Do-it-yourself boat made of A4 paper. decorating paper boats

A paper boat is a craft that many of us made as children. But, years later, the instructions for making such a toy are forgotten. At the same time, the creation of such crafts is a great way to spend leisure time together for parents and children. Believe me, preschool kids are very interested in working with paper, folding various shapes. It is worth noting that the paper boat is made using the classic origami technique. This means that such an activity will benefit the child, since Japanese art involves not just a game, but the development of a small person.

It will also be useful for adults to remember long-forgotten skills. Make several boats, come up with an interesting game scenario, and such a pastime will definitely bring pleasure to both you and your child. It remains only to learn how to fold the boat. It's not difficult at all and only takes a couple of minutes.

Scientists say that it is very important for children to develop fine motor skills, because thanks to such skills, the brain develops.

Making a boat, as well as other origami figures, is the best way to develop motor skills. This is one of the reasons why this activity has become popular.

It is worth noting that for crafts only the presence of paper is required. This means that parents do not need to spend a lot of money on expensive stationery, such as paints, brushes, glue, application paper, plasticine, felt-tip pens. Origami is the most cost-effective way to engage in children's creativity, which will be of interest to adults as well.

Making paper crafts perfectly develops perseverance, discipline, patience, diligence in kids. These qualities are very important in preparing a child for school. Perseverance and patience have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and psyche. Origami helps children fight childhood fears that are inherent in every kid. If at the same time there is communication with parents, the effect is amplified several times.

Making a boat, an airplane, a crane and other crafts develops imagination, a creative approach to any activity, and imaginative thinking. In the future, such skills will help the child to better adapt to the learning process at school, and in the future - to adulthood. It is a creative approach that will help in the future to solve a child of difficult situations, find interesting solutions and be self-confident.

Origami helps to comprehend the basics of geometry, as it teaches the child the basic concepts. Among them are the names of geometric shapes - square, triangle, rectangle, circle. Also, the kid will remember what the median, diagonal, top of the figure are. Such knowledge will simplify the process of teaching school disciplines. In general, it can be noted that the foundations of mathematics are laid in the art of origami.

Origami figures allow you to invent a variety of games. You can stack a lot of boats and play a naval battle, or come up with your own game with interesting rules. You can arrange a competition, the essence of which is to determine whose boat will last longer afloat. Believe me, your child will be happy to play with his parents and take such a process with genuine interest. Moms and dads can only remember the instructions for folding the boat and show a little imagination to think through an interesting plot of the game.

Classic way

To make a boat, you can use special origami paper or regular A4 office paper. Unlike most origami figures, which are made from a sheet of material that has a square shape, the boat is folded from rectangular paper. Before you make a paper boat with your child, we recommend that you practice.

So, the instruction involves the following sequential steps:

Ship with two pipes

There is a way by which you will learn how to make a paper boat in an unusual way. Such a figure will have two pipes. You should follow a simple sequence of actions:

As you can see, making such crafts is not at all difficult. A preschooler will cope with them without problems, provided that parents help. If you take colored paper, you can make very beautiful, bright boats that the baby will like.

A handmade boat is a great toy. Thanks to this method, you can devote time to your child, teach him new skills. In addition, such crafts do not require the purchase of expensive materials. All you need is paper and scissors. Parents should understand that not always an expensive toy is the best. Ships made using the origami technique contribute to the development of the child.

One of the most accessible materials for creative activities is plain paper. Most children love to make paper crafts with their own hands, cut out various figures, and glue postcards. And the origami technique allows you to make crafts without the help of scissors and glue. Both boys and girls are especially fond of folding paper ships and boats, with which they can immediately play on the water. How to make a paper boat in three ways, we will describe further.

There are a lot of schemes and instructions for creating different “navigable” origami, if you wish, you can even create a whole fleet out of paper. We chose three types of figurines among this variety and decided to tell you how to make a classic paper boat, a steamer with two pipes and a catamaran boat. Stock up on paper, because we're getting started!

Classic paper boat

Surely almost every adult in childhood made such boats. Follow the step-by-step instructions and visual diagram below to learn how to make a DIY paper boat in just nine easy steps. You can also use white paper sheets, but origami from double-sided colored paper will look more interesting and fun. So:

  1. Fold in half an ordinary rectangular sheet of A4.
  2. Bend both corners of the sheet towards the center so that they do not occupy the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folded A4, but about three-quarters.
  3. Bend the loose bottom strips of paper up on both sides.
  4. Corners are formed on the sides, which must be bent in the opposite direction.
  5. Then take your workpiece in your hands and, as if unfolding it from below, fold the left and right corners of the figure together.
  6. You should have the same square figure as in the sixth figure of the diagram.
  7. Bend the bottom corners of the square up, on both sides, but do not bring the corners to the very top, leave a little space - about 1 cm.
  8. You will get a triangle that needs to be unfolded from below and folded in the same way as in the fifth step of the instruction.
  9. Grasp the upper corners of the formed square and pull them to the sides, revealing our boat. Walk along the fold line, forming a stable bottom.

A paper boat can go to conquer the waves!

How to make a paper steamer

Next, we will tell you how you can make not just a boat out of paper from just one sheet, but create a whole steamer with two pipes using the origami technique. Boys will especially like such a sea vessel, because it looks more unusual and impressive than boats and sailboats.

Prepare a square piece of paper. If you do not know how to make a square out of paper, then follow these steps:

  • Take an ordinary A4 sheet and begin to fold one of its corners diagonally so that the adjacent sides of the sheet match - as shown in the figure.

  • Iron the fold well so that it holds its shape. The rectangle formed on the side must be bent forward or backward, and then cut along the fold line using scissors, or torn off using a ruler. Now you have a square origami paper blank.

Let's start creating our two-pipe steamer:

Paper catamaran boat

And now we will put together an interesting vessel, which consists of two hulls and is called a catamaran. Due to its structure, this boat is very stable and can reach higher speeds - these characteristics can be applied to its paper version as well, compared to other boats. To make this boat, you need to learn how to fold such a basic origami figure as a double triangle.

  1. We take a paper square. We alternately bend the two upper corners of the leaf to the opposite lower ones for the appearance of diagonal cross fold lines.
  2. We bend the upper part of the square to the bottom, connecting them along the edge line to get a horizontal fold in the center of the sheet.
  3. And now the most important thing: from below we grope for the center of the square, and we try to bend the side triangles inward, pressing them to the bottom of the sheet and folding them in half. The top half of the square will fold over the bottom half.
  4. The triangle is almost ready, you just need to turn its upper right and left rear wings in the opposite direction, left and right, respectively. Voila!

  1. The blind corner of the figure must be bent to the center of the lower part of the triangle.
  2. The small triangle formed due to the inflection at the top should be bent inward.
  3. Stretch the shape by pulling on the outside.
  4. We bend the lower part of the figure up.
  5. The resulting figure is our catamaran of two boats, it's just now standing upside down. Turn the boat over - the catamaran is ready!

We hope that the step-by-step instructions, origami diagrams and video tutorials presented here have helped you tame paper and enjoy creating a paper fleet. Having mastered such crafts, you can proceed to the creation of more complex paper products and models: aircraft, tanks and cars.

May 27th, 2013

Many of us from childhood loved to make paper boats and let them go through streams. This fun and to this day is popular among those who love to craft. The boat can be made using plain paper or cardboard. But you can also try materials like tree branches, styrofoam, walnut shells, and plastic bottles.

You can build several boats and let them race. Whose boat sails more, he will win.

Let's look at several options for ships, starting with two types of paper boats.

How to make a boat (diagram)

You can prepare both a sheet for printing, and a landscape or notebook sheet.

Here's how to make a regular paper boat.

So you can make a sailboat / frigate

And this is another kind of paper boat

How to make a paper boat

The diagram below shows how to make origami boat.

How to make a boat (photo)

Prepare a piece of A4 paper.

1. Bend the sheet in half lengthwise.

2. Bend and straighten the sheet again to mark the fold points in advance.

3. Bend the top corners to the line.

4. Bend the bottom edges up halfway (this must be done on both the front and back sides).

5. Now fold the bottom corners 90 degrees to the top. Do this on both sides.

6. Also on both sides you need to bend the bottom edges to the end.

7. Taking the folded workpiece by the center, begin to stretch it.

8. The bottom edge of the square must be folded up.

9. Again, take the workpiece by the center and begin to stretch it.

10. The bottom edge needs to be folded over.

11. Holding the workpiece by the tips of the corners, begin to stretch it.

That's all!

This is another type of boat, or rather a steamer with two pipes. Such a steamer is very easy to make - follow the photo instructions.

Prepare a sheet of A4 paper (you can use a simple landscape sheet) and scissors.

1. First you need to make a square from a rectangular sheet.

Fold the top corner of the paper over so that its top side is on the left side.

Bend and cut off the excess bottom of the sheet and unfold it.

Since one fold line is already there, it remains to make a second one. To do this, fold the sheet as shown in the image, i.e. connect diagonally opposite corners. Expand the sheet next.

2. Bend the corners towards the middle.

3. Turn the workpiece over and repeat the same, i.e. bend again the corners to the center.

4. Turn the workpiece over again and repeat the same action a third time.

5. Turn the workpiece over one last time and straighten the two opposite corners as shown in the picture. These corners should turn into rectangles, which will play the role of pipes for your steamer.

6. It remains to take the product by the tips of opposite corners, and simply unfold it. The pipes of the steamer must close.

How to make a boat with your own hands

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, boats can be made not only from paper. Here's what you can do if you use, for example, bottle caps.

It is not difficult to make such a craft. Simply glue three or more bottle caps together with superglue, add a toothpick mast and a sail.

If you wish, you can tie a rope with a coil to your boat so that you do not lose it and can return it.

But what a pretty boat you can make using a walnut shell.

For such a boat, you must first carefully split the walnut into two even halves and clean it from the insides.

Light a candle to drip paraffin inside the shell.

While the paraffin is in liquid form in the shell, insert a toothpick to serve as the ship's mast.

When the paraffin hardens, you can decorate the ship. For example, add a paper flag or a sail.

And here's how you can make a boat out of tree branches.

Do-it-yourself paper candy boat

1. First you need to cut off the excess from a piece of foam to shape the future ship.

2. For good poop, glue a few flat pieces.

3. While the ship is not very smooth, which means we will correct the situation with the help of papier-mâché.

4. Get your glue gun and crepe paper ready, and wrap around the ship's hull.

5. We decorate the ship with rope sides and masts. Use skewers and superglue for this. For ropes, use thick threads that just need to be glued.

6. Use corrugated paper to make sails.

7. Start decorating. To make a pirate flag, simply print out the image on paper and cut out the paper flag.

8. Add candies (glued to the ship) and a paper chest.

Today I will tell you how to make a boat out of paper with your own hands. Making paper boats is fun for both children and adults. With the advent of spring, the children quickly run outside to launch their ships through streams or puddles, made by small hands from materials that came across at home. The simplest and most affordable option is a paper boat. Every child has a question about this, how to make a paper boat yourself. There are several better ways to model ships out of paper. All paper crafts can be made from. To make the boat float on the water longer, it is better to make them from magazine coated paper.

Method 1. A simple paper boat. Step by step manufacturing.

To solve the problem of how to make a paper boat according to step-by-step instructions, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1. We take a landscape sheet, most often it has an A4 format. This material is denser than ordinary paper, so the product will have a rigid shape and a beautiful appearance. We bend this sheet in the middle along the narrow side.

Step 2. Fold the resulting workpiece again along the short side. And then we turn it back.

Step 3. We connect the corners at the fold of the folded sheet together.

Step 4. Bend the rectangle up at bent corners.

Step 5. We turn the workpiece on the other side and bend another rectangle. We bend the corners of the folded strips on both sides to make a triangle.

Step 7. We bend one of the separate corners up. We perform similar actions with a different angle to make a triangle.

Step 8. Open the bottom part again and connect the opposite corners. Now you need to pull on the corners at the top of the triangle to open the boat. To do this, one hand takes one bent end, the other takes the second.

Step 9. For stability, you can slightly push the base of the paper boat. And now the amazing paper ship is ready!

Step 2. Bend the corners of the square to the middle again to get another square. We turn the workpiece again and again bend the corners to the center.

Step 3. Turn the square over one more time and do the same with the corners.

Step 4. Having turned the paper ship over for the last time, we straighten two opposite corners until we get a rectangle. The result is a kind of ship pipes.

Step 5. We take the workpiece by the remaining corners and turn the boat around, while the pipes are connected.

A steamer with two chimneys is ready to set sail. In more detail, the scheme for folding a paper boat can be viewed in the video below.

Method 3. Making a boat out of paper.

To answer the child's question of how to make a paper boat with his own hands, you also need the best step-by-step instructions.
To work, you need a square sheet of paper. You can take an ordinary landscape sheet and make a square out of it. To do this, we connect the top of the sheet with the left side, and cut off the rest. Here are the instructions below:

1. We bend the square in half, connecting the top and bottom of the workpiece.

2. Now we bend the free edges of the workpiece to the middle to get such a rectangle.

3. Then we lay the resulting figure in a vertical position and bend one edge. But the corners of a long rectangle from two ends are connected together.

4. Bends the future boat in half so that the connected corners are inside.

If you do not know what to do with your child, then make him a craft in the form of a boat. A toy, like in childhood, can be created overnight, and the baby will get great pleasure. To make a ship, you only need a piece of paper and the sleight of your hands. A little effort and a new fun for the child will be ready.

How to make a paper boat with your own hands

There are several options for how to make a ship out of paper. The manufacturing process will take no more than two to three minutes. To create a toy, you will need a sheet of plain A4 paper or cardboard of the same size. Glue, scissors and other additional tools are not needed, because the origami technique will be used for craft crafts. You can make a paper ship according to the easiest scheme or try to make a steamer, guided by a photo or video.

DIY simple paper boat

A diagram of how to make a paper boat of the simplest variation can be mastered even by a child. To build a toy water transport, you will need a minimum of improvised means: instructions and an album sheet to make the product large, durable and stable. Such a vessel will last a long time on the water, delighting its owner. Paper can be both white and color - each of the options is good in its own way.

You need to fold the craft, following the step-by-step instructions:

  • Fold the prepared paper sheet in half.
  • The bent side should be folded in half again up.
  • Bend the corners at a right angle to the central part.
  • Bend each free edge upwards on both sides, and tuck the free corners into the inner part, forming a triangle.
  • Then bring the corners at the base of the figure together, getting a square.
  • Bend the corners of the square from below to again make a triangular figure.
  • Bring the corners at the base of the triangle to each other, forming a square.
  • Take the resulting figure by the upper corners and slowly pull it to the sides until the product opens, turning into a boat.

How to make an origami paper boat

Using the origami technique, you can create any existing object. How to make a paper boat from a single sheet, giving birth to ships, boats, twin-tube steamers, Titanic and other ships? Very simple, for example, a miniature yacht, created in stages with your own hands, would be a great idea for launching water. You can take a sheet of one-sided colored paper so that the boat itself turns out to be bright colors, and the sail is white.

Step by step, following the steps, you will learn how to make an origami boat:

  • Roll an arrow from a square-shaped sheet, bending it towards the opposite edge.
  • Fold the resulting figure in half.
  • Bend the hull of the ship, forming a right angle of ninety degrees between it and the sail. Unfold the created figure.
  • Press the fold lines on both sides inward and sharpen the front of the boat.
  • Bend the pointed bottom inward for balance.

How to make a paper boat with a sail

If you are interested in how to assemble a paper boat, then its scheme will not seem complicated if you have mastered the technique of a simple master class, how to make crafts in stages. A spectacular ship can serve as an original gift not only for a child, but also for an adult who is attracted by the sea and everything connected with it. There are several ways to make a ship with a sail, here is how one of them is done in stages:

  • From sheet A4 we make a square, cutting off an extra piece.
  • Bend the resulting paper figure in the center and diagonally to form sixteen small squares.
  • Bend the sheet from four corners in the central part and connect the two edges to each other and to the center. Do this for all corners.
  • Turn the figure over, bend twice diagonally.
  • Connect the triangles that are on the right side of the product to each other. They will be the sails.

How to fold a paper boat into a box

It is easy to make a boat not only from an album sheet, but also from thinner notebook paper or newspaper. Such a product will be less durable, but it will be possible to play with it for a while. The ease of making a boat allows you to do such crafts in any free minutes, for example, at a break at school, in order to fun while away your free time intended for relaxation.

How can you make a paper boat? Everything needs to be done step by step:

  • Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half.
  • Mark a line and bend the workpiece in half again.
  • Bend the corners, but only the layer that is on top, bringing it closer to the intended line. Perform similar actions on the other side.
  • Bend the bottom corners with a fold towards you, going inward.
  • Fold the top layer in half.
  • Lay the product in the middle, creating two folds.
  • Unscrew the two corners and unfold the created blank.

How to make a steamer out of paper - step by step instructions

A paper steamer can be a great alternative to a traditional ship. It is not very difficult to make it, so you can try the creative work of making a boat with your child. Yes, such a ship is not capable of sailing on water for a long time, but it can perfectly cruise along a fictional sea, competing with ordinary boats. A beautiful craft is sure to interest the child with its original look.

Step by step the steamboat is done like this:

  • It is necessary to take a leaf of a square shape.
  • Bend each of the four corners to the central part.
  • Then you should turn the resulting workpiece in the shape of a square and again bend all the corners to the center.
  • Turn the resulting figure over again and again bend all four corners to the center.
  • Turn the square over again and again bend the corners to the central part of the product.
  • Turn the workpiece over again, but already begin to gradually bend and open two opposite squares.
  • The remaining pair of squares remains to be gradually pulled around the corners in different directions.

Learn about other do-it-yourself paper crafts, for example, a swan.

Video: how to make a ship out of paper

You can easily create a boat of any complexity, guided by the master classes presented in the free videos below. They describe in stages how to make a beautiful paper craft in the form of a sailboat, an anchored steamer, a pirate or warship. There are many ways to make a paper boat, so you can choose the easiest model for yourself and create a toy boat.

How to fold a paper boat with two pipes

DIY big paper ship
