Brown discharge during pregnancy. Brown discharge during pregnancy - is there any cause for concern?

Certain changes occur in any female body during pregnancy. They are so large that they often provoke anxiety among expectant mothers. A pregnant woman may especially be alarmed by brown vaginal discharge. However, early discharge is considered normal. In the body of pregnant women, they occur due to the hormone progesterone. In turn, it ensures the growth and preservation of the fetus in the initial stages of an interesting position.

Is brown discharge normal?

When brown discharge appears, many pregnant women are alarmed by this phenomenon. According to gynecologists, sometimes such discharge can be the norm, sometimes it can be a deviation. Therefore, it is better to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to find out the cause of the appearance.

When is brown discharge considered normal?

Brown discharge during pregnancy, which is odorless, is considered normal in the early stages, 1-2 weeks after conception. During this period (implantation), the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The implantation process can occur with a moderate amount of discharge with a creamy consistency ranging from pink-beige to brown. However, if the discharge becomes dark brown in color, then you must consult a gynecologist. It is also possible that brown discharge may accompany the expectant mother in the next few months of pregnancy. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Sometimes it happens that a girl, unaware of the onset of pregnancy, perceives bleeding in early pregnancy as a normal early period.

Brown discharge in late pregnancy is also considered normal. This indicates the removal of the plug - a harbinger of labor. Some women begin to give birth within a few hours after the mucus plug comes off, others after a couple of weeks. Everything is individual.

In what cases is brown discharge during pregnancy a deviation?

Probably the first and main disappointing reason for abnormal brown discharge is termination of pregnancy - miscarriage. This is due to the fact that the implanted egg is separated from the wall of the uterus and allows blood to pass through in the form of brownish discharge. They are usually accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, dizziness and general weakness. Then the doctor prescribes strict bed rest, as well as drug treatment in order to maintain the pregnancy.

  • The second reason is ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, it is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge. Such disappointing symptoms occur due to egg rejection. Unfavorable processes occur in the female body: nausea, weakness, pain in the abdominal area. Then the minutes count down. You need to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Then there is a greater chance of getting pregnant again in the future. An ectopic pregnancy is determined using an ultrasound, and only then is surgery prescribed.

  • The third reason for deviation is “abruption” or “previa” of the placenta.

At later stages of an interesting situation, the identification of dark brown discharge, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, may indicate abruption or placenta previa. This can happen due to the placenta being quite close to the uterus. In this case, the placenta is located low, so the integrity of the vessels of the upper placenta is disrupted, which provokes brown bleeding during pregnancy. The causes of placenta previa can be: a fall of the expectant mother, abdominal trauma, and others.

Other causes of brown discharge during pregnancy

These may include infectious or inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. For example, cervical erosion may be accompanied by unpleasant bloody discharge. Therefore, already at the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to try to cure such diseases.

Problem solving

Be that as it may, if the expectant mother has bloody brown discharge during pregnancy, there is no need to guess whether this is a pathology or not. Doctors still say that any brown discharge during pregnancy cannot be normal. You should urgently seek advice from a gynecologist. If the discharge is profuse, then you need to call an ambulance. Before the medical team arrives, you need to be in a lying position.

Related articles: Pregnant health

During pregnancy, the type of vaginal discharge inevitably changes. This is due to changes in hormonal levels, with some anatomical changes in the process of bearing a child. Normally, vaginal secretions should be light or yellowish throughout the entire gestational period. Brown discharge usually frightens expectant mothers. Whether you should be afraid of them and what they can talk about at different times is worth considering in more detail.


Discharge should not be underestimated. Vaginal secretions are produced by epithelial cells of the cervix. At different stages of pregnancy, they can tell a lot about the condition of the expectant mother and fetus. Immediately after conception and up to 8–9 weeks of pregnancy A woman’s discharge is normally quite scanty, and sometimes almost completely absent. This is the effect of progesterone, which carries out the basic preparation of the body for long-term gestation.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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From 10 weeks vaginal secretion becomes more abundant, and by the end of pregnancy it is not only abundant, but also watery. This is how the hormone estrogen acts on vaginal secretion. The task of the secretory function of the female reproductive tract is to maintain a healthy, stable microflora. The genital tract will be the first place where the baby ends up during the birth process after it leaves the uterine cavity. The health of the baby depends on their health.

Existing medical literature describes normal discharge during pregnancy as light-colored, odorless, or having a slight sour-milk odor. Other variants of the norm are also being considered, but only under certain conditions and for certain periods.

Brown discharge is no exception. Not only can they indicate dangerous complications, but they can also be a natural variant of normal vaginal secretion. The brown color of the discharge is given by erythrocytes - blood cells. This means that brown discharge is a type of blood discharge.


A small amount of blood in the discharge in the very early stages may be the norm when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine cavity. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding. It occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the endometrium during the attachment of the blastocyst. One of the options for such natural bleeding may be light brown discharge in a small amount approximately 8-9 days after the expected conception (or after ovulation - for ease of calculation).

Brownish spotting on panty liners or underwear is not long-lasting. Usually within a day or two there is no trace left of them. There is nothing alarming about this phenomenon.

In addition, such an early sign of pregnancy does not appear in every woman. You should know that the appearance of dark brown discharge with clots before the delay can hardly be considered a sign of implantation. Rather, we are talking about a hormonal imbalance in which menstruation began ahead of schedule. During the first 2–3 months of pregnancy, yellow-brown, moderate or scanty discharge may be a consequence of global hormonal changes.

Progesterone raging in the body of the expectant mother usually gives the vaginal secretion a yellowish tint; brown “notes” in it can appear due to high or low levels of progesterone, due to the vulnerability of the genital tract due to looseness under the influence of hormones. Normally, such discharge occurs without pain, it does not contain inclusions or impurities, or streaks of blood, and does not bother the woman. They usually stop after the expectant mother’s body has fully adapted to the new situation and circumstances.

In the later stages (a week or two before the expected date of birth), a woman may notice the appearance of brown, streaked discharge. They are usually accompanied by the secretion of mucus in small quantities or a rather impressive mucus clot. In this case, we are talking about the removal of the mucous plug, which during pregnancy closed the cervical canal and prevented the penetration of anything foreign and dangerous into the uterine cavity where the baby grew.

The removal of the plug is a harbinger of an imminent birth. He also does not need treatment.

Small brown discharge after sex or a doctor’s examination is also normal. Their reason lies in the extreme vulnerability of the pregnant woman’s genital tract. Under the influence of progesterone, they become loose and vulnerable to even minor mechanical stress.

Such discharge usually does not last long - no more than a day, and is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations or additional symptoms. There are no clots in them, they do not intensify, their number changes in a descending manner. These are the three main reasons why brown discharge can be considered normal. All other situations, alas, relate exclusively to pathological ones.

Risk of miscarriage

Brown discharge in the early stages is often accompanied by the threat of miscarriage. It is not difficult to recognize a threatening condition: a woman notices not only a change in the color of the vaginal secretion, but also a general deterioration in her health. Severe attacks of dizziness may occur, and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is almost always present.

The pain syndrome can be pronounced and intense or occur in the form of a dull, weak pain. However, the very combination of “pain and brown discharge” should alert the pregnant woman and force her to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

Blood in the discharge appears due to detachment of the fertilized egg. Between the membranes of the fetus and the wall of the uterus, a space filled with blood appears. With a small retrochorial hematoma, the discharge will be predominantly pink-brown and not abundant; with significant detachment, it will be abundant, with clots, and red-brown.

A threat can develop for many reasons. These include abnormalities in the structure of the uterus, genetic pathologies of the fetus that are incompatible with its further development, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital tract and reproductive organs, hormonal deficiency, as well as bad habits, severe stress, and excessive physical activity.

A developing miscarriage is characterized by increased discharge over time, the appearance of cramping pain in the lower back and cervix, as well as nagging pain with an “echo” in the anal area. The brown daub turns into a more saturated color, the consistency thins out until liquid scarlet blood with blood clots begins to flow out.

This metamorphosis usually indicates that a miscarriage has already occurred, and fragments of the membranes and embryo come out along with vaginal secretions. What it really is and at what stage the threat of miscarriage can only be understood by a doctor. Therefore, if the characteristic symptoms described above appear, you should definitely call an ambulance. In 95% of cases, pregnancy can be saved with timely treatment.

Hormonal deficiency

Monthly menstrual bleeding is controlled by hormones. In the second half of the cycle, progesterone gradually decreases, the concentration of estrogen increases and menstruation begins. Do not think that menstrual-like discharge during pregnancy is normal. As a rule, this happens in the first months after conception due to a lack of progesterone.

Of course, there are rare situations in which menstrual bleeding during pregnancy can be considered normal. This happens if a woman produces two eggs in the current cycle instead of one, and ovulation occurs twice with a difference of several days. In this case, the first egg was not fertilized, it died and dropped into the uterus, and the second was fertilized and went to the uterus for implantation.

Bloody discharge will come on the day of the expected menstruation, but such periods will differ significantly. First of all, there will be little discharge. In a few days, scanty and incomprehensible periods will stop and will not recur over the next 9 months. People used to say about this phenomenon that “the fruit is washed,” but in practice this rarely occurs.

With hormonal deficiency or imbalance of hormones in the body, the discharge resembles slight pale brown marks on underwear or a thin sanitary panty liner. They may intensify slightly or disappear completely, after which they appear again.

A woman should definitely consult a doctor to get tested for hormones and begin maintenance treatment with appropriate hormonal medications that will bring the balance of these active substances in the body to the normal level necessary for the safe bearing of a child.

Ectopic pregnancy

If for a number of reasons the fertilized egg cannot enter the uterine cavity and implant where it is supposed to, it can become fixed in the fallopian tube or lower down and become fixed in the cervix. This is possible if a woman has difficulty passing the egg through the tubes due to the narrowed lumen of the tube. The cause may be inflammatory diseases of the tubes, appendages, ovaries, as well as endometriosis, the presence of tumor formations in the uterine cavity, in the fallopian tubes.

If the transfer of the zygote, and subsequently the blastocyst, is disrupted, then the development of the embryo outside the uterine cavity is possible. An ectopic pregnancy may not make itself felt until a certain period of time. There will be a delay, tests will show a second line (slightly paler than during intrauterine pregnancy, but this is an optional sign). And only when the embryo becomes quite large can pathology appear.

Rejection of the fertilized egg, if it is attached in a place not intended for this by nature, is inevitable. At best, this process will begin before the organ to which the fertilized egg is attached suffers serious injury.

Rejection is accompanied by severe cutting pain in the abdomen, quite profuse brown discharge, which quickly becomes a brighter red color. In the worst case, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur with massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity, which can be fatal for the woman. The exact place of attachment of the fertilized egg is quite well determined by ultrasound already at 5–6 weeks of pregnancy.

Women who have a history of ectopic pregnancies, as well as miscarriages, inflammatory diseases of the gynecological profile, surgeries on the reproductive organs, after which scars and adhesions could remain, if the pregnancy test is positive, should visit a doctor as soon as possible and have an ultrasound done to exclude incorrect attachment of the fetus. In case of an ectopic pregnancy, there is no other option than removing the fertilized egg.

In rarer and more dangerous types of such pregnancies - cervical and isthmus pregnancies, it is usually not possible to save the uterus. In case of a tubal ectopic pregnancy, if there is no rupture, it is most often possible to save the tubes, and the woman will subsequently be able to become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Placenta previa or abruption

If a woman’s placenta (or chorion, its predecessor) is located low, then brown spotting or discharge of all shades of brown may be a sign of placental abruption. The most dangerous are brown intense discharge that occurs with complete and incomplete placenta previa.

With complete presentation, the “baby spot” is located at the bottom of the uterus and completely blocks the entrance to the cervical canal. If incomplete, the entrance to the cervical canal is closed by approximately two-thirds or less. Any negative impact and even the most ordinary stress can cause severe bleeding in a woman with such a pregnancy pathology.

For any form of chorion (placenta) presentation, sudden movements, emotional shocks, sex, physical activity, jumping, shaking in transport, and bending forward are prohibited. For some women, episodic bloody discharge recurs until childbirth.

If a diagnosis such as low placentation has already been made and confirmed by ultrasound data, the woman should be very careful. If there is no such diagnosis and the placenta is located normally, the woman still runs the risk of experiencing abruption. This becomes possible with a fall, especially with an abdominal injury, a sharp jump in hormone levels, severe emotional shock, heavy lifting, or taking certain medications prohibited during pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge during detachment is usually quite profuse, although there may be no pain. The age of the problem can be judged by the shade of the discharge. Fresh blood that has just separated and come out is always bright, scarlet. If, after detachment, the blood did not come out for some time and was in the space between the “baby place” and the wall of the uterus, then it will have brown shades of varying intensity.

Other gynecological problems

Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive and genitourinary system during pregnancy are not at all uncommon. The expectant mother's immunity is significantly reduced (and this is also due to progesterone!), which is why any fluctuations in the balance of microflora can cause local inflammation.

If a woman had chronic diseases of the genital organs or organs of the urinary system before the onset of the “interesting situation,” then during the period of maximum decrease in immunity, by the middle of pregnancy, they may well make themselves felt. Many inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin occur with the release of vaginal secretion of a yellow, light brownish hue.

Discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms, for example, with adnexitis - pain in the right or left side, pulling and cutting pain in the appendage area, with cervicitis - unpleasant sensations in the depths of the vagina, as well as the appearance of mucous impurities in the brownish vaginal secretion.

Diseases of infectious origin cannot be excluded. These can be sexually transmitted infections, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. Many of them have a fairly long incubation period, so at the time of registration, the examination may not reveal pathology, and real symptoms will appear later.

The most dangerous are brown and brown discharges, which have greenish purulent impurities, as well as an unpleasant and pungent odor. They indicate the bacterial origin of the problem, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can result in intrauterine infection of the fetus and even its death. Brown spotting discharge may indicate problems with the cervix and inflammation of the cervical canal.

After IVF

If a couple has had to resort to assisted reproductive techniques, such as IVF, they should be prepared for the discharge to be significantly different from that normal for a natural pregnancy. So, after embryo transfer for almost two weeks, brownish discharge is considered normal. This is the reaction of the female body to hormonal therapy, which she underwent before embryo transfer and continues after it.

Brown spotting vaginal discharge may also indicate successful implantation. If they are a sign of implantation, then usually brown streaks or scanty daubing appears 5–6 days after hatching. In a third of women, a change in the color of the vaginal secretion appears only 8–10 days after replantation.

If discharge of an unusual color continues for more than 14 days, doctors regard this as an alarm signal - not all is well with the pregnancy.

But there is no need to despair, because after analyzing the concentration of the hCG hormone in the blood, treatment will be prescribed that will help maintain the pregnancy and bear a healthy baby, maybe several babies. In the worst case, brown discharge after two weeks from the moment of replanting may indicate that the embryos have stopped developing and their rejection has begun. After treatment, the IVF attempt can be repeated.

What to do?

If brown discharge appears, a pregnant woman should under no circumstances engage in self-diagnosis. All of the above is nothing more than material for self-education for reference purposes, and not a guide for making any diagnoses for yourself.

There are not many variants of the physiological norm for this type of vaginal secretion, but there are more than enough variants of pathologies. For this reason alone, a woman should immediately see a doctor. An ultrasound scan, a vaginal smear, as well as blood and urine tests will help find an accurate answer to the question of why blood appeared in the secretions of the genital tract.

If the discharge is scanty and not accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor at the antenatal clinic at your place of residence. If the brown discharge is abundant, with clots, and pain, then you should go to bed, avoid standing or walking, and wait for an ambulance to be called immediately.

Visiting doctors must be told the duration of pregnancy (from the first day of the last menstruation), describe in detail all the symptoms, including even the most insignificant ones, in your opinion, and also tell about all previous pregnancies and their outcome. All this information will help doctors quickly guess the cause of the bleeding and take you to a gynecological hospital or the emergency department of a maternity hospital with the most accurate formulation of the problem. Every minute can be decisive; it is necessary to help doctors understand you correctly.

If brown discharge recurs sporadically, you should tell the observing obstetrician-gynecologist about this so that he can give the most complete and accurate recommendations regarding the expectant mother’s lifestyle, daily routine, work and rest, the ability to have sex, and also prescribe the necessary supportive treatment depending on the condition. causes.

If there is a threat of miscarriage due to low placentation, antispasmodics are prescribed that relax the muscles of the uterus and prevent its tone, as well as vitamins, drugs to improve uteroplacental blood flow and light herbal sedatives. If placental abruption occurs after hospital treatment, a woman may be prescribed hemostatic drugs. For hormonal problems and a lack of progesterone, certain dosages of hormonal drugs are recommended that completely compensate for the deficiency in the body.

Any problem that arises while carrying a baby, including those manifested by the appearance of atypical discharge, will be solved faster and more correctly, if you follow simple safety rules, such as:

  • it is worth monitoring the nature of the discharge daily throughout pregnancy;
  • It is necessary to use only thin sanitary pads; tampons cannot be used during pregnancy;
  • you need to take responsibility for issues of intimate hygiene in order to prevent inflammatory processes due to its violation;
  • you should not change your sexual partner during pregnancy;

  • you need to take care of your reproductive health, avoid too harsh and rough sex, injury to the genital tract and cervix;
  • it is necessary to regularly visit the antenatal clinic and undergo all required examinations and tests;
  • you should quit smoking, do not take alcohol and drugs during pregnancy;
  • You should avoid stress, conflicts, do not lift heavy objects and limit physical activity, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage.

A normal pregnancy does not cause the expectant mother much concern. However, today fewer and fewer women can boast of a high level of reproductive health, which leads to various problems during the gestational period. One of the symptoms of trouble is brown discharge during pregnancy. Sometimes they can actually become a dangerous signal. We will talk about the reasons why brown discharge occurs and the threats associated with this phenomenon in this article. To do this, let's look at the questions asked on various forums for expectant mothers and try to answer them.

Brown discharge regardless of gestational age

Brown discharge causes more concern for expectant mothers than any other. This is easily explained, because the brown color is, in fact, blood in a certain concentration. It is worth noting that this is something different than discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy. But there are situations when provoking factors are absolutely independent of gestational age.

Olga, 27 years old: “24 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes there is brown discharge. Can they be the result of cervical erosion?

Erosion may be accompanied by bleeding. This disease is treated by cauterization, but during the period of bearing the baby, this manipulation is not provided. Erosive lesions can make themselves felt by a characteristic secretion in the form of light brown discharge during pregnancy (ichor). Sometimes it is mucus mixed with blood and even pus. Often the appearance of such a secretion occurs after sex or an examination by a gynecologist. The duration of pregnancy is 39, or even 41 weeks - erosion cannot be left unattended for so long. Treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

Irina, 30 years old: “I’m expecting a baby. Now 25 weeks. Appeared. There is an admixture of blood in them, and terrible irritation has begun. I tried douching with chamomile - it became a little easier. I was tested for gardenelosis. Why were there traces of blood?

During pregnancy, brown discharge can be caused by an inflammatory process or an STD. Against the background of a decrease in local immunity, activation of opportunistic microorganisms or dormant infections is often observed. Such a secretion may contain brown streaks and inclusions of mucopurulent fluid. There is a repulsive odor, burning sensation when emptying the bladder, and itching. Blood on underwear is explained by damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane. Such symptoms can appear at any time: at the 6th and 31st weeks of pregnancy, and even when the 41st week of pregnancy is approaching.

Causes of brown discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the presence of traces of blood is not uncommon. Why is this happening? There are five causes of bleeding in the short term.


Victoria, 29 years old: “We tried to conceive for a long time. This month the test finally came back positive. But even before the delay I noticed a smudge. It’s already fourteen weeks, everything seems to be fine, but I’m still worried. What was it?".

Threat of miscarriage

Yulia, 29 years old: “I lost my first child when I was 15 weeks pregnant. Then sudden bleeding began. After a long treatment I was able to conceive again. Now I'm 14 weeks pregnant and spotting has started. Is it really all over again? Can such discharge occur during a miscarriage?”

Irina, 20 years old: “At first I noticed some kind of ichor, and today I started having discharge with clots during my 6-week pregnancy. Looks like normal menstruation. My stomach hurts and my lower back is strained. Maybe it was just a delay? But the test was positive, I haven’t gone to a consultation yet. Tell me, what could it be?"

Possibly a threat of miscarriage. This is a common cause of bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks). Pathological detachment of the ovum is accompanied by blood loss of varying intensity. At first, this is usually the case (sometimes with mucous inclusions), and as the process progresses, their abundance increases significantly . More details can be found by following the link. Often the cause of this problem is a lack of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the formation of the placenta and preservation of the fetus. The threat of interruption is complemented by painful sensations in the abdomen, weakness, and nausea.

What can cause brown discharge in the 2nd trimester?

The second trimester is a time when any bleeding poses a danger to the well-being of the expectant mother and baby. There are two main reasons for such conditions: placental abruption and placental previa.

Placental abruption

Veronica, 24 years old: “I noticed brown discharge at 20 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, my lower abdomen aches strangely. Recently I stumbled and fell, hitting my stomach quite hard. What could it be?"

Olga, 36 years old: “I’m 36. I’m expecting my first baby. Hypertensive. There was placental abruption at 10 weeks, then at 16 weeks of pregnancy. Today, at lunchtime again, there was a strange feeling in the lower abdomen, followed by brown discharge (like menstruation, maybe a little less). They took me away in an ambulance. Detachment again. Term 22 weeks. How does this threaten the child?

Inna, 26 years old: “I started bleeding heavily at 25 weeks of pregnancy. He was urgently hospitalized. A 50% placental abruption was diagnosed. The doctors said that now I will be in the hospital under observation all the time. Is this condition really so dangerous?

Placental abruption is a dangerous condition that causes brown discharge in the second trimester, which ends at 28 weeks of pregnancy. In women, abruption is often accompanied by severe bleeding, and the fetus, when this pathology develops, experiences hypoxia and a lack of nutrients, because the placenta does not perform its functions. There is also a feeling of tension and pain in the lower abdomen. Detachment can be triggered by injuries, arterial hypertension, short length of the umbilical cord, and the presence of scars on the body of the uterus. This condition is extremely insidious and requires emergency hospitalization, and sometimes surgical intervention, since after bleeding of this kind the death of the fetus is possible.

Placenta previa

Alla, 26 years old: “I’m in my sixth month. What does brown discharge mean at 26 weeks of pregnancy? I feel the same as always, but today after cleaning I noticed traces of blood on the laundry. At the fifteenth week there was hypertonicity, there was a threat of miscarriage, it was kept in storage, but there was no bleeding. Has anyone experienced bleeding during the second trimester of pregnancy?

Yulia, 24 years old: “We are expecting a baby. Tests were normal, ultrasound showed lateral placenta previa. Is brown discharge normal at 16 weeks of pregnancy with a similar diagnosis? The doctor says that in the last few months I will have to go to the hospital. It's necessary?"

Inga, 22 years old: “The first time I noticed brown discharge was at 17 weeks of pregnancy. They sent me for an ultrasound. It turned out that I had complete placenta previa. I completed a course of treatment in a hospital and felt great. Discharge appeared again at 24 weeks of pregnancy. She was treated at home under her own responsibility. And again discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor insists on putting me in the hospital until the birth. It is necessary?"

Placenta previa is another abnormal condition in which the placenta is abnormally located. It partially or completely covers the uterine os. If the pathology is detected before the sixteenth week, then therapy is often carried out on an outpatient basis. The higher the gestational age, the greater the risk of bleeding. Fetal growth increases pressure on the placenta. Bleeding often occurs suddenly, for example during sleep. The color of the discharge is scarlet, it is liquid, there is no pain. When sneezing, coughing, bowel movements or bladder emptying, blood loss increases. The 24th week of pregnancy is the period when a woman with placenta previa is often hospitalized in a hospital. There, doctors create conditions to preserve the fetus for up to 30 weeks. After the critical period has passed (at about 31 weeks of pregnancy), an emergency caesarean section is often performed.

Both of these conditions pose a real threat. As a rule, they occur in the second trimester of pregnancy. But placental abruption can also occur in the third, and this is no less dangerous.

Brown discharge during late pregnancy


Irina, 30 years old: “Why might discharge appear at 37 weeks of pregnancy? The whole period went great. And this morning I noticed a smear on my daily planner (there was sex in the evening). I was very scared. It's still too early to give birth. Has anyone had brown discharge at the end of their term? What is this?"

Inna, 22 years old: “34 weeks pregnant. What could have caused them?

And after examination by the doctor. This is due to injury to the inner surface of the cervix. If they do not intensify, then there is no danger. If you notice discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy, try to reduce your sexual activity.

Plug coming out

Yulia, 21 years old: “40 weeks of pregnancy, brown discharge. Nothing like this happened the entire time. What could it be?"

Natalya, 25 years old: “Is brown discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy a sign of labor? More precisely, week 39 is already ending. I found a piece of thick mucus with brown specks on my underwear. Previously, there was a threat at 6 months of pregnancy, it was kept in storage, but everything was different. Maybe this is the same traffic jam? How long will it take for labor to begin?

Miroslava, 19 years old: “Thick reddish discharge appeared at 41 weeks of pregnancy. What is this?"

Brown discharge in late pregnancy usually means the beginning of the mucus plug that seals the entrance to the uterus and performs a protective function. Before birth, it tends to separate in several stages or at once. This condition is not dangerous. Brown discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy indicates an imminent meeting between mother and baby. Sometimes the passage of the mucus plug and the onset of labor are separated by a matter of hours. And sometimes it begins to gradually recede as early as 37 weeks of pregnancy. It all depends on the characteristics of the body. Discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy or a little earlier looks like thick mucous fragments (sometimes with brown spots - streaks of blood). 41 weeks is the time when labor can begin every minute, and the discharge of mucus with blood is a characteristic sign.

Having considered the main reasons why discharge is possible during pregnancy in all trimesters, we note that in each case the most reasonable behavior would be to consult a doctor in a timely manner. This is especially true for sudden heavy bleeding. Even with minor discharge, unfortunately, without experience, understanding the signs of a particular deviation is extremely problematic. You shouldn’t waste time figuring out the situation yourself by entering “discharge during pregnancy photos” into a search engine. For the sake of the well-being of your unborn baby, do not neglect the help of a specialist.

When carrying a child, the presence of discharge is considered quite normal, but not all of them are normal. Dark discharge during pregnancy is considered a fairly common occurrence; it may indicate natural processes or indicate the development of pathological conditions.

If there are any suspicious symptoms, immediately contact your gynecologist.

When such discharge appears, you should not panic, because severe psychological stress can result in termination of pregnancy. If you have any problems, you should contact a specialist who will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the necessary treatment to prolong pregnancy.

The nature of vaginal discharge can be used to judge a girl’s sexual health, even if she has never had sexual intercourse. With normal health of the genital area, the discharge is faded yellow or transparent, mucous or liquid, without any odor. By the middle of the cycle, against the background of ovulatory hormonal changes, there are slightly more of them.

During unprotected sexual intercourse, there is also a sharp increase in mucous discharge. Also, an increase in the amount of mucus is observed immediately after becoming pregnant, as well as before childbirth. During pregnancy, women also quite often encounter dark discharge.

They arise for various reasons, but always require specialist advice. Mom should absolutely not be nervous; in her situation, this can lead to negative consequences. To treat the situation more calmly, you need to have at least a superficial idea of ​​what may cause the appearance of dark discharge. It is also necessary to distinguish when such daubing is considered normal, and when it warns of the development of pathological conditions.

Normal dark or brown discharge

Dark brown discharge during pregnancy is not always evidence of a dangerous pathology. Normally, within 12 days after meeting the sperm, the fertilized female cell moves into the uterine body and is implanted into its inner endometrial layer. This period is also called implantation. It is at this time that discharge may appear during early pregnancy.

Additional testing may be required

But it is necessary to pay special attention to the shade and duration of bleeding. A brown or pinkish daub with a cream-like structure is considered normal. Many girls may even mistakenly mistake such marks on their underwear for the beginning of their next period. If the discharge is more abundant, prolonged and has a too dark color, representing an almost black mess with a pronounced bloody odor, then you need to urgently consult a specialist.

Sometimes dark brown discharge in early pregnancy, especially in the first couple of months, occurs on the days when the girl was supposed to have her period. In such a situation, a woman observes brown marks on her underwear. In this case, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. But even if a pregnant woman is confident that such a daub is safe, it is imperative to notify the doctor about the presence of such manifestations.

Common Factors Causing Dark Discharge

Experts identify several groups of provoking factors that cause the appearance of dark spotting from the vagina in pregnant women.

  • The cervical canal is characterized by high sensitivity of the tissues lining it, so their integrity is easily damaged. If there are erosive lesions on the cervix, then the appearance of dark marks on the underwear may occur during active sexual intercourse or after a gynecological examination.
  • Erosion is eliminated by cauterization, but only after delivery. But it needs to be treated, because it can provoke the development of oncological processes.
  • Also, dark leucorrhoea can appear against the background of inflammatory lesions and infections, STDs. In this case, the secreted mucus emits a specific odor, there are discomfort and cutting pain when emptying the bladder.
  • Infection can occur even before fertilization, the infection simply waits, and when the immune barrier weakens at the beginning of pregnancy, it becomes more active and begins to manifest characteristic signs.

To avoid such surprises, you need to undergo an appropriate examination in advance, and only then plan for the child. If it turns out that the pathology develops already during pregnancy, then the therapy should be as safe and gentle as possible so as not to harm the baby.

Reasons for discharge before 12 weeks

At the beginning of pregnancy, the change in leucorrhoea is quite logical and understandable, and most often it does not have any threatening consequences or dangerous conditions. If a woman does not experience any discomfort, itching, pain or burning, or general malaise when a dark spot appears, then there should be no fear.

If pathological symptoms occur, then you need to urgently run to a gynecologist who is monitoring the pregnancy. The cause of dark discharge in the first trimester can be quite a variety of factors: egg implantation or hormonal disorders, threatened or ectopic miscarriage, hydatidiform mole, etc. Therefore, medical intervention is necessary at least to determine the exact cause of the dark discharge.

Hormonal imbalances

Increased fatigue is a common occurrence

Various kinds of hormonal disorders are considered to be a fairly common phenomenon in the early stages, against the background of which dark spotting occurs. Quite often they manifest themselves in the form of progesterone deficiency. There can be many reasons for this condition: threat of miscarriage, delayed fetal development, functional disorders in the corpus luteum or placenta.

With progesterone deficiency, the mother's body does not perceive pregnancy as a fait accompli, which is why dark leucorrhoea is observed. Progesterone deficiency is especially dangerous before the twentieth week, because it threatens to interrupt pregnancy. It is in the first trimester that it is especially important to undergo regular examinations so that the doctor can promptly detect a lack of progesterone hormone and prescribe therapy using Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Brown leucorrhoea can also be caused by hormonal-reproductive memory, i.e. the body, out of habit, secretes dark, bloody leucorrhoea on the days of expected menstruation. At the same time, mommy does not have any pathological sensations such as pain or discomfort. The volumes of bloody masses released are tiny and short-term, lasting no more than two days. Sometimes such daubing occurs periodically in the first couple of months. Such leucorrhoea cannot pose a particular threat, but during these periods gynecologists recommend that mothers treat themselves with greater attention and spend these days in bed.

Sometimes mothers have such a daub until the end of pregnancy. But such leucorrhoea should not cause concern, although you still need to consult a gynecologist. If a mother has borderline low progesterone for a long time, then hospital treatment is necessary. Often, such low progesterone is usually accompanied by high testosterone, which has a very negative effect on pregnancy.

Implantation processes

Quite often, dark brown spotting occurs during the implantation process.

  1. Immediately after successful fertilization, the implantation period begins. During these processes, the cell moves along the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, where it penetrates into the inner, endometrial layer lining the walls of the organ.
  2. The duration of implantation is about 7-12 days from the moment the mature egg leaves the follicle.
  3. When the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, it penetrates the endometrium, which is accompanied by micro-tears in the uterine mucosa, which causes dark discharge.

Experts recommend that patients planning pregnancy pay attention to the likely period of implantation. If, about a week after ovulation, they show signs of such a spot, then they need to limit psychological and physical stress for about a couple of days, then the fertilized egg will be able to gain a foothold in the uterus more thoroughly.

Frozen pregnancy

It is necessary to strictly follow all medical instructions

The cause of dark-colored discharge can also be fetal freezing. This can happen in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. This condition is dangerous because in the first months the woman is not yet able to feel the baby’s movements, so she cannot notice the freezing in time. There can be no talk of saving the child; he is already dying inside the mother’s womb. If such a fetus remains inside the uterus for a long time, it can lead to intoxication of the body and the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

A sign of frozen gestation is frequent dark, smearing mucous spots on the underwear, accompanied by hyperthermia, dizziness, vomiting reactions, etc. An ultrasound examination reveals a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the timing, and also reveals the absence of a fetal heartbeat. If a frozen fetus is detected, the patient is sent to hospital treatment in order to artificially induce uterine contractions, then the body itself will get rid of the fetus. If rejection does not occur, the patient is cleaned with a curette.

Threat of interruption

A condition is considered extremely dangerous when dark discharge occurs against the background of the threat of interruption. Usually the cause is the process of detachment of the fertilized egg. At the site of its connection with the uterine wall, the vessels are damaged, which causes bleeding. Typically, the factor leading to miscarriage is considered to be an acute lack of progesterone hormone, which is responsible for the successful development of pregnancy in the first weeks.

How is it shown? Progesterone influences the full maturation of the endometrial layer so that its thickness is sufficient for egg implantation. Also, a sufficient level of this hormonal substance is necessary for the full maturation of the placenta. With progesterone deficiency, embryo rejection occurs. In this case, the patient feels painful symptoms in the uterine area, nausea and even vomiting reactions; there are noticeable mucous impurities in the discharge.

Such symptoms should be a reason to call an ambulance, and mommy needs to calm down and lie down until the doctor arrives. Any emotional unrest and physical activity can only aggravate the situation. If measures are taken in a timely manner, then it is quite possible to save the pregnancy, but for this the woman is placed in a hospital and prescribed strict bed rest and progesterone therapy.

Hydatidiform mole

According to statistics, in one case out of a thousand, the appearance of dark brown discharge is due to hydatidiform mole, which is a very dangerous anomaly. The prerequisites for its occurrence are two clinical situations:

  • When fertilization of a female cell occurs by two sperm at the same time, then a cell with an excess chromosome set is obtained;
  • When an egg with a defect in the form of missing chromosomes is fertilized.
  • As a result, a tumor formation of predominantly benign origin begins to develop inside the uterus on the endometrium instead of placental tissues, although malignant ones are also rare.
  • Typically, a hydatidiform mole consists of many cystic structures filled with fluid.

Characteristic symptoms of this pathology are headaches, dark brown smudges, vomiting reactions, elevated blood pressure and nausea. Treatment involves surgical removal of the problem. If the problem is successfully resolved, the patient can become pregnant again a year or two after cleansing.

Ectopic pregnancy

Self-administration of medications is very dangerous

Due to certain factors, implantation is carried out not in the uterine endometrium, but in the tube wall, ovary, or somewhere else outside the uterus. This condition entails very unfavorable consequences, since as the embryo grows, it stretches the tube and then ruptures it, which is accompanied by heavy blood loss.

The main signs of this condition are nagging painful sensations in the area of ​​egg implantation and dark bloody discharge. Ectopic pregnancy threatens the life of the mother herself; in this case, the child cannot be saved from the outset. If the tube ruptures, it is impossible to restore it, so the organ is removed, which disrupts the patient’s reproductive functions. Treatment of ectopic involves surgery.

Causes of dark discharge in the second trimester

Dark discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy, regardless of the reasons, should be considered as an alarming symptom that threatens the baby’s life. Therefore, any appearance of dark spots at this time requires urgent contact with a specialist.

The appearance of dark bloody marks on the underwear may indicate the beginning of placental abruption; in the future, the bleeding will only intensify, which will lead to heavy blood loss for the patient herself, and for the fetus it is dangerous due to hypoxia and nutritional deficiency. It’s just that during the processes of detachment the placenta loses its life support functions for the little man.

Patients who suffer from high blood pressure, smoke, have scars on the uterine body after surgery, or have suffered abdominal injuries during pregnancy are especially susceptible to detachment. An umbilical cord that is too short can also lead to placental abruption. The first signs of this condition are severe, cutting pain and tension in the lower abdomen, dark bloody discharge of any intensity - from spotting to heavy bleeding.

Also, dark spotting can be caused by placental previa. In such a situation, the placental tissues overlap the uterine os. The embryo puts pressure on the placenta, which damages its tissues and blood vessels, causing bleeding. The pressure on the placenta increases, provoking its detachment, but with timely consultation with a doctor, everything can be corrected and the pregnancy can be maintained. But the only way of delivery will be a cesarean section, and the woman will have to spend the remaining period before giving birth under the strictest medical supervision.

Why does dark discharge appear in the third trimester?

In the last trimester, some of the above factors that provoke the appearance of dark discharge remain.

  • The etiology may be complemented by the rejection of the mucous cervical plug, which closes the cervical lumen from the penetration of external aggressors.
  • Such a dark spot appears a few days before childbirth, and does not pose any threat to the mother and baby.
  • Also, the cause of dark bloody leucorrhoea can be excessively active sexual intercourse or intravaginal ultrasound examination. It’s just that in the process of these activities, trauma to the uterine cervix may occur, which becomes the cause of dark brown marks on the underwear.

If any, not just dark, discharge appears, a woman should consult a specialist. If there is nagging pain or discomfort in the area of ​​the uterus and abdomen, then a visit to the gynecologist should be immediate. You also need to follow the doctor’s instructions and get tested. You can’t risk the baby’s health.
