What every girl should do. A list of golden rules for girls to help you build a strong relationship with a guy

Every well-groomed girl should know a few rules that will always help her stay beautiful and healthy.

1. Do not skip breakfast, as this is the most important meal that will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

2. Saunas and baths do not promote fat burning, but only remove water from the body, which will still return after a while.

3. Eat often, but small and in portions. So the body will absorb more nutrients and reduce the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

4. It's stupid not to eat after six, if you go to bed at 11-12 o'clock, because it has been scientifically proven that in order not to harm your health, you need to eat about 3-4 hours before bedtime.

5. Not drinking water after eating, you slow down the digestion process.

6. By pumping the press, you will not be able to lose weight only in the abdomen, as fat leaves the whole body at the same time. Just in the waist area it can be the most.

7. So that the muscles do not grow at such a speed as in men, you should not take heavy weights. It is also recommended to do stretching of those muscles that have been trained after training.

8. Do not eat carbohydrate foods in the afternoon, since the body is unlikely to need a lot of energy during this period, it is best to eat protein foods.

9. Contrast shower is an excellent remedy for drowsiness and fatigue, which will not cause any harm to the body.

10. Make every meal a torture. That is, eat without a TV, with the correct table setting, adhering to all the rules of etiquette. This will not only allow you to learn the right behavior, but will also give you the opportunity to diversify your free time.

11. If you want to have a snack - do something. A beautiful figure requires sacrifice, so if you do not want to have problems with being overweight, control your hunger. There are so many interesting activities that will grab your attention for a long time. Well, at least http://monopoly-game.ru/series/uno/

12. Go in for sports. It’s not enough to stick to a diet, you also need to exercise, so feel free to start playing sports.

13. Oil and nuts are useful, but only in small quantities, as they are rich in fats and very high in calories. Therefore, they should be consumed in moderation.

14. What is in black, what is in white bread is the same calories. Therefore, do not think that the color of bread affects the number of calories. But it is best to refuse bread altogether, because any bakery product is harmful to the figure.

15. Give up bad habits. Neither alcohol nor smoking will bring you the desired reflection in the mirror. I'm not talking about drugs at all.

We constantly want something from men and make various lists of the qualities we need. What do men want from us? Of course, in view of the widespread feminization and emancipation, more and more women wanted to sneeze at men's requests: according to the principle "you need it - you do it." Red Lips Journal got confused and compiled for you a list of what every self-respecting girl over 18 simply must be able to do. So, read on, put pluses and be proud of yourself!

1. Cook

7. Simplicity is worse than theft

This is my favorite, favorite phrase, and it really fits any situation. You can be a simpleton at the age of 15, but not at 30. Even the most beautiful face, spewing absurdity and a meaningless stream of consciousness from its wonderful mouth, will quickly lose all its fans. Nowadays, a girl simply has to be smart, educated and constantly improve her intellectual level. - and you never go wrong.

8. Choose me!

A girl with brains and a twist (and you are exactly like that, don’t even doubt it!) Definitely knows how to choose shoes and clothes. As they say, the appearance that you have at 18 is the merit of nature, and what you see in the mirror closer to 30 is entirely your merit. Or "unmerit". The ability to look like a queen even in a simple black turtleneck, of course, is not given to everyone, but learning not to hobble on high heels, like a wounded ostrich, is quite within your power. A sad impression is made by a girl who is trying to blindly imitate magazines.

9. Laughter prolongs life

Including laughing at yourself. A girl who is witty, capable of self-irony and does not take herself too seriously, always wins. Leave the bestial grin of seriousness for office meetings, and in ordinary life it’s just as fun to answer jokes.

10. One warrior in the field?

Yes! And you, finally, must understand that you and one can have a good time, have fun and develop. If now you have, and “all the girlfriends wandered off in pairs until the morning” - this is not a reason to lie on the couch with a mournful face. You yourself are already an interesting and self-sufficient person who can even go to the cinema, even to sports, even to the pool, even to a round-the-world trip on an elephant.

How to always look charming and feel confident. Golden rules that every well-groomed girl should know.
1. Don't forget to wash your face before going to bed. No fatigue can be an excuse for not wanting to wash off makeup in the evening. You may not have time to do masks or massages, but simple hygiene rules cannot be neglected. Otherwise, your skin will eventually acquire a dull color, early wrinkles, blackheads and enlarged pores will appear.
2. Find your perfect shade of scarlet lipstick. Red lipstick is a universal assistant for any woman who is able to revive even the dullest outfit. The main thing is to choose your color: soft coral or carmine are suitable for warm skin tones, and scarlet, pomegranate or cherry for darker ones.
3. Follow comprehensive care. Making masks is certainly good, but no means of self-care will work if you do not eat right, spend more time in the fresh air and sleep at least seven hours.
4. Learn to do your own styling. There is one hairdressing trick that helps to achieve perfect styling at home. After washing your hair, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel to absorb excess moisture, then dry your hair naturally, and then style long curls or a short haircut with a round comb and a hand-held hair dryer. Thus, the hair will lie more evenly and smoothly.
5. Find your unique scent. Choosing your perfume does not mean using it alone for the rest of your life. All you have to do is pick the right scent to be remembered. Try to reveal your personality through it and complete the image.
6. Follow the shape of the eyebrows. Don't follow the rules of fashion. Everyone has different eyebrows: thin ones are suitable for someone, thicker ones for others. It is enough to correct the natural shape and use an eyebrow pencil slightly lighter than the hair roots. So, the face will become visually younger.
7. Sign up for hair updates regularly. Regardless of the length of your hair, you need to freshen up your hair every two months. Remember - no oils, serums and the like will save you from split ends. Do not be afraid to cut off the excess - this way your hair will look healthier.
8. Take care of your hands and nails. It is important to have healthy nails. The choice of nail design is huge. But you can always choose a classic French manicure or a solid color. The main thing is that the hands look well-groomed.
9. Belly fat is not burned when you work on the abdominal muscles. The press will be, but under a layer of fat. So the belly will even increase in volume. To burn belly fat, pull it in all the time and tighten your muscles.
10. Best of all, swings help from the hips, stretching from the calves, and walking for the legs.

11. In order for the muscles to swing beautifully and not grow like jocks, exercise 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after training.
12. In the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses of water, you can with lemon, after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or linseed oil (to have the right fat in the body, for breasts and maintain the menstrual cycle). You can also eat a green apple.
13. After 10-15 minutes - breakfast. it should be dense and full in order to signal the body that it's time to wake up, and also provide energy for the whole day.
14. Do not drink food and do not drink anything for another 40 minutes after eating! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, expands the walls of the stomach.
15. Eat more often, but little by little. ideally, to accelerate metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better).

16. Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours.
17. Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
18. After 16 - only protein food. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.
19. A contrast shower is a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, respectively, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, improves complexion and appears willpower. forward to new habits!
20. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. Again, to speed up the metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? Metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they take their time eating and never have a snack!

21. The feeling of satiety comes after 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. Imagine how much you can eat in 20 minutes! So slow down with food.
22. Turn meals into torture. sit with a straight back, no TV / book, use all appliances, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! and if you're really hardened, try to eat naked in front of the mirror!
23. Wanted to have a bite to eat, but shouldn't you? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bath, go to the store and look at the clothes!
24. Do exercises every 5 minutes. you sit in front of the computer - go do some exercises for the press. After 5 minutes - you can squat.
25. You don’t want to eat from sports for two reasons: physically - the organs will shake, you will sweat, psychologically - you spent calories, you don’t want to gain.

26. Drink a glass of water every hour (preferably in small sips - it's healthier). Turn it into an exciting process - add lemon, mint. Love water.
27. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Memorize these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. hate them!
28. Nuts, butter - useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods. So a handful of nuts that are so easy to get carried away with can make up your entire estimated calorie content of your day! Therefore, do not get carried away with oil when dressing a salad. From this, out of 100 kcal, there may already be 200, 300, 500 ... 8 nuts per day, no longer needed.
29. Potato - just not fried. If you really want to, eat potatoes in their skins or, at worst, mashed potatoes.
30. What is in white, what is in gray bread is the same calories. So without prejudice - get used to eating without bread or switch to rye.

31. Do not drink tea, do not have such a habit at all! Only if apart from food. And no sugar, why do you need empty carbs? This is pure poison. replace it with honey.
32. Green tea - 2 cups a day. Soothes, promotes cleansing.

Spectacular appearance is not only beauty bestowed by nature. A beautiful woman is a woman who carefully looks after herself.
It is not necessary to have a lot of money to look well-groomed. These are just excuses. It is enough to adhere to certain rules, and you will become much more confident in yourself, and others will notice this.

Beauty habits help to be a well-groomed woman. And you need to start observing them from the very day when the girl realizes that: she, the mirror and the attractiveness of things are inseparable

A well-groomed appearance is an art accessible to any woman or girl, regardless of age, natural external data, status and lifestyle. All that is required for this is to remember a few simple rules, and do not forget to take some free time for yourself, your beloved.

Golden rules that every well-groomed girl should know:

Belly fat is not burned while you work on the abdominal muscles. The press will be, but under a layer of fat. So the belly will even increase in volume. To burn belly fat, pull it in all the time and tighten your muscles.

Mahi helps best of all from the hips, stretching from the calves, and walking for the legs.

In order for the muscles to swing beautifully and not grow like jocks, exercise 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after training.

In the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses of water, you can with lemon, after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil (to have the right fat in the body, for breasts and maintain the menstrual cycle). You can also eat a green apple.

After 10-15 minutes - breakfast. It should be dense and full in order to signal the body that it's time to wake up, and also provide energy for the whole day.

Do not drink food and after eating for another 40 minutes do not drink anything! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, expands the walls of the stomach.

There are more often, but a little bit. Ideally, to accelerate metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better).

Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours.

Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

After 16 - only protein foods. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.

A contrast shower is a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, respectively, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, improves complexion and appears willpower. forward to new habits!

Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. Again, to speed up the metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? Metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they take their time eating and never have a snack!

The feeling of fullness comes 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. Imagine how much you can eat in 20 minutes! So slow down with food.

Turn meals into torture. sit with a straight back, no TV / book, use all appliances, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! and if you're really hardened, try to eat naked in front of the mirror!

Craving a bite to eat, but don't you want to? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bath, go to the store and look at the clothes!

Do exercises every 5 minutes. you sit in front of the computer - go do some exercises for the press. After 5 minutes - you can squat.

You don’t want to eat from sports for two reasons: physically - the organs will shake, you will sweat, psychologically - you spent calories, you don’t want to gain.

Every hour drink a glass of water (better in small sips - it's more useful). Turn it into an exciting process - add lemon, mint. Love water.

Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Memorize these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. hate them!

Nuts, butter - useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods. So a handful of nuts that are so easy to get carried away with can make up your entire estimated calorie content of your day! Therefore, do not get carried away with oil when dressing a salad. From this, out of 100 kcal, there may already be 200, 300, 500 ... 8 nuts per day, no longer needed.

Potatoes - just not fried. If you really want to, eat potatoes in their skins or, at worst, mashed potatoes.

What is in white, what is in gray bread is the same calories. So without prejudice - get used to eating without bread or switch to rye.

Do not drink tea, do not have such a habit at all! Only if apart from food. And without sugar, why do you need empty carbs? It's pure poison, replace it with honey.

When you understand what the concept of “grooming” means and bring the basic rules of self-care to automatism, you will always look great without much effort.

All of us, women, are different, this has its own obvious charm, but each strives to be beautiful. Easily and naturally, with its own unique style and even flavor.

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What should every girl know? I scored this phrase in a search engine and the result simply amazed me. The list included sites dedicated to sexual techniques and a couple of sites about relationships between a man and a woman. According to the Internet (and the Internet has recently reflected our reality), the main thing for a girl is to know how to seduce and satisfy a man. Modern girls are more concerned about this than understanding themselves, their essence.
On the other hand, gynecologists do not cease to be indignant at girlish illiteracy. More than half of the girls have difficulty remembering when they had their last period; even more ladies do not know what a cycle is at all, mistakenly believing that these are “critical days”; and to name the exact number of days of your own cycle, the cycle on which almost everything in your life depends - this can only be done by a few. And this is all in the era of highly developed information technologies, when any information is at your fingertips. This is just disrespect and rudeness towards yourself.
Listen to yourself, take a look. Have you noticed that you are not your own mistress?
Let's assume that you have normal willpower, not iron, but there is. Today you decided to start eating right, keep your figure and you are doing great. You are proud of yourself and enjoy your new lifestyle. And then once, and you abandoned your own rules. Usually you all refer to weak willpower and quietly begin to hate yourself.
It happens that you decide to start running. I got up with a fighting spirit, ran - hard, but pleasant. And after a couple of days you run and think - it's so hard, what the hell do I need this for, or you stay at home to sleep.
Why do you sometimes look in the mirror and see the most beautiful and sexy woman on the planet there, and sometimes you look and see only flaws?
It happens that you want unrestrained sex, you feel like a goddess, and the whole world is at your feet, and after a couple of days the touch of your beloved man is unpleasant for you, everything infuriates and annoys you. Quarrels over petty things, tears for very “serious” reasons, and after a couple of days you wake up and say: “it’s all bullshit! life is Beautiful!"
Do you recognize yourself?! Still believe that you are your own mistress? Are you starting to doubt? And it is right!
In fact, our mood, our perception of events, our attitude to life, and therefore our lives are controlled by hormones! Not for nothing, the very word "hormone" comes from the Greek "I encourage."
So here's what every woman should know! The entire female body is subject to a cyclically repeating process occurring in her body. Scientifically, this cycle is called ovarian-menstrual and is calculated from the first day of "menstruation" to the first day of the next. This cycle can be from 21 to 36 days. Moreover, if your cycle is 30 days, then this number should be constant, “critical days” should begin every 30 days. If there is a delay or premature start of these days, then something is wrong with the body. This can be caused by both stress, stress, pregnancy, and serious illnesses. In 60% of women, the cycle is 28 days. The female cycle coincides in duration with the lunar cycle. I think that in our universe there are no accidents!

I. Postmenstrual stage (3-13 days)

Despite the fact that the cycle is considered to be from the first day of the “critical days”, in fact, the process begins somewhere on the 3rd day, when an egg begins to form in the woman’s ovaries (by the way, the largest cell in the human body). The formation of an egg is accompanied by an increase in the hormone estrogen. This hormone promotes the healing of a bleeding uterus, and it is he who makes us feel happy, beautiful, desirable, full of strength! During this period, a woman is able to move mountains! Physical strength at its best, mental activity at its peak. I want to live, love, create! And all this needs to be done, because the body gives us so much strength during this period! This period lasts until ovulation (this is day 14 with a 28-day cycle).

II. Ovulation (14-15 days)

The egg is protected by a special follicle sac, it develops in it. This follicle gradually emerges on the surface of the ovary and bursts. The egg is released into the fallopian tube and is ready for fertilization. Estrogen levels drop. During ovulation, bloating, pain in the lower abdomen, and spotting may occur. It is necessary to abandon serious physical exertion, as this can aggravate ovulatory symptoms. These days there is a peak of female sexuality. Our body wants to conceive a child.

III. Postovulatory eta (16-21 days)

After the release of the egg, a corpus luteum appears in place of the burst follicle, which releases the hormone progesterone. The main purpose of this hormone is to make the uterus more comfortable for the unborn baby. The walls of the uterus thicken, become loose, it is filled with blood fluid. The physical and psychological state of a woman during this period is good! It is better to give preference to aerobic activities (biking, walking, dancing, swimming, running), walking, fat goes away very easily these days! You need to eat less fatty, starchy, sweet, sit less at a computer or TV, avoid stress.

IV. Premenstrual stage (21-28 days)

The level of hormones drops, so the well-known PMS can be observed! (premenstrual syndrome). The mood deteriorates, conflict appears, the appearance of a woman may worsen (for example, acne appears). Some women even experience weight gain these days. Naturally, going in for sports is much more difficult, more often there is a feeling of hunger. During this period, it is better not to torture yourself with physical activity or diets. Need to take care of yourself! Do not let the little things spoil your mood, understand that now we are vulnerable, pamper yourself!

V. Menstruation (1-3 days)

Without progesterone, the uterus begins to get rid of the place prepared for the child, bleeding appears. Abdominal pain and feeling unwell are usually observed only for the first 3 days, then the first stage of the cycle begins, the formation of an egg and an increase in estrogen levels. And that means better health!
There is an opinion that "critical days" are the body's indignation at non-observance of the laws of nature! Allegedly, the female body is designed for the formation of an egg, the desire to fertilize it, fertilization, bearing and giving birth to a child, and re-forming an egg. Of course, for a modern woman - this is nonsense! We have different values, a different way of life and we do not want to give birth to 10 children. But still, understanding your nature and your essence is what every woman should know.

P.S. Do you feel the impact of the cycle? Share your opinion in the comments!
