How to clean natural fur from yellowness. How to clean faux fur

However, it is no secret to anyone that fur coats and hats made of light natural pile are capricious, and therefore require special care. Over time, white fur begins to turn yellow, its former attractiveness disappears.

So how to clean it from the yellowness that has appeared and return the product to its original flawless appearance?

Cleaning a fur product at home is a very difficult task, as it is associated with the risk of spoiling the thing. Before proceeding with the cleaning procedure, you should choose one of the most effective methods and try it on a less visible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product (on the back).

You can clean the fur contaminated from time at home in the following way:

Sprinkle the fur pile with a natural adsorbent, which tends to absorb all the dirt and dust. For light fur, semolina or dry potato starch is quite suitable. Then gently rub the fur between your palms so that the adsorbent absorbs all the dirt. Shake off the starch and repeat the procedure until it is completely clean. It remains only to shake the product well and clean it with a special brush.

To clean yellowed fur or a heavily soiled fur product, it is recommended to sprinkle the thing with the same potato starch and spray it with a solution of shampoo or a delicate powder from a spray bottle.

Rub the resulting slurry with your hands over the entire coat, and when it dries, brush off the powder mass with a brush, shake it out well and comb the fur. Dry the item naturally, avoid exposure to the sun and heaters, otherwise the fur will turn yellow again.

To prevent white fur from turning yellow, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide solution. To prepare the solution, dissolve a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of ammonia. You can return the whiteness to already yellowed fur with the same solution, but more concentrated. Apply the solution with a spray gun on the hairline, but only on the very top of the coat, so as not to spoil the mezra.

Products from dressed skins of domestic animals and fur-bearing animals excellent refreshment wheat bran (pre-heated in a pan) or sawdust, but not coniferous trees. Sprinkle them on small areas of the pile and rub thoroughly with a soft brush or hands, then shake off the sawdust. Strongly yellowed and polluted fur is recommended to be cleaned two or three times. White fur will not turn yellow for a long time if stored in a blue linen bag or blue paper.

But the best way to cope with yellowness and any kind of pollution is a well-established dry cleaning (special for fur products). When choosing a dry cleaner, do not save on quality so as not to spoil the fur thing.

All fur products require proper care and special attention. Often, the owners of fur coats have a question about how to whiten the fur. Due to constant use or long-term storage, such products lose their original aesthetic appearance and beauty, turn yellow.

You can carry out bleaching procedures at home without resorting to the services of professional dry cleaners, so the question of how to whiten fur at home is relevant.

All fur products require proper care and special attention.

White furs can be cleaned at home using various and most unusual products.

Small sawdust of trees with the addition of refined gasoline have an excellent whitening effect.

The main options that will help to cope with dirt on things and whiten white fur are the following:

  1. Small sawdust of trees with the addition of refined gasoline have an excellent whitening effect. At the same time, special sawdust can be purchased at any pet store (when buying, pay attention to the fact that the product should not contain resin), and gasoline can be found on supermarket shelves in the household chemicals department. To clean the product, it is enough to mix these two components and sprinkle on the surface of the fur, rub gently. At the end of the procedure, the fur is combed and the remnants of sawdust are shaken out.
  2. You can use an alcohol solution with the addition of baking soda. To prepare a cleanser, mix the components in a ratio of three to one and treat the fur surface with a soft sponge.
  3. If you have pets at home, you can borrow some shampoo from them and carry out the procedure for bleaching the fur. A weak soapy solution is made from such a shampoo, applied to white fur and wiped with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  4. As a bleaching agent, you can use ordinary cereals - semolina. She needs to process fur products by laying things out on a hard and even surface. Such dry cleaning will easily cope with settled dust and yellowing. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to shake out the remnants of the cereal from the outer clothing.

In order to bleach yellowed real fur, you can use one of the methods described above or try a method such as dry cleaning services.

As a bleaching agent, you can use ordinary cereals - semolina

How can I restore the whiteness of faux fur products?

To bleach faux white fur, you can use the previous cleaning methods or use other approaches. For example, prepare a whitening mixture that consists of only two ingredients: water and glycerin. For such a solution, it is necessary to mix the components in equal amounts and apply to the fur product. All actions are carried out in the direction of the pile, after which the fur is dried and gently combed with a brush with soft bristles.

Semolina with potato starch will help get rid of yellowness

You can also clean faux fur in the following ways:

  1. Semolina with potato starch will help get rid of yellowness. To carry out the procedure, you should evenly lay out the product on a hard surface and straighten all the wrinkles. Next, generously sprinkle the fur with a mixture of semolina and starch. Using a paper towel, treat the surface, gently and easily rubbing the cleaning components into the pile. After cleaning, just shake the fur product to remove the remnants of bleaching agents.
  2. You can also prepare an alcohol solution with the addition of regular baking soda. A glass of water will require 15 milliliters of medical alcohol and a teaspoon of soda. Thoroughly mix all the components and use a spray gun to distribute over the entire surface of the fur. Then, using a soft brush, clean the product in the direction of the pile.
  3. A whitening spray based on water and 6% hydrogen peroxide has proven itself well. In order to get a bleaching solution, you need to take a glass of water and about ten milliliters of peroxide. Then pour into a container with a spray gun and spray over the entire surface of the fur product.
  4. Another way can be the preparation of a bleaching mixture. To do this, you will need the following components: dishwashing detergent, potato starch and washing powder. It is necessary to mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the pile. Wait until the mixture is completely dry and brush with a soft bristled brush.

On a note! As a last resort, in order to bleach faux fur and get rid of various contaminants, you can use a method such as regular hand washing.

You can also prepare an alcohol solution with the addition of regular baking soda.

How can I wash faux fur without damaging the product?

How to bleach faux fur if dry cleaning did not bring the desired result? Almost all products made from synthetic materials can be wet processed. The main thing is to do everything correctly and as carefully as possible.

Almost all products made from synthetic materials can be wet processed.

In order to get rid of various contaminants, stains and whiten faux fur, you will need such cleaning tools and products as:

  • a small but roomy basin or bowl;
  • shower gel or shampoo (it is not recommended to use liquid washing powder, as it acts aggressively on a fur product);
  • soft sponge or soft brush;
  • paper napkins or towels;
  • light terry towel.

The wet washing process will consist of several stages. First of all, it is necessary to place the fur product in such a way as to provide access to all places and smooth out the wrinkles. For convenience, you can hang a thing on a coat hanger. In a small basin with barely warm water, you need to dilute a small amount of gel or shampoo. Shake the mixture so that a lot of soapy foam is obtained. Using a soft sponge or brush, work the entire surface of the product, trying to work exclusively with foam, using a minimum amount of water.

Upon completion of the procedure, dry napkins or paper towels, you need to remove excess moisture from the surface of the fur. You can also use a terry towel that can absorb the maximum amount of moisture. Next, gently smooth the pile with your hands in the right direction and leave to dry in a warm room, avoiding proximity to heating devices and batteries. An important point is that you can comb the artificial pile only when it is completely dry. For this, a regular comb with blunt teeth or a special brush is suitable.

On a note! Having correctly performed all the steps, you can bleach and refresh the fur, as well as get rid of such contaminants as various stains and dust.

How can you clean fox and silver fox fur products?

Products made of fox fur have always been signs of luxury and beauty. The soft to the touch thing brings warmth and comfort. Unfortunately, even the most careful care will not be able to protect the owner of a fur coat from fox fur from yellowing.

A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of temporary yellowing and restore the whiteness of fox fur

How can you bleach fox fur? There are several proven methods listed below:

  1. Potato starch has the ability to bleach various fabrics and furs. It, like a sorbent, absorbs pollution and allows you to return the original whiteness of things. In order to clean a fox fur product, it is necessary to treat its entire surface with potato starch, and then gently rub this component into the pile. Upon completion of the procedure, shake off the remnants of starch from the fur and carefully comb the fur coat with a soft brush.
  2. A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of temporary yellowing and restore the whiteness of fox fur. A cleaner can be prepared by mixing a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of peroxide and a few drops of alcohol. Spray the bleach solution on the pile of the product and hang the product in such a way that it is exposed to sunlight.

To restore shine and radiance to a fur coat, you can treat it with a napkin dipped in a weak vinegar solution.

Hello! It would be best to first show your fur coat to the dry cleaners so that they can see with their own eyes what means can be used to correct the situation. Perhaps they will take up the correction of yellowed places, or advise you on the most effective and safest means that you can use at home.

I can give you tips on how to get rid of yellow spots on fur, taken from the Internet.

1. Natural gray sheepskin products can be lightened in yellowed places by wiping with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide - 1 teaspoon per glass of water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. Followed by rinsing with clean water using a cotton swab.

2. The fur coat must first be carefully, but not too hard, knocked out, and then cleaned with a brush moistened with gasoline. White furs, so that they do not turn yellow, are wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Furs that have already turned yellow are cleaned with a more concentrated solution, but only on the top of the wool, so as not to damage the mezra.

3. Don't throw away potato peels. Rinse them under running water, pass through a meat grinder with a thick mesh and add a little ammonia. This mixture can clean old fur, carpet, stale suede. Apply the mixture to the soiled area and rub it with a brush, then rinse and rub the item well. After cleaning, you need to dry at room temperature, leveling the thing well.

4. If light fur is heavily soiled, it is cleaned with starch and gasoline. Starch is kneaded with refined gasoline (aviation, sold in hardware stores). The fur is wiped with this gruel, and allowed to dry. Then the fur product is shaken out. For safety reasons, work is carried out on the balcony.

5. The best friend for a white coat or hat is starch. We pour it, without sparing, directly into the fur, gently knead and rub until the powder collects dirt. Then the coat should be well shaken and combed. If the starch from the fur spills out frankly gray, the procedure must be repeated.

To clean a very dirty white sheepskin or zigeyka (usually on the sleeves and hem of a sheepskin coat), we rub the same starch into the fur. Then, from the spray gun, we abundantly spray the edge with a solution of washing powder and smear the resulting mass with our hands all over the wool. When the "dough" dries, brush it off, shake it well and comb it with a slicker brush.

6. You can clean dirty fur at home in the following way: first pour the pile of fur with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. Rye or wheat bran, dry sifted sawdust (only hardwood) are suitable as an adsorbent. If the fur is light, then you can use dry starch, potato flour or semolina. The fur sprinkled with the adsorbent should be carefully rubbed between the palms so that the dirt passes to the adsorbent, and then shake off the adsorbent and carefully clean the fur with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

Unfortunately, I cannot say which of the above methods of fur cleaning is the best. But, in any case, I wish you good luck!

Unfortunately, natural fur changes the color and quality of the pile over time - this is inevitable. The aging process of a fur coat cannot be stopped, but with proper care it can be significantly slowed down. Is it possible to clean a coat with a fox collar so that it can be worn for more than one season? You can, if you take care of the fur correctly.

clean and do no harm

Of course, a fur collar, vest, fur coat and other fur products, if they are inappropriate, untidy, should be taken to dry cleaning. But if you just want to refresh the view or remove a small one, what should you do? How to clean fox fur at home, I will tell below.

Folk recipes: 4 ways

In fact, there are a lot of ways to clean fox fur without resorting to professional cleaning services. Among them there is a place for folk wisdom, which involves the use of familiar means in everyday life for very unusual purposes.

So, how to clean the fox yourself? Can be used:

  • wheat flour;
  • potato starch;
  • rye bran;
  • semolina;
  • table vinegar (9%).

The advantages of using folk remedies can be called:

  • Availability. The above products are in every home, and the price for them is quite low.
  • Ease of use. The methods described below can be used by any hostess who does not have experience either.
  • Safety. The fur will not stain, it will not corrode, it will not peel off and will not change its structure, if the proportions are observed.

So, how to clean fox fur at home:

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Method 1. Flour.

Ordinary flour is heated in a dry frying pan (2-3 tbsp is enough for a short fur coat) and poured into problem areas in a plentiful layer.

Method 2. Starch.

Ordinary potato starch will help to bring the fox collar in order.

The agent is also calcined in a dry frying pan (here it is important not to overdo it, but simply heat it to a hot state) and gently spread over the surface of the fur.

After a while, shake and clean the fur from grains of starch along with the remnants of dirt.

Method 3. Rye bran.

They will help rid the fox fur of pollution in a similar way.

Method 4. Vinegar

Allows you to cope with pollution on natural fur. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab and wipe the stain.

Do not use concentrated vinegar essence. But if at home there is only this remedy, you should dilute it with water to obtain a 3–9% solution.

You can not rub the fur intensively, and even more so wet it abundantly! Furs do not accept rough handling and can deteriorate. It is desirable to dry wet fur in a natural way, carefully hanging the product on a coat hanger. It is not recommended to use a hair dryer, since the capricious fox fur can change its properties and completely fall off.

Chemicals: 4 ways

You can also save your favorite removable collar or short fur coat from yellowness and dirt with the help of various kinds of chemicals. Experienced housewives are advised to try both household chemicals and very unusual products.

Any remedy must be used with extreme caution. It is safest to dilute substances in warm water. In this case, you should not try to remove old stains and actively wet the fur. Fur is afraid of excessive moisture.

Means and methods for cleaning fox fur:

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Method 1. Ammonia.

To bring greasy and yellowed fur in order, you can combine a little warm water and ammonia and apply to the problem area.

Method 2: Pet shampoo or dishwashing detergent.

Fur at home is often cleaned with an aqueous solution of detergent or with pet shampoo.

The main thing is not to use a concentrated soap solution, otherwise it will be problematic to remove the product completely.

Method 3. Gasoline.

In its pure form, gasoline is applied to a sponge and furs are treated with blotting movements.

It is not necessary to wash off this agent, since gasoline is volatile - it will evaporate on its own.

Method 4. Hydrogen peroxide.

This is the leader among cleaning products for fur coats and hats. How to remove yellowness from fur? Just spray peroxide on the stain with a spray bottle.

You can slightly dilute the peroxide in water and gradually increase the concentration if the stain persists.

For old and complex stains, for example, from coffee, wine, juice, lipstick, etc., it is better not to try to remove it yourself, but to turn to the help of professionals. It is easier to pay for high-quality dry cleaning than to ruin an expensive thing.


Carefully and carefully caring for your favorite fur product, you can keep it neat and attractive for many years. To do this, periodically clean the product from dirt. How? Now you know it! The video in this article will show you some of the ways to clean fur at home.

Beautiful natural fox fur gives outerwear sophistication and elegance, makes it more presentable and attractive. But the long pile of fur quickly gets dirty, collects dust and street dirt, which spoils its appearance. To keep the product in good condition, it should be cleaned periodically. How can you clean fur at home, how to get rid of yellowness and greasy stains?

Cleaning fox fur requires a little effort and time, as well as following simple recommendations that will facilitate the process and help restore the product to its original appearance:

  • Do not wet or wash the fur in the usual way.
  • For cleaning, use natural and safe products, and for combing, use a soft bristle brush.
  • Do not dry furs on heaters, they should dry naturally.
  • Make sure that during cleaning or drying, the fur does not come into contact with colored items that may shed.

The method of cleaning the fur depends on the type and degree of soiling.

If street dust has become a source of fur contamination, it can be knocked out with a small stick. To do this, prepare a sheet, wet it and unscrew it well. Lay the fur pile down on a damp sheet and tap on the product with a cane - the fabric will absorb all the dirt, and the fox will look like new.

Cleaning the fur collar will help lather. Prepare a solution - add shampoo to 500 ml of warm water and beat thoroughly until a lush, stable foam is formed. Using a cotton pad, apply foam to the product, making light stroking movements in the direction of the pile. Wipe the fur with a damp cloth to remove shampoo residue and dry well.

Do not dry furs on heaters, they must dry naturally

You can clean heavily soiled fox fur with wheat bran. In an oven preheated to 70 ° C, place a baking sheet on which bran is scattered in an even layer, and heat them for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the heated remains of wheat on the fox collar and rub it first in one direction, then in the other. Remove any remaining bran with a soft brush.

In a similar way, you can clean the fur with potato starch or semolina. Sprinkle the product with the selected product, sprinkle with water from the spray bottle and rub with light movements. The powder absorbs all the dirt and dust, making the fur clean. After cleaning, shake off the adsorbent and comb the product with a soft brush.

From yellowness and greasy stains

How can you remove oil stains from fox fur? Take 250 ml of water, 10 g of salt and 5 ml of ammonia. With a cotton swab dipped in the resulting liquid, wipe the stain, then dry and comb the fur with a soft bristle brush.

Gasoline will be able to cope with such pollution. Soak a cotton pad in the petroleum product and treat the stain with it. Then wipe the place of contamination with a damp cloth and dry the product.

A solution will help get rid of yellowness, for the preparation of which you will need 250 ml of water, 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops of ammonia. In the resulting liquid, moisten a napkin and wipe the fur along the villi. After drying the product, the yellowness will disappear.

A napkin soaked in a solution of vinegar will help restore the gloss to the fur (10 ml of vinegar per 250 ml of water). Wipe the fox fur with light movements and dry well.

white fur cleaning

Use hydrogen peroxide to clean white fur. Irrigate the product with it with a spray bottle and dry it in a warm room or in the fresh air.

Wheat flour will help restore whiteness to the fur. Heat it in a dry frying pan and generously sprinkle the fur product. The flour will absorb the dirt and lighten the fur.

Pet shampoo will help clean the snow-white fox collar. Dilute the product with water in equal proportions and spray the resulting solution on the fur. Wipe the product with a damp cloth, dry it in the fresh air and comb it.
