Scenario March 8 in speech therapy group. Dance composition "Russian Mamba"

Children enter the hall to the music and become a semicircle.

Vedas: Whose birthday is today?
Who is the cake for?
For whom spring bloomed
The first March flower?
For whom? For whom?
Guess yourself!
Both cake and flower
We will give…

All: Mom!

1 reb: Happy holiday
And the end of winter
dear mother
We congratulate!

2 reb: Never will
Mom upset
Housekeeping for mom
Let's help.

3 reb: To our mother
Finishing all things
In the evening of spring
I could rest.

4 reb: We will dance for mom,
Let's sing a song
We congratulate mom
Happy Women's Day!

The song "Congratulations to mothers"

Vedas: Today, going to kindergarten, I met ... But guess who:
Who has a mustache
Is the muzzle striped?
The back is like a bridge
Behind the bridge - a ponytail?

Children: Kitten!

Vedas: Yes, that's right, kitten. Kittens, show yourself.

Two kittens come out.

1 cat: The two of us are mischievous
We misbehaved
Didn't listen to mommy
The porridge was badly eaten.

2 cat: We played, indulged,
And now they're lost.
How can we get home?

Together: Oh, don't let us fall!

Vedas: Sorry for the kittens, right, guys? Let's help them find their mother! Let's go to Kiskino station! And here comes the bus! Conductors, hand out tickets, please!

Children-"conductors" hand out tickets that match the shape and color with geometric shapes on the backs of the chairs that form the bus.

Vedas: Passengers, take seats on tickets! (Children get on the "bus"). Go!

Exercise "Bus"

Vedas: The bus rushes to Kiskino!
We are passing Blizkino!
We are passing Miskino!
But Kiskino is not visible!

Hey funny dancers
Are you tired of sitting?
Come out, dance!
We want to see the dance!

Pair dance.

Vedas: We are going on the bus,
We have a long way to go!
Tell us ... (name)
How did you help your mom?

Poem Helper.

Vedas: And now we will play,
Let's cheer our moms on!
Let their bright smiles
We will be happier!

Game "Bring purchases from the store."
The game "Hang up the handkerchiefs."

Vedas: Here are the musicians
They go great.
And the tools are being brought
Listen and wonder
Admire the talents!

Grandmother dear.
M. Sidorova

dear grandmother,
My darling,
More than anything in the world
I love you!
For your wrinkles
I will pass my hand...
In the whole world there is no
Grandmothers are like that.
I will never
Grieve you.
Just be healthy
My grandmother!

Vedas: Our holiday is cheerful today,
So let's hurry
Gently we sing a song
About your grandmother!

Song my grandmother.

Vedas: Here we are passing through the forest.
How many miracles he hides!
But what's going on
There behind the window?
Let's stop the bus
We are a little!

Animals come out: Hedgehog, Bear, Wolf, Fox, Bird, Hare.

Vedas: In the forest at the edge
The animals have gathered.
And they began to think and guess.
“How are we going to congratulate moms?”

Hedgehog: Two apples from the summer
Saved for mom.
I will give them
On this bright day.

Medv: I'm from a bush in the summer
Shake raspberries.
And dear mommy
Stock up for the holiday.

Wolf: To you, my mother,
Gift from son
I blinded today
From plasticine.
Live ram
We don't have a forest.
I will give this
You for lunch!

Fox: I am a mirror in the grove
Found it under the tree.
I admired him
How much could!
But I'd rather give it
Mom is a beauty
Let him look into it
And she likes herself!

Bird: And I'm a spikelet
Found in the field.
For mom - titmouse
Saved him!

Hare: Cabbage
I raised myself.
Let mom crunch
I'll give it to her!

Vedas: You congratulated your dear mothers!
Beloved, and lovely, and glorious such!
But, every mother from a daughter-son
I would always like to receive flowers!

All: Spring flowers
We will collect!
And to their mothers
Let's take it from the heart!

A boy comes out with a drawing in his hands and reads a poem.

Flowers for mom.
Z. Petrova.

I came to my mother today
With congratulations and flowers,
Mom looking at the bouquet
Smiled back at me
And said that the flowers
Unprecedented beauty.
These poppies, these roses
And daisies and mimosa
I did not tear, did not buy:
I drew them myself!

Vedas: Hurrah! We've arrived guys!
And Kiskino is very happy with us!

To the music, Mother Cat enters the hall.

Cat: I'm in trouble.
I don't understand how it happened
That I lost kittens.
Where did you look for them!
Why did you run away from home?
Maybe you met them?

Vedas: Yes, here they are!

The kittens run up to the cat.

1 cat-k: Forgive us, mom - Cat,
We've been a little off!

2 cat-to: We will not indulge
And let's forget about quarrels!

Cat: I forgive you, so be it!
Just don't fool around anymore!

Vedas: We will sing a song to mothers,
And Happy Women's Day!

The song "Golden Mother".

Cat: Guys, have you prepared gifts for your mothers?

Vedas: And how!
Let's show our caring mothers,
How we have fun, play and dance!
"Kulich for Mom"

At the end of the dance, the children hold Easter cakes on their palms.

Cat: You tried not in vain,
Worked great!
Well done, thank you!
Congratulate your moms!

Children give their mothers gifts "Kulich".

Vedas: So the holiday ends.
We want to wish you
Never be sad
And do not be discouraged!
May spring smiles
You will be warmed
AND good mood
Bring to every home!

Concert for beloved mothers and grandmothers.

Written by: Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
To develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech, the ability to correctly pronounce the set sounds in front of a large audience.
Raise the desire to please loved ones with poems, songs, dances.
Show parents what success their children have achieved in the formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

Description: The script was written for children of the senior speech therapy group. All roles are played by children. The material will be useful to music directors, educators, speech therapists.

Event progress.

Children enter the hall to the music.
Child: The guests are already seated.
But where are the mothers?
Where can you chill?
How much can you dress up?

Child: Look, here they go -
We love our dear mothers so much,
That we will never forget them.

To the music, mothers enter the hall and take their places.

Child: Mom - what a beautiful word,
There is no better one in the world.
You say "mom" - it will shine in your soul
Sweet, gentle light.

Child: Mom, like an asterisk, it illuminates the path,
Mom loves you so much.
Dear mother, I dedicate to you
These tender words.

Child: Let every word
Carries my love
The heart warms
From very tender words!

Child: I love my mom very much
Hello to her hot sender,
But not only to her,
I send to my grandmother too.

Song dear grandmothers and mothers.

Child: We thought for a long time, decided:
What to give our mothers?
After all, we said a gift
Should be the best!

Child: We cannot give a "jacuzzi"
And we can't buy a ticket to Cyprus.

Child: It is also difficult to give us a foreign car.
What to give our mothers?

Child: And the answer came by itself:
We'll give you a ticket to the concert!
All numbers will be performed by ourselves
In a concert that was invented by us.

Child: I'm sorry if that's not right
After all, being an artist is not a trifle!

Child: You won't find better artists in the world,
Though they are not uncles, even though they are not aunts.
Who is the most talented in the world?
Well, of course, your children!

The song "Oh you freckle-spring" with playing musical instruments.

Child: We continue our concert
Simple, warm words.
Heartfelt and big regards
To everyone here, sitting in front of us.

Child: There is nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
Like the light of the sun,
Darkness will dispel unsteady!

Child: Like a tail shine
Gold fish -
Joy will immediately bring
Mom's smile!

Song mother's smile.

The children sit down.

Child: Dear girls, congratulations to you,
Sea of ​​smiles, sunshine!
Be kind, be gentle.
The boys send you spring greetings!

The scene "How to surprise girls?"

Child: What to give the girls
So that we can beat them on the spot?
this problem for a long time
The boys made up their minds.
But time passed, but how should they be,
They didn't know yet.

Child: Candy is the best gift!

Child: Chur, I give candy to Ksyusha!

Child: No, they don't need caries -
We'll eat our own candy!

Child: A gift is better than all sweets -
It's a good gun
For example, "colt" or "revolver"

Child: Understand, a girl is not a boy!
How can she play with a gun?
Shoot teddy bears?

Child: Let's get them flowers!

Child: But where are we going to find them in March?

Child: And what do we do then?

All: Girls are the only problem

Child: I know what to do!
Let's try to surprise them:
Pleasant moments in the morning
From us for every compliment…

Child: Wow! How cunning you are!
And then what?

Child: Girls games.

Child: Should we play dolls with them?

Child: Day will have to wait.
But we are men! Do you agree?
Who agrees"? (everyone raises their right hand)
Well, well, - "unanimously"!

Child: Or maybe give a dance?
Here's how to surprise girls!

Dance to the song "We honestly want to tell you ...".

Child: All the girls in our group
New clothes change every day.
They will put on a dress -
Then in very fashionable trousers they will go out for a walk.
Just outside the window again
The drops will ring
Turn girls
Our garden in the Model House.

Fashion girls come out.

Girl: Take a look at our dresses
After all, the outfit is from Yudashkin.

Girl: Hairstyles are top notch too.
They were made to order!

Girl: Well, on our feet we have shoes with heels!

Girl: To overwhelm you with beauty
We had to put clips on.

All fashionistas sit down, except for one. A boy comes out and gives her flowers.

Boy: On this festive day
Delicate and spring
Everyone gives a boy
Sweet congratulations.

Girl: And my soul is on fire
And hearts are on fire.
And they go together
And the eyes are shining.

Dance to the song "Do you love me? - Yeah! ..."

Child: Who is in the kitchen with the cook
Is it always on the stove?
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?

Child: Who in the world is the tastiest
Do you always bake pies?
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?

Child: Who will sing us a song at night,
To sweetly we fell asleep?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course - grandma!

Child: Grandma and I are friends!
After all, she is just like me!
Goes to the circus for a performance
Likes fairy tales and jam.
And, of course, grandmother
Like pancakes:
Bakes them tirelessly
Well, I ... put them in my mouth!

Song about grandma.

Child: Well, now we need a hostess with humor,
To tell us stories.

Child: Regina, as in "Full House" to us!

Child: But this is a holiday for lovely ladies!

Child: Then the guys to us with sickly humor,
Like Zadorny, Mikhail!

Dance to the song "Grandmothers, old women" (boys dance)

Child: We congratulate our teachers
We wish you health and happiness in life!
We love you very much, thank you again,
For your care, for your love!

Child: We want to thank you
For kindness and patience
And with this dance you raise
Up to the sky mood!

Dance "Fixies".

Child: I have a big laundry
I'm not too lazy to wash clothes,
I pour water in the trough
And I wash all day.
In soap foam, in soap foam
All linens will be clean.
I wash and iron
Even your dress
If, mother, you want
I'll wash yours too!

Dance "Washing".

Child: Anyone who lives in this world
Who can love, think and breathe,
On our sinful blue planet
Rodney and closer words no than mother.
We are our mothers, dear mothers
Hearts and lives will be given without words.
For us they are truly holy,
It doesn't matter that there are no halos at the heads.
Where do all mothers on earth take strength and patience?
To hide anxieties and worries, and give happiness to you and me!

Dance to the song "I will tie your life."

Child: You were invited to the feast
To give gifts.
We've been waiting for this hour for a long time.
Cheerful, loud, bright.

Child: We thought for a long time, decided:
What to give our mothers?
And we decided to do
Flowers for all mothers.

Child: Yes, so that they can
Make all your mom's dreams come true.

Child: I will give my mother not a simple flower.
Desires fulfill every petal.

Child: Let the first give a dress that he wants,
And the second will deliver her a ticket to Sochi.

Child: Let the third give mommy warmth.

Child: The fourth for work, so that she is always lucky.

Child: And the next leaf is so tender!
I want my mother to always be with me!

Child: Dear mothers, kind, gentle,
Accept these magical flowers!
You be beautiful like these flowers,
And surround everyone with the warmth of kindness!

Children give gifts to their mothers.

I propose a script for the holiday, finalized together with the musical director. This is a kind of lifesaver in case, for some reason, it is not possible to organize what was planned. in my case - a mass illness of children right before the holiday, but I don’t want to postpone the celebration.



Concert "Gift for Moms"

Senior group 2011-2012

Introductory part of the concert:

  1. Musical entrance to the hall.
  2. "Spring Song"
  3. Poetry:

Today is our happy holiday.

We congratulate our mothers.

Health, happiness and good luck

We sincerely wish you! (Sonya)

Warmed by the spring sun

Spring streams run.

Greetings from a young spring

They pass it on to all of us. (Pasha)

4. Dance "Spring is red."

Congratulations to moms:

Vedas: “This holiday is the most important,

This holiday is the most glorious

All children have mothers

Everyone is happy to congratulate them!”


"Who warms with love,

Everything in the world succeeds

Even play a bit?

Who will always comfort you

And wash and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - smack?

This is how she always is

My mother is dear!"

  1. Scene "Our mothers"

"I'll tell you, friends, straight to you,

Simply and without further ado:

Swap places with mom

I've been ready for a long time!" (Zhenya)

“Well, think about worries:

Strika, ironing, shop,

Holes in pants, compotes...

It doesn't take that much power!" (Danya)

“But is life easy for us?

After all, worries are endless:

Learn a poem

Songs, dances, round dance...

How tired I am!

It would be better if I became a mother ”(Zhora)

“I then told my friends:

“There are many good mothers in the world,

But I guarantee not to find

A mother like mine!"

I love her very much

Mommy, my mommy!" (Alyosha)

  1. Song "Mom and I" (children become a semicircle)

Congratulations to grandmothers:

Vedas: “And we have grandmothers

They bake pancakes

Knit warm socks

They know fairy tales and poems.

We love our grandmothers

We will organize congratulations to them in a moment!”

  1. Poetry:

"I got up early today

The whole house is still sound asleep.

The first grandmother

Happy Women's Day!" (Danya)

"I'll hug her tight

And I will quickly press my cheek.

I promise that obedient

I will also learn to be! (Vlad)

  1. Song "Grandma"

Vedas: “Our grandmothers are relatives

Everyone is happy to congratulate you

Children in this room

They want to dance for you!”

  1. Dance "Grandma" (group "Lube")

After the dance, the children stand in a semicircle, the teacher gives out spoons, reading the verse:

Vedas: “We dance and sing,

And we read poetry

And now the orchestra is playing

In our wonderful hall!

4. Orchestra.

After the orchestra, the teacher and Sonya collect spoons. The girls sit on chairs. The boys are standing.

Vedas: “And this is a congratulation for all our girls.

For them, our kindergarten is festively decorated today.

And every boy wants so much for everyone

To say that you are sweeter in the world, more beautiful than everyone "

  1. Song for girls (boys stand in front of girls)

After the song, they invite you to dance.

  1. Dance with headscarves. Children sit down.

Vedas: “In this hall we are today

Congratulations to all guys:

Our girls - with spring,

The boys are like future soldiers.

  1. Presentation of gifts.

Vedas: “We can’t do without boys

The girls are sad!
Here are the guys to take as friends,

Moms don't brag.

  1. Dance "Friend"

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Final part of the concert:

  1. Administration word.

Vedas: “This holiday is a wonderful day.

Dancing all day is not too lazy.

We don't want to sit still

We will dance together

Each with his mother,

Together will be more fun!

  1. Dance "Mother and Daughter"
  2. Poetry:

"Happy holiday today

Congratulations mom

I'm tight around the neck

I hug my mom!" (Pauline)

"The most beautiful

My mommy.

obedient all day long

I promise to be!” (Gosh)

  1. Presentation of gifts.
  2. Conclusion:

“Our concert has come to an end. I would like to thank Zhenya's dad for the idea and great help in making gifts for our mothers. And once again I would like to congratulate all women on Women's Day. May there always be spring in the soul!

Lyudmila Gorokhova

Children enter the hall to the soundtrack of "Mother's Themes", A. Rybnikov, with yellow balloons.

Presenter: Sunbeam looked into this room

I gathered dear guests in our hall.

You are with us now - this is a great joy,

So let congratulations sound unceasingly!

Does the sun shine brighter?

2 child: Because our mothers

The best in the world.

3 child: I will kiss my mother tightly, I will hug her dear,

I love her very much, my mother is my sunshine!

4 child: The sun warms everyone, mom caresses us.

Mom, like the sun, there is only one.

Children stand scattered around the room.

The song "My Sunshine" is performed,

music and lyrics by Y. Zhabko

Performing "Dance with balls"

(at the end, the children recite “Mom is my sun”, release the balls and sit on the chairs).

Presenter: Who sings a song there? Who is coming to our party?

Freckles enters to the music.

Freckle: Hi all! Here I am. Didn't you recognize me?

I - spring freckle, I - Freckle - konopushka.

All the guys know me, they love me for my beauty.

In the spring I appear at the guys' nose!

They say that I am a frisky, and a funny laugher,

I will entertain you, we will congratulate moms.

Let `s start? Congratulations mom? Did you sing the song? Have you already given gifts?

Presenter: You see, Freckles, the guys haven't decided what to give their mom.

Freckle: What is there to think. You have to give her what she wants. Do you know what your mom wants more than anything in the world?

(Children's answers.)

Now we'll find out.

I have sunshine.

It will roll on mother's hands,

What mothers dream about, it will tell us.

(Freckle gives the “sun” to their mothers. While the children are singing, they pass it from hand to hand. With the end of the song, the “sun” stops.)

Children sing:

Freckle: Here the sun has stopped. Now I know what your mother thinks. (comes to mom)

(leans in and says) What to cook for dinner today?

What to feed the family?

Presenter: Calm down, don't worry. And don't worry about dinner. Today it will be prepared for you by real masters, our best chefs.

(group of boys exits)

The song-dance "Little Housewives" is performed,

music and lyrics by E. A. Lemtal, (magazine "Kolokolchik", No. 57, 2014)

Freckle: Well done hostesses. I hope mom enjoys this dinner. Well, our sun rolled on.

Children sing: Roll, roll, sun, on your mother's hands.

What mommy dreams about, you will tell us all.

Freckle: Sunny, we listen to you. What is mom thinking now? (approaches mom) Tell me quietly in my ear ...

(leans over and "says") How quickly time flies, and tomorrow I have to work again. And in the morning it is very necessary to have time - someone to go to kindergarten, someone to gather for work. And most would not be late.

Presenter: How many worries does mom have.

Freckle: We need to collect my mother's daughter in kindergarten!

Need help future men-boys.

(Brings a chair with clothes to the center of the hall). You need to put on a jacket, a hat, a scarf, mittens and a backpack for your mother's daughter!

Presenter: Freckle, yes, this is a very responsible matter. Will our guys make it?

Freckle: And we'll check it out now. Guys, who are we brave. Who will help mom?

The game "Collect a little sister to kindergarten" is being held

The game involves 4 couples. The boys dress the girls. Whoever completes the task first, he receives the title of "Mom's Fastest Helper".

Freckle: There you go, you're all set. Mom can go to work in peace.

Children sing: Roll, roll, sun, on your mother's hands.

What mommy dreams about, you will tell us all.

Freckle: Look, the sun has stopped at Grandma's.

Presenter: Because grandmothers are waiting for congratulations. From their own grandchildren

Waiting for when poems and songs, Will sound for them!

1 child: Congratulations to dear grandmothers We are in a hurry with all our hearts,

AND thanks a lot We want to tell them everything!

2 child: Everyone in the world has their own grandmother, But believe me better than anyone .... All children: My grandmother!

3 child: Grandmother - grandmother I love very much, For my grandmother I will sing a song!

The song "Grandma" is performed,

music and words by V. Kondratenko,

(magazine " Musical director, No. 3, 2014"

Presenter: And what our grandmothers dream about, the sun has not yet told us.

Freckle: Sunny, we listen to you. What is grandma thinking?

(approaches grandmother) Tell me quietly in my ear ...

(leans over and speaks)

When I was little, I also sang, danced (dreamy)

And play with dolls! Is it possible to look into Childhood,

At least for a few minutes?

Presenter: Of course, anything is possible today!

Freckles: Just close your eyes for a moment.

Doll girls come out and read poetry.

I am Tanya doll

Favorite toy,

I can blink my eyes

And I came to you to dance.

I am Arisha doll!

Friends, hush, hush!

Came to kindergarten and maybe

I can make you dance.

I am a doll Alenka,

Cheerful girl!

I also dance on the shoulder!

I want to perform too!

I am Tamara doll

I love dancing as a couple!

And I'll dance too

To any music!

I am doll Natasha

We will all dance for you

We are clockwork dolls

Girls are naughty!

Not barbie foreign,

We are not Winx on-screen,

Not Russian Matryoshkas.

Ordinary puppets.

Everyone loves to play with us

Dress up, feed, bathe!

We were invited to the feast

They made new dresses for us.

`Puppet` us turn on!

Announce the puppet dance!

When the factory ends

Let's finish the dance.

Performing "Dance of the Dolls"

music by D. Shostakovich.

Freckle: Look, our sun rolled further.

Children sing: Roll, roll, sun, on your mother's hands.

What mommy dreams about, you will tell us all.

Freckle: The sun has stopped. Now I know what your mother thinks. (approaches mom) Tell me quietly in my ear ...

(leans over and speaks)

Oh, what lovely kids, our daughters and sons.

How I want them to be friends, everyone in the world lived.

Child: We are in our garden, we live very friendly.

We love to play together, sing songs and dance.

The dance "Well, goodbye" is performed,

music by I. Strauss "Polka"

Presenter: Here are some friendly and funny guys!

Freckle: And I release the sun again to my mothers.

Children sing: Roll, roll, sun, on your mother's hands.

What mommy dreams about, you will tell us all.

Freckle: Now I know what your mother thinks.

(comes to mom) Tell me quietly in my ear...

(leans over and speaks)

And the singers here and the dancers, the pranksters and dreamers.

All the talents are innumerable. Do you have musicians?

Presenter: Of course have! The festive men's orchestra continues our concert.

Dads, come out, boys, run! Disassemble maracas, spoons

Well, girls and mothers, prepare all your hands!

Orchestra exit.

Child: There is nowhere such a holiday as in our kindergarten.

We, together, together with dads, congratulate you now!

Dad: Everything around became very clear, we can’t count the flowers today.

We congratulate you on a wonderful International Women's Day!

Performed by the Orchestra.

Presenter: That's great! Real musicians! Guys, let's sing a song to the sun again.

Children sing: Roll, roll, sun, on your mother's hands.

What mommy dreams about, you will tell us all.

Freckle: comes to my mother) Tell me quietly in my ear ...

(leans over and speaks)

Our children - well done, do not let you get bored!

So much fun that you want to play with them!

Presenter: Guys, listen, mothers dream of playing!

A dance game “Who will hug his mother faster?”

Children scattered in the center of the hall.

Host: Oh, the children are gone! Mommy, help me find them!

The mothers stand in a circle. Music plays - mothers walk in a circle, and children close their eyes with their hands. When the music ends, the children open their eyes and rush to find their mother and hug her. After dancing with mom. Spin around in a boat, clap their hands. The game is played 2 times (with boys, then with girls)

Freckle: Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?

Allow me to wish goodbye to everyone!

Be cheerful, healthy. Give good light to everyone!

Come visit again and live for many years!


Presenter: Dear mothers. Today your kids tried to make your dreams come true, but they have one more surprise waiting for you in the group!

Once again, we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all the best and kindest! May the smiles of your children always warm you!

Children and parents leave the music room.

Presentation of gifts in a group:

1 child: We love you dearly. To all our grandmothers and mothers!

We decided to please you - everyone made a gift himself!

2 child: Let the sun give warmth to every mother,

Let's say in chorus that we are very

Together: We love her!

Children give "suns" to their mothers.

"Spring holiday is the best»,

for children of the middle speech therapy group.

Musical director Rudinskaya E.V.


Creation festive mood children and adults who came to the holiday.


1. To instill love for a native person - for mother, grandmother.

2. Diversify the leisure time of children and parents.

3. Develop Creative skills children.


Ribbons, scarves, red caps, baskets, flowers - for dancing.

Dolls, diapers, preparations for a beauty salon, felt-tip pens, rope, clothespins, linen, baskets - for games.

Trees, a house, a mirror, a basket of cakes, glasses, a table - for a scene.

Preliminary work.

1. Learn thematic poems and songs: “Congratulatory song”, words and music by T.M. Ostrovskoy, "Today is Mother's Day", "Mother's Day", lyrics by A. Marashchyan, music by A. Lusinyan, "Song about Mom", "My Grandmother", music and lyrics by L. Kuklina.

2. Learning dances: " magic flower”, “Matryoshka”, “Kindergarten”, “Pancakes”.

3. To learn with mothers a song-alteration to the motive of the song "Smile" and the dance "We are walking along the path with mother."

4. Invite parents to the party.


Host, narrator, Little Red Riding Hood's mother, Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, wolf-adults.

Little Red Riding Hood Child middle group.

The course of the holiday.

Fanfare sounds.

The Leader and the boys come to the center of the hall, become a semicircle.

1st boy.

Spring walks through the yards

In the rays of heat and light!

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we enjoy it!


With a good holiday, spring and tender

Children hurry to congratulate you!

And may they remain in the heart for a long time

These happy moments!

2nd boy.

Dancing golden ray

A little hand mirror back,

Today is not an easy day

It is a holiday today…

All boys.

Mother's day!

3rd boy.

Why is the eighth of March

Does the sun shine brighter?

Because our moms...

All boys.

The best in the world!


The hall sparkles with smiles,

The guests sat down!

But someone is missing...


Our lovely ladies!

The nose is powdered, the eyes are painted,

Turning in front of the mirror.

Hush - hush, our ladies

Here will appear now!

Most beautiful,

Dear, dear,

The girls are great

Very cute!

Girls enter the hall to the music, stand next to the boys.


Everyone is ready for the holiday

So what are we waiting for?

We are beloved mothers

Happy Women's Day!

“Congratulatory song” is performed, words and music by T.M. Ostrovskaya.

1st couplet.

We are celebrating today

Glorious holiday of our mothers.

We, you, mothers, congratulate

And we wish you happiness.

2nd couplet.

We give you all the smiles

Let's sing a song together.

Our mothers are relatives,

Congratulations on Women's Day!

The children sit down.

1st child.

Spring, spring outside

Smiles here and there

We are happy spring

Congratulations moms!

2nd child.

Let our mothers today

It will be fun and light.

We want moms to know

All children.

We love you dearly!

3rd child.

We want to say thank you

For kindness and patience!

And raise this holiday

Up to the sky mood!

4th child.

And now, in an elegant hall,

We will sing for our mothers

Dear, this song

All children.

From the bottom of our hearts we give to you!

The song "Today is Mother's Day" is performed. Performed by Anastasia Podkalyuk, Maria Mirgorodskaya, Kristina Astakhova.

1st couplet.

Today is mother's day

Today is mother's day

I know mom loves

Carnation and lilac.

I know, I know,

Carnation and lilac.

2nd couplet.

But there are no lilacs in March,

Can't get the cloves.

Or maybe on a leaf

Draw flowers.

Is it possible, is it possible

Draw flowers.

3rd couplet.

I'll take this picture

Above my mother's table

And dear mother

Congratulations on Women's Day!

And mom and mom

Congratulations on Women's Day!

1st child.

Today all over the world

The holiday is big and bright.

Listen, mothers, listen

Children congratulate you!

2nd child.

Let the sun shine gently

Let the birds greet the dawn

About the most wonderful thing in the world

I'm talking about my mom!

3rd child.

We must decide together

How can we congratulate our mother?

4th child.

Shake out the rug, wipe it,

We will clean everything ourselves.

The whole house will be clean -

Here's a present for mom.

5th child.

Sweep the floors clean

Let's cook dinner.

We will wash the dishes

What else would be needed?

6th child.

Today we will lay the table

Let's sing a ringing song.

We will arrange a holiday for mom,

Let's say together:

All children.

Happy Women's Day!

The song "Mother's Holiday" is performed, lyrics by A. Marashyan,

music A. Lusinyan.

1st couplet.

The holiday came to us in the spring,

Holiday, holiday, yours.

Light, kind,

Holiday, holiday, yours.


On this day, everything I do

I will be for you

Mommy, my mommy

How I love you!

2nd couplet.

I'll take your bed

I'll sweep!

Wipe the dust, water the flowers,

You will be glad!

3rd couplet.

I'll cook dinner for you

Delicious food!

And when you go to sleep

I will sing a song!

1st child.

Today for moms all songs.

All dances, smiles and laughter.

You are dearer than all and more wonderful

Native, golden man!


Our dear mothers, the children have prepared a wonderful dance for you.

The dance "Magic Flower" is performed.


In order for mom to always be young and beautiful, you need to take care of her, help her in everything! And you guys help your mom. Now we will find out from your mothers.

Moms, tell me whether or not you have such daughters and sons:

He gets up in the morning from bed

"Where did you put your shirt?

Where are the boots? Where is the sock?

Do you have such a son?

Parent responses.

I made my own bed

And he watered the flowers,

Helped mom set the table.

Do you have such a son?

Parent responses.

Scattered all the toys

And shouts: “Oh, I'm tired!

I can't pick up

I'll help you tomorrow!"

Do you have such an unfortunate helper?

Parent responses.

The other daughter is amazing!

Washed all the dishes!

I fed Murka the cat,

Though she herself is still a baby,

Working hard, trying...

Do you like this one?

Parent responses.

Yes, our kids are amazing.

Let them still not succeed.

But that's what the kids are trying to do!

Here, look, they are hurrying to us,

What will they tell us? And what surprise?

1st girl.

We grow up a little

We will also be mothers.

And while we're growing up

We play mother and daughter.

The game "Swaddling your daughter" is being held.


Well, I think you appreciated the efforts of your daughters. And now I think they will surprise you even more, as they will invite you to a beauty salon, where they will act as stylists.

The attraction "Beauty Salon" is held.

In advance, educators make blanks - they cut out ovals in half a sheet of whatman paper the size of a face. At the matinee, mothers are invited to the “beauty salon” and blanks are distributed, and felt-tip pens are given to children. The mothers look out through the slot, holding the drawing paper with both hands, and the guys first draw her a new “hairstyle”, and then jewelry - beads and earrings. During the competition, it is good to take photos of mothers after visiting the “beauty salon”. Stylists present their work to mothers - there will be a reason to laugh and admire even at home. Children present their work and give the necessary explanations about the decorations.

2nd boy.

And here funny nesting dolls,

They have boots on their feet.

And at the holiday, at ours,

They will cheer you up.

The dance "Matryoshka" is performed.

3rd girl.

I am my dear mother,

Congratulations, a little worried

I'll even sing a song

To make mom smile.

The song "Mother's Day" is performed, music and lyrics by E. Kuryachiy.

The song is performed by Amalia Serdyuk and Anastasia Podkalyuk.

1st couplet.

Today is a special day

Sings drops in the morning!

Today is a special day

Today is mother's day!

I'll snuggle up quietly to my mother,

I will give a smile1

Very soft on the ear

I'll sing a song to her!


Ring-ring, la-la

How I love you!

Ring-ring, la-la

My mommy!

2nd couplet.

May the first snowdrops

Bloom for mom

And in the sky overflows

Let the birds sing!

And let the sun for mommy

Carries its warmth

And a merry stream

Sing a song to me!


We have a good life in kindergarten, while mom is at work.

3rd girl.

Laughter of joy and blessings

Gives all our kindergarten.

Be healthy and beautiful

Well, and most importantly - happy!

The dance "Kindergarten" is performed.


Well you danced

They sang songs together!

And now we will invite moms to play with us.

The game "Who will hang up the linen faster" is held.


In this hall there are not only our beloved mothers, but also dear, dear grandmothers. Their kind faces shine with smiles and joy.

1st child.

We love grandma very much

We are very friendly with her.

With a good, kind grandmother

The kids are more fun.

2nd child.

There are many different songs

In the world about everything

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandma!

The song "My Grandmother" is performed, music and lyrics by L. Kuklina.

1st couplet.

Who will sew a jacket for us,

Will tell a story

She bakes pies for us

And knit socks?


Grandmother, grandmother, my grandmother!

Grandma, Grandma, I love you!

2nd couplet.

Who will bring a gift

Gently kiss,

Sing a song at night

Who loves us dearly!


And now a surprise for grandmothers.

1st child.

Grandma Surprise Special

We will give in honor of the holiday.

But not a dance and not a song,

Even better, more interesting!

2nd child.

Grandma used to

She read bedtime stories to us.

We switched roles

And we'll tell our own story.

3rd child.

Dear, granny, our dear,

You listen to the tale, but it is different.

We came up with it to cheer you up

Together with the song, together with the dance

Give you a holiday gift!

Scene "Little Red Riding Hood".

In the foreground are several trees and a house on the left and a dense forest on the right.


Good always wins in fairy tales

From the fairy tale always breathes warmth.

Dear listener, you will be glad.

"Little Red Riding Hood" new way.

The girl lives in the forest

And dancing and singing.

Everyone loves her and waits

The name is Little Red Riding Hood

She lives alone with her mother

She loves her grandmother.

Take a seat, spectator

And look carefully

This is a saying, not a fairy tale

The story is ahead.

Little Red Riding Hood tries on a cap and shows off in front of a mirror.

Mom comes out of the house with a basket, turns to Little Red Riding Hood.


Listen, dear daughter, you have grown big.
You need to go to your grandmother and take the cake to her.
And also as a gift wrinkle cream "Oriflame".
I can’t go with you, my friends are waiting at tennis.
Say hello to grandma and tell her I'll be there soon.
As soon as I fix the car, I will immediately drop by to her.
Well, daughter, I have to go, in the evening I'm waiting for a call.

Mom leaves.

Little Red Riding Hood (shrugs).
Grandma can not flour,
She's on a diet again.
She needs to keep in shape.
She can't gain weight.

The girl took the basket and turned down the path. Here she wanders through the forest, quietly singing songs ...

The song-dance "Ladushki-pancakes" is performed.

1st couplet.

I'll leave the house in the morning

In a red hat with a pompom.

I will not go through the dark forest,

The gray wolf lives in the forest.


Sweeties, sweeties

I'll take the pancakes

I'll take the pancakes

For my beloved grandmother

2nd couplet.

I'll go along the familiar street

I'm at grandma's house

I won't go through the dark forest

I will deceive the bad wolf.


Gotta have to

Grandma got sick

Grandma got sick

I'll take the pancakes

3rd couplet.

Don't go in vain

Where is it not safe to walk?

crying Gray wolf In the woods

I'm bringing pancakes.


almonds almonds,

Grandmother rejoices

Grandma is happy

Eats pancakes.


Only suddenly the baby hears

Like someone is calling her.

The wolf comes out.

Hey, girl, wait, don't go past the Wolf!
How far are you on your way? May I have a look here?

Looks into the basket.

Here lies the cabbage pie,
How delicious it must be!
Where are you going, child?
And who are you bringing the pie to?

Little Red Riding Hood.
I'm going to my dear grandmother,
I haven't been there for a long time.
I'll live for two days
And I will come here again.

Can I go with you, girlfriend?
You do need to be led.
The way is long, the forest is dense,
I must go with you!
Let's congratulate grandma together.
Let's keep her company.

They go through the forest.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Listen, Wolf, are you lying?
Are you leading me right?
Maybe you want to eat me
my grandmother? But in vain!
I heard this story
Yes, my mother told me.


What are you baby? Ha ha ha! You made me laugh.

What's in your granny to eat?

Skin, bones - all food, nothing to eat, trouble!
She keeps to her diet, plays the ball all day in the garden.

I'd better go visit, I'll treat myself to a pie there.

Here they go together, talking about this and that:
About the weather, about the cinema, whom we have not seen for a long time.
So the house appeared, only one step remained.

They knock on the door.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Knock-Knock! Open the door!


Pull the handle harder!
I'm going now, I'm in the bath.

Grandmother comes out, wipes herself with a towel.


I began to run in the morning, dropped a kilogram.
I have to keep in shape, I can't gain weight.

Puts on glasses.

Oh baby, what is it? Did the wolf come with you?

Little Red Riding Hood.
Yes, grandma, we're both.

We bring you a cake!

Well, well, I'm glad to see you, we all need to make peace!

Granddaughter, my dear

I'm glad to see you! (hugs her granddaughter)

I see you are not alone here.

I brought a friend with me!

Grandma invites the wolf to the table.

Go over the fence.

I am very glad to see you

Yes, sit down at the table with us

Eat mushroom pies.

Everyone sit down.


Well, thanks for the food.

He rubs his belly and goes to the middle of the stage.

What a shame, what

Such a kind old lady

Invited to visit

She treated me to pies,

I got an obsession

I'm ashamed of my behavior

I went to the old woman's house,

Found new friends here!

Little Red Riding Hood.

My dear grandmother, I congratulate you on the holiday!


Always be like this everywhere, be sporty, young!

How glad I am today, my friends have gathered.

Here the door is open for everyone

Unless you're a scary beast!


It's time to part

And say goodbye to the heroes.

But let's not be discouraged

We will invite a fairy tale.

1st child.

We tried for mommy

We played from the heart.

We came to congratulate you all

Our moms are good.


Now run to your mothers and take them by the hand. Let mothers and children dance on our holiday.

The dance “We are walking along the path with mom” is performed.

1st couplet.

We walk along the path Walking around the hall paired with mom

We are taking our mother.

We're going, we're not in a hurry.

And look at mom.

2nd verse.

Mom, mom, look, spinning with mom

And repeat after me

Slap slap, oh-oh-oh! Slapping hands on mother's hands

This is how we dance with you! On repeat, mothers stroke the children's hands.

3rd couplet.

Let's take mom's hands, They join hands and shake them at the top.

Shake hands together.

It's good for us to dance.

Rock hands together.

4th couplet.

Our legs will dance Run around my mother, holding on to one of her hands.

They run around mom.

Let's run again

Let's dance with mommy.

5th couplet.

You mommy bend over, moms squat down

Smile for me, mommy. And the kids stroked their cheeks.

How I love you, Moms sing the last ones on repeat

You are my blood! two lines and hug your baby.


Here our holiday is over.

Dear mothers, aunts and grandmothers!

Our holiday is over

What else can we say.

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you good health.

Be as beautiful, loved, kind and friendly. After all, friendship and kindness, as you saw, even turned an evil wolf into a good one. I also want to wish you that the smile never leaves your faces. I invite you all, our dear mothers, to help us perform the final, wonderful song.

The song-alteration "Smile" is performed.

1st couplet.

Mom's smile is more fun

Grandma will become younger from a smile

Smiles turn on like light bulbs.


We will drink for all mothers

Congratulations to all on Women's Day

We wish them health and success,

So that neither grief nor trouble

never happened

For the world to always sound

Cheerful laughter.

2nd couplet.

A smile will make everyone warmer

And we will be pleased to become them as from a gift

So let it be everywhere on Women's Day

Smiles shine bright bright bright.
