How to attract a woman into your life? Practical magic for true Me. How to get a woman interested if you're not very attractive

Since ancient times, perhaps even from the very beginning of human existence, people have loved each other and been loved. But there has always been a question: how to attract love?

The human essence is structured in such a way that if you love, it is very difficult to tell your loved one about it. It’s easier to talk about love with one of your friends, but you don’t have the courage to express your feelings to your beloved. It seems to me that this is a very big and gross mistake of humanity.

Imagine if people didn't hide their feelings for a long time, before expressing them. How much simpler and more beautiful life would be. Lovers would be together long years, there wouldn't be different marriages by calculation or fictitious marriages. How much would the number decrease? criminal cases out of jealousy.

Many people are trying to attract new love in various non-natural ways. Some use blackmail, others prefer financial means, and others use threats. There are even individuals who do not disdain magic.

But can all these actions, even if you use them all together at once, attract love? No, you won't achieve anything this way.

All the same, somewhere far away in your subconscious, there will be an animal fear that your “beloved” person will change his mind, wake up, come to his senses from the spell, and the inevitable will happen - separation, desired for him, and very painful for you.

You will torment and reproach yourself for this. Even if you somehow capture his love again in some other way, this again will not last forever.

True love cannot be bought or instilled by force. The feeling of love must naturally come from the soul of a person. And if your chosen one also experiences the same feelings for you, then your body, your essence, will itself find an approach to your loved one.

So if you want to attract love into your life, want to love and be loved, do not resort to various tricks to attract love. Just trust nature, your heart, listen to your loved one. With these simple, natural actions you will be much faster and more long term, perhaps even for life, you will find your true love.

Every person strives for love, because life without love has no meaning. This feeling can work wonders and at the same time inflict an irreparable wound on the soul. But, be that as it may, time passes, and we again strive for love, we incredibly want to be loved and enjoy it amazing feeling. How to attract new love?

Love does not come when it is constantly expected and demanded from fate. Fate does not owe you anything - understand this. Love appears when you are ready to receive it. And to do this, you need to respond to the request of your soul - to become open to love. After all, everything that is in this world is created out of love and for love.

Love yourself. Don't come up with reasons why love has not yet manifested itself in your life. This is wrong. Everyone deserves to have this feeling reciprocated. To attract love into your life, respond to yourself. Smile more often. Give yourself gifts, start taking care of yourself differently, respect yourself;

Fill your home with an atmosphere of newness. spring-cleaning, redecorating and changing the interior will change not only the contents of the apartment, but you will also feel differently. Get a pet or plant flowers. Let them make you happy;

In order for exactly the person you dream of to appear, you need to engage in visualization. Clarify for yourself what qualities your partner should have, what kind of appearance you would be attracted to in him. Think about it every day with absolute confidence that you already have it definitely. To be convincing, add a towel in the bathroom, buy more slippers, etc.;

Don't live in the past. Previous experience relationships can delay the moment a new person appears in your destiny. Forgive him everything and let him go. Don't blame yourself or ex-partner. It's neither your fault nor his. It happened and everything passed. Try to remove all the things that were related to this connection, they are no longer useful;

Besides work, find a hobby that brings you genuine pleasure. Create! Love loves creative people;

To attract love into your life, be among people more often, do not avoid society and communication. To attract love, open up to this world - the world will open up to you. Namely, when your feelings with the world become mutual, you love each other, then LOVE will give you a person to whom you can now give your love.

If you want love to come into your life, then you must be an open and friendly person. Only in this way will you be able to catch her at any moment. But you shouldn’t react to everyone who compliments you. Just watch those around you, be interested in everything that is happening around you.

Be sure to pay attention to your appearance. If you haven’t updated your wardrobe for a long time, then feel free to go shopping for new items. It is also worth visiting a hairdresser and other “beauty” specialists. Hair, nails, face and overall appearance should be in order.

Self-love is what, first of all, should be in a person who wants to open the window to love. This is not about selfishness. Every person has those best qualities, which overshadow any other disadvantage. Think about it, maybe you will love yourself for who you are. By accepting all these feelings within yourself, it will be much easier to understand the other person. Psychologists say that only a person who truly loves himself can love another person.

The right way to attract love into your life is to put things in order in your own home. Think about whether you really like being in your home? If you are not happy with something, change it immediately. For example, you can buy new beautiful curtains or bed sheets. Remove all items that remind you of sadness or loneliness. Most people like to hang pictures on their walls that evoke melancholy or sadness. So put them in the farthest corner of your apartment or house. Buy paired items. For example, plant two plants in a pot, buy a second pillow. It all depends on your imagination!

Be sure to communicate with the opposite sex, smile, hold hands. True love is built only on mutual sympathy. Eyes are what will help show a person your love. They are the ones who show everything important feelings in man. And when you want to say it, just tell this person: “I love you!” Just perk up and let it out bright feeling!

How to attract a man's love

A situation often arises when a woman cannot find a suitable person for life for many years. At the same time, the majority of these women recognize the need to have a soul mate, and consider love to be the main feeling in every person’s life.

Official statistics show that there are quite a lot of such women in our country, and, therefore, the question of how to attract a man’s love remains very relevant for many.

What should you keep in mind to attract a man?

First of all, a woman who wants to attract love into her life must be completely open to such feelings, since they can arise at any time. At the same time, you should not pay attention to those men who are attractive to you and are next to you. The best thing is to be friendly, smiling with all people, and then, in the end, you will meet someone with whom you should connect your future fate.

When choosing a man whose love you plan to attract, you should, among other things, pay attention to his appearance. If your potential man’s wardrobe has not been updated for a long time, you can buy accessories, clothes and shoes together. In addition, it is recommended to take care new haircut or hairstyle, since the hair should only beautifully frame the face, and not be a tow.

Remember also that in order to attract the love of a man, first of all, you need to love yourself. However, you should not become selfish or narcissistic. In addition to the fact that a person who loves himself is attractive to others, it also helps to accept yourself for who you really are. You need to love yourself sad, angry, caring and kind, that is, in all possible emotional and physical conditions.

In order to attract love into your life, you need to put things in order in your own home, since it is the abode future love. You yourself should be comfortable in your home, and you must have a desire to be in it. In most cases, in order to make the house more comfortable, it is often enough to simply change the decor: move furniture, hang new curtains, or make the bed with new ones. bed linen.

If you decide to attract the love of a man, then there should not be single paintings and figurines in your home. Paired figurines and paintings that depict happiness and love themselves attract positive feelings into the house.

When there's so much around beautiful girls, the question of how to attract the love of a woman, men begin to ask, tired of the constant change of partners and wanting to build long-term serious relationship. By this stage, men already have the skills to find an approach to a woman and how to seduce her. But the fact that he is still single suggests that the man never learned to build long term relationship.

Before finding his woman, a man needs to acquire certain skills and qualities. This will help you not miss your chance, attract a woman’s attention and try to keep her. Develop in yourself those qualities that attract the opposite sex.

To attract love, know how to:

A woman will like it

· find an approach to a woman,

· communicate,

· seduce and seduce,

· find mutual understanding and

· trust.

Determine the type of your future chosen one. Listen to yourself and understand what exactly you expect from her. What kind of appearance should she have, what kind of circle and what kind of behavior should she have. Decide on

social circle of the chosen one,

· level of education,

main character traits

main features of appearance, such as body type, face type, hair color,

· some fundamental positions, for example, she should not smoke and so on,

· approximate age.

Where to find love

Think about where exactly you can most often meet representatives of your type of woman. To clarify, think about what hobbies she might have that are most interesting and attractive to you. Depending on this, review the list of places you usually visit. If you want more chances, change your life

saturate her with new meetings and events,

· start leading active image life and

· expand your circle of communication.

Having met a woman who, at first glance, seems close to your ideal, do not stop searching. Meet as many women as possible. This does not mean that you have to immediately establish close relationships with everyone. Study and compare. This will greatly increase your chances of success.

Be prepared that after each meeting, the portrait of your chosen one will undergo changes. You will expand the list of qualities that she should not have, and the wish list will decrease. This will lead to the fact that you will certainly meet your love.

This is all dry theory, everything is laid out and logically justified - exactly the way men love it. But the interesting thing about life is that sometimes it defies any rules. Don't know how to attract love into your life? It means you just haven’t had the chance to experience this feeling yet. And when it hits you, you will notice that your chosen one has nothing in common with the ideal that you have come up with for yourself. Don’t isolate yourself and the feeling will definitely come to you.

If you live in the Russian-speaking CIS and are wondering “How to attract a woman,” I have two news for you: bad and good.

I lived in Europe for a long time and I can say with absolute confidence that Europeans never dreamed of the opportunities that our men have to be attractive. Most likely, you are an invisible man, that is, you walk down the street with your eyes downcast, finally and irrevocably believing that you are an incorrigible introvert and that “tanks” are your destiny and the only place for the manifestation of male heroism. With so many beautiful, well-groomed, family-oriented women, remaining unnoticed requires effort, but you can do it, and that’s bad news.

The good news is that knowing the "three magic buttons" female psychology, you can easily win the attention of any girl. By the way, these buttons will be useful not only for men in a romantic search, but also for those who are already in a relationship. The need to be a woman is inherent in all of us and does not depend on age or marital status.

Button #1. Communication

The daily necessary phrase to win a woman’s heart: “Darling, tell me about this...” and be patient for 15 minutes, showing maximum attention and empathy that you are capable of. No logical recommendations or advice unless she asks. But there are more emotions, interjections, and involvement.

Women call this “support” - just listen and confirm her emotions by saying that you feel the same way about this situation (even if it seems to you that her reactions are clearly exaggerated and you need to act here and you know how). Leave your philosophy and thirst for activity for later, when she herself asks for advice.

I know that men often avoid “womanish” conversations, because unconsciously you feel guilty for not being able to protect or not being able to influence situations. But by simply sharing a woman’s emotions (listening with interest, taking her hand in yours), you will already help her. After all, a woman’s speech center and pleasure center are located nearby in the brain. By speaking out, she relieves tension and therefore relaxes, feeling like a woman next to you.

Button No. 2. Romance

What are you capable of for love? It is the presence of romance in a relationship that a woman perceives as a sign that you value the relationship. It would seem that all these candles, roses, sweets, Teddy bears, “coffee in bed”, notes, emphatically gallant manners and surprises are only needed at the beginning of a relationship, but no. We are designed this way, we sincerely appreciate and are touched by the little things that men often do not attach importance to and need these little facts of love all the time.

It is unselfish signs of attention that show a woman that she occupies a special place in your heart. Well, in the end, if you want to feel like a “gentleman,” make her feel like a Lady. There is always a demand for “gentlemen”.

Personally, I love strawberries and cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I like, but about what the fish like.
Dale Carnegie

Button No. 3. CARE!

Often women will show you what they want you to do in a relationship. These are all ours: “Have you dressed warmly, are you comfortable that you’ll be there for dinner” - that’s about it. We really appreciate care; we like to feel like a little girl next to a strong and reliable man.

Sometimes we are afraid to admit it, because we are so independent, so modern and sarcastic. But at heart we remain girls, desperately in need of care and affection. We like men who are truly kind to us and not to get us into bed or win us over, but simply because we are good. We like men who care about our comfort, well-being, who decide our everyday problems. And we women are powerless against this.

If you press these “three buttons” in a relationship with a woman, she will receive the most important thing from you - ATTENTION! And this is the most valuable thing in a relationship for us, so different and at the same time so equally impressionable.


Women's to-do list...

  • Buy a lot of cards.
  • Don't wear them, because jeans are more comfortable.
  • Buy amazing shoes to match your dress.
  • Looking for an amazing dress to go with amazing shoes...
  • Tear the tights.
  • Buy new ones.
  • Break.
  • Straight hair - curl it. Curly - straighten.
  • Grow your hair.
  • Cut your hair short.
  • Whining that you want long hair.
  • Repeat the first three points.
  • Especially listen to sad songs.
  • Get yourself hyped up.
  • Cry...
  • Block him
  • Unlock it
  • Block him
  • Unlock it
  • Repeat this sacred ritual
  • Take offense.
  • Wait for him to apologize.
  • Find out that he didn’t understand that you were offended.
  • Take offense.
  • Arrange a meeting with a friend.
  • Ask not to be late.
  • Be an hour late.
  • Oh, that's it...

The article contains current issues and detailed answers are given to them, which allows you to establish relationships and achieve reciprocity from the one you want to love.

How to attract a woman's love into your life feng shui symbols

You need to sleep on a double bed to make it clear that you are ready to let a woman into your life. The house must be clean to positive energies were able to work better. Pay more attention to the southwestern part, put something there that might interest a woman. Violet will also help bring love into your home.

How to attract love and a suitable man feng shui, looking for a life partner

Get rid of all things that remind you of failure. Peonies are love talisman, you can use fresh flowers or a painting. A round aquarium with goldfish attracts male energy.

Indoor plants and house flowers according to Feng Shui to attract love in one room, list and brief description

Begonia will make your personal life harmonious. Cyclamen will help overcome fears and increase self-esteem. Camellia will reveal intimate side life, liberates. Rose protects and attracts love. Peony attracts love energy.

How to attract love and the right man to you white magic

On the new moon, standing by the window, hold a glass of water: “Just as the water in a glass is clean, let a man appear in my life with pure thoughts. Amen".

How to attract the love of a specific person - conspiracy 100 percent

Take a photo of a man, light a candle from the church. “Love me, servant of God (name), so that you cannot live without me as without water and food. Amen". Read three times. Remove the candle from prying eyes.

Transurfing for love to find and attract one specific person

You need to play a slide in your head of the life you want to see. Let it be the ideal of a man with you hand in hand. Try to be better, realize yourself.

Tibetan meditations on love and attracting a loved one

The basis of meditation is the concentration of the mind on an object. You yourself must give up selfishness in favor of your loved one. Concentrate on the ray of love emanating from your heart, which attracts love.

How to attract love and the right girl to you: prayer, talisman, amulet

Prayer “I pray to you, Lord. Grant me mutual love, remove loneliness from my heart. Let a man into my life so that we can love each other like swans. Help me, Lord, to find earthly happiness. Amen".

You need to make the amulet yourself in the middle of the month, no matter what it is made of. The main thing is to think about love while working, your thoughts should be pure. The talisman can be made from red fabric, a bag, and put a stone in it that matches your zodiac sign. When working, think about love.

Mudras are special hand gestures. Place your arms parallel chest, the fingertips should be inside the palm, leaving the thumb outside. Closing your eyes, breathe evenly, concentrating on thumb. Talking to yourself about your desire.

Attract love from Marilyn Kerro, Daria Mironova, from Natalia Pravdina, Larisa Renard

Marilyn Kerro suggests a simple way: light a red candle, look at the flame, focusing on your thoughts and desires.

Daria Mironova suggests making an amulet from red fabric, putting a handful of rice inside.

Natalya Pravdina warns that there should be nothing in the bedroom that might hint at loneliness. A figurine without a pair or a bird in a picture without a pair. Everything must have its pair.

Larisa Venar suggests using the breath of the uterus. To do this, you need to switch your attention to the uterus and breathe on it for several minutes, as if inviting a man into your life.

How to attract love with red panties, on a red candle, a red envelope

Red panties, held in hands, run around the room, shouting the man's name. Throwing them as high as possible.

Light a red candle on the new moon, looking at the flame, think about love, eliminate negative thoughts.

Write a letter asking to attract love and put it in a red envelope and burn it on the flame of a red candle.

How to attract love with the power of thought, Slavic rituals, folk signs

Constantly thinking about love, imagining yourself with your loved one next to you, how you would act in the situation if you were in a relationship. On a holiday like Christmas, people make wishes and tell fortunes for their betrothed.

Runes for attracting love are the most powerful bets

Rune Inguz - power, strength. Responsible for reproduction.

How to attract love with rose quartz

Use figurines or decorations.

How to attract the love of your ex-husband if he lives with someone else

Try to see him more often, without bothering him, ask about his successes, tell him about your affairs.

Ritual to attract a man be mine

Read the plot while sitting by the window, with a mirror and water nearby. “Happiness is in the river, the river flows into the house. Love leads me."



There are many ways to increase your chances of surrounding yourself with as many women as possible. How to interest and attract girls?

It's impossible to make every woman in the world want to be with you, although there are many ways to increase your chances of attracting maximum amount of people. If you want to know how to attract different women, your search is over.

1. Feel comfortable

1.1 Be confident in who you are. The first step to liking women is liking yourself. If you are not in harmony with yourself, then the woman on the other side of the room will not be impressed. Here are some ways to gain self-confidence:

Know your best qualities, be it your sense of humor or your ability to make anyone talk. Emphasize them when you get to know someone.

Work on your shortcomings. No one is perfect, but you can improve if you work on yourself.

Confidence is key to success, but if you're too pleased with yourself, you can appear arrogant, which turns people off.

Learn to laugh at yourself. If you don't belittle yourself and still joke about yourself from time to time, you will show that you don't take yourself seriously.

1.2 Feel comfortable with your appearance. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to have healthy body and be happy with how you look. If you are insecure about your body, you will not be able to attract women. Here are some ways to embrace your appearance:

Be brave and take a dance or yoga class. Not only will you improve your shape, but you will definitely meet the ladies.

Going to the gym several times a week can improve your cardiovascular system, muscle tone and self-esteem.

Eat right. Eat three meals a day and try to consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Avoid processed or fatty foods, but allow yourself to indulge in your favorite foods from time to time.

Dress well. Wear tailored pants, clean shirts, and shoes that suit your outfit. If you try to look good, women will think that you are also trying in other aspects of your life.

1.3 Love what you do. If you want to attract women, you need to be happy not only with who you are and how you look, but also with how you spend most of your time. If you don't like your job or school, it will show and women will be put off by your negative attitude. Here's how to do it:

If you work, try to love your job as much as possible by building relationships with colleagues, noticing positive sides your job and trying to do your best to be happy.

If you're studying, focus on the subjects you enjoy the most so that girls can see that you're interested in something. You will study better, learn more and become more interesting person.

Take up hobbies that will improve your life. If you don't already have a hobby, pick something you really enjoy, such as running, reading history books, or making furniture. By not spending all your time on hobbies, you will not only become more attractive to women, but you will become a better person because you will be doing something that interests you.

Let's face it - right now you may be doing something you don't really like. Work to change this, try to keep your complaints to a minimum so that women don't see you as a pessimist.

2. Be a dynamic person

2.1 Be educated. You will attract women if you become a sophisticated person and see what is beyond your field of vision. If you work to become more cultured, you will not only become more attractive to women, but you will be more informed about life. Here's how to do it:

Learn new language. You will be able to enjoy new culture, and if you learn this sexy language, like Italian or French, women will be amazed and fascinated when you compliment them in a foreign language.

Travel if you can. See the world, or at least part of your country. You will learn a lot about the world and meet many interesting people, including sexy ladies.

Watch different films. If you watch classic and modern films, you will be able to appreciate the complexity human life. Your love for movies will also allow you to impress women with your opinions when you ask them out on dates.

Discover the cuisines of the world. Don't stick to pizza and pasta - try a new Korean or Vietnamese place in your area. This will help you find something new perfect place for dates.

2.2 Develop many healthy and interesting relationships. If you have great relationship with your family and close friends, women will want to be a part of your life. Women are wary of guys without friends or close relationships with at least some relatives, because this may mean that they do not know how to get along with people or do not see the point in friendship. Here's how to improve your relationships with people:

Try visiting or talking to your family members as often as possible. The way you treat your family - especially your mother - says a lot about you, and you will attract women if you loving son. You shouldn't look like Sissy, but show how much you love your mom from time to time and then women will think that you are caring.

Build relationships with close friends. While it may be fun to be friends with everyone at university or at your cool new job, what you have different friends, will make you a more interesting person. It's not bad if you have a few friends at university, but if you keep in touch with your football teammates, you can learn more about the world. In addition, women will be attracted to your ability to get along with different people.

Get rid of dead weight. If you spend time with someone who is rude or unpleasant person just because you've been friends for a long time, it's time to re-evaluate your friendship. Plus, if you're always around someone who's boring or rude, women will think you're the same way.

2.3 Develop useful skills. If you are not only fun to hang out with, but also know a lot about things, women will be attracted to your masculinity and ability to take action. Here are some examples:

Learn to cook. Start by adding a few simple recipes to your menu. Once you've mastered something like perfect steak or glazed salmon, you can take women out to dinner. You'll look sexy in a chef's apron, whether you're standing behind the grill or in front of the stove.

Learn to do housework. Whether you know how to fix a leak or fix a table, women will appreciate your skills and may even ask for your help.

2.4 Develop a sense of humor. You may be interesting and cultured, but you won't get far if you don't know how to make a girl laugh. If you have good feeling humor, you will attract women more. Here's how to do it:

Be smart. You don't have to be the loudest or most outgoing person in the room, but if you make a relevant or witty comment at the right time, women will be amazed.

Select the right approach. If you have a funny comment, make sure you say it loud enough that no one else is talking. If you have to repeat a joke, it won't be funny anymore.

Be relevant. Make good jokes with the right people. If you hang out with your best friends, your friends may be dirtier than with new group girls, and especially if you are meeting your beloved’s parents for the first time.

3. Make her feel special

3.1 Don't be afraid to compliment women. You don't need to do this often, but the right compliment V right time can attract a woman with your honesty and courage. Here's how to do it:

When you first meet a girl, tell her that you like her jewelry, hairstyle, or one of her accessories.

Once you get to know her better, you can become bolder. Say "Have you ever been told that you have a very expressive eyes? " or "You have a very cute laugh." Don't be afraid to make her blush.

Make comments about her character. Listen to what she says and tell her what it looks like good friend, or that she has a great sense of humor.

3.2 Show interest in her life. Your lady will be impressed by your interests and perspective, but you should respond to her by showing your interest in her hobbies. Here's how to show you care:

Remember what she tells you. If you have already met, mention small parts from your past conversation, such as her sister's name or the city she studied abroad in, she will be attracted to your concern.

Ask the right questions. You can ask her questions to get her opinion without sounding like you're interrogating her. Start small and ask her opinion on topics that aren't very controversial, and once you get to know her better, you can dig deeper and talk about how to balance time between work and friends, or what she's looking for in a relationship.

Tease her. Once you've gotten to know her well enough and are aware of her phobias, don't be afraid to make fun of her as long as she likes it.

3.3 Be an attentive gentleman. Once a woman is interested enough to go on a date with you, you need to keep her interested through dating. Here's how to make her know you care when you go on a date:

Be a gentleman. Open doors for her, give her flowers, and give her your coat if she's cold.

Don't forget about the little things. Send her messages throughout the week to show her that you're thinking about her. Give her small gifts.

Tell her you had a great time. Be honest. If you had a great time, tell her so you can meet again.

Once you've gotten used to each other, find a reason to touch her. Become an expert on how to touch a girl.

While others spend time, money and nerves on seducing a girl, other men get everything at once. And if previously these secrets were hidden from the eyes of mere mortals, now they are available to you.

As you understand, you can really attract a girl without effort. You may find it strange that this is possible. Therefore, it’s time to talk about…

Why shouldn't you try?

90% of men adhere to the standard courtship model, in which they show signs of attention to the girl for a long time, give gifts, endure refusals, go through a bunch of obstacles and, after a few months, finally have long-awaited sex with her. Moreover, it is not a fact that their relationship will be strong: such men are usually expected frequent infidelity(of which they are unaware), scandals, misunderstandings and the girl’s constant attempts to drive them under an even bigger and fatter heel.

And all this happens because the female sex does not experience true sexual attraction to such men.

On the other hand, there are 10% of men who know the most effective seduction model, in which you don’t need to spend any money, effort or time.

They simply confidently approach the girl, do not adapt to her rules of the game (more on that later) and make her begin to experience sexual attraction to them. And girls can easily cheat on their boyfriends (that is, 90%) with these 10%, because the former do not arouse either attraction or respect in them.

What to do: stay among 90% of men and whine about injustice or go to the “golden ten” - it’s up to you.

You see, we have been taught a completely ineffective model of courtship, which leads to the fact that you only become attached to the girl, invest a lot of effort, and get too little in return.

You must understand once and for all that trying is not only not worth it, but is strictly prohibited.

Because the if you couldn't attract a girl from the very beginning, it means you just did something wrong. And your additional efforts in the form of courtship, gifts and dinners can only make you waste time, money and nerves. Besides, there is nothing worse than unjustified hopes.

A little later we will tell you how to prevent your hopes from coming true.

Don't try to please her!

The main barrier that separates 90% of men from success is the desire to please. Partly, those 10% of men also want to be liked. Only the first ones hope that they can do this by adapting to the girl’s ideals.

However, in practice, what happens is that if a guy adapts to a girl, then nothing works out for him. Don't try to figure out this phenomenon. Just remember that the main thing is that on an instinctive level, a woman can only feel attraction to an uncontrollable man. Uncontrollable, not in the sense of crazy. :) By uncontrollable is meant one who does not change his beliefs and desires under the influence of her will.

And the more you act correctly, the worse it will be for you. Because she will feel Your wish adapt to her, and perceive it as weakness.

On the contrary, try to be ready to lose right away. It will take you off emotional stress, and you will begin to communicate with her more relaxed.

Start enjoying the process. Watch how the “bad” guys behave. Try to behave the same way. Read a few articles on our website where we give advice on seduction strategies and try to apply them.

When you learn to enjoy the process and remove dependence on the result, a lot in your personal life will change.

Believe me, many people on earth are capable of risking huge sums of money and their lives. Therefore, taking a chance on a girl who may never “give it” to you is a very simple task.

Taking risks will turn your seduction into an exciting adventure.

Moreover, often you need not just take risks, but behave in exactly the opposite way. While she tries to subjugate you (you won’t even notice this if you’ve never been seduced), you will force her to play by your rules.

Therefore, do not be afraid to do what she would least like.

Don't fulfill her requests if she asks you for anything. You should help her with at least something initial stages seduction, so you will immediately turn into a convenient friend. And then you can forget about the present sexual attraction on her part.

And most importantly - don't adapt to her conditions. For example, if you propose a meeting in a certain place and in certain time, she can offer her own option. In the case when she is really busy (with work), you can agree to her terms (although even in this case it is quite dangerous). But if she definitely won’t work at the time you suggested and explains it as being otherwise “busy,” then under no circumstances agree to her option.

A little later, when you manage to really interest her, you can start agreeing to her terms more often. But not always. And if we are talking about the first stages of communication, then this is definitely not worth doing.

If you can persuade her to your terms, the seduction will speed up several times. Checked!

"One Woman's Syndrome"

If you have a girlfriend and you consider her special, one and only, then don’t rush to conclusions.

When a guy has too few girls in his life (which is the norm for 80% of men), he begins to value each of them too much. Anyone, even just a pretty young lady, becomes a goddess for him.

AND it starts to show in his behavior.

It would seem that what’s wrong with it when a man treats a woman like a goddess?

But not everything is so simple: if a man treats a woman this way, then his value (as sexual partner) automatically falls. She feels that he has few girls (men who do not feel “hunger” will not treat a girl this way), and concludes that this is not without reason.

And the man himself begins to make stupid mistakes caused by the “one woman syndrome.”

How to solve this problem?

The only way: start seducing several girls at the same time.

Each of these girls will think that you are not fixated on her, and will feel the presence of rivals (which will only fuel her interest in you).

And you yourself will be more sober about each of them. You won't depend on them emotionally. And the seduction itself will happen quickly.

Model of a mysterious romantic

There is one good way how to attract a girl through romance. AND we'll talk not about ordinary romance (which hardly contributes to seduction), but about something else.

This method is perfect for those who are used to communicating too well with a girl and caring for them.

Its essence lies in the fact that you give a girl an amazing date, where you talk to her about romantic topics, look after her, give her the brightest emotions and, perhaps, even give her a small gift.

And then you disappear for at least 2 weeks. Neither a call nor a text message should come from you. You shouldn’t fall for her provocative SMS in the style of “If you don’t want to communicate, just say so.” In general, you turn on the “Silent” mode. :)

During these 2 weeks, her emotions will eat her up from the inside. On the one hand, you gave her an amazing date with elements of romance, and she is already prepared for the fact that you will now start running after her. On the other hand, you have completely disappeared somewhere. Curiosity will take over, and she herself will start writing and calling you. You don’t answer her first texts and calls. And only then do you get in touch again, again give her bright romantic emotions, again arrange a grand date and, attention (!), do not answer her questions about where you were and why you didn’t write anything.

Already on the second date you can easily have sex with her. However, if the pleasure of the game is more important to you, you can disappear again for 1-2 weeks so that she can wait to meet you again.

Intrigue combined with romance will allow you to seduce her almost effortlessly.

True, at some moments you will want to write to her so much that there is a high probability of “breaking” and getting in touch. Of course it's not fatal. But it will be better if you really disappear from her sight for a few days.

As you can see, you can really attract a girl without effort. While other guys will waste money, time and nerves, you will put in a minimum of effort and get maximum results.
