Physical and psychological aspects of sexual life after caesarean section. Intimate life after caesarean section

After giving birth, a woman begins a new difficult stage in her life, however, this does not negate joy and pleasure in any case. But the list of questions that concern the newly-made mother and her inner circle grows to an incredible size. And one of the most pressing is the issue of the resumption of intimate life. Especially often they are asked by those women who have undergone a caesarean section.

Sex life after cesarean

If natural delivery is not possible, the woman is given a caesarean section. This is a surgical intervention that involves a dissection of the abdominal cavity and an incision on the body of the uterus, which, after removing the child, is sutured. That is, the seam is superimposed not only on the stomach, but also on the uterus. If the healing process of the external scar can be observed, then it is very difficult to vouch for the exact timing of the restoration of the internal suture; a number of observations and examinations are required here. During this period, the woman is shown "sexual rest", that is, the absence of sex.

After a caesarean section, sutures are placed not only on the abdominal cavity, but also on the wall of the uterus.

Terms of restoration of the genital organs

Internal wounds take longer to heal and are more painful than external wounds. And a woman after a caesarean section should be prepared for the fact that for some time after the operation the stitches will bleed, causing pain. Of course, during such a period, it is unlikely that a young mother will want sex. As a rule, the question "is it possible?" occurs 7–10 days after surgery. And here you need to know the nuances of postoperative recovery. The healing process of the uterus is the rate of growth of scar tissue. The faster it thickens, the sooner a woman will be able to return to the joys of love pleasures. On average, at 4–5 weeks after cesarean, there is already a thin layer, and by 8–10 weeks, if there are no complications, the scar will become quite strong so that sexual relations can be resumed. That is, in the absence of contraindications after examination by a gynecologist and ultrasound, approximately 2–2.5 months after a cesarean, you can have sex.

Inner stitches heal more slowly than outer stitches.

How to understand what is possible

A woman's readiness to resume sexual life is determined by physiological and psychological indicators.

Physiological signs

The fact that the healing has ended can be concluded by the following external signs:

In addition, it is very important to assess the condition of the uterus. To do this, you need to go for an ultrasound scan, which will allow the doctor to draw conclusions and give or not give the go-ahead.

Psychological aspect

The postpartum period is also characterized by hormonal changes, which, in turn, leaves an imprint on the mental state of a woman.

Internal complexes

If the caesarean section was not planned, then many women, not having time to mentally prepare, after the operation begin to feel embarrassed about the seam, that is, a complex arises about the aesthetics of their own body. By the way, even if a caesarean was agreed in advance, this does not negate the embarrassment about the seam on the abdomen during intimacy.

Another reason to doubt your attractiveness is stretch marks and weight gain. You can get rid of these consequences quite quickly, it’s enough to choose a competent set of physical exercises and adjust your menu, but both of them are prohibited or very strictly (!) Limited during the healing of stitches and the period of breastfeeding. Of course, in this case, only the support of a loved one who loves “ugly, fat” will help, not for her figure, but just like that.

Sometimes humor is the most effective way to overcome a psychological barrier.

It is interesting. If the complexes intensify, new ones are added to them, that is, it makes sense to turn to a psychologist.

Maternal instinct

Love for your child, which completely fills the world of a woman, sometimes displaces a man from there. And the newly-made mother simply does not notice her once beloved husband. In this case, the woman herself must harmonize the components of her happy life, so that there is a place and time for everyone. And the man will have to patiently and diplomatically remind of his presence. Flowers, kind words, walks, etc. - there are no trifles in this case.

Frequent feedings, caring for a baby can force a man out of a woman's world

Cinderella Syndrome

With the advent of a child, a woman's daily duties do not decrease, but only increase: laundry, cleaning, cooking, children - all this rests on the shoulders of the mother. Moreover, such a set does not always mean only physical fatigue, moral fatigue is much more dangerous, which does not allow you to relax. Exit: a hot bath, beautiful lingerie, romance by candlelight - and everything will gradually return to normal.

Causes of pain during sex after cesarean

Even if there are no obstacles to the resumption of intimate life: the stitches have healed, there is no discharge, there is attraction, contact can deliver unpleasant, painful sensations. This is due to:

  • lack of natural lubrication (again, this is due to psychological stiffness, which leads to a decrease in arousal);
  • overcrowding of the intestines or bladder (moreover, often a woman does not even feel the urge yet, and the body reacts by refusing intimacy);
  • weakness of muscles and ligaments after childbirth (bearing a child affects the elasticity of tissues, the condition of the ligaments, etc.).

Pain can be a symptom of a serious health problem

In addition, pain can be triggered by:

  • mycoplasmosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • genital herpes.

As a rule, pain is not the only symptom of these diseases. They are accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • discharge of pus from the vagina during intercourse.

In other words, pain during sex is a reason to go to the doctor to rule out infections, and also to choose the appropriate therapy if it is found.

It is interesting. If the doctor confirms the presence of an infection, then the treatment of a nursing mother will be carried out with antibiotics locally, and at the end of the lactation period orally.

Video: a medical look at intimate life after childbirth

Rescue oral sex

The nature of a person is such that if one door is closed to him, he is sure to look for other doors to open. So it is with intimacy after cesarean: vaginal penetration is prohibited, but there are oral and anal caresses. Regarding the latter, you can not flatter yourself, the situation will be the same as with traditional sex: a ban for 2–2.5 months. There is only one loophole with oral sex: only a man can get pleasure in this way. The fact is that a woman should not experience an orgasm during the recovery period, as the uterus will begin to contract, and this can lead to complications in its healing.

Oral caress in the postoperative period can cause uterine contractions, which will lead to divergence of the sutures.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: a man's oral caresses are an acceptable way to return carnal pleasures to a couple's life after a cesarean section on the days of stitches healing, provided that the woman does not experience strong arousal at the same time. Otherwise, the uterus may still begin to contract.


Self-satisfaction is one of the ways to revive sex in a couple. Especially if a woman experiences a complex due to fear of pain during penis penetration into the vagina. Doctors believe that after 1.5–2 months, after the lochia is finally completed, a woman can masturbate. Before this period, there is a high risk of infection in the vagina. At the same time, the risk of divergence of the seams is still present, because in the process of caresses, excitement occurs, and hence the contraction of the uterus.

The search for alternative ways of obtaining pleasure in the absence of a full-fledged sex life draws a woman's attention to masturbation

Why does a woman want to masturbate after surgery

The desire to have fun is self-explanatory. However, for some women, the desire to masturbate is so strong that it begins to bother them. In fact, having considered all the reasons for such an increased interest in your body, we can conclude that there is nothing seditious in this.

When not to

Despite the loyal attitude of doctors to masturbation after cesarean, there are several contraindications:

  • soreness of the seams;
  • uterine injuries that were obtained during childbirth, requiring particularly careful medical supervision;
  • complications of postpartum recovery (bleeding and resulting anemia, infections, etc.).

How can

This question concerns, first of all, the choice of posture. Usually, the traditional position for self-satisfaction turns out to be uncomfortable and even painful after surgery. Therefore, a woman needs to slowly choose the most advantageous location. And also don't forget that:

  • hands and vagina should be perfectly clean;
  • caresses are limited only to the external genitalia;
  • until complete recovery, do not insert fingers or other special items for self-satisfaction into the vagina.

The basic rule for masturbation after childbirth is clean hands

Looking for an orgasm

Achieving the peak of pleasure from sexual arousal in a woman is 90% due to the psychological factors described above: stress, caring for a child, internal complexes. This not only reduces the attraction, but also reduces the likelihood that a woman will experience an orgasm.

It is interesting. Another reason for the lack of orgasm is that during lactation, the hormone prolactin, which depresses libido, is actively released in the body of a woman.

The absence of an orgasm, of course, negatively affects the sexual life of a couple.

How to fix the situation if there is no orgasm

After the physical and psychological stress from the birth of a baby, a woman needs to create all the conditions for her sex life to return to normal.

  1. Contraception. This is the most important question that a couple resuming intimate contacts must decide for themselves. Indeed, to achieve orgasm, you need to relax, and the thought of a possible unplanned pregnancy completely excludes this possibility. Considering that oral contraceptives are mostly contraindicated for lactating women, and the intrauterine device can be placed only six months after cesarean, vaginal suppositories and condoms remain.
  2. Tenderness. A man should be as attentive and sensitive as possible to his woman, because sharp jolts, deep penetrations, pressure can damage a just healed surface, and pain is a bad companion of pleasure.
  3. Correct posture. The first months after the operation (up to six months), the couple will have to be content with positions that exclude deep penetration and pressure on the lower abdomen (for example, when a man is on the side, knee-elbow position, standing behind, etc.). So it is worth paying special attention to the prelude, which will help you tune in the right way, get excited.
  4. Lubricant. The first penetrations after a long break can cause a woman discomfort associated with vaginal dryness. In such conditions, the hope of getting pleasure is very illusory. Therefore, it is worth taking care of lubrication in advance.

Gifts, tender words and leisurely foreplay will do their job on the way to achieving the desired orgasm

Immediately after the completion of the recovery postoperative period, it may not be possible to achieve an orgasm. This is normal and reversible. After 1-1.5 months after the resumption of sexual activity, everything should fall into place: ligaments, tissues, muscles will come into tone.

It is interesting. If after 4 weeks of regular sex in compliance with all medical recommendations, a woman still cannot experience an orgasm, despite the fact that the couple did not have such a problem before giving birth, it is worth contacting a specialist: first a gynecologist, and then, after excluding physiological causes, a psychologist or a sexologist.

Video: the experience of the first sex after cesarean

Intimate life after a caesarean section is a very important issue that requires careful study by the woman and her partner. Only if all the recommendations regarding the resumption of sexual intercourse are followed, it can be expected that intimacy after childbirth will deliver the same pleasure as it was before. Or maybe even give even more vivid and unforgettable sensations.

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A caesarean section is a surgical intervention performed when childbirth is not possible in a natural way. The operation consists in dissection of the abdominal cavity, an incision on the reproductive organ. As you understand, the elements of the structure of the female reproductive system of a woman are affected and it takes a lot of time to restore them.

Women who have had to go through this should be prepared for the fact that the wounds do not heal as quickly as we would like, and the stitches can bleed, cause severe discomfort, pain. Sex life after caesarean section is possible, but not immediately, because the body must be fully rehabilitated. Otherwise, infection may occur, rupture of the sutures on the uterus, abdominal cavity.

When can you start...?

The answer to the question "When can I have sex after a caesarean section?" - ambiguous. Some mothers believe that you need to wait until the body is fully restored, which takes a maximum of six months. Others, on the contrary, rush things, and soon after the operation succumb to temptation. But the main thing is to find the "golden mean", taking into account the doctor's recommendations.

It is important to know that it takes 6-8 weeks for a woman's body to recover after a surgical intervention associated with childbirth. Only after their passage can one begin to fulfill the marital duty. Everything should improve gradually. The specified period is conditional, because all people are individual. For example, the body of one woman is able to return to normal after 4 weeks, while another and 8 weeks will not be enough. In order not to harm yourself, you need to be extremely careful about your health, psychological state.

Doctors about when you can sleep with your husband after a cesarean say that you should return to intimacy if you are sure that postpartum lochia (bleeding) is over. Also, there should be no problems with the seams, this can be determined through an ultrasound examination. After the doctor is convinced that there is no threat of divergence of the seams, he will say more specifically when it will be possible to please the husband. You also need to be mentally prepared for this, as evidenced by the feeling of attraction to your child's father.

According to statistics, 10% of women in labor have a physiological ability to return to intimacy after four weeks after artificial birth, another 10% cannot be rehabilitated by the eighth week. But in 80% of cases, women do not fit in more than six weeks.

Physiological aspects

When you can have sex after a caesarean section depends on the individual characteristics of each woman. But so that this does not result in suppuration, divergence of seams, their infection, you need to be sensitive to your body. A few valuable tips will help with this.

  1. No need to rush, wait for the end of postpartum uterine bleeding. Examine the reproductive organ for the condition of the sutures, it should be satisfactory. In this case, having sex will not harm the body.
  2. To prevent an extraordinary pregnancy, you need to take care of contraception in advance. Do not forget that birth control pills during breastfeeding are contraindicated, and the intrauterine device can be placed only after 6 months. after childbirth. You will have to choose between barrier-type protective equipment and vaginal suppositories.
  3. On the part of a man, it is very important to be extremely careful during sex, so as not to damage the recently healed surfaces with a careless movement. At the beginning of the resumption of sexual activity, penetration is deeply contraindicated. At least 6 months will have to be content with having sex in classic positions.

What is the difference between children born by caesarean section from other babies

Intimate life after a caesarean section may initially be accompanied by discomfort and pain. These phenomena are natural, so you should not worry. In order for the internal tissues, muscle fibers, ligaments to tone up, it will take a little time.

Scientific studies have shown that during the period of feeding a newborn, the same hormones are produced in the body of a woman as during intimacy with a man. This can explain the decrease in attraction, unwillingness to have sex.

Psychological barriers

Couples often face a problem when intimate life after a caesarean section cannot be restored due to a psychological condition. In this case, a woman needs to work on restoring peace of mind, the "happiness" of intimate life depends on it.

Barrier 1 - complexes because of the appearance. Often, female representatives who have undergone a caesarean section are embarrassed by the sutures remaining after the operation, as well as stretch marks after bearing a child. And if this is also complemented by excess weight, manifestations of cellulite, then it is very difficult to stop the development of complexes. If you are faced with this particular problem, then you need to contact a psychologist. Remember that men choose their wives not only for an attractive body, very soon it will be possible to go in for sports and bring it back to normal.

Barrier 2 - love for your child. Everyone's maternal instinct is different. Some women completely forget to pay attention to their husband, which is absolutely impossible to do, because it threatens to break up the family. If you do not want to later become a single mother, then you need to find time and desire for someone to whom you are dear.

Barrier 3 is chronic fatigue. After childbirth, a woman needs proper rest, this will help her recover faster after surgery. But she has to constantly take care of the child, and at the same time, run the household. All this in combination leads to chronic fatigue, and not physical, but moral. Moral relaxation will help a woman get rid of her. Shopping, a romantic dinner helps to tune in the right way.

Suture after caesarean section and everything from its application to removal

The main thing is not only to know when you can make love after a cesarean section, but also to show patience, attention towards each other.

You have become a mother, but this does not mean that you have ceased to be a woman and a sexual partner. Like it or not, but a caesarean section is a surgical intervention that leaves a trace in the form of a wound. During the operation, the internal genital organs of the woman are also affected, so it will take a certain period to restore the body.

The position of women after caesarean section

A caesarean section takes longer to recover than a natural birth. The body of a young mother is weakened. In addition, fatigue is accompanied by contractile pains in the uterus and in the mammary glands. It is not surprising that this time a woman does not even think about sexuality, and a man should support her in this and not put pressure on her. Cesarean section is also associated with postoperative wound, which should be paid special attention. A woman suffers from a swollen belly and a pink scar. In addition, a few weeks after the operation, local pain around the scar will begin. After the wound heals and the crust falls off, the stitches will be pulled. Although, as a rule, the scar no longer hurts, during this period a woman may feel numbness, burning, itching.

It happens that at the site of wound healing there is a thickening of the tissues, which requires surgical intervention. When it comes to wound care, you can wash with water and unscented soap in the first days after the scar has healed. Women should wear breathable clothing and avoid artificial materials.

Sex life after caesarean section: when to start

As you can see, in the first weeks after the operation, the condition does not allow women to live at full strength, and the healing process depends on the individual capabilities of the body. Most often, doctors recommend 6 weeks of abstinence, or as long as the body requires, because some women in labor will need more time to recover, which is an extremely difficult task for the body and nervous system. Sometimes a couple comes to wait up to three months.

You need to know that the more a partner supports his woman, the faster she can recover. Therefore, child care should be shared between the two parents.

One of the main reasons that a woman refuses sex, even after 6-8 weeks, is vaginal dryness. However, this is not a problem, because today there are ways to help reduce friction. Therefore, if there is such a problem as an insufficient amount of natural lubrication, one can resort to the use of lubricants.

Major psychological problems

It happens that a woman does not want to start sexual relations after the COP. There has been no discharge for a long time and the stitches have tightened, and the doctor has given his permission. Both partners often do not understand what is happening and what prevents them from returning to their former lives. In fact, psychological problems may be to blame. Let's take a closer look at what exactly can interfere with a woman.

After the birth of a child, every woman is recommended to restore strength, and for this you need to fully relax. But what kind of rest can we talk about when there is a small child in the house, unwashed dishes and other household chores that have not disappeared after childbirth.


It seems that everything says that it is time to start living a sexual life, but changes in appearance quickly develop complexes. Stretch marks, a seam, possible fullness, and, on top of that, moral and physical fatigue simply flatly kills this desire. In such a situation, a woman needs to please herself with something. For example, leave your husband with a child and go shopping, buy yourself a beautiful dress, linen, dressing gown. It is even possible to arrange a romantic dinner (while the baby is sleeping). All this will help not only cheer up, relax, but also tune in to the right wave.

child care

Some women have such a strong love for the child that caring for him leads to the fact that the husband remains in the background. For this reason, sexual life may not resume very soon. This is wrong, and a young mother needs to think about whether she wants to raise a child alone? After all, few men can withstand the lack of sex and attention from their spouses.

Physical health problems are only half the problem. Sex life after caesarean section may not start due to a violation of the psycho-emotional state. In such a situation, a man must act. Love and care for the woman you love will help eliminate the lack of sexual desire.

Timing: when to start Physiology Psychological moments

A caesarean section, carried out as a result of the impossibility of natural childbirth, involves a dissection of the abdominal cavity and an incision in the uterus. Such a surgical intervention affects the genitals of a woman, so they need a certain period for recovery.

Wounds heal slowly, external and internal sutures often bleed and cause discomfort and pain. In this regard, sexual activity after a caesarean section is not possible immediately. The body must be given enough time to fully recover in order to avoid infection and rupture of the sutures. This can take weeks or even months - in terms of timing, the recovery interval after surgery is very individual.

Timing: when to start

Some women believe that sexual life after cesarean can only begin six months later, when the body is fully back to normal, so they are not in a hurry with this. Others, on the contrary, eagerly want to experience all the joys of sex again and surrender to the persuasion of their husband too soon. Ideally, a middle ground is needed here: there are medical recommendations that determine when you can resume intimate life after a CS.

It takes 6 to 8 weeks to recover from a caesarean section. It is at the end of this period that the couple can and should gradually return to their marital duties and sexual life. 6-8 weeks is a very conditional period, since one female body will recover after a cesarean section as early as the 4th week after the operation, and another 8 will not be enough. Therefore, a young mother should be attentive to her own health, both physiologically and psycho-emotionally. Doctors say that you can start having sex after a cesarean if postpartum lochia (bloody discharge after surgery) has ended and there are no problems with the stitches. To make sure of the latter, you must definitely undergo an ultrasound scan to know what condition the stitches are in and whether having sex is fraught with their divergence. After the examination, the doctor will professionally advise whether you need to wait a little more with this matter, or you can already please your husband with the long-awaited news. Think about whether you are ready for the resumption of sexual activity psychologically? If you again feel attracted to your man, you want it, then the time has already come and there is nothing to be afraid of.

The question of when it is possible to live sexually after a caesarean section is decided individually in each individual case. 6-8 weeks is a conditional period, which you can only focus on. After a thorough examination, the doctor can tell you for sure whether the time has come or it is worth waiting a little longer. Moreover, it can only take into account the physiological readiness of the body, while the psychological mood of a woman plays an equally important role here.

A little about timing. According to statistics, about 10% of women after a 4-week period after a cesarean section are already fully recovered and are ready for sexual activity in terms of physiology. Another 10% of mothers do not have time to rehabilitate even by 8 weeks after childbirth due to complications and individual characteristics. The remaining 80% fit into the interval from 6 to 8 weeks.


In order for intimate life after a cesarean section to bring pleasure and not lead to complications (suppuration, infection, divergence of seams, etc.), you need to listen carefully to the body and know whether it is ready to return to sexual relations or not. A few useful tips will help young couples resume full-fledged sex and not harm the woman's health.

Wait until the postpartum lochia is gone before having sex. Then get an ultrasound. The doctor must give a conclusion that the state of the seams is satisfactory and that sexual life does not threaten their divergence. Consider the issue of contraception so that sexual life after cesarean does not end soon with another pregnancy. During the lactation period, most birth control pills are contraindicated for a young mother. An intrauterine device can be placed only six months after a cesarean section. You will have to choose between a condom and vaginal suppositories (suppositories, tablets, ointments, etc.). A man must understand that all his movements during sex should be as accurate, smooth, gentle as possible so as not to damage only the recently healed surface. Deep penetration, rudeness, harshness, pressure in the first months of sexual activity are excluded. For six months, enjoy only classic positions that exclude deep penetration. In the first intimacy that occurs after the operation, a young woman may feel discomfort and even pain, but they are natural, so you should not be complex and worry about this. Tissues, ligaments, muscles - everything should be stretched and toned. Give your body a little time - and soon it will return to normal. Some impatient couples, seeking to resume sexual activity as soon as possible, despite a caesarean section, are trying to replace the classic forms of sex with others. It is unacceptable. Firstly, any penetration (even with fingers or tongue) into the vagina ahead of time is fraught with infection. Secondly, the female orgasm, if it is too violent, can provoke tension in the pelvic organs, and the seams will open.

So it is necessary to engage in intimate life at the end of the rehabilitation period after cesarean very carefully, in accordance with these recommendations and the permission of the doctor. Sex is strictly prohibited in the presence of genital infections and inflammation in both partners, prolonged lochia and bleeding sutures.

In addition to all this, the couple must understand that by the time of the first sexual intercourse after a cesarean section, the man must also be examined and be absolutely healthy. Sometimes psycho-emotional factors interfere with the resumption of a full sexual life.

scientific fact. As scientists have found, a woman during breastfeeding secretes hormones that are similar in their action to hormones that are produced by the body during sex. This explains the decrease in libido and the reluctance to resume sexual activity (most often this happens just after a cesarean section).

Psychological moments

Often, the onset of sexual activity after a caesarean section is not complicated by physiological difficulties and problems. It seems that the lochia stopped, and the stitches healed, and the doctor gave permission, but something constantly interferes. And both spouses often do not understand what is happening. Because of this, the relationship in a couple can be upset. And the reason in most cases lies in the psychological discomfort that a woman experiences after a cesarean section. Therefore, she will have to work on herself and restore peace of mind, on which sexual attraction to a partner and the intimate life of a couple largely depend. How to do it?

Complexes about appearance

Very often, after a cesarean, young mothers are embarrassed by seams and stretch marks on their bodies. And if the matter is further complicated by excess weight with manifestations of cellulite, then internal complexes develop at a cosmic speed. At the same time, it is impossible to fully engage in sports due to surgery, diets are contraindicated due to lactation. All this results in the refusal of the beloved man in sex.

If there is a similar problem with sexual life, it must be solved with the help of a psychologist. After all, your husband probably loves you not only for a beautiful body? Moreover, soon you will be able to start playing sports and quickly bounce back.

Love for a child

Sometimes a woman's maternal instinct is so strongly developed that with the birth of a baby, she practically forgets about the existence of her husband. She gives all her care, affection, love to a new family member. It is quite clear that in such a situation, even after the rehabilitation period after a caesarean section, the spouse is in no hurry to resume sexual activity. It's time to stop and think: are you ready to become a single mother? After all, no man can withstand a long absence of sex.

chronic fatigue syndrome

After a caesarean section, a young mother is recommended to have a lot of and full rest in order to recover after the operation. In fact, she has to take care of the child and at the same time continue to run the household. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, feeding, walking, children's consultations - all this falls on the fragile shoulders of a woman.

And now, it seems, the postpartum discharge has already departed, the pains in the lower abdomen have stopped, there are no problems with the seam, and there was no sexual life either. And it's not even physical fatigue, but moral. To want sex again, you need to relax, buy yourself beautiful erotic lingerie, arrange a romantic candlelight dinner at home - all this will help you tune in the right way.

To restore sexual life after a caesarean section, patience and attention are required from both spouses. The absence of health problems and complications after childbirth is only half the solution to the problem. It is necessary that a woman feel comfortable and psycho-emotional. If the husband makes her feel that she is still loved and even more, there will hardly be any difficulties with sexual desire.

After caesarean, sexual activity does not begin immediately. Women need time to recover. After childbirth, the body experiences a lot of stress. Important roles are played by lack of sleep, psychological state, pain and other aspects.

What is a caesarean section?

A caesarean section is performed if it is not possible to have a baby naturally. The fetus may be located incorrectly, the poor health of the woman in labor, a number of diseases, extreme situations, etc. During the operation, the abdominal cavity is dissected and a uterine incision is made. This surgical intervention affects the genitals of the woman in labor. Therefore, after the operation, they need recovery.

Is it possible to have sex immediately after a caesarean?

After a caesarean section, postoperative wounds usually heal very slowly. Stitches, both external and internal, can bleed heavily. This creates not only discomfort and pain. After childbirth, a woman's genitals are very vulnerable to any infection. Therefore, doctors do not recommend starting a sexual life immediately after childbirth. This can be deadly for a woman.

How long does it take for the body to recover after a cesarean?

Some women after a caesarean section seek to resume sexual activity as soon as possible. But after such an operation, the body needs time to recover. At a minimum, to avoid rupture of the sutures and infection. Since the human body is strictly individual, it takes weeks for some, and months for others.

Dates when you can start having sex after cesarean

There are recommendations from doctors when it is possible to resume sexual activity after a cesarean. In most cases, it takes six to eight weeks for the body to recover. It is necessary that the placenta attachment to the uterus and the suture heal. At the end of this period, you can slowly start having sex again.

But this term is conditional. Some organisms recover within a month, while others take much longer. Even if the suture on the skin healed quickly, this does not mean that the uterus has recovered after the operation.

If an episiotomy (surgical incision of the perineum) was made during a caesarean section, you should abstain from sex for approximately three months while the postoperative suture heals.

How to make sure that you can return to a normal sexual life?

Doctors are sure that if there are no complications, then sexual activity can begin as soon as the bleeding after surgery (lochia) has ended, and there are no problems with stitches. In order to verify this, you need to conduct an ultrasound. This procedure shows how strong the stitches are and whether they will come apart during sex.

Even if a woman feels that she is ready for the resumption of sexual activity and she has a desire, consultation and permission from a doctor is necessary. Only a specialist will be able to determine how the postoperative suture heals.

In addition to the stitches, the fact is that after the placenta separates from the uterus, an open wound forms. Don't let it get infected. Therefore, any tampons are excluded, as well as sexual activity. Until the wound is completely healed.


After caesarean, sexual activity begins no earlier than a month later. According to statistics, the bodies of 10 percent of women after surgery are fully restored in four weeks. And from the point of view of physiology, it is already possible to start living a sexual life again. Another 10% of women, due to the individual characteristics of the body and complications, cannot be rehabilitated even after 8 weeks. The remaining 80% recover after caesarean in the period from 1.5 to 2 months.

Physiological side

After a cesarean, a woman needs to listen to her body. Before resuming sexual life, you need to wait until the bleeding stops. After that, do an ultrasound and consult a doctor.

The first time you need to use contraceptives. But during the lactation period, contraceptive pills are most often contraindicated, and the spiral can be placed only six months after the operation. The best options are condoms or vaginal suppositories.

The beginning of sexual activity after caesarean should be gentle. A man must move very carefully, smoothly, in order to avoid damage to newly healed sutures. In the first months, sharp, rough movements, pressure and deep penetrations are excluded. Within six months, only classical poses are recommended.

At the first intimacy after surgery, a woman may feel discomfort. Pain often occurs after a caesarean section. But these feelings will pass with time. The ligaments, muscles and tissues of the body will stretch and tone. This takes time.

Some ardent couples in the very first months after the resumption of sexual life try to replace classic poses with others. This should not be allowed, since the penetration of fingers and even the tongue can bring bacteria into the body. Another danger is if a woman reacts violently. In this case, not yet strengthened seams may disperse from tension.

According to scientists, during breastfeeding, a woman produces hormones similar to those produced during sex. This often explains the reluctance to resume sexual activity. And this happens most often after a caesarean.

After caesarean, sexual life for women fades into the background. The thing is that the body of a woman in labor is not adapted to a quick return to sex. The partner will have to be patient, as prolactin (maternal hormone) makes a woman focus only on the newborn. The body is very busy at this time. He is engaged in feeding offspring. At the same time, sexual desire is not perceived by him as parallel and is considered less important. This state passes after some time.

After the operation, at first, a woman may not always experience an orgasm. For some, it takes about a year to experience the same pleasure again. But 40 percent of women note that after a while they began to experience an orgasm twice as often.

Psychological side

At first, when sexual life resumes after caesarean, a woman often experiences fear of sex. Fatigue, anxiety for the child, sleepless nights, depression are largely to blame. Most often, the first time after the resumption of sexual life, she will not deliver the same pleasure as before.

In such a situation, a woman needs to talk with her partner, talk about her fears. And a man should be patient and not only support her morally, but also help with household chores and give her as much sleep as possible.

A woman often feels unattractive. After childbirth, the abdomen and chest sag strongly. Overweight often gets in the way. But this can only be corrected with time. A man during this period needs to be more attentive to his soul mate. Over time, the desire will return. Doctors often recommend romantic dates or joint viewing of erotic films to "spur" them on.

Pain after caesarean section during sex

After a caesarean, you may experience pain during sex. Moreover, their localization often changes. They can also appear in the vagina. The thing is that the hormonal process of contraction of the uterus and vagina is launched, but it was not subjected to deformation. Discomfort during sex is just experienced due to excessive constriction.

Sex life after a caesarean section in the absence of lubrication can cause severe pain to a woman. Often the reason is psychological constraint. In such cases, you can use special hygiene gels or lubricants. If during sex there is a sharp pain or discharge begins, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do's and Don'ts after a caesarean

You can not start a sexual life if partners have sexual infections or inflammation. And also if the lochia is tightened and the stitches continue to bleed. Before starting sexual activity after the operation, the partner must undergo a complete examination. Anal sex and heavy lifting are strictly prohibited.

What can be done after a caesarean? It is necessary to use contraceptives to avoid pregnancy, since the next one can be planned only after two years. Over time, you can do the selection of poses. This must be done very carefully and gradually. The most successful will be those in which the woman herself can control her own movements. More often it is a pose "on top".

Recovery after cesarean

In the first period of recovery after cesarean, the woman is prescribed bed rest. In bed, she should lie from 3 to 12 hours. You need to get up carefully, without sudden movements, slowly and better gradually. Best in someone's presence. You can start sitting down only on the third day after cesarean.

If the operation took place under general anesthesia and gurgling and wheezing are felt in the chest, you need to cough to get rid of the mucus accumulated in the lungs. Rocking in your chair, deep breathing, and avoiding any food that can make you puffy and carbonated drinks will help to cope with gases.

If constipation has begun, physical activity (but moderate), dried fruits and vegetables, helps to normalize the stool. All of the above can be reflected in the psychological background of a woman. And during this period, sexual desire is reduced.

During the recovery period after a caesarean, lubrication is often poorly produced. In this case, active petting helps a lot. You can use aphrodisiacs or incense. To minimize the load on the abdomen and hips in the first months, it is best to use the "back" or "missionary" position. You can try others gradually, but at the same time pay attention that there is no pain with pressure on the vagina.

Sex after cesarean is an important aspect of motherhood. All couples have a question about the beginning of sexual activity after surgery. To obtain permission from a gynecologist, a number of restorative measures must be followed. The patient will need some time to go through the recovery period. Only then can the question of the beginning of sexual life be decided.

Recovery period

Sex life after caesarean section is possible only with the permission of a specialist. The order of recovery of the body should be taken into account. The following conditions must be met:

suture healing; cleansing the uterine cavity from lochia; rejection of a variety of poses; doctor's permission; availability of protective equipment.

The main aspect at the beginning of the sexual life after surgery is the complete healing of the sutures. Particular attention should be paid to the suture on the uterus. A caesarean section is an abdominal intervention carried out in various ways. Most doctors incise tissue in the abdomen above the pubic area at the junction of hair growth. This arrangement of the seam allows the scar to remain invisible. During the operation, tissues are held together with various materials. A staple or self-dissolving thread is applied to the uterus. Gradually, the junction of the edges of the wound is closed by scar cells. Increased cell division causes the formation of a postoperative scar.

The first weeks after the operation, the scar has a small thickness. The tissue covering the scar is thin transparent. If sexual life occurs early after a caesarean section, there is a risk of damage to it. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully monitor the healing of the sutures. If the incision does not heal well, you should consult a doctor and refuse to resume sexual life.

After the operation, the endometrium is preserved in the uterus. It is formed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and is the basis for the attachment of the embryo. During pregnancy, the endometrium changes its structure. The flakes that appear are called lochia. After a natural birth, the uterus is cleaned in the delivery room. With a caesarean section, only the fetus and child's place are removed from the uterus. The rest of the tissues remain in the cavity. Lochia begin to come out of the uterus the day after the caesarean section. They can be released within 4-6 weeks. By the end of 3 weeks, the discharge begins to lighten. Gradually, the appearance of ordinary cervical discharge occurs. Intimate life after caesarean section is possible only against the background of complete cleansing of the uterine cavity from lochia.

It should be borne in mind that sex after a caesarean section is only allowed in the missionary position. Whether it is possible to have sex in other positions will be able to answer the attending physician. Sudden movements and strong muscle tension can lead to rupture of the uterine cavity. For this reason, contact should be made in only one position without deep penetration. Also, this condition is necessary for a faster restoration of the size of the uterus. A variety of sexual contacts is accompanied by an orgasm. In the first months after surgery, orgasm can affect the contractile function of the uterus. The restoration of its form will be longer.

Sex after caesarean section must be allowed by the doctor. Before this, you need to make sure that the woman does not have any complications.

To do this, the specialist conducts ultrasound diagnostics. Diagnosis allows you to establish the thickness of the scar tissue and the presence of uneven healing. After an ultrasound, a woman must pass a series of tests. The blood is examined for the presence of a high content of leukocytes. Leukocytes indicate the continuation of the healing process. If their number is increased, the body is restored. A smear on the composition of microflora is also being studied. After a caesarean section, the wound is an ideal breeding ground for a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. The microflora of the uterus always contains conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Against the background of surgical intervention, these bacteria attack the beneficial microflora. Healthy flora may be replaced by pathogenic ones. This can be established using a smear, which is taken from the walls of the vagina. If the woman is healthy in all respects, the doctor gives permission for an intimate life.

The patient is also advised to choose protective equipment. After the operation, early re-pregnancy is unacceptable. The onset of the next birth is possible only after 3-4 years. To avoid early conception, it is necessary to use various methods of protection. Preference should be given to tablet forms. The oral contraceptive is made up of hormones. Since after a cesarean section, the hormonal background is disturbed, this method of protection will positively affect the patient's health. Hormonal pills help the system to quickly rebuild in the postpartum mode.

Timing of onset of sexual activity

There is a lot of controversy about when you can have sex after a caesarean. Terms for each woman are individual. They depend on the rate of recovery of the body. Removal of sutures is carried out on the 7-10th day. If there are complications, the date of elimination of threads is postponed. After that, the presence of scar tissue and its thickness in the uterus are examined. Small tissue formation occurs 4–6 weeks after surgery. If we take these terms as a basis, then sex is allowed from 8-10 weeks after surgery.

Before this, the woman must make sure that the uterus is completely cleaned. This is indicated by the absence of lochia and daub. General health should also be monitored. The presence of dizziness, pain and other manifestations is a consequence of caesarean section. You can have sex only after the complete disappearance of signs of surgical intervention.

Psycho-emotional state

Not all women are willing to have sexual intercourse. This is due to the presence of a psycho-emotional disorder. It occurs due to a hormonal imbalance.

Natural labor activity is accompanied by the preparation of the body. The hormonal background begins to restructure a few days before the onset of childbirth. Oxytocin is responsible for the onset of contractions. It helps the uterus push the fetus into the pelvis. After birth, oxytocin triggers prolactin, the substance responsible for breastfeeding. All these substances are formed in the body within 3-5 days. Surgery does not allow the body to prepare. The date of the intervention is appointed by the doctor. The specialist does not wait for the start of contractions. This is what causes stress. The hormonal system begins to rebuild from 7-10 days. The relationship between mother and baby occurs around this period. The absence of hormonal adjustment entails a violation of the psycho-emotional state of a woman. She can not quickly recover and return to a normal lifestyle.

Also, the section is often accompanied by postpartum depression. It occurs for the same reasons. In order for a woman to recover quickly, the help of a psychologist and household members is needed. If relatives do not help a woman overcome stress, sex becomes impossible.

Appearance after surgery

Refusal of sex also occurs against the backdrop of a woman's experiences. Complexes and anxiety causes a figure. In the first days after the operation, the patient's stomach is preserved. The abdominal cavity is swollen due to an enlarged uterus and the presence of lochia. Gradually, the uterine cavity is cleansed. The abdomen can last up to six months.

The presence of a tummy causes various complexes in a woman. She begins to be embarrassed by her man. Many ladies try to bring the figure back to normal immediately after the operation. This leads to complications. The problem of excess weight after surgery is observed for the following reasons:

breastfeeding; ban on physical activity.

Breastfeeding a baby excludes adhering to dietary nutrition. A woman is not allowed to diet. During lactation, nutrition should be varied. This is necessary for the normal intake of vitamins and minerals in the child's body. You should also observe the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For this reason, the patient cannot drastically reduce weight through a protein diet.

After a caesarean section, a woman is prohibited from active physical activities. She cannot play sports or run. Compliance with physical rest also negatively affects weight.

But you shouldn't despair. Body weight will be fully restored one year after surgery. The husband or psychologist should eliminate the complex. The greatest effect is given by their joint work.

Relationship with the child

Many couples have problems in the sexual sphere with the appearance of a child in the house. All the woman's attention is directed to monitoring the behavior and actions of the child. The man remains unnoticed.

Excessive attachment of the mother to the baby negatively affects the sexual life. She may refuse contact if the child's behavior is alarming. For this reason, doctors advise abandoning constant monitoring. So that a woman does not worry, a lot of different techniques have been developed. A good help in this regard is provided by a baby monitor. This device allows you to hear the child at any end of the apartment.

If the patient refuses to break away from the child, you should seek help from a psychologist. Otherwise, the risk of divorce increases.

Increased activity of the mother

Problems in sexual life may arise due to household chores. A woman after a caesarean section needs rest. The first days she needs the help of household members. In most cases, assistance comes only in the evening. During the day, you need to monitor the child, wash, clean, cook. All these actions exclude the mother's rest from the operation.

The constant performance of routine tasks is accompanied by the appearance of increased fatigue. Severe fatigue entails the refusal of sexual contact. To fix the problem, you should use the following tips from psychologists:

change of environment; walk spouses without a child; creating a romantic setting.

A change of scenery helps a lot. The couple should visit public places. Go to the movies or cafes more often. This will help relieve a woman from feeling the pressure of household chores. Rest will allow her to unwind a little and recover.

Also, experts advise once a week to take a walk without a child. The reasons are the same. A woman's constant going out into the street is associated with walking a child. If you do it without a baby, it will help the patient to unload psychologically.

The best effect is the creation of a romantic atmosphere. This is what will allow you to tune in to the sexual wave.

First contact

Many patients wonder if it hurts to have sex after giving birth. The first sexual contact after a caesarean section may be accompanied by discomfort. This phenomenon occurs due to the active contractile work of the uterine cavity. Over time, the muscular frame of the genital organs gets used. In the process of contact, they cease to strain strongly. No more muscle pain.

Also, patients are worried about the possible loss of sensitivity. This phenomenon is observed only in those patients who underwent surgery on an emergency basis. Emergency intervention is carried out in the presence of natural labor. This entails partial dilatation of the cervix. Don't worry about sensitivity. After a while, she will recover. Some women note an increase in sensations during sexual intercourse after a cesarean section.

Sexual life is important for couples. Its beginning after the operation allows the couple to get closer. This is due to the fact that sex life in many patients is banned from the beginning of the third trimester. The resumption of sexual activity contributes to the emergence of a relationship between a man and a woman.

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy proceeds without complications and ends in natural childbirth. Women with difficult pregnancies are helped by caesarean section. When sex after a caesarean section stops being taboo, this article will help you find out.

The operation is performed according to indications, in cases where the process of natural childbirth is impossible. The operation involves an incision in the abdomen and uterus to remove the baby. Naturally, such intervention in the body affects the female reproductive system. To fully recover, the body needs a certain amount of time and favorable conditions.

A woman who has undergone a caesarean section should treat herself and her condition with special care and concern. Then the recovery will be complete and will not affect health in any way.

There are a number of rules that must be followed to make the recovery period faster and easier:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to have sex until the complete cessation of postpartum discharge. On average, this period takes from 6 to 8 weeks, and is individual for each woman.
  2. After the discharge is over, you can have intimacy only after being examined by a gynecologist, and with his approval.
  3. It is necessary to have sex only with reliable contraception, which the gynecologist will prescribe - even in cases where menstruation has not yet come.
  4. During sex (especially in the first month), extreme positions should be avoided in order to avoid excessive stress on the woman's weakened body.

Dates of the beginning of sexual life

After giving birth, a woman and her partner face the question: “When can I have sex after a caesarean section?”. Speaking about the timing, it is worth noting that the body of each woman is individual, so the duration of the recovery period depends on the characteristics of the body.

According to the average data, you can have intimacy after a caesarean section from 8 to 10 weeks after the operation. Sex a month after cesarean can only take place after approval by the gynecologist.

The procedure for removing sutures is performed in the period from 7 to 10 days, subject to normal tissue fusion and the absence of complaints from the part of the woman in labor. In case of complications, the doctor may postpone the procedure for removing sutures for several days.

After removing the sutures, using an ultrasound machine, the formation and thickness of the scar tissue on the surface of the uterus is examined. Normally, a stable scar is formed in the period from 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.

When can I have sex after a caesarean section, and what do gynecologists say about this? It is recommended to refrain from having sex for 2-3 months in the case when childbirth ended with a caesarean section.

This period of time is required for the woman's physical and mental health to stabilize to the end.

During this time, the uterus will completely shrink and take its original shape and position, and the scar will become softer and more elastic, which will reduce the risk of accidental injury to the postoperative scar. Sex early after childbirth increases risk of wound infection.

The postoperative recovery period is important not only for stabilizing the physical, but also the mental health of a woman. During this time, the young mother gets used to the new role and adapts to the child's daily routine.

In order to shorten the recovery period, gynecologists advise treating the sutures with special absorbable gels. Daily use of such products in combination with seam massage accelerates the healing process, and makes the scar softer and less noticeable.

It is important to remember that the scar on the uterus heals completely within 2 years, so pregnancy before this period can be dangerous to the life and health of a woman. It is recommended to plan the next pregnancy 3 years after the caesarean section.

Whether or not to follow the advice of a gynecologist - each woman decides for herself. However, if she values ​​\u200b\u200bher health, she will wait until the body is fully rehabilitated.

Sexologists agree that immediately after childbirth, many things in the sexual life change, and become completely new. After the operation, the woman must get used to her body again, as the sensitivity of the erogenous zones changes.

In order for a woman to better know her body, during the first sexual intercourse after surgery, more time should be devoted to foreplay. This can be a real discovery for both the woman and the partner. It is "petting" that is the first harbinger of a return to a normal sexual life.

3 easy steps to get ready for sex

In order to make the first sexual intercourse after the operation the most comfortable and painless, it is enough to follow 3 simple steps.

Changes in hormonal levels after childbirth greatly affect the psychological state of a woman

1 Lubricants. After the birth of a child, the hormonal background in the body of a young mother goes astray from the usual rhythm. This causes dryness of the mucous membranes, so the walls of the vagina practically do not secrete lubrication.

During the first sexual contact, you need to use special products: gels, creams and oils, which serve to moisturize and create comfort during intimacy.

Such a tool can be easily bought at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. Lubricants are produced either on the basis of water or on the basis of fats and oils. The composition is usually enriched with vitamins and components that have anti-infective properties.

It is better to use products that do not contain hormones. especially if the woman is breastfeeding. What to do if you need to reduce lactation - read. from birth control pills during breastfeeding - the topic of the article is at the link. It also talks about other methods of contraception.

2 Caution. During the first sex after childbirth, do not rush. More time should be devoted to foreplay to enable the woman to relax and unwind. The movements of the partner should be soft, smooth and gentle.

Otherwise, it will cause severe pain to the partner, and can provoke both physical and mental injuries. Having experienced pain, the desire to have sex again can leave a woman for a long time.

3 Initiative in the hands of a woman. It is better if a man gives the woman the right to take the initiative in her own hands, and allows her to fully control the process. Let the woman choose a position that is comfortable for her, and a pace. So she can be more confident in herself, and not be afraid of accidentally inflicted pain.

Why intimacy hurts

Don't be surprised if it hurts a woman for the first time to have sex after a caesarean. As a rule, a woman will not experience pleasant sensations, as before. The first sexual contact in 99% of cases delivers discomfort, or pain.

This is quite natural, and is explained by the fact that the tissues of the female genital organs are elastic and mobile. When they move during sexual intercourse, a non-elastic scar is stretched at the site of the sutures. These cause a feeling of tension and pain.

There may be a feeling of tightness in the area of ​​the outer seam. Often after childbirth, the gastrointestinal tract does not work stably, which is one of the reasons that cause discomfort during intimacy.

Anal sex after a caesarean section is not recommended. The posture during anal sex will certainly cause tension in the abdominal muscles, and, as a result, pain in the scar area. Anal sex can provoke an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, if any, or its formation.

For several months after childbirth, the immune system of the female body is still weak and cannot resist infection. Therefore, it is possible to infect the anus and provoke an inflammatory process. If the pain does not go away within a month after childbirth, this should be an occasion to visit a gynecologist.

Partner behavior

The father of a child needs to be a caring helper for his wife

A woman should not keep fears in herself and go through unpleasant and frightening moments alone so that postpartum depression does not occur.

In a difficult situation or when disturbing thoughts arise, be sure to share with your partner.

Mutual understanding and support from a partner is very important for a woman in the postpartum period. Changes in the hormonal background affect the mental state of a woman and it is not shock and stress resistant. Sometimes you even have to resort to the use of sedatives.

If a woman does not share her experiences with a man, this only aggravates the situation. The man begins to rack his brains, wondering what he is doing wrong. These circumstances lead to the fact that in the relationship there is understatement and tension. A man, in turn, should not put pressure on his partner, and insist on intimacy if she is not psychologically ready for this step.

Intimate life after caesarean section becomes less active. A woman has a lot of trouble and worries about the baby, as well as a serious responsibility that affects the psychological state. In the first six months after the birth of a child, a man is obliged to take an especially active part in the upbringing of the child.

It is the first 6 months that are the most stressful for a woman.. If a man can take on some of the care of a newborn, then the young mother will have more rest, devote more time and attention to herself, and fully master the role of a mother. The body of a woman charged with positive emotions will recover faster, and intimate life will resume as before. Whether in the first six months after childbirth is a reliable method against unwanted pregnancy is described in a separate article.

  1. Sex should not depend on everyday problems. It is necessary to find a time in which a woman and a man can devote all attention, care and affection only to each other.
  2. A man should instill confidence in a woman that she is beautiful, as before. Many mothers experience tightness and tightness after surgery. For this to pass, the husband should compliment his wife as often as possible. How to help mom with stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach, topic.
  3. The birth of a child is not a reason to abandon romance in a relationship. A woman should feel loved and desired, especially in the first six months after childbirth, when her emotional state is not stable. A man should make every effort to surround his partner with care and affection.


Attentive attitude of a woman to herself and her health will help to avoid problems in the postoperative period. If a woman follows the rules prescribed by the gynecologist and attends doctor's appointments on time, this will help her avoid problems in the reproductive system, recover quickly and start having sex.
