Role-playing game in the second junior group of kindergarten. Role-playing game corner Role-playing game corner in kindergarten

olga dancer

Presentation corner of role-playing games

The game is one of the types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. The game becomes a cognitive basis for a preschool child, in which he realizes his interests and his choice in the space around him.

AT plot Role-playing game in children consolidates the skills of social behavior. Children learn to communicate with both peers and adults, to get out of conflict situations. It also develops moral quality: responsiveness, tolerance, friendliness, mutual assistance.

In our group, we have created optimal conditions for each child to plot-role-playing game could show its active and initiative position.

Saturation plot corner-role-playing games correspond to the age capabilities of children. Corner plot-role-playing games in our group is equipped with various game material. AT corner there are toys - characters and role-playing attributes, toys - objects of operation, markers of the playing space, polyfunctional materials for role-playing games: "A family", "Birthday", "Family holiday - Easter", "Score", "Cafe", "Pharmacy", "Polyclinic", "Salon", "Farm", "Firefighters", "Police", "Builders", "chauffeurs", "Sailors"

We solve the problems of multifunctionality and transformability in our group by the presence of objects that do not have a rigidly fixed way of using them. AT corner the possibility of independent transformation of the environment by children is provided. Depending on the interests of children, they can independently change the playing environment. The guys make new attributes from improvised material, using various types of paper, shells, sticks, clothespins, bubbles, boxes.

Children operate with objects - deputies: screens, soft modules, rugs.

Using various equipment of the group, children themselves simulate a variety of play stories. The group has polyfunctional soft modules that are easily rearranged during the transformation of the environment. Such modules are used by children in various activities and for role-playing games, and for physical activity, and for rest of children.

Screen fences off retreat, also used in role-playing games(as a counter in a store, in a pharmacy, a doctor's office in a clinic, etc., which provides children with a free choice for playing, constructing, solitude.

The environment created in our group works for the development of independence and self-activity of the child and contributes to his socialization and individualization.

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Dear colleagues, I would like to bring to your attention, hand-made attributes for a role-playing game. These are Attributes for a role-playing game.

Dear colleagues! Today I want to thank all the "manufacturers" of attributes for role-playing games: "Shop", "Cafe", especially Perova.

Role-playing games for preschoolers are a type of children's activity in which the child imagines a situation, comes up with a plot.

In our kindergarten, a contest was held on preparing attributes for role-playing games. In all groups of kindergarten teacher.

Planning role-playing games in the preparatory group Planning plot - role-playing games in the preparatory group on the topics: Space. Electrical appliances are our helpers. Garden, garden, forest. Space.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of different types of dishes, to form the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose, to cultivate resourcefulness, attention, speech.
Game rules: name the item and take it to the person who needs it.
Game progress
The game is held after the children got acquainted with the work of a nanny, a cook, and learned what dishes are used in their work.
3 dolls: a cook stands at the stove, a nanny doll in a dressing gown prepares dishes for dinner, a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher examines the dolls with the children, talks about what they do, what kind of dishes they need. There are various dishes on the table near the teacher. Showing the object, the teacher tells what it is called (asks about it). To maintain interest, you can ask like this: “And this dish, probably, no one needs ..” A ladle, a kettle, a spoon are needed by both the cook and the nanny. Children themselves can play the role of a cook, a nanny, a girl who is about to have dinner.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the names of clothes, about the sequence of dressing, to activate the speech of children.
Game rules: select the right clothes by size, name the clothes in the sequence of dressing.
Game progress
2 dolls sleep on the cribs: a large one and a small one. There are clothes on the shelves. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Educator: “Children, look who is sleeping on this bed. Did you recognize her? Yes, this is Katya doll. Who sleeps on this one? This is Tanya doll. The teacher addresses one doll: “Katya, are you already awake? Will you get up? Guys, she says she wants to get up, but first we need to find her clothes. What do you need to dress Katya?
“Look closely at the shelf. Do you see clothes? Bring a dress. We try on a dress, if it is small, we put it at Tanya's bed. Will we put on the dress right away or do we need to put on other things first? We are looking for underwear for dolls in size, other things. Children take turns putting clothes on the Katya doll, then dressing Tanya.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about tableware, to activate their speech, to cultivate a culture of behavior during meals, to teach them to take care of the doll.
Game rules: correctly find and select dishes for dinner, show objects correctly .. With the right choice of dishes, children clap their hands, in case of a mistake they threaten with a finger.
Game progress
There are tea, tableware and kitchen utensils on the table. Kuka Katya is sitting at the table. Educator: “Children, Katya needs to be fed lunch. There are a variety of utensils here. We will put only what we need for dinner on the table in front of Katya. One by one, the children find the necessary items. The teacher asks what it is and why.
At the request of the teacher, the children find all the items: plates, a fork, a meadow, a bread box, they are called correctly and beautifully arranged on the table, not forgetting to lay a tablecloth and put a napkin holder. They wish Katya a good appetite, after dinner they clean the dishes.

Purpose: to exercise children in distinguishing and comparing objects, to cultivate attention, speed of reaction.
Game rules: according to the word of the teacher, arrange objects in descending order and vice versa, the winner receives a chip.
Game progress
For the game, natural material is used, toys, pictures of the same type, but of different sizes, each group of objects has the same number.
Children sit at the table and the teacher examines objects with them, the children name them. The teacher asks if the objects are the same in size, asks to show the largest, smaller, smallest. “We will learn how to arrange them by size: first we put the largest object, then the smaller one, then the smallest one. Only the same items should be placed in one row. Begin!"
3-6 items each, children change items and lay them out again. Then they do the same, but in increasing magnitude.

Purpose: to exercise children in the correct naming of objects and actions, to teach to notice and name differences in color and clothing, to develop visual memory, voluntary memorization, observation and speech.
Game rules: the one whom the teacher calls answers.
Game progress
The teacher shows the children in turn 3-5 objects (of different types, of the same type, but of different colors and sizes). Together with children, he names objects, notes color and size.
Questions about objects of the same kind: “Are they the same size or not? And what do they have different? Look carefully!" Then the teacher asks the children to remember what objects and how they cost. He closes the toys with a screen and rearranges objects, swaps places, removes one or two toys. One child answers: who noticed the first or who the teacher will call.

Purpose: to exercise children in finding leaves by similarity, to activate the dictionary (maple, oak, mountain ash, birch), to cultivate auditory attention.
Game rules: run after you correctly name the tree from which the leaf is (after the teacher’s words “Such a leaf, fly to me!”
Game progress
The teacher, on a walk with the children, collects the leaves of the trees (according to the number of children) and leaves them at home (one leaf from each tree).
Conversation: “Children, do you know what trees grow on our site? Let's name them and go up to them (they call them, examine the trees and leaves). Comparing and naming the leaves, the teacher finds out what the children know about the trees, how the leaves of different trees differ.
“Now we will play. I have leaves from different trees in my hands. I will give you a sheet. When I show a leaf and say “Whoever has the same leaf - fly to me!”, You will run to me. Be careful.” Steps aside and gives a signal.
The teacher makes sure that the children run after the signal. Complication: run to the tree from which the leaf.

Purpose: to teach children to recognize objects by touch, to cultivate endurance, speech.
Game rules: guess a familiar object by touch, get the object, and then tell about it.
Game progress
The teacher selects items familiar to the children. Conducts a brief conversation about what it is, what it is, what it is for.
Children take turns putting their hand into the bag, find an object and name it, then take it out and show it. You can put all the items in a bag, the children choose one and name it. You can put 1 item in the bag, leave the rest on the table. The children guess by touch what kind of object it is, other children say whether they guessed correctly or not. If the child finds it difficult to answer, we make riddles about the subject. Either the child describes the object, the rest guess it.

Goal: continue to teach children how to assemble the pyramid correctly, exercise in naming the size of the ring (large, smaller, smallest).
Game rules: string the rings after the teacher's signal.
Game progress
Play with a small group of children. The teacher, having put the children at the table, gives everyone a pyramid. Looking at his pyramid, he draws the attention of children to it: “Which ring is below: large or small? (large). What is the ring above it? (slightly less). Remember, the largest ring is at the bottom. And what is upstairs? And now let's play. Let's take a look at the pyramids first. And when I hit the ring on the table, you will quickly begin to collect the pyramid. You have to assemble it correctly. Whoever collects it sooner will win and receive a prize"
The teacher reminds that every time you need to look for the largest ring.

Purpose: to exercise in finding an object by characteristic features, to develop observation, resourcefulness, to teach children to describe an object without naming it, to cultivate endurance.
Game rules: the one whom Pinocchio names is looking for.
Game progress
The teacher, together with Pinocchio and the children, examine the items that he picked up for the game. The teacher pays attention to the appearance of objects, their color, shape, what they are made of, what they are for. Then he invites the children to turn away and quickly lays out the objects in different places. Then he says: “All our toys ran away. Now you will look for them. Listen! Find a round rubber object that jumps and rolls on the floor. You love to play with him. That's right guys, it's a ball. We are looking for him!
The child is looking for a toy and brings it to the teacher's table. The game continues until all items are found and returned to their place.
You can take toys that children have lost interest in, about which they forgot.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about color, understanding the words “same”, “paired”, to educate attention, speed of reaction to the word.
Game rules: children are paired with someone who has a ribbon of the same color after the words of the teacher "Find your pair!"
Game progress
Before the game, the teacher ties a ribbon on the hand of each child. The colors are different, but repeated so that children can find the same ribbons and pair up. Find out what color the ribbons are, who has the same ribbons. “Now we will play. You will run around the room, and when I say “Find your mate!”, You will look for someone who has the same ribbon. Everyone ran around the room!”
The teacher sings a song or claps his hands, gives a signal, the children are looking for a mate. The teacher asks to check if the children identified the color correctly.
You can find identical figures of the same color.

Purpose: to teach to correlate tools with the profession, to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to help them, to try on the role of representatives of different professions.
Game rules: name the profession in accordance with the tool of labor. Remember where you saw such an employee.
Game progress
Items of labor of representatives of different professions (toys) are prepared on the table: a set of medical instruments, a set of kitchen utensils, a hairdressing set, household appliances, etc. The teacher invites one child to the table, he takes a toy, calls it. The rest name who needs this item for work.
Option: find all the tools for a particular profession and name them.

Purpose: to teach children to compare objects, to find signs of similarities and differences in them, to cultivate observation, ingenuity, coherent speech.
Game rules: whoever found the same toys, speaks about it in the ear of the teacher, you can’t name them, everyone must find them.
Game progress
A variety of toys are selected, among which there must be exactly the same. During the game, remove or add toys. “Now we will play. There are toys on the table. I will count to three, and at this time you must find two completely identical ones. Be careful! Whoever finds it raises his hand, comes up to me and speaks in a whisper. One two Three! Find the same!
To complicate the game and increase attention, you can put toys that are almost the same, but differ in color or size.
More often involve children who are absent-minded, inattentive, who are in a hurry to answer without thinking.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of how poultry scream, to develop the correct sound pronunciation.
Game rules: everyone loudly utter sounds in chorus, imitating birds.
Game progress
The teacher invites the children to remember how geese, ducks, chickens scream. The children make sounds in chorus. “That's good, you all remembered how poultry scream in different ways. And how does a dove coo? If the children find it difficult, the teacher himself says: “Grru-grru-grru-grru!” “Now listen to the poem. When I name different birds, you scream like they do.
Our ducks in the morning...
Our geese by the pond...
And the turkey in the yard...
Our bunnies are up...
How about Petya the Cockerel?
Early-early in the morning
We will sing ...!
The next time the teacher divides all the children into groups: "ducks", "geese", etc.

Purpose: to continue to teach children to coordinate words with actions, to cultivate goodwill.
Game rules: the hare can run out of the circle after dancing.
Game progress
Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle. After the bunny was chosen with a counter and he entered the circle, the children walk in a circle and say:
Zainka, along the hay
Walk, walk!
Grey, brand new
There is nowhere for the hare to jump out,
There is nowhere for the gray to jump out!
Serenky, dance - they will let you out!
The teacher with the children sings a dance tune, everyone clap their hands, the bunny is dancing. After that, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Purpose: to exercise the auditory analyzer, to cultivate attention, memory, friendships with peers, the desire to play together.
Game rules: the guesser with closed eyes calls loudly the name of the one who called. You cannot change the voice.
Game progress
Children stand in a circle. Educator: “Today we will guess by the voice of our children. Do you know each other's voices? Vova, please call Olya! Olya, call Seryozha! Guys, do Vova and Olya have different voices? But we saw them when they spoke. And in the game, the one who will guess will close his eyes and only guess by voice and call the name of the one who called him.
After that, the teacher invites one child to him, who closes his eyes or stands with his back to the children. The teacher approaches another child and touches him, he loudly calls the driver. "Who called you?" - asks the teacher. All children should be in the role of a driver.

Purpose: to teach to listen to the poem to the end, to respond to the word-signal of the educator, to cultivate attention, speed of reaction.
Game rules: run away after the word “gore”, return to the same place at the signal “Run to me!”
Game progress:
“Now we will play the Horned Goat. I will be a goat, and you will be kids. When I say the word "gore", you will run away from the goat to the other corner of the room. The teacher slowly approaches the children, saying:
There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
For the little guys.
Legs top-top,
Eyes clap-clap.
Who does not eat porridge
He drinks milk -
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...
At the word "gore" the children run away from the goat, she catches up with them.

Purpose: to teach children to correctly name the furnishings in the group, to clarify their purpose, to activate the speech of children, to cultivate an attentive, kind attitude towards newcomers.
Game rules: name the object to which the doll approached. The one to whom the doll addresses or in chorus answers.
Game progress:
Children are sitting on chairs, the teacher is preparing to start a conversation, suddenly there is a knock on the door. “Who is coming to us? What's your name, girl?" The teacher presses the doll to her cheek, imitating a secret answer. The guest's name is Valya. She wants to stay with us to live, in our group. Shall we show her our room?”
The teacher with the doll approaches one or the other object together. Imitating the questions of the doll, he asks: “What is this with you?” The children answer. Doll Valya gets acquainted with the toys and objects that are in the group, finds out what they are for, is surprised, praises for the order, thanks for the attention to her.

Series of messages " ":
Part 43 -

In the second younger group, there is a qualitative change in the activities of children. Objective activity gives way to the leading role of the game. A significant place among the games is occupied by role-playing games. To teach a child of the fourth year of life to play role-playing games is a responsible and important task for a teacher. It is necessary to prepare and organize the game in such a way as not to turn the child's creative participation into a simple repetition of the actions proposed by adults. After all, playing freely, the baby experiences the joy of creativity and embodied desires.

The purpose and significance of the role-playing game in primary preschool age

The game is the leading activity of preschoolers. Many scientists, teachers and psychologists point out that without the game it is impossible to fully form the personality of the child. Children who are deprived of the opportunity to play to their heart's content in preschool, freely, at will, upon entering school, have problems with academic performance, socialization, and are prone to neuroses and aggression.

To ensure that the child fully lives all stages of childhood, it is necessary to satisfy his need for play. One of the main tasks of preschool educational institutions (DOE) is the development and improvement of the play activities of pupils. This is also enshrined in exemplary general educational programs, and in some (for example, "Origins"), a separate chapter is devoted to the game of a child at each age. This testifies to the recognition of the importance of the game by modern scientists-educators and researchers of childhood.

A special place among the games of preschoolers is occupied by role-playing games, that is, those in which children voluntarily perform sequences of interrelated actions (plot) and take on an image (role) with certain responsibilities. Independent story-role play of children is considered the highest manifestation of play activity.

Growing up, a small person seeks to take his place in the world, declaring himself louder and louder. He is a person, but his capabilities are significantly limited. The main goal of the role-playing game is to eliminate the contradiction between the capabilities and aspirations of the child, to let him be in the role of an adult, using available actions, materials, relationships.

In a role-playing game, children pretend to be adults they want to imitate.

To an independent role-playing game, kids do not come immediately. The formation of play activity goes through regular stages, different at each age. The period of early childhood, namely the fourth year of life, is very important in the art of mastering the role-playing game, and teachers working with this age need to pay special attention to the development of pupils' playing skills. Children of the fourth year of life are moving from plot-display games to role-playing ones, that is, from the ability to display actions in the game to the ability to take on a role and follow it.

Role-playing games at this age contribute to:

  • The development of intelligence. The game requires not only to create a plot plan, but also to follow it, choosing the appropriate actions. This has a positive effect on the development of logic, memory, attention.
  • Speech activation. A child cannot play without communicating with peers, he must interact with them, including through speech. If the kids are interested in the game and they want its development, continuation, their speech is activated, and even silent people enter into game dialogues with their comrades. When playing a director's game with a doll or other character, the child also builds a dialogue, uttering lines on his own behalf and on behalf of the toy.
  • Socialization. Children of primary preschool age usually choose games about what is closest and most familiar to them: about family, kindergarten. To contribute to the expansion of ideas about society by introducing new themes of games is the task of the educator. He offers the games "Construction", "Hairdresser", "Hospital", "Shop" to enrich children's understanding of professions, their benefits to society, and also to teach kids to reproduce the professional actions of adults, to cultivate interest and respect for work. It is in the story game that the kids get an idea of ​​how to behave in various life situations, form the experience of communicating with others.
  • Development of creativity, imagination, ability to improvise. Connecting the events of real life in the game and creatively interpreting them is already within the power of children of the fourth year of life. Usually, imagining something in the game, children embody their desires, dreams: we became skillful, strong, baked a big delicious cake, invited many guests, bought a lot of toys in the store, etc. Or they imagine themselves as their favorite cartoon character , fairy tales, perform actions on their behalf: they fly like fairies, build tall houses like robots. Such playful behavior not only brings children pleasure and develops creativity, but also serves as an excellent means of emotional release.

Realizing in the game his desire to be "like adults", the child experiences joy and relieves emotional stress.

It is worth remembering that such games do not carry a large didactic (educational) load, since their feature is the unreality, the conditionality of events. However, the educational value of role-playing games is great and the teacher should think about what exactly the game will give the kids in terms of educating feelings and positive qualities.

Organization and conduct of a role-playing game in the younger group of preschool educational institutions

For the successful preparation and conduct of role-playing games with children of the fourth year of life, the teacher needs to know what main tasks this type of activity performs.

Tasks of the role-playing game in the second junior group

The tasks of the teacher in the fourth year of a child's life in the field of organizing a role-playing game are:

  • To help the child translate meaningless actions with toys, objects into meaning and results, build and develop a simple plot.
    • For example, noticing that the baby repeatedly and with interest “feeds” a toy dog ​​from a bowl, the teacher says: “What a wonderful dog you have! What is her name? (Giving names to all participants in the story game develops speech, imagination, and also brings the game closer to reality, because in real life all living creatures close to the child have names. delay the development of the game). Let's call her Buddy. My friend is probably hungry. Let's feed him. He will eat and go for a walk. Will you take him for a walk?"
    • It is necessary to teach a child the transition from actions with a toy to a story game gradually, better in an individual form, focusing on the desire of the baby himself. Such work is carried out at the beginning of the school year, after which they proceed to the organization of common games.
  • Stimulate the creativity of children when creating game situations, encourage independence in the game, the ability to be active and initiative, remaining within the framework of the chosen plot, but not replacing the game with the implementation of the teacher's "script".
  • Learn to use substitute items in the game.
    • Some teachers believe that objects unfamiliar to children should be replaced on the basis of general similarity, and those that are well known to children should be given as close to natural as possible (a toy). However, this approach is not entirely logical, because the main purpose of any child's activity is cognition, and in the game it is necessary to form the correct perception of things, objects. When replacing an unfamiliar object, the teacher names it, therefore, fixes an unfamiliar word in the child’s memory, and the substitute can be fixed as an image of this unfamiliar object.
    • Therefore, just unfamiliar objects should be given as close as possible to the present form, and those that are well known should be replaced. For example, children and the teacher play shop, buy and sell fruit. In this case, apples can be replaced with red and yellow balls, but it is better to take pineapple or lemon from a set of plastic fruits, since these tropical fruits are little known to most children.
  • To form the ability to adhere to the chosen role, to act according to it. The psyche of a child of the fourth year of life is still unstable, voluntary attention is just beginning to form.
    • Children in the process of a story game can even forget what the plot was originally intended to be and get carried away with performing one action (for example, instead of a purposeful trip of a mother-girl with a baby doll to the doctor, just roll the stroller around the group). The teacher must be ready for such a development of events and return the children to the plot with the help of unobtrusive reminders: “Where are the mothers with sick children? The clinic will close soon.
    • If the children continue to be distracted, it means that they are not interested in the game or they are tired. In this case, the type of activity is changed, and they return to the role-playing game later, enriching it with new toys, materials, poems, and riddles.
  • To promote the establishment of game interaction, partnerships between game participants, role-playing communication.
    • Particular attention should be paid to the education of goodwill, camaraderie, the ability to yield to each other. The education of these qualities will help the child not only in games, but also in life in general.
    • If one or more children in the game show aggression, unwillingness to concede, negotiate, utter role-playing remarks with rude intonations, then it is likely that they copy the behavior model that they learned from adults. Too timid children who try either not to take part in the game, or perform actions reluctantly, also require attention, silently watching the rest. It is necessary to conduct individual work with such children: conversations, reading corrective fairy tales. A psychologist can also be of great help.

The appearance of role-playing games in the younger group of kindergarten is associated with a number of conditions: the presence of a variety of impressions from the environment, the accumulation of objective game actions, the presence of toys, the frequency of communication with an adult, the development of children's independence.

The first plot games of toddlers proceed as role-free games or games with a hidden role. The actions of children acquire a plot character and are combined into a chain that has a vital meaning. This chain consists of two or three actions and is repeated many times. The main content, as in the object game, is a variety of actions with objects. The form of the game also remains unchanged: either as an individual game or as a side by side game. Actions with objects, toys are carried out by each of the players independently, and they still have no reason to unite. Joint games of kids are possible only with the participation of an adult.

The formation of conditional subject-play actions in children of the third year of life, first of all, should be combined with the organization of subject play interaction, which makes it easier for children to enter into a joint plot game with each other in the future. For this purpose, the teacher must use any rolling objects (ball, cart, etc.) - a carpet path or a bench that guides the movement of the toy. It is very important that initially the interaction of two partners is carried out with one large object (one ball, one car, etc.).

The further game of the educator with the children in order to form subject interaction can take various forms: this is the joint construction of a tower from cubes, the collection of a pyramid, etc. For example, the educator suggests to two kids: “Let's build a tower together. I placed the first cube. Sasha, now you put the cube on top. And now - Light. Now - again Sasha. It's a tall tower." In parallel with the organization of paired subject interaction, the educator forms in children the simplest conditional actions with plot toys and substitute objects. To do this, he develops a plot game in front of children, he can animate dolls and other toy characters.

As the children master the actions with plot toys, the teacher proceeds to show a game that includes not one, but two semantic situations related to each other, for example, cooks soup on a toy stove, and then feeds dolls with it; she washes a doll dress in a toy basin, and then irons it, etc. All these plots must necessarily include actions already known to children, which they have repeatedly observed in real life.

First, the educator himself plays out such a “two-phase” plot in front of the children. With the subsequent repetition of “three,” he connects one or two kids to the game: “Kolya, I fed the bunny, now it’s time for him to sleep. Put him to send? etc.

At this stage of work, the educator, along with plot toys, should introduce substitute objects into the joint game with the children (for example, a stick instead of a spoon, a cube instead of a pie, etc.). Gradually, in different games, the teacher needs to expand the range of actions with substitute objects: use the same object to perform different game actions (for example, in one game a stick is a spoon, in another it is a pencil, in a third it is a comb); use different items to perform the same game action (for example, in one game, instead of soap, a cube is offered, the next time - a bar, etc.).

It is very important that the substitute object in games with children of this age is combined with a realistic plot toy, for example, if the street is replaced by a cube, then the plate on which it lies should be “like a real one”.

In order for children to develop play actions in their independent activities after playing with adults, the educator should preserve the subject-play environment or organize it specially.

Teachers and psychologists noticed that in the second half of the third year of life, a significant leap occurs in the development of children's story games - a role appears in the game. At first, it is present, as it were, in a hidden form: the child, acting in a certain way, does not yet call himself the name of an adult. Then the child designates his role in the game with the word (mother, doctor, builder), no only after he has performed a series of appropriate actions. After some time, already at the very beginning of the game, the child takes on a role, designates it with a word, and begins to act in accordance with this role.

The appearance of a role in play is associated with a change in the direction of the child's consciousness (as impressions and experience are accumulated) from an object and actions with it to the one who acts, that is, to the person. Thanks to the ability to transfer action from one object to another, children develop the ability to identify their actions with the actions of others, people. This is the basis for the appearance of a role in children's games. Games become role-playing.

In order for the transition to role-playing to take place, it is necessary, first of all, that the child be able to single out actions specific to a certain adult, to reproduce them in the game with toys. The teacher must clearly understand what roles it is advisable to introduce into the children's game at this stage. Most importantly, these should be the roles of adults, familiar to the child from his life practice, realized through actions understandable to him, having a bright distinctive external attribute. For example, the role of “doctor” (the doctor measures the temperature, gives injections” gives medicine; the external attribute of the role of the “doctor” can be a white cap or bathrobe), the role of the “driver” (the driver drives a car, bus, carries passengers, cargo; a specific object, designating this role may be a steering wheel).

The teacher must first prepare several sets of toys and role-playing attributes and gradually introduce them into the games. Each set is necessarily beaten by the teacher. For example, the teacher takes out a pre-prepared box with “medical supplies”, puts on a white cap and begins to play in front of the children, taking on the role of a “doctor”: “I am a doctor. I will take care of the children. Here is my hospital. Bunny, are you sick? What is hurting you? Show your neck. Let's take your temperature now. (He puts a thermometer on the bunny.) Now I will listen to you. You have angina."

The play of the educator naturally attracts the attention of children. Now children can be involved in it: “Lena, is your daughter also sick? Take her to the hospital. I'm a doctor, I'll fly her." The “treatment” procedure can be repeated with two or three dolls or animals that the children “bring” to the hospital. Also, along with the dolls, the teacher can “treat” one of the guys: “Roma, come on, as if you were sick and also came to the hospital. Now the doctor will treat you.” After such a game, the teacher asks the children: “Who wants to be a doctor now? Vasya? Put on a hat. Now you will treat children.

During the game, the teacher must repeatedly name his playing role, associating it with specific role-playing actions.

The presence of a role in the game leads to a rapid increase in the variety of activities; the emotional content of the game is gradually enriched: the child experiences feelings associated with a particular role.

In form, the first role-playing games most often continue to be side by side games: children most often carry out actions independently of each other.

In such a game there is no preparatory period: the guys start the game as if on the move. Most often, the impetus for the emergence of the game is given by a toy that has fallen into the field of view of the child.

The enrichment of role-playing activities in the games of individual children gradually leads to the emergence of joint play, uniting at first two or three, and then a larger number of children. Initially, they are grouped on the basis of the action according to its direction: the driver drives the car, and the passenger rides in it; the doctor treats the patient, the hairdresser cuts the mother's hair, and so on. Such associations are still very short-lived and quickly disintegrate. The plot of the game for kids is simple: in it, children mainly reflect the life of the family, kindergarten.

The main tasks of managing the games of pupils of younger groups of kindergarten are:

1. Development and enrichment of play actions with toys based on the enrichment of individual play actions.

2. Development and enrichment of game plots.

3. Formation of children's skills to play side by side, and then together. N. Ya. Mikhailenko dealt with this issue.

One of the main methods of guiding children's games is the participation of the educator in their games. Joint play with the educator contributes to the great purposefulness and content of children's actions.

The teacher can take part in the games, taking on one or another role: mother, doctor, teacher, driver, etc. This makes it possible to combine several children for a joint game. And the role that the educator takes on serves as an example to follow. The role-playing participation of the educator in the games of the kids can also be aimed at enriching the idea and play actions of individual children: the educator talks to the children, shows them actions with certain toys.

As the game is enriched with game actions, the emergence of a plot, children begin to designate their role with a word. This should be helped by the questions of the educator, the appeal to the child as a character. All this contributes to the formation of a role-playing game.

N. Ya Mikhailenko believes that the development of a story game can proceed according to the following scheme:

1. The teacher is a toy.

2. Educator (main role) - child (1) (additional role).

3. Child (1) is a toy.

4. Child (1) (main role) - child (2) (additional role).

Studies show that this natural development of the game is not typical for. all children. Often it remains at the level of subject games. In this case, there is a need for special training of children in play actions, elements of play behavior, and the ability to build a plot. The main technique for solving these problems is the joint activity of the educator with the children. The teacher uses in his work the proposal of a ready-made plot of varying degrees of complexity, showing a sample of a game action, including substitute objects in games along with toys.

From time to time, the teacher should arrange entertainment games with all the children, organizing a role-playing game according to their own plan (celebrating the birthday of Masha's doll, a fun trip around the city, etc.).

Game "Kindergarten"

Target. Familiarization of children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role.

game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Tour of the kindergarten (in groups, music room, medical office, kitchen). Excursion to the place where the nanny received finished products for children (by subgroups). Systematic monitoring of the work of a nanny. Observation of the work of the educator, nurse, music worker. Watching older children play. Examination of the paintings "Kindergarten", "Nursery" (series "Our Tanya"). Game-lesson "Kindergarten cook prepares lunch for children", "Holiday in kindergarten". Conversation "Who cares about us in kindergarten." Reading the story of N. Zabila "Yasochkin's kindergarten", A. Barto "Toys", N. Kashnina "The first day in kindergarten." Modeling treats for dolls; construction of a sand box, a veranda, a collective building "The site of our group". Listening to the musical work of A. Filippenko "Kindergarten".

Game roles. Cook, doctor, nanny, teacher, music worker.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game with a tour of the kindergarten. During the tour, he draws the children's attention to the fact that there are many groups and many children in the garden. All children in the garden have a fun and interesting life, because adults take care of them: the cook prepares food, the music worker conducts music lessons with them, the doctor vaccinates the children, treats them, the nanny cleans the group room, serves food, the teacher takes care of the children, plays with them.

After the tour, the teacher asks the children what they saw and invites everyone to try to be a cook, a nanny, an educator, a music worker.

The teacher can first show the actions with objects himself. For example, playing the role of a cook, the educator prepares the necessary items for making soup: a pot, a spoon to stir the soup, carrots, potatoes, etc. At the same time, the educator uses substitute items. After that, he invites one of the children to cook soup.

So, the teacher can play several plots. Gradually, several stories merge into a single interesting game. For example, two girls play with dolls, get them out of bed, dress them, talk to each other, another girl organizes a children's dining room away from them, she puts three dolls at the table and places cutlery in front of them. The teacher can use this situation in the following way: he tells two girls that it is time for their mothers to go to work, and for the children to go to kindergarten, breakfast is already starting there. Thus, the teacher contributes to the natural unification of two playing groups into one. The game is already going on at a higher level. Meanwhile, the teacher can already “call the car park” and find out why the car has not yet been sent to the kindergarten - the kindergarten needs food, etc.

Game "Treat"

Target. Development of children's ability to implement the game plan.

game material. Substitute items, play utensils, toy dogs, fluffy collar.

Preparing for the game. Reading and discussion of N. Kalinina's story "Helpers".

Game roles. Cook.

Game progress.

1st option. The actions of the teacher are aimed at children.

The teacher asks the guys: “Who wants to play with me? I invite everyone to play: Sasha, Pavlik, Alena and Vitalik. Does Irochka want to play with us? Now I will bake you buns. I'll bake buns - I'll feed you. See, I have a lot of dough in the pan.” Shows a large children's saucepan filled with building material details - yellow or red hemispheres). “There will be a lot of buns, enough for everyone. Sit down here, on the carpet, relax, and I will cook. The teacher sits the children so that they can see his actions. “I’ll take a large sheet (the lid of a box from a printed board game). I'll put buns on it. I make this bun for Valyusha (takes one piece from the box, makes circular movements, reminiscent of rolling a ball, and puts it on the “sheet”). I'll roll, I'll roll the dough, a bun for Valyusha is ready. And I will make this bun for Kirill (by naming the children, the teacher keeps their attention on himself). That's all. I didn't forget anyone. Made buns for everyone. Now they can be baked in the oven. Puts the “leaf in the oven” and immediately takes it out. “All the buns are already baked” (puts the sheet on the table, sniffs the buns). “How delicious they smell. I'm going to try one right now." The teacher shows how to do it in the game, says that they are tasty, sweet. Then treats each child. Asks the children if they liked the buns. He complains that the buns turned out to be too big and he couldn’t eat them all at once. After that, the teacher invites those who have eaten to put the remaining pieces on the sheet to finish eating later.

Then the teacher says: “Now let's play hide and seek. You will be smart kids. Hide behind a chair, someone behind a closet, and someone even, maybe, hide under a table. You hide, and I will look for you. Do you want to play like this? Now I will close my eyes with my hands and count, and you hide. One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.

The teacher is looking for the guys, while rejoicing when someone is. The game can be repeated two or three times.

Then the teacher invites the children to eat buns again, otherwise everyone played enough and already wanted to eat again. "Do you want to eat buns?" - distributes buns to children and says: “Now eat the buns - I’ll give you milk to drink. Whoever has eaten - put the leftovers here, on the sheet, and come to me. I'll pour milk for you." Each teacher gives a cup and pours imaginary milk. You can offer children supplements - a second cup of milk.

In conclusion, the teacher switches the children to an independent game: "You have eaten and drunk, and now go play with toys."

2nd option. Game actions of children are directed to the educator.

The teacher offers the children: “Come on, guys, let's play. I really want to play with Roma, with Vitalik ... ". The number of children participating in the game can be any. You can play with all the children or only with the crown of the head, who will approach the teacher. “I feel like I just got home from work. Tired. And my head hurts. I can't even cook my own food. And I really want to eat. Who will cook something for me, guys? The children respond to the request of the teacher. “Look how much food I have, a whole box. What will you cook for me? Here in the box lies cabbage and carrots (shows a green ball and a red cone). You can cook delicious soup. I know Masha can cook soup. Mashenka, will you cook soup for me? Here are vegetables for you: cabbage and carrots. Here is the stove (big cube, upside down box). And you can find the saucepan yourself, okay? Sasha, will you boil potatoes for me? And who else will cook potatoes for me? How many berries are there? A good compote will turn out! Who will cook compote for me?

After that, the teacher helps everyone individually prepare “food”, shows the children no more than one or two game actions for cooking.

Then the teacher continues: “Whoever has food ready can feed me. I already washed my hands and sat down at the table. “What have you, Verochka, prepared for me? Soup? Probably very tasty. May I try? Pour me a bowl of soup, please. Oh how delicious. Soup with carrots and cabbage. Overeating! I also want to eat one bowl of soup. Can? Thank you very much, Verochka. You made a very tasty soup." It does not matter if this procedure is delayed and the rest of the children are waiting for their turn to feed the teacher. Observation of the actions of the educator and the actions of children, game communication is very interesting for them. It will surely enrich their experience.

After feeding, the teacher expresses gratitude to all the children: “What good fellows - they fed me. I rested, I ate. And yes, the headache is gone. Okay, now you can have some fun. Would you like to dance?" (children dance with the teacher to the music).

The teacher encourages children to independently accept the game goal: “Oh! I danced something and wanted to eat again. Who else will feed me? And what will you feed me, Sasha? The procedure of feeding and expressing gratitude is repeated again.

Then the teacher ends the game: “I’m already so full that I can’t eat all the porridge that you cooked, Alyosha. There was still half the pot left. Feed the bunny porridge. He already came running to me, found out who was cooking porridge. The teacher can offer the children to do another activity, give them, for example, pencils and paper, etc.

3rd option. Children's play activities are focused on toys.

The teacher includes the children in the game: “Guys, come here as soon as possible. Look who's running to us." Shows the dogs and offers to get to know them, pet them. “Hear them whine. Let's ask the dogs, maybe they want to eat? It turns out that they are really hungry.

After that, the teacher “calms down” the dogs. He tells them what delicious soups, cereals and other things our children can cook. "Don't worry, dogs. You see how many children we have in the group, and they all know how to cook very well. Some soup, some porridge, some potatoes and even compote ... and they know how to make scrambled eggs. Don't worry, we'll feed you now. Guys, do you want to cook food for the dogs?

Then the teacher encourages each child to accept the game goal: “This dog has chosen you, Kirill. What are you going to cook for her?" If the child does not cope with the task assigned to him, the teacher offers him some of his own options: “I guessed that your dog loves soup with a bone most of all.” The dog barks in agreement.

So, in turn, the teacher gives each child a dog and contributes to the adoption of an individual game goal.

When all the dogs have found their owners, the teacher offers the children to take the necessary “products” from the boxes with substitute items. While the guys are preparing food, the teacher asks the children: “How is the puppy behaving. Does he obey you, Nina, does he interfere with cooking? What are you cooking for him? He likes porridge to be sweet. Will you put sugar in the porridge?" “Sharik, are you glad that Vitya cooks meat for you? Sit here and don’t get into the pot, otherwise you’ll get burned - the stove is hot. ” “You know, Vitya, your dog is so clean. She, when she eats, runs to wash her muzzle and paws. Will you help her wash up afterwards?

Completing the feeding procedure, the teacher says: “Guys, listen to what the dogs want to tell you. They thank you for the delicious food you gave them.” “Dogs say that now they want to sleep, that they like to sleep on rugs in a quiet corner behind a closet or under a chair. Here are the mats for you. Children put the dogs.

After that, the teacher can introduce the children to the note of the game goal - playing the circus. In a whisper, he calls the children to him and tells them to walk slowly, otherwise the dogs will suddenly wake up. He reports that the “mother” of the dogs ran into the group. She wants to show the children the dog circus. He asks the children if they have seen on TV how dogs perform in the circus. He tells how well the “mother of dogs” is able to perform. The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and watch the dog circus. The teacher shows two or three game actions with a circus dog. A dog can jump over a stick, climb a tower of cubes, tumble, count guys, etc. Children clap for the dog. In order for the dog to become a circus, put a beautiful “fluffy” collar around its neck.

After the performance, the "mother" of the dogs asks to wake her puppies and bring them. The teacher puts the puppies in a box. Carries her away. The dog "says goodbye" to the children and "leaves". The teacher invites her to come to the children more often.

Game "Family"

Target. Encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.

game material. Dolls, furniture, dishes, bath tub, building material; animal toys.

Preparing for the game. Observations of the work of a nanny, a teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with children. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations: E. Blaginina "Alyonushka", Z. Aleksandrova "My Bear". Construction of furniture.

Game roles. Mother, father.

Game progress. The game begins with the fact that the teacher brings a large beautiful doll into the group. Turning to the children, he says: “Children, the doll's name is Oksana. She will live with us in the group. Let's build a room together for her to sleep and play in." Children, together with the teacher, build a room for the doll.

After that, the teacher reminds them how to play with the doll: carry it in their arms, roll it in a stroller, drive a car, feed it, change clothes. At the same time, she emphasizes that the doll should be treated with care, talk to her affectionately, take care of her, as real mothers do.

Then the children play with the doll on their own. When the children have played enough time themselves, the teacher organizes a joint game. When organizing the game, he must take into account the relationship between boys and girls. So, while the girls feed the dolls, wash the dishes, the boys, together with the teacher, build a car out of chairs and invite the girls to go for a ride with the dolls.

After that, the teacher can bring in another Doll - Oksana's girlfriend, Katya's doll. The teacher introduces the children to the new doll, tells how to play with it, where both dolls will live.

Games with two dolls in themselves oblige several children to work together at once. At this time, the closeness of the teacher, and often his inclusion in the game, is necessary. Already in the future, when the children have already played this game several times, the teacher only needs to remind about the possible roles for the game to start: “Children, who wants to be Oksana's mother? And Katya's mom? And who wants to be a teacher? Each of the children begins to fulfill their duties.

Game "Dolls"

Target. Consolidation of knowledge about different types of dishes, the formation of the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose. Cultivating a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidation of knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill to undress and fold their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

game material. Dolls, toy dishes, pictures depicting elements of the painting "Playing with a Doll".

Preparing for the game. Examination of the illustration "Playing with a doll."

Game roles. Mom, cook, nanny.

Game progress. Preparation for the game begins with looking at the painting "Playing with a Doll". Children sit at two or three tables shifted in a line, facing the teacher. They examine the picture, name what they see (“They bathe the doll”, “The girl bathes”, “Washes soap off the doll”, “The boy holds a towel to wipe the doll”).

After that, the teacher turns to the children: “In front of you are the pictures (they lie face down), turn them over. Look at your pictures and tell me who has a bath, who has soap? who has tights?...” The child, having found the right picture, puts it near the big picture.

So we helped the girl in the white apron. Everything was prepared in order to redeem the doll.

The teacher offers the children a story about this picture: “The children decided to buy the doll. They brought a stool, put a bath on it, poured warm water into the bath. Nearby, on a red stool, they put a green sponge and soap. Separate the doll. Her clothes were neatly laid out on a large chair, and her tiny blue shoes were placed under the chair. “Now, now, be patient a little more,” a girl in a white apron persuades the doll. - I'll wash the soap off you, and then wipe it dry. You see, Ilyusha is standing nearby, holding a large white towel in his hands ... ".

The teacher can use various options for playing with dolls.

1st option. Doll Katya is having lunch.

There are tea, tableware and kitchen utensils on the table. Doll Katya is sitting at the table. The teacher says: “Children, Katya needs to be fed lunch. There are a variety of utensils here. We will put only what we need for dinner on the table in front of Katya. Children take turns finding the items they need. The teacher asks what it is and why. At the request of the teacher, the children find all the items: plates, a fork, a spoon, a bread box, call them correctly and arrange them beautifully on the table, not forgetting to lay a tablecloth and put a napkin holder. They wish Katya a good appetite, after dinner they clean the dishes.

2nd option. Pick up dishes for dolls.

The teacher puts three dolls on the table: the cook stands at the stove, the nanny doll in a dressing gown prepares dishes for dinner, a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher examines the dolls with the children, talks about what they do, what kind of dishes they need. There are various dishes on the table near the teacher. Showing the object, the teacher says what it is called. Then he asks the children about this subject. To maintain interest, you can ask like this: “Is this dish, probably, nobody needs?”. A ladle, a kettle, a spoon are needed by both the cook and the nanny.

After that, the teacher asks each of the children; what he would like to be now: a cook, a nanny, or a girl about to have dinner. Invites children to play by themselves.

3rd option."The doll wants to sleep."

The teacher brings the doll and says that the doll is very tired and wants to sleep, asks the children to help her undress.

Children in turn, at the direction of the teacher, remove clothes from the doll and, carefully folding it, put it on the doll chair. So, one child takes off his apron, the other takes off his dress, etc. The teacher directs their actions, helping to correctly fold one or another part of the doll's toilet, showing how to do it correctly. When the doll is completely undressed (left only in a shirt), they put on slippers for her and lead her to the bed. Having laid the doll in bed, the teacher turns it on its side, puts its hands under its cheek, carefully covers it, gently strokes its head and says: “Sleep!” Having shown the children that the doll has fallen asleep, the teacher asks them to be quiet and, putting a finger to their lips, on tiptoe, leaves the group room where the doll is sleeping with the children.

4th option. The dolls are awake.

There are 2 dolls sleeping on the cribs, a big one and a small one. There are clothes on the shelves. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Educator: “Children, look who is sleeping on this bed. Did you recognize her? Yes, this is “Katya doll. Who sleeps on this one? This is Tanya doll. The teacher addresses one doll: “Katya, are you already awake? Will you get up? Guys, she says, “she wants to get up, but first you need to find her clothes. What do you need to dress Katya?” “Look carefully at the shelf. Do you see the clothes? Will we put on the dress right away or, first we need to put on other things?

At the end of this game, the doll, dressed with the help of the children, greets each of the children, thanks each of them for their help, gently strokes their heads, dances merrily for the children, who clap their hands and then thank the doll for dancing.

During the subsequent conduct of this game, the teacher encourages the children to play on their own.

The teacher must treat dolls as if they were living beings. So, if the doll is dropped, the teacher takes pity on her, reassures her not to cry, asks the children to caress, calm and pity the doll.

On a walk, the teacher makes sure that the doll is not cold, that it does not freeze: he carefully straightens her hat or scarf, carefully looks to see if it is blowing under the blanket with which the doll is wrapped. During feeding, he makes sure that it does not burn: it cools the food.

The educator includes dolls in the life of children, makes them participants in children's lives. So, the doll, sitting on a chair, watches how the children study or eat, praises who eats quickly and accurately, who is attentive in class. In the morning, the doll greets the children and watches how the children dress and wash, and in the evening, before the children are taken away, the doll is undressed and put to bed, they say goodbye to her, turn off the light and leave on tiptoe.

Game "Drivers"

Target. Familiarization of children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.

game material. A variety of cars, building materials, steering wheels, a traffic light, a traffic controller's cap.

Preparing for the game. Observation of cars on the street, targeted walks to the car park, gas station, car garage. Examination of the painting "Bus". Learning the poem by A. Barto "Truck". Game-lesson "Drivers go on a flight." Observation of the games of older children and joint games with them. Learning the outdoor game "Sparrows and the car." Reading and viewing illustrations: "Our Street", looking at photographs from the series "Little Drivers". Construction of a garage from building material.

Game roles. Chauffeur, mechanic, gas station driver.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game by walking down the street and observing the cars. In the course of observations, the teacher draws the attention of children to a variety of cars, to what cars transport.

After a walk, in a conversation with the children, the teacher asks them the following questions: “What cars did you see on the street? What were the cars carrying? What is the name of the person who drives the car? Who regulates traffic on the streets? How do pedestrians cross the street?

Then the teacher invites the children to play drivers, taking on the role of a traffic controller. Children draw a road with intersections and a roadway on the ground. The boys - "chauffeurs" "drive along the pavement", adhering to the right side of the street. Girls - "moms" with strollers walk along the sidewalk. It is allowed to cross the road only at intersections and only at the green light of the traffic light.

In subsequent work, the teacher introduces children to the fact that cars refuel with gasoline. Further refinement and systematization of knowledge allows children to allocate three or four roles in games with cars: a driver, a mechanic, a gas station driver.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can invite the children to listen to the story of the driver doll: “There are many drivers working in the car park (garage). All of them are friendly with each other. They have one very good rule - never leave a comrade in trouble, help everyone and in everything: familiar or unfamiliar to any driver. Here, for example, a driver is driving and sees that a car is standing on the road ahead. He will definitely stop and ask what happened, and will certainly help: pour a little gasoline out of his car, help change the wheel, or simply take it on a trailer and take it to the garage. This is how our drivers live together.”

Then the teacher invites the children to play the game “As if the drivers are leaving on a flight” on their own.

The next time you can start the game by reading the story “How the machine rolled animals”.

“There is a car on the road. Itself is blue, the body is yellow, the wheels are red. Beautiful car! The forest animals saw her, stopped and looked. Hey, yes car! Good car!

A curious squirrel ran up closer. I looked into the body. There is no one! The squirrel jumped into the body, and the car drove off: back and forth, back and forth.

A car drove up to the bunny, buzzed: beep-beep-beep!

The bunny jumped into the car. And again the car went: back and forth, back and forth.

A car drove up to the bear cub, buzzed: beep-beep-beep!

The teddy bear climbed into the body. The car went forward and backward, forward and backward. Squirrel, bunny and teddy bear are happy!

Get into the body of a hedgehog. The car went forward and backward, forward and backward. Hooray!

The kids rolled over, tired.

The squirrel was the first to jump out of the car, followed by ...? - a bunny. Then he got out ...? - a bear cub. And the hedgehog - he doesn’t know how to jump - he can’t get off in any way. Got upset! The little bear, that's a clever one, returned and extended a paw to the hedgehog. Educated people and animals always help each other.

As soon as the hedgehog got out of the car, she left. Goodbye, blue car! Thank you!" - the animals shouted after her.

After reading the story, the teacher can offer the children to roll toys in cars on their own.

Game "Trip"

Target. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan.

game material. Building material, dolls, animal toys, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Observation of transport during a walk, an excursion to the car park, to the port, to the airport, to the station. Reading poems and stories about transport. Production of a building material of a car, an airplane, a steamer, a train, a boat, a bus, etc.

Game roles. Driver, driver, passenger.

Game progress. The teacher can use different versions of the game, depending on what the game actions are aimed at.

1st option. The game actions of the educator are aimed at children.

Card file

role-playing games

(2nd junior group)

Educator: Molokova E.N.

  1. "Kindergarten"
  2. "treat"
  3. "A family"
  4. "Doll"
  5. "Chauffeur"
  6. "Drive"
  7. "Train"
  8. "Fox"
  9. "Bear"

10. "Cat"

11. "Horse"

12. "Hedgehog"

13. Sparrow

14. "Airplane"

15. "Wind and leaves"

16. "Going for a walk"

17. "Shop"

18. "Toys at the doctor"

19. Stepashka's Birthday

20. "Building a house"

21. "Barbershop"

22. "Beauty Salon"


Target. Familiarization of children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role.

game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items

Game roles. Cook, doctor, nanny, teacher, music worker.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game with a tour of the kindergarten. During the tour, he draws the children's attention to the fact that there are many groups and many children in the garden. All children in the garden have a fun and interesting life, because adults take care of them: the cook prepares food, classes, the doctor vaccinates the children, treats them, the nanny cleans the group room, serves food, the teacher takes care of the children, plays with them.

After the tour, the teacher asks the children what they saw and invites everyone to try to be a cook, a nanny, an educator, a music worker.

The teacher can first show the actions with objects himself. For example, playing the role of a cook, the educator prepares the necessary items for making soup: a pot, a spoon to stir the soup, carrots, potatoes, etc. At the same time, the educator uses substitute items. After that, he invites one of the children to cook soup.

So, the teacher can play several plots. Gradually, several stories merge into a single interesting game. For example, two girls play with dolls, get them out of bed, dress them, talk to each other, another girl organizes a children's dining room away from them, she puts three dolls at the table and places cutlery in front of them. The teacher can use this situation in the following way: he tells two girls that it is time for their mothers to go to work, and for the children to go to kindergarten, breakfast is already starting there. Thus, the teacher contributes to the natural unification of two playing groups into one. The game is already going on at a higher level. Meanwhile, the teacher can already “call the car park” and find out why the car has not yet been sent to the kindergarten - the kindergarten needs food, etc.


Target. Development of children's ability to implement the game material.Substitute items, play utensils, toy dogs, fluffy collar.

Preparing for the game.Reading and discussion of N. Kalinina's story "Helpers".

Game progress.

The teacher asks the guys: “Who wants to play with me? I invite everyone to play: Sasha, Pavlik, Alena and Vitalik. Does Irochka want to play with us? Now I will bake you buns. I'll bake buns - I'll feed you. See, I have a lot of dough in the pan.” Shows a large children's pot filled with building material details - yellow or red hemispheres. “There will be a lot of buns, enough for everyone. Sit down here, on the carpet, relax, and I will cook. The teacher sits the children so that they can see his actions. “I’ll take a large sheet (the lid of a box from a printed board game). I'll put buns on it. I make this bun for Valyusha (takes one part from the box, makes circular movements resembling the rolling of a ball, and puts it on the “sheet”). I'll roll, I'll roll the dough, a bun for Valyusha is ready. And I will make this bun for Kirill (by naming the children, the teacher keeps their attention on himself). That's all.

I didn't forget anyone. Made buns for everyone. Now they can be baked in the oven. Puts the “leaf in the oven” and immediately takes it out. “All the buns are already baked” (puts the sheet on the table, sniffs the buns). “How delicious they smell. I'm going to try one right now." The teacher shows how to do it in the game, says that these are delicious, sweet. Then treats each child. Ask the children if they liked the buns. He also complains that the buns turned out to be too big and can’t be eaten all at once. After that, the teacher suggests that those who have eaten a hundred put the remaining pieces on a sheet to finish eating later.

Then the teacher says: “Now let's play hide and seek. You will be smart kids. Some will hide behind a chair, some behind a closet, and some may even hide under a table. You hide, and I will look for you. Do you want to play like this? Now I will close my eyes with my hands and count, and you hide. One - two - three - four - five, I'm going to look.

The teacher is looking for the guys, while rejoicing when someone is. The game can be repeated two or three times.

Then the teacher invites the children to eat buns again, otherwise everyone played enough and already wanted to eat again. "Do you want to eat buns?" - distributes buns to children and says: “Now eat the buns - I’ll give you milk to drink. Whoever has eaten - put the leftovers here, on the sheet, and come to me. I'll pour milk for you." Each teacher gives a cup and pours imaginary milk. You can offer children supplements - a second cup of milk.

In conclusion, the teacher switches the children to an independent game: "You have eaten and drunk, and now go play with toys."

"A family"

Target. Encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in the game.

game material.Dolls, furniture, dishes, bath tub, building material, animal toys.

Preparing for the game.Observations of the work of a nanny, a teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with children. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations: E. Blaginina "Alyonushka", 3. Alexandrova "My Bear". Construction of furniture.

Game roles. Mother, father.

Game progress. The game begins with the fact that the teacher brings a large beautiful doll into the group. Turning to the children, he says: “Children, the doll's name is Oksana. She will live with us in the group. Let's build a room together for her to sleep and play in." Children, together with the teacher, build a room for the doll.

After that, the teacher reminds them how to play with the doll: carry it in their arms, roll it in a stroller, drive a car, feed it, change clothes. At the same time, he emphasizes that the doll should be handled with care, talk to her affectionately, take care of her, as real mothers do.

Then the children play with the doll on their own.

When the children have played enough time themselves, the teacher organizes a joint game. When organizing the game, he must take into account the relationship between boys and girls. So, while the girls feed the dolls, wash the dishes, the boys, together with the teacher, build a car out of chairs and invite the girls to go for a ride with the dolls.

After that, the teacher can bring in another Doll - Oksana's girlfriend, Katya's doll. The teacher introduces the children to the new doll, tells how to play with it, where both dolls will live.

Games with two dolls in themselves oblige several children to work together at once. At this time, the closeness of the educator, and often his inclusion in the game, is necessary. Already in the future, when the children have already played this game several times, the educator happens to

it is enough just to remind about the possible roles for the game to start: “Children, who wants to be Oksana's mom? And Katya's mom? And who wants to be a teacher? Each of the children begins to fulfill their duties.


Target. Consolidation of knowledge about different types of dishes, the formation of the ability to use dishes for their intended purpose. Cultivating a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidation of knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill to undress and fold their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

game material.Dolls, toy dishes, pictures depicting elements of the painting "Playing with a Doll".

Preparing for the game.Examination of the illustration "Playing with a doll."

Game roles. Mom, cook, nanny.

Game progress. Preparation for the game begins with looking at the painting "Playing with a Doll". Children sit at two or three tables shifted in a line, facing the teacher. They examine the picture, name what they see (“They bathe the doll”, “The girl bathes”, “Washes soap off the doll”, “The boy holds a towel to wipe the doll”).

After that, the teacher turns to the children: “In front of you are the pictures (they lie face down), turn them over. Look at your pictures and tell me who has a bath, who has soap? who has tights?...” The child, having found the right picture, puts it near the big picture.

So we helped the girl in the white apron. Everything was prepared in order to redeem the doll.

The teacher offers the children a story about this picture: “The children decided to buy the doll. They brought a stool, put a bath on it, poured warm water into the bath. Nearby, on a red stool, they put a green sponge and soap. Separate the doll. Her clothes were neatly laid out on a large chair, and her tiny blue shoes were placed under the chair. “Now, now, be patient a little more,” a girl in a white apron persuades the doll. - I'll wash the soap off you, and then wipe it dry. You see, Ilyusha is standing nearby, holding a large white towel in his hands ... ".

The teacher can use various options for playing with dolls.

1st option. Doll Katya is having lunch.

There are tea, tableware and kitchen utensils on the table. Doll Katya is sitting at the table. The teacher says: “Children, Katya needs to be fed lunch. There are a variety of utensils here. We will put only what we need for dinner on the table in front of Katya. Children take turns finding the items they need. The teacher asks what it is and why. At the request of the teacher, the children find all the items: plates, a fork, a spoon, a bread box, call them correctly and arrange them beautifully on the table, not forgetting to lay a tablecloth and put a napkin holder. They wish Katya a good appetite, after dinner they clean the dishes.

2nd option. Pick up dishes for dolls.

The teacher puts three dolls on the table: the cook stands at the stove, the nanny doll in a dressing gown prepares dishes for dinner, a girl doll sits at the table. The teacher examines the dolls with the children, talks about what they do, what kind of dishes they need. There are various dishes on the table near the teacher. Showing the object, the teacher says what it is called. Then he asks the children about this subject. To maintain interest, you can ask like this: “Is this dish, probably, nobody needs?”. A ladle, a kettle, a spoon are needed by both the cook and the nanny.

After that, the teacher asks each of the children who they would like to be now: a cook, a nanny, or a girl who is going to have dinner. Invites children to play by themselves.

3rd option. "The doll wants to sleep."

The teacher brings the doll and says that the doll is very tired and wants to sleep, asks the children to help her undress.

Children in turn, at the direction of the teacher, remove clothes from the doll and, carefully folding it, put it on the doll chair. So, one child takes off his apron, the other takes off his dress, etc. The teacher directs their actions, helping to correctly fold one or another part of the doll's toilet, showing how to do it correctly. When the doll is completely undressed (left only in a shirt), they put on slippers for her and lead her to the bed. Having laid the doll in bed, the teacher turns it on its side, puts its hands under its cheek, carefully covers it, gently strokes its head and says: “Sleep!” Having shown the children that the doll has fallen asleep, the teacher asks them to be quiet and, putting a finger to their lips, on tiptoe, leaves the group room where the doll is sleeping with the children.

4th option. The dolls are awake.

2 dolls sleep on the cribs: a large one and a small one. There are clothes on the shelves. Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. Educator: “Children, look who is sleeping on this bed. Did you recognize her? Yes, this is Katya doll. Who sleeps on this one? This is Tanya doll. The teacher addresses one doll: “Katya, are you already awake? Will you get up? Guys, she says she wants to get up, but first we need to find her clothes. What do you need to dress Katya? “Look closely at the shelf. Do you see clothes? Bring a dress. We try on a dress, if it is small, we put it at Tanya's bed. Will we put on the dress right away or do we need to put on other things first? We are looking for underwear for dolls in size, other things. Children take turns putting clothes on the Katya doll, then dressing Tanya.

At the end of this game, the doll, dressed with the help of the children, greets each of the children, thanks each of them for their help, gently strokes their heads, dances merrily for the children, who clap their hands and then thank the doll for dancing.

During the subsequent conduct of this game, the teacher encourages the children to play on their own.

The teacher must treat dolls as if they were living beings. So, if the doll is dropped, the teacher takes pity on her, reassures her not to cry, asks the children to caress, calm and pity the doll.

On a walk, the teacher makes sure that the doll is not cold, that it does not freeze: he carefully straightens her hat or scarf, carefully looks to see if it is blowing under the blanket with which the doll is wrapped. During feeding, he makes sure that it does not burn: it cools the food.

The educator includes dolls in the life of children, makes them participants in children's lives. So, the doll, sitting on a chair, watches how the children study or eat, praises who eats quickly and accurately, who is attentive in class. In the morning, the doll greets the children and watches how the children dress and wash, and in the evening, before the children are taken away, the doll is undressed and put to bed, they say goodbye to her, turn off the light and leave on tiptoe


Target. Meet children with the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in the game.

game material.A variety of cars, building materials, steering wheels, a traffic light, a traffic controller's cap.

Preparing for the game.Observation of cars on the street, targeted walks to the car park, gas station, car garage. Examination of the painting "Bus". Learning the poem by A. Barto "Truck". Game-lesson "Drivers go on a flight." Observation of the games of older children and joint games with them. Learning the outdoor game "Sparrows and the car." Reading and viewing illustrations: "Our Street", looking at photographs from the series "Little Drivers". Construction of a garage from building material.

Game roles. Chauffeur, mechanic, gas station driver.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game by walking down the street and observing the cars. In the course of observations, the teacher draws the attention of children to a variety of cars, to what cars transport.

After a walk, in a conversation with the children, the teacher asks them the following questions: “What cars did you see on the street? What were the cars carrying? What is the name of the person who drives the car? Who regulates traffic on the streets? How do pedestrians cross the street?

Then the teacher invites the children to play drivers, taking on the role of a traffic controller. Children draw a road with intersections and a roadway on the ground. The boys - "chauffeurs" "drive along the pavement", adhering to the right side of the street. Girls - "moms" with strollers walk along the sidewalk. It is allowed to cross the road only at intersections and only at the green light of the traffic light.

In subsequent work, the teacher introduces children to the fact that cars refuel with gasoline. Further refinement and systematization of knowledge allows children to allocate three or four roles in games with cars: a driver, a mechanic, a gas station driver.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can invite the children to listen to the story of the driver doll: “There are many drivers working in the car park (garage). All of them are friendly with each other. They have one very good rule - never leave a comrade in trouble, help everyone and in everything: acquaintances or strangers - to any driver. Here, for example, a driver is driving and sees that a car is standing on the road ahead. He will definitely stop and ask what happened, and will certainly help: pour a little gasoline out of his car, help change the wheel, or simply take it on a trailer and take it to the garage. This is how our drivers live together.”

Then the teacher invites the children to play the game “As if the drivers are leaving on a flight” on their own.

The next time you can start the game by reading the story “How the machine rolled animals”.

“There is a car on the road. Itself is blue, the body is yellow, the wheels are red. Beautiful car! The forest animals saw her, stopped and looked. Ah yes, the car! Good car!

A curious squirrel ran up closer. I looked into the body. There is no one! The squirrel jumped into the body, and the car drove off: back and forth, back and forth.

A car drove up to the bunny, buzzed: beep-beep-beep!

The bunny jumped into the car. And again the car went: back and forth, back and forth.

A car drove up to the bear cub, buzzed: beep-beep-beep!

The teddy bear climbed into the body. The car went forward and backward, forward and backward. Squirrel, bunny and teddy bear are happy!

Get into the body of a hedgehog. The car went forward and backward, forward and backward. Hooray!

The kids rolled over, tired.

The squirrel jumped out of the car first, followed by ..? - bunny. Then get out.. - teddy bear. And the hedgehog - he doesn’t know how to jump - he can’t get off in any way. Got upset! The little bear, that's a clever one, returned and extended a paw to the hedgehog. Educated people and animals always help each other.

As soon as the hedgehog got out of the car, she left. Goodbye, blue car! Thank you!" - the animals shouted after her.

After reading the story, the teacher can offer the children to roll toys in cars on their own.



game material.Building material, dolls, animal toys, substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Observation of transport during a walk, an excursion to the car park, to the port, to the airport, to the station. Reading poems and stories about transport. Production of a building material of a car, an airplane, a steamer, a train, a boat, a bus, etc.

Game roles. Driver, driver, passenger.

Game progress. The teacher can use different versions of the game, depending on what the game actions are aimed at.

1st option. The game actions of the educator are aimed at children.

The teacher starts the game: “Now I will build something very interesting. Who wants to help me? Please bring large cubes (modules). Here are the big circles. Well done, thanks! Now bring me, please, a lot of chairs, they will also come in handy. It seems that everything is ready, you can start building. Do you know what I want to build for you? car. Such a big one... With wheels, with a body. I'll build a car and ride my guys. Would you like me to take you for a drive?” The teacher builds a car and comments on his actions. “First I will build a cabin (takes chairs). The cabin is ready. Now I'll make the steering wheel. I will steer. The car will go, Sasha, Marina, Vadik will be lucky ... The steering wheel is also ready. I will do the body. I will put the chairs like this so that the children can sit comfortably, I will make the body large so that everyone fits. It remains only to attach the wheels. All. The car is ready. Come on, sit down, my good ones, in the car, now let's go. This is the place for Katya. And this is for Petya... Did everyone sit down comfortably? Can you start the car? Chick-chick, the motor is on. Do you know where I'm taking you now? To the toy store. Beep! Go. Shhhhh! Stop. We arrived at the store. Now I will open the door. Come out. Here is a store (the teacher points to a closet with toys that are unusually arranged and dressed in advance: someone has a bow tied, someone has a collar, a new skirt, etc.). Lots in the toy store. Do you like them? Let's buy toys. Bunny buy Vanyusha. And you, Olenka, what toy to buy? Well, it seems that everyone bought toys. Good toys I bought you? Does everyone like it? Then get in the car, let's go back to the group. Beep! Go...".

On the way, the teacher makes a stop, buys a “bottle” of lemonade in the store, treats the children, offers to make a glass from a fist. Shows how you can drink from such a glass. “Who has the same cups? Substitute. I'll pour you lemonade. Who else wants lemonade? (Those who refuse to drink from a cup are given a toy cup). Did everyone drink? Now let's treat the toys with lemonade. Those who have drunk can get into the car. Did everyone sit down? Beep beep. Go. Shhhhh. We arrived in a group. You can go play. Show your toys where they can sleep, cook dinner, and I will fix the car. If you want to drive again, come to me. I'll take you somewhere else."

If, after the suggestion of the teacher, the children have a desire to get into the car again, the game continues.

During the subsequent game, the teacher finds out together with the children where else you can take the children and why. It turns out that children can be taken: to the sea or a river, to the forest to swim, play in the water, walk along the bridge; to the zoo, to get acquainted with fish, a whale, to look for something interesting; to the forest to pick mushrooms, berries, flowers, meet animals, feed them, visit a hedgehog, see how animals live, build houses for them.

prepare food for them, feed them, walk with them; to the circus to teach animals various circus tricks: jump over a stick, through a hole, from cube to cube, climb into a hoop, walk on a plank, sing, whine, bark, dress up animals, perform; to the store to buy new toys; on a visit to various forest animals, to dolls, to Aunt Galya (assistant teacher), etc. Also, the teacher can find out with the children what kind of transport you can use: by plane, by steamboat, by train, by boat, by train, by car, by bus, by taxi.

2nd option. Game actions are aimed at the educator.

The teacher includes children in the game. “I have rudders (shows various items that can replace rudders). Who wants to ride a car, get the steering wheels. “Here’s the steering wheel for you, Vadik. Where are you going? What will you bring me? Katyusha, where are you going? Also to the store? Good. What will you buy me at the store? Candies? And Vadik has already gone for sweets. Can you bring me something else? Bread? Well done, right. We don't have bread for dinner." If the teacher sees that the child is at a loss in choosing a goal, you need to offer him your own: “Sasha, please bring me bricks. I will build a booth for my dog. She has nowhere to live. You see, she is over there, in the corner, sitting and grieving.

After that, the teacher shows the children how to make a car out of a high chair.

When the children bring food, things, etc. to the teacher, he must thank the children for the delivery.

"Now let's all go to the circus in cars, see how the bear performs." The teacher shows the children the performance of a teddy bear. Then the children in the cars "return" to the group.

3rd option. Children's play activities are focused on toys.

The teacher includes children in the game and sets a game goal for them: “Now I will build a puppet theater. I need helpers. Who will bring me toys? Further, the educator encourages an independent search for a substitute object and ways to realize the game goal. “Find yourself cars and bring me toys. I will tell you what toys I need for the puppet theater. Vovochka, please bring me a bunny. And you, Larisa, are Dasha's doll. And Vitalik will bring a children's table ... ". The teacher names those toys, building materials and other things that will be needed to set up the theater. Shows a place where you can put toys. Children carry toys, and the teacher arranges a puppet theater stage. Showing the children a puppet show, the teacher tries in the performance and when arranging the stage, be sure to use everything that the children brought.

The teacher can invite the children to bring their friends to the performance: dolls, cubs, etc.

After the performance, the children deliver everything to the place. The teacher will certainly thank them for their help. Offers to play with friends whom they invited to the play. Reminds that their guests also like to ride in a car.

Then the children move on to independent play.

4th version of the game. This option can be used to introduce children to order.

The teacher invites the children on an exciting journey by train. He puts 3-4 chairs behind each other and offers to take seats on the train. Children take extra chairs, attach them to those already placed, and now the long train is ready to travel. At this time, the teacher picks up various toys from the floor and says: “Bear, why are you sad? You want to ride the train. And you are a bunny, and a nesting doll, and a Dasha doll. Children are ready to help their little toy friends. They quickly dismantle them and carefully seat them on their knees. “Guys,” the teacher continues, “on the way we will see a lot of interesting and funny things. Look carefully to see if your little friends will be able to see well: a squirrel, a bunny, Masha. Ask them. If they can't see anything, then sit them comfortably. Well, now let's go!"

In the “path”, the teacher describes to children 2-3 imaginary pictures outside the window: “Look, look! There are two little kids fighting, butting heads. Or maybe they are playing. It's funny. And now we are crossing the river, we are driving along a long bridge. And the boat floats on the river. You see? And now we have entered a dense forest. What do you see here? And I see a squirrel. She jumps along the branches, wants to catch up with our train. But where is she? We're going fast. Goodbye, squirrel. (Children and teacher wave to an imaginary character). Well, now we're going home. We've arrived. The teacher invites the children to get out of the wagons. “Here we are at home. But what is it? - exclaims the teacher. - Children, while we were traveling, someone in our group visited, scattered everything, scattered it. Well, what a mess! Who could it be? You do not know?". Children look around. “I guessed who it was,” the teacher continues. - They're smart bastards. If they appear somewhere, then it's just a disaster. There will be no life for them. Everything will always roll, get lost, get dirty. It is impossible to live with them! We need to get rid of them soon! Do you agree with me? What do we need to do with them, you don't know? Children give advice. The teacher listens carefully to them and suddenly joyfully exclaims: “I remembered! When I was little, my grandmother used to tell me about tricky little rascals and how to get rid of them. Playboys do not like order and cleanliness. And if everything is quickly removed in its place, they will instantly disappear. Shall we chase the bastards? Of course. So let's get started!"

Children scatter around the group room and begin to clean up the mess. The teacher helps them. He can maintain the interest and pace of cleaning with the help of:

  • rhymes (“We clean up toys, we drive away rascals, rascals will never come back here”, etc.);
  • appeals to children (“Look more carefully for traces of rascals. Where there is disorder, it means that rascals have settled there.” “It seems to me that one of the rascals is hiding among the books, they are all scattered around,” etc.);

Encouragements (“Ay-yes, Misha! Ay-yes, well done! He stacks the cubes in this order. Now I’m sure that not a single rascal will show his nose here.” “Tanya, what a clever girl you are! I would never have guessed under the doll look in the crib. And there were plates, spoons and even a doll's dress? Well, now everything is in order here! ").

After cleaning the toys, the teacher and the children look around their group with satisfaction. The teacher sums up the work done: “Now it’s a completely different matter! If not for you, then we would never get rid of the cunning rascals. And now I'm sure you won't let them in. I'm right?".

Subsequently, the educator can refer to the image of “naughty ones” (but as a reminder of them): “Don’t you think that the little naughty frolic in the kitchen of the dolls?” Who wants to drive them out of there? Who will clean up there?


Target. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan.

game material.Building material, toy train, picture of a train, steering wheel, suitcases, handbags, dolls, animal toys, nesting dolls, substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Observation on a walk of transport, excursion to the station. Reading poems and stories about the train. Production from the building material of the train. Making together with the teacher tickets, money. Modeling food that the guys take with them on the road.

Game roles. driver, passengers.

Game progress. The teacher starts preparing for the game by showing the children a real train.

The next stage of preparation for the game is playing a toy train with the children. The teacher, together with the children, needs to build rails (lay them out of building material), a bridge, a platform. On the platform, the train will be waiting for nesting dolls, which will then ride it or go to the dacha, etc. As a result of playing with the toy, the children should understand what and how to depict with it, learn how to play with it.

After that, the teacher introduces the children to the image of the train in the picture, postcard. It is necessary to carefully examine the picture with the children, compare it with a toy, draw the attention of the children to the most significant in this picture.

And, finally, the last stage in this preparation is teaching children to play the "train" outdoor game. In this case, a picture should be used, which must be correlated with the construction of children depicting a train, so that the children understand that each of them depicts a wagon standing in front - a steam locomotive. While moving, the train should hum, rotate the wheels, then speed up, then slow down, etc. And only after this mobile game has been mastered by the children, you can begin to teach them a story game on this topic.

The teacher needs to prepare the steering wheel for the driver, put the chairs one after the other. After explaining to the children that this is the train, it is necessary to seat the children in their places, give them dolls, bears, suitcases, handbags, hand the driver the steering wheel, after showing all the children how to drive the train. Then the teacher says goodbye to the children, they, in turn, wave their hands, and the train sets off.

Further management of this game should be directed towards its complication. After the excursion to the station, the game should be changed: it reflects the new impressions and knowledge gained by the children during the excursion. So, passengers will already have to buy tickets, they will have the purpose of the trip (they go either to the dacha, or, conversely, from the dacha to the city), which determines their actions (depending on the purpose of the trip, they either pick mushrooms, berries in the forest , pick flowers, or sunbathe and swim in the river, or go to work, etc.). Roles appear in the game. So, the cashier sells tickets, the controller checks them, the conductor seats the passengers in their seats and keeps order in the car, the station attendant sends the train, the driver’s assistant lubricates the train and monitors its serviceability, etc. You can also involve children in the manufacture of game attributes : to make tickets, money, sculpt food that they take with them on the road, etc.

The teacher should not combine more than three children for joint games. However, if a large number of children have a desire to play together, if the game is enriched by this, this should not be prevented. First of all, the teacher needs to help the children to agree and act together.



game material.Substitute items, toys, buns.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the distinctive features of the fox in pictures, illustrations, reading poetry and stories about the fox.

Game roles. Fox, foxes.

Game progress. The teacher turns to the children: “Let's play. I will be Lisa. I have sharp ears (shows). See what. Do you see the fluffy big tail? (shows an imaginary tail with a movement of his hand). Do I have a beautiful tail? Then the Fox briefly tells where he lives, what he eats and what he likes to do (play with foxes, catch mice, etc.).

Having outlined the appearance of the fox, its habits and disposition, the teacher proceeds to the most important moment - he encourages children to enter into the image of fox cubs. Here's what it looks like: “I'm bored alone. I have no children - little foxes with fluffy tails. They grew up, became big and fled into the forest. If I had cubs, I would treat them to my bread, give them candy wrappers. See how many I have. Who wants to be my fox?" Someone wanted to be a fox - good! Well, those who did not want to play should not be forced in any case. Let these kids do whatever they want. The teacher continues to play further with those who wish.

“Fox cubs, show your ears. Do you have ponytails? (imaginary)". Perhaps one of the children will attach a jump rope to the back. Others may want to do ponytails too. Don't rush to help them. Let them try to deal with it themselves. Such independence will only benefit. The most important thing has already happened - the child entered the image. He became "different" in his imagination.

Then the teacher must necessarily praise the children, treat the fox cubs with Chanterelle's bread (for starters, you can treat them with a real bun), later use a substitute object, breaking off imaginary pieces and saying: “I gave this fox, and gave this, and this fox did not forget. Foxes, look at this little fox. Is he really red? Help yourself, Ryzhik, with bread. And now stick out, little foxes, pockets and close your eyes. I’ll put something for you there in secret ”(puts candy wrappers in pockets).

Further, the teacher can extend the game in different directions (everything will depend on his creativity), but only on the condition that the children want this, that they have retained interest in the game. You can go to the forest, look for a common mink, where the cubs will hide from the rain, put their supplies. On the site, you can collect twigs and leaves to arrange a warm mink, mushrooms, berries (substitute items: pebbles, clover flowers, etc.).

The teacher can, for example, end the game of fox cubs like this, turning to the children: “Fox cubs, your mother - a fox came from the market, brought you toys (dolls, cars, various mosaics and any other objects of interest to the child: plastic bottles with screw caps, ballpoint pens, large bolts for boys, perfume boxes for girls, etc.). Run to me, I will give gifts. Well, I gave it to everyone. Everyone can do business. Then let's go for a walk"


Target. Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

game material.Sweets, fruits, pies.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the distinctive features of a bear from pictures, illustrations. Reading poems and stories about the bear.

Game roles. Bear cubs.

Game progress. Offering children toys, sweets, fruits, pies, etc., the teacher says: “Look, guys, what a big delicious cake the bear baked and sent to our group. She thought that we had cubs in the group - sweet teeth who love delicious pies, and decided to treat them. Who is our teddy bear? For whom did the bear bake a sweet cake? Are you a teddy bear, Sasha? Where are your paws, little bear? Do you have fur, little bear? How many cubs are in our group. Good bear cubs! It's time to give them the pie!"

Then the teacher invites the cubs to stand around a large table (made of shifted tables) and see how she will solemnly cut the cake into equal parts so that everyone gets an equal share. Thus, a regular afternoon snack can pass. Handing out the pie, the teacher says: “This bear cub has a piece of pie and this one. I share the bear's pie equally with all the cubs. Did all the cubs have enough pie? Eat well!"


Target. Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

game material.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the distinguishing features of a cat from pictures, illustrations, reading poems and stories about a cat and kittens.

Game roles. Cat, kittens.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game by reading V. Herbova's story "About the girl Katya and the little kitten."

“Katya went out for a walk. She went to the sandbox and began to make cakes. She baked a lot of cookies. Tired. She decided to rest and sat down on a bench. Suddenly he hears: meow. The kitten meows: so thinly, plaintively. “Kiss-kiss-kiss,” Katya called. And a little black fluffy lump crawled out from under the bench. Katya took the kitten in her arms, and he purred: murry-murr, murry-murr. Sang and sang and fell asleep. And Katya sits quietly, does not want to wake the kitten.

  • I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you! - said the grandmother, going up to Katya. - Why are you quiet?
  • Ts-ts-ts, - Katya put her finger to her lips and pointed to the sleeping kitten.

Then Katya and her grandmother went around all the neighbors to find out if someone had lost a small black kitten that can purr loudly. But the kitten turned out to be a draw.

And grandma let Katya take him home.”

After that, the teacher can talk to the children about the kittens.

Then he invites the children to play. “I will be a cat. I have fluffy fur and soft paws (shows). I have a long tail and small ears (shows an imaginary tail and then ears). I like to lap milk, sour cream. I love catching mice. More than anything, I like to play with balls of thread or with a ball. The ball rolls under the chair, and I take it out with my paw. And one more thing... I love to play with my master Petya. He runs away from me with a piece of paper on a string, and I catch the piece of paper. I catch a piece of paper, and Petya strokes my back, calls me a smart girl. I like it when they caress me, and I purr: mur-mur. Yes, that's the trouble. My master Petya left for his grandmother. Now I miss. I have no one to play with. And I don't have kittens. If there were kittens, I would play with them. We would climb ladders, run after balls and meow to our heart's content. Meow meow, I want to have kittens. Who wants to be my kittens?

When the guys enter the image of kittens, the teacher says: “Kittens, show your ears. Do you have ponytails? (imaginary) What do you like to eat? How do you like to play? How do you meow?"

Then the teacher must praise the children. Treat the kittens with milk using fictitious cups (palms together), saying: “I poured this kitten, and poured it, and I didn’t forget this kitten. Kittens, look at this kitten. Is he really red? Help yourself, Ryzhik, with milk.

Further, the teacher can extend the game in different directions (everything will depend on his creativity), but only on the condition that the children want this, that they have retained interest in the game. You can go outside, play “with your tail”, “meow”, who is louder, etc.

You can end the game like this. The teacher says that the mother cat was in a toy store and brought you gifts. “Run to me, I will give gifts. Well, I gave it to everyone. Everyone can do business. Then let's go for a walk."


Target. Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

game material.Substitute items, toys, sultans, pictures, illustrations.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the distinguishing features of a horse from pictures, illustrations, reading poems and stories about a horse and foals.

Game roles. Horse, foals.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play and takes on the role of a circus horse: “I am a circus horse. I have hooves. Here they are. Look how I hit them. And this is my magnificent tail (shows an imaginary tail). Here is the mane. Do you have your hair cut? They also cut my mane and tail so that they are beautiful. When I perform in the circus, they put a sultan on my head, like this (shows, but does not put on). Look at the beautiful horses in the circus (shows a picture). In the circus they teach me how to jump beautifully (the teacher shows). And how do I jump over a log, show? I can dance too. When the performance ends, I bow to everyone (shows). Most of all, I like to perform in front of little kids, they are good at clapping. And when everyone leaves the circus, I stay because I live in a circus. I eat grass (hay), bread and rest after the performance. It is a pity that I do not have children - small foals. If I had foals, I would teach them to perform in the circus. I even have beautiful colts for foals. Who wants to be my foal?" The guys take on the role of foals. The teacher continues further: “Where are your hooves, foal? Show how you know how to beat with hooves. Do you have a tail? Did you have your ponytail cut, foal? Do you want to perform in the circus? Try on a sultan on your head and become a real horse. Further, the game is played similarly to the game "Fox".


Target. Developing in children the ability to take on the role of an animal.

game material.Substitute items, toys, illustrations.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the distinctive features of a hedgehog and hedgehogs from pictures, illustrations. Reading poems and stories about hedgehogs and hedgehogs.

Game roles. Hedgehog, hedgehog.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to play and takes on the role of a hedgehog: “I will be a hedgehog. I have prickly needles and a long nose, at the end with a black pipka. My paws are small, but I can run fast. I live in a mink. I know how to hide from a fox. I curl up into a ball - neither head nor legs are visible and I lie on a forest path. (You can show an illustration where a fox tries to touch a hedgehog curled up in a ball with its paw). She walks, walks around me and can't grab me in any way. The glomerulus is covered in sharp needles. The fox is even afraid to touch me with its paw. That's just bad - I live alone. I don't have food. I'm bored. Who wants to be my hedgehog?" Further, the game is played similarly to the game "Fox".


Target. Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

game material.Substitute items, toys.

Preparing for the game.Acquaintance with the hallmarks of a sparrow from pictures, illustrations, reading poems and stories about sparrows.

Game roles. Sparrow, sparrow.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game by observing a sparrow on the street: “Look, a sparrow is sitting on the roof of a neighboring house. It is small. Sat, sat and began to jump. Has stopped. He flapped his wings, chirped and flew.

After that, the teacher offers to play the game. The teacher in the role of a sparrow says: “I have wings. Here they are, look. I will flap my wings and fly high, I can even fly higher than houses. And here is my beak. I peck their grains, drink some water. I love to eat bread crumbs and worms. I live in a tree with other sparrows. Do you know what I like to do the most? Swim in a puddle and chirp: chirp chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp. All day I fly and chirp, looking for my kids. I want my sparrows to fly to me. Chick-chirp, chirp-chirp, sparrows, where are you? Respond, chirp. I wait". (If the children do not respond to the suggestion of the teacher, then we can say that the sparrows do not hear the mother sparrow, they flew far away). Then the teacher asks who wants to be a sparrow.

After that, the game continues similarly to the game "Fox".


Target. The development in children of the ability to take on the role of the subject.

game material.Substitute items, soft toys, dolls, truck.

Preparing for the game.Examining pictures and illustrations depicting an aircraft. Excursion to the airport, shop. Reading poems and stories about airplanes.

Game roles. Aircraft, buyers, seller.

Game progress. The game begins with the teacher telling the children that today, going to kindergarten, he saw a silver plane in the sky: “It had big wings (like these ...). The plane tilted its wings to one side (shows), then to the other. Flying in the sky like a bird. Up, then down. The motor hummed rrr, rrr. And then the plane turned around and rose high, high and became very small, just like a toy. He only seemed small, because he flew too high. I really liked the plane. I want to fly too." Next, the teacher transforms into an airplane. “I am an airplane. I will fly. Here are my wings. Now I will turn on the engine and fly for tangerines. R-r-r-r, r-r-r-r - flew. I see a big mountain (a table in a group, a slide on the site). I will cover the mountain. Rrr. All arrived. Now I will land (squats, arms to the sides). I turn off the engine - rrrr (in a fading voice). All sat down. Now I'll load up with tangerines (puts balls in my pockets) and fly back. I can’t take away all the tangerines alone, but there are other fruits as well. See how many apples, oranges, bananas, watermelons (shows a box filled with substitute items). Who wants to be an airplane and transport fruit too?”

Next, the teacher asks the children questions that relate to the clear and most interesting features of the subject for them: “Airplane, where are your wings? Does your motor turn on? Airplanes, show how you can fly. How do you swing your wings? Planes can fly, you can load them with fruit. I will load planes, fly up to me. Take turns, don't rush. And then you will touch each other's wings and there will be an accident.

The teacher puts two or three substitute items in the pockets of the children, calling them watermelons, apples, tangerines. Then he says: “Who loaded, turn on the motors and fly. And you will land over there, on the carpet, this will be our airfield. A car will come there and you will unload fruit into it.”

Next, the teacher brings a large truck to the carpet and invites the planes to unload. He says that he will take fruits to the store and sell them. He brings the car to the table: "There will be a store here." He lays out substitute items on plates and in boxes, invites children to choose dolls for themselves and come to the store with them.

Then the teacher continues: “The store is open. Come buy fruit. Here are the apples. And these are tangerines, watermelons. What does your baby elephant love, tangerines or watermelons? Please take a watermelon. And your monkey wants bananas, see how she looks at them. Take a banana."

After that, the teacher invites the children to feed their dolls and put them to bed (children can make beds from cubes, chairs, boxes, etc.).

When the kids cope with their task, the teacher can invite them to take a walk outside while their "children" are sleeping.

"Wind and Leaves"

Target. The development in children of the ability to take on the role of an inanimate object. Raising a love for nature.

game material. Leaves.

Preparing for the game.Watching the leaves and the wind outside. Examination of illustrations, paintings. Reading poems and stories about nature.

Game roles. Leaves, wind.

Game progress. The teacher starts the game on a walk and gives the children tasks to see how the leaf-boat floats in the water (in a puddle), look for what or who is hiding on the ground under the leaves, decorate the plot, the troupe, their locker, themselves with leaves, wear and shift the leaves with places in place, carry a leaf through a puddle by a rope.

After that, the teacher suggests hanging the leaves in through openings. Suspended in this way, they instantly react to the slightest breath of the breeze, begin to spin, sway in different directions. The teacher draws the attention of the children to this: “Look! Our leaves are spinning, spinning, flew, flew and calmed down. They flew again, swirled and ... calmed down.

Then the teacher talks to the kids about the wind. “Who is blowing on our leaves? - the educator is surprised. - You, Mishenka, did not blow on the leaves? And you, Tanechka? And I didn't blow on the leaves. Who lifts them into the air? The teacher is waiting for an answer, if the guys are silent, he continues: “I know who picks up the leaves, who blows on them. This is the wind. He, like us, loves to play with leaves. It will scatter, but how it will blow - fu-fu-fu! Light leaves will be delighted and will spin, spin, fly, fly and calm down.

After such a story, the teacher offers to play. “Shall we play with the wind and the leaves? I am a cheerful wind, and you are beautiful leaves. Children can be offered to take a leaf in their hand, you can decorate children's clothes with leaves. "What beautiful leaves!" - the teacher says, decorating the children with autumn leaves. Everyone is dressed up, you can play.

During the game, the teacher accompanies all his words with a show. Children are guided by his words and actions. "The little leaves sit quietly on their branches (children and caregiver squat)." “Suddenly a cheerful wind flew in. How to blow - fu-fu-fu! The leaves woke up, opened their eyes, flew away (children move around the playground, some are spinning, some are running, some are just walking). “The wind flew away, the leaves calmed down, fell (the children and the teacher stop, sit down).”

The teacher can repeat the game several times at the request of the children.

"Let's go for a walk"

Target : to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name the elements of clothing, to consolidate the generalized concepts of “clothes”, “shoes”, to cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn), a small wardrobe and a high chair.

Game progress : a new doll comes to visit the children. She meets them and wants to play. But the guys are going for a walk and offer the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can't get dressed, and then the guys offer to help her. Children take out doll clothes from the locker, name it, choose what they need to wear now according to the weather. With the help of a teacher in the correct sequence, they dress the doll. Then the children dress themselves and go out with the doll for a walk. Upon returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the desired sequence, commenting on their actions.


Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.

Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a window, money.

Game progress: the educator suggests that the children place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with such departments as a vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others, where buyers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, salespeople in departments, sort goods into departments - products, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

"Toys at the Doctor's"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.

Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

"Stepashka's birthday"

Target: expand children's knowledge about the methods and sequence of table setting for a festive dinner, consolidate knowledge about tableware, cultivate attentiveness, caring, responsibility, desire to help, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "holiday dinner", "name day", "serving", "dishes ", "service".

Equipment: toys that can come to visit Stepashka, tableware - plates, forks, spoons, knives, cups, saucers, napkins, tablecloth, table, chairs.

Game progress: the teacher informs the children that Stepashka has a birthday today, offers to go to visit him and congratulate him. Children take toys, go to visit Stepashka and congratulate him. Stepashka offers everyone tea and cake and asks to help him set the table. Children actively participate in this, with the help of a teacher they set the table. It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between children during the game.

"Building a house"

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.

Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (house)". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.


Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided

Roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, male master, cashier, cleaner, clients.

Game actions: The cashier knocks out checks. Cleaning lady sweeps, changes used towels. Visitors take off their outer clothing, politely greet the hairdresser, ask for a haircut, consult with the hairdresser, pay to the cashier, and thank for the services. The hairdresser washes hair, dries, combs, cuts, dyes hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne, gives advice on hair care. Can be connected with the game "Home, family"

preliminary work: Children visiting a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reviewing the album with samples of hairstyles. Didactic game "Comb the doll beautifully" Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making with children attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, checks, money, etc.)

game material: a mirror, a set of combs, a razor, scissors, a hair clipper, a hair dryer, curlers, hair spray, cologne, an album with samples of hairstyles, hair dye, bathrobes, capes, towels, cash desk, checks, money, mop, buckets, rags for dust, for the floor.

"Beauty saloon"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about working in the "Beauty Salon", arouse the desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.

Roles: hairdresser, manicurist, beauty parlor master, cashier, cleaner, clients.

Game actions:The hairdresser washes his hair, combs, cuts, dyes his hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. The manicurist makes a manicure, covers the nails with varnish, gives recommendations for caring for the hands. The master of the beauty parlor makes a facial massage, wipes with lotion, lubricates with cream, paints eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaner sweeps, changes used towels, napkins. Visitors politely greet the employees of the salon, ask for a service, consult with the masters, pay to the cashier, and thank for the services.

preliminary work: Children visiting a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. The teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Reviewing the album with samples of hairstyles. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetics. Didactic game "Comb the doll beautifully." Didactic game "Cinderella is going to the ball." Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)

game material: mirror, comb set, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, hair swatch album, hair dye
