I'm ashamed of my chest! I have it big and lush, but very saggy! I have a complex when I'm with my boyfriend. what should I do? Should I be ashamed of inverted nipples

Keep chest exercises,should pull up:
1. Stand with your feet slightly apart in a doorway. Slowly press your hands on the joint, while the shoulders are horizontal, palms turned to the sides. Hold for 10 seconds. Relax the muscles in your chest and arms. Repeat 8-10 times.
2. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight. Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor so that they are slightly in front of and to the sides of your shoulders. Straighten your arms (not completely), lifting the body up, leaning on the palms and tips of the toes. Bend your elbows and lower your body. When your elbows are in line with your shoulders, start pushing up again. Perform 10 times.
3. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms spread wide apart, dumbbells in your hands. Slowly bring your hands together in front of your chest at the top. Also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
4. Get on your left knee and stretch right leg to the side, firmly pressing the foot to the floor. Lean on your left hand and stretch your right hand up. Stretch to the left, looking at the ceiling. Shift your body weight onto your left supporting arm. Stretch your left leg along your right. Hold this position for 5 to 15 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Perform 5 times for each hand.
5. Sit "in Turkish", bend your arms, pressing your elbows to your body, put your fingers on your shoulders, shoulder blades together. Now lift your shoulders up, then take them far back, down and forward. Do this 4 times in one direction and 4 times in the opposite direction. Repeat 3-5 times.
6. Place a towel over your buttocks. Pull it slowly forward with increasing force. The muscles of the trunk and buttocks resist pressure. Hold the pose for 7-10 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.
7. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Straight arms with dumbbells raised up in front of the chest. Slowly lower your hands behind your head. Also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.
8. Lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Straining your arm muscles, try to lift chest(on the inhale). Then return to the starting position, relax your arms and exhale. Do the exercise 10 times.
9. Stand up straight, palms folded in front of you, fingers up, elbows at chest level. On "one, two" strongly squeeze the lower parts of the palms, on "three" turn your fingers towards you, on "four" straighten your palms, on "five" lower your hands down, on "six" fold your palms in front of you. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
10. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Left hand on the thigh. Right hand describe a large circle in the air. The chest muscles should be tense. Describe three circles forward, three back and change hands. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times with each hand. Then perform it with both hands, imitating the movements of a swimmer.
11. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands behind your head. Now gently press your hands on your head, gradually increasing the effort. Hold this position for 7-10 seconds. Relax the muscles in your neck, chest, and arms. Repeat 8-10 times.
12. Lie on your back, knees bent, straight arms with dumbbells raised up in front of the chest. Slowly lower your hands behind your head, and also slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise 8-10 times.
13. Stand up straight, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Take a wide elastic band in your hands and pull it out in front of you at shoulder level. Start spreading your arms to the sides, pulling the elastic band. Try to move your arms as far back as possible. Hold at the extreme point for 10 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position. Hands should be on the same line. Repeat 10 times.
14. Stand straight, legs together, arms bent at the elbows raised at shoulder level, palms folded together, fingers in different sides. Lock your fingers together. Without opening your fingers, pull your arms strongly to the sides. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower your arms down, relax. Perform 8-10 times.
15. Stand straight, feet together, arms bent at the elbows. Hands, arms and elbows are joined together in front. Squeeze your hands with force. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 r

I'm ashamed of my chest

The size of the chest, like its shape, are indicators that are as difficult to influence as the shape of the ears or the size of the legs. However, the chest is always the object of close attention.

I am 14 years old, but my breasts are almost not growing. I'm embarrassed to go to the beach, I don't let my boyfriend caress her. Can breasts be enlarged or will they grow on their own? And one more thing: how to make it so that it is elastic, and does not sag, especially after childbirth. I have before my eyes an example - mine elder sister. Lena

The size of the chest, like its shape, are indicators that are as difficult to influence as the shape of the ears or the size of the legs. What is given to someone, he will have.

However, you may still have a long way to go. The mammary glands normally begin to grow from about 12 years old, and finish at about 20. At first, the nipple enlarges, and it can be painful when touched, then the breasts seem to swell, and then the growth is visible to the eye.

Basically, the girl's chest is framed, not saggy (of course, if it's not 4-5 size). But over the course of life, the shape of the breast naturally changes. In the second half of the cycle, it swells a little and sags, which eventually becomes familiar and more noticeable. These changes are most pronounced during pregnancy. Even if the woman did not breastfeed, the mammary glands become more saggy. And if they were stretched with milk, then the changes are even more pronounced.

With age, the chest sags more and more, and because the elasticity of the skin decreases, it becomes unable to resist Newton's law of attraction: the mass of the chest tends downward, stretching the skin.

Well, and among other things, the sagging of the chest depends on individual factors: sometimes from the very beginning the chest is not a mound, but a pouch that tends to go down. Alas, what is, is. Neither ointments, nor suction, nor gymnastics, nor conspiracies will help here, although all this is now offered as a panacea for bad breast shape. Therefore, do not torture yourself in vain, love yourself for who you are.

As for gentlemen, if they are attracted only by your breasts, they are worthless. A woman is loved not for something separate, but for the whole thing: body, soul, character, etc.

Just in case, although there was no question about the nipple. Unfortunately, there are many women who suffer from too large or small, pink or black nipples. But even here, nothing can be done in a natural way - what is given is what it is. Neither the shape, nor the size, nor the color of the nipples in any way affects health, sex and other indicators. Girls tend to have pink nipples before puberty, but with the onset of menstruation, they become darker. But this is not a dogma: even babies have dark nipples, and menstruating ones, fertile women- pink.

In general, complaints of physical disabilities, as a rule, do not reflect at all material problems, and self-doubt, inferiority complexes. When life is sad and difficult, when it is impossible to establish relations with him, the only one (or even with anyone at all), all sorts of nonsense creeps into my head: if I had breasts ... if I had hips ... if only I had eyes ... Nonsense! Appearance can be important if you want to captivate young man at first sight. But normal relationship, more or less long-term communication with a man, forms are pushed into the background, and content is brought forward more and more.

Yes, a man can fall for a long-legged and full-breasted beauty, but treating her as a sexual object can greatly prevent him from seeing a person in her, and therefore building long term relationship with such a gentleman it will be difficult. On the contrary, it is much easier. A quiet, modest ugly woman can so gain a foothold in the soul of a man that she will become the only desired woman, which you do not want to change to hip and busty ones.

Love yourself, treat yourself as the greatest value on Earth, then men will treat you the same way.

And the last. Since breast development is part general development organism, during the period of its formation, it is possible to slightly affect the size and shape of the organ. To do this, during puberty, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the whole body.

Normal mode, gymnastics (especially for the chest muscles), good nutrition with a sufficient content of vitamins (and no diets to maintain the consumptive harmony of the chicken), contrasting souls in the mornings and evenings - all of which CAN help you get breasts earlier and better. But it might not help...

I am 14 years old, but my breasts are almost not growing. I'm embarrassed to go to the beach, I don't let my boyfriend caress her. Can breasts be enlarged or will they grow on their own? And one more thing: how to make it so that it is elastic, and does not sag, especially after childbirth. I have an example before my eyes - my older sister.

The size of the chest, like its shape, are indicators that are as difficult to influence as the shape of the ears or the size of the legs. What is given to someone, he will have.

However, you may still have a long way to go. The mammary glands normally begin to grow from about 12 years old, and finish at about 20. At first, the nipple enlarges, and it can be painful when touched, then the breast seems to swell, and then growth is already visible to the eye.

Basically, the girl's chest is framed, not saggy (of course, if it's not 4-5 size). But over the course of life, the shape of the breast naturally changes. In the second half of the cycle, it swells a little and sags, which eventually becomes familiar and more noticeable. These changes are most pronounced during pregnancy. Even if the woman did not breastfeed, the mammary glands become more saggy. And if they were stretched with milk, then the changes are even more pronounced.

With age, the chest sags more and more, and because the elasticity of the skin decreases, it becomes unable to resist Newton's law of attraction: the mass of the chest tends downward, stretching the skin.

Well, and among other things, the sagging of the chest depends on individual factors: sometimes from the very beginning the chest is not a mound, but a pouch that tends to go down. Alas, what is, is. Neither ointments, nor suction, nor gymnastics, nor conspiracies will help here, although all this is now offered as a panacea for bad breast shape. Therefore, do not torture yourself in vain, love yourself for who you are.

As for gentlemen, if they are attracted only by your breasts, they are worthless. A woman is loved not for something separate, but for the whole thing: body, soul, character, etc.

Just in case, although there was no question about the nipple. Unfortunately, there are a lot of women suffering from too large or small, pink or black nipples. But here too naturally do nothing - what is given is what is. Neither the shape, nor the size, nor the color of the nipples in any way affects health, sex and other indicators. Girls tend to have pink nipples before puberty, but become darker as they start menstruating. But this is not a dogma: even babies have dark nipples, and menstruating, fertile women have pink ones.

In general, complaints about physical disabilities, as a rule, do not reflect material problems at all, but self-doubt, inferiority complexes. When life is sad and difficult, when it’s impossible to establish relations with him, the only one (or even with anyone at all), all sorts of nonsense comes into my head: if only I had breasts ... if only I had hips ... here there would be eyes ... Che-poo-ha! Appearance can be important if you want to captivate a young man at first sight. But normal relationships, more or less long-term communication with a man push forms into the background, and bring content forward more and more.

Yes, a man can fall for a long-legged and buxom beauty, but treating her as a sexual object can greatly prevent him from seeing a person in her, and therefore it will be difficult to build a long-term relationship with such a gentleman. On the contrary, it is much easier. A quiet, modest ugly woman can become so entrenched in the soul of a man that she will become the only desired woman whom she does not want to change to hip and busty ones.

Love yourself, treat yourself as the greatest value on Earth, then men will treat you the same way.

And the last. Since the development of the breast is part of the overall development of the body, during the period of its formation it is possible to slightly influence the size and shape of the organ. To do this, during puberty, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the normal functioning of the whole body.

Normal regimen, gymnastics (especially for the chest muscles), wholesome nutrition with sufficient vitamin content (and no diets to keep the consumptive slimness of the chicken), contrast showers in the mornings and evenings - all this CAN help to get breasts earlier and better. But it might not help...

We all know how not to love ourselves: the ridicule of classmates over some kind of lack of appearance is to blame for this, careless words parents, movies and media presenting ideal ladies with thin legs, porcelain skin and luxurious hair. Not only women, but also men can not like their body, because dysmorphophobia has no sex. But complexes about appearance can interfere not only in personal life or in bed, but also in other areas of life. But how to stop being ashamed of your body?

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to understand that if you gain tomorrow perfect body, face and hair, life will not become sweeter and better. So that plastic surgery discard immediately. Remember how much famous beauties were not very happy and successful. Among them are models who committed suicide, and movie stars who are unsuccessful in their personal lives: beauty is not a guarantee of happiness. And also look around: here is your plump friend, who has been happily married for ten years now, but the neighbor is skinny and flat, but she meets the first handsome man at the university ... Why are you worse? Absolutely nothing! So it's time to learn to love yourself.

What do you love about yourself?

Make a list of ten of your best and favorite body parts. This is just the beginning of the matter. Now your task is to successfully beat them and focus on them: with the help of clothes, jewelry, etc.: you don’t have breasts, but you have thin waist, underline it with a belt, and if any overweight, but luxurious chest, wear a neckline and catch admiring glances. The same principle works here as in makeup: it is better to focus on the merits than to hide the flaws in vain.

As for the unloved parts of the body, you don’t need to be too critical of them: if you said something about your legs bad man, then, perhaps, he did not even consider this a disadvantage, and if a woman, then, most likely, she is simply jealous. Therefore, you do not need to constantly remind yourself that your legs are crooked. It will be useful to understand the type of your figure and study its advantages: both the pear and the hourglass, and an apple, and a rectangle, and a carrot. You can bribe spectacular things that emphasize the beauty of your body type.

Get naked!

Exactly. You can sleep like Marilyn Monroe, that is, only with a drop of perfume on your body, you can walk naked around the apartment while no one is there. You can also admire your nakedness in the mirror and look for poses in which you look beautiful, play with light and shadow and understand what combination of them makes your body spectacular, or even dance in the nude. If, when looking at yourself, hatred arises for some parts of the body, stroke yourself, say affirmations. Look for pluses in your shortcomings: a big butt is now in fashion, and small breasts allow you to walk without a bra, which becomes a blessing in the heat.

If you are embarrassed about your body during sexual intercourse, you can apply to the skin essential oil. Men also like the smell of baking (you can imitate it with vanilla oil, for example). If your complexes are connected with overweight, you can apply the shimmering cream all over your skin. Also, when making love, you can replace the included light with a nightlight or candles. Well, do not be distracted by such trifles as an imperfect figure, but enjoy the process.

Teach others to compliment you

No, asking for them does not make sense. But if someone admires your legs or chest, let them know that you are pleased. Then you will be praised more often. Compliments are exactly what changes self-esteem in better side, and if a loved one sees only advantages in you, then you will stop being shy and complex over time. Yes, and you can do compliments to yourself - it’s also useful.

Take care of your body

Care is massages, and spa treatments, and depilation, and aromatherapy, and all kinds of hardware procedures. Please your body with a sauna or a phytobarrel, a chocolate or algae wrap, a spa manicure or pedicure, a solarium or even beautiful underwear ... Not only will your body be grateful and bloom, you will also love it: how can you not love what So much work and money has been invested.

And one more thing: most of the shortcomings are fixable. Acne can be cured both in the salon and at home, bite and teeth in general are corrected different methods, scars can be removed most different procedures or cover it with a tattoo: it can make you more interesting and charismatic. Another important point is health. You need to follow it diligently, because beauty is health in the first place (and vice versa, health is beauty). Get medical checkups, visit the dentist, eat right and eat vitamins. Many people would rather agree to have clean skin, beautiful hair and healthy teeth “on an ugly face”, rather than being handsome with acne, caries and thin hair ...

Learn to present yourself

This is generally the creed of all beautiful people. One of the most famous Soviet fashion models, Regina Zbarskaya, had legs almost like a wheel, but who saw it when she carried herself along the catwalk or banquet hall: image is even more important than appearance.

Try to go to the school of image or models, master the secrets of defile, posture and gait, photogenicity (this is not an innate quality, besides, many beautiful people they look like frogs in the photo), work out on the video tutorials of the defile. Another great option is dancing classes that can make any Cinderella a princess. If you move beautifully, then it doesn’t matter what your weight, leg length or chest size are: you are simply beautiful, period. Yes, the east will help curvy girls become more graceful and love yourself, and thin - to gain shape and waist, make movements smooth.

Strip plastic will teach you to be sexy and sensual with any build: after a few lessons, the gait changes, and something feline appears in the movements - such a girl will constantly catch admiring glances at herself. Flamenco is suitable for those who have full legs and have problems with their back and posture, the same can be said about salsa. Argentine tango - a good option for those who have an apple or rectangle figure: numerous curves shape the waist and remove any tummy.

Choose your style, and if possible, perform at all dance school parties: a spectacular outfit and makeup, perfect movements and applause - this is what will remove the shyness of any person. If dancing is not sweet for you, choose workouts from the series " smart body"(Pilates, yoga, callanetics), gym, aerobics, running, swimming ... anything, if only the body would be happy - so it will definitely be grateful to you and become more beautiful than ever.

P.S. Do you know that the owners big breast they are also shy: it’s uncomfortable, hot, it doesn’t keep its shape, and it’s hard to find a bra. That is why breast reduction is as popular an operation as breast augmentation…

Do you get a powerful blow to your self-esteem every day at the mere memory of your breast size? Do you think that a condescending comparison with "pimples" or "mosquito bites" is an insult beyond good and evil? How to stop being shy about small breasts - what needs to be done for this? How to part with complexes once and for all?

Ready to abandon stereotypical thoughts and eliminate the “small breast complex” forever? Let's go "from the opposite!". We have prepared 10 irrefutable proofs that "big boobs" are not a reason for envy.

1. Small breasts have a positive effect on posture.

Large breasts have an impressive weight. A woman has to literally carry two weights on herself. As a result, posture is gradually distorted, because it is very difficult to keep your back straight. Girls with modest parameters do not load their backs.

2. Small breasts attract rich men.

An interesting article was published in the American journal Psychology Today. It turns out that men with large incomes prefer women with small breasts. Women with large breasts, on the contrary, attract gigolos and men who are looking for mothers.

3. You look younger

Large breasts sag sadly over time and lose their attractiveness. As, on the contrary, modest sizes remain in shape for a very long time. If you keep a slender figure until old age, then a modest chest will become your trump card. It will not hang down disgustingly to the very stomach.

4. You can wear any clothes

Women with large sizes can't wear some styles. But for girls with small breasts, any type of swimwear, dresses with a deep neckline, open suits and overalls are allowed. No need to be afraid that something will fall out or come out in front of everyone. Women with small busts can easily wear strapless dresses and tops and feel free to have small breasts.

5. Wide selection of bras

Modest chest allows you to wear any style of bra, even strapless. You can do without it altogether. Women with large breasts cannot afford such a luxury. Often they buy bras that don't fit. Due to the heavy chest, the straps painfully dig into the shoulders and press. The choice of styles is also small. Out too open bra chest just pops out.

6. You can always visually enlarge the chest

If you really want to be the owner of lush mounds, push-up is at your service. Such a bra with inserts lifts the chest and makes it visually larger.

7. Small breasts do not hinder movement

When playing sports, you do not experience discomfort You can make any movement without discomfort. But large breasts with intense loads cause inconvenience. It stretches and hurts. With too active loads, even sprains are possible.

8. Small breasts are more sensitive

Scientists from the University of Vienna concluded that large breasts are 25 percent less sensitive. Women with modest parameters are more responsive to caresses, get excited faster. The thing is that large breasts have a lot of fat, which slows down the supply of nerve impulses. After this information, it is worth thinking about how not to stop complexing because of a small chest?

9. Big breast lovers are sexists.

This conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of Westminster. During the study, they came to the conclusion that men who prefer big breasts, covert sexists. They believe that a woman is the lower sex, her place is in the kitchen. Here is another example of how big breasts are actually perceived by men.

10. Breast size does not affect success in life.

Remember the famous beauties with modest data. This is Kate Moss, the legendary model who doesn't care about small breasts at all. This is the icon of cinema Audrey Hepburn - whose amazing appearance is admired by millions of women and men. It's millions successful women around the world who love their size zero.

In general, you should not bother about small breasts. It's simple physiological feature organism. You do not worry about the color of the eyes, the length of the fingers, the shape of the navel? The main thing is how a woman herself treats her breasts. If he experiences and complexes, then it is immediately noticeable. Loss of lightness and self-confidence.

To small size must be philosophical. Yes, you are modest-chested. But she has at least 10 virtues. Wear your Persians with pride and don't fall for stereotypes. Which, by the way, are increasingly firm relics of the past. Small breasts are cool!
