Where can a girl find a good and serious, as well as a smart guy for a serious relationship? Where to find a guy for a serious relationship.

First you need to decide on the word "treasure". What exactly do you personally invest in this concept?

There are people for whom something large and powerful is hidden in such a word. For example, they imagine Spanish galleons loaded with silver and gold, or heavy chests and barrels filled with precious stones and countless treasures. If you are one of those people, you will have to be somewhat disappointed. Such representations arise due to a distorted understanding of the term "treasure hunter".

When searching for a treasure, you will need to be able to clearly navigate your findings, determining their true value. After all, a thing that at first seemed to you useless nonsense may well cost a fortune.

The fact is that not only a sunken ship can be a treasure. They may turn out to be 2-3 ordinary-looking and very times of Peter I, which you managed to dig up in your grandmother's garden with a metal detector. In this case, you have every reason to consider yourself a real treasure hunter, and your couple of coins as a found treasure.

How to choose a place where the treasure can be located?

Treasure can be found in any, even the most unexpected place. For example, it can happen quite by accident. So, the famous "Glodos belongings" was found by an ordinary collective farmer from the Kirovograd region when he was working in his garden.

You can search for treasure purposefully, for example, in historically famous places. So, many treasure hunters carry out their work in the Sevastopol Bay, where English ships with gold sank in the distant times of the Russian-Turkish war.

There are legends about treasures hidden in the Volgograd region. As the legends say, which are passed down from generation to generation by the local residents of this region, the richest people of the past buried treasures on the Volga land - Stepan Razin, Emelyan Pugachev, Batu Khan. So far, no one has found hidden treasures there.

As shown in recent years, the most expensive treasures are found in the city during the demolition and restoration of old houses. But in terms of the number of finds, the countryside is in the lead. When searching in rural areas, it is necessary to understand the reasons for finding treasures in them. For example, in the place where there was a fair in the 18th century, there may be not only a glade rich in finds, but also a couple of hiding places with jugs filled with money of those years.

The best place to find treasure in the countryside is old tracts. The probability of finding is higher if the old abandoned city or village was once destroyed during a war or, for example, a revolution.

How to look for treasures in such places? You will need a couple of large scale maps to pinpoint the exact location of the caches. The first of them should be of those years, revolution or war, and the other - modern. By placing one card on top of another, you can find out what buildings were previously located on the current ruins or wasteland.

How to search for treasures

For search work, you will need standard equipment for treasure hunting. This is a GPS navigator or compass, a sapper shovel and a metal detector. If you are accustomed to approach everything carefully, you can ask around the old-timers of the area about their stories and legends. Out of a hundred legends that will be told to you, one may turn out to be a real story.

So, you have reached your destination - to the former settlement. Referring to, try to find a suitable site for research. Start by searching with a metal detector. Perhaps you will stumble upon something of value even at the turf level.

When searching for a treasure, you will need to show composure, attention and accuracy.

It is best if the place where you want to find the treasure has several hundred years of history. In this case, you can find up to several hundred coins of various eras in the soil under your feet.

After that, you can start searching for clothing caches. Imagine a situation in which people in the past during the revolution or the Second World War were forced to leave their homes unexpectedly and in a short time. The more urgent the departure, the less things they could take with them. So people just buried their things, hoping to pick them up later.

However, as practice shows, in 99 percent of 100 such caches remain for centuries, and no one returns for them. In such treasures, useful and amazing items can come across. Here you will need not just a metal detector, but a device capable of working at a fairly large depth.

To know exactly what you might stumble upon, you need to understand how these treasures are created. Usually, various valuables and belongings were placed in strong chests or boxes. A decent-sized hole was dug right next to the house, into which people dumped their things, sprinkled with stones, earth, etc.

It is best to look for such caches in gardens and yards, in sheds and vegetable gardens. In some houses, floor boards were taken apart, and a hole was dug in the foundation itself. The boxes were stacked there. That is why it is so important to determine the location of the old building and its outbuildings before starting the search for the treasure.

Even if over time the house was blown apart by a log, figure out where the porch, yards, sheds were located here. It is also useful to turn on your head and think about where something could be buried here.

Hello dear reader! Of course, I understand that this topic is hackneyed, there are a lot of articles with the same content on this issue, but if they helped, then I would not write this question now. I will say the following about myself: I am 23 years old, I work as a KamAZ carrier and I am very happy about this, because I respect serious charismatic cars very much. In general, technology is my hobby and, one might say, my way of life. You see, I absolutely do not know how and where to find a girl. It would seem that now life has settled down, I bought a retro car (again, as a hobby, not a means of transportation), got an official job not far from home, but this thought comes up that I don’t even know a girl, even friends (I mean free ). And I don't know what to talk about with her. With the boys, I can erase my favorite, and they will understand me. And the girls ... It feels like this aspect of life has bypassed me. It is not necessary to say that everything is ahead, because I suppose the varik will remain alone all his life. Where to look for them, free girls? I tried to get acquainted on the Internet, and in the end they all freeze me, a loser. I wouldn't call myself a dirty chukhan, I wouldn't call myself a redneck either. An ordinary working guy. Here's what to do? Advise bro!


Well, great, working class! Your cars are truly charismatic. If I had one, I would have been married and divorced 30 times already. All my life I was sure that the KamAZ driver only needs to drive up, sing: “Let's go, beauty, ride,” and that's it, life settled down. And there is nothing to say about a retro car. If a beautiful girl in a '69 Mustang was honking me, offering to ride, I would sit down without hesitation. But for some reason they do not signal.

Your problem, my friend, is that you are not looking for, but are waiting for the ideal young lady to appear in your close, not at all female world, with whom you can overhaul the engine and discuss which of your mutual acquaintances has a bigger ass. Where to look for free girls? Somewhere outside the circle where they only talk about cars. To do this, you need to somehow get out of your cozy microworld and try something new. To be honest, we have written so much on this topic. There are, for example, like dry cleaners, a supermarket. Something tells you that you don’t really like going to the theater, but you can sign up for courses that interest you. You never know, suddenly you are interested in something other than cars.

I understand perfectly well that the drivers of heavy vehicles do not have hands, but steel hooks, but if you suddenly want to pump up the rest of your body, go to.

To get acquainted, especially in such heat, - anywhere. But first you need to get off the wheel. You see, you will not find a decent woman for yourself with just a retro car. In general, beware of women who are bribed by your property. To attract a good girl, you need to present yourself. And you know what interests. Manners - God bless them, but, judging by what you wrote, your circle of interests is small. What are you going to talk about with her? Are you interested in anything besides cars? If not, then it is very sad, the probability of finding a madam who is ready to discuss the lack of money in the family and carburetors until the end of her days is zero. Therefore, I strongly recommend expanding your horizons. Maybe there are things that you would like to do earlier, but you still didn’t have enough time for them? So, it's time to do them, find time in your schedule.

Don't stop trying to find yourself a girlfriend through dating sites or social networks, even if the first couple of times you were not lucky. This is a great way, I personally know people who were brought to the registry office by a well-known service and a well-known social network. But who will be bribed by your virtues? What do you have besides a permanent job and a car? I don't want to upset you, but I'll have to be content with the fact that the others didn't make out. So do not lean on the material, pull up the spiritual. If you are too busy, then the Internet will help. Maybe you can find a motorist on a dating site. Then catch and in addition. Everything is written here.

We also wrote a lot about talking. you can, but in order to keep up the conversation, you need to develop yourself, read books. However, the main thing with a woman is to talk, and then it will become clear what to talk about. The main thing is that, oddly enough, they are also people, so you just overestimate the situation.

The entire BroDude team believes in you and wishes you good luck!

Where to find a guy? Often young ladies and mature girls are tormented by this issue, trying to improve their personal lives. Why is that? Men are becoming more and more passive, and for girls to arrange their personal lives, it is no longer enough to patiently wait for the prince at the window, each should think about where to find a normal guy and how to build further interaction. In principle, before you rush in search of habitats, you need to properly analyze whether you are missing out on the opportunities offered to you at the moment. If you are at a general party, then you should take the initiative in talking and exchanging contacts yourself, without being afraid to seem stupid or intrusive (many guys are so scared of the independence of girls and their feminist views that they are simply afraid to take another look or show their interest). Do not be afraid to flirt - this is a way of communicating and expressing sympathy that does not oblige you to go to bed or.

Where to find a guy for a serious relationship

Communication built on half hints, communication with glances provides many opportunities for a romance to start and an equally huge field for maneuver to disappear under the pretext of “it seemed to you” if the candidate ceased to suit. Respond to smiles in transport and accept the help of guys in stores, there is no point in limiting your communication with the opposite sex. Many do not know where a girl can find a good guy, but they are sure in advance that this is impossible in certain places - drive away such stereotypes from yourself, because no one is stamped with a quality mark on their foreheads, absolutely anyone can be absolutely anywhere by the will of fate. Do not close yourself off from the opportunities that surround your daily life, there are times when girls marry the driver of a minibus that they traveled for five years every day, but for some reason they believed that their fate awaited them in a completely new and unknown place.

In order not to “miss” the meeting, you should first think about what kind of man you are waiting for, determine for yourself his qualities and appearance, without focusing on replicated images - remember your past relationships and good friends, your own needs and habits, because it is on these criteria the image of the beloved must be built. And then, to expand the possibilities of your meeting, diversify your own route. Many people use the shortest, proven and convenient paths, and this is typical of the majority, so you run the risk of meeting the same people every day with whom you have the same schedules and routes, and only sometimes their number will be diluted by citizens who accidentally fall into this stream . It is worth diversifying such a trend on your own, periodically changing routes, alternating modes of transport and walking. Do not look out for your betrothed in every passerby, rather enjoy the change of scenery, notice the details and rejoice at the little variety that has appeared in your life.

Go to new movies and shop for groceries at different stores - let it turn into a kind of game for you to fight boredom. Go out for a walk and go where you haven’t been before, turn into tempting streets, maybe it’s in an unknown alley, buying radishes in a new store, some guy will come up to you with the phrase “I haven’t seen you here before.” By the way, for the guy to come up first, it’s better to walk alone, flocks of cheerful girlfriends scare the guys away.

Meet people, because the more acquaintances you have, the faster and more voluminously your sphere of communication expands, besides, many understand that if the girl is alone, then it is quite possible to invite your free friends to the next general party. You will not be openly matched, but still such trends slip through. An increase in the number of acquaintances can also be attributed to an increase in your hobbies, if it is difficult for you to just get acquainted without a reason. Get out where people who support your interests gather, and communication will start on its own.

You don’t need to look for a guy yourself or filter in a place where he can be and sit there for days, you need to take time and situational opportunities in your own life for him to appear, because if you have a time pressure schedule, a scheduled route and one girlfriend, only MChSnik, rescuing you from a burning office.

Girls have a lot of opportunities to pick up a guy, but where can a girl find a good guy who is striving for a serious relationship, when all the dating places are nightclubs and bars with the corresponding ensuing consequences remains a question. Remember that if you are going to get a decent and serious young man, you must meet the most similar characteristics, and also be able to attract attention with something other than a short skirt. If for a cheerful club guy you can become attractive with a bright appearance and lighting a cigarette, then such behavior to a serious man gives a signal that this woman is of no value and interest, is available to everyone in this institution, which means that it does not suit him. He can sit in the same club, celebrating a friend's birthday, but when he sees a similar image, he will not be interested in you, so work on yourself first.

It is not so much important where you meet and where to go in search of a decent person (and you can meet a bastard in the library), but what kind of type you signal with your own appearance and behavior. Direct your own energy not to the pursuit of fashion, but to internal and intellectual development, which will help to prolong your communication for more than ten minutes, and if you start to seriously engage in your own inner world, then events and institutions related to this will form your social circle, in which the percentage of men striving for spiritual development and a responsible attitude to life will be much higher than on a bench in a public garden.

Geolocations marked by Google with hints where you won’t meet a normal guy, it’s simply impossible, even asking others will give out completely different places, all because people are diverse in their own manifestations and movements, and you shouldn’t miss a fraction of the case. But there are certain general statistics that many married couples met through their mutual acquaintances. The mechanism is quite simple - if this is a friend of your friends, then the probability of his decency is much higher than just a stranger from the street, since he has already been tested and chosen by those people who are pleasant to you. It is highly likely that he has known your friends not since childhood, but thanks to common views on life or hobbies, leisure preferences, etc., which will not only bring you closer together faster, but also increase the likelihood of common aspirations. Do not refuse invitations to holidays and entertainment, as well as requests for help. By helping, for example, to pack things when moving, you can meet other friends of your friends, celebrate a housewarming together, and immediately see a person in a domestic situation and at work. In short, everything related to interacting with pleasant and familiar people works in your favor in finding the right and reliable guy.

Take a closer look at the guys from your work or school, most likely you have not considered many of them before, having hung the label of collegiate communication, but it is the working relationships that most deeply characterize a person. Instead of hasty dates, you have a pretty decent time reserve for rapprochement through friendship and assessment of his qualities, watching from the side. Joint mountain trips, hiking, kayaking - you just need to choose a group where the instructor will not be the only man, and not paired family tours.

Where to find a guy if you don't go anywhere

Of course, the more places a girl visits, the greater the chances that she will make new acquaintances at the exit from there, and not necessarily with the opposite sex. But there are situations when you want a relationship and the warm participation of another person too, but at the same time there is either no opportunity to attend events (for example, due to the financial side of the issue or the lack thereof in the place where the girl lives) or time (busy work schedule, with fitness center and after treatments).

To help those who are not available for dating in a real personal meeting, various specialized services come. The most powerful in its manifestation, perhaps, is a marriage agency, where your preferences, personal qualities will be collected and after some time they will lay out a selection of candidates in front of you. Then there are meetings that specialize in dating, such as speeddating, where single people come with a specific and identical goal - to create relationships. But not many girls will dare to resort to such services, where everything is done for them, because of material investments that won pride or.

There are Internet dating sites that do a very good job of connecting people, but the disadvantage of these programs is that this is an analogue of dating in a nightclub, i.e. all that shines after meeting in reality is a couple of dates and a couple of nights with sex, long-term and serious relationships that are established after dating on specialized sites, of course, happen, but the percentage is extremely small. The best alternative is social networks, where the people with whom you communicate are your friends or acquaintances of your friends. You can also start a conversation with a previously unknown person, to which comment he responded to you in the group to which you are subscribed. The strategy of adding all the handsome guys is not effective - communicate with those who are related to your interests and to whom you can motivate your first message with something more than "you have a cute face."

The feeling that you are nowhere is deceptive, most likely you go to work or college, for groceries or shampoo, router adjusters and repairmen come to you. Avoiding contact with the outside world is quite problematic, so you should take a closer look at how the men around you look at you, maybe the guy on the next treadmill has been going to the gym for a month just for you, and you are constantly with a business-like expression and headphones in your ears. Let the world contact you, be smiling and good, even running out of the house for fifteen minutes, it is quite possible that your future prince will help you get a bottle of milk from the top shelf.

In the modern world, people treat non-standard relationships with tolerance. If even 10 years ago the relationship of two young people of the same sex caused a shock, then today you will not surprise anyone with this. And what to hide, such couples have existed at all times. It's just that today, with open access to the media and the absence of censorship as such in many areas of life, gay people do not hide, but show their feelings more openly and liberated.

But regardless of orientation, gender and time, the question of dating and finding your half is always relevant. Only to answer it for most people is still a little easier than, for example, to decide where. This is what we will try to find out in this article.

What attracts men to each other?

First of all, it is important to note that same-sex relationships are not a perversion, but a feature of a particular person. Some scientists even argue that the change in attraction to the opposite sex is laid in utero. And if there is some failure in the development of the fetus and the center of attraction is affected, the orientation changes to same-sex.

We can say that sympathy between guys is determined by nature. They are physically attracted to each other.

But, of course, there are other reasons why this or that young man likes guys:

  • Socio-psychological factors. Namely, the role of the family in laying the interests of a certain sex, as well as the direction of family education.
  • behavioral aspects. Most often, this is a bad experience with a partner of the opposite sex.

How can a guy attract a guy he likes?

As in any relationship, the attraction between guys can flood suddenly, and, perhaps, manifest itself after a rather long period of time. And just like in standard relationships, some young people prefer to hope for a miracle. And others do not sit idly by, actively moving towards their goal, solving the problem: “Where can I find a handsome guy?”.

In order to attract an object that evokes sympathy, you first need to look presentable. After all, in spite of everything, they are always met by clothes. Stylish clothes, trendy shoes, styling, a well-groomed face and manicure will definitely attract attention.

And after that, you can already turn on all your charm, wit. A sense of humor and some kind of non-standard knowledge will help to intrigue even the seemingly impregnable guy himself.

It remains to solve the main problem - where to find a guy guy. Consider the most popular options.

Standard dating sites

  • Specialized clubs for gays. In any, even the smallest town, you can find establishments that are focused only on the male contingent and their goal just solves the question: where to find a gay guy.
  • Search among friends, at friendly parties. Often guys do not stand out from other people at all. Thus, when communicating in a noisy company, there is a high probability that one of the handsome men will turn out to be exactly the person that the young gay needs.
  • At swing parties. Specially organized events for meetings and acquaintances of people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Usually they take place in country clubs, private apartments, saunas. It is worth noting that most often people who are looking for come to such meetings. If there is a mood for a serious, long-term relationship, it is better to look more carefully. Perhaps even in unusual places.

Unusual places for dating

When wondering where to find a guy, the places discussed above give a pretty big guarantee of finding the guy of your dreams. But if, nevertheless, after visiting specialized meetings and events, a gay prince has not yet been found, then you should approach the task outside the box.

First you need to determine what similar hobbies and hobbies a potential partner may have. If this is painting, then it is worth visiting various exhibitions and master classes. If this is literature, then you can try to go to a literary club or to a creative meeting of an author. Especially if the author writes on topics that can attract people with a non-traditional orientation.

Do not forget about sports. It's no secret that gay guys for the most part take care of their bodies, and for this they visit the gym, swimming pool, sporting events and various courses.

The only thing to consider when meeting in unusual places is that it is much more difficult to recognize a gay than, for example, in a specialized institution where everything is known for sure. But on the other hand, the likelihood of a long-term, permanent relationship after meeting in a non-standard place is much higher.

Online dating

These days, probably one of the easiest and most affordable ways to find a guy is the Internet. Every user, even the most insecure, is quite capable of taking advantage of this opportunity.

Where to looking for?

  1. First of all, you need to turn to search engines - they will help you find specialized dating sites. There are places to look for different relationships - only intimate, long-term and even friendly.
  2. A large number of gays actively use social networks. Often their profiles are open and you can also find a large number of gay dating ads in groups.
  3. Forums, chats, websites and even blogs will help a guy find a boyfriend.
  4. Recently, dating apps for smartphones have become popular. They are easy to use and very functional.

The Internet is especially helpful for shy, shy or insecure young men who are looking for a boyfriend. It gives the opportunity to open up, get to know each other even before the meeting. But there is also the danger of being deceived. For safe dating and communication on the Internet, it is better to use Skype or video chat.

Continuation of acquaintance

After the question of where to find is resolved, and the partner is found, you can proceed to the next stage - the continuation of the acquaintance.

  • First meeting and first date. This stage is very important, since it is the first impression that will be the foundation for the further development of relations. Naturally, there is a need for dates if this provides for the format of the relationship. For a meeting, you can choose the closed terrace of the restaurant, the last movie session or just a walk around the city. It all depends on the mood and imagination of partners.
  • Instead of a standard date, useful rendezvous is also quite suitable. Based on the options described above, where to find a good guy, you can choose a pool or a gym. Continue acquaintance and communication is worth the same place. Among other things, it is useful and interesting.
  • The transition to the stage of a closer relationship is decided by each gay couple individually. There is an opinion that gay couples are only interested in sex, and especially hard. This opinion is mostly erroneous and in fact, many couples do without rough intimate relationships.

  1. Stability. Having decided to get acquainted with a guy and deciding where to find a guy for a guy, the main thing is not to deviate from your goal. To systematically and purposefully visit sites, parties and places where you can meet your destiny.
  2. Honesty. In any type of dating with a guy, it is important to be honest about your goals. And also, you should not embellish information about yourself too much, because, as you know, the secret always becomes clear.
  3. Sincerity. Sparkling phrases, funny stories from life, undoubtedly, attract and attract the future chosen one.

No matter how and where the acquaintance of a guy with a guy takes place, it must necessarily be a bright, memorable event. And even if the acquaintance does not continue, the meeting itself and communication should leave only pleasant memories.

It seems that all women have the same reason for looking for a man - to start a family, have children, enjoy joint dinners and going to the store on weekends. But let's be honest: not all women pursue such a goal, moreover, many do not want such a development of events at all. We will not delve into psychology and talk about the fact that some women need male sponsors, while others want just men's pants to hang in the closet, we will not. Instead, let's conditionally divide single women into two categories. Some want an easy relationship, and are not yet ready to create a new unit of society, while others approach the search for a man more seriously and, at least, have the hope that they will spend their whole lives with him.

Love for a day or a day for love

Some modern psychologists say that love lasts three years, but Masha firmly believes that love cannot last longer than a month. Each new gentleman desperately wins the heart of Mary, giving her Raffaello sweets and more substantial gifts. But the same fate awaits everyone - short beeps in the mobile phone a month after meeting the girl.

Masha sincerely wonders why men have been trying to guard her in front of the entrance for a long time and more and more often thinks about where to find a man who will understand in time that it is time to part, so as not to destroy that bright feeling, which, by definition, cannot exist for a long time.

We can hardly judge whether the feeling that arises between Masha and her men is a bright feeling. But we can definitely say that in this case it is necessary to look for suitable gentlemen not in the library and not at the golden wedding of a second cousin.

First place in the top 3 places, where can i find a man for a light, non-committal romance, rightfully occupies the resort. Even from the phrase "holiday romance" breathes ease, ease and the most pleasant memories. Of course, speaking of a resort, we do not mean boarding houses for preferential treatment of retired employees of the plant. Any or overseas resorts will do, where the men are pumped up and tanned, the air is clean, and the nights are short, but crazy. Just do not forget that the novel ends on the steps of a departing train or on the steps of a departing plane. And then romance, you know, can drag on.

The second place will be given to the World Wide Web Internet. Where would it be without her. If you're lucky, you can get a real idea of ​​at least the appearance of the man you plan to meet. If you are not lucky, and the macho turns out to be equally far from both the ideal and the image posted as a dating site, then there is always a fallback option: a call that urgently needs your company. However, it is better to take a girlfriend on a first date with you. What if not only the appearance does not match what is indicated on the Internet?

The gold medal can be given to nightclubs, cafes and karaoke bars with confidence. The people are having fun, everyone is in a good mood, and single girls often don’t even bother where to find a man. On the catcher, as they say, and the beast runs. But if the previous options provide for a romance with a duration of at least a week, then in this case everything can end in just one night. For some women, a dubious pleasure, and some quite normally perceive such a prospect.

Unfree for the next 80 years

Tamara never had many admirers. At school, the boys preferred more active girls-leaders, and at the institute, the guys preferred cheerful laughter, and not "nerds", in the company of which Tom was assigned to classmates at the beginning of his first year.

And if during her studies the girl did not really think about where to find a man, then after graduating from the institute, this question arose before her in the face of mom and dad, who wanted to arrange their daughter’s personal life, and neighbor grandmothers, who sighed with sympathy and quietly sentenced that it’s not good to be alone at 22, you can stay an old maid.

Therefore, when the question arose of choosing a place of work, between a small company, the director of which offered Tom a good position and salary, and a large concern, in which the position of an ordinary manager with the same ordinary salary was vacant, the girl chose the second option. And all because a large company seemed to her a place where can i find a man of your dreams.

By the way, my married friend, who works in a small editorial office, always wondered why young single girls do not stay in their state for a long time. The answer turned out to be more than simple, and it was voiced by a recently quit employee who had not worked even three months. The thing is that the only man in the editorial office was a system administrator of about 35 years old, who did not show much interest either in his appearance or in the female part. Trite, but true: sometimes women consider the office not only as a workplace, but also as a place to meet their future husband.

At the same time, the authorities do not always encourage the novels of their employees, so the question " where to find a man For many, it remains relevant even when working in a very large company with a large number of interesting men.

But you can find a man outside the office. Only for this you need not sit at home, folded your arms and lamenting about your loneliness, but visit those places where to find a man for a serious relationship is quite real.

According to , all kinds of exhibitions, galleries and presentations can be called the most successful place to meet your destiny. The fashion for holding such events came to us from the West, and, I must say, it did not come in vain. By attending such events, you can not only meet new interesting and extraordinary people, but also really find your happiness in the face of a fan of some newfangled artist or sculptor.

As practice shows, meetings with the future destiny often take place at weddings, birthdays and other holidays, where you can see new faces. The main thing here is not to miss the moment, because in our latitudes “Wedding. Day nine” is just a joke. Usually, holidays are limited to one, less often two days of a feast, so it’s not worth sitting with longing in your eyes and waiting until the object you like comes up and immediately invites you to a dance, a date and a registry office. The minimum that is worth doing is to take an active part in the general festivities and establish yourself as a cheerful, cheerful and active girl. Men love these!

However, find a man for the next 80 years, it is possible in those places where light novels are started. It all depends on what mood and for what purpose you visit them.

Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady
