Why is hCG negative but there is pregnancy? Negative test with positive hCG

When a woman sees two lines on the test, she sincerely rejoices at the new turn of life and future motherhood. But a positive test is not yet a reason to be confident. You need to see a doctor and get all tests done. One of them is taking blood for the hormone, since a positive result confirms pregnancy, and a negative hCG indicates its absence.

HCG is a hormone that indicates the presence interesting situation. At the moment of fertilization of the egg, its quantity begins to increase rapidly. It helps the woman’s body cope with a complete restructuring of the body and does not allow the uterus to contract, that is, it prevents the possibility of miscarriage early stages.

The hormone in the body begins to increase after attachment ovum to the uterine wall, 4-5 days after fertilization, for exact result Blood sampling is necessary after 10 days. The accuracy of the result is 99%, but there may be errors here too. It happens that the test is positive, but hCG negative.


When normal developing pregnancy The hormone level rises until mid-term. But there are cases when hCG is negative, but there is pregnancy. The test may be negative due to a laboratory technician’s mistake, so there is no need to panic ahead of time; you need to retake the test again.

If at accurate pregnancy the level does not increase, you should urgently consult a doctor. The main reasons for low hCG are a missed pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. A sharp change in hormonal levels can also affect the result of the analysis; most often at such a moment the hormone level does not increase.

Women often ask whether the hCG test can be erroneous? Such cases occur very rarely, and this is influenced by several factors:

  • Human factor. Sometimes laboratory workers confuse tests and produce incorrect data.
  • Miscarriage. If hCG does not show pregnancy, then there is a possible threat of natural termination of pregnancy.
  • Early application. False-negative hCG can occur if a woman consults a doctor too early and the fetus has not yet implanted.
  • Incorrect transcript. The data must be correctly deciphered, but some doctors may misinterpret the result.
  • If hCG does not show pregnancy, but there is one, then the doctor prescribes a repeat blood draw 7 days after the last one, and draws conclusions based on the second result.

When a woman asks if hCG can be wrong, the doctor explains possible reasons. Very rarely, incorrect analysis data occurs during an incorrect blood donation or an incorrectly set deadline.

In some cases negative result occurs during late ovulation or late consolidation of the fetus in the uterus. Since the hormone begins to increase after the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall.

Very rarely people ask whether hCG may not show pregnancy if it is ectopic. In this case, the test and blood give positive data, but in in rare cases An ectopic can be detected by a test, but not by blood.

Often women face a problem false diagnosis. Can a test or analysis show a negative result that is not true? Let's consider the question in more detail.

Every woman knows that there are three most common options for diagnosing pregnancy:

  1. Test - strip on detection of hCG in urine.
  2. Blood test for hCG.
  3. Objective symptoms.

The most accurate of them is a blood test, since it can detect the very minimum concentrations of hCG, while the strip test is active only from a certain concentration threshold.

Its mechanism of action is to bind hormone molecules and color these compounds using special dyes.

INTERESTING! Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that secretes the chorion ( membrane) embryo. It is intended to stimulate the production of the pregnancy hormone, as well as to inhibit protective forces maternal body, to avoid rejection of the fertilized egg. After all, it is essentially an alien inclusion.

Due to certain circumstances, the hormone may not reach the required concentration by the time of delay and tests won't detect it, even in the presence of a developing pregnancy.

The test is negative, but there is a pregnancy

Common cause false negative rate there are low-quality test strips. A woman can do more than a dozen tests, there is no menstruation, and she is completely confused.

Only a gynecologist can solve this problem. He may order an ultrasound reanalysis blood test for hCG, and examine the female organs from the inside.

Besides, one of the indicators of pregnancy there may be toxicosis: nausea, weakness, dizziness, etc. But on the other hand, you should be careful about these manifestations; in some suspicious women they occur every month in anticipation of fertilization.

In case of a false negative test, the embryo can develop safely, and there is no danger in this. However, you should be wary if you have an ectopic pregnancy. Its delayed diagnosis can cause the most severe consequences, up to the removal of the fallopian tube in which the embryo managed to attach.

PECULIARITY! Women who have adhesions in the fallopian tubes are prone to ectopic pregnancy. They are formed as a result colds and inflammation female organs. If you have had similar problems, tell your doctor about them first.

Why does the test fail early?

Here are the main reasons:

  1. Late diagnosis– some wives strive to find out about pregnancy as early as possible and do tests before their menstruation is missed. In this case, the gonadotropin has not yet reached the required concentrations to appear on the strip as a positive result. The test is recommended to be carried out on the second or third day after a missed period.
  2. Incorrect technique testing - carefully read the instructions for use of the test strips. If it says that it should stay in the urine for 15 seconds, then keep it that long. There is no need to shorten or lengthen the time.
  3. Not enough urine concentration - I recommend testing on morning urine, the hormone content in it is off the charts, and there is no risk of incorrect diagnosis.
  4. – may not pass in the middle of the cycle, but 5-7 days before the start of menstruation. Then fertilization will also be delayed and by the time of menstruation, her hormones will not accumulate in the required quantities to determine pregnancy.
  5. Late attachmenthCG hormone begins to actively enter the blood after the fetus attaches to the lining of the uterus. It attaches 5-10 days after fertilization. In the case of ten days, hormone synthesis may also be delayed.
  6. Risk of miscarriage– is always accompanied by a decrease in hCG. Only a blood test and examination by a gynecologist will help.
  7. Frozen or ectopic pregnancy– is also accompanied by a lack of hCG production.

IMPORTANT! One of the main causes of miscarriage is Rhesus - incompatibility of the blood of mother and child. When planning conception, it is recommended to find out the blood type and Rh of your partner in order to prevent undesirable consequences in time.

Other reasons for a negative result

Hereditary pathologies are separately noted and fetal deformities. In this case, the body naturally tries to reject a non-viable egg, according to the laws of natural selection.

The pregnancy that has begun will take place in the “threat of miscarriage” mode, hCG will be released in small quantities and will not allow the embryo to defend itself from attack immune system mother.

This question is still controversial: is it necessary to maintain pregnancy in the earliest stages, or should the body allow the body to reject an unhealthy fertilized cell?

ATTENTION! In any case, this situation occurs in the earliest stages (from 2 to 4 weeks) and most often the miscarriage occurs unnoticed, with the onset of the expected menstruation.

How should hCG levels increase normally?

At normal course During pregnancy, after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, gonadotropin begins to be actively produced.

Human chorionic hormone (hCG) is a hormone that is produced by the membranes of a growing embryo throughout the entire period of pregnancy, starting from 6-8 days after fertilization of the egg.

Its function is to create conditions in the body that are most favorable for pregnancy. HCG blocks the processes that cause menstruation, while stimulating the production of hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy. In addition, it suppresses a woman’s immune system, thereby preventing the body from rejecting the fetus and having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

An increase in the amount of hCG in a woman’s blood and urine is one of the main signs of pregnancy. At the same time, it sometimes happens that hCG is elevated without pregnancy. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different.


Sometimes it happens that after doing home test for pregnancy, the woman receives a negative result, while the hCG blood test gives a positive result.

This can happen if a woman tests too short term pregnancy. The fact is that a pregnancy test shows whether there is increased level HCG in urine. However, it does not make it possible to estimate the amount of hCG in the blood. At the same time, the increase in the amount of chorionic hormone in the blood occurs somewhat earlier than in the urine.

Thus, a blood test for hCG allows you to determine the presence of pregnancy much earlier than the test.

For the same reason, a negative test, positive hCG can be if a woman has enough long term pregnancy, but there is reduced level chorionic hormone. This can occur with an ectopic pregnancy, with the threat of spontaneous abortion, hormonal disorders, or delayed fetal development.

Quite often, women are interested in: “Can hCG increase before menstruation?” If there is no pregnancy, then fluctuations in the level of hCG, even if there are, will be very insignificant. In any case, they will not exceed normal limits (in non-pregnant women and men this is 0-5 mU/ml).

Therefore, if a woman had a positive hCG, but was not pregnant, and after some time her period began, and the test became negative, then this may indicate spontaneous interruption early pregnancy. According to statistics, about 30% of all pregnancies end this way. Women usually do not notice these processes, since they are not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms.

Only those patients who carefully plan their pregnancy and carefully monitor various changes in the body can notice a miscarriage in the early stages.

If according to the test results there is no pregnancy, but the hCG is elevated, then this may indicate the following:

  • the procedure was performed incorrectly, the required time was not maintained;
  • the woman has problems with her ovaries and/or kidneys;
  • the patient consumed too much fluid or diuretics before the test;
  • the test was stored incorrectly or has expired.

An error can also occur if the test is defective and has low sensitivity. Therefore, if the test is negative and hCG is positive, you should definitely read reviews on the Internet. There may have already been cases where women encountered this when using a certain brand of test.

Based on this, we can conclude that pharmacy test- not the best reliable means to detect pregnancy. That is why, if a woman has symptoms of an “interesting situation”, but a home test shows a negative result, she needs to contact medical institution and donate blood for analysis.

No pregnancy

Most people associate human chorionic gonadotropin with pregnancy. However, not everyone knows that this hormone is produced by the body of both men and non-pregnant women throughout life in small quantities. Its amount in this category of patients should normally be 0-5 mU/ml. At the same time, some experts believe that it should be absent altogether.

The reasons for an increase in hCG other than pregnancy may be different. Sometimes they are associated with the presence of a serious pathology in the body. As a rule, these include tumor processes of a benign or malignant nature. This is explained by the fact that some neoplasms located in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, uterus or testicles have the ability to produce human chorionic gonadotropin.

High hCG without pregnancy can occur when the patient takes medications that include human chorionic gonadotropin (for example, Pregnil, Horagon). Such drugs are usually prescribed to infertile women to induce ovulation. In more rare cases, such drugs are used by men to increase results from sports.

Besides everything else increase in hCG in non-pregnant women may be a consequence hydatidiform mole. With this pathology, the egg is fertilized either by several sperm at once, or one sperm is implanted into the defective egg. After this, normal development of the embryo does not occur, and the chorionic villi continue to grow in the form of bubbles filled with liquid. This condition accompanied by symptoms characteristic of pregnancy. If left untreated, the patient may develop complications in the future, the most severe of which are cysts and cancer.

Elevated hCG in the absence of pregnancy may be associated with the decline of reproductive function. So, in women during menopause, the level of this sometimes rises to 14 mU/ml. IN in this case There is no need to worry, as this is a variant of the norm.

Sometimes elevated hCG level in the absence of pregnancy, it can be observed after childbirth, abortion or a miscarriage suffered in the recent past. In this case, the level of chorionic hormone still had time to return to normal. To hormonal background normalized, most women take about 4-6 weeks. Also saving is enough high level HCG can be observed during an unsuccessful abortion, when part of the fetus or placenta remains in the uterus.

If a woman without pregnancy has elevated hCG, then this gives reason to suspect she has chorionic carcinoma. This is a malignant tumor that occurs after false pregnancy or (in more rare cases) after childbirth, abortion. The danger of this tumor is that it can occur at any time, even two decades after the event.

Regardless of how the patient feels, without pregnancy elevated hCG requires special attention. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. In this case, this can lead to dire consequences.

If there is an increase in hCG in a non-pregnant woman, the causes of this phenomenon can only be identified by a qualified doctor and only after additional diagnostic measures. If necessary, he will select and prescribe the maximum effective treatment. In this way, many complications can be avoided.

Better known as hCG, it is a hormone that begins to be produced in a woman’s body as soon as pregnancy occurs. After the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, it is hCG that begins to control the process of its growth and development, this happens on the sixth to eighth day after fertilization.

HCG allows corpus luteum, which produces, which contributes to the normal bearing of the child, does not dissolve until the moment when the placenta is capable of independently producing hormones at the beginning of the second trimester.

In addition to stimulating the production of progesterone in huge quantities, HCG acts as a natural antidepressant that helps the expectant mother cope with global changes in the body, and also blocks uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage in the early stages. It is thanks to him that the body of the expectant mother does not perceive the embryo as foreign body which you need to get rid of.

Normally, it is found even in men, since its production is promoted by the pituitary gland, but in a very small amount, less than 5 mU/ml. This figure is also normal for non-pregnant women. When menopause occurs, the average concentration of hCG rises to 9 mU/ml; in those who are expecting a child, the level of the hormone grows exponentially, slowing down only closer to the middle of the term.

Blood analysis

A woman who suspects she is pregnant first of all buys a test that is used at home. It reacts to an increased level of hCG in the blood, which is the cause of the second line on the test. But the result of such a test may be incorrect if the woman used the pregnancy test too early or it turned out to be defective. That is why, if menstruation is delayed, it is necessary to donate blood as soon as possible.

A blood test for hCG is more accurate - in 99% it shows correct result, and the remaining percentage falls on various pathologies and hormonal disorders. A special advantage of this method is that an increase in hCG levels is detected at the earliest stages, when conception cannot yet be determined using a test strip.

In addition to determining pregnancy, hCG analysis is used as a means to determine, and to identify developmental pathologies in the fetus from 14 to 18 weeks. triple test: for hCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. In this way, developmental abnormalities are detected internal organs, as well as Down, Edwards and Shereshevsky-Turner syndromes.

How to prepare for the test?

From proper preparation The veracity of the results directly depends. A gynecologist must tell you about it in detail, but there are general recommendations which should be followed.

The hCG test is usually taken in the morning; you should not have breakfast beforehand. If it is not possible to donate in the morning, you can come to the laboratory at lunchtime, but the last meal should be no earlier than five hours before taking blood from a vein. Before receiving a referral for analysis, it is imperative to warn your doctor about all medications you are taking, especially hormonal medications, as well as about existing diseases and abnormalities in the body, since this can significantly affect the results. Before taking the test, you must give up alcohol and smoking, physical activity and sexual intercourse.

Typically, the laboratory quickly processes analysis results; they can be obtained within a few hours, and maximum term- a couple of days. Your doctor will help you decipher them. It is important to remember that the level of hCG during pregnancy is purely individual; the main thing is to monitor the dynamics of changes in the concentration of the hormone.

False test results

Since even this type of test is not 100% reliable, many women are interested in whether the test can be wrong and in what cases this happens. Sometimes the hCG test result is misinterpreted by a doctor who looked too closely high performance, without taking into account other reasons for increased hormone levels, including tumor formations. Therefore, it is necessary to donate blood again after some time, so as not to make a mistake and confirm the fact of conception. At normal development fertilized egg, the hormone concentration doubles or triples every week, and if this does not happen, then there may be a frozen pregnancy. Also, stopping the growth of hCG levels can cause miscarriage in the early stages.

The analysis can be erroneous if a woman takes it, so the doctor is obliged to find out this before donating blood, otherwise there is a possibility that a false positive or negative result will be obtained. A recent abortion is also a factor that increases the likelihood that an error will occur.

Incorrect negative hCG test

When a woman suspects pregnancy, the first thing she does is take a home test and also donate blood. Imagine her surprise when she discovers that positive test, HCG negative. How to understand which result is more truthful? Can HCG make mistakes?

The main reason for a negative test result in the actual presence of pregnancy is donating blood too early, that is, if you come at antenatal clinic on the first or second day of missed menstruation, laboratory analysis unable to show any dynamics in the level of hCG, since at this time the fertilized egg has not yet attached to the uterus and has not begun to contribute to the release of the hormone.

Besides this reason, false negative result this may happen if:

  • Ovulation occurred much later than it should have;
  • The embryo implanted into the uterine wall too late;
  • Pregnancy is ectopic;
  • By various reasons the hormonal background and the rate of hCG synthesis have changed;
  • There is no pregnancy at all.

If such discrepancies occur between the test strip and the analysis result, you must first do ultrasonography pelvic organs to exclude anomalies and the onset of ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate removal, otherwise the embryo will rupture as it grows fallopian tube, which threatens complications and even death from excessive bleeding. If this diagnosis has not been confirmed, but a negative result was still obtained, then it is worth donating blood from a vein again after a week or two.

Incorrect positive hCG test

Except for cases where, according to all signs, a woman is expecting a child, but the result of a blood test does not confirm this, a situation may arise when the hCG test is positive, but the test does not show pregnancy. And again the question arises, can the hCG analysis indicate an “interesting situation”, but the test cannot?

Most often, in such cases, the analysis determines the presence of pregnancy in its actual absence (those scenarios where the home test strip turned out to be defective do not need to be taken into account). This situation can arise for various reasons:

  • The woman was taking hCG-based drugs to treat infertility;
  • The body itself began to produce more of the hormone;
  • Tumor formations;
  • Substances similar to hCG in their composition and properties were found in the blood.

In case of treatment using hCG, you need to wait several days until the hormonal levels return to normal. If during the examination the woman did not find the above diseases or anomalies in the body, then the result may not be erroneous. But this can only be confirmed by donating blood again.

Although there is a possibility of getting an incorrect hCG test result, modern medicine a way has not yet been invented precise definition the conception that occurred. That's why you shouldn't put off your visit to the laboratory until long term, since monitoring the dynamics of the hormone level will help detect deviations in the development of the embryo when this can still be prevented.


  1. Emergency care in obstetrics and gynecology: quick guide. Serov V.N. 2008 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  2. Arterial hypertension in pregnant women Preeclampsia (preeclampsia). Makarov O.V., Volkova E.V. RASPM; Moscow; TsKMS GOU VPO RGMU.-31 pp.- 2010.
  3. Gestagens in obstetric and gynecological practice. Korkhov V.V., Tapilskaya N.I. 2005 Publisher: Special Literature.
  4. Emergency conditions in obstetrics. Sukhikh V.N., G.T.Sukhikh, I.I.Baranov et al., Publisher: Geotar-Media, 2011.

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Questions and answers on: can hCG be negative during pregnancy?

2016-01-09 16:38:04

Olga asks:

Hello, my last period was on November 3, 2015, during the examination the gynecologist said that there was a pregnancy, the test was negative, but on January 7, 2016 my period started, during the examination the doctor said that there was no pregnancy and the right ovary was enlarged, nothing was visible on the ultrasound and they told me to take a hCG test , such a delay for the first time, tell me what could be the reason?

Answers Prayer Oksana Vasilievna:

MC is influenced by hormones thyroid gland, adrenal glands, central nervous system. At what level the failure occurred can only be guessed after inspection and examination.

2014-08-27 16:19:49

Nadezhda asks:

Hello! Please tell me, for what diseases can a blood test for hCG be negative? I took it according to the rules.. And the tests were negative. According to estimates, 4 weeks. But there are signs of pregnancy.. temperature 37.2, white discharge, once I had such a state - I thought I would faint and vomit.. (this has never happened before) I can go to the hospital only in 3 days. Sincerely, Nadezhda

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Nadezhda! If the blood test for hCG is negative, then pregnancy can be ruled out. Hormonal imbalance can also be accompanied by symptoms similar to pregnancy. For control, I advise you to donate blood again for hCG and undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs.

2014-02-17 10:26:14

Victoria asks:

Hello. In December I had full normal periods. and now February is coming to an end, and still no menstruation. We are married and do not take any protection. I went to the doctor for an ultrasound and there was no pregnancy. the tests are all negative. The hCG test is also negative. but the temperature remains at 37, although there is no inflammation in the body - I took urine tests, everything is normal. My stomach often feels tight, as if my period is about to begin, but it never does. sometimes it makes me sick. Can hCG make a mistake? and is pregnancy possible in such a situation? I don’t know what to think anymore.

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

The hCG test cannot be wrong, there is no pregnancy. You need to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs and donate blood for sex hormones to determine the cause of the hormonal imbalance. With the results of the examinations, you need to contact a gynecologist in order to induce menstruation.

2013-12-27 09:37:56

Anna asks:

Good evening!
My problem is this... 5 years ago I was diagnosed with primary infertility (All 5 years they treated me with whatever they could)))). This year I finally decided to have a laparoscopy (resection for PCOS). She underwent stimulation (2 months) with clostilbegit and duphaston. According to hormone tests, everything was restored (results of the last cycle). This month I was prescribed Folka, vitamins E, B6, as well as cyclodinone...
At this moment I am on my fourth day of delay, light discharge, decreased appetite, and something like heartburn. Sometimes I feel a tugging, tingling sensation in my left abdomen, and the sensitivity of my chest has increased a little.
What kind of discharge is this? Why is my stomach churning? And what kind of set of symptoms could this even be?
In advance, Thanks a lot for answer!

December 27, 2013

Reproductologist, Ph.D.
information about the consultant
Did you live during the period of open sexual stimulation? Theoretically, there could be a pregnancy, so I advise you to first donate blood for hCG.

Yes, there were sexual intercourse regularly. Today is the fifth day of delay, but the tests are negative. If it was late ovulation(4 days before the expected start of menstruation), then on what day of delay should I do the test?
And what could it be, if not pregnancy?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

To accurately establish or refute the fact of pregnancy, I advise you to donate blood for hCG, its indicator will accurately indicate whether you are pregnant. Early tests may give uninformative results. If you are not pregnant, then you are pregnant hormonal disbalance and it is necessary to establish its cause. In this case, I recommend undergoing an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs. PCOS may cause a delay. You probably had delays before?

2013-10-29 14:59:16

Svetlana asks:

October 16, 2013
Svetlana asks:
Hello! I am 29 years old, my husband is 46. Please tell me what could be the reason for our misfortunes. I had 3 pregnancies naturally. 1 is pregnant. ended incomplete miscarriage at 7 weeks, they did a cleansing. They took tests for torch infection I was found to have ureaplasma and CMV with herpes (antibodies). They treated me. They attributed what happened to an infection. 2 pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at week 9, they cleared me up. I underwent TORCH examinations (CMV and Herpes antibodies), all hormones, APS - negative, karyotype, hemostasis gene mutations , di-dimer, kaulagram - everything is within normal limits, platelet aggregation and homocesteine ​​are elevated. I completed a course of hirudotherapy. Before my 3rd pregnancy, I took duphaston to be on the safe side. Got pregnant 6 months after the 2nd cleansing. I took utrozhestan starting at 200 and reached 600, vit.E, follic acid, magnesium at -6, valerian. I started bleeding on the day of my expected period, prescribed tranex, lay there without getting out of bed 2 weeks, then bleeding began, they took me to the hospital in an ambulance, for a week they poured tranex into me, 7 droppers of 3 ampoules each - as a result, a frozen pregnancy at 7 weeks - no... During pregnancy, they took me to APS, it turned out that the ImgM glycoprotein was too high, while normal 5 I have 10.
All pregnancies follow the same scenario: wild pain in the lower abdomen, then a brown smear, bed rest + hormones and a hemostatic agent, then bleeding, it is stopped in the hospital with tranexam, and then exactly a week later a miscarriage. Doctors say that we are healthy, probably genetics, but we checked her, everything is fine there, 3 pregnancies cannot fail due to genetics. I have a 2nd horned uterus, maybe because of this? Although my mother and sister did the same, they gave birth without problems. My husband’s spermogram is normal. I REALLY ASK you, please tell me what could be the reason??? I think the problem is in the blood since homocysteine, platelet aggregation and ImgM glycoprotein are too high??? What is the treatment in this case? Fraxiparine injections?

October 23, 2013
Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:
Reproductologist, Ph.D.
information about the consultant
Let's sort it out in order.
You and your husband had your karyotypes taken and they are normal, right? In order to check for increased aggregation, in addition to homocysteine, it is necessary to take the SEFR on the 20-24th day of the m.c. In addition, it would be great to donate blood for antibodies to hCG, but the problem is that not every laboratory can test this analysis. .
Are your sex hormones within normal limits, I’m especially interested in testosterone, DHEA, cortisol? .
If the problem is only increased thrombus formation, then you need to take Vit.gr 3 months before the planned conception. IN, folic acid and low molecular weight heparins (fraxiparin) under the control of a hemostasiogram. If antibodies to hCG are detected, then from the beginning of pregnancy it is additionally necessary to take a glucocorticoid. Fraxiparine may need to be taken long time. .
A bicornuate uterus and torch infections have nothing to do with fading.
Igor Evgenievichs Thank you very much for your answer.
I have a couple more questions for you. Antibodies to hCG should be tested only during the next pregnancy, or can it be done before pregnancy? And if they are treated only with the onset of pregnancy? We didn’t test DHAE and cortisol, unfortunately we will definitely test them, thank you very much! And one more thing I forgot to write to you that I have blood type 1 and Rh factor is negative, and My husband has 1 positive test. I have never been injected with immunoglobulin. Could this be the cause of our trouble??? We have already taken an immunoglobulin test and are waiting for the result. My husband’s karyotype is normal, but I have some kind of satellite on chromosome 14, but geneticists say that this is not scary and cannot be the cause.
Igor Evgenievich, please tell me about fraxiparin, in our legislation there is an opportunity to receive this medicine for free for patients with a diagnosis like mine (recurrent miscarriage), it is very expensive and for the entire pregnancy emo a huge amount for our family... Or We don’t have such an opportunity in our country???
Thank you very much for your attention and advice!

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

It is more rational to take antibodies to hCG at the very beginning of pregnancy, because Peak production of hCG and, as a result, AT are produced in the first weeks of pregnancy. Their visibility is corrected after pregnancy. Blood on anti-Rhesus antibodies hand over already, theoretically they could be the cause of your troubles. If anti-Rhesus antibodies are detected, then it is necessary to undergo a course of plasmapheresis. Regarding free fraxiparine within state program It’s hard for me to say, I think it’s unlikely.

2013-06-09 09:31:25

Irina asks:

Hello! After I stopped taking Logest (I took it for 2 years), the cycle was 38-37 days (twice), on the 9th day of the 3rd cycle there was interrupted sexual intercourse. 3 days before my period I started to get brown scanty discharge, there were no hints of menstruation. Pregnancy tests are negative, hCG test, no discharge at all. There is no pain below... sometimes it drags a little. No sign of menstruation.. Could this be ectopic B? (Thank you).

June 04, 2013
Palyga Igor Evgenievich answers:
Reproductologist, Ph.D.
information about the consultant
No, with an ectopic pregnancy the hCG level should be higher. Why were you prescribed COC 2 years ago? Only for the purpose of contraception? Or was the goal of normalizing hormonal levels pursued? Today, I advise you to first undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Perhaps a cyst has formed, which provokes a delay in menstruation.

Hello!. Yes, I was also prescribed a COC for chronic adnexitis (there were frequent exacerbations, there were no STIs, there were no cysts, there had never been a cycle failure before, but there were very painful m.) Now, with my problem, I went to the gynecologist, She prescribed Duphaston 2t for 5 days. (according to G., they were supposed to come on the 3rd day after the cancellation, but they have not been there for the 6th day..) The ultrasound is scheduled for 11.06. Could this be polycystic disease? (my relatives didn’t have PCOS, I’m not overweight (height 173, weight 53, I have autoimmune thyroiditis, slightly “hairy” arms, my back is high, I suffer from acne) ..

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

In order to induce menstruation, it would be more rational to inject progesterone 2.5%, 2 amps. at the same time 5 days. Then, after 2-3 days, your period will begin. According to the symptoms described, you may have hyperandrogenism, which is usually accompanied by hirsutism and acne. I advise you to donate blood for testosterone; the donation does not depend on the day of your cycle. AIT also affects hormonal levels. You need to consult an endocrinologist, who, if thyroid hormone levels change, will prescribe corrective treatment. It’s too early to talk about PCOS; the diagnosis is made based on ultrasound findings and sex hormone levels. Good luck to you, write if necessary, I will advise you.

2013-02-10 14:32:17

Martha asks:

Hello. Please tell me if pregnancy is possible in next situation: average cycle I have 26-28 days, my last normal period was December 25-28. After that, on January 3 there was a PA, after which I accepted as emergency contraception Escapelle tablet (after ~72 hours). Then from January 10 to 13 there were nonspecific bloody issues from brown to light pink, on January 19 and 20, the discharge resumed, was more characteristic, but very scanty, lasted 2 days and ended. I thought that this might be the body’s reaction to taking the drug. Calculate start date next menstruation problematic, so it is impossible to talk about a delay; 5 weeks have already passed since the last PA (January 7). Eivitest pregnancy tests are consistently negative (last 10.02). Is it worth donating blood for hCG and what should the indicator be? positive result, above what bar? Or if the usual tests don't show B, should I just wait for my period? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

Escapelle contains a high dose of the hormone, so it usually causes disruption of the hormonal cycle. You need to wait until your period starts. I would still advise you to donate blood for hCG for insurance; the minimum during pregnancy should be 20. If the indicator is positive, then you need to donate blood every 2 days to assess whether the pregnancy is developing or not.

2011-12-07 13:33:28

Alexandra asks:

Hello, please tell me about this question: My last period was on October 23. When the next one didn’t come, I went to the doctor before doing a test on the 7th day of the delay, it was negative. On November 28, the doctor sent me for an ultrasound, it didn’t show anything, and the doctor said take an hCG test because if the pregnancy is up to 2 weeks, it is not yet visible. On December 1, the result was 334 and it says pregnancy corresponds to 2 weeks. On December 3, “menstruation” began, but I can’t even call it that because there was discharge 2 days and then 2 days of “daubing”, although this had never happened before. The gynecologist scheduled an ultrasound for December 6, because at this point it will already be 3 weeks, yesterday the doctor at the ultrasound said that she did not see pregnancy, and if it was ectopic, then there was no enlargement either, they forced me to take hCG again, and said that the numbers this could be due to late ovulation. I have read and heard so much about the blood test for hCG, the reviews are the most accurate. Tell me, can hCG mistakenly give such results due to ovulation??? Thanks in advance for your answer!

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good evening, the main thing is to exclude ectopic pregnancy, an increase in hCG and the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, first of all, is alarming in favor of this diagnosis.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

A false-positive increase in hCG can occur in some gynecological diseases associated with increased secretion of the pituitary hormone - lutropin, which is similar in properties to hCG (the maximum amount of which is released during ovulation), in some tumors of the pituitary gland or ovaries, inflammatory diseases sexual sphere ("Functional diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology" edited by Doctor of Medical Sciences G.P. Maksimov), i.e. Your doctor’s assumptions are completely justified. The main thing is to rule out ectopic pregnancy. This is possible after a control test for hCG.

2011-09-03 08:18:24

Maryana asks:

Hello! Dear doctor! I am contacting you with next question: Please tell me! I took the contraceptive DIANE 35 for 8 months. It turned out that I took a break for 1 month. On July 18, 2011, my period began, and on July 22, 2011, I did not take the pill as needed. On August 27, 2011, faint bloody discharge began. It anointed for 2 days and stopped. I took a test on August 31, 2011 - negative. Ultrasound on 08/31/2011 did not reveal the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, the uterus is 54-52-42 mm, the m-echo is 4 mm not dilated, the endometrium is compacted, the uterus is in anteflexion, the contours are smooth, the follicular cyst of the right ovary is 5-6 mm, the right ovary is enlarged 65*45mm. In the uterus there are single liquid inclusions up to 3.5 mm in the middle third. They said that there is no pregnancy, but I feel all the signs of it - my breasts have become engorged since August 15, 2011, discomfort with sudden movements, drowsiness, etc. Everything is the same as during my first pregnancy 6 years ago. There is no way to do a blood test for hCG. Basal temperature 36.9-37 degrees.
Could this be pregnancy? And what does this whole picture indicate?
