Hair coloring: types of coloring, description with photo. Extending the life of rich color

Coloring technology

The coloring technology is quite simple - the coloring composition is applied to the hair. When re-dyeing, first part of the coloring composition is applied to the hair roots. Further, after a certain period of time, the coloring mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair. Tinting hair in this way is only worth using resistant paints. Tinting agents and semi-permanent dyes are applied to the entire length of the hair.

History of hair coloring

Women began to dye their hair more than three thousand years ago.

Assyrian herbal recipes dated 2177 BC. e., contain descriptions of some cosmetics used for these purposes. One of these specific recipes describes the use of Chinese cinnamon (cassia) and leek for hair coloring.

Initially, hair coloring was used to indicate a special status, a person's position in society, or for sacred purposes.

So in ancient Egypt, dark brown and black hair color, associated with power, was considered the most popular. Hair coloring and hairstyles were not the privilege of commoners. Already in the 1200s BC. e. in order to make their hair darker, some Egyptians use kohl (a mixture of soot and other ingredients) and henna (a dye made from dried lausonia leaves). Other dyes of natural origin were also used in order to add new shades to the natural hair color, to make the hair color more saturated. Some of the Egyptians, including Cleopatra, even used wigs to darken their hair.

In ancient Greece, the sophisticated sophistication of the image was emphasized by ashy and golden shades of hair. Flavored powders with a tint effect were used for coloring.

In ancient Rome, blond hair was especially valued. In an effort to find blond hair, the Romans used not only wigs, but also special ancient methods and means of lightening hair. The coloring composition included various herbs, quince and ash. After treating the hair with a lightening composition, it was additionally necessary to expose the hair to sunlight. In other words, to get the effect, it was necessary to sit under the scorching rays of the sun for more than one hour. To protect the face, they wore the so-called "Solana - hats" with large fields, but without a bottom. The “technologies” of lightening hair gained even more popularity after the appearance in ancient Rome of blond Germanic slaves, whose blond hair caused particular envy among the Romans. Compositions based on lime, cinnabar, talc and beech ash began to be used to lighten hair.

Types of hair coloring

According to the duration of the preservation of the staining effect, dyes and their corresponding staining methods are divided into the following types:

  • Temporary "flying" staining - the effect of staining lasts until the first shampoo. The dyes used do not penetrate the hair cuticle, but only envelop, cover it from the outside (hair mascaras, mousses, and so on). Not for use on sensitive hair.
  • Direct dyeing - the effect of dyeing lasts a longer period of time (it is washed off after 3-6 shampoos.) Dyes dye the hair from root to tip, envelop the hair, covering the scales.
  • Semi-permanent (demi-permanent) staining - the staining effect lasts up to one month. Dyes color the cuticle, slightly penetrating into the cortical layer of the hair.
  • Permanent (permanent) staining is the longest lasting staining effect. It is achieved due to the penetration of the coloring matter (associated with hydrogen peroxide) into the cortical layer of the hair (the layer in which the melanin pigment is localized).

Hair coloring methods

The most popular hair coloring methods are:


Highlighting is a way of coloring hair, or rather, lightening with individual strands.

In this case, not all hair is dyed, but only a part. Hair is highlighted with certain strands of various shapes and thicknesses or "darning", and when applying the composition, they are isolated with foil or thermal paper for dyeing, each strand separately. Layouts, that is, the order of parting strands, are diverse and based on certain principles, the final result depends on the imagination and skill of the master. When highlighting, bleaching preparations (powders, powders, creams) are used, which remove the natural or artificial pigments present in the hair, resulting in lightening. Light colors or in pairs can also be used, creating a contrast with uncolored hair. One of the outdated highlighting technologies involves the use of a rubber cap with holes when applying a bleaching composition.


Blonding is the lightening of hair or the so-called wash. This operation is carried out before dyeing in a lighter tone or to remove an unwanted shade. Clarification is carried out with the help of special preparations (blondorans - for example, Wella Blondor), they include alkalis and a compensating shade. Usually the color of the mixture is blue, grey, pink or purple. The compensating pigment and its shade is determined depending on the task of neutralizing the unwanted color, in order to achieve light tones. Blondorans are mixed with oxidizing agents containing hydrogen peroxide in an amount of 1.5, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 12% (9-12% oxygens are permissible only if this operation is performed once). The choice of% oxygenator (or oxidizing agent) directly depends on the condition of the hair and the desired result. Mixing proportions of blondorans with oxidizing agents are different (1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2 and 1:3) and depend on the characteristics of preparations of different brands. The process is accelerated with the help of climazon.

see also


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For most modern women, hair coloring has become a familiar routine procedure. Some ladies prefer to carry out such manipulations in the salon. Others, do all the necessary procedures at home. In any case, the staining technique does not change from this. In addition, household amateur paints, which can now be bought at any store, are extremely easy to use and completely safe.

Varieties of staining techniques

Considering hair coloring techniques, there are a great many of them today. However, one-tone coloring remains the most popular classic option.

Classic monochromatic painting

For monochromatic staining, the following tips should be taken into account:

  • In the past few years, fashion trends have gravitated towards naturalness, so it is better to choose a natural shade for coloring;
  • The choice of a particular color depends on the type of appearance, namely: the color of hair, skin and eyes. If they gravitate towards cold colors, then it is not advisable to paint in warm colors.
  • If you do not want to radically change your appearance, then the ideal option would be to buy a dye that is 1 tone darker or lighter than your natural hair color.

To carry out a monochromatic coloring of the house, you will need the following items:

  1. Plastic bowl for mixing paint;
  2. Hard brush for applying emulsion;
  3. Latex or polyethylene gloves;
  4. Comb.

This staining technique is one of the simplest. So before starting the procedure, mix the coloring composition in the sequence indicated in the instructions. Then be sure to test the composition for allergic reactions. Why is it necessary to apply a little coloring composition on the back of the elbow and leave it to dry completely. If there is no redness and other skin reactions, then you can proceed to painting.

Important: If there are noticeable lesions on the scalp or lesions with skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema, then it is better to wait a little with staining.

Using a special brush, evenly apply the composition to unwashed hair. Paint should be applied from the roots to the ends.

Using a comb, carefully distribute the coloring composition along the entire length and leave the paint for the time indicated in the instructions.

The duration of dyeing largely depends on the type of hair and the intensity of the dye. On average, this process takes 15-30 minutes.

After the right time has passed, all you have to do is rinse and style your hair.

Important: If a regenerating balm or mask comes with the paint, be sure to use it.

Speaking of the right amount of dye, often one standard tube of the composition is enough for dyeing short or semi-long (slightly below the shoulders) hair. Owners of longer curls need to take at least 2 tubes.


Considering modern staining techniques, one of the most unusual and easy to perform is ombre or soft stretching. This technique involves a smooth transition from one shade to another.

This type of painting will look good on long and medium length hair.

To create a classic ombre, you will need the following materials:

  1. Paint bowl;
  2. Toning and brightening dyes;
  3. Foil (from 10 cm wide);
  4. Brush;
  5. Gloves;
  6. Elastic bands or hairpins.

For the procedure, you will need 2 types of paint - dark and lighter. Shades can be chosen to your taste, the main thing is that they are in the same color palette (warm + warm, cold + cold).

First of all, you need to apply a darker color to the roots. After waiting 5-10 minutes, apply the same paint to the middle of the curls (the ends are still intact).

Then apply a lighter shade to the rest of the curls and wrap them in foil.

After that, it remains only to wait for the time indicated by the manufacturer (often it is 15-30 minutes) and wash off the coloring composition with water using shampoo and balm.

Painting schemes for the ombre technique are given below.


This is no less bright and popular hair coloring technique. The technique with slight changes can be applied to both long and short curls. However, this type of painting will look best on long strands.

This technique involves coloring the tips in a shade that is noticeably different from the main color of the curls.

It is advisable to use this technique on healthy, undamaged hair. If the ends of the curls are severely cut, then they should be cut a little.

To perform the necessary manipulations, you will need:

  1. Dye
  2. mixing bowl;
  3. Foil;
  4. Comb;
  5. Gloves
  6. Brush.

The painting technology is as follows:

  • Part in the back and style the parted hair over your shoulders.
  • Apply light dye evenly to the ends. The more light color you want to get, the closer to the roots you need to apply the paint.

Important: But here you need to know the measure. Applying paint above the middle of the curls is not recommended.

  • The ends with light paint should be wrapped in foil. When they begin to lighten a little (5-10 minutes after applying the composition), carefully comb the strands. This will remove the sharp border of the transition, and again cover them with foil.
  • Let the paint sit for the time set according to the instructions and rinse gently.


Very beautiful and unusual hair coloring technology. Armoring is a rather complicated painting technique using at least two colors. The main thing in this method is to choose the right combination of shades in order to end up with a really beautiful iridescent tone.

Often, bronding is done on light brown hair, sometimes on curls of medium shades. So if you are a bright blonde, then first you need to tint the strands, and then you can start painting.

On black or previously dyed black hair, armoring cannot be done. If you have clearly decided that you want to go for such an experiment, then first you have to lighten your hair or use a wash. However, you need to understand that such procedures greatly spoil the structure of the hair, so they need to be carried out gradually. After lightening, black hair is also tinted.

Important: Lightening, toning and bronzing black hair in one day will not work.

At least 2 colors are used for armoring. True, in the end x will turn out 3, since the natural color of part of the curls will remain untouched.

To perform this procedure, you will need the following items:

  1. A set of paints;
  2. mixing bowl;
  3. Foil;
  4. Gloves;
  5. Brush;
  6. Comb.

First of all, you need to apply the main tone. It should be applied exclusively to the roots and some strands. Then you need to divide the head into 6 zones: parietal, occipital, two temporal and bangs. Next, selective strands should be carefully dyed in both colors (some curls can be left unpainted). It is recommended to start from the back of the head. There it is better to use more dark. Each selected curl should be painted with indents of 4-5 cm from the roots. The same amount is desirable to retreat from the tips. In places of indentation, paint of a lighter shade should be applied. The bangs area should be painted last.


Hair coloring is a rather complicated process. So the final result is affected by both the correct selection of colors and the technology of hair coloring. Nowadays, there are many different painting techniques. This is both a classic monochromatic coloring, and multi-color armoring or bright amber. Here every woman has the opportunity to express her individuality and imagination. True, many of these methods (with the exception of the classic) are quite complex and require the services of a professional hairdresser. However, with a strong desire, any painting scheme can be implemented at home.

Details Updated on 15.09.2015 15:48

Often, this is a sacred sacrament, which is dictated by the internal processes that are seething in each person. I want to gain protection, confidence or erase all boundaries and barriers inspired by "well-wishers". After external changes, the world in the eyes becomes bright and colorful. New types of hair coloring are designed for quick and effective transformation.

Originally from Hollywood, this technique remains relevant throughout the season. It is universal - suitable for brunettes, blondes, redheads. Even those girls who are proud of the natural color of their undyed hair. Ombre looks great on curls of any length. Hair looks voluminous due to the gradual transition of color to the very tips. The darkest part is the zone from the roots to the middle.

There are two options for amber, or the hair is not dyed, or a tone is chosen that is significantly, contrastingly darker in comparison with the lower part of the hair. From the middle to the ends, the curls are first lightened and then tinted. Bold, and ready to experiment can use red, blue, green shades. Basically, these are amazing variations of all natural combinations.

Looking at the photo of shatush hair coloring, one can note the lightness and radiance that this technique gives to the hair. This is a more gentle transformation procedure and takes a small amount of time. Alternating dark and light strands, the master carefully blends the paint to create the effect of burnt curls..

Sometimes the result is barely perceptible, it seems that the sun glare just got tangled in the hair. This hair coloring technique involves the creation of a natural, unobtrusive image.

Balayage hair coloring

This method allows you to combine alternating various shades.. The color scheme is selected individually, taking into account the type of appearance (winter, spring, summer, autumn), the shape of the face and the actual length of the curls. For owners of even, clear haircuts, you need to carefully process the middle and ends, so that the result is a fringing without “jumps” and sharp transitions. When dyeing short hair, only the tips are affected. Now Japanese paint is popular among girls.

Video: Secrets of fashionable coloring - balayazh 2015

Fashionable types of hair coloring are based on traditional preferences.. Today, these are not exhausted white strands with a yellow tint, but shiny, luxurious curls that radiate health. This result is achieved by coloring in one color palette, combining shades. It ranges from dark chocolate, hazelnut, to golden wheaten and silver Scandinavian blonde. Literally - the alternation of brown (brown) and light (blonde) strands.

For owners of dark hair who have long dreamed of creating a softer look, this technique is 100% suitable. Bronding is a complex process and fatal brunettes need to be patient to get the expected results. This type of coloring is possible, both over the entire area of ​​​​hair growth, and individual zones, attention is focused on the eyes, cheekbones, lips, the structure of flowing curls is emphasized.

Hair coloring technique uses a huge variety of shades and combinations to meet the needs of the most demanding customers. The main advantage is that different types, methods of dyeing hair, allow you to maintain the structure along the entire length. You can forever forget about screaming regrown contrasting roots and thinning curls after each procedure.

For black hair, you can choose both a classic ombre with a fringing of chocolate, fiery and light tones, as well as a combination with deep blue, pink, emerald or incredibly purple. The modern hair coloring technique is a symbiosis of highlighting, toning, but not standard black and white combinations, but natural shades, the boundaries of the transitions are not clear, but smooth and soft.

Today, such types of staining are popular as:

  • Monochromatic coloring(in cold or warm colors). The classic is eternal and many choose this technique to change the image. Unlike ombre, shatush and bronding, coloring in one tone is possible on hair of different lengths and structures (both straight and curly).
  • Traditional highlighting, followed by toning. The process of bleaching individual strands allows you to have a wide range of shades. Highlighting is chosen as the basic stage of dyeing, as the structure of the hair is destroyed, it becomes brittle and it is necessary to fill in the gaps with paint that does not contain ammonia. After toning, the hair becomes obedient, the effect of gray or yellow strands disappears.
  • Contrast highlighting performed on fair hair, using dark colors (black, brown, burgundy) to highlight individual areas.
  • Graphic strands. In haircuts and styling of asymmetric shapes, there is usually an accent - bangs, curls, etc. This highlight is highlighted with the help of color. Girls up to 30 years old and older can afford bright shades of pink, blue, orange and the entire palette as a whole.
  • For technology " american color» several shades (from 3) of the same color are selected. The range of each increases by one tone, as a result, the hair comes to life, the effect of transitions is sometimes difficult to determine visually. More often, brown-haired women choose warm colors: creme brulee, cinnamon, honey, chocolate. For blondes - all mother-of-pearl, pearl, light blond motifs. For fiery women, combinations of turmeric, copper, burgundy are presented.
  • « men prefer blondes". The image of Marilyn Monroe is not close to everyone, but the magical effect of bleached hair, and now makes many young ladies join the ranks of blond beauties. The bleaching technique is done with both paint and powder. Homemade or unprofessional transformation looks terrible. Turning to an experienced master, you can get light curls shining with gold or a cold sheen of silver.

These techniques allow:


    Do not injure the root follicles.

    Make curls visually thick and voluminous.

It is important not to combine cold and warm shades, it looks artificial and not relevant.. A qualified master will help determine the color type, and correctly select the optimal technique for the staining process, taking into account individual wishes. Don't forget to use masks for colored hair.

It is worth discarding the established canons and trying to create a new modern image.

For dessert, video: Fashionable hair coloring

Igora Royal, Koleston Perfect, Revlonissimo NMT, Salerm Vison, LondaColor, Color Fusion, Essexand many other.

Classic permanent dyes work with four types of oxidants: 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%.

In contact with

Lighten up to a maximum of five tones (in most cases only up to four). Color gray hair up to 100%. Doesn't lighten colored hair.

Hair coloring with oxidative dyes is always the result of superimposing two colors:

1. colors of the selected dye,

2. lightening background colors.

The composition of permanent dyes includes two types of coloring particles:

1. colorless or slightly colored after oxidation (pigments),

2. colored particles after oxidation (pigments).

The tone level of the dye and its color saturation are determined by the base particles, and the color nuance is determined by the color particles. Many combinations of basic and colored particles included in the dye determine the spectrum of the color palette of the cream paint.

How hair coloring happens, the chemistry of the process

As already mentioned, the chemical staining process will only occur if two components are mixed at the time of use - a cream containing polymer masses, color carriers and alkaline components, and an oxygen containing stabilized hydrogen peroxide.

When these two components are mixed, a chemical reaction begins.

1. Loosening and lightening.

Alkaline compounds (ammonia NH 4 OH), an oxidizing agent (H 2 O 2) and additional components loosen the cuticle and cortex layers for better penetration of coloring molecules into the hair.

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2, with the help of ammonia NH 4 OH, decomposes into water and atomic oxygen O 2 (H 2 O 2 + H 2 O + O 2).

Atomic oxygen brightens the natural pigment of the hair. The greater the amount of atomic oxygen, the stronger the hair will lighten, from which it follows that the level of lightening depends on the percentage of hydrogen peroxide.

But let's not forget that the release of a large amount of atomic oxygen requires a higher alkalinity of the product, therefore, the brightening series of permanent dyes contain an increased amount of ammonia, which subsequently leads to stronger clarification compared to classic permanent dyes (it should be noted that this stage increases significantly brightening permanent dyes).

Process time: 10 minutes.

2. Penetration and staining.

On the this stage pre-dyes penetrate the hair, which prepare it for dyeing, and oxidative dye molecules necessary to create the final color.

Hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2, interacting with the coloring particles of the dye (permanent dye molecules have a small body and develop only in the hair), increases them and builds connections.

At the end of the dye oxidation reaction in the hair, the dye molecules swell 300 times, filling all the voids formed after the oxidation of the natural pigment.

The coloring pigment, interacting with the natural pigment, previously clarified, forms a new color.

Process time: from the 10th to the 30th minute.

3. Stabilization and fixing .

The stabilizers contained in the dye fix the molecular bonds and increase the life of the new color in the hair.

Process time: from the 25th to the 35th minute.

When washing your hair after dyeing, only those manifested paint particles that are on the surface of the hair cuticle will be washed off.

Features of the use of permanent dyes

1. The dye is not applied to clean hair.

But the client should not be allowed to come with hair that has not been washed for more than one day. Ideally, if the client will wash his hair in the morning, and in the evening he will come for coloring, or he will wash his hair in the evening, and in the morning he will come to the salon. That is, on average, eight hours are enough to restore the protective film on the scalp, which will warn and protect it from the aggressive effects of the dye.

If the hair is dirty (did not wash for more than a day, there are styling products and other contaminants), then it is necessary to wash the strands in a “gentle” way before dyeing. That is, washing them, try as much as possible so that the shampoo does not get on the scalp.

2. The dye must be applied in thin partings and abundantly.

It is undesirable to comb the hair during application, although if you comb the strand during the first few seconds, there will be no harm to the hair and color.

If you comb your hair about a minute after applying the dye and later, there will be a high probability of damage to the cuticle by the teeth of the comb.

3. When applying, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the roots must breathe. Therefore, you can not collect hair in "babettes" or knots.

Example of calculation for hair coloring

  • Hair color: light blond (tone depth level - eight).
  • The main dominant pigment is yellow-orange.
  • The desired color is a light blond pearl (the dominant dye pigment is violet-blue).

Let's look at schematic examples of what happens in the hair if a dye is applied without the addition of a neutralizing mixton.

Many manufacturers produce mixton, which are used to enhance and neutralize color. Each of them has its own formula for mixing a mixton with a dye, which must be observed.

Of course, to neutralize an undesirable hue and lightening background (or darkening background) of a mixton, much less is needed than when it is added to a dye to saturate the color. In the latter case, the amount of mixton can reach the same amount as the dye.

4. "Rule of Ten".

When neutralizing the color, in most cases the “rule of ten” is used (where the calculation is based on the N amount of mixton per 30 ml of dye).

From ten you need to subtract the level of tone depth from which the colorist is trying to create the desired color.

It should be noted that the proportion of mixton added to the mixture is not taken into account for the proportion of the oxidizing agent. That is, if 30 ml of dye and 10 ml of mixton are taken, the oxidizing agent should be 30 ml (if it is necessary to mix the dye with the oxidizing agent according to the formula 1: 1).

Remember, many manufacturers have their own system. So, for example, from Wella you will have to take away from 12, and from L’Oreal you will not find mixtons for neutralization at all. As mentioned above, you will have to use tones-neutralizers.

Consider an example table for the rule of ten:

  • 10 level 0.5 cm = 0.25 ml
  • Level 9 1 cm = 0.5 ml
  • 8 level 2 cm = 1 ml
  • 7 level 3 cm = 1.5 ml
  • 6 level 4 cm = 3 ml
  • 5 level 5 cm = 2.5 ml
  • 4 level 6 cm = 3 ml
  • Level 3 7 cm = 3.5 ml
  • Level 2 8 cm = 4 ml
  • 1 level 9 cm = 4.5 ml

It can be seen from the diagram that the dye pigment, instead of showing off on the hair with a beautiful cold shade, neutralizes the natural dominant pigment. And instead of the desired color, a pleasant natural light blond appears on the hair.

In order to avoid this effect and achieve the desired color, it is necessary to add a mixton with a violet-blue pigment to the dye, which neutralizes the dominant natural pigment and allows the dye to dye the hair pearly.

5. When dyeing hair, it is necessary to take into account such features as primary dyeing and dyeing of regrown roots (in this case, the length of regrown roots should not exceed 3-4 cm).

6. The staining time is on average 30-35 minutes, depending on the manufacturer of the product.

  • In rare cases, it changes upwards. Most often this happens when dyeing gray hair, and in some companies when dyeing with extra-fashionable tones - in these cases, the time increases to 35 minutes, and when dyeing gray hair it becomes equal to 45 minutes.

Features of dyeing gray hair, the rules in the video:

  • Also, the time changes when dyeing pre-lightened and highly porous hair, in these cases, the time is reduced to 15-20 minutes.

7. When painting, there is no need to use additional heat, but if you need to save time as much as possible, then you can use climazon.

For proper use, it is necessary to read the instructions for the dye, which will tell you how much time is reduced when applying additional heat. On average, it is reduced by one third.

If Express Color color enhancers are used, then the instructions must be followed. attached to them. Based on practice, we can safely say that they passed positively all tests conducted with dyes from most manufacturers on the domestic market (not counting non-professional products).

8. To remove the dye from the marginal skin, it is necessary to use specialized products, such as Color Clean.

If there is no such means, then the good old rule works: only scrap is against scrap. That is, you need to remove a little dye from the hair and apply it to the marginal growth and lather a little. After that, rinse with water.

Shampooing is not recommended until the dye has been removed from the skin, since many companies produce specialized technical shampoos with a fixing effect, after which the removal of the dye will be a huge problem.

9. Before using the shampoo, rinse your hair well. It is best until the moment when clean water begins to drain from the hair without a special admixture of color-dye. And only after that you can use shampoo.

  • If the manufacturer produces specialized neutralizing shampoos, then it is necessary to use them. They often complement the dye and improve its durability and juiciness.
  • In case the company does not produce such products, you need to use a shampoo that is suitable for the structure of the hair.

The shampoo is applied in a small amount, foamed with a light massage and washed off. Re-application is not necessary. After that, you can apply conditioner or a mask. The choice depends on the condition and structure of the hair.

10. For home care of dyed hair, it is necessary to recommend the use of products that are produced by the dye manufacturer. They, most often, complement the care with special supporting components.

When using such a line, the color will remain juicy and bright one and a half times longer than when using a care line released by another company.

How to choose color and dye

The topic - Hair coloring includes many methods and technologies. Lightening, toning, decapitation, highlighting, darkening the roots and covering gray hair. New color stretching methods - Balayage, Shatush and Ombre. You just have to choose.

When choosing a method and dye, the question often arises - is this color suitable? How to make a smooth transition from dark to light. Is it possible to stretch with paint. How to remove the redhead after lightening or how to paint over highlights. What's trendy this year. Let's talk in detail.

Fashionable coloring 2018 - stylish trends and novelties

In 2018, the blue-black color is no longer relevant. Hairdressers are advised to part with this way, choosing black with a purple or red undertone. Chestnut and blond are popular. Light colors are in fashion. It is important to consider that in 2018 the yellow undertone is already bad manners. In fashion, blond is light and clean, because with an admixture it looks untidy and cheap.

Gray toning is losing ground. This color visually adds age. Replaced with platinum blonde. Looks expensive and well-groomed. It is also acceptable to use a silver-ash tint. You can get a clean planina without loss only in the cabin, skill and experience are required. Owners of red hair are recommended to carry out a bleaching procedure up to level 10 at the initial stages. If you do not follow this algorithm, then yellowness will appear.

At the peak of popularity this season will be strawberry and sand blond. Such shades can make the appearance soft and at the same time bright. For blondes, hairdressers recommend using coloring. Cold shades are popular in 2018. Strands dyed pearl. Light lilac, platinum silver and strawberry shades will help to emphasize the image.

To follow the trends this spring and summer, choose golden red, ginger red, bronze, coffee glaze, frosty chestnut and dark cinnamon.

What color to dye your hair - a choice depending on the color type

Before coloring, it is better to consult a stylist or independently determine the type of appearance. Depending on the color of the eyes and facial features, a successful combination is selected. There are four types of appearance - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

  • For Springs representatives of the fashion and beauty industry advise choosing a light color. Suitable for coloring - golden yellow, beige, linen. You can choose from light chestnut and caramel.
  • Color type Summer suggests cold shades. A light blond shade, an ash blond and an ash brown color are suitable here.
  • For Autumn characterized by warm tones. Hairdressers recommend coloring in red, chestnut, fiery copper and dark brown.
  • Winter- cold type of appearance. To change the look, choose gold, copper and red-brown.

Dark natural hair color, if it is changed to light, requires prior clarification. In this situation, it is better to consult a master in a beauty salon. Owners of light curls can safely experiment with shades without prior clarification. When choosing a style, it is better to focus on relevance in everyday and business life. Coloring individual strands in light and bright shades is not appropriate for women who attend many official events.

Ombre coloring - on dark and blond hair

Coloring in 2-3 colors at the same time is the trend of the season. As an option, coloring in the style of ombre. With this approach, the transition from one color to another is performed. Stretching the color helps smooth overgrown, dark roots to light ends.

For owners of dark curls, to perform the ombre technique, it is better to use warm colors. Chestnut, chocolate, gold, light brown color will play on curls when light hits. Brightening paste, without the use of tinting agents after, also creates a fashionable effect.

Girls with light curls, with the ombre technique, are suitable - pearl, ashen, strawberry. For bright blondes, colorists recommend using platinum shades.

Coloring Balayage

Balayage coloring is similar to the Ombre technique. The only difference is that the tone transition is created scrupulously, without clear boundaries. Balayazh is done on a natural color, and after toning in a fashionable shade.

Performing the Balayazh technique on dark curls introduces nuances. For brunettes, stylists recommend lightening the tips by 1-2 tones. Color chestnut or brown, are better suited than others. Thanks to coloring in light colors, the curls will receive additional volume and color depth.

In the Balayage technique for light brown, it is also worth choosing light colors, 1-2 levels higher than the natural color. If natural dark blond, choose medium or light blond with color nuances - ash, sandre, pink.

Coloring Shatush

Color stretching using the Shatush technique creates a safe transition. The master creates a bouffant in the root zone and applies a clarifier to it. The hair collected in the pile is not lightened evenly - without clear boundaries. The result is a smooth tone transition. The basis is the use of natural shades. Often the effect is created, as if the curls were burned out in the sun. Lightening mixtures are used for coloring. After they are tinted with paint on 1.5% oxides or with the help of tint balms.

When choosing a dye for dark hair, colorists recommend close tones to natural. Color nuances should smoothly move from one to another. The same applies to owners of light hair.

Complex staining

With complex coloring, 2-3 shades are used at the same time to change the image. So the color is revealed, the external beauty and the natural shade of the hair are emphasized. Among the complex toning techniques, tiger eye, pixel coloring, shatush, balayage and 3d coloring are popular.

Tiger eye techniques and 3D coloring will become popular this season. This is due to the novelty and sophisticated level of performance technology.

creative coloring

Creative technique uses non-standard ideas. Stylists create an unusual and vivid image. Such women turn around. Only brave ladies decide on creative changes. It is better to paint using this technique in beauty salons.

Suitable creative toning will be for owners of short haircuts. It is possible to create a masterpiece on long curls. This is a way to emphasize attractive features of the exterior. A competent hairdresser-colorist will mask brittle strands, remove split ends. Proper coloring gives the hair a visual volume, the curls become alive.

Thermo hair coloring - what is it

This technique uses paint that reacts to changes in temperature. Under the influence of hot air, the hair changes color. Developed such a dye company The Unseen. The basis of the dye consists of thermochromic pigments. The components are non-toxic, since the substances are in a special polymer matrix. The only disadvantage of thermal dyeing is that the coloring element is quickly washed out when washing the head. Therefore, after staining, curls are recommended to be washed in cool water.

Stretching color - on dark and light

To stretch a color means to make a smooth transition from one shade to another. There are many techniques.
The master decides which technique to choose after discussing the desired result with the client. The trend of recent seasons is the effect of burnt hair. Strands are highlighted along the edge line, at the face and at the ends.

How to dye your hair with henna: types of henna and contraindications

For those who love natural beauty products and home care, the use of henna is suitable. This is a natural substance. With proper use, the hair structure becomes stronger.

Henna is divided by purpose and by origin. In the first version - henna color, for toning. Colorless is used to strengthen the hair structure. Henna can come from Iran or India. It depends on the price category and quality.

To use henna, a mixture is prepared from it. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair. To obtain a bright shade, leave the mixture from 30 minutes to 1 hour. To maintain the original shade - 20 minutes. At the final stage, henna is washed off along with the addition of vinegar to the water.

Contraindications include the presence of allergic reactions. You should be careful when choosing a manufacturer - the cheaper the henna, the lower the quality.

Coloring the ends of the hair - fashion ideas

To change the color of only the tips, the ombre or balayage technique is suitable. The choice of color and technique is influenced by style. Natural color should be emphasized by lightening 1-2 tones lighter than natural.

Trends advise tinting the tips in a strawberry shade. The combination will look favorably on the owners of light and blond curls. For owners of dark hair, stylists advise adding a red or purple undertone to create a fashionable look.

3d hair coloring

The difference between the 3d technique is that, as a result of the procedure, glare appears on the hair when the sun's rays hit it. The hairstyle gets a healthy glowing look. This toning technique emphasizes the shade that nature has awarded the girls. The procedure is performed exclusively in beauty salons. Coloring is done by a master colorist. 3d technology is applicable for both dark and light curls. In two versions, highlights will be a beneficial addition to the hairstyle.

Double hair coloring

Coloring in two colors includes - shatush, balayage, mazhimesh, highlighting, partial or zonal painting. Double toning is used to create depth and visual dimension.
Double coloring is often used by Hollywood stars. When performing coloring, the dye is applied to individual strands. The technique depends on what effect is required as a result of the procedure.

dark shades

The dark tone gives volume to the hairstyle. Stylists advise girls who are worried about insufficient volume of curls to paint in chestnut shades. Chestnut, brown or brunette go to the majority. An ashy or golden undertone of a dark color helps to match the color to the skin tone.
For a cold tone - ashy and natural shades. For warm skin - golden and with a red tint.

How to remove red hair from hair after dyeing

The wrong lightening technique, at home and without experience, reveals a redhead. Red or orange pigment is present in all hairs. The pigment is removed with a brightener. Pure blond or light brown is obtained only from a light base - clarified to level 9-10. It is bright yellow.

To correct the situation, use re-clarification, ashen, blue and purple corrector. If lightening is scary, the option is to paint it honey.

Previously bleached hair with a base at the roots of 7-8. Wella 7/89 and 8/81 dyes with 9% activator were chosen for toning.

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing

To remove yellowness after unsuccessful clarification or toning, tint shampoos and balms will help. Tonics are also used to support cold shades. To maintain the ashy effect, tinting products are used on a regular basis.

Another way is to contact the colorist in the salon for re-coloring. The strands are lightened and then re-dyed in the desired color.

Photo of dyed hair
