A dog with a rat face. Fighting dog bull terrier: description, characteristics, photo

The article provides an opportunity to learn as much as possible about the most interesting breeds of fighting dogs, which allows you to understand how easy or difficult it is to deal with them. You should write about your experience with these four-legged pets in the comments.

Fighting dog breeds for apartment, house, small, small size, knee-length, medium size

The most famous fighting dog breeds are the Alabai, American Bulldog, Rottweiler, Akita Inu, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, English Bulldog and Pit Bull.

From the list presented, the largest are pit bulls, and relatively small are English bulldogs.

Despite such an aggressive appointment, with proper training, the dog will never pose a danger to others. Disobedience and imbalance are manifested by quadrupeds in irresponsible and careless owners.

Fighting dogs are suitable for children or not, why are they dangerous

Potentially, any breed of dog can be dangerous for children. Dogs of fighting breeds proper upbringing, can become reliable friends and even nannies in the circle of their families.

Nevertheless, it is better not to leave a tiny baby alone with a dog, and explain to a child of a more conscious age how to behave with a dog in order to prevent the animal from showing aggression.

Fighting dogs with a muzzle of a rat, elongated, long nose

A breed of dog with an elongated, rat-like muzzle and long nose called a bull terrier. Bull Terriers have a cheerful disposition, however, they need a firm hand from the owner.

Standards for keeping fighting dogs law of the Russian Federation

The idea is not bad, but the law caused a lot of questions and discontent among animal owners.

Fighting dog breeds and their price, owner reviews, where to buy

With the advent of the Internet to buy a dog fighting breed won't be too difficult. On the request "Buy a puppy" of the same boxer in any particular, albeit a small city, you can get 10-50 thousand offers.

On the websites of breeders of breeding dogs, as a rule, information is given regarding the cost of their pets, or a contact phone number is indicated.

Fighting dogs are rare breeds and their characteristics, the most dangerous and prohibited in Russia, which cannot be imported into Italy, are equated to weapons

Rare breeds of fighting dogs are:
- dosa inu - she is the largest and heaviest fighting dog South Korea;
- bully kutta - a Pakistani mastiff with a dominant behavior, which is why it is not suitable for phlegmatic and inexperienced owners;
- American bandog - a gladiator dog, so strong that it can even fight a bull.

Some breeds of dogs are so aggressive that they are equated with weapons.

The greatest danger to people, as is commonly believed throughout the world, including Russia, can be the Caucasian and german shepherd, german boxer, canary dog, chow chow, siberian husky, bull terrier, rottweiler and pit bull.

In particular, the import, purchase and breeding of Anatolian, Sharplan, Caucasian, Portuguese and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, American Bulldog, Argentinean Great Dane, Pit Bull, Rottweiler and a number of other dogs was officially banned in Italy.

Fighting dog breeds that are suitable for girls

It is better for a fragile girl not to get a dog of a fighting breed, as she is not always able to cope with it.

An athlete girl, confident in her muscles and strength, can get a mastiff, bulldog, bull terrier and doberman. In such cases, cynologists recommend taking girls for upbringing, as they are considered more docile.

How to increase the fighting qualities of a dog

Education in the dog of fighting qualities should be carried out with the help of targeted exercises that are designed to develop and consolidate the working qualities of this breed.

Methodological guidelines and special literature on this issue are not issued, since the education of aggression in an animal is prohibited by law.

The article contains the most interesting information about this breed, as well as basic information about those dogs that use the spa the most.

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Everyone who is little familiar with various breeds is interested in dogs with a rat face. What are the characteristics of such an animal? What breeds are there? You will get answers to all these questions in our article.

The Bull Terrier is the only dog ​​breed that resembles a rat. Many people have the opinion that this is a very vicious, aggressive, stupid and ugly animal. But few people say that even a Spitz, Dalmatian or Chow Chow can be many times more dangerous than the breed in question.

As you probably know, any dog ​​is a reflection of its owner. And here it doesn’t even matter what breed your pet will be. After all, some people buy a puppy in order to later raise a devoted companion. At the same time, others strive to grow a fighting individual that will frighten everyone around with its very appearance.

Therefore, it is better to discard all prejudices and learn more about what a dog with a rat face really is.

General description of the breed

When creating the breed in question, the traditional qualities of the future dog were not taken into account. On the contrary, here it was necessary to achieve other indicators:

  1. Aggressiveness.
  2. Endurance.
  3. High pain threshold.

Bull Terriers were mainly used in dog fighting and bullying of animals. Accordingly, it is a fighting dog with the following characteristics:

  1. Approximate weight - 25 kilograms.
  2. Height - from 40 cm for females and up to 55 cm for males.
  3. The head is egg-shaped, set low on a muscular neck.
  4. The jaws with teeth are very powerful and have a scissor bite. It is this sign that will come to the muzzle characteristic rat look, although experienced dog breeders level this opinion as doubtful.
  5. Ears closely spaced, erect, triangular shape.
  6. Large nose with developed nostrils.
  7. A short tail that tapers towards the end.
  8. Small eyes, set wide apart, triangular in shape.

The physique of the Bull Terrier is quite powerful. Rounded chest, muscular limbs - all this speaks of the strength of the breed. At first glance, it may seem to you that this is a clumsy animal. However, in practice it is a very agile, agile and nimble dog. The jumping ability of a bull terrier can only be envied.

The color of the dog can be either white or colored. The first option is the most preferred, followed by brindle colors. Other colors are also not considered marriage or vice.

The nature of a dog depends on its upbringing. Therefore, to say that bull terriers are very aggressive is not entirely correct. If the puppy at a young age understood that the owner is the leader and he needs to obey, then everything will be fine.

In most cases, the Bull Terrier is playful, restless and active. Therefore, if you want to adopt such a dog, be prepared for long walks. Such a pet will suit young and energetic owners.

As the experience of many dog ​​breeders shows, the bull terrier is a very cheerful, beautiful and cheerful dog. All references to the rat face are the consequences of black PR since the late nineties.

Journalists are doing everything to "drown" this breed. But contrary to popular belief, the Bull Terrier has developed intellect. Yes, he can be petulant, will not obey if the owner's commands are unreasonable.

From you as the owner of such a pet, patience, love and care will be required, which will allow you to raise a balanced individual.

Do not forget that you need to walk with a dog from a young age.

How to keep and care for a bull terrier

The breed belongs to the smooth-haired dogs, so you do not need complex care. A pet may have a molt twice a year. Wool is easily removed with a brush or a special mitt.

After walking, you do not need to bathe the dog, just wipe it with a sponge or a damp towel.

Regularly check the condition of the ears and eyes for inflammation. Possible hearing problems in white representatives. There are times when puppies are born deaf.

The mobility of the Bull Terrier indicates that it really needs to be handled. Therefore, active walks, ball games, jumping over the bar - all this is necessary to maintain a good physical state dogs. After such walks, the dog will be calm and docile. And with insufficient loads, do not be surprised why he goes crazy and turns everything upside down.

How to choose a puppy

Bull Terrier puppies are very beautiful kids. Therefore, it is unlikely that someone will say to a small pet that it is a dog with a rat face.

As you already know, this is a special breed, so it is advisable to visit good nursery or contact an honest breeder. Otherwise, you run the risk of buying a sick or outbred puppy.

You can take the baby at the age of 2.5 months from the mother. During this time, all the necessary vaccinations are done in the nursery.

Choosing your future four-legged friend pay attention to the condition of the teeth. At this age, there should be 12.

Check your hearing. To do this, clap your hands and look at the reaction of the baby. Familiarize yourself with the pedigree, check the puppy for compliance with the standard.

Summing up the article, we note that now you know the name of the dog, whose muzzle resembles a rat. We told you about the features of the breed and the nuances of choosing a puppy.

Bull Terrier is enough clever dog, and with proper upbringing, you will get a reliable friend who will give you a lot of positive emotions.

When it comes to fighting dogs, people usually think of the Stafford or Bull Terrier, but in reality this list is much longer, and the representatives are so diverse that many may wonder which breeds are classified as fighting. To date, the term "fighting dog" refers to such breeds, for which some features of behavior have been noticed. We present to your attention a list of breeds with photographs.

American Akita (Akita Matagi)

Akita is also called big Japanese dog, its weight can be 55-75 kilograms, and its height is about 65-70 centimeters. The body of the dog is compact, the muzzle is elongated, but from the profile it seems cut off, the ears are erect, the nose is black and has no spots, with the exception of the white American Akita. There is a distinctive breed of these dogs - this is a blue tongue. Usually Akita's eyebrows are highlighted in a different color, so the dog's look becomes devoted and sad. The tail of the breed is hooked, the coat is double, there is a thick short undercoat soft to the touch.

Akita doesn't count aggressive breed, she is friendly and devoted, although the loyalty of the pet to the owner will have to be earned from birth. The dog is independent, it can only be influenced by affection, which greatly complicates the process of training.


The breed is large, the height of the dog is 65-75 centimeters, its normal weight 60-65 kilograms, but with improper nutrition it can increase. The muscular body is folded proportionally, the stomach is retracted, the head is large, the chest is developed. The muzzle is elongated, the nose is rounded, the eyes are small and far set. The ears are erect, cropped and triangular in shape, the tail tapering towards the end. The coat of dogs is short, the color is brown, white, black or spotted.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by protective qualities, but require professional training. Periods of activity are replaced by a passive state. Keeping a dog in an apartment is not recommended. When walking, you should be careful, because when you feel danger, it is difficult to keep it.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The dog is quite large, the massive head does not look quite harmonious with the body. Growth reaches 65-70 centimeters, with an optimal diet, a dog usually weighs up to 50 kilograms, but can gain weight and gain an extra 20-25 kilograms. The limbs of the dog are rather muscular, but the look is kind, the eyes are widely spaced, often dark brown. The nose is wide and rounded, the ears hang down and frame the head in the form of triangles. The tail does not lie on the back, it is short and low set. The color of the breed can be red, golden or red-brown.

These dogs are very smart, kind and mature, friendly to children. The breed is not aggressive, very touchy, they are distinguished by a high degree of devotion.

Brindese fighting dog

This breed of fighting dog is rare. There are no main characteristics of appearance, since representatives can differ both in color and in the length of the coat. The height of dogs of this breed is approximately 55-57 centimeters, weight is about 50 kilograms, they have a strong muscular physique, powerful and wide chest. The muzzle is elongated and as if cut off, the head is large, the nose is rounded, usually without pigmentation, but the presence is not excluded. The ears are pointed, the tail is docked. Common colors include pink and navy blue.

This breed is characterized by aggressiveness, its upbringing requires a tough hand, from childhood it should be taught to obey, otherwise aggression can even manifest itself towards the owner.

bully kutta

A large breed with a powerful skeleton, developed chest and strong muscles, the height of the dog can be 75-110 centimeters, this giant can weigh 65-90 kilograms. The muzzle is always black, pigmentation may be present on the nose, the tail is long and tapers towards the end, even when excited it does not lie on the back. The limbs are long with round wide paws. The coat is hard and short, its color can be yellowish-brown, white, brindle, red, red, spots may be present.

The dog is brave and devoted to the owner, the family is friendly. It is usually neutral towards other pets, but during the game it can harm them, because it has an impressive size. The dog is sensitive to any danger, so you should be careful when walking.

bull terrier

The appearance of this fighting dog is not to everyone's taste, its muzzle is elongated so that it resembles a rat's, it is disproportionate in relation to the body. The breed has a muscular, strong and dense physique, the chest is developed. Growth at the withers can reach 30-40 centimeters, weight 20-30 kilograms. The eyes are small and narrow and triangular in shape, usually dark brown. The ears are set high and also triangular, the nose unusual shape. The tail is small and tapers towards the end. The color of the short coat is black, white or colored.

The peculiarity of the breed is an explosive character, the dog is active and hardy. The owner must be tough on her, but not cruel, she can hold a grudge. She loves to play, but her patience is not unlimited. A brave dog may behave aggressively with other representatives or suspicious bystanders.

Gampr (Armenian wolfhound)

This breed is quite large and looks powerful, the height is about 64-68 centimeters, but there are specimens of about 90 centimeters. The weight of the dog varies between 49-64 kilograms, a significant part of it falls on the coat. The muscles are developed, the body is rather massive, the chest is wide. The ears hang down, the eyes are dark, there are slanted brow ridges, due to which the look looks benevolent. The color of this breed varies, most often it is sandy, but the muzzle is always black or gray. The coat is long, the tail, even in a state of excitement, does not lie on the back.

Gampr is a kind and caring dog, she does not like fuss and clearly follows commands. It usually shows a reverent attitude towards children, remains neutral towards other animals. The dog behaves calmly in training and appreciates rewards.

Gul Dong

Large strong and powerful breed, whose height is 75-90 centimeters, and weight 45-70 kilograms. The abdomen is retracted, the head is striking due to disproportion to the body, it is large, the ears are mostly docked, they are highly erect. At the end of the elongated muzzle is a round nose, the eyes are wide set and usually dark in color. The breed has powerful paws and developed limbs, hard pads. The tail is thin and tapers towards the end, it does not rise high. The coat is hard and short, its color is brown, white, brindle, black or gray.

Gul-Dong is a smart dog, but jealously guards its territory, the breed is not suitable for playing with children. He does not get along with other pets, he usually behaves aggressively on a walk.

Ca de bou (Mallorcan Bulldog)

The breed is physically developed, strong and looks powerful, growth usually does not exceed 60 centimeters, and weight with proper nutrition is 30-40 kilograms. The body is slightly elongated, the dog has a large head, the nose is black. The oval eyes are dark brown, they are widely spaced, the ears are set high. The back of the dog is not straight, the stomach is tucked up, the tail is thick and hanging down. Rough short hair can be red, black, brindle or fawn.

The breed is active, patient and loving, loves to participate in family affairs. It lends itself well to training, but it is better to encourage her than to be rude, because she may be offended. Friendly to children, can get along with other pets.

Kangal Karabash

Large breed, growth reaches 90 centimeters, and weight varies between 45-70 kilograms. The physique is large, the muscles are developed, the hind limbs are slightly longer than the front ones. The muzzle is slightly elongated, the nose is black, the deep-set eyes are mostly dark in color. Triangular ears are not docked, they hang down on both sides, a long tail twisted into a ring, it is set high and often raised. The color is different, most often there are shades of red, grayish brown, sand, distinguishing feature- black "mask" on the muzzle.

The breed is intelligent and independent, not inclined to show excessive aggression, but, sensing danger, will undoubtedly rush to the defense. Children are friendly, neutral to other pets.

Cane Corso

Not too much big breed, with a growth of 55-65 centimeters, its weight is 35-45 kilograms. The body is powerful, the head is large, the neck is long, as are the limbs. In profile, the muzzle of the dog resembles a cube, the nose is black, the ears are set high and docked in the form of a triangle, the eyes are oval. The dog's belly is tucked up, the tail is straight and thick. The coat is short, double with a small undercoat, its color can be dark gray, brindle, black, red is quite rare.

The breed is calm, smart and playful, appreciates independence and freedom, on the street it does not behave aggressively towards other representatives. He loves children, gets along with other pets, is wary of strangers, but will not rush.

The breed, thanks to its voluminous wool, looks menacing and powerful, its height is 60-65 centimeters, its physique is powerful. The weight of an adult varies from 50 to 90 kilograms. The large head is proportional to the body, the muzzle is elongated, the nose is black, the eyes are dark brown. The ears are medium, docked, and set high. The dog has long limbs and large paws, fluffy tail usually down. The length of the coat is short, medium or long.

This breed has a generally balanced and friendly character, she can become true friend and family member. She is patient with childish pranks and loves to be involved in family affairs. The dog is smart, easy to train, can get along with other pets. On walks, you should be careful, as she can show aggression towards strangers.

presa canario

The breed is not too large, growth varies between 55-65 centimeters, such a dog can weigh 37-48 kilograms. The muscles are developed, the back is straight, massive, but short head. Oval eyes, far-set ears are of medium size, a straight neck is rather muscular, a slight dewlap is formed from below. The coat is short, brindle or fawn, with white markings.

The dog is sociable and friendly, but distrustful of strangers, will not show aggression unreasonably, and will not attack without warning. The breed is intelligent and slightly phlegmatic.


The dog is quite compact and squat, the physique is powerful and muscular, it can reach a height of 56-68 centimeters, while its weight usually does not exceed 50 kilograms. The breed is characterized by a slightly elongated muzzle, black nose, triangular, drooping ears, not docked. The eyes are dark brown, due to the color it seems that the dog is sad. The coat is short and harsh, and is always black with reddish-brown or red spots.

The dog, vigilant, brave and smart, quickly learns commands, she loves to feel involved in family affairs, is excellent in terms of a protector and guard. The dog is friendly to children, but does not tolerate bullying.

old english bulldog

The breed is strong and squat, the height of the dog is 30-40 centimeters, and the weight is 24-26 kilograms. The muzzle of the dog is short, but wide, wide-set eyes of a dark color are located quite low, there are folds near the nose, his earlobe is black. The ears are thick, soft and hanging down, there are folds on the body. The chest of the dog is wide, the legs are muscular, the paws are neat, the tail is thick. The coat is short, the color is red, white or brindle.

The dog is very kind, calm and serious, attached to the family, loves children. With proper training, it is not inclined to show aggression, it is usually neutral towards other pets.

staffordshire bull terrier

A small dog, whose height usually does not exceed 40 centimeters at the withers, and weighs 11-17 kilograms. The physique of the breed is proportional, muscular and strong, the chest is wide, the skull is wide, the head is voluminous, the limbs are set wide. The nose is black, the lips are close to the jaw, the ears are rose-shaped or tulip-shaped and set high. The eyes are dark or light brown, their shape is rounded. The coat is close fitting, short and harsh.

This breed is affectionate, sociable and loyal, they usually quickly become attached to the owner. You need to start socializing as early as possible and accustom other pets to society so that he does not show aggression. This dog requires a lot of attention, affection and communication.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Irish)

The breed is muscular and strong, the height of the dog is 44-60 centimeters, the weight is in the range of 25-35 kilograms. The head is broad, the jaws are strong, the muzzle is short with a black nose, the eyes are round. Brown. The ears are semi-erect and shaped like a rose, the neck is short, the chest is quite wide. The coat is short, predominantly white and black, spots may be present.

The dog is obedient, loving and playful, loves children, participates in family affairs easy to get along with pets. Usually he is neutral towards strangers, but if hostility is shown, he will react accordingly.

Tosa Inu

The breed is massive, the physique is proportional, the height is 55-60 centimeters, such a dog can weigh 30-40 kilograms. The skull is wide, pronounced occiput, triangular-shaped ears hang down. The dog has a wide chest toned belly and a straight back, thick tail set high, limbs muscular and straight. The coat is thick, hard and short, its color is brindle, black, fawn or red.

The breed is calm, intelligent and unobtrusive, these dogs are serious and balanced. But education should be started very early, since the breed was bred exclusively for fighting, if it is not socialized, it will become distrustful and vicious in relation to others and other dogs.

Fila brazileiro

A large breed with a powerful and proportional physique, height is 60-75 centimeters, weight - from 50 to 90 kilograms. The head is wide, heavy, large, the muzzle is convex, the large ears hang down, the eyes are set far away, the look is sad. The limbs are even and muscular, the trunk is powerful, the tail medium fit wide at the base. The skin is loose and thick, folds may form on the shoulders and withers, the coat is dense and short. Color usually yellow shades, ashen, brindle or white with spots.

The dog is decisive, but devoted and obedient to the owner, patient with children. The nature of the breed is calm, its confidence cannot be undermined by loud noise, but it shows distrust of strangers. If danger arises, the dog confidently defends itself.


The constitution of the dog is strong and dense, the height is 45-50 centimeters, it weighs from 20 to 25 kilograms. The head is large, the skull is flat, there are folds on the cheeks and forehead. The nose is wide and large, the lobe often has an elevation or a small tubercle. The eyes are dark, and the look is gloomy and sad, the ears are small, triangular, set high. The tail is set high, it is thick and tapers towards the end. The dog's coat is bristly and hard. The color is different, but the exception is white.

The breed has high intelligence The dog is calm and independent. Education should be given attention from puppyhood. Despite the fact that the dog loves to be a leader, it is not aggressive, the breed is obedient, loyal and understanding, loves care and affection.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in care
Endurance in the cold
Heat endurance

american pit bull terrier- a breed that has not yet been recognized by the International Cynological Federation, but this does not make it less interesting. Attitude towards dogs of this breed is ambiguous. In the countries of the European Union and Australia, the pit bull terrier is prohibited at the legislative level, and in the USA, on the contrary, at the end of the 19th century, the UKC club appeared, where representatives of the breed are registered. Another organization involved in breeding work is the ADBA. It has been registering pit bull terriers from all over the world since 1909.

Wariness towards the dog is connected with its past: pit bulls were participants in dog fights and were recognized as a killing machine. In fact, American Pit Bull Terriers are great with people, are not aggressive, and are renowned for their search and rescue abilities.

Interesting! American pit bull terriers are called "nanny dogs" because of their non-aggressive and patient attitude towards children..

The United States is recognized as the country of origin of the breed. Indeed, in America they have fully developed into a breed, with its inherent features of the exterior and behavior. But the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier began in England. The first pit bulls lived in Ireland, Spain, Holland. Their ancestors were English bulldogs and terriers. There is an opinion that the appearance of the breed was facilitated by English laws prohibiting peasants from keeping large dogs. Terriers, suitable for hunting small animals, and bulldogs for protection, did not fall under this ban. As a result of crossing, dogs were obtained that combined the dexterity, mobility of the former and insensitivity to wounds, fearlessness of the latter.

Interesting! The word "pit bull terrier" means "fighting bull terrier" from the English word pit - a pit for fighting. The dogs of the breed were called Pitdog, Bullend Terrier, and Yankee Terrier, but the name Pit Bull Terrier became official name capacious, reflecting the purpose and origin of the breed: fighting bulldog terrier.

First american pit bull terriers were imported to the New World around the middle of the 18th - 19th centuries from England and Ireland. They became very popular in America not without the help of the organizers of dog fights. Pit bulls were valued by them, as they were real fighting machines.

Pit bulls today are dogs that are prohibited from being imported into the EU countries, owners from Germany need to obtain a special permit to keep the breed, at the same time they are popular in Russia and the USA, they are often used as service dogs.

Characteristics, description, character

American Pit Bull Terrier, character which absorbed all the best from terriers and bulldogs, is distinguished by a harmoniously folded body. Representatives of the breed live up to 12 years. They are characterized by:

  • head, which is especially wide between the cheeks. There is an explanation for this: powerful jaws are located there;
  • muscular, well-defined neck;
  • deep, powerful and well developed chest;
  • muscular body;
  • stockiness. The growth of dogs of the breed is 40-42 cm at the withers for males, 38-40 cm for females. Despite external data, pit bull terriers are agile and mobile;
  • strong forelimbs, located perpendicular to the surface;
  • muscular hind limbs, widely spaced;
  • scissor bite;
  • slightly convex loin;
  • color can be any, but cynological organizations do not accept blue tint wool.

Funny, good-natured, affectionate, loyal to other people and animals - these characteristics apply to the American Pit Bull Terrier. Pit bulls are fighting dogs, their purpose leaves an imprint on his behavior. When they feel they need the protection of their master, they can fight to the death. But aggression towards a person is an unacceptable character trait, they were eradicated in them over the centuries, while the formation of the breed took place.

The formation of character occurs in childhood, and the owner of the dog is the main builder of the future behavior of his pet. If education goes in the right direction, traumatic factors are excluded, a pit bull terrier will grow up with a stable character and predictable behavior.

  1. Pit bulls are inquisitive, they are always ready to learn and explore what surrounds them.
  2. They are active and love to be played with. active games. They follow the owner everywhere and carry out all his commands.
  3. In the family, they are tolerant, they can endure the pranks of children for a long time, if they are even a little rude.
  4. Courage and selflessness are about pit bulls.


Like any breed pit bull terrier disease are genetically determined or caused improper care and nutrition. He most often has:

  • Heart disease, which can be suspected by wheezing and coughing of a dog.
  • Dirofilariasis is an infection with heartworms.
  • Demodicosis - infection with ticks that cause severe discomfort.
  • Dysplasia of the hip joint.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Allergy to grass, food, chemicals.


American Pit Bull Terrier, grooming behind which is uncomplicated - the dog is unpretentious. Important condition- from childhood to provide proper nutrition to ensure the animal's strong physique and health. The diet should consist of foods with a high energy value. The frequency of feeding for puppies is 6 times a day, in small portions. As they grow older, the portions are increased, the number of feedings is reduced to 1 time per day, preferably at the same time and from the same dishes. Availability pure water freely available for sure.

Daily and weekly hygiene procedures should be familiar to the dog. Pit bulls have short hair, so frequent and thorough combing is not required. The breed itself is very clean, so they rarely get dirty during walks. If there is no pollution, then you should bathe the pit bull once every six months, and after walking, wash your paws and limbs.

Checking the condition of the ears is a regular procedure, in order to avoid inflammation, they must be dry and clean. The nails are trimmed if the dog does not have the opportunity to walk on a hard surface on which the claws grind down naturally.

If the owners decide to keep the pit bull in the apartment, the existence in a limited space should be compensated by a sufficient level of physical activity during walks.

Raising an American Pit Bull Terrier

The breed is characterized by a lively mind and curiosity, therefore pit bull terrier training is an easy undertaking. The dog easily learns new things, learns commands quickly and willingly executes them. Experts advise you to first go through a general training course in order to raise an obedient animal. Practice shows that the basics of protective guard duty are also easy for a pit bull. Even if there is no goal to make him a service dog, the ZKS course will allow the dog to learn to control his own aggression, and the owner to learn to control and understand his pet.

It is necessary from childhood to suppress the slightest manifestations of aggression towards a person, otherwise your dog will pose a direct threat to others. If something happens, the pit bull will not just bite, but choose a vital important places, fighting qualities will make themselves felt.

Breed bans are associated with the devastating and sometimes irreversible consequences of pit bull terrier attacks. But statistics show that of all attacks, only about 10% are attacks on a person, but this is enough for pit bulls to instill fear in people.


Pit bull terrier puppies require activity, responsibility and experience from the owner, therefore, when deciding to get these energetic dogs in your home, think about whether you have enough perseverance for their proper upbringing.

Purpose of acquiring a puppy is also important. If you need affection a pet, then pet-class puppies will do. They will not become champions at exhibitions, they are not suitable for further breeding, but they will become reliable and devoted companions that can decorate leisure time.

Breed class and show class puppies can compete for prizes and victories. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the playfulness and activity of the puppy, and if he shows aggression, then this is not the best indicator.

The origin of the puppy is 50% success. If the puppy's parents are dogs with adequate behavior, excellent health, then this is a guarantee of acquiring a quality puppy. Do not buy puppies from unverified individuals, only kennels and reputable breeders can provide documents for puppies.


In the dog market american pit bull terrier, price which does not exceed 20 thousand rubles, is sold mainly without documents. This is due to the fact that the breed is not recognized by the Russian Cynological Federation. Most puppies are sold from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

If you are offered elite puppies, then this should alert you, since their status is most likely not true. Only dogs that are already prize-winners and winners of exhibitions and competitions can be elite.

Puppies with a pedigree that is registered with American cynological organizations cost at least 20 thousand rubles.

Those who intend to acquire an American Pit Bull Terrier should be clearly aware that the breed was bred for deadly dog ​​fights and only later adapted for other purposes: hunting, grazing, as well as searching, rescuing and protecting people.

The history of the origin of the breed

Before dog fighting, the ancestors of the pit bull terrier were used in impromptu fights against bulls, boars, and bears. In 1835, Great Britain banned bull-baiting by law, and dogs were out of work.

They were useful to the organizers of the blood sport in the United States, who did not want to part with their profitable occupation. The American Pit Bull Terrier was the result of a mating of Old English Bulldogs (hardy and powerful) and swift, with good flair, terriers.

This is interesting! American breeders managed to create a new breed, called the American Pit Bull Terrier. The word "pit" is translated as a pit for fighting, and "pit bull terrier" as a fighting bull terrier. The abbreviation "pit bull" in translation from English is interpreted as "fighting bull" and is fundamentally wrong.

The breed is not recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI), however, the United States is considered to be the country of origin of pit bull terriers.

Description, appearance of the pit bull terrier

There is a difference between the dogs of the worker and. Pit bull terriers are also divided into three types: bulldog, terrier and mixed.

They usually do not find fault with the size of dogs, evaluating the harmony of the physique. Growth depends on the skeleton and mass, which are repelled when assessing dog dimensions. Weight varies in the range of 12-36 kg. Males are traditionally larger than females.

breed standards

The Pit Bull Terrier is officially banned in Australia and the European Union, but there are two structures that recognize the breed - ADBA and UKC.

The second organization describes the American Pit Bull Terrier breed standard as follows:

  • The lean, rectangular head is of medium length, with a flat (but broad between the ears) skull. The square muzzle shows prominent cheeks and strong jaws with a scissor bite.
  • The ears are set high and may be natural or cropped. For eyes that have almond shape, any color is allowed. The nostrils of the nose are wide open.
  • A slightly arched muscular neck widens towards the withers. The shoulder blades (broad and muscular) are set obliquely, the back is slightly sloping, the stomach (without woolen cover) is retracted, the loin is slightly convex.
  • Deep chest cannot be called too broad. True ribs - elastic, moderately convex, closely adjacent to each other; false ribs are long.
  • The limbs have strong rounded bones, the metacarpus is strong and straight, the hips are muscular and long enough, the paws are medium.
  • The step is springy and light. Amble and waddle are not allowed. The short, low-set tail is carried up to the line of the back when moving/excited.
  • The coat is dense, short, hard and shiny, devoid of undercoat. All colors (except merle) and white spots are allowed.

The character of the dog breed pit bull terrier

A well-trained American Pit Bull Terrier is peaceful, devoted to his family and owner, gets along well with children and patiently withstands their onslaught.

If the dog is acquired not for participation in fights, it is provided with increased physical exercise giving vent to her hyperactive temperament and stamina. The more intensively the pet gives all the best in training, the less chance face his unmotivated aggression.

This is interesting! The pit bull terrier does not need physical education (running, jumping, playing fetch), but sports such as weight pulling, agility, bike and skijoring. Periodically weight the dog's ammunition: this way the training will be more effective, and the dog's muscles will acquire a beautiful relief.

It is believed that the breed is easy to train, as it receives from serving the owner positive emotions . In training, the dog is motivated and rewarded without the use of physical punishment, which usually leads to the exclusion of the dog (whether beaten or embittered) from breeding.

The pit bull terrier has won the trust of American and Russian law enforcement officers: dogs with an excellent sense of smell are used in the search for explosives and drugs.


Representatives of the breed live on average from 8 to 15 years. If you come across a puppy without characteristic genetic abnormalities, it is quite possible that he will live to 20 years or a little more.

Keeping a pit bull terrier in an apartment is not difficult, but responsible. The most important thing is to give your energetic pet the opportunity to discharge, for which the walk is supplemented with elements of weightlifting.

Care, hygiene

Grooming is the same as for all smooth-haired breeds. Short hair does not need frequent combing and washing. The Pit Bull Terrier is clean and rarely gets dirty even on walks. After being outside, the dog's paws are washed, and they are completely bathed once every six months.

If the animal runs a lot on a hard surface, its claws wear down on their own. Otherwise, the owner will shorten them. Periodically look into the auricles - they should be clean and dry.

Diet - what to feed a pit bull terrier

Your pupil must look lean, not loose, so exclude all cereals (from them the pit bull terrier spreads). For the same reasons, the dog is not given bread and crackers. The main focus is on animal proteins.

  • chicken, beef or turkey offal;
  • chicken eggs (1 pc. 3-4 r per week);
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables - to the taste of a dog (white and cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, bell pepper, broccoli, pumpkin, beets and tomatoes).

Important! Meat and dairy products give in different feeding. Since there are not very many benefits from pure meat, it must be mixed with raw grated vegetables, seasoning with a tablespoon vegetable oil(preferably olive).

You can include fish in the menu, but it does not have enough nutrients, and not every pit bull terrier is able to digest it. Fish mixed with vegetables is recommended for weight loss.

The number of feedings depends on the time of year: in the heat, one feeding (per day) is enough, in the cold they switch to two meals a day.

Diseases, breed defects

Like other breeds, the Pit Bull Terrier is prone to genetically determined illnesses or ailments, which are caused by poor-quality food or poor care.

Typical diseases include:

  • Heart disease, often accompanied by wheezing and coughing.
  • Malfunctions of the thyroid gland (including hypothyroidism), leading to obesity and other, more serious, pathologies.
  • Dysplasia of the hip joint.
  • Allergic reactions to different types irritants.
  • Dirofilariasis is a helminth infection that has chronic and severe consequences.
  • Demodicosis.

The so-called working puppy will be needed by those rare owners who plan to exhibit the dog for contract matches. Before such people is really difficult task, since the fighting qualities of the dog are revealed no earlier than he is 2 years old.

Some guarantee of inheritance of the will to win (game) will be the championship titles of the puppy's parents, if they participated in such fights. But, regardless of the fearlessness of the next of kin, your pet will need to pass a personal game test.

This is interesting! In a duel between two dogs with the same weight, the one who retreats first is the loser.

The behavior of the dog in the ring gives reason to attribute it to one of the types:

  • deadly - the dog fights to the last drop of blood;
  • reinforced - the dog fights from last strength, on trembling paws;
  • standard - the dog fights until he feels very tired.

Most buyers are looking for a dog for home keeping, less often for breeding.. Such animals will not pass game tests: compliance with the standard, the absence of breed defects and a peaceful disposition are important for them.

Where to buy, what to look for

In the US, it is not uncommon to buy teenage puppies who are already six months old.. At this age, it is clear what class your purchase belongs to - show (for exhibitions and breeding), breed (for mating) or pet (for home games).

Supporters of buying younger puppies remind that at 6-8 months the pit bull terrier has not only a character, but also habits that will not be easy to change (especially since the breed itself does not have a superficial attitude).

Important! Before you go to a breeder, gather information about him. Talk to someone who took puppies from him, find out what problems they faced in raising them.

As with buying other dogs, it is important to analyze the behavior of the parents and the puppy itself. Dogs should not show aggression or, conversely, be overly shy.

american pit bull terrier price

On the sites of free ads there are offers with a ridiculous cost of APBT puppies - 10 thousand rubles. Sellers declare purebred, availability required documents and vaccinations, praising the parents of living goods. It is clear that such a dog can be taken as a companion without dreaming of exhibitions and contract fights.

The real price for a pit bull terrier starts from 20-25 thousand rubles. The Russian Cynological Federation does not recognize the breed, and all official papers, including the pedigree, are issued to dogs in US cynological organizations.

Puppies from a titled father / mother do not cost less than 30 thousand rubles, but more often they ask for 40-45 thousand rubles for them. In Russia, there are not very many breeding kennels focused on breeding pit bull terriers: in addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, kennels can be found in Tambov, Volgograd and Pavlovsk.
