What does French love mean? What does it mean to love in French

”, - we hear constantly and do not always think: what is it - a cliché or the truth of life? But every tourist who first arrived in the capital of France very soon notices salient feature this city. Here they kiss without any hesitation everywhere - on the streets, in cafes, in the subway! The air is electrified by erotica, so natural to the French. Yes, Paris is the city of love, and France is her country.

Cherche la femme

Another famous saying about the French, used when a woman is involved in a case. The Frenchwoman is a “state within a state”. It is she who makes the weather in love: she determines the style of the relationship, directs the man to satisfy her desires and pretends that she did nothing of this. A woman has several desires:

  • feel the most fashionable, beautiful and desirable and not know any complexes;
  • be natural and preferably without makeup (worries about maintaining makeup should not prevent her from having sex any time she wants to);
  • have under outerwear stunning lingerie (for the same reason);
  • not to have extra pounds (refinement is above all!);
  • do not limit yourself in sex age limits(French women have no age and over the years especially pay a lot of attention to their loved ones);
  • watch erotic movies a lot and with pleasure;
  • in bed, call a spade a spade (this is the only way to achieve the truth about the desires of a partner, and - most importantly - the fulfillment of your desires).

Abundance is his middle name

Once the famous and, admittedly, very sexy French actor Vincent Cassel was asked if he was embarrassed to undress in front of the camera for an erotic scene. In response, he only grinned and said: “What are you talking about! .. I’m French!” And that's it. To match yours charming women, French men are born to love, and see no reason to be ashamed of this feature of theirs.

They are absolutely sincere in their desire to please a woman. Courtship, flirting for men is part of the sexual game. And victory in it is a reward. Interestingly, the French consider it the norm to explain to the boss when they are late for work that this happened because of a delicious night date that could not be interrupted until the morning. Both the boss and colleagues will treat with understanding, even approval. If the reason for being late is a trite leaky faucet, the reaction of the authorities may be more severe.

The inhabitants of France do not separate the concepts of “sex”, “falling in love” and “love” too much from each other. Speaking about love in French, you need to understand, first of all, long sex that brings partners mutual pleasure. However, lovers, unfortunately, tend to often change the object of their adoration.

The Frenchwoman is not killed for long after parting and quickly finds a replacement for her partner, and, as a rule, does not meet with her former admirer anymore. The same can be said about a man. And all because the French love lightness in everything, and suffering is “not about them.”

The French treat cheating quite easily. Back in the time of Napoleon, in the Civil Code of 1804, it was indicated that a husband can insist on a divorce if he convicts his wife of adultery, but adultery on the part of a man is not a sufficient basis for divorce, except when he brought his mistress home.

Since then, nothing has changed: a woman is ready to endure the adventures of her beloved if she does not see their clear evidence. Far worse for her absence common interests and disrespect on the part of the partner. A French woman is made happy by the thought that her man is proud of her and is ready to share her sorrows and joys, even without marriage.

Same sex love, one night love

In France, representatives of sexual minorities are also tolerant and sympathetic. After all, we are talking about love, for which there are no prohibitions in this country!

Homosexuals easily find permanent partners for themselves, for a night or an hour. Gay centers, clubs, discos, saunas and bars are being created.

The government is seriously concerned about the legalization of same-sex relationships and the same-sex family, and much less considers the problems of taxes, flood cleanup and political issues.

As for prostitution, it is theoretically punishable by law and there are no official brothels in France. However, only in Paris there are about 6,000 representatives of the oldest profession. They work from home, "looking after" clients in their rented apartments or detached houses. But there are also a lot of them on the Internet, at train stations, in bars, cafes and cheap hotels.

So for some of the tourists, a holiday in France is not only the Eiffel Tower or shopping in fashion boutiques, but also intimate pleasure, which can be obtained by paying a set amount. In any case, the French turn a blind eye to everything that does not concern themselves, and hypocrisy is certainly not their national trait.

Everyone knows how to say I love you in French. But many people who are ignorant of languages ​​believe that "jetem" is one word for feeling. Let's try to figure out if this is really the case.

I love you

The phrase "I love you" in French will sound gentler and softer: "Je tem" ("Je t" aime). This phrase is considered the most popular expression for a declaration of love, in second place, the English I love you. The phrase consists of three words: "zhe" - I, "te" - you and the verb "em" - I love, which includes different shades and can mean a simple "like". Therefore, in French, "I love you" will be the same as "I like you." This is a very tricky language in which you always need to look into the context, otherwise you can get into trouble.

For the convenience of pronunciation and writing, “e” from “te” disappeared, or rather turned into an apostrophe, so the phrase sounds like one word, which is generally typical for French speech. Offers flow like a continuous sensual river, capturing and circling in their arms.

Lara Fabian

World fame for the song "I love you" on French brought by Lara Fabian, especially all the fans remember the concert in 2002, when the singer could not sing this song because she cried. By all accounts, it was believed that she was experiencing the death of a loved one (husband) Gregory Lemorchal. But!

In fact, Lara could not sing because of a banal sore throat, she had a fever and during the concert she was exhausted and could not sing, so the audience and the fans in love sang along, causing Lara Fabian to cry tears of tenderness and gratitude (but not longing for the deceased husband, as written). Millions of fans chanted "I love you" in French every time they met her for a long time after this incident.

Eva Polna

Glory to the words "love me in French" on the territory of the Russian-speaking population was brought by the group "Guests from the Future" and its soloist Eva Polna. A light playful motive and uncomplicated meaning of a love song between a star and unknown admirer. Eva is often criticized for the frivolity and primitiveness of her songs, but the metaphorical style of her poems is not clear to everyone - hence the condemnation.

And the song is really sweet and does not mean “meaning below the waist” at all, but the subtlety of feelings inherent in the French and their language. And French words she periodically uses in her songs, apparently from the scarcity of the Russian language in amorous affairs.

Language of love

French is unanimously recognized as the most sensual language in the world. There are no such subtleties of designation of feelings, emotions and sensations in any other language of the world. He was born for confessions and sighs: graceful verbs “aimer” (to love), “adorer (to adore) or “désirer” (to wish) are the most common, but “aimer” denotes the strongest feeling in this regard, so it is not used in vain, but only when it is really love, and not passion or falling in love.

After all, it is not for nothing that they say that each language has its own purpose:

  • French is made for talking to a woman;
  • Italian - with the Lord;
  • German - with enemies;
  • English - conduct diplomatic negotiations.

The singer’s voice sounded on the radio, she sang the song “Love me in French!”, And I had a question, what, the French can show love in a special way, what is the secret of such love in French. Decided to figure it out. :)

French love is mutual pleasure

From time immemorial, the French have been considered very subtle natures in love pleasures. Therefore, love in French is always refined, exquisite love where there is always a place for romance, and the main place in the relationship is given to mutual pleasure. To love in French means not to be selfish in love!

French Kiss

The so-called French Kiss. It is believed that this way of expressing love for a partner also comes from France. During this kiss, not only the lips are involved, but also the tongue, when during the kiss the partner makes caressing movements with his tongue in the mouth of his partner.

To be liberated in sex means to love in French

It is believed that the French, when they have sex, are liberated and free. Therefore, it is believed that to love in French is to receive all kinds of sexual pleasures, without complexes and without embarrassment. Such pleasures involve sexual foreplay and mutual oral caresses.

Caresses in love in French

AT intimate life The French give a special place to oral caresses. Both French men and women love “it” very much, and for good reason. During oral sex, the muscles are more relaxed and you can better focus on your sensation during orgasm. Finally, for partners, this way of showing love is a sign of a special relationship with each other, thanks to such sex, the partner feels truly loved.

Which families are stronger

Inner freedom is considered the best ally in French love. Once in bed, partners, along with clothes, shed all modesty and shyness. By studying your body and your partner, giving pleasure to each other, you become able to experience unique moments of mutual delight.

It is believed that families where spouses indulge each other with love in French are stronger than modest Puritan families. And this is a proven fact!

Firstly, French women love men, and they love them quite sincerely - they just try to find something good in everyone. Perhaps that is why in France you will not encounter what is commonly called a war of the sexes: women really want to find a mate or, according to at least, a pleasant conversationalist. They argue, they flirt, they enjoy socializing - and this is what attracts men so much.

Differences between representatives of both sexes and even irreconcilable contradictions between them only turn French women on. “A man is a completely different calico than a woman,” French friends who were born in another country often hear. “If you have nothing to do, work on yourself, it is never superfluous, but do not try to change your man.”

Flirting is the foundation of everything. This is the life-giving source that nourishes French society. Flirting young, old, feminists, man-haters, flower girls and bank directors - absolutely everything. At the same time, the sexual underpinning of such behavior is perceived not as a call for decisive action, but as an integral part of female image- a man should not forget that next to him is a real femme fatal. By the way, flirting with a man with might and main, a French woman may not want to see him the next day - simply because she did not like him, so a little frivolous behavior does not mark the beginning of a stormy romance.

French women are mysterious and unpredictable. Deborah Olivier recalls: “Somehow I met a charming young lady only 13 years old. Sandrine was madly in love with a boy named Pierre. what I expected to hear.

The usual "spell" sounds something like this: "Loves - does not love, spit - kiss, press to the heart - send to hell." Sandrine said something completely different from this: "He loves me very much - only in part - passionately - madly - not at all." Even at such a tender age, they have their own views on everything, including traditional girlish divination. It's how French women feel about love."

The further - the more interesting. The Frenchwoman will never show her cards. She won't tell, like on the Oprah Winfrey show, her entire life story in five minutes. You won't even know from her where she bought that stunning skirt, let alone who she's sleeping with. The Frenchwoman carefully keeps her secrets, wrapping herself in a haze of mystery, and this affects men more than a decoy on a drake.

Another valuable quality native of France is that they do not make excessive demands on their men. Simply put, they do not expect something supernatural from marriage. A handsome prince on a white horse and love to the grave is not what they breathe. The French woman boldly rushes into the routine Everyday life with all its complexities and stresses and solves problems as they arise, and does not entertain at leisure with the construction of castles in the air.

Aging beautifully is also a skill, and French women have already mastered this to perfection. A woman, in their opinion, is beautiful not in appearance, but in age and experience. In addition, they know how to enjoy life. The universe will not collapse if a woman relaxes a little - that's the whole story. Tasty food, fabulous sex, fine wines and interesting friends- life is full of pleasant things and it is foolish to limit yourself in this.

"French women do not complex in bed!" - boldly declares the host of the most popular radio program in France about sex, Jessica Falour. Every day, thousands of letters with the most intimate questions come to her name, and Jessica gives professional and comprehensive answers to them. Believe me, she has a lot to learn!

I remember the day when my man whispered in my ear after a special caress: "You are brutally sexy." I was so surprised that I even laughed - I thought he was laughing at me! Actually, I'm a little thin, not very beautiful and not too happy own body. But the truth is that with my partner I feel very good - desirable, seductive and full of attraction.

I stopped laughing and saw in his eyes that he was not joking and that he really saw me like that. For him, I really was "brutally sexy", the one with which love was beautiful, inexhaustible and exciting. And I thought he was a good lover! In the end, the main thing is that we found each other, that our desires and our bodies coincide ... Zhanna.

I like this word of Jeanne - "coincide". This is where the salt is - when everything coincides! You feel good together, you have fun, you are interested in each other, you are drawn to each other, you want each other, and your bodies confirm this. This can happen to anyone, anytime, in any situation. And it seems to me that the only necessary prerequisite should be the ability to listen to yourself and your feelings!

After all, I only see two types of really bad lovers. They are so busy with their own person that they do not even think about taking into account someone else, his desires and pleasures. There is nothing special to say about this, except perhaps - start all over again! And there are others who are so little sure of their abilities that it seems as if their body lives separately from themselves, and then, they are not able to get in touch with another body, they are not able to feel their own emotions and the emotions of others, unable to put into words and gestures their own desires...

These problems are not insoluble! To get out of the impasse, you need to want it and find ways to do it. Find good man- an experienced lover, Pygmalion or therapist (why not?) Who will guide you on the right path. good lover, bad lover- in the end it doesn't really matter. But I am sure that the more you try, want, try, the better you will be with each other.

Sexual attraction is natural, but sexuality is not innate. It is known, lives, is transmitted, shared. This is what makes it so passionate, so life-giving! You have to dare to enter it with curiosity and a taste for the game, even if you are scared. It is always difficult to approach another, let him get close to you, feel each other and risk meeting. This is how unexpected surprises happen when you are ready to take risks! But, of course, one should not take risks in vain: whatever the circumstances, a condom is necessary in any case. And this should not be forgotten!

"I do not know how to proceed to this delicate matter: I have never studied oral sex. This does not mean that I have no desire, on the contrary, it impresses me. But I am afraid that I will not be able to, that I will look ridiculous, and my friend will understand that I am doing this for the first time. So every time I find a reason to move on to something else. But it's already starting to weigh on me and on my buddy too. In my opinion, it begins to seem more and more suspicious to him. I would like to somehow get out of this situation, which is becoming more and more absurd. But I don't know how!" Lucille.

The experience of Lucille, who has the impression that she is the only woman in the world who is in similar situation, actually very banal! Imagine if we started talking about fillulation and other types of sex that might impress someone like Lucille and make her panic. I wanted to tell her when she called me that she was not alone in her problem. She has a man with whom she has intimate relationship, and he is probably the very person who will help her in the best way!

Who knows better than he how she should act in order to please him? Who can direct it, show it, explain it? Who can be by her side and teach her? Making love is also being able to talk to each other! I understand that some are embarrassed to discuss such things. But if you have already chosen your partner, it is always better to explain your feelings or concerns to him when problems arise.

If Lucille put herself in the place of her partner for a couple of minutes, she would see that it is touching and very sexy when one says to the other: "I don't know how it's done, but I want to, teach me." And often the first time is the most the best gift to your loved one! As soon as the moment comes when everything inside says yes, and only the fear of seeming awkward and ridiculous holds you back, let yourself go!

If you lack self-confidence, at least trust in your ability to choose the right person to be with you. If necessary, use the Internet, this mine of free and confidential information, where you will find any explanations, accompanied by beautiful drawings! Take your time. Let your desire ripen instead of nipping it in the bud and avoiding the experience. And when the moment is right, find cute and funny words to let your partner know that you need their help to overcome this obstacle!

To develop your sexuality is also to get off the beaten path, listen to your desire and follow it, regardless of what is said around you. Ignore theories like "should you go to bed on your first night?", "how to get an orgasm for sure?", "ten ways not to pass for a whore" or "what to do to look like a good lover."

I will only say one thing: "Be yourself!" And further! We become sexy, first of all, when we are ourselves, but at the same time we observe the basic social norms the world in which we live. And we trust ourselves enough to calmly move forward in life. For the most part, the result is far less complex than anything we can pile on. And it would be good not to lose sight of the fact that, despite all the little troubles and big questions, love – is first of all pleasure, pleasure and once again pleasure!

"Jessica! I need some advice from you: how to wake up our libidos - mine and my husband? We love each other very much, but we stopped touching each other like before ... However, every time this does happen, it's very great. Only it happens less and less. I can’t say that we really miss it much (we both drive enough rich life), but we think that this is not very normal and it may end up hurting our little family. Karina".

It is time to turn to Dr. Freud. He had the idea to unite in one Latin word libido, which means "desire", the whole complex system sexual attraction and the energy it evokes...or doesn't evoke. And he spent most of his life explaining that if it was that easy, everyone would know it! Some people still find it difficult to realize that libido is very complicated thing, and explain that skillful stimulation of the penis or clitoris is enough to start the whole machine, and, they say, there is nothing to talk about.

Sometimes they are right. An attentive and exciting caress with a soft or firm hand, tongue, mouth, or all at once, with the addition of other parts of the body that one can think of, is enough to awaken a dormant libido. And most likely the reason for this sleepy state not dangerous: either fatigue or depression; worries that leave no room for anything else; the ever dulling routine of daily life; loss of former form ... The problem is mainly that you have ceased to pay attention to yourself. In this case, down with laziness and boredom! It's time to dust off your love life!

Libido does not tolerate habits and routine. A pair of beautiful sheets, candles; a lovingly arranged dinner; new underwear; weekend of lovers; a date in a good hotel, even if it is a stone's throw from your house; going out to meet new people; a love letter dropped into a box on the way to work; unexpected message to mobile phone; love story; picaresque game; a cloud of rose petals; unexpected surprise... Everything is possible if it serves to interrupt the measured course of life.

However, be careful, go down this path slowly and with love: I'm not sure that the best place there will be sex shops or red-light districts for new ideas - just the opposite. The accessories that fill these stores are more for lovers whose desire has not faded at all and who together decide to take new turns in their relationship, sometimes bewitching very cool, for which they come shopping.

But for a couple whose desires have become dulled, such a sharp “awakening” risks being destabilizing ... Sometimes just brushing off the dust from the usual course of life is not enough. Something else haunts, something hidden in the head, or maybe in the distant past. My magic recipe: be sure to talk about it with each other!
