Early miscarriage symptoms. When the risk of miscarriage is especially high

This question is often asked by the fairer sex to their gynecologist. It is worth noting that most women in the first month most often do not even suspect that they are in a position. There can be many reasons for the delay, it is not necessarily pregnancy. That is why the expectant mother is very scared if after a while she starts bleeding, which is different from the discharge during menstruation. A miscarriage or menstruation were in a specific situation can only be determined by a specialist. However, it is worth understanding the causes of this process, as well as its symptoms and signs.

What does a miscarriage look like? At an early stage, spontaneous interruption of fetal development occurs in five percent of women around the world. The number is big. In general, a miscarriage is a natural termination of pregnancy, which occurs spontaneously in a woman for up to twenty to twenty-two weeks. In addition, there are early and late miscarriages. The first occurs in the first twelve weeks, the second - in the second part of the period indicated above. In the case of a natural way after the twenty-second week of the development of the child, we are already talking about premature birth.

Experts say that in some women, a miscarriage can occur with every pregnancy. Such a process or disease is called habitual. The causes of early miscarriage are considered to be many events and factors. However, there are also situations in which spontaneous interruption occurred without any visible violations.

What is fetal rejection and what does it look like? A miscarriage also happens when a woman and a child have incompatible Rh factors. In such a case, the woman's body simply takes the child for a foreign body, an infection, and so on. All processes are aimed at pushing the fetus out of the uterus. Frequent miscarriages leading to a desired pregnancy lead to miscarriage. Doctors always warn girls who are pregnant for the first time about the possible consequences of such an operation.

The cause of a miscarriage may be a hormonal disorder, a malfunction in the reproductive system, a cyst or endometriosis, for example. It is worth noting that such a case is always accompanied by severe stress. Any strong feelings, depression and abdominal trauma quite often lead to spontaneous abortion. It is not for nothing that experts recommend that all expectant mothers be calmer, not worry about trifles, but only enjoy their condition and expect a small miracle.

What it looks like At first, a woman begins to feel a slight malaise, weakness and dizziness appear. In such a situation, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Doctors will be able to stop even the bleeding that has begun. Today it is successfully treated by doctors of all countries. As for hormonal failure, which is quite often the cause of such a process, it is easy to suppress it with the use of special medications.

The process of miscarriage in the early stages is divided into several stages. Natural abortion can be started, threatening, complete, incomplete and in progress. The symptoms are very similar in all cases. A woman may experience unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. Then there are highlights. Their nature and quantity depends, first of all, on the stage of abortion.

What does a miscarriage look like in the next stages? Nausea and even vomiting are likely to occur. Pain can occur both in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen, next to these sensations, women are often confused with the onset of menstruation, especially if the miscarriage occurs at a very early stage. Further, everything develops according to the usual scenario. Depending on the period, a woman begins to feel a weak dull or severe sharp pain in the uterus. Bleeding begins with large blood clots. It is in this mass that one can find a small transparent body ranging in size from five millimeters to two centimeters. It most often has a translucent consistency, and a dot is clearly visible inside. If you suspect that a miscarriage has occurred, be sure to consult a doctor, as it may not be complete. Residues must be removed to avoid inflammation. In addition, be sure to find out the cause of the miscarriage, as this will help plan your pregnancy in the future and avoid such problems.

We hope that the question of what an early miscarriage looks like will never touch or interest you.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 20 weeks. The words "miscarriage" and "abortion" in gynecology are synonymous, so spontaneous abortion or miscarriage denote the same condition.

Depending on the period at which the abortion occurred, miscarriages are divided into early (up to 12 weeks) and late (from 13 to 20 weeks). In the vast majority of cases, pregnancy is terminated in the early stages of pregnancy.

According to statistics, up to 20% of desired pregnancies end in miscarriages. If a woman has already had several miscarriages in the past, then she is diagnosed with “miscarriage”.

Causes of miscarriage

There are many reasons for abortion, ranging from banal stress to serious endocrine disorders. In some cases, the cause of the miscarriage cannot be determined.

The main causes of miscarriages include:

Genetic (chromosomal) anomalies in the development of the fetus, incompatible with life. As a result, the non-viable fetus dies and a miscarriage occurs;
- hormonal disorders: lack of the hormone progesterone, hyperandrogenism, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus;
- sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, HPV, HSV, CMV) and TORCH infections (rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection);
- anatomical anomalies: malformations of the uterus (unicornuate, bicornuate and saddle uterus, the presence of an intrauterine septum); uterine fibroids with submucosal localization of the node, intrauterine synechia;
- isthmic-cervical insufficiency (insufficiency of the muscular layer of the cervix, leading to its disclosure);
- Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus.

Other factors that can also trigger a miscarriage include: past abortions, smoking, drinking alcohol, drug use, stress, acute respiratory infections, taking analgesics and hormonal contraceptives.

How to recognize the symptoms of an incipient miscarriage?

As a rule, a miscarriage begins with pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Feels like these pains resemble the first day of menstruation. This condition indicates an increase in the contractility of the uterus, that is, the threat of miscarriage. The fetus does not suffer.

With the progression of the pain process, they take on a cramping character and blood discharge from the genital tract appears. Allocations can be spotting or moderate. This indicates a miscarriage that has begun.

When the fetal egg detaches from the uterine wall, a “complete” or “incomplete miscarriage” occurs. In both cases, pregnancy cannot be maintained. With a complete miscarriage, bleeding from the genital tract increases - the discharge becomes abundant with clots. The fertilized egg leaves the uterine cavity on its own. After that, the uterus contracts on its own, and the bleeding stops.

With an incomplete miscarriage due to the fact that the fetus does not completely exit the uterine cavity, bleeding can be very long and profuse.

All of these symptoms at any stage of pregnancy require an immediate appeal to a gynecologist.

Diagnosis of threatened miscarriage

Diagnosis of spontaneous abortion is not difficult. When examining on a chair, the gynecologist checks whether the size of the uterus corresponds to the expected gestational age, checks whether there is uterine tone, whether or not the cervix is ​​open, determines the nature of the discharge - mucous, bloody, with or without the remains of a fetal egg.

To assess the condition of the fetus, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the fetus is performed. At the same time, the location of the fetal egg (if any) is determined, and whether there is a detachment. With the help of ultrasound, you can determine the hypertonicity of the uterus, that is, its excessive tension, which is a sign of a threatened miscarriage.

Based on the examination and ultrasound, the tactics of conducting a pregnant woman are determined. All pregnant women with the threat of termination of pregnancy are subject to hospitalization in a hospital.

Treatment of pregnant women with threatened miscarriage

The tactics of treatment is determined depending on the ultrasound data, examination and clinical manifestations.

With a threatened abortion or a miscarriage that has begun, therapy is carried out aimed at prolonging the pregnancy, provided that there is no detachment of the fetal egg. With partial detachment of the fetal egg - if the blood discharge is not very abundant, as happens with a miscarriage that has begun, treatment is also carried out aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

But if the fetal egg has already exfoliated and the bleeding is profuse, then the treatment is no longer effective. In this case, the uterine cavity is scraped with the removal of the remnants of the fetal egg. The resulting scraping is sent for a cytogenetic study.

In late abortions, after removal of the remnants of the fetal egg, drugs are prescribed intravenously to reduce the uterus (Oxytocin). After curettage, antibiotics are prescribed.

Women with a negative blood group for the prevention of Rh conflict after scraping are injected with anti-Rh immunoglobulin.

For better contraction of the uterus and to reduce blood loss, after curettage, a bubble with cold water or ice is applied to the stomach.

Upon discharge from the hospital, a woman is recommended to undergo an outpatient examination by a gynecologist to determine the cause of the miscarriage, which includes: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, examination for urogenital infections and TORCH infections, a blood test for hormones (DHEA, prolactin, 17-OH progesterone, progesterone, estradiol, LH, FSH, cortisol, testosterone); study of thyroid hormones (TSH, St. T3, St. T4); coagulogram, hemostasiogram; cytogenetic study of the remains of the fetal egg.

This is the main checklist. At the initiative of the doctor, it can be expanded. In addition, within 6 months, a woman is recommended to protect herself from pregnancy with hormonal contraceptives to regulate hormonal levels.

If everything is normal with the fetus, then the following groups of drugs are used to prolong pregnancy:

Gestagens (Dufaston or Utrozhestan) to correct the lack of progesterone. They are prescribed up to 16 weeks of pregnancy;
- glucocorticoids (Dexamethasone, Metipred) are prescribed to correct hyperandrogenism;
- sedatives (Motherwort or Valerian tinctures);
- antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, Baralgin) to relax the muscles of the uterus;
- vitamins and microelements (Magne B6, folic acid, vitamin E).

If the pregnancy was saved, then at the discharge of the pregnant woman it is recommended to continue taking the drugs prescribed in the hospital. This is especially true of gestagens and glucocorticoids, which should be used continuously. If you abruptly stop using the drugs, then there may again be a threat of miscarriage.

In addition, a pregnant woman needs physical and emotional rest, sexual abstinence.

To reduce the risk of miscarriage in the future, it is recommended to increase the intake of complex carbohydrates (bread, pasta); fruits and vegetables rich in fiber; dairy products, fish, meat, vegetable oil and legumes.

Complications of a miscarriage:

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, not amenable to treatment;
- profuse uterine bleeding, which can lead to hemorrhagic shock;
- infectious complications, sepsis.

Prevention of spontaneous abortions:

Healthy lifestyle;
- timely examination and treatment of gynecological and endocrine diseases;
- refusal of abortions.

Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist on the topic of miscarriage:

1. Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

2. Does a doctor have the right to do curettage without a preliminary ultrasound?
In emergency situations, if a woman enters the hospital with heavy bleeding, then there can be no question of any preservation of pregnancy and curettage is carried out on an emergency basis without ultrasound. In other cases, ultrasound is mandatory.

3. I had a miscarriage and the discharge stopped. Tell me, do you need to do scraping? Can the remains of the fetus remain in the uterus?
If there is no discharge, then most likely everything has already come out and there is no need for scraping.

4. After a delay in menstruation, I had copious bleeding with clots. What is it? A miscarriage? The pregnancy test is negative.
The clinical picture is very similar to a miscarriage. Pregnancy tests sometimes give false results. Go to the gynecologist for an ultrasound.

5. Can sex cause a miscarriage?
If the pregnancy proceeds normally and there are no other reasons that provoke a miscarriage, then sexual intercourse is safe.

6. I had a light yellow discharge from my nipples after a miscarriage at 20 weeks. Is this normal or is treatment needed?
This is a variant of the norm. The discharge will pass on its own after the restoration of menstrual function.

7. Can tampons be used for miscarriage?
It is impossible, they can contribute to infection of the genital tract. Use pads.

8. I have back pain. Could this indicate a threatened miscarriage?
Lower back pain can be with the threat of a miscarriage. But in the norm, the appearance of pain in the lower back due to the growth of the uterus is also possible. For an objective assessment of the condition, you need to contact a gynecologist.

9. What can be done at home if heavy bleeding from the genital tract suddenly appears during pregnancy?
Urgently call an ambulance and put an ice pack on the stomach.

10. How long should you use contraception after a miscarriage??
At least 6 months.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, PhD Christina Frambos

According to statistics, early miscarriage occurs in 20% of women. Moreover, most of them do not even have time to understand that something irreparable has happened. Spontaneous abortion, as doctors also call the rejection of the fetus by the female body, occurs for up to 12 weeks for various reasons. The main thing that needs to be done in this case is not to miss the symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Read in this article

Causes of spontaneous abortion

What causes early miscarriages? Such a question should be of interest even before conception. But the information will be useful to those who have already experienced trouble, and to those who just saw two strips on the test. So, the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can be as follows:

  • hormonal disruptions (higher risk in women with high testosterone);
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • constant ;
  • previous ;
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus caused by mutations at the gene level;
  • immunological abnormalities, the main one among which is;
  • , taking narcotic drugs, drinking energy drinks;
  • infectious diseases transmitted from a partner;
  • careless, rough sexual intercourse;
  • falls, injuries;
  • weight lifting;
  • mother's age of 35 years and older;
  • taking drugs prohibited during pregnancy.

To say exactly why a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of a particular couple can only be done by a doctor after a comprehensive examination.

Signs and symptoms of early fetal rejection

In any case, signs of a miscarriage in the early stages should alert the expectant mother. These include aching pain in the lower abdomen. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is far from always clear whether regular menstruation has begun or whether there really is a threat of a breakdown. Especially if the woman herself does not know if she is pregnant. If the conception is planned, then the expectant mother should be alerted by strange in consistency or unusual periods. Usually they are brown, with an admixture of bloody spots.

Don't be afraid to see a doctor! In the event that this is really a pregnancy, at the initial stage everything can be stopped and the pregnancy can be saved. Of course, with heavy bleeding, there is no chance to save the fetus.

It is very important to know the indirect first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages in order to at least maintain your health. The following changes will indicate spontaneous abortion:

  • weight loss;
  • persistent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, accompanied by spasms;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (, nausea);
  • the appearance of secretions of a strange shade.

The symptoms of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are similar to and with other, no less dangerous pathologies. Therefore, it is impossible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

There is an opinion that a couple may have a spontaneous abortion more than once during the entire planning period. This is partly true. Young people can change the situation on their own, simply by being examined and undergoing a course of treatment. Spontaneous early miscarriage, the symptoms of which in the first month are very similar to menstruation, often go unnoticed by a woman. If she already knew about her new position and was expecting a baby, then after cleaning it is recommended to go to rest, change the situation and gain strength. And after that, it will be possible to start planning the conception again and believe that this time everything will definitely be fine!

An early miscarriage can quickly put an end to all the happy plans of future parents. It is not always possible to avoid such a development of events, but the expectant mother has the opportunity to reduce the threat of spontaneous abortion to a minimum.

Spontaneous abortion in the first trimester is the most painless, both in terms of physiology and for the mental state of a woman. Often, a failed mother finds out about an interesting situation after a spontaneous abortion.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy occurs as follows. Rejection of the fetal egg begins with pain in the lower abdomen, comparable to the condition during menstruation. Gradually, bleeding develops. The discharge is much more abundant than during the period of normal menstruation. At the final stage, a large clot comes out, similar to a bubble of blood.

Even the rapid cessation of bleeding and the absence of pain serve as an occasion for immediate medical attention. Such measures will help to avoid possible complications. If part of the exfoliated tissue remains in the uterus, the patient needs to be cleaned.

Types of pathology

Depending on the moment when spontaneous abortion occurred after conception, four types of miscarriage are distinguished:

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy. The embryo, which is only a clot of cells, is separated from the surface of the uterine epithelium. The patient begins spotting, which differs from the typical menstruation in that it begins with a slight delay. Usually the phenomenon occurs before the third week from the moment of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
  2. Early miscarriage occurring before 12 weeks. At this time, the developing fetal egg is small and leaves the body of a woman with little or no consequences.
  3. Late miscarriage occurring between 12 and 22 weeks. Despite the fact that the limbs and most of the internal organs are practically formed, there is no chance to save the baby.
  4. premature birth. Starting from the sixth month, if the child was able to gain at least 0.5 kg of weight, there is a chance to save a small life. Premature newborns usually require resuscitation and long-term rehabilitation.

Termination of fetal life is not necessarily due to spontaneous rejection. Sometimes a pregnant woman needs help to provoke a miscarriage in the early stages. Such a measure is necessary when the child is obviously not viable, but the patient's body, for some reason, has not performed an abortive function. There are several main indications for medical abortion:

  1. Chorionic adenoma is a violation of the normal development of the embryo, when a fertilized egg does not develop into a full-fledged organism. As a result, a clot of undifferentiated cells is formed in the uterus, gradually increasing in size like a tumor.
  2. Anembryony. Pregnancy actually ends before the formation of the embryo, in the early stages. The process usually ends with the death of the fetus in the first month, but sometimes the help of doctors is required.
  3. Frozen pregnancy (missed miscarriage). It is asymptomatic and is diagnosed only by ultrasound. Without the help of a surgeon, there is a serious danger to the life of the mother.

Reasons for poor outcome

There are many reasons for spontaneous embryonic death in the first trimester, but not everything can be controlled and prevented. Often a woman has to accept and try to get pregnant again.

A whole range of causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy is determined by genetics. These include congenital disorders of the mother's organ systems, leading to the inability to carry the child normally, and hormonal failure, which provokes the rejection of the fetal egg from the uterus.

The genetics of the father has a significant impact on the outcome of the event. If a defective gene is found in one of the 23 chromosomes during the connection of germ cells, incompatibility occurs between the DNA chains of the parents, and the mother's body sometimes decides to interrupt the development of the embryo.

A similar situation is possible in the event of a conflict of the Rh factor of the blood. A negative protein indicator in the mother and a positive one in the father causes the woman's immunity to identify the embryo as a foreign body / tumor and actively fight it. In such a case, only medical intervention will help save the life of the fetus.

External factors that can provoke a miscarriage adversely affect the health of the mother and unborn child:

  1. Infections. They provoke the termination of the vital activity of the embryo, even if the reproductive system is not affected. If the mother's body temperature rises above 38 ° C, the risk of rejection of the fetal egg increases significantly. Toxoplasmosis, rubella, chickenpox, a number of sexual infections and other diseases in the event of a certain set of circumstances do not leave the fetus a chance of survival.
  2. Pathology and damage to the uterus. The presence of scars and sutures on the surface of the epithelium of the internal genital organs can lead to rejection of the fetal egg. This condition of the reproductive system is often the result of numerous abortions and a number of diseases.
  3. Treatment by methods contraindicated during the period of bearing a baby. Usually, bleeding and rejection of the fetal egg begins in cases where a woman is unaware of her position.
  4. Lifestyle. Many pregnant women constantly have to deal with high physical and psychological stress. These events do not go unnoticed and often lead to spontaneous abortion. The presence of bad habits greatly exacerbates the situation.

At later stages, most of the listed factors also play a significant role in the development of an unfavorable outcome. But spontaneous abortions soon after conception are dangerous - the girl does not know about her situation and does not have time to register with the antenatal clinic. Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy go unnoticed, and treatment is prescribed when it is no longer possible to change the situation.

Symptoms of spontaneous abortion

In order to respond to alarming symptoms in time and save the life of the unborn child, a pregnant woman must carefully monitor her health. The beginning of the process of rejection of the embryo is easiest to determine by bloody discharge from the vagina. Weak smears without pain in the first weeks after conception in most cases are the norm. But if the blood is getting stronger, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you can’t do without consulting a doctor.

The process takes place in four stages. Each of them is accompanied by certain signs and symptoms, which are an alarming bell for the mother and a reason to contact the antenatal clinic as soon as possible:

  1. The threat of embryonic death. This is the first stage, which begins with mild pain in the lumbar region. It is often accompanied by fever, as in inflammatory diseases, and slight bleeding. Timely provision of medical care and implementation of medical recommendations gives a chance to save the life of the baby.
  2. Start of rejection. Pain and bleeding increase. The signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy are especially pronounced during active physical exertion. Gradually, the pain takes on the character of contractions, resembling the process of childbirth. The pregnant woman feels weak and dizzy due to heavy bleeding. This moment is the last chance to prevent the death of the baby.
  3. A miscarriage on the go. The fetus is dying. Due to severe hemorrhage, he leaves the uterus partially or completely.
  4. Complete miscarriage. The body of the patient returns to the state that preceded fertilization. The uterus contracts and the menstrual cycle resumes.

At the end of the fourth stage, the patient is assigned an ultrasound examination in order to exclude the possibility of preserving the membranes in the uterine cavity. If the symptoms of pathology were ignored, in the future a woman risks facing its consequences: chronic inflammatory diseases and infertility.

Useful materials on the topic:

Spontaneous abortion is not only an event that puts pressure on the psyche and a collapse of hopes, but also a signal that there are problems in the body of a woman or her partner. The patient needs to undergo a mandatory examination for two reasons:

  1. Every tenth case of miscarriage is accompanied by serious consequences for the health of the failed mother. In addition to possible inflammation due to the decomposition of the remnants of the fetal egg inside the uterus, the patient sometimes has a high body temperature, convulsions and nausea for several days.
  2. Examination of fetal tissues will help determine the cause of death and help prevent it during subsequent conception. Knowing who is to blame and what to do in this situation, it is easier to cope with the feeling of loss and move on.

Usually in the first trimester, the process proceeds without serious consequences and does not require specialized assistance. But if pains in the lower abdomen begin to bother you or menstruation is especially strong and unpleasant, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of complications.

In the absence of contraindications, after some time after treatment and restoration of reproductive function, it is allowed to continue trying to get pregnant. It is necessary to remember the danger of repeated miscarriage and take the necessary preventive measures in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.


The loss of a long-awaited baby negatively affects not only reproductive functions, but also the mental state of the patient, leading to depression and fear of repeated failure. The best way out in this situation is to seek help from a qualified psychologist. The specialist will help to understand the feelings and get through the situation, bypassing the long-term consequences.

But the recovery process doesn't end there. After passing the examination, it is important to identify the cause of the adverse outcome. Depending on it, a further set of measures is predetermined to prevent a similar situation in the future:

  1. Congenital pathologies. Miscarriage is the result of a weakened state of the female genital organs, including the cervix. The reason for this development of events is one of the structural features of the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman. Pathology must be eliminated and corrected by any available methods if a complete cure is not possible.
  2. genetic factor. Some combinations of parental genes are considered by the pregnant woman to be incapable of development due to the large number of mutated DNA sections. Often, artificial insemination is required, the search for a new sexual partner. In such cases, it is said about the genetic incompatibility of failed parents.
  3. immunological reasons. Given the sensitivity of the body after fertilization to the effects of bacteria, fungi and viruses, it is better to undergo a full examination in advance and get rid of diseases. In the future, it is worth preparing in advance for the war against infections, observing hygiene standards, strengthening the immune system and using medicines that are exclusively safe for the embryo at the first sign of the birth of a new life.
  4. Lifestyle. The developing fetus is sensitive to the condition of the mother. Nervous and mental overwork, bad habits that led to spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage can provoke a second one. The only decision is to make a choice between a career and the birth of a baby. The expectant mother needs to rest, change jobs, sometimes she needs the help of a psychologist.

After the root cause is identified and eliminated, the symptoms of the problem usually no longer bother the woman. But it is better to take care of your own health and do prevention, as the test will show the cherished two strips.

Pathology warning

Prevention of spontaneous abortions is discussed on two main principles: strengthening the body and eliminating external factors that provoke a threat. One of the best recommendations for girls is not to practice unreasonable termination of pregnancy with the help of doctors and medicines. Such artificial intervention in the activity of the reproductive system adversely affects the reproduction of offspring in the future.

It is necessary to prepare for re-conception in advance, usually it takes about six months. During this time, it is recommended to restore the state of health and take care of getting rid of bad habits. Do not forget about a healthy, balanced diet, the right diet will reduce the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis in the first trimester.

It is equally important to think in advance about the emotional side of the issue. Mood swings, stress, chronic fatigue and hormonal disorders should not have a detrimental effect on bearing a long-awaited baby. Knowledge of the basic nuances of the process and a conscious choice in favor of conception strengthen the calmness of the mother and increase the chances of successful gestation.

Otherwise, a woman should choose those measures that will help prevent miscarriage. The main assistants in such a situation should be a loving husband and a competent antenatal clinic specialist who will be able to notice the danger in time and suggest how to save the life of the crumbs.

An early miscarriage can quickly put an end to all the happy plans of future parents. It is not always possible to avoid such a development of events, but the expectant mother has the opportunity to reduce the threat of spontaneous abortion to a minimum.

Spontaneous abortion in the first trimester is the most painless, both in terms of physiology and for the mental state of a woman. Often, a failed mother finds out about an interesting situation after a spontaneous abortion.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy occurs as follows. Rejection of the fetal egg begins with pain in the lower abdomen, comparable to the condition during menstruation. Gradually, bleeding develops. The discharge is much more abundant than during the period of normal menstruation. At the final stage, a large clot comes out, similar to a bubble of blood.

Even the rapid cessation of bleeding and the absence of pain serve as an occasion for immediate medical attention. Such measures will help to avoid possible complications. If part of the exfoliated tissue remains in the uterus, the patient needs to be cleaned.

Types of pathology

Depending on the moment when spontaneous abortion occurred after conception, four types of miscarriage are distinguished:

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy. The embryo, which is only a clot of cells, is separated from the surface of the uterine epithelium. The patient begins spotting, which differs from the typical menstruation in that it begins with a slight delay. Usually the phenomenon occurs before the third week from the moment of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
  2. Early miscarriage occurring before 12 weeks. At this time, the developing fetal egg is small and leaves the body of a woman with little or no consequences.
  3. Late miscarriage occurring between 12 and 22 weeks. Despite the fact that the limbs and most of the internal organs are practically formed, there is no chance to save the baby.
  4. premature birth. Starting from the sixth month, if the child was able to gain at least 0.5 kg of weight, there is a chance to save a small life. Premature newborns usually require resuscitation and long-term rehabilitation.

Termination of fetal life is not necessarily due to spontaneous rejection. Sometimes a pregnant woman needs help to provoke a miscarriage in the early stages. Such a measure is necessary when the child is obviously not viable, but the patient's body, for some reason, has not performed an abortive function. There are several main indications for medical abortion:

  1. Chorionic adenoma is a violation of the normal development of the embryo, when a fertilized egg does not develop into a full-fledged organism. As a result, a clot of undifferentiated cells is formed in the uterus, gradually increasing in size like a tumor.
  2. Anembryony. Pregnancy actually ends before the formation of the embryo, in the early stages. The process usually ends with the death of the fetus in the first month, but sometimes the help of doctors is required.
  3. Frozen pregnancy (missed miscarriage). It is asymptomatic and is diagnosed only by ultrasound. Without the help of a surgeon, there is a serious danger to the life of the mother.

Reasons for poor outcome

There are many reasons for spontaneous embryonic death in the first trimester, but not everything can be controlled and prevented. Often a woman has to accept and try to get pregnant again.

A whole range of causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy is determined by genetics. These include congenital disorders of the mother's organ systems, leading to the inability to carry the child normally, and hormonal failure, which provokes the rejection of the fetal egg from the uterus.

The genetics of the father has a significant impact on the outcome of the event. If a defective gene is found in one of the 23 chromosomes during the connection of germ cells, incompatibility occurs between the DNA chains of the parents, and the mother's body sometimes decides to interrupt the development of the embryo.

A similar situation is possible in the event of a conflict of the Rh factor of the blood. A negative protein indicator in the mother and a positive one in the father causes the woman's immunity to identify the embryo as a foreign body / tumor and actively fight it. In such a case, only medical intervention will help save the life of the fetus.

External factors that can provoke a miscarriage adversely affect the health of the mother and unborn child:

  1. Infections. They provoke the termination of the vital activity of the embryo, even if the reproductive system is not affected. If the mother's body temperature rises above 38 ° C, the risk of rejection of the fetal egg increases significantly. Toxoplasmosis, rubella, chickenpox, a number of sexual infections and other diseases in the event of a certain set of circumstances do not leave the fetus a chance of survival.
  2. Pathology and damage to the uterus. The presence of scars and sutures on the surface of the epithelium of the internal genital organs can lead to rejection of the fetal egg. This condition of the reproductive system is often the result of numerous abortions and a number of diseases.
  3. Treatment by methods contraindicated during the period of bearing a baby. Usually, bleeding and rejection of the fetal egg begins in cases where a woman is unaware of her position.
  4. Lifestyle. Many pregnant women constantly have to deal with high physical and psychological stress. These events do not go unnoticed and often lead to spontaneous abortion. The presence of bad habits greatly exacerbates the situation.

At later stages, most of the listed factors also play a significant role in the development of an unfavorable outcome. But spontaneous abortions soon after conception are dangerous - the girl does not know about her situation and does not have time to register with the antenatal clinic. Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy go unnoticed, and treatment is prescribed when it is no longer possible to change the situation.

Symptoms of spontaneous abortion

In order to respond to alarming symptoms in time and save the life of the unborn child, a pregnant woman must carefully monitor her health. The beginning of the process of rejection of the embryo is easiest to determine by bloody discharge from the vagina. Weak smears without pain in the first weeks after conception in most cases are the norm. But if the blood is getting stronger, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you can’t do without consulting a doctor.

The process takes place in four stages. Each of them is accompanied by certain signs and symptoms, which are an alarming bell for the mother and a reason to contact the antenatal clinic as soon as possible:

  1. The threat of embryonic death. This is the first stage, which begins with mild pain in the lumbar region. It is often accompanied by fever, as in inflammatory diseases, and slight bleeding. Timely provision of medical care and implementation of medical recommendations gives a chance to save the life of the baby.
  2. Start of rejection. Pain and bleeding increase. The signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy are especially pronounced during active physical exertion. Gradually, the pain takes on the character of contractions, resembling the process of childbirth. The pregnant woman feels weak and dizzy due to heavy bleeding. This moment is the last chance to prevent the death of the baby.
  3. A miscarriage on the go. The fetus is dying. Due to severe hemorrhage, he leaves the uterus partially or completely.
  4. Complete miscarriage. The body of the patient returns to the state that preceded fertilization. The uterus contracts and the menstrual cycle resumes.

At the end of the fourth stage, the patient is assigned an ultrasound examination in order to exclude the possibility of preserving the membranes in the uterine cavity. If the symptoms of pathology were ignored, in the future a woman risks facing its consequences: chronic inflammatory diseases and infertility.

Useful materials on the topic:

Spontaneous abortion is not only an event that puts pressure on the psyche and a collapse of hopes, but also a signal that there are problems in the body of a woman or her partner. The patient needs to undergo a mandatory examination for two reasons:

  1. Every tenth case of miscarriage is accompanied by serious consequences for the health of the failed mother. In addition to possible inflammation due to the decomposition of the remnants of the fetal egg inside the uterus, the patient sometimes has a high body temperature, convulsions and nausea for several days.
  2. Examination of fetal tissues will help determine the cause of death and help prevent it during subsequent conception. Knowing who is to blame and what to do in this situation, it is easier to cope with the feeling of loss and move on.

Usually in the first trimester, the process proceeds without serious consequences and does not require specialized assistance. But if pains in the lower abdomen begin to bother you or menstruation is especially strong and unpleasant, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of complications.

In the absence of contraindications, after some time after treatment and restoration of reproductive function, it is allowed to continue trying to get pregnant. It is necessary to remember the danger of repeated miscarriage and take the necessary preventive measures in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.


The loss of a long-awaited baby negatively affects not only reproductive functions, but also the mental state of the patient, leading to depression and fear of repeated failure. The best way out in this situation is to seek help from a qualified psychologist. The specialist will help to understand the feelings and get through the situation, bypassing the long-term consequences.

But the recovery process doesn't end there. After passing the examination, it is important to identify the cause of the adverse outcome. Depending on it, a further set of measures is predetermined to prevent a similar situation in the future:

  1. Congenital pathologies. Miscarriage is the result of a weakened state of the female genital organs, including the cervix. The reason for this development of events is one of the structural features of the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman. Pathology must be eliminated and corrected by any available methods if a complete cure is not possible.
  2. genetic factor. Some combinations of parental genes are considered by the pregnant woman to be incapable of development due to the large number of mutated DNA sections. Often, artificial insemination is required, the search for a new sexual partner. In such cases, it is said about the genetic incompatibility of failed parents.
  3. immunological reasons. Given the sensitivity of the body after fertilization to the effects of bacteria, fungi and viruses, it is better to undergo a full examination in advance and get rid of diseases. In the future, it is worth preparing in advance for the war against infections, observing hygiene standards, strengthening the immune system and using medicines that are exclusively safe for the embryo at the first sign of the birth of a new life.
  4. Lifestyle. The developing fetus is sensitive to the condition of the mother. Nervous and mental overwork, bad habits that led to spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage can provoke a second one. The only decision is to make a choice between a career and the birth of a baby. The expectant mother needs to rest, change jobs, sometimes she needs the help of a psychologist.

After the root cause is identified and eliminated, the symptoms of the problem usually no longer bother the woman. But it is better to take care of your own health and do prevention, as the test will show the cherished two strips.

Pathology warning

Prevention of spontaneous abortions is discussed on two main principles: strengthening the body and eliminating external factors that provoke a threat. One of the best recommendations for girls is not to practice unreasonable termination of pregnancy with the help of doctors and medicines. Such artificial intervention in the activity of the reproductive system adversely affects the reproduction of offspring in the future.

It is necessary to prepare for re-conception in advance, usually it takes about six months. During this time, it is recommended to restore the state of health and take care of getting rid of bad habits. Do not forget about a healthy, balanced diet, the right diet will reduce the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis in the first trimester.

It is equally important to think in advance about the emotional side of the issue. Mood swings, stress, chronic fatigue and hormonal disorders should not have a detrimental effect on bearing a long-awaited baby. Knowledge of the basic nuances of the process and a conscious choice in favor of conception strengthen the calmness of the mother and increase the chances of successful gestation.

Otherwise, a woman should choose those measures that will help prevent miscarriage. The main assistants in such a situation should be a loving husband and a competent antenatal clinic specialist who will be able to notice the danger in time and suggest how to save the life of the crumbs.
