Which oil is best for strengthening nails? Oils that accelerate nail growth: selection criteria, composition requirements

The use of vegetable and essential oils in cosmetology dates back to ancient times. Our ancestors quite often used these products to moisturize the skin and care for their hair and hands. The range of uses of ethers is quite wide. However, in today’s publication we want to pay attention to those that help keep our nails healthy. Moreover, it is with the help of oils that we can solve many problems associated with our hands. Therefore, today’s publication will be entirely devoted to the use of esters to strengthen nail plates.

Oil won't ruin your nails

Oils in nail care are often used even by manicurists, since these folk remedies have a number of positive properties. For example, owners of flaking, dull and rough nail plates are recommended to use them for the following purposes:

  • to strengthen nails;
  • to soften the cuticle;
  • to nourish the nail plate;
  • for intensive growth of nail plates;
  • for protection and prevention of fungal infection.

It is important to consider which oils will bring greatest benefit our nails.

For example:

  • lemon perfectly strengthens brittle nails, promotes them rapid growth and brightens yellowed plates;
  • almond not only softens and nourishes nails and skin of the hands, but also has an incredibly magical aroma;
  • castor oil strengthens nails and softens cuticles;
  • calendula oil not only softens and soothes the skin, but also promotes the speedy healing of cracks, cuts and other skin damage during manicure;
  • Wheat germ oil contains natural vitamin E, moisturizes and softens the skin of the hands and cuticles, protecting it from the formation of hangnails.

Vegetable oils to strengthen nails

Strengthen nails and improve them appearance Vegetable oils such as burdock, castor, almond, peach, apricot, olive, cocoa, wheat germ and jojoba will help. They not only reduce brittleness, but also prevent splitting and dry nails.

All of the above products can simply be rubbed into the nail plate every day or you can prepare strengthening nail baths based on them.

Essential oils

Essential oils enriched with plants provide comprehensive care for nails. Therefore, we advise you to pay attention to the following products: oil of calendula, rose, thyme, myrrh, rosemary, cedar, pine and patchouli, sandalwood and bergamot, tea tree and chamomile, lavender and eucalyptus, as well as lemon and grapefruit. Esters are also used to prepare strengthening baths, rubs or applications. They can also be added to your daily hand care cream. Can also be used in nail care oil solutions with vitamins for their strengthening and growth.

Well, to understand in more detail how to use these natural remedies in caring for weakened nails, we invite you to take a closer look at oil strengthening procedures.

Oil treatments to strengthen nails

Nail bath

Preparation and use: mix almond, calendula, wheat germ and castor oils. Add lemon ether to them and mix well. Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle with a cap. This product can be stored in dark place up to three months. For baths, use 1-2 tbsp. products for 300 ml of warm water. The exposure time of the bath is 10-15 minutes.

Oil compress for nails

Preparation and use: first, mix the base oil with essential oils, then slightly warm the mixture, moisten a napkin in it and apply it to your hands, covering it with a warm towel.

To the owners sensitive skin It is better to use cold hands oil compresses, which are no less effective.

To strengthen and prevent splitting of nails, once a week, make a cold oil bath or application according to the following recipe: mix 2 drops of lemon ether with 3 drops of tea tree and 2 drops of frankincense. Add the resulting mixture to the base oil (from wheat germ and jojoba, taken one teaspoon each). Dip your fingers into a bowl with the oil composition for 5 minutes, then simply blot your hands with a napkin.

Regular competent care using plant and essential oils will give your nails shine, health and beauty!

It’s good for those who got it by nature beautiful hair and nails! They can do fashionable hairstyles and manicures as much as they want, and not rack their brains about what to buy at the pharmacy so that their strands and nails also begin to at least slightly resemble a picture from a magazine... Are you not one of them? Or were your nails beautiful, but a bad manicure “killed” them? Read on!

Have you tried using oils? They are often bought for hair (this gift of nature perfectly moisturizes the strands, nourishes and heals them). Nourishing oils Suitable for nails too! They soften the cuticle, nourish the plate, and strengthen it, preventing it from breaking and peeling, and they also protect it from fungus. And besides, by applying this product to your nails, you won’t have to listen to your loved one about “horrible odors throughout the apartment,” as when painting your nails with varnish. Oils are applied before bed so that while you rest, they take care of your relaxed hands. First, warm up the oil a little, then, dipping a brush into it, treat all the nails. Well, to prevent the pillow and blanket from being damaged by these manipulations, wear gloves, or even better, wrap your hands in cling film.

Which nail oil is best?

Your nails will be “to your taste” in everything from ethereal to ordinary. Each oil has a unique set useful substances. Among the esters, you can opt for lemon or tea tree oil. For cosmetics - almond, burdock, avocado, flaxseed, jojoba, nut or olive.

Castor oil

It is ideal for growing nails and also taming rough cuticles. If you cut yourself while trimming the supra-nail plate, take out the bottle again - this oil heals wounds well, soothes inflammation, strengthens the skin and nails.

Oil can be used not only in pure form. Mix it with avocado, jojoba, and tea tree oils - and you will see how much the effect of this natural remedy has increased. And besides, it goes well with “kitchen” olive and sunflower oil. Mix these three products, soak your nails in the resulting “bath” for 15 minutes, and rinse off any remaining oil under the tap. Result: smooth surface of the nail plate, treatment of brittleness and delamination.

No time for long term care? Just drop this oil into your hand cream.

Almond oil

It will save delaminated plates and strengthen them. But be prepared to use it often, twice a day, vigorously rubbing. And don’t skimp, lubricate your hands with it too, especially if the skin needs nutrition and moisture. When your nails are cured, don't hide the bottle too far: treat your nails with oil after each manicure to prevent peeling.

Jojoba oil

Helps to “sand” an imperfect nail plate, glue splits and reduce fragility. But before use, the oil must be enriched with pharmaceutical vitamin E (liquid). Rub the oil into the nail, then treat it with the above-mentioned vitamin - the oil will enhance its effect. Treat your nails this way in the morning and evening, protecting your hands with rubber gloves when going to wash the dishes.

Balm for night application: 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, 3 drops of lemon juice, 2 drops of rose essential oil.

Burr oil

Restores and moisturizes both nails (especially after extensions) and dry hand skin. If you are very unhappy with your nails, rub this oil twice, or even better, three times a day, not only into the plate, but also into the cuticle. If you don’t have time for such care, take baths: once a week, warm up the oil and “bathe” the tips of your fingers in it.

Peach oil

This is protection, nutrition and restoration in one bottle. It is with this care that you will get “salon”, shiny nails at home. Important: apply the oil as generously as possible - not only on the nail, but also on the cuticle and fingertips. By the way, one more useful property This oil is considered “sanitation” and prevention of fungus.

To strengthen your nail, massage it every day with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

For urgent “repair” of damaged nails, mix 1 large spoon of peach oil, 3 drops each of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus esters. Every day, morning, afternoon and evening, massage your nails for 15 minutes.

Avocado oil

Strengthens, cares, does not give “life” to inflammation around the nail, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. In general, it is often purchased by manicure lovers.

To prevent your nails from breaking, give the plate a little massage with this oil before applying colored polish. You can use the oil undiluted, or as a mixture: 5 drops of lavender, patchouli, rosemary oils, 2 large spoons of avocado oil, 5 drops fresh juice lemon

If your hands are prone to painful hangnails or you were cut while removing cuticles, add a little (just a couple of drops) of eucalyptus or chamomile oil to avocado oil - this remedy will quickly heal the wounds.

To strengthen your nails, combine avocado oil with olive or almond oil.

Linseed oil

It is used undiluted, as well as in combination with other oils (1:1 proportion or another - say, 1 spoon of flaxseed “base” + 3 drops of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon). “Loves” this oil and esters, primarily chamomile, thyme, lavender, patchouli, rosemary. Any of these products must be rubbed first into the skin of the hands and then into the nails.

Healing ointment: 1 large spoon of flax oil, the same amount of honey, yolk (raw), juice squeezed from a medium lemon. Wash your hands in water drained from boiled potatoes, apply ointment to your hands, cover your hands with gloves and do not take them off for 3 hours.

Citrus oil

Not only protects and strengthens the plate, but also whitens it, gives well-groomed shine. Rub the oil into your nails more often or take oil baths. By the way, you can use fresh juice instead of butter.

This is also a means for increasing the tenderness of the cuticle, restoring wounded skin, as well as cuticles cut after manicure; it is also an antiseptic that saves against local infections and inflammation.

It is advisable to mix lemon oil with other natural products- oils, iodine, pharmaceutical vitamins (liquid), honey. But don’t forget: this oil dries out the nail plate, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Olive oil

Pay attention to it if you want to stop “breaking” your nails and finally grow them back. Hand masks are often made with this oil.

Nut. This is a complete concentrate of useful substances, because such oil is extracted from the shell. The effect of this “strong” oil is visible after just 1 application. It strengthens, nourishes nails, gives them external beauty. Apply a little on each plate twice a day.

Celandine oil. This is a medicine that has antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Cucumber and coconut oils. Maximum moisturize and “vitaminize” nails.

Wheat. The main effect is moisturizing, so it is also suitable for the skin.

Essential oils for nails

They are not applied in pure form, but dripped into “base” oils, fattier ones: olive, apricot, almond, castor oil. 2-3 drops of ether are added to a large spoon of the “base” (and there can be several of them), as well as vitamin E, if desired. The result is masks or nail baths.

To strengthen and “grow” your nails, buy ether of sandalwood, pine, and cedar. And to get rid of fungus and inflammation, choose essential oils of rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree.

The woman decided to give up nail polish for a while - which means it’s “zhzhzh” for a reason, as he reasonably said cartoon character. This means that there are problems with the condition of the nails and they need rest. But you shouldn’t make do with rest alone when effective treatment is possible.

Causes of nail problems

Painful phenomena - fragility, delamination, dullness, roughness - can be caused various factors:

  • - exposure to the same varnishes and enamels, nail polish removers, detergents, compositions for nail extensions;
  • — metabolic disorders;
  • - lack of vitamins.

First of all, it is important to find out the cause of unwanted changes. If the problem is medical, proper treatment The condition of the nails is also normalized. If you suspect vitamin deficiency, it is enough to take a course of vitamins for nails and hair, while at the same time switching to the so-called “smart” ones medicinal varnishes, which are sold in abundance in pharmacies.

Often nails “fly” after pregnancy, after intensive treatment of any diseases, after prolonged use hormonal drugs. Vitamins and time will help here - you need to wait until the body recovers.

In the case when the nails have lost their structure, shape and color due to excessive chemical exposure, there is nothing more effective than essential oils to strengthen nails in any form - baths, applications, rubbing.

Choosing an essential oil

The easiest and shortest way to heal is to regularly rub pure aromatic oils or their mixtures into your nails. Among the most effective “healers” of nails and hair are the oils of eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon, rosemary, and ylang-ylang. The following are considered base or transport oils:

  • - olive;
  • - almond;
  • - jojoba.

Typically 2-3 drops of the selected essential oil are added to 10 ml of base. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the nail plate and the skin around it until completely absorbed. This is both rubbing and massage at the same time: let’s not forget that many active bio-points responsible for vital organs are concentrated at the fingertips.

It should be borne in mind that different essential oils are used to strengthen nails. different problems. For example, if there is fragility, it is recommended to focus on oils:

  • - eucalyptus;
  • - chamomile;
  • - patchouli;
  • - sandalwood;
  • - bergamot;
  • - tea tree.

Lemon, rosemary, and myrrh will help with layered nails. 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base is the standard ratio. There is an excellent universal recipe for a mixture that can be prepared for future use, for one course of treatment, and even for a course of prevention: for 50 ml of jojoba oil - three drops of rose, fir and lemon oils, use the mixture until it runs out. Apply it like a varnish using a soft brush every day. The effect will exceed all expectations.

Since each of the essential oils has its own universal properties, it will not be superfluous to know which oil to use in a particular case.

Ylang-ylang will help cope with thinning nail plates. Bergamot helps wonderfully when nails become weak and break, seemingly for no reason. If you regularly use caring masks and baths with rosemary, you will soon notice that your nails begin to grow faster.

Geranium oil will have an effect not only on the nail plate itself, but also on the cuticle. When doing a manicure, we either cut or push back the cuticle. However, we can only treat its surface layer in this way, which contains already dead cells. Deeper layers “lie” behind nail hole. They require care and regular hydration. The cuticle plays the role of a “protector” from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Therefore, she also needs to be “kept an eye on.” Celandine oil has antiseptic properties - this is exactly what we need. Geranium oil is a good moisturizer.

Burdock and castor oil stimulate the growth of nails, make them stronger and more resistant to external influences. And if you start using orange oil regularly, you will notice that your nails begin to shine, and without the use of any “special means.”

Effective recipes

Masks for marigolds can be made at home often, because... they do not require the purchase of expensive products and do not take much time. While you sit, immersing your fingers in the nutritious mixture, you can dream and relax: this way, a mask or bath will have a double effect, strengthening both your nails and your nervous system.

An excellent mask is obtained by using three components - oils:

  • - red pepper;
  • - lemon;
  • - myrrh.

To them you need to add a teaspoon of sea salt (or regular salt, if there is no sea salt) and rub the composition into the nails for 3 minutes. A couple of times a week will be enough to strengthen your nails.

You can take a ripe tomato, mash it, add a teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of rosemary oil. Sit with your fingers immersed in the mixture for about 15 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm water.

Bored of sitting just like that? Then we’ll give our nails a mini-massage: take a pinch of sea salt and start rubbing it into the nails. Then melt the piece beeswax and combining it with 4 drops of oil grape seeds(more is possible, because this is a base oil, it can be used in its pure form), continue the massage. This procedure can be done once every 15 days.

Baths with essential oils

Women who take proper care of themselves regularly pamper their nails with baths containing aromatic oils. There are a lot of recipes, here is one of them. Pour a tablespoon of almond oil into a bowl and add 2-3 drops each of grapefruit, ylang-ylang and bergamot. Soak your fingers in this mixture, then put on cotton gloves and do not take them off for two hours. It can be even simpler: in a heated olive oil dip your fingers and sit there for half an hour. Your nails will be grateful for such care.

You can make a bath with sour cream. To do this, dissolve 3 drops of any oil (depending on the problem that needs to be dealt with) in fatty sour cream. After holding it in your hands for about 15 minutes, rinse it off and apply the cream.

You can make baths with sea ​​salt. They have a strengthening and healing effect.

To make your nails transparent and smooth, squeeze out a few drops lemon juice add a spoonful of olive oil and keep your hands in the mixture for a while.

IN daily care essential oils to strengthen nails can simply be included in your favorite hand cream. One option: add three drops each of lemon and eucalyptus and five drops of lavender to a jar of cream, mix and use as usual, morning, afternoon and evening.

When planning caring procedures, try to choose a time when no one bothers you, because... you need to wait at least 15 minutes to useful components masks or baths have had time to be absorbed and begin to act. Before using masks, you must remove the nail polish, treat the cuticles, and prepare a moisturizer that you will use to lubricate your hands after the care procedure.

And a few more tips for every day.

Poor condition of nails often signals some kind of malfunction in the body. Poor nutrition will certainly leave its traces. If you have problems with nails, you need to include foods rich in calcium in your diet - cottage cheese, milk, cheese, natural gelatin is very useful - these are everyone's favorite aspic, jellied meat, jelly.

Vital products with high content iron, iodine, silicon, sulfur, vitamins A and B - these are absolutely all green vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, liver, vegetable oil, egg yolk. Tasty and healthy, and most importantly - nothing special, this is a familiar set of products for our table. Cheers.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles are used quite often today. They are added to base oils, they are used to make baths for hands, nails and cuticles, compresses, and are sometimes used in their pure form. For you, we have collected a description of 22 essential oils that will be useful in caring for nails and cuticles.

Don't forget that when using essential oils for nails and cuticles or for any other purpose, aroma plays an important role. When using essential oils on nails and cuticles, you will get a greater effect if you like the aroma.

2. Essential oils: descriptions and recipes

Essential oils for nails and cuticles Which one for what?

The long list of essential oils for nails presented below will help you choose the one that suits and pleases you. But for convenience, essential oils for nails and cuticles are first divided into groups according to their beneficial properties:

For peeling nails: cedar, bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, incense, ylang-ylang, lavender

For brittle nails: rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, bergamot, thyme, pine, patchouli

For whitening: lemon, grapefruit

Against fungus: tea tree, wormwood, sandalwood (as an auxiliary component), chamomile (as an auxiliary component)

To moisturize your nails and care for your cuticles: myrrh, geranium, sandalwood, patchouli, sage, chamomile

For growth: tea tree, rosemary, chamomile

Essential oils for nails and cuticles Top 22:

  • Ylang-ylang essential oil strengthens nails, eliminates splitting, and is used for polishing. At regular use Ylang-ylang oils make nails stronger, healthier, and smoother. This essential oil can be used for nails in its pure form. To do this, you will need only 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil; they need to be evenly distributed on the nail plates and cuticles and rubbed. This usually only takes 1-2 minutes. The oil is quickly absorbed.
    When polishing Before starting the procedure, you can apply ylang-ylang essential oil to the nail plate. This will promote strengthening and more gentle grinding.
    Strengthening essential oils for nails and cuticles: 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang oil are mixed with 5 ml of jojoba oil. The resulting mixture is applied both to the nail and cuticle, rubbed in thoroughly. massage movements. The remainder of this mixture can be distributed over inside palms.

  • Lavender essential oil softens the cuticle, promotes healing of minor damage, and strengthens nails. Lavender essential oil for nails, cuticles and hand skin will be most useful in winter time years to restore skin and nails after sudden temperature changes and being in heated rooms where the air is often too dry.
    To restore and strengthen nails 1-2 times a day can be applied and rubbed in with massage movements 1-2 drops clean oil lavender.
    - Mix 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil with 10-15 ml of any base oil, for example, apricot, peach or grape kernel oils. You can also use macadamia oil as a base. This mixture can be applied to the surface of the nails and rubbed into the cuticles, or simply hold your hands in the resulting composition for 15-20 minutes.
    For hand skin and cuticle care— you can add lavender essential oil to the cream at the rate of 5 drops of oil per 10 ml of cream.

  • Tea tree oil

    Tea tree essential oil from fungus nail polish is considered one of the most effective natural remedies. Tea tree essential oil will also work to restore and strengthen nails, stimulating their growth and softening the cuticle.
    To fight fungus Tea tree oil is applied in its pure form to damaged areas of nails and skin several times a day.
    Also against nail fungus It is effective to make compresses with tea tree oil. To do this, oil is applied to cotton pad, the disc is pressed against the damaged area of ​​the nail and wrapped with a bandage on top for tighter pressing. It is recommended to keep this compress for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Such compresses should be made every day or every other day; in the latter case, instead of a compress, tea tree oil is applied several times a day to damaged areas of the nails and surrounding skin.
    To restore, strengthen and grow nails Tea tree essential oil is mixed with one of the base oils suitable for nails. It could be olive oil, macadamia oil, apricot kernels. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 5-7 drops of essential oil per 5 ml of base. Apply the composition 1-2 times a day by rubbing a small amount into the nail and skin.

  • Lemon essential oil for nails and cuticles is used as a strengthening and whitening agent. When applied to the skin, it stimulates blood circulation, which ensures the supply of essential microelements, moisturizes and whitens.
    For whitening the nail plate is used either by rubbing or aromatherapy baths. In the first case, a small amount of pure oil is rubbed in with massage movements 1-2 times a day. In the second, 10 drops of lemon essential oil are mixed with 5 ml of any base oil. Keep your nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Lemon essential oil will help restore natural color nails after removing polish, working with spices or any other dyes.
    !Important! Make sure that Sun rays do not come into contact with skin treated with lemon essential oil. It is recommended to apply this oil at least 1-2 hours before sunbathing.

  • Grapefruit

    Whitens, adds shine to nail plates, prevents the appearance of hangnails, and cares for the cuticle.
    For whitening and for severe delamination and brittleness The oil is used in its pure form. (Recipe see description 4. Lemon)
    To strengthen nails Grapefruit essential oil (5 drops) is mixed with almond oil (5 ml). The resulting mixture can be used both for regular rubbing and as an aromatherapy bath.

  • Rosemary

    An excellent natural remedy against brittleness and splitting of nails. In addition, rosemary essential oil promotes the acceleration and growth of nails and carefully cares for cuticles. When contacted with the skin, rosemary essential oil activates and accelerates blood circulation. Methods of use and recipe see 2. Lavender.
    To strengthen nails rosemary essential oil and accelerate their growth most effective remedy- bath with sea salt. For this you will need
    -2-3 drops rosemary essential oil
    -1 glass of warm water
    -1 teaspoon sea salt
    The bath is used for 20 minutes, 2 times a week, for a month.

  • Bergamot

    Bergamot essential oil eliminates splitting and strengthens thin and brittle nails. Bergamot oil is especially effective for restoring nails after extensions. The result will be noticeable after 1 week of daily rubbing 1-2 drops of bergamot essential oil into the nail plates. You can also use aroma baths (see 2. Lavender - For nails and cuticles) and a salt bath (see 6. Rosemary)

  • Geranium

    Geranium essential oil is suitable for strengthening nails and moisturizing cuticles. Geranium oil also has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The most effective recipe:

    5 ml almond oil,
    -3-5 drops of geranium essential oil

    Rub the resulting mixture using a sander until absorbed. This composition is also suitable for cuticles. After using geranium essential oil, your nails become stronger and healthier, your cuticles look neat and well-groomed.

  • Orange

    Orange essential oil helps strengthen and restore nails, nourish cuticles, and can be used for whitening together with lemon essential oil. And so are the recipes.
    to strengthen: Simply rub a few drops of essential oil into your nails with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. Or mix orange essential oil with one of the main oils, you can take olive, wheat germ or coconut. The ratio is 5 ml of base oil and 5 drops of essential oil.
    for whitening: 7 drops of lemon essential oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil are mixed with 5 ml of any base oil. Keep your nails in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After that, for a few more minutes, massage the remaining oil into the cuticle, nail and surrounding skin.

  • Sandalwood

    Sandalwood essential oil soothes the skin, moisturizes cuticles, strengthens nails, gives them a well-groomed appearance and healthy color. Sometimes used in mixture with other oils to combat fungus. Once on the skin and cuticle, sandalwood essential oil promotes the healing of cracks, softens and moisturizes.
    To strengthen and moisturize: Simply rub a few drops of essential oil into your nails and cuticles with massage movements until absorbed several times a day.
    Against fungus: 4 drops each of tea tree and lavender essential oils, 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil are added to 2 liters of warm water.

  • Mandarin

    Tangerine essential oil has properties similar to essential oils of other citrus fruits. It strengthens nails and helps them grow healthy nails, gives a healthy color and well-groomed appearance. The most effective mandarin essential oil in a salt bath is:
    -2-5 drops of tangerine essential oil
    -1 glass of warm water
    -1 teaspoon sea salt
    The bath is used for 20 minutes, 2 times a week.

  • Patchouli

    Patchouli essential oil strengthens and moisturizes nails and cuticles, and prevents the appearance of hangnails. Eliminates nail brittleness.
    To strengthen and moisturize: Simply rub a few drops of essential oil into each nail and cuticle with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. This oil can be added as a moisturizing component to any oil composition for nails.

  • Pine

    Pine essential oil for nails is not used as often as other oils on this list, but it can be just as effective.
    To strengthen nails The following recipe is used:
    -20 ml wheat germ oil
    -10 drops of pine essential oil
    Nails are immersed in the mixture for 5-10 minutes, then the remaining oil is massaged into the nails and cuticle until absorbed. It is recommended to do such aroma baths no more than 2 times a month. And in between, you can use any other essential oil to strengthen your nails.

  • Thyme(Thyme)

    Essential oil of thyme or thyme is effective for brittle and peeling nails, giving them shine and caring for the cuticle. This oil is used by simply rubbing a few drops of essential oil into the nails with massage movements until absorbed several times a day. Can be done oil masks or aroma baths: 5 ml of jojoba oil and 10 drops of thyme oil.

  • Sage

    Sage essential oil gently moisturizes the skin of the hands and cuticles, heals small wounds and scratches, and helps strengthen nails. Sage oil baths are recommended for use after a manicure. To do this, add 5-7 drops of sage essential oil to 5 ml of base oil (jojoba, macadamia, olive). For nails and cuticles, this composition is a real miracle!

  • Myrrh

    Myrrh essential oil strengthens and moisturizes nails, cares for cuticles, and has antiseptic properties. Rub it a couple of times a day into the nail plates and cuticles, the results will appear after just a few days. Myrrh essential oil is ideal for daily care. It can also be used as an additional active component with any nail, cuticle and hand skin care product. To do this, you need to add only 2-3 drops of essential oils for nails to each portion, for example, hand cream or nail oil.

  • Rose

    Rose essential oil is suitable for ongoing care for nails and cuticles. This oil moisturizes and nourishes, helps strengthen nails and prevent them from becoming brittle. Moisturizes the cuticle and helps get rid of hangnails. Rose essential oil for nails can be used in the same way as geranium oil (see No. 8 Geranium)

  • Palmorosa

    Palmarosa essential oil is effective in caring for cuticles and restoring damaged nail plates. It prevents the appearance of hangnails. Great for use at the start of the day. Palmorosa essential oil for nails and cuticles can be used in the same way as geranium oil (see No. 8 Geranium)

  • Chamomile

    Thanks to its soothing and healing properties, chamomile essential oil is suitable for eliminating hangnails, moisturizing cuticles, strengthening nails and accelerating their growth. Chamomile essential oil works well together with lemon essential oil. You can apply them one by one, or you can prepare the following composition: 5 ml of coconut or almond oil, 5 drops of chamomile and lemon essential oils. This mask will return your nails to their natural healthy color, relieve cuticles from dryness, relieve inflammation if necessary, and prevent brittleness and layering of the nail plates.

  • Sagebrush

    Wormwood essential oil is used mainly in the fight against nail fungus. To do this, the oil in its pure form is applied to damaged nails in the morning and evening. They also make baths 2-3 times a week, adding 10-15 drops of essential oil to 2 liters of water. You can add any oil you like for flavor.

  • Cedar

    Cedar essential oil actively strengthens nails, moisturizes the cuticle, and prevents splitting and the formation of hangnails. To maintain healthy nails, cedarwood essential oil (5 drops) mixed with 5 ml of almond oil is applied to the nails several hours before applying polish. Cedarwood essential oil can also be used in its pure form, mixed with other oils and in nail baths.

  • Frankincense

    Frankincense essential oil or incense has been known since ancient times. It is great for strengthening nails and preventing them from splitting.
    In its pure form: 2 drops are distributed over the surface of the nails and hands, rubbed until completely absorbed, usually 1-2 minutes. It is enough to do this procedure with frankincense essential oil 1-2 times a week.

Essential oils for nails and cuticles application

How to use essential oils on nails and cuticles? This question is asked by many girls and women when they start using natural remedies. Essential oil is a rather specific product, which, if used incorrectly and ineptly, can cause more trouble than it is worth. Below is a list of recommendations that allow you to get maximum effect and avoid trouble.

  1. Choose the nail essential oil that best suits your purpose.
  2. When purchasing oil, choose 100% natural oil. The bottle should be made of dark glass and have a dispenser.
  3. Before using any essential oil, a sensitivity test must be performed. Apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to a sensitive area of ​​skin (wrist, elbow) and evaluate the effect of the oil. If within 20-30 minutes discomfort no itching, burning, redness, etc. have occurred, the oil can be used.
  4. The oil must be applied to clean and dry nails.
  5. After use, close the jar tightly to prevent the ether from evaporating.

You can create a composition from your favorite oils, which will contribute not only to your health, but also to lift your mood and vitality. Essential oils for strengthening nails can also be beneficial for your overall health. For example:

1. 2 drops each of cedar and grapefruit essential oils - will invigorate, set you up for optimism;

2. 2 drops of sweet orange essential oil, 1 drop each of sandalwood, neuroli and frankincense - will help get rid of tension and lift your spirits;

3. 1 drop each of ylang-ylang and sandalwood oils, 2 drops of neuroli essential oil - will inspire, give strength, create an atmosphere of romance

Essential oils for strengthening nails have everything necessary components created by nature itself. Take care of your beauty with natural essential oils. Be healthy and beautiful!

Why use oils in nail care?

Brittle, flaking, dull and rough nails require special care, which can be provided by oils that have medicinal properties. So, the effect of oils on nails: – the oil intensively nourishes the nail itself;

  • affects the softening of the cuticle;
  • perfectly strengthens the nail plate;
  • helps to avoid peeling and brittleness of the nail;
  • affects the improvement of nail growth;
  • protects the nail, helping it avoid fungal infection.

Their essential analogues help vegetable oils enhance their effectiveness. But we will try to find out which oil can strengthen nails best. All of the following oils can be easily used at home to care for your nails.

Vegetable oils that help strengthen the nail structure

The following oils will help to perfectly strengthen and comprehensively improve the appearance of nails: – wheat germ oil:

  • olive oil;
  • apricot:
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba oil;
  • rosehip;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock.

Among other things, these oils can not only reduce the brittleness of nails, but also prevent dryness and layering of the nail plate. And here they are natural oils like watermelon seed oil, avocado, olive, castor and Burr oil very effectively improves nail growth.

In addition to strengthening, magnificent health properties own, first of all, oil peach pits, burdock and olive oil, pine nut oil, rosehip oil and sesame seed oil.

Essential oils and nail care

As we have already said, comprehensive nail care provides enrichment vegetable oils with the help of ethereal ones. In this case, the best oils for these purposes are considered to be the following: oils of grapefruit, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, chamomile, bergamot, sandalwood, patchouli, pine, cedar, rosemary, myrrh, thyme, rose, calendula.

These oils have a much more diverse range of properties, in contrast to base oils. It is with the help of these oils that you can prepare an oil bath for your nails, which has a special specific focus. For example, to eliminate layering of the nail plate, you can use oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, pine or cedar. If you want to strengthen your nails, use thyme, bergamot, rosemary, sandalwood or lemon oils.

To whiten nails, grapefruit, eucalyptus, lemon myrrh and rosemary oils are suitable. And here excellent shine Oils of lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, and rose will help add color to the surface of the nails.

Rosemary, sandalwood, chamomile, and tea tree oils relieve inflammation. By the way, these oils are an excellent antiseptic, so they are widely used to prevent the occurrence and treat fungal infections.

But the general strengthening properties are inherent in oils such as bergamot, chamomile, ylang-ylang, and myrrh. These oils are used in nail care, even if nail plate doesn't have any problems.

remember, that proper care nail care must necessarily include the use of oils in any form, be it applications, rubbing or baths. Among other things, to strengthen your nails, it is necessary that your daily hand and nail care cream contains essential oils. Well, if they are not there, you can add them to the cream yourself (3-5 drops).

Oils can also be used in the form of oil solutions, which will give strength to weakened and problematic nails. Oil solutions of vitamins A and E have excellent properties. It is recommended to enrich vegetable oils with their help.
