Congratulations on Russian Science Day in prose. World Science Day

Good day! Everyone who is close to science, who moves progress with their ideas and achievements, celebrates their holiday on February 8th. This day has been officially celebrated by Presidential Decree since 1999. One could list for a very long time the names of those who glorified and continue to glorify Russian science. Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky, Kurchatov are names that are known to the entire world scientific community.

It was Russian scientists who made such important discoveries as the first nuclear power plant and the launch of the Earth satellite. The Nobel Prize has also been awarded more than once to Russian scientists: Pavlov, Mechnikov, Kapitsa. Many scientific teams continue to celebrate the holiday of science on the third Sunday of April, as in the USSR. But there is no doubt that over time it will take root new date. The date we celebrate Russian Science Day is February 8.

Congratulations on Russian Science Day

Congratulations to all scientists,
Bold, smart, enthusiastic,
Happy Science Day on this day!
We are not too lazy to wish them,
To advance science
We lived without knowing boredom,
So that salaries rise
And dreams came true!

To gnaw on the granite of science,
We need scientists.
Their brains, as well as their hands,
Everyone's discoveries are important!
Let Russian science
Moving forward firmly
And to the Russian people
Let him bring prosperity!

Our science has something to be proud of,
Our scientists are accustomed to working,
There are countless great inventions,
They have reason, they have honor.
Many discoveries are still ahead,
My heart is pounding in my chest with delight!
Let science move forward
Let only happiness await our scientists!

Sciences are very different
And all of them are very important -
They help us
Understand this complex world!
They have a weakness for them,
They can't live without them,
Science is their idol!
Candidates, doctors,
Academicians, professors
We wish you success, good luck
Conquering scientific peaks!

Scientists, honor, glory and bow to you,
And a lot of congratulations from all sides,
You always make your dreams come true,
And you always discover something new.
We wish you success, prosperity,
Fulfillment of your every desire,
May the angel always protect you,
We wish you well-being, achievements and goodness

Official congratulations to the team on Science Day in prose

I want to congratulate you, the main scientists of the country, who with your discoveries are making people’s lives easier, better and more comfortable. You are the key to the prosperity of our country and pride in it. You invent something that saves millions of lives. On your professional day, on Science Day, I would like to wish you even more inventions, world breakthroughs in the field of science, success and abundance of knowledge. May luck never fail you and may order and happiness reign in your life! Happy Science Day!

Without fear of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. In your professional holiday I want to wish you good conditions for work, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

Science is a capricious lady. It does not reveal its secrets to everyone; not everyone is able to comprehend its laws and wisdom. You cannot become a scientist just once. A true scientist never stops learning, cognizing, discovering, inventing and creating! And you, my friend, are a Scientist with a capital S! I wish you such success that your name has gone down the centuries! Happy holiday to you!

Cool poems Happy Science Day

The work of scientists is honorable and rich,
Their achievements in science are just a treasure,
Important discoveries have already been made
How many more are there yet to come?
Congratulations on Science Day,
May you have worthy achievements,
So that the country is proud and appreciates you,
Prosperity, health, goodness to you.

You are the famous minds of Russia,
All your achievements are strength,
Always focused, a little strict,
They are always true to their principles.
Happy Science Day, please accept congratulations,
Let discoveries bring inspiration,
Find pleasure in your work,
Joy, health to you, patience.

You work tirelessly year after year,
Your contribution to science deserves honor,
Work painstakingly on your dissertation,
And the opening is accompanied by an ovation.
May all your wishes come true on this holiday,
Please accept my wishes with gratitude,
May luck never fail you,
I wish you success, health, strength and goodness.

You are making progress rapidly
Interest in science increases every year,
You conquer the peaks with your achievements,
You surprise with incredible and obvious discoveries.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
I wish you great luck and success,
God grant that the truth be of value to you,
Good health, joy, goodness.

In February we celebrate a glorious holiday,
We sincerely congratulate all scientists,
Their contribution to science is quite large,
The scientist is a leader in his discoveries.
We wish you ideas for achievements,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
A scientific genius in his own way,
From dissertations and discoveries
The shelves are already bursting.

SMS congratulations on Science Day

Science Day! Sunny, fine!
Congratulations! Away with melancholy and shadows!
That passer-by appeared to me -
Resurrected by the sun Einstein!

Science Day! What a miracle
This holiday is daring!
I'll be diving forever
I'm into science headlong!
Congratulations! But - take a closer look.
Hurry up and hire a taxi
Catch me by the heel
And save me from those depths!

On Science Day, let me congratulate
With the fact that you are smarter than many in the world,
And how science should be glorified,
And all your discoveries are in it!

Science Day is a wonderful holiday!
The sparrows praise out loud frantically
A celebration of liquids, gases and plasmas
And, of course, a solid body!
I'll pour them dried crumbs,
Let them peck until the solstice.
I wish you good days
For any substance condition!

We were bequeathed with no time to study!
And now the bright day of Science has come!
Nothing will happen to a scientist.
Well, if only a runny nose, sleep and laziness.

Fellow scientists
Involved in the discovery!
Open for you today
Anything will have to happen -
Sprats and shrimps,
The secret of the nucleus and the cell,
And a jar of caviar,
And starry worlds,
A bottle of Chablis
Or maybe cognac
And the formula of love
For many centuries.

Happy Science Day greetings to colleagues in verse and prose

Dear Colleagues! accept mine my sincere congratulations Happy World Science Day!
Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you bright thoughts, new discoveries and achievements! Let your noble work not go unnoticed, let it be duly recognized by universal recognition!

Hello Russian science!
I want to congratulate you on this day.
Let, colleagues, luck extend its hand to you,
Let your dreams come true now.

Let the scientific world not know sorrows,
He walks forward with vigorous steps,
Let a number of new discoveries await,
Let the best happen.

The smartest, the strongest,
The main brain in all of Russia,
We wish you, genius,
New glorious achievements!
Come on, colleague, come on!
Create, explore and discover!
Everything is in your mind and within your reach!
I want to congratulate you on your holiday!

Scientists drive science
Inspired by dreams and knowledge,
Their ideas take off:
Inventions, discoveries
They fly through time so quickly,
The source is a learned man.
Our colleagues have a low salary,
But the soul is rich in dreams!
Without us, we will all face a setback.
Losing us is a loss for everyone,
After all, in the heads there is a chamber of the mind,
We are the most valuable treasure for the country!
At least they promise us in the West
Countless riches a hundredfold
More than in my native country,
We are faithful to our Motherland.
We bow low to her,
Celebrating the holiday is more fun.

Beautiful congratulations to scientists Happy Science Day

Science is definitely an important matter.
But everyone needs rest during work:
Throw away all your paperwork,
And antiquities frozen in ice.
Reckless ones are due to you today
Celebrations that are not alien to the “minds”.
Go to crowded restaurants
To celebrate Science Day together there!

Everything we use every day -
Everything is your creation.
You are driving progress, not laziness -
We wish you a lot of inspiration!

Congratulations on Science Day, your day,
May all your plans come true,
We are waiting for new discoveries from you -
May you get them more often!

Happy Science Day, scientist-dreamer,
Which is always half a step forward.
You have talent and knowledge,
Let Fortune not let you down!
I wish you strength and wisdom,
And go ahead like a tank.
Get all scientific degrees,
And skillfully go all-in.
And also so that life is full
Happiness, joy and luck.
To visit you more often
And discoveries and insights!

For true knowledge of radium
And giving the fervor of the mind to the country,
Are you used to working for an idea?
And therefore you will always be appreciated:
Head and hands live in harmony,
Consistently delivering results...
Let me congratulate you on Science Day
And wish you discoveries and rewards!

Pundit, sage, keeper of knowledge -
There are many beautiful names,
They sound both significant and proud,
You have firmly decided to become a scientist.
And they began, devoting themselves to science!
So let there be no boredom in your work!
Create, learn, discover,
Succeed in everything, always, everywhere!

Comic congratulations on Science Day

Today science celebrates its holiday,
Maybe for others it's sheer boredom,
But she helps us live and work,
And in new world opens its doors to us.
Everyone who gave their lives to science,
Today I will say: hold on, brother, hold on.
Study, discover, explore, discover,
And never give up your positions!

Science is our guideline,
And today, in her honor, we will arrange a feast.
After all, she not only helps us live,
Science opens doors to new worlds for us.
Let us be true to our callings,
Let us distinguish ourselves by patience, perseverance, repentance,
I wish you success, dear friends,
After all, it’s impossible to win in this field.

Scientists are moving time forward.
They direct the course of history.
And no matter how many secrets are revealed
And no matter how people honor them.
They continue their path in science.
Nothing will stop their search.
Let there be no demand for openings,
Let them put spokes in the wheels,
They and amateurs will withstand an argument
They will go to the stake for ideas,
But they will not be consigned to oblivion.
The struggle will spur them to strive
Reach high peaks in science -
The source of knowledge is inexhaustible!
We take our hats off to them.
In winter we celebrate Science Day,
We hope for them, believe them, wait for them
All the new discoveries gained by labor
Let their thoughts be winged,
And they themselves are rich during their lifetime!

Happy Russian Science Day
I congratulate you, raising my hands,
To create loud applause,
Honor Russian science according to the rules!
Today, friends, I am sending you congratulations,
With this science there will be peace and fun!
We will achieve a lot, just believe
Finally, believe in the power of science!

We congratulate you,
Happy Russian Science Day,
May your heads be bright,
They will be everywhere and everywhere
Science always helps us live,
And we wish you to know a lot,
Let science always guide us,
Only straight ahead and only forward!

Congratulations on Science Day in prose

Science is one of the most important pillars of the state. It is she who moves society forward, develops technology, improves production and opens up new paths. On your professional holiday I wish you only happiness, health and the opportunity for self-realization! May all paths in your life lead to high technology and discoveries. May good luck accompany you. And let every day bring satisfaction from work. Happy Science Day!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I follow your scientific career with great respect. It is immediately obvious that you are doing what you love. I wish you new interesting discoveries, interesting publications, and smart graduate students. I wish you good health, happiness, success in all your endeavors and pleasure from work for many years to come!

My dear highbrow friend! On the occasion of today's holiday, we could, of course, enter into a discussion with you regarding the Higgs boson, or Fermat's theorem, or some other nonsense that is important for you and others like you. But I prefer in Once again to test in practice the theses of the great Mendeleev, who achieved perfection in experiments on combining alcohol with water - uncork the bottle and drink with pleasure for your holiday. Happy Science Day!

Every year in February, all of Russia celebrates Science Day. This great holiday innovative ideas, discoveries and knowledge given to us by scientists. Today we express our gratitude to you, great minds, for your invaluable knowledge, continuous experiences, and achievements that make our lives easier and clearer. We wish you new achievements, achievements in science and, of course, world recognition!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable scientific discoveries await you ahead! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. Wish good health, scientific inspiration, desire to show your abilities and never stop there!

Hello. We sincerely congratulate you on World Science Day. Your achievements in scientific research The natural sciences and humanities are being enriched. They should become the basis for solving many problems not only at the present stage of scientific development, but also in the future. Thanks to your tireless activity, desire for innovation, creative search, and implementation of progressive ideas, our country has powerful scientific and technological potential. Thank you for your active, purposeful work, for his contribution to domestic and world science. May all your plans be in demand and realized! We wish you new wonderful discoveries, peace, good health and happiness.

Science is one of the most important pillars of the state. It is she who moves society forward, develops technology, improves production and opens up new paths. On your professional holiday I wish you only happiness, health and the opportunity for self-realization! May all paths in your life lead to high technologies and discoveries. May good luck accompany you. And let every day bring satisfaction from work. Happy Science Day!

Without fear of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you good working conditions, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

We congratulate everyone who is looking for something new, striving to learn the unknown, to know the unknown and to convey all their knowledge to people, on the day of the greatest sphere of activity in the world, Science Day! Let your hypotheses turn out to be correct, and let your conclusions always serve the good of the country.

To the people of science, on Science Day I want to say thank you for progress, for new ideas that one day will certainly enter our lives and surprise the whole world! Be firm in your aspirations! Let wages grow and there will be ample opportunities for your most varied professional activity!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable scientific discoveries await you ahead! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, the desire to show your abilities and never stop there!

Short congratulations on World Science Day in prose

Science is powerless without scientists; they are the ones who create the future. Congratulations to those involved on World Science Day. Happiness, time and desire to create everything that ordinary people get in finished form!

On Science Day, I want to congratulate you without any tricks! I know that you, as a scientist, have a great future, so let it contain, in addition to scientific delights, a fair share of personal happiness, love and fulfilling desires! Let your discoveries help change our world for the better!

Short congratulations on Science Day in prose

Science Day is a holiday of those who dedicated their lives scientific activity. This is a holiday of people who believe in the power of scientific thought and are aimed at discovering new things. A celebration of out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.

Every year in February, all of Russia celebrates Science Day. This is a great celebration of innovative ideas, discoveries and knowledge given to us by scientists. Today we express our gratitude to you, great minds, for your invaluable knowledge, continuous experiences, and achievements that make our lives easier and clearer. We wish you new achievements, achievements in science and, of course, world recognition!

Science is not just formulas and speeches that we mere mortals cannot understand. Every step she takes, even the smallest one, keeps our whole lives moving, and today, on Russian Science Day, I congratulate and wish all the best to our wonderful Russian scientists, wherever they work! After all, their work, in any case, is important on a planetary scale!

Science is the real engine of civilization! Today the road is open to any scientific thoughts and on the Day of Russian Science I want to congratulate our dear scientists, whose brilliant mind can hardly be comprehended! May you always have inspiration for fruitful work, and happiness for a prosperous life!

We congratulate everyone who is looking for something new, striving to learn the unknown, to know the unknown and to convey all their knowledge to people, on the day of the greatest sphere of activity in the world, Science Day! Let your hypotheses turn out to be correct, and let your conclusions always serve the good of the country.

I want to congratulate you, the main scientists of the country, who with your discoveries are making people’s lives easier, better and more comfortable. You are the key to the prosperity of our country and pride in it. You invent something that saves millions of lives. On your professional day, on Science Day, I would like to wish you even more inventions, world breakthroughs in the field of science, success and abundance of knowledge. May luck never fail you and may order and happiness reign in your life! Happy Science Day!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable scientific discoveries await you ahead! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, the desire to show your abilities and never stop there!

On Science Day, I want to congratulate you without any tricks! I know that you, as a scientist, have a great future, so let it contain, in addition to scientific delights, a fair share of personal happiness, love and fulfilling desires! Let your discoveries help change our world for the better!

I sincerely congratulate you on Russian Science Day! I want you to know that we are all proud of your achievements and wish you to continue to move forward! Don’t be afraid to build the most daring hypotheses, because they are the ones that can change the lives of all of us!

Congratulations to Russian scientists on Science Day. Thank you for the contribution you make not only to the development of our country, but also the whole world. You give amazing discoveries and delight with great achievements. We bow before your genius and talent and wish further success, prosperity, optimism.

Congratulations on Science Day


Happy Science Day! I wish all scientists new discoveries and a mountain of new knowledge! Let there be grants, confirmation of brilliant guesses and the “white” envy of colleagues! Ahead of your time, boldly walk along the path of science and increase the glory of Russia in this field!

They say that Russian science is experiencing hard times... one can probably agree with these... However, this does not in the least diminish your ardor, and this is simply wonderful! Please accept my congratulations on the Day of Russian Science, its faithful servants! Have a happy life and new scientific victories!

To the people of science, on Science Day I want to say thank you for progress, for new ideas that one day will certainly enter our lives and surprise the whole world! Be firm in your aspirations! Let your salary grow, and there will be ample opportunities for your most diverse professional activities!

Science is the real engine of civilization! Today the road is open to any scientific thoughts, and on the Day of Russian Science I want to congratulate our dear scientists, whose brilliant mind can hardly be comprehended! May you always have inspiration for fruitful work, and happiness for a prosperous life!

On Science Day, I want to congratulate you without any tricks! I know that you, as a scientist, have a great future, so let it contain, in addition to scientific delights, a fair share of personal happiness, love and fulfilling desires! Let your discoveries help change our world for the better!

To the learned man, privy to many mysteries, on the Day of Russian Science I address the most warm congratulations And sincere wishes! The main thing is to solve the main formula human life- how to become happy! May you have faithful friends, love and friendly family!

Science is not just formulas and speeches that we, mere mortals, cannot understand... Every step of it, even the smallest, keeps our whole lives in motion, and today, on Russian Science Day, I congratulate and wish all the best to our wonderful Russian scientists, wherever they work! After all, their work, in any case, is important on a planetary scale!

Your bright, inquisitive mind tirelessly searches for scientific solutions... But on Science Day, take a moment to accept congratulations from people who care about your research! We wish you enlightenment, patience and inspiration in the right areas, as well as great personal happiness!

Russian science has been held in high esteem at all times, and no matter what happens to it now, better times– just around the corner, we will surprise everyone, show that we have enough geniuses! Happy Russian Science Day, Dear Colleagues! Let's stay on our chosen path and live happily!

Sometimes it’s not easy for you scientists, but science is like beloved child, don’t abandon her, don’t leave her to the mercy of fate... On Science Day, I add to the congratulations for you best wishes– increased funding for projects, inspiration for work, success on the personal front and for long years with good health!


[in prose]

Congratulations on Science Day in prose

Science is one of the most important pillars of the state. It is she who moves society forward, develops technology, improves production and opens up new paths. On your professional holiday I wish you only happiness, health and the opportunity for self-realization! May all paths in your life lead to high technologies and discoveries. May good luck accompany you. And let every day bring satisfaction from work. Happy Science Day!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I follow your scientific career with great respect. It is immediately obvious that you are doing what you love. I wish you new interesting discoveries, interesting publications, and smart graduate students. I wish you good health, happiness, success in all your endeavors and pleasure from work for many years to come!

My dear highbrow friend! On the occasion of today's holiday, we could, of course, enter into a discussion with you regarding the Higgs boson, or Fermat's theorem, or some other nonsense that is important for you and others like you. But I prefer to once again test in practice the theses of the great Mendeleev, who achieved perfection in experiments on combining alcohol with water - uncork the bottle and drink with pleasure to your holiday. Happy Science Day!

Every year in February, all of Russia celebrates Science Day. This is a great celebration of innovative ideas, discoveries and knowledge given to us by scientists. Today we express our gratitude to you, great minds, for your invaluable knowledge, continuous experiences, and achievements that make our lives easier and clearer. We wish you new achievements, achievements in science and, of course, world recognition!

Please accept my congratulations on Science Day! I would like to wish you to continue to develop, may valuable scientific discoveries await you ahead! Thanks to people like you, science does not stand still, and life improves. I wish you good health, scientific inspiration, the desire to show your abilities and never stop there!

I want to congratulate you, the main scientists of the country, who with your discoveries are making people’s lives easier, better and more comfortable. You are the key to the prosperity of our country and pride in it. You invent something that saves millions of lives. On your professional day, on Science Day, I would like to wish you even more inventions, world breakthroughs in the field of science, success and abundance of knowledge. May luck never fail you and may order and happiness reign in your life! Happy Science Day!

Without fear of being misunderstood, underestimated, you, scientist, do not give up on your dreams! To be a scientist means to understand that your work is important, necessary, and the result depends only on you. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you good working conditions, generous funding for developments that will help all of humanity and, of course, well-deserved recognition and respect!

Science is a capricious lady. It does not reveal its secrets to everyone; not everyone is able to comprehend its laws and wisdom. You cannot become a scientist just once. A true scientist never stops learning, cognizing, discovering, inventing and creating! And you, my friend, are a Scientist with a capital S! I wish you to achieve such success that your name will go down in centuries! Happy holiday to you!

Everything that surrounds us and makes us life is easy and interesting, we owe it to science! Thank you for your bright mind, rich imagination and bold decisions. For not being afraid to do thousands of tests for the sake of one successful one. Thank you for being in your offices and laboratories, working to create the future. Happy Science Day! Victories, achievements and discoveries!
