Dangers of piercing and its contraindications. The most common consequences after piercing: improper care and puncture

Throughout history, people have always adorned their bodies with piercings and tattoos. This is practiced even today. However, these methods of exposure to the body are associated with health risks ranging from minor infection to serious, life-threatening disease. Therefore, those who are going to get a tattoo or piercing should be aware of all the dangers associated with this and try to ensure that these procedures are carried out correctly.

Tattoo- This is a pattern on the skin, obtained by introducing a dye into the skin through punctures on its surface. Such a pattern is not washed off with water and is not removed without consequences for the skin. The tattoo can be permanent and temporary, when chemically unstable dyes are used to apply the pattern, which fade over time and the tattoo disappears from the skin. With the disintegration of paint, such a pattern becomes more and more fuzzy and blurry over time (which tattoo lovers consider as a disadvantage). Now tattoos are made using a special apparatus, the action of which resembles the work of a sewing machine. Depending on the size of the drawing, the procedure can take from an hour to several hours and be accompanied by minor bleeding. Depending on where the tattoo is applied, it can be more or less painful.

- this is an operation (and not a cosmetic procedure, as many believe), which consists in piercing the skin to wear jewelry in these places. The most common (and harmless) type of piercing is earlobes. Recently, it has become fashionable to wear earrings also in the auricles, eyebrows, nose, navel, lips, tongue, and some wear them on the chest at the nipple and in the genital area. If the piercing is done in compliance with all the rules of medical sterility, then in most people there is almost no blood. Proper piercing does not affect the nerve endings, arteries and veins. After a puncture, a medical pin or a special ring is inserted into the appeared channel, which should remain in the wound until the tissues are completely and completely healed, then they are replaced with jewelry.

It should be remembered that when you get a tattoo or piercing, you injure your skin, so you always risk harming your health. The main danger lies in the fact that insufficiently sterile instruments may be used in beauty salons. As a result, microbes or a viral infection can be introduced and cause diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tetanus, and tuberculosis. A study published in the American Journal of Medicine showed that the chances of contracting hepatitis C for people with tattoos are 9 times higher than those with non-tattooed skin. This type of hepatitis is contracted by 33% of the tattooed population compared to only 3.5% of people without tattoos. Persons wearing piercings cannot be donors, as there is always a risk that they are carriers of the hepatitis virus or some other dangerous disease. The American Association of Blood Banks and the American Red Cross do not accept blood from donors with tattoos less than a year old. That is how long it takes to determine all the possible negative consequences.

In addition, even if the tattoo did not get an infection under the skin, the dye used (especially red) can cause an allergic reaction (redness, swelling or itching of the skin) and other complications such as dermatitis. An allergic reaction can also be caused by nickel or cobalt jewelry used for piercing. The most common problem that piercing victims face is wound festering. In addition, the piercing must be constantly looked after, and the tattoo site requires careful protection from the sun's rays throughout life.

Significant complications can cause tongue piercing. In the first 10-15 days, there are quite serious problems with food intake and diction. The tongue contains large blood vessels, and if pierced in the wrong place, there will be heavy bleeding, and a swollen tongue can even block the airways. The oral cavity is a convenient habitat for bacteria. The presence of microorganisms can lead to the development of an infectious lesion. A jewel inserted into the tongue can irritate the gums, disrupt taste sensations, and even break teeth. In addition, decoration in the tongue can cause frequent and prolonged recurrences of herpes of the lips and oral cavity.

Piercing other parts of the body can also lead to undesirable consequences:

  • Illiterate nipple piercing can damage the milk ducts.

  • Eyebrow piercing is dangerous because it can "touch" the nerve plexus and partially paralyze the muscles of the face.

  • Due to uncontrolled piercing of the upper part of the auricle, its deformation may occur and hearing may deteriorate.

  • A navel piercing takes a long time to heal, since the sweat formed under tight clothing is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Parapsychologists say that by making punctures on the chest and abdomen, a person allows a gap in his own energy protection.

If, without a piercing of the navel or a pattern on the chest, you cannot feel like a full-fledged person, then do piercings and tattoos only in well-known salons and studios. The piercing salon must have a medical license, as well as hygiene certificates for the equipment and materials used. Hygiene must be maintained at a high level: disposable tools, gloves and materials must be used. All non-disposable instruments, as well as piercing jewelry, must be sterilized in an autoclave. It is better if the piercing is done not with a gun, but by hand, since a gun is usually not sterilized in an autoclave.

Real professionals will first inquire about the state of your health, tell you for which diseases the procedure is contraindicated and warn you about all possible side effects. If the master will try to avoid talking on this topic, it is better to go to another.

For piercing, it is important to choose the right jewelry made of hypoallergenic materials. Nickel and cobalt alloys can cause severe allergic reactions. Immediately after the puncture, silver should not be inserted. It is prone to oxidation and in an unhealed wound can provoke inflammation. For this purpose, it is better to use jewelry made of surgical steel, and after the wound has healed, switch to jewelry made of gold, titanium, and platinum.

The human body changes over the years, distorting the contours of skin patterns and their color. In addition, a piercing or tattoo can go out of style or become boring, so over time it may be a question of removing them. With piercing, everything is simple: just unfasten the jewelry and the puncture will soon heal, and a small scar will remain in its place. A permanent tattoo cannot be completely removed without consequences for the area of ​​skin where it was located. There are various methods of tattoo removal: laser removal (burning out), surgery (excision of a skin area with a cosmetic suture at a small size of the pattern), abrasive removal (grinding the skin with a metal brush to remove the epidermis and dermis), removal with salt (impregnation of the tattooed skin with a special saline solution), scarification (removal with an acid solution and the creation of a scar in its place). All of these methods are expensive and can be more painful and dangerous than even getting a tattoo.

The most effective and gentle method of tattoo removal is laser skin resurfacing. In order to significantly reduce the area of ​​the drawing, and sometimes completely remove it, up to 12 sessions may be required during the year. Black drawings are easier to remove, red and yellow are the most difficult. A scar will remain at the site of laser application. At best, it will be flesh-colored, but may be discolored or red.

Thus, it takes a little time to make a piercing or tattoo. People go for it without thinking about the complications. Over time, many regret this, but it can be very difficult to fix what has been done, not to mention material costs. So before you get a piercing or tattoo, think about whether it is worth risking your health and your reputation.

Discussion of the article “Are tattoos and piercings dangerous for health”


03.02.2013 (17:22)


Is piercing cool? Ahah ahah, my God, put a bone in your nose or a ring that would look like a cow, that will suit you too, and instead of a tattoo, a brand with a herd number, for a complete set. Then, I think, at the age of 15 it will suit you, at least you will look smarter, others will think that a 15-year-old di-ilka has the courage to admit that he is, namely, a cow from a gray herd.

03.02.2013 (17:22)


Is piercing cool? Ahah ahah, my God, put a bone in your nose or a ring that would look like a cow, that will suit you too, and instead of a tattoo, a brand with a herd number, for a complete set. Then, I think, at the age of 15 it will suit you, at least you will look smarter, others will think that a 15-year-old di-ilka has the courage to admit that he is, namely, a cow from a gray herd.

03.02.2013 (17:21)


Is piercing cool? Ahah ahah, my God, put a bone in your nose or a ring that would look like a cow, that will suit you too, and instead of a tattoo, a brand with a herd number, for a complete set. Then, I think, at the age of 15 it will suit you, at least you will look smarter, others will think that a 15-year-old di-ilka has the courage to admit that he is, namely, a cow from a gray herd.

03.02.2013 (17:21)


Hm. I really want to get pierced. And since my mother allowed the tattoo, it has been numb in general. I want to pierce my brow. But I think to start with the ear cartilage. I read a lot of all sorts of terrible things, but for some reason it doesn’t scare me very much. Although I still think it's small. I'll wait until the age of 18. In general, if the piercing and tattoo are successful, then it looks very beautiful, if, of course, it suits a person.

03.02.2013 (16:23)

choir choir

I have 6 punctures in my right and 2 in my left ear, I did it in the salon, I'm satisfied.

20.11.2012 (19:00)


Article class

20.11.2012 (18:25)


I have one piercing in my ear, I want to get two more piercings, but I doubt it. Some say that it does not harm health, while others say that it is very dangerous. What to do? Should I pierce or not?

01.11.2012 (16:22)


I pierced my own ear, didn't hit a point, thank God.

30.08.2012 (13:54)


I want to get a tattoo, is it very dangerous??

20.11.2011 (19:46)


My mother first decided to get a piercing, went to the salon and she was told that it was very dangerous for health. How can I convince my mother that she again allowed me to get pierced?

Rings and some kind of metal spikes protrude from the chin, nostrils, brow ridges. Sometimes scars and scars, non-healing wounds form after porcols.

A tanned tummy with a ring adorning the navel - this is how young and not very girls who consider themselves fashionable walk around on a hot day. However, they are not limited to the navel: rings and some kind of metal spines stick out from the chin, nostrils, superciliary arches. There is nothing to say about the ears - unlike mothers and grandmothers, each earlobe has at least three earrings. Do not lag behind and young men - equality of the sexes in action. And that's just the visible embellishments. There are also invisible ones: they pierce the nipples, genitals.

Piercing - piercing through soft tissues and threading through holes any objects - the old fun of mankind. In ancient Egypt, relatives of the pharaoh and priestess had the right to pierce the navels. When power in Egypt began to wane, women of simple rank and slaves immediately acquired rings in their navels. To the rings threaded in the nipples, in ancient Rome, a fabric was fixed that served as a cape. This was considered a sign of courage and bravery. In India, a married woman wore a ring, but not on her finger, as in Europe, but in her nostril. In pre-revolutionary Russia, an earring in a sailor's ear meant that he had crossed the equator. Twenty years ago homosexuals wore an earring in their ear.

In the 20th century, piercing in its current form originated in a homosexual environment. Then he crawled into the sphere of show business, where there are always a lot of gays. And when the navel was pierced by Madonna and Naomi Campbell, he entered the wide youth fashion. Well, he entered and entered, they don’t argue with fashion.

But the question is where and what to pierce. If the piercing is done by specialists in sterile conditions, this is still nothing, but if with the help of craftsmen, the matter can end in big trouble. And the specialist does not guarantee that there will be no complications. In the West, where, in fact, the piercing fashion came from, piercing enthusiasts often turn to doctors with bleeding, inflammation, swelling, and allergic reactions. Sometimes after punctures large scars and scars, non-healing wounds are formed.

Doctors in the United States and Europe have long been trying to explain how dangerous a tongue piercing is: swelling of the tongue can cause difficulty in breathing, infectious processes in the oral cavity, which can result in serious consequences up to infectious-toxic shock and sepsis. The British Association of Dentists has come out with strong objections to tongue piercings: patients come to them with diction defects, dental injuries from “jewelry”, sometimes “jewelry” gets into the windpipe. Every fifth person who has had a piercing has some kind of problem.

Hans Rudolf, vice president of the German Society for Plastic Surgery, warns that an infection can result in an acute or chronic inflammatory process that can cause allergies and damage to the facial nerves. A person grows up, his tastes change, and fashion passes. German plastic surgeons were increasingly being asked to remove traces of "jewellery". But it is not always possible to completely get rid of scars, especially on the face.

Piercing involves a puncture of soft or cartilage tissue. Such manipulation is always associated with the risk of complications and negative reactions from the body. The consequences of piercing are local and general.

Causes of the negative effects of piercing

The most common cause of negative consequences is a violation of asepsis (sterility) when performing a puncture. Neglect of the rules of disinfection - the use of reusable needles, non-sterile disposable gloves, insufficient treatment of hands and puncture sites, a manipulation site that does not meet sanitary standards - these are the factors that lead to complications.

The second most common reason is the purchase of a product made of low-quality metal, the composition of which can cause local allergies. In severe cases, general allergic reactions occur - swelling of the respiratory system, anaphylactic shock.

At the first puncture, it is strictly forbidden to use products made of nickel and iron, as well as stainless steel with the addition of molybdenum, cobalt, chromium. They can cause inflammation of soft tissues, allergies.

For primary piercing, it is recommended to use implant steel, titanium, bronze (but without impurities of arsenic, zinc or lead). Silver is allowed if the puncture is done for the first time, except for the tongue and nose, as this metal negatively affects the mucous membranes. You can use gold jewelry for piercing, but the product must be at least 584 samples. Safe for health are objects made of glass and polymer.

The third reason for the problems associated with piercing is the unprofessionalism of the master. In order for the manipulation to be successful, it is desirable that the person who performed it has a medical education. Listening to short-term courses, lack of alimentary knowledge in the field of anatomy and physiology can lead to undesirable consequences. A frequent complication associated with a lack of experience and knowledge is the puncture of small and medium-sized blood vessels, bleeding, violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes, followed by their dysfunction.

In last place, the cause of negative consequences is the neglect of caring for the puncture site, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Who is contraindicated for piercing:

  • chronic diseases of the mucous and ENT organs - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, sinusitis;
  • severe autoimmune diseases - scleroderma and lupus erythematosus;
  • skin pathologies - dermatitis of various origins, psoriasis;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent);
  • hemophilia in men (blood clotting disorder);
  • severe pathologies of internal organs - heart defects, bronchial asthma, kidney failure, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, oncological problems.

Temporary contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, age up to 15 years, diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis), acute inflammatory processes in the body, elevated body temperature.

Consequences of a puncture on the face

The danger of facial piercing is associated with the proximity of the organs of vision, hearing and smell, mucous membranes. An unsuccessful puncture can lead to serious consequences.

Lip piercing

Lip piercing entails local and general negative consequences. When a lip is pierced, a part of the metal jewelry is in continuous contact with the oral mucosa. This requires more thorough care after each meal. Food leftovers can cause inflammation at the puncture site, suppuration, and fever in the piercing area. This condition is accompanied by discomfort and pain when talking, eating. The greatest danger is blood poisoning.

While in the mouth, the metal constantly interacts with the teeth. Such contact leads to a violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel, its cracks, as a result, caries and tooth decay.

In the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle there is a large accumulation of blood vessels, nerves, receptors. A foreign body can cause the following consequences:

  • bleeding, slight but difficult to stop;
  • increased salivation;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • violation of sensitivity;
  • stomatitis.

It is possible to attach an infection - the herpes virus, bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci).

Tongue piercing

Tongue piercing is one of the extreme types of piercing that is very popular among young people. This manipulation requires a serious approach. The tongue can only be pierced in the middle, since the organ is equipped with a numerous network of blood vessels. Violation of the integrity of the vascular wall will lead to profuse bleeding, which will require surgical assistance to eliminate. To avoid infectious complications, the tongue must be rinsed repeatedly during the day with special disinfectant solutions.

Consequences of a local tongue puncture:

  • puffiness, swelling;
  • blue, crimson or purple hue of the organ;
  • itching, burning, pain of varying intensity;
  • scarlet inflammatory edge around the puncture site;
  • unpleasant, putrid odor from the mouth;
  • discharge from the wound of white, yellow, gray color;
  • a slight general increase in body temperature, malaise, weakness;
  • violation of diction.

A foreign body in the oral cavity causes candidiasis - a fungal infection of the mucous membrane. More serious consequences include impaired innervation, loss of sensitivity, limitation of the organ's motor ability. With severe swelling, the process of swallowing and breathing becomes difficult.

Before piercing the tongue, you need to consult a dentist and eliminate chronic pathological processes in the oral cavity. Metal jewelry contributes to the destruction of the gum structure. They become soft, weak and lead to tooth loss.

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61 years old

A severe complication is glossitis (inflammation of the tongue). Symptoms:

  • burning, pain;
  • damage to taste buds;
  • the tongue increases, its mobility is limited;
  • the function of the salivary glands is impaired;
  • the tongue is covered with plaque, cracks, erosions and ulcers appear.

This condition affects the quality of life: appetite disappears, sleep is disturbed, working capacity decreases, severe headaches join. In severe cases, structural changes in the organ occur (connective tissue grows).

Eyebrow piercing

Eyebrow piercing is dangerous with the risk of damage to the optic nerve. Also, the decoration is easy to touch during water procedures, when combing, changing clothes, which will lead to injury to the skin.

The most dangerous consequence is damage to the optic nerve, which can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. Symptoms:

  • decreased visual acuity and contrast;
  • limited field of view;
  • omission of the eyelid;
  • swelling, hemorrhage;
  • dilated pupil, poor reaction to light.

Other consequences of an eyebrow piercing:

  • conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • blepharitis - chronic inflammation of the eyelids;
  • gordeolum (barley) - an infectious abscess on the eyelid;
  • loss of eyelashes.

Earlobe piercing is the most common type of piercing done at any age, even from birth. But the puncture of the cartilage (auricle) is harmful and can lead to negative consequences.

Since the cartilaginous tissue of the ear is a reflexogenic zone with many receptors, its puncture can lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, deterioration of the general condition.

Local negative reactions:

  • swelling, hyperemia (redness);
  • itching, peeling of the skin;
  • purulent discharge.

Complications of moderate severity - ear deformity, the development of a benign neoplasm, an increase in connective tissue, hearing loss.

In severe cases, paralysis of the facial nerve develops. Signs:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • loss of sensitivity of the skin of the ear, cheeks;
  • uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • pain from the affected nerve.

Consequences of body piercing

The most common place on the body for a puncture is the navel. The skin in this place is delicate, so the navel piercing heals for a long time (six months or more) and requires careful and careful care.

In case of violation of the treatment of the wound, an abscess can develop - purulent inflammation of the tissues with their subsequent melting. Subsequently, at the site of the abscess, keloid scars are formed - the growth of coarse connective tissue like a benign tumor.

Tight and tight clothing, swimming in water bodies, dirty hands are factors that contribute to the development of complications.

Local consequences of a navel puncture:

  • infectious suppuration;
  • mechanical rupture of soft tissues and skin;
  • rejection of jewelry as a foreign body;
  • pain when touching or moving the earring.

A pierced navel causes local allergic reactions - itchy rashes, redness of the skin.

Genital piercings are gaining more and more popularity. The puncture of intimate parts of the body in 50% of cases leads to a loss of sensitivity, in 30% of cases - to allergic reactions.

The puncture of the male genital organ entails the following consequences:

  • violation of urination;
  • ascending urinary tract infection;
  • the risk of breaking a condom during intercourse;
  • decrease in the quality of sex.

In women, labia and clitoris piercing is associated with a risk of mechanical injury and infection. Such manipulation can lead to chronic candidiasis, vaginitis, cystitis. The sensitivity of erogenous zones decreases.

In 90% of cases, piercing of intimate areas is accompanied by inflammatory processes that require the treatment of qualified specialists.

Piercing of the sternum or nipples is fraught with such consequences - allergies, decreased sensitivity, the formation of cysts, in women, the destruction of the ducts of the mammary glands.

Severe general complications after piercing

Violation of asepsis rules leads to serious infectious consequences.

Sepsis is an infectious infection of the blood, a response of the whole organism, which is characterized by a general inflammation of the internal organs and systems. It is caused by bacteria - staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. The initial source is local suppuration after an unsuccessful piercing.


  • develops the first 1-5 days;
  • the formation of ulcers in organs and tissues;
  • symptoms of intoxication - fever, rapid breathing and heartbeat, chills;
  • development of pneumonia, peritonitis;
  • in severe cases, septic shock is a violation of the blood circulation of the body, a drop in blood pressure, cessation of urine production, confusion.

During the manipulation, it is possible to become infected with infectious diseases - viral hepatitis B and C, HIV infection, tetanus (toxic damage to the nervous and muscular system).

Of the general allergic reactions, angioedema (Quincke) or anaphylactic shock may develop.

Quincke's edema is a disease of an allergic nature, which is characterized by an increase in parts of the face and limbs. There is swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, which spreads to the larynx and makes breathing difficult. In severe cases, it can lead to its stop.

Distinguishing symptoms:

  • difficult inhalation-exhalation;
  • barking cough;
  • hoarse voice;
  • the redness of the face is replaced by pallor.

Anaphylactic shock is an immediate reaction of the body to the introduction of an allergen. After piercing is extremely rare. Signs - a sharp pain in the puncture area, severe swelling, itching all over the skin. Then there are pains in the chest like a heart attack, a spasm of the larynx and bronchi develops. Against the background of oxygen starvation, collapse occurs, loss of consciousness.

Piercing is a manipulation that requires a serious approach. Before deciding to do it, you need to weigh the pros and cons, consult with experts about your health and the possible consequences after the piercing. For the conduct of the procedure itself, it is better to choose a highly qualified specialist with extensive practical experience.

Piercing has long ceased to be something outlandish and exclusively youth. And hardly anyone thinks that this simple procedure can seriously affect health and even be deadly.
If you are thinking about a new hole on the body, then you should know about the dangers and contraindications of piercing, so that you do not bite your elbows later.

1. Infection during the procedure

- the main danger of piercing. You can catch any disease that is transmitted through the blood, and the master at home, and in a professional tattoo parlor and in an elite beauty salon. Patients with hepatitis and HIV, at times, do not yet know about their diagnosis, or simply hide it from the master. These serious viral diseases are also a contraindication to piercing.
One has only to carelessly sterilize and infection becomes inevitable. It is not for nothing that in many countries, piercing owners cannot be donors. In Russia, you can donate blood only one year after the procedure.

The ubiquitous method of piercing the ears with a pistol is fraught with an even greater danger of infection. All over the world, professional piercers have already abandoned its use, due to non-sterility. In our country, the vast majority of salons and private craftsmen continue to use pistols.
In addition to diseases, during a puncture, you can get elementary sepsis - blood poisoning. With all the abundance of disinfection methods, this is still a common complication of piercing. Harmful microbes can get into a fresh wound from a tool, from the hands of a craftsman, or from jewelry. Deaths from sepsis are not uncommon.

2. About 20% of punctures end in serious complications

according to statistics. Most often, this is severe inflammation and bleeding, swelling, suppuration and an allergic reaction. It should be borne in mind that after a puncture, careful care for the piercing area is needed. Several times a day it is necessary to treat this place with a special disinfectant solution.
If you decide to pierce your lips or tongue, then you better forget about smoking and alcohol until healing. In the future, the number of cigarettes smoked and drunk will have to be significantly reduced, otherwise the puncture site will constantly become inflamed, suppurate and even bleed.
A special diet is also required until complete healing. After piercing the navel and intimate areas, you can only wear cotton underwear, otherwise you will create a breeding ground for bacteria. In other words, piercing involves a change in your lifestyle, and you need to be ready for this.

3. Piercing disrupts vital processes in the body.

All of you have heard about acupuncture as a way to cure diseases only by acting on certain points. And now imagine if instead of a point responsible for vision or heart function, a hole appears. Health problems after this can not be avoided.

4. Constant exposure to a foreign object leads to inflammation

and over time can cause cancer. In addition, having decided on a piercing, many do not know about their allergies to metals. Especially often causes allergic reactions to nickel, which is part of gold jewelry.
FYI: Real piercing jewelry is made from surgical steel, titanium and niobium. It is clear that their design is very lame. Gold rings and bars, which you probably looked after yourself, can only be put on after the final healing of the puncture site. In some cases, it takes up to six months.

5 Piercing Cunning

also in the fact that you can have disfiguring keloid scars for the rest of your life. Aesthetic medicine has come up with many methods of getting rid of them, but they are all expensive, require an individual approach and, at times, are ineffective. Most people become aware of their susceptibility to keloids after getting a piercing.
Examine your skin carefully. If it has scars from scratches and cuts that have not gone away for many years, then you have a very serious contraindication to piercing.

6. You are strictly prohibited from piercing.

If you suffer from epilepsy, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, diseases of the blood, stomach, kidneys, bronchial asthma, heart disease, systemic diseases or rheumatism, then piercing is strictly prohibited for you.
It can easily provoke serious bleeding, seizures, shock conditions and a sharp exacerbation of your disease. The same applies to people who have ever suffered a traumatic brain injury.

As you know, health does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards itself, so analyze all the dangers and contraindications of piercing before venturing into it.

If the mention of the word "piercing" seems to you exclusively informal elements and punk citizens, know that in reality, the piercing of various parts of the body has long been much more common and can now be found under the teacher's blouse, and in the tongue of your high school son's friend. Strictly speaking, a banal ear piercing (which 90% of women and about 15% of men have) is also a piercing, fraught with the same problems as, say, a piercing in the navel. Let's see what forms the desire to decorate one's body most often takes, and what consequences the realization of this desire can turn into.

Learning about potential risks, first of all, I would like to say that piercing is irresponsible in relation to your own body, and I also strongly advise you not to pierce the skin in any places. But in fact, everyone must decide for himself whether he wants to endanger himself, given all the information. In the end, in Africa, entire tribes practice ritual piercing (10-50 punctures for each, made with a not very clean and not very even needle) - and nothing, death does not mow down these people in batches. Just weigh all the pros and cons - and make your choice.

Theoretically, in order to get pierced, you need a little - a special and sterile needle and the nimble hands of a piercing specialist. But this does not mean that it is worth getting pierced anywhere; the success of this procedure directly depends on the experience of the master and on compliance with all safety rules. In addition, some types of piercing require special skill to perform: for example, piercing of the genitals, nasal septum, eyebrows. Numerous rules to ensure the relative safety of the procedure itself and the healing process include proper sterilization of the instrument, selection of the puncture site, use of appropriate jewelry to promote healing, etc.

Types of piercing classified according to the puncture site:

- Ear piercing. This is a classic puncture that heals within about 2 weeks if the lobes have been pierced; if cartilage was punctured, then it will heal much longer - up to several months. A separate type of extreme piercing is the acquisition of "tunnels" in the earlobes.

- Belly button piercing. Mostly female type of piercing; the puncture heals in 3-4 months, during which the puncture must be treated as carefully as possible, you can not do fitness that affects the muscles of the press.

- Facial piercing. Nose and eyebrow piercing is a little less common: eyebrow piercing is too painful, and nose piercing is not very popular due to the fact that it often interferes with its owner. Facial piercing heals on average within 1-1.5 months.

- Oral piercing. Puncture of the lips and tongue heals in 1.5-2 months (depending on the puncture site and the success of healing), but it causes a lot of trouble for a person during this period. In the first two weeks, there may be problems with diction, but tongue piercing at first really interferes with eating and communicating fully.

- Genital piercing. Intimate piercing heals within 1-2 months, during this period sexual contacts are prohibited.

- nipple piercing. A sensitive and painful puncture heals in 1-3 months, depending on the individual characteristics of this part of the human body.
In addition, highly experienced piercers provide services for more exotic types of piercings; these include a puncture with the installation of implants under the skin (for example, “horns” on the forehead), multiple punctures, etc.

Harm of piercing

Piercing can cause the greatest harm in the oral cavity, but a piercing of the body is fraught with not too pleasant consequences. Common for any piercing, regardless of location, harm:
Allergic reaction. Punctures on the body are by no means loyal to all jewelry materials: if the puncture does not like something, a serious one can develop (with swelling and redness of the body part, inflammation).
Infection. The most common complication: getting bacteria and viruses into a fresh puncture can cause both banal inflammation (which, nevertheless, can cause serious trouble), and hepatitis B and other terrible diseases.
Circulatory failure, tissue scarring. Punctures made in "strategic" places can result in the development of dangerous diseases; for example, genital piercings can cause problems with childbearing and erectile function, and nipple piercings can cause scarring that prevents breastfeeding.
Endocarditis. There is a chance of bacteria entering the bloodstream and developing if a person already has some heart problems.
Injuries. Piercing is a potentially dangerous area, as it protrudes above the skin; to cling to an ornament - just spit, it can happen anywhere and any way. Ornaments in the navel and nipples stably cling to clothes and the belt of trousers, jewelry in the eyebrows and ears - to a comb, bracelets, etc.

Especially dangerous and potentially harmful to health mouth piercing:
Tooth decay. More than half of the owners of lip and tongue piercings happen (chips, cracks and complete destruction of the tooth), which is not at all noticeable, given the direct contact of the metal jewelry and teeth.
Injuries and diseases of the gums, tongue. The jewelry used in piercing rubs all day long on the oral mucosa, on the tongue, gums, the inner surface of the cheeks, etc., as a result of which all these surfaces are subjected to constant injury. Which is fraught with the development of gum disease and inflammation in the future.
elevated risk of infection, inflammation, injury. The oral cavity is an active zone, you only eat at least three times a day, as well as brush your teeth, talk, etc. The puncture site is constantly exposed and the likelihood of injury, infection, damage is extremely high.
