What to do if you suddenly realize: you have no friends. Quotes about true friendship, true friends and best friends! Quotes about friends

As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer.

François La Rochefoucauld

For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

He who, for his own benefit, would let down a friend, has no right to friendship.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Friendship usually serves as a transition from mere acquaintance to enmity.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

How little friendship would survive if everyone suddenly found out what friends are saying behind his back, although just then they are sincere and impartial.

Blaise Pascal

The friendship that ended never actually began.

Publius Cyrus

Friendship is such a holy, sweet, lasting and constant feeling that it can be kept for life, unless, of course, you try to ask for a loan.

Mark Twain

Love can be unrequited. Friendship never.

Janusz Wisniewski

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters in personal life.

Karl Marx

Friendship is not such a miserable light to go out in separation.

Johann Schiller

Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.


Friendship can be strong only with the maturity of the mind and age.


There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals.

Francis Bacon

True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have really proved it to each other.

Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Friendship is based on the benefits that friends expect from each other. Deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist.

Paul Henri Holbach

Friendship is based on the similarity of characters and interests in a common common cause, and not on the pleasure that you get from the personality of another.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

What is friendship? The word, the illusion that enchants us, the shadow that follows happiness and disappears in hours of misfortune!

Oliver Goldsmith

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Friendship and community are born in people when there is a common enemy.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

The only sincere and lasting friendship is between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection that is free from all rivalry.

Auguste Comte

Quotes about friends

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.

Henry Ford

Stretching out your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.


The Lord gave us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our friends.

Ethel Mumford

In my life I have found that talking with friends is the most and most inconspicuous time-consuming thing: friends are the great time-robbers.

Francesco Petrarca

Do not rush to choose friends, even more so to change them.

Benjamin Franklin

There are people we forgive and there are people we don't forgive. The ones we don't forgive are our friends.

Henri Monterlan

But you distinguish between the shell and the core. Introducing yourself as a friend is not so smart.

Hisrav Dehlavi

You can never do too much for a devoted friend.

Henrik Ibsen

It's not so hard to die for a friend as it is to find a friend worth dying for.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you to your face, and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

Omar Khayyam

Where true friends are, there friendship is not visible.

Konstantin Simonov

Treat your friends as if they were your enemies.

Publius Cyrus

To have many friends is to have none.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

True friends are those who have "one soul in two bodies."

Michel de Montaigne

It's not about who you were born from, but who you hang out with.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Important friends - for important things ... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know.

Arthur Schopenhauer

When we lose a true friend, Nothing can heal the mental illness.

Pierre Corneille

A friend who is useless to his friend becomes a stranger to him.

Paul Henri Holbach

Everyone in the world has enemies, But save us from friends, O God!

Alexander Pushkin


For a woman, there is no greater sweetness than to sympathize with her beloved friend.

Yuri Trifonov

I am not strong, she is not strong, but together with my friend we are stronger than anyone in the world.

Linda Macfarlane

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.

Henri Monterlan

I have girlfriends, but I prefer to be friends with men. Don't trust women. The spirit of rivalry between women is indestructible.

Mary Wilson Little

She is my best friend. She thinks I'm slim, and I think she's a natural blonde.

Carrie Snow

If your husband runs away with your best friend, you will miss her very much.

Murphy's laws

Friendship is impossible between two women, one of whom dresses very well.

Lori Colvin

When I was a girl, I only had two girlfriends, and even then they were imaginary. And they only played with each other.

Reet Rudner

Yes, I have a few real girlfriends, but we don't like each other very much.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

She is such a good friend that she would throw everyone she knows into the water just to have the pleasure of getting them out.

Anna Steel

For the most part, women are so indifferent to friendship because it seems to them insipid in comparison with love.

François La Rochefoucauld

Women don't count their age. Their friends do it for them.

Yuzef Bulatovich

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.

Alphonse Carr

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.

George Santayana

Scold your friends face to face, and praise in public.


It has long been known that nothing paints a young girl and raises her self-esteem like having a girlfriend.

Victoria Platova

Female friends kiss each other when they meet because they can't bite.

Magdalena the Pretender

In a friend you find yourself.

Isabelle Norton

A good friend can tell you the truth of the uterus. True, in a minute it will no longer be the best ...

Arthur Brisbane

Mothers confess, they are frank with their girlfriends.

Jeanne Marie Rolland

Incredible Facts

Best friends have a special place in our lives.

They don't get the title of "best" from scratch.

This prize is won by them after a lot of joy, effort, deprivation, fellowship and love.

A best friend, on the other hand, will stand up for your honor to the end, because he knows the price of loyalty.

7. Buddies can be your supporters, but the best friend is the one who will always be there.

If you happen to find your dream job, your buddies may warn you of the competition you'll face while vying for a spot.

Your best friend may also tell you this, however, he will be the one to cheer you up. It will definitely emphasize all the qualities, skills and experience that you can get in a new place.

8. Friends are just joking, and best friends remember all the funny episodes with you.

Your best friend remembers all your jokes and can pull them out of memory at the first opportunity. Buddies most often have difficulty remembering small episodes, and often do not even remember them.

9. Buddies can help you, but your best friend is available 24/7

You may feel shy to call a friend at 2 am if you are very unwell, but your best friend will certainly help with advice.

Difference between friend and buddy

10. Friends often don't know how to keep secrets, best friends can

Often when you ask your buddies not to talk about something, it doesn't happen, but with your best friend you always know that your secret is safe.

11. Friends will rarely tell you about your mistakes, best friends do it much more often.

Each of us makes mistakes in relationships, at work and in family affairs. Buddies will rarely agree to try on your problems, but the best friend will always tell you what went wrong and where, and also help you avoid repeating the mistake.

12. Friends are always ready not to be in debt, the best friend does not think about profit

Whether it be material goods or services, a friend is always ready to pay and expects the same from you. With best friends, this scheme does not work, no one bills anyone.

13. Friends do not understand all the intricacies of your personal life, best friends understand very well

Buddies are not willing to invest time and effort in you, so you often feel not confident enough to dedicate a friend to all the details. The best friend is an excellent listener, he remembers all the details: both bad and good.

14. Buddies are strict with time, best friends are more flexible in this sense.

Of course, punctuality is an important feature, but friends can often react very harshly to your lateness of 20 minutes. The best friend is relaxed and will find something to do while waiting for you.

Friend, comrade or buddy?

15. Friends fear your obsessions, best friends accept

We all have obsessions. You should be more careful with friends, because they may consider you strange, not fitting into some of their ideas of normality. Best friends just laugh it off when they hear about each other's obsessions.

16. Buddies don't really like it when they hear the same thing from you, best friends love repeating stories.

Old stories, anecdotes, some small funny stories ... We think about all this when we communicate with friends, and often carefully think over the conversation, because we are afraid to repeat ourselves.

Probably, many have ever been tormented by the unpleasant feeling that one of the friends or buddies, in fact, is not as sincere as he wants to show, and in general is trying to use friendship or acquaintance for some own selfish purposes, not very related with friendship.

Of course, personal relationships are a very delicate matter, and everyone builds them in their own way, but I finally decided on 5 signs, each of which gives reason to think about whether they are “honestly” friends with you.

1. A friend gets in touch only when he/she needs something, be it financial help or advice, recommendations, etc. After receiving them, he disappears again. On the contrary, the rest of the time avoids communication.

2. A friend is often noticed in a “petty set-up”: he tells others the details of your conversations with him, to the place and not the place, including those that you would not want to spread, reveals your small and big secrets, passes off your ideas as his own gossiping about you. If you catch yourself thinking that you do not trust this person, this is not friendship.

3. A friend often forgets to invite you to meetings of a common company, organizes events where he invites your friends, but not you. On the contrary, he rarely agrees to your calls to join any company. If you feel that one of your friends is often not happy to see you in a common company, prefers not to be on the same territory with you, or constantly meets with your other friends separately from you - this is a big reason to think. If you have a feeling that you are superfluous in this companies - nafik this company, if you feel superfluous for some person - nafik this person.

4. A friend abruptly changes his attitude towards you after he receives the material or intangible values ​​​​he needs, whether it be money, intercession before his superiors or help in something, in other words, he behaves like a cat that has been fed and is no longer going to purr and to play and is about to go to sleep. In general, if a person often changes his attitude towards you, this is an occasion to think about his sincerity.

5. A friend is only interested in certain aspects of your life, but most of it is completely indifferent to him. For example, he is interested in your conversations about work, but when you try to raise any personal topic, he quickly falls silent. Or, on the contrary, he is ready to talk with you about any trifle, but he avoids difficult conversations.

What to do if you suspect a friend or buddy of insincerity:

Analyze if you yourself are an asshole, my friend © Marbls

Sit down and relax, go online and drink tea, in short, leave these thoughts until tomorrow. Everyone has little bouts of paranoia and should not be given room to rage and destroy a truly valuable relationship. But, if such thoughts do not let you go for several days, then the situation is already serious.

Firmly decide for yourself: either terminate this relationship if it is burdensome, or leave it, but do not treat this person too door-to-door. It's sad, but true - friendship "by calculation" rarely develops into true friendship, so is there any point in pulling it?

Such friendship can even be used. Do you feel like a colleague is taking advantage of you for a promotion or an easier job? Use it in the same direction: you have the advantage of disguise in your hands - he thinks that you haven't figured him out)

But (!) Most importantly, do not overdo it with suspicion, even when people are sincere friends, sometimes they need help, then it is important not to turn out to be a bad friend and not leave a comrade in trouble.

In this article, we will talk with you about what to do if a girl says we are just friends and why she says that in general. Unfortunately, almost every second man in our country sooner or later came across such a hateful phrase - “Let's just stay friends”, and the most annoying thing is that you most likely like the girl very much, you can say you almost fell in love with her, and that makes it even more painful.

Let me first tell you why this is happening, why she suddenly says that, and then we’ll think together what to do about it. So. Imagine the situation, or rather - let me guess - You, maybe at a party of friends, maybe even (for which you have a separate respect) and.

I'll tell you this:

  1. First, it's really a problem.
  2. Secondly, this problem is in you, and not in the girls.
  3. This problem is not one-time, you have every chance to hear it again, already from another girl
  4. It must be urgently addressed, otherwise who knows how many good girls you will miss
  5. You can solve it only by coming to us for effective communication with women.

See what you can learn from our trainings.

So you will get acquainted, and now imagine what you will do on a date ...

What to do if a girl offered friendship

In general, getting out of the friend zone is not very easy, but you can try (if it doesn’t work out, then you will at least say later that you tried and did everything you could).

Firstly, you need to try to get her out on a date, and so that only you and she are on it. Invite her to a cafe (no movies or skiing), put her on the couch next to you. Then, in a conversation, try to show as much of your masculine qualities as possible by telling her stories from your life. Then start it, gradually, like in one of my dating videos that you can watch here on the blog in the "Video" section.

But only now you need to be bolder, because the girl will tell you that you are friends and if you don’t touch it, she will just leave. And, if she leaves, then you will lose her, and as a friend, but, it can be for the best - you will not poison your soul in vain. And if it does not go away, be sure to come with her to have sex. You simply have to do it. If you don't take it now, you can forget about it.

That's about what you can do if a girl says we're just friends, no more, but there's little chance. It’s better to put up with it and don’t let it happen in the future, but for this come to the training

When was the last time you made a new friend? Not a friend to exchange jokes at work, but a real close person whom you called would in a difficult situation. If you are over 20, you must have wondered what to do if you have no friends.

Suspects: work, family, "not enough time"

Many people guess why with age friendship is relegated to the background. We build a career for 40 hours a week, we have a family and children, and there is no time left for everything else.

Study How Do Women Spend Their Time?, conducted by Real Simple and the Families and Work Institute, showed that 52% of women aged 25 to 54 have less than 90 minutes of free time per day, and 29% of women have less than 45 minutes. It's not enough to even watch an episode of Game of Thrones, let alone build friendships.

It is unlikely that in men these indicators are very different.

When a person reaches the middle of life, his youthful impulses to explore everything in a row are irrevocably gone. Priorities change and people often become picky about their friends.

Alex Williams, reporter for The New York Times

No matter how wide your inner circle is, fatalism spares no one. Adolescence and student years behind. Now the time has come for “friends in a situation” or just good acquaintances.

When people become adults, it is as if an invisible barrier appears between them. They get to know each other, have fun talking, but do not spend as much time together as before.

As people age, they are less likely to form friendships. At the same time, they become closer with those friends that they already have.

Laura L. Carstensen, professor of psychology at Stanford University

She suggested that the human psyche reacts to significant life events, this includes the date of 30 years. It comes to the realization that life is shortening. It's time to finish learning new things, you need to pay more attention to what is here and now.

Friends are no longer needed for survival

Another reason why we struggle to expand our inner circle later in life is that it is no longer necessary. In youth, friendship is an important part of personal and social development. We need friends to understand who we really are and how to decide.

Of course, no one thinks about this when they make friends at school. We are not particularly picky and start to be friends just like that. Do you sit at the same desk with me and also hate the teacher? High five!

Once personality is formed, we need something more to become friends. Circumstances alone are no longer enough. You can have the same problems and views with a person, you will share them, and then you will disperse and will only say hello politely.

What can be done about it

It would seem, well, okay, why new friends, because there are old ones. But if an adult loses his former connections, what then?

In the lives of many of us, three important things are missing: emotional closeness, repeated unplanned interactions, and. Without them, you cannot build strong relationships. So if you're in your 30s, you won't be able to make real friends anymore? Not at all.

Tracey Moore, a Jezebel author, suggests that you just need to change your attitude: “Let's say you moved to a new city and you don't know anyone there. Or old friends now seem so impudent that you even wonder how you communicated with them for the last 10 years. In any case, you should take the search for buddies as an exciting quest.

Of course, you need to get out of the house and communicate with people with similar interests.

Here are some examples:

  • look for thematic meetings in your city, for example, through communities of interest to you on social networks;
  • sign up for courses: dance, yoga, master classes in decorating art, wrestling;
  • start and walk with other owners and their pets;
  • travel, find a new hobby, sign up as a volunteer.

Strive to where life boils. Chat with different people. It is possible that you will find a friend when you least expect it.

There are also advantages

As difficult as it is to expand your inner circle as an adult, the game is worth the candle. Mature friendships have many advantages over children's friendships:

  • your relationship will be tied to common interests that might not have been while studying at school or at the university;
  • no restrictions: make friends with a big difference in age or on the Internet;
  • friendship will be more relaxed: it is unlikely that an adult will be offended because of, because he knows that everyone has things to do;
  • You will begin to value time with loved ones more.

When you get to know yourself, new friendships can become deeper than those left from your school days. And like any good relationship, over time it will get deeper and stronger.
