Appointment of a pension for medical workers by length of service. How is medical experience calculated?

The law on raising the retirement age in Russia, which entered into force on January 1, 2019, provides for the possibility of obtaining a preferential seniority pension for medical workers, subject to the acquisition of a special (medical) length of service of the required duration.

Preferential seniority pension for health workers since 2019: tables by year of release and a list of positions of health workers eligible for early retirement

For medical professionals (doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc.) in Russia are provided preferential retirement plan - by seniority , i.e. subject to the acquisition of a special (medical) experience of the required duration. That is, the possibility of early registration of pensions for health workers directly does not depend on the age and number of years of total insurance experience, since this right is determined only by the date of development of the length of service provided for by law.

In 2019, in connection with the pension reform, preferential retirement for physicians will not be canceled, however, an additional condition will be provided for obtaining the status of a pensioner - how many years have passed since receiving the necessary preferential length of service (that is, a delay of several years before applying for a pension). In total, after the end of the transition period of the reform (starting from 2023), doctors will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after the completion of the required work experience(See the schedule for the retirement of health workers by year).

Seniority pension for doctors in 2019

From 2019, in order to apply for a superannuation pension, doctors will need to have:

1. Experience of medical work in accordance with paragraph 20 of part 1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions", namely:

  • 25 years- in rural areas or urban-type settlements;
  • 30 years- mixed experience (in cities, rural areas and urban areas) or only in cities.

When considering medical experience, it is of particular importance position and name of the institution in which the health worker works, since the preferential length of service includes the time of work only in the relevant positions and institutions provided for by law. Note that the calculation of special experience is carried out in a certain order, for example, for some categories of workers, accounting is “one and a half years”.

2. The minimum required value of the IPC on the date of registration of payments in accordance with Part. 3 Article. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ. Every year, the IPC standard increases by 2.4 points, therefore:

  • in 2018 you need to have 13.8 points;
  • in 2019 - already 16.2, etc.;
  • and from 2025, the minimum value of the IPC will be fixed - 30 pension coefficients.

Pension reform for physicians (by seniority)

Pension reform from 2019 will also affect healthcare workers- for them, the new law No. 350-FZ of 03.10.2018 provides for the introduction of a grace period for receiving a preferential seniority pension.

  • The amount of this delay will increase every year, and the final standards will be set in 2023 and will make 5 years.
  • This means that those doctors who have completed the necessary preferential service in 2023 and later will be able to become pensioners only after 5 years, i.e. in 2028, etc.
The increase in the standard of the deferral provided by law will be carried out in stages in the following order:
  1. Starting in 2019, this value will increase by 1 year until it reaches the final value (5 years in 2023);
  2. In 2019 and 2020 can get a pension 6 months ahead of schedule.
You can determine in what year a medical worker can retire, taking into account the above two conditions, according to the table (presented below):

Note:** - according to the old law, the date of retirement of medical workers was the date of working out the preferential length of service. Abbreviations used: VP - retirement; n. - the corresponding half-year of the specified year.

The new law, adopted on October 3, 2018, does not provide for any conditions for the type of activity of medical workers during the period for which the possibility of receiving a pension is postponed. Therefore, during the stipulated 0.5-5 years of deferment, you can, at your discretion, how to keep working and stop working- there are no restrictions for this.

Medical record for retirement

The main condition for preferential retirement of medical workers (doctors, nurses, midwives, etc.) is the presence of the necessary medical experience - 25 or 30 years depending on the area in which the physician works. With the implementation of the pension reform, these rules won't change, as well as the rules for calculating special experience and the list of medical positions will not be adjusted.

The procedure for accounting for medical experience and the list of medical positions are regulated by legislative acts, depending on the period of such labor activity:

  • until 01.01.1992- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1397 of 12/17/1959;
  • from 01/01/1992 to 10/31/1999- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 464 of 09/06/1991;
  • from 11/01/1999 to 12/31/2001 No. 1066 dated September 22, 1999;
  • from 01.01.2002 to the present- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 dated October 29, 2002

To determine whether the length of service is included in the preferential medical experience, which allows you to apply for a pension ahead of schedule (by length of service), you should be guided by a legislative act for each relevant period.

It should be noted that the preferential length of service includes periods of labor activity only in those positions and institutions that are provided for by the above legislative acts. If the entries in the work book do not meet such requirements, then when determining the right to early retirement in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the length of service some periods of work may be excluded.

List of positions of health workers eligible for early retirement

In order for the period of work to be taken into account in the preferential medical experience, health workers must official work in a position prescribed by law and in a healthcare facility. As noted earlier, the name of the position and organization must comply with the regulatory documents in force at that time.

For work periods since January 1, 2002 there are lists of positions and institutions provided for Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 dated October 29, 2002 No. Therefore, during the specified period of time, the preferential medical experience includes the time of work according to the list of positions and institutions presented - in the table below:

Name of institution Job title
  1. Doctors are specialists.
  2. Doctors are heads of institutions that carry out medical activities.
  3. Medium honey. staff:
    • head of the FAP, health center;
    • paramedic;
    • senior paramedic;
    • Dentist;
    • honey. sister;
    • main honey. sister;
    • senior med. sister;
    • radiologist;
    • laboratory paramedic;
    • assistant epidemiologist;
    • midwife;
    • senior midwife;
    • honey. technologist;
    • honey. disinfector;
    • medical assistant and others.
Psychiatric hospitals (hospitals)
Medical units
nursing homes
outpatient clinics
Feldsher-obstetric stations
Honey. companies
Disinfection stations
Leper colonies
Anti-plague centers
Military infirmaries
Ambulance stations. assistance, first aid and emergency medical services. help
Blood transfusion stations
Women's consultations and other organizations

Full list of positions and institutions, work on which is counted in the preferential length of service for early retirement, is presented in the List approved by Resolution No. 781.

How to calculate preferential seniority for retirement for doctors

The rules for calculating the benefit period for health workers differ depending on the period of such work - they are regulated by legislative acts for each relevant period. For work carried out from January 1, 2002 to the present, the following applies procedure for calculating medical experience:

  • Beneficial experience is taken into account in calendar order, i.e. a year of work in a position provided for by the list is taken into account as a year of preferential service.

It does not matter which clinical profile is indicated in the name of the healthcare institution, and the departmental or territorial affiliation of the organization is also not important.

  • In some cases, the experience is not taken into account "year for the year", but in preferential calculation procedure:
    • a year of work in a rural area or in an urban-type settlement is taken into account as 1 year and 3 months(this is important for medical workers with mixed experience, for whom the standard is set at 30 years of medical experience);
    • For the list of positions established by law, the medical experience is counted as “a year and a half”.
  • The length of service before 11/01/1999 is counted as a preferential period in full, and after the specified date, only those periods of work during which working hours were met according to labor legislation (normal or reduced).
  • If the work was carried out in several positions (or institutions) during part-time work, then it will be taken into account in the preferential length of service only if the established working hours are worked out in total, corresponding to the full rate for one of the posts.
  • In healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation abroad, the experience is counted on a general basis.

All the conditions for accounting for preferential medical experience provided by law are given in the Rules for calculating periods of work approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In what positions, medical experience is taken into account as a year and a half

The legislation provides for a list of positions and healthcare institutions, a year of work in which is counted as a year and a half. For periods of work from 01/01/2002, this rule is valid for the following health workers:

  1. Departments of the surgical profile, hospitals, burn, oncological, orthopedic, otolaryngological, microsurgical departments as:
    • operating medical specialists of any profile, incl. medical directors;
    • operating rooms sisters (including seniors), midwives (including seniors), honey. nurses in purulent surgery, trauma, burn and other departments.
  2. Departments (mobile ambulance teams, wards, groups) of anesthesiology-resuscitation, resuscitation and intensive care, namely:
    • anesthesiologists, resuscitators (including heads);
    • honey. ward sisters, incl. seniors;
    • honey. anesthetist nurses.
  3. Bureau of Court. honey. examinations, central court. honey. expertise, court. honey. laboratories, etc. as:
    • forensic doctors, incl. managers;
    • medium honey. personnel involved in forensic autopsy and research;
  4. Pathological and anatomical departments, namely:
    • pathologists, incl. managers;
    • medium honey. staff and others.

Decree No. 781 approved the complete List of health care institutions and job titles of doctors and secondary medical. personnel, the year of labor activity in which is taken into account as 1 year 6 months. In order for the accounting of preferential medical experience to take place according to such a scheme, it is necessary that the entry in the work book correspond to that specified in this list.

Question answer

Is studying at a medical school (residency, internship) included in the length of service?

The length of service includes periods during which insurance premiums are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (part 1 of article 11 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions"). Therefore, the time during which a citizen received an education will be counted in the preferential length of service only, if during the training he held a full-time position and received wages (for example, was on leave with pay). This is possible, for example, when passing advanced training courses, internships, residency, etc. In addition, the length of service can be taken into account not in calendar order, but, for example, a year and a half if, during the training, the health worker took part in operations (in some cases, such a decision is made only in court).

Accordingly, if during the period of study the physician was not registered under an employment contract (respectively, insurance premiums were not paid), such period will not be included in the medical experience.

« Preferential pension for health workers list of positions' is a common request on the Internet. Its popularity is quite understandable, since recently there have been many cardinal changes in the field of pension provision. Those who work in the field of public health services can still count on early retirement, but there are some nuances.

What is the privileged experience of medical workers?

Preferential service is a social guarantee, the right to which the state has legally secured for physicians. In this case, the pension for health care workers is accrued not upon reaching a certain age, as in the general case, but according to the length of service, after a certain length of service.

Important! The accrual of preferential pensions is guaranteed to medical workers by the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013.

For medical workers in rural areas, a shortened length of service is established, after which the employee has the right to retire - 25 years, for those working in cities, the length of service is 30 years. If a worker in the medical services sector has worked part of his experience in the city, and part in the countryside, the calculation is made using a special coefficient.

Important! Full-time employees are eligible for early retirement (with the exception of the situation discussed in the next section), the credited length of service also includes periods of temporary disability (including maternity leave) and annual paid holidays.

Seniority pension for medical workers. The nuances of determining experience

The law separates the procedure for determining the seniority of employees of urban and rural medical institutions: the latter receive the right to early appointment of pensions five years earlier than their urban counterparts. But what if the employee changed jobs?

If, during his medical career, an employee has worked both in rural medical institutions and in urban ones, then the length of service in rural areas is taken into account in calculating length of service with a coefficient of 1.3. At the same time, the very fact of working in a rural area may have to be proved (after all, it is not written in the work book whether the medical institution was rural). In doubtful cases, employees of the Pension Fund are asked to provide a certificate from the self-government bodies of the municipality in which the institution was located, stating that the given settlement is rural.

Calculation also has certain nuances. privileged experience of medical workers who worked according to the approved list of specialties in surgical, resuscitation, pathological and anatomical departments and forensic medical examination structures - for them, the length of service is determined with a coefficient of 1.6.

Important! If a medical worker claims several benefits for calculating seniority (for example, when working in the surgical department of a rural medical institution), then the benefits in this case are summarized.

A special procedure exists for determining the length of service of persons who worked part-time in medical institutions in several positions or on a part-time basis. In order to qualify for early retirement, these healthcare professionals will need to prove that they have completed the hours of work for the position that qualifies them for the benefit.

Early retirement for medical workers of private medical institutions

Employees of private and departmental medical institutions have the same right to pensions as their counterparts from government agencies. This is confirmed by the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and is beyond doubt.

At the same time, an employee working in a private medical institution needs to pay attention to the title of his position (check it with the list of positions for which early retirement is possible). The current lists of regulatory documents governing the appointment of preferential service (including lists of positions and works) are established by the regulations listed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated July 16, 2014.

In addition, it is worth remembering that a prerequisite for the appointment early retirement for a medical worker is the transfer by his employer of pension contributions during the period when the employee fulfills his labor duties.


To correctly calculate the medical experience, refer to the required documentation. First, read the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of positions that give the right to enroll in, giving the right to receive a pension in connection with the engagement in medical and other public health activities." Here you can study the rules for calculating the length of service for the subsequent appointment of a pension, taking into account work in the medical field.

Consider preferential medical experience according to the following rule: count one year of work in the field of medicine for one and a half years. However, specify exactly which periods of work and in which ones can be counted in the medical experience, according to the preferential procedure.

The list of positions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation does not contain a detailed list of specific ones who are or are not entitled to receive a long service pension. Therefore, considering the medical work experience, be guided by the nomenclatures (lists) of medical positions.

Work in private enterprises engaged in medical activities should also be counted in the medical experience. Check if a particular position and a particular type of institution is included in the list according to which you can accrue a benefit medical pension to this employee.

In any case, in order to include a certain period of work in the medical experience, check whether it meets the requirements of a specific list that approves the names of positions and healthcare institutions in which it may give the right to receive an early old-age pension. To include this period in the length of service also on a preferential basis, make sure that the work proceeded in the relevant departments and in the relevant positions, which are listed in the regulatory legal acts.


  • how to get work experience

Seniority is the period of time when a citizen worked or was engaged in other activities for the benefit of society, and which must be confirmed by documents issued from the place of work or study in the event that the training time can be credited to seniority. The concept of "work experience" is a generalized concept, including such varieties as insurance, general or special experience. There is also the concept of continuous work experience.


Calculating work experience is a rather complicated task, the procedure for which is established by current legislative acts. In addition to the general rules, there are a sufficient number of departmental regulatory documents that define the rules for calculating various types of seniority. In any case, the work experience is carried out in the order, while it consists of 30 days, and a year of 12 months.

The insurance period is calculated taking into account the length of time when the employer paid insurance premiums. At the same time, you can engage in any type of activity: military or service, individual entrepreneurship, or perform work on. In accordance with the laws in force today, the right to receive an old-age pension arises in the presence of five years of insurance experience, during which mandatory contributions were made.

When determining the right to receive labor upon reaching, including in the case of its early appointment, the insurance period must include all periods when a citizen worked or was engaged in other activities, and which were subject to offset when calculating the general or special length of service required for appointment of a pension in accordance with the legislative acts in force during the period of his work (activity).

At the same time, it is necessary to consider the length of service in accordance with the rules provided for by the indicated legislative acts (including when calculating the "preferential" length of service). This procedure is also applied when a citizen (regardless of him on the day of the repeal of the relevant legislative act or other regulatory document) has fully worked out a special or general length of service, the presence of which gave him the right to receive a pension for length of service or old age.

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Preferential experience makes it possible to receive an early retirement pension, as well as preferential pension provision. Preferential experience is given to citizens who work in difficult and harmful working conditions, for example, in coal mines, medical workers, teachers.


Calculation of preferential experience and is legally enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 No. 516 “On approval of the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of a labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation””. According to the Decree in preferential experience periods (both basic and additional), as well as periods of temporary incapacity for work of a citizen, are included. Does not count towards benefits experience administrative leave.

Pension laws have changed, but people have remained. And they remained - with thoughts about their future pension. In order to satisfy the interest of the general public, we have begun a series of articles on the new pension reform. And today we will touch on the topic of preferential pensions for medical workers in Russia. What changes have taken place? Will the new rules preserve the right of health workers to preferential calculation of insurance pensions? What experience will be counted as "medical"? Is it profitable to go to work in the countryside? etc.

Without further ado, let's get started.

Categories of health workers eligible for early retirement

The first and most important thing that worries any beneficiary in connection with the changes that have taken place is the preservation of the right to benefits. Health workers are no exception. As you know, until 2013, having a certain level of experience in medical activities, they had the right to retire earlier than other workers.

So, the law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, which regulates the provision of pensions for Russians, included provisions on maintaining benefits for special categories of workers as a separate chapter. Thus, according to paragraph 20 of article 30 of the above legislative act, the right of early retirement for healthcare workers is still available.

How early can such a release be?

Unlike some other benefit categories, physicians are not tied to a specific age. For medical workers, the main requirement that ensures the right to receive a preferential pension is the length of service, position and place of work.

The minimum period of employment for early retirement is for:

  • employees of health care institutions located in a village or an urban-type settlement (urban-type settlements) should be 25 years old;
  • employees of health care institutions located in the city - 30 years;
  • employees of health care institutions with mixed work experience (both in the village and in the city) - 30 years.

Criteria for "preferential"

However, the number of years worked, as we have already said, is not all. Not every job can be regarded as "preferential". For this, a healthcare worker must work in a certain position and in a certain place.

These "certain positions" and "certain places of work" are fixed by the state by the relevant normative act. Anyone can get acquainted with them in the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 781 of October 29, 2002.

The general eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • the organizational and legal form of a healthcare enterprise cannot be other than "institution";
  • the name of the enterprise must contain the words indicated in Decree No. 781, for example: "hospital", "hospital", "medical unit", "children's home" and others;
  • if a medical worker carried out his activities not in a healthcare enterprise, but in medical structural divisions of individual organizations, then this activity is counted in the "preferential service" on a general basis. For example, such organizations may include: clinics at medical universities, sanitary units, laboratories at military units, military institutes, etc. (for more details, see paragraph 6 of the Rules for calculating the periods of work of doctors of Resolution No. 781).
  • the position occupied by a single medical officer must be listed in the relevant list of Decree No. 781. This includes all medical practitioners and nursing staff. The head of, for example, a polyclinic can also receive a retirement benefit, but only if he has not stopped medical practice throughout his work.

Principles for calculating seniority

We have already briefly mentioned the rules by which the duration of medical activity is calculated - they are all listed in the same Decree No. 781. However, we can help you figure out what's what.

So, the full 25 or 30 years of service in a privileged position, including mixed ones (part of the length of service in the village, part in the city), are credited to the "preferential service". If an employee has changed jobs several times during his working life, then all "grace periods" are considered and confirmed.

Each "preferential" year of work in the city is counted in the total length of service in a ratio of 1:1. That is, for one year of work - one year of service. But the employees of the village have the right to indulgence. They "preferential experience" counted in a ratio of 1:1.25. In other words, for each working year - a year and three months of service.

Also, at an accelerated pace, the length of service goes to medical workers - surgeons, anesthesiologists, forensic experts, pathologists, and other health officials from the relevant list (see all the same Resolution). They count 1.5 years of service for a year of work.

An important point: in the "preferential period", starting from November 1, 1999, only full rates are taken. Until this date, all places of work are credited to the experience, regardless of the rate. After - only complete or complete, obtained by addition. For example, if a health worker worked in two "preferential places" at the same time, in each for half the rate.

If you are applying for a preferential pension for a medical worker, you need to come to the FIU with your passport, work book and SNILS in advance, about six months or a year before your expected retirement. An employee of the PFR will review the documents you have brought and say what else is required to calculate the preferential pension of a medical worker. The procedure for checking, confirming and offsetting seniority is not a quick process, so you need to prepare for the fact that you will most likely have to prove your right to the benefit.

By the way, keep in mind - the benefit applies only to the time of retirement. They do not affect the size in any way and do not increase it.

We hope you have been helpful. All the best!

The work of medical workers is characterized by a rather high level of moral and physical stress.

In addition, we must not forget about the presence of frequent stress and overexertion.

All these and many other indicators - the fact that there is a pension for the length of service for health workers.

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Features of calculating the pension experience

A health worker who has worked for such a period of time can retire early:

  • Working in small rural outpatient clinics, the employee must have 25 years of experience.
  • When working in medical institutions of a city, town or urban type, the experience should not be less than 30 years.

In addition, some medical specialties should also be noted, when working in which 12 months is taken into account as one and a half years of experience:

  • Pathologist
  • Anesthetist
  • resuscitator
  • medical examiner
  • Practicing Surgeon
  • Dentist
  • Paramedic
  • medical technician
  • Paramedic laboratory assistant

If a health worker practicing in one of the above specialties practices in a rural area, 1 year of work is equivalent to 21 months.

In addition to hours worked, benefits also include:

  • Vacation period
  • maternity leave
  • The period when the employee was officially on sick leave
  • Period of advanced training courses.

Often there are misunderstandings and questions about the fact that the length of service on benefits is incorrectly calculated. Basically, the questions relate to the fact that such periods are not taken into account in this experience:

  • Leave to look after a newborn
  • Work on combining several positions
  • Working time is not enough to calculate the service pension
  • Time spent in residency

In different regions of the country, work experience is calculated with some features. Therefore, in order to resolve disputed and accrual of preferential pensions, it will be necessary to apply to a judicial organization.

It should also be noted that, since 2016, the service pension for medical workers in Russia is also available not only for medical workers of state organizations, but also for those who work in municipal or private institutions.

When calculating an early pension, the employee's work schedule does not matter: whether it is a full or shortened work week.

Only the number of years that the medical worker has worked is taken into account. Years are calculated according to the calendar.

If a health worker is not included in any of the above lists, he retires on a general basis: women - 55 years old, men - 60 years old.

How to arrange

In order to start applying for an early pension, you must apply with a written application to the Pension Fund. You need to have the following with you:

  • The passport
  • Employment history
  • Application for the calculation of the retirement pension
  • Certificate of income (last 5 years of continuous work in one place)
  • Registration document
  • Certificate confirming the presence of people under guardianship

The application is considered by the employees of the Pension Fund within 5 working days. The term for granting a service pension is the day on which the application was submitted.

In order not to stretch the process for several months and not to visit the PF again, experts recommend that you first collect all the certificates and documents necessary for this, and only then go to the PF in all weapons.

Early retirement for medical staff working in a private organization

Medical professionals who have worked in private or institutional settings have exactly the same seniority pension rights as employees of government organizations.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to which position is listed for and check its compliance with the entries in the work book.

We should also not forget that some heads of private organizations, unfortunately, do not practice paying contributions to the Pension Fund. And this is one of the important conditions that gives the health worker the right to retire early.

In 1999, changes were made to the Labor Code, according to which only full rates are taken into account in the preferential service. If the health worker worked in two places at the same time part-time in each, the length of service is calculated by adding.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, experts recommend about 6-8 months before applying for an early pension, apply with a passport and work book to the Pension Fund. After studying and calculating, the employees of the pension fund will determine whether there is a possibility of early retirement.

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