you do everything to perfection!

Educator- now you see, Dunno, that all people have something in which they are similar to each other.

Dunno- this is so interesting, isn't it, guys? I want to learn more about how our body works.

Educator- Well, guys, let's help Dunno? Then quickly take your seats.

Educator- Our body is designed like this:

The head is placed on top and is connected to the body using the neck. The neck helps the head make various movements.

Dunno- It can’t be, I don’t believe it.

Educator- then try, give our guys tasks, and they will complete them.

Show me where your head is

Touch your neighbor's head, stroke it

Stretch your neck like a goose

Pull your neck into your shoulders

Perform a circular motion with your head

Turn your head one way and now the other

After completing the tasks, Dunno praises the children.

Educator- Also, with the help of the neck, the head is connected to the body. The torso can also move.

Children perform practical exercises:

Lean forward and then back

Turn one way and now the other

Educator- And important internal organs are also “stored” inside the body - the heart, you can listen to each other’s beats (children listen to their neighbor’s heart beating), lungs - they help us breathe, and other very necessary and important organs.

Educator- Arms are attached to the top of the body.

Dunno- Show me your pens, how many of them do you have?

A hand has a palm and fingers on it, what can your hands do? (children's answers) - practical exercises:

▪ clap your hands

▪ stroke your tummy

▪ hide your hands behind your back

▪ touch your back

▪ touch your neighbor's back

▪ shake your finger

▪ raise your hands in front of you

▪ reach your palms to the floor

▪ clench your palm into a fist

▪ move your fingers

Educator- The legs are attached to the bottom of the body.

Dunno- Show your legs. How many do you have? (There are also two of them.) What beautiful socks and shoes they are wearing. Show how funny your legs are - practical exercises:

▪ stomp your feet

▪ jump on two legs, and now on one

▪ place your feet wide and wide

▪ walk on your toes, and now on your heels

▪ bend your leg at the knee

▪ sit down

Educator- You see, guys, you and I can do a lot of different movements, and our body helps us.

At the end of the lesson, Dunno thanks the children and says that he will definitely come to them again.

Then the teacher calls the children to him (you can call the girls first, then the boys, then all the children): an outdoor game “Parsley” is played: the children form a circle, Parsley, the leader, stands in the center of the circle. Parsley recites the following text with the children:

I'm a fun toy

And my name is Parsley!

I'll do the exercises

You are to repeat the movements after me.
At this time, children standing in a circle perform a “spring” with their hands on their belts. At the end of the text, Petrushka performs some exercises (bending, squats, jumping, etc.). Children must accurately repeat the movements shown by Parsley. The child who most accurately and correctly completed Parsley’s task becomes the new driver. The game is repeated.

Irina Timofeeva
Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic “Parts of the body.”

Target: introduce children to human body parts; teach to form plural nouns; learn to form sentences using visual material; teach to distinguish between the right and left hand, leg, etc.; fix the dictionary on this topic; develop attention.

Progress of the lesson.

(The children enter the group stands in a circle)

Educator: Guys, let's say hello. (They greet each other by passing a handkerchief) When we say hello, we wish each other health. Let us wish health to our guests too. (Greet greetings to guests)

Educator: Oh, guys, we received a letter, let's see what kind of letter it is. (Children watch and listen)

Educator: And here is the package. Let's see what's in it. Here are the rings and balls that Doctor Aibolit spoke about. Let's think about how we can protect our body with these items? What can you do with them?

(Children call various ways actions with balls and rings.)

Educator: Let's play

A big turtle was walking (children roll Su-Jok between their palms)

And bit everyone out of fear

Kus, kus, kus, kus

I'm not afraid of anyone.

Educator: You felt it on your palms slight tingling? There are many, many invisible magic points on our palms that help us be healthy, but they love to sleep, so we need to wake them up with a massage. And diseases will bypass us. (Palm massage) How can you use magic rings? (Children's answers)

Educator: That's right, we can put rings on our fingers.

Now let's put the rings on all the fingers in turn, that is, massage them and also awaken the magic points.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

This massage should be done every day and only then will our health benefit. Thanks to Doctor Aibolit for the wonderful gift.

Educator: Guys, look we have a guest today. But for some reason he is crying. Hello, Bunny. What's happened?

Hare: I really wanted to become Doctor Aibolit’s assistant, but it didn’t work out for me.

Educator: Why?

Hare: Because I don’t know what they are called parts of our body. The doctor asked me to put mustard plaster on the back of one patient, and I put it on his chest; I had to smear the elbow with brilliant green, but I smeared it on my palms. Therefore, Doctor Aibolit said: “Here’s a drawing for you human body, try to learn body parts“When you learn, then come.” So I came to you guys for help.

Educator: Let's see what kind of drawing you have. Look, guys, who's drawn? (Children's answers)

That's right, this is a drawing of a boy. We also have such a drawing, only larger. Bunny, you've come to the right place, our children know parts of the body and they will teach you

The teacher shows a drawing of a person.

What is the name of the largest human body part? (torso) The teacher shows where the chest, stomach, back are, then makes a guess puzzles:

1. On the top of the animal’s head,

And for us – below the eyes. (Ears).

What are ears for? Let's check why we need ears. Close your ears tightly with your palms, press your palms to your ears. (say a few words). Open your ears. What did I just do? (answer: they said, we saw the lips). What did I say? (did not hear)

Brother and brother live across the path,

But they don’t see each other.


What are eyes for?

There are two wells nearby, and there is one partition between them.


What is the nose for? Let's check why the nose is needed. Pinch your nose with one hand and your lips with the other hand. Why do you need a nose? (answer: to breathe) A person also has a forehead, cheeks, eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, lips, and chin. (Children show the names on themselves parts of the face) .

2. Didactic game "One is many".

Ear - ears, neck -, eye -, hair, head, face -, nose -, mouth -…

3. Physical education minute. Let's shake our heads

4. Didactic game "Choose your words".

The teacher asks the children one by one questions:

What eyes do you have? (My eyes are beautiful, gray, large, etc.)

What kind of hair do you have? (My hair is thick, long, shiny, etc.)

What are your nose, mouth, ears like? (Similar work is being carried out).

Educator: Now guys, let’s go to the table and complete one more task. (Fold the portrait. Parts of a human face. Application)

Educator: Bunny, look how wonderful our portraits turned out.

guys, we did such a good job today, we helped Bunny. Let's remember that we did: talked about parts of the human body what you need to do to be healthy. Hare: Now I know everything and can go help Doctor Aibolit.

Thank you guys for teaching me everything. And I want to treat you to vitamins. (Gives the teacher a jar of vitamins).

Educator: Guys, let's say goodbye to the bunny and the guests.

Publications on the topic:

Body parts. Game-activity. First junior group Human. Body parts. In order for us to become big, we need to know about ourselves - How much of what do we have? Hands, and eyes, and toes. What we can.

Another topic necessary for conducting conversations with preschoolers: Topic: “Parts of the body” What should a preschooler know about parts of the body: Words,.

Calendar plan for educational work in the senior group. Topic of the week: “Man. Body parts. I will grow up healthy" Topic: Man. Body parts. I will grow up healthy. Target. 1. Expanding ideas about health and important components healthy lifestyle.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Guest from another planet. Body and face parts" Topic: “Guest from another planet” Equipment: interactive whiteboard, educational games made in Microsoft PowerPoint, set.

Summary of direct educational activities (cognitive development) in the middle group “Man. Body parts" Program content: Introduce children to body parts, name them and show them on themselves. Expand your understanding of the surrounding reality.

Target: To form children's ideas about the human structure. Cultivate a desire to be healthy.


Educational: develop children’s ideas about themselves and their bodies; activate dialogic speech; develop creative thinking, attention, imagination, fantasy, voluntary memory; develop the ability to correlate words with actions.

Educational: cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle; the ability to listen to each other and adults. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between students; create a joyful mood.

Educational: learn to identify and correctly name parts of the body; To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of individual parts of the body.




Objectives: Developmental: Educational: Educational:


Preliminary work:

Progress of the lesson.


Physical education minute.


Children: Hair.

Teeth for chewing, biting.

Educator: This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed.

This little finger took a little nap.

This little finger is already asleep.

This one is sleeping soundly, soundly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise,

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

They are not sown or planted, they grow on their own. (Hair)


Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic: “My body parts.”

Target: To form children's ideas about the human structure. Cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Objectives: Developmental: develop children’s ideas about themselves and their bodies; activate dialogic speech; develop creative thinking, attention, imagination, fantasy,arbitrary memory; develop the ability to correlate words with actions. Educational: cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle;the ability to listen to each other and adults. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between students; create a joyful mood.Educational:learn to identify and correctly name body parts;To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of individual parts of the body.

Material: a picture of a person and a part of the body, an audio recording of a song about a giraffe.

Preliminary work:looking at pictures of the human body, showing one’s senses, talking about a healthy lifestyle; didactic game “Assemble a little man.”

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's start our day with a good mood. What do you think a good mood means?

Children: This is when people smile.

Educator: That's right, let's smile at each other now. First we smile at the neighbor on the right, then at the neighbor on the left. So we shared our good mood with each other.

Educator: Let's say hello to you.

Hello, palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

Hello boots! (stomp: stomp stomp)

Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)

Hello, cuckoos! (cue: ku-ku)

Hello, ringing heel! (click their tongue: clink – clink)

Hello, nimble breeze, (blow)

The train is long at the platform! (pull: toot-too-too)

Good afternoon to the wrist watch, (ticking: tick-tock)

Hello, radiant sun! (hands raised up)

Hello, kids, girls and boys! (hands forward).

Educator: And we will also play the game “We will not tell, but show”

I will tell you the parts of the body, and you will show them to me. During the game, I confuse the children by talking about one part of the body and pointing to another.

Physical education minute.

Song "The giraffe has spots, spots, spots everywhere."

Educator: As you may have guessed, we will talk about a person. There are a lot of people on our Earth. People are similar, they can talk, think, walk. But all people are different. They differ in appearance, eye color, hair color, height, gait, voice, character.

Educator: Look carefully at each other and tell me how we are alike.

Children: We have arms, legs, heads, etc.

Educator: Well done! All people have arms, legs, a head, and a torso. Guess the riddle: They are not sown, they are not planted, they grow on their own.

Children: Hair.
Educator: Well done! There is hair on the head.Front of human head- this is a face, it has a mouth, ears, eyes, nose. Why do we need them?

Children: eyes to see objects, people, distinguish colors, see the sun and stars, everything that surrounds us.

The nose is to smell, to breathe.

A mouth to eat, breathe, speak.

Ears to hear people speak, birds sing, music sounds.

Hands to work, sew, write, draw.

Legs to walk, stand, run, jump.

Teeth for chewing, biting.

Head to think and nod.

The torso connects all these parts together.

The teacher shows a picture of a person and body parts. Children look at the picture.

Educator: That's right, these are our assistants, since they help us learn everything about the world in which we live.

Educator: Let's play the game “Repeat the movements after me.”

Pull your ears; stroke your forehead; cover your eyes with your hands; stroke your cheeks with your hands; cover your nose with your hand;

Now I will confuse you, but you must show it correctly. Be careful.

Educator: All we touched now was our face, our head.

Educator: Guys, today we learned what parts of the body we have and what they are needed for.

Educator: Let's repeat once again, eyes help a person see objects around him, their color, size, shape. Thanks to hearing, we are able to distinguish sounds. A person uses his ears to hear the singing of birds and the voices of people, the babbling of a stream and the sound of the wind. Even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. The nose also helps to sense and distinguish smells.

Educator: With the help of our fingers we can write, sew, draw, sculpt, and do many different things. With the help of our fingers we can feel heat and cold, feel whether an object is hard or soft, smooth or rough.

Educator: Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things.Let's love our helpers and learn to protect them from dirt, illness and bruises.But you must not forget about the most important thing: a person must always be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to communicate with such a person.And we’ll talk about how to protect them next time.

Educator: Shall we play with our fingers? Children: yes.

Educator: This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed.

This little finger took a little nap.

This little finger is already asleep.

This one is sleeping soundly, soundly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise,

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. In response to the words “the fingers will rise,” the children raise their hand up and straighten their fingers.

Educator: And in conclusion, I invite you to listen to the poem:We are given one head. And two eyes and two ears, And two temples, and two hands, But one nose and mouth. But if we had the opposite, One leg, one arm, But two mouths, two tongues We would only know What we ate and chatted.
