Paper origami fortune teller for kids. Detailed manufacturing instructions

The childhood of our grandmothers and mothers was completely different from that of modern little girls. They did not spend hours at computers and on phones, but played different games with their girlfriends. exciting games. One of those games was origami paper fortune teller. In this article, we will show you how to make this homemade toy with your own hands.

To do fortune teller made of paper in the form of a flower no special knowledge is required. If you show the child once how paper is folded, to get fascinating toy, he will remember the whole process instantly, and then he will be able to make it on his own in just 5 minutes.

We will describe the manufacturing process for you below. paper fortune tellers step by step:

  1. Take a sheet of A4 paper. It may be ordinary landscape sheet, colored or decorative paper.
  2. From this sheet you need to make a square. For this you need:
  • Position the paper vertically towards you
  • Any upper edge paper to the opposite side
  • Cut off the excess paper with scissors.

  1. Mark the center on the square (draw two diagonals, the point of their intersection will be the center).
  2. Bend the square as shown in the diagram below:

  1. Now the corners of each small square must be bent towards the center:

  1. You should end up with a square, but smaller than the previous one:

  1. Next add up paper fortune teller just like a frog is made origami. To make it clearer, see the diagrams below:

  1. You will end up with a very small square that needs to be folded vertically first and then horizontally. See schemes for a fortune teller made of paper:

  1. You should end up with a kind of “pockets” into which fingers are inserted.

This completes the process of making the toy mold. It will only need to be original. Next, we will talk about how this can be done.

Paper fortune teller toy: how to arrange?

After paper fortune teller for girls will be ready, it needs to be interestingly decorated - to make different prediction signatures on 8 compartments that are in the toy. What could these predictions be?

  1. Simple words like:
  • maybe
  • Never
  • come true

These words will be answers to questions that need to be prepared additionally on a piece of paper. Questions can be of the following nature:

  • "Will I go on a date today?"
  • "Will my wish come true?"
  • “Will they give me what I wished for my birthday?”

  1. Simple numbers from 1 to 8

These numbers indicate some kind of prediction, separately recorded on a piece of paper, for example:

  • "Waiting for you a pleasant surprise»
  • “Today you will be made an interesting offer”
  • "You've got a fan"
  1. Desires-forfeits

If the girls do not want to tell fortunes, but to have fun, then on the compartments of the resulting flower, you need to write tasks that the participants in the game will have to perform. The inscriptions can be:

  • "Sing a song"
  • "Tell a Secret"
  • "Dance"
  • "Hug Your Neighbor"

  1. You can write nothing at all, and just color each compartment certain color rainbows

Additionally, you will need to prepare a leaflet with symbols, which means each color. For example:

  • Red - "luck awaits you"
  • Orange - "you will soon fall in love"
  • Yellow - "tomorrow you will get a good mark"
  • Green - "you will be given a good gift"
  • Blue - "soon you will go on a trip"
  • Blue - "you will be forgiven"
  • Purple - "someone cares about you"
  • White - "If you want to achieve something, then start acting"
  1. Boys names

If a girl is preparing a toy in order to tell fortunes to her friends about love, she can write on the compartments of the fortuneteller the names of all the boys with whom the participants in the game are familiar. Names must be encrypted with some color or number. Additionally, you need to come up with a few questions, for example:

  • "Who loves you?"
  • "Who wants to be friends with you?"
  • "Who doesn't want to be friends with you?"

To make the toy interesting, it needs to be brightly painted with felt-tip pens, pencils. You can also use stickers and other decor items that can make the paper fortune teller creative.

How to play a paper fortune teller with your own hands?

How to play with such interesting toy? Everything is very simple:

  • The host puts a fortune teller on his fingers, and the participants sit around him
  • Everyone in turn chooses the color of the fortuneteller's compartment or names a number, and the presenter announces what is hidden under the compartment chosen by the participant
  • The game process continues until all prepared questions are exhausted.

In addition, you can use a paper fortune teller for educational purposes:

  • The mother takes on the role of leader.
  • The child calls her any number from 1 to 8, and the mother voices a question to him, to which he must answer in any school subject. It may even be English words, which the baby will have to translate into Russian.

We would like to note at the end of the article that with the help of this, at first glance, a very simple toy, you can instill in your child a love for needlework. Instead of a flower, absolutely any figures are made using the origami technique. Invite the child to make a frog once, then a tulip or some kind of animal. We assure you that the baby will react to exciting activity with enthusiasm and great interest.

Fortune tellers made of paper: photo

Making paper fortune tellers is a fun and exciting process that precedes at least interesting game. Such an activity will completely brighten up family evening especially if there are children in the house. Create and do not forget about such simple but original activities from childhood.

Video: "How to make a fortune teller out of paper?"

Paper fortune teller is a game origami that is especially popular. An origami paper fortune-teller sends us back to the past, when in kindergarten or school, the guys vied with each other asking questions to the paper “oracle”. In most cases it was funny game, but there were also such "fortunetellers" whose predictions came true in an incredible way. Mysticism or not, but such a toy can still captivate with its beauty and ease of manufacture.

This versatile toy will serve as entertainment for preschoolers, as well as older and middle school children. The mechanics of the movements of such crafts will captivate the child no worse than any spinner, and will also be beneficial. The children are happy to pass the time for making crafts and the fortune-telling process. You will read about how to make an origami fortune teller out of paper in our detailed instructions.

Materials for manufacturing:

  • A4 sheet.
  • Scissors.
  • Pen or pencil.

Additional materials (for decoration):

  • Colored paper.
  • Glue for paper.
  • Markers or pencils.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. We create a square blank. To do this, fold the corner so that the top side of the sheet is equal to the side. The protruding excess should be cut off with scissors.
  2. Expand the resulting square and fold its corners symmetrically towards the center. If you are in doubt about the location of the center point, then carefully fold the square in half on both sides and unfold it again. Don't overdo it by creating crisp folds. We need these lines only for marking.
  3. Do the same for the bottom corners. As a result, you will get a rhombus with a cross intersection. Turn the piece over.
  4. Gradually fold the upper and lower corners to the center, as in the beginning.
  5. Fold the resulting square in half on both sides, marking the fold lines well. Return to the resulting workpiece.
  6. Insert your fingers into the resulting pockets, giving them volume.

We have a finished model of a fortune teller that can open and close vertically and horizontally. Now you should apply the markup, with the help of which the action will be performed.

Ways of marking and divination

ways and options divination can be countless. Let's take a few as examples.

Simple classic. It is easy to make with a simple pen.

  • To do this, the cardinal points are written on the outside of the corners: south, north, west, east.
  • Numbers are placed on the faces of the inner sides of the corners: 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8.

Under each digit in the scan is written universal type an answer similar to those given by a fortune-teller: “Yes”, “No”, “Probably yes”, “Probably not”, “Not soon”, “Soon”, “Never”, “Ask later”.

How to guess. Method 1

A person asks a question from the category "Yes-No", chooses the direction of the world and calls any number. This number is the number of openings and closings of the fortune teller to the side. At the end of the movements, one of the numbers opens on the selected side. It shows how many more such movements need to be done.

As a result, the questioner repeats his question again, chooses any of the opened numbers, under which the answer is read.

How to guess. Method 2

  • Four outside corners are painted in green, blue, red and yellow colors.
  • Possible responses are immediately recorded on inner faces corners. These can be small predictions of the future: “Success awaits you”, “Be careful”, “You need to work hard”, “You will meet your love”, “You will quarrel”, “Get ready for the trip”, “Unexpected joy”, “Sad news”. There may be other answers as well.

The questioner asks a question and calls a number that will be a multiple of the number of movements. At the end, he names a color, the number of letters of which also correlates with the opening and closing of the fortuneteller. For example, "Green": Z-E-L-E-N-Y-Y. Contains 7 letters. So many movements follow. As a result, the answer is voiced on the open face of the corner with the selected color.

Other examples of fortune tellers

When creating and marking up, you can combine these two options or come up with your own. The quantity is limitless.

For example, when designating the four corners, card suits, animal images, symbols, etc. can be used. Simple answers are changed to the names of lovers, if fortune-telling happens for love. Suitable as a means for drawing lots among participants in competitions and games: just write the names of people or details of their clothes.

little trick

For domestic purposes, such a toy can be given a choice to a child in order to convince him to do a useful thing. For example, “What can you do around the house today?” In the answer options, write household chores.

There are developed patterns of origami paper fortune teller with ready-made pattern. They contain all the outlined lines, the scheme of which will clearly make it clear how to make such a toy in stages.

Benefits for children and adults

The technique of making origami brings its benefits, regardless of the complexity of the craft. A simple fortune teller special efforts develops fine motor skills of children both during its manufacture and during the game. Its design develops creative skills and imagination. General games with such crafts will help develop collective skills and unite the guys. Even as a simple toy, a fortune teller will help calm your nerves and improve thinking process with simple mechanical movements.

How to make a nursery paper toy- entertainment - do-it-yourself origami paper fortuneteller, what to write on it and how to guess. Scheme and step-by-step instruction(master class) on making an origami fortune teller for children.

Origami fortuneteller (Origami children fortuneteller, Paper Fortune teller) is children's entertainment familiar to many adults since kindergarten or from school.

Started work in our school summer camp, and in children primary school these fortune tellers are extraordinarily popular. I was surprised to see them in the hands of not only girls, but also boys - in my childhood, mostly girls guessed on these paper figures.

She showed her daughter how to make this paper fun toy, now she makes them for herself and other children.

How to make an origami fortune teller out of paper

It will take square sheet ok paper. You can use colored or office paper, origami paper, or a double notebook sheet.

Origami fortune teller for children: what to write

Origami - a fortune teller can be universal, i.e. designed to respond to question asked or a wish. In this case, as the results of fortune-telling, you can write: yes, no, soon, not soon, depends on you, unlikely, perhaps, necessarily, guess later, etc.

It can also be with predictions about the near future (for example: a pleasant surprise, an unpleasant surprise, travel, new acquaintance, good news, bad news, gift, meeting, etc.) or a specific topic (for example, love, friendship, then you can tell fortunes on it, like on a real chamomile: loves - does not love).

It turns out to be very positive and pleases children with a fortuneteller with compliments and affirmations, for example: "You have a very beautiful eyes"," you have a charming smile ", etc.

How to guess (how to play, how to use)

There are several ways of divination, depending on them, numbers are either written on the fortuneteller or not.

We had this option in childhood and now our daughter at school has this option (more on other options later in the article): on the "pockets" that are put on fingers, the cardinal directions or the first letters of the words denoting them are written on the outside: north, west, south, east, inside on each corner there are two answers (predictions).

The one who is guessing makes a wish or asks a question, chooses one of the cardinal directions and guesses a number from 1 to 10. The one who guesses puts the fortuneteller on large and index fingers both hands (you can put on the fingers of one hand, but it's more difficult). After that, it opens it vertically and horizontally in turn the required number of times (depending on the hidden number). The answer must be read on the open part of the corresponding side of the world.

For example, guessed: "south, seven." You need to open the fortune teller seven times in different directions, and in the open part of the "south" sector, read the answer.

Other options for origami paper fortune tellers

Print out origami fortune teller template
+ unusual fortune-tellers in the form of animals

  • A very beautiful fortune teller - origami is obtained by printing and then coloring, cutting and folding a template with flowers and butterflies:
  • The same color pattern:
  • Colored fortune teller template for printing in the form Chinese dragon: (assembly instructions - by clicking on the "Click Here" link above the picture. True, the predictions are in English, but you can write a translation next to it.
  • Colored lion template: (no answers or predictions).

Did you have such fun as a child?

I suggest looking at another or other articles about crafts in technology

For example, with these simple models even preschoolers can handle paper toys using the origami technique:

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Can't decide who will do the dishes or take out the trash? Don't know what to do in free time? Then try to make an origami fortune teller out of paper. In the article, we will not only teach you step by step how to fold it out of paper, but also offer blanks with interesting drawings.

How to fold a fortune teller step by step

Take a square sheet of paper. You can print the image below, cut and fold along the lines. So, for starters, fold the square diagonally, and bend the triangle in half again. Now spread the paper, your square will be divided into four isosceles triangles and make it easier further work. Bend the corners of the square towards the center. After these manipulations, you get a smaller square. Turn it face down and fold the corners back towards you. It remains to straighten the teeth and sign them. You can play.

Divination paper templates

Creativity and curiosity is the motto that characterizes next template. Flowers look romantic and will appeal to young sorceresses and soothsayers. You just need to color them and fold the paper properly. The game will not be boring.

Fortune teller made of paper for the development of the mind

  • The following template is designed for kids learning English language. With this game, planning your day and learning a phrase is much more fun.

  • And for younger children, a template with funny numbers is suitable. With the help of parents, the kid will have fun learning colors, names of fruits, as well as numbers and numbers. A fortune teller will help you understand the difference between these two concepts.

Funny critters according to the scheme of a fortune teller made of paper

Using the fortune teller scheme that you mastered from the explanation at the beginning of the article, make a fun toothy shark with your child. With such a character, you can come up with many games. Practice counting or rhythm, practice carving and develop motor skills by folding the sheet according to the scheme.

A wonderful origami fortune teller will keep girls and boys busy for a long time, study guide, distribute responsibilities around the house, help find a compromise in contentious issues. In the article: ready-made templates of a vintage toy, schemes, rules of the game.

Our age-old childhood did not spoil us with computer technology, high-tech gadgets and online fortune-telling. A kind of paper generator of random answers occupied young minds for a long time at school breaks and in the pauses between yard battles.

Interesting fact. The origami figurine, which became a world-famous paper fortuneteller, first had a domestic purpose: it was used as a salt shaker, as a vase for small sweets, and an egg holder. Who and when radically changed the hypostasis paper craft unknown

A paper fortune teller can become nice gift for birthday party guests

How to make a fortune teller out of paper in stages with your own hands? Scheme

Creating a paper fortune teller will not take much time, but it will bring a lot of pleasure to you and your child.

What to make an origami fortune teller

You can use ready-made color or black and white origami fortune teller templates and fold them according to the diagram.

How to make an origami fortune teller?

  1. Fold a sheet of paper, combining its sides so as to get an isosceles triangle. In the diagram, this stage is indicated by the number 1
  2. Cut off excess paper (2)
  3. In the resulting square, mark the second diagonal by adding paper square in half and getting a triangle (3, 4)

  1. Alternately bend all the corners of the base square towards the center, turning the base into another basic origami figure: an envelope or a pancake

  1. Turn your envelope over and bend all the corners of the figure to the center one by one

  1. Turn the resulting envelope over and fold in half along the middle horizontal. You will get a rectangle
  2. Take the rectangle at the points marked with arrows in the figure and gently move them down. The rectangle will begin to transform along the fold lines, forming a double square

  1. Gently pull out corners to reveal pockets

  1. It remains to make a fortune teller

Diagram of a paper fortune teller

A small step-by-step infographic will remind you of all the steps in creating a paper fortune teller

How to make an origami fortune teller?

  1. Mark the pockets with four different marker colors. As a rule, the main colors of the palette are used: red, blue, yellow and green. However, you can choose your favorite colors.

  1. Turn the envelope over and write the numbers from 1 to 8 in the corners.

Origami Fortune Teller Design: Digital Codes
  1. Open the triangles with the digital codes and write possible answers to the suggested questions.

How to use a paper fortune teller?

  1. Master the movement that allows you to open and close pockets in a certain sequence

  1. Ask the “client” to mentally make a wish or ask a question and name one of the four color markers. For example, green
  2. The word green has 7 sounds. It is necessary to alternately close-open pockets 7 times
  3. In the open position, you can see four numbers out of eight. The client calls one of the four visible numbers. Opening-closing pockets is repeated in accordance with the sounded figure
  4. In the open position, four of the eight digits become visible again. The client names a number. This time, the pocket with the number is opened and the answer written in inside fortune tellers

How to make a paper fortune teller for kids?

Ready-made fortune teller templates will greatly facilitate the process of their creation. All that is required of you is to print the template and fold the figure according to the scheme.

This fortune teller is suitable for boys and girls of all ages.

Ready-made fortune-teller template from paper "Colorful corners"

Suitable for little boys and girls. Serves as a good training ground fine motor skills hands, fix the names of fruits and berries, teach you to associate a number and a number

Ready-made fortune teller template from paper "Fruit Fortune Teller"

The agenda suggested in game form, will not cause resistance of the child and will make every summer day not like the previous one. For older children, such a fortune teller will be a good English language simulator.

Using any template with a blank field, you can write in the prediction zones the child's household chores or useful activities.

  • read a book
  • make your bed
  • put the toys away
  • fields of flowers
  • wash the dishes
  • call your grandmother, etc.

A paper fortune teller will easily turn boring duties into fun game. In addition, you can make several fortune tellers with various options activities offered and change them periodically

Ready-made fortune teller template from paper "What to do?"

Ready-made fortune teller template from paper "Minions"

How to make a fortune teller flower out of paper?

Little sorceresses will undoubtedly like this wonderful ready template

Ready-made fortune teller template from paper "Flower" (color and black and white)

Ready-made fortune teller template from paper "Flower" (in color)

And for creative natures fit black and white a template that allows you to make a completely individual origami figure. In addition, such black and white printed blanks will be a great activity at a birthday or girl's party.

Ready-made fortune teller template from paper "Flower" (black and white)

How to make a fortune teller frog out of paper?

The frog fortune teller is another name for the origami paper figurine. Modern technologies allow you to make very interesting animalistic origami figurines that kids will definitely like. All you need is to print the finished template and fold the figure according to the diagram.
Hungry shark and lion can come in handy when predicting the "no tomorrow" menu

Ready-made template of the fortune-teller-frog "Shark"

Fortune teller-frog "Shark" assembled

Print the finished template and fill out the fortune teller at your own discretion.

You can write nice little predictions in it. For example:

  • a new acquaintance awaits you
  • he thinks you are beautiful
  • you will receive a gift from a friend
  • have a good day
  • go to the cinema with a friend

Video: Origami fortune teller
