The five easiest ways to make your legs slimmer. How to visually make legs longer: tips

In summer, when you want to wear little dresses, skirts and shorts, full legs become a problem. How to visually make legs slimmer? After all, sometimes playing sports not only does not help, but also worsens the situation. Due to constant training muscle mass becomes larger, and the legs - more voluminous. Maybe you should try to make your legs visually slimmer with the help of clothes? It's pretty easy if you remember a few simple ways.

First, the most simple option, proven over the years, are corporal shoes on high heels and preferably a platform. They should be worn barefoot or with colorless stockings. The most important thing here is not easy to find beige shoes, namely the shade that merges with the color of your legs. Then they will seem very long and, accordingly, slender.

The second option may seem strange, but it is no less effective. Owners of full legs should wear bouffant skirts no longer than knee length. Against the background of such a silhouette, the legs will seem much thinner. This also applies to the style - tulip. In this case, the hips will visually become more voluminous, and the legs - thinner.

Outerwear - tops, blouses and especially jackets, choose voluminous styles. They will visually change the proportions of the figure, adding volume to the upper body, and Bottom part seem more fragile. This option works especially well if you wear skinny pants in navy blue or black.

The length of your clothes is very important. Wear skirts and swim no more than 5 cm from the knees. It is desirable that the knees are completely covered. Be sure to wear shoes with heels or wedges.

The cut of clothing should be straight or semi-fitted. Then the general silhouette of the figure will change, including the silhouette of the legs. If you want to wear light trousers, then they should be longer than your legs and half cover the high heel.

Well, finally, it is worth remembering the advice from the great Christian Dior - if you want to divert attention from the shortcomings of the legs, wear a deep neckline!

1. Large foot

Foot size is a concern for many tall or skinny girls. To visually make the foot smaller, you need to give preference to shoes with a rounded toe in a contrasting color. Such a useful conclusion was made by the great creator of fashion - Coco Chanel, who in 1958 invented shoes with a dark cape, thanks to which the legs look more elegant and neat.

2. Short legs

Pastel shoes are always relevant. The point is that they have amazing property visually add length to the legs. Nude stilettos are very appropriate with short dress. You are guaranteed the same effect with shoes of a different color. Shoes and tights of the same color make the legs appear longer than they actually are.

3. Wide ankle

Despite the graceful shape and light weight, angular ankles can create a not very pleasant effect. But everything can be drastically changed by wearing shoes with thin straps. Such a clasp, closing the ankle at the most prominent points, makes it more elegant. So that the fasteners do not attract undue attention and do not visually shorten the legs, it is best to wear shoes in shades close to skin color but darker than skin or stockings.

4. Full legs

Flared trousers will help to make the figure more slender. Expanding downward, they visually make the legs longer. To enhance the slimming effect, opt for dark trousers, and you can also wear jeans that are blacked out at the hips. But here there is one condition: flared trousers do not suit girls short stature.

5. Bulky hips

Many women are forced to give up beautiful clothes protruding irregularities at the level of the hips. To hide them at least for a while, you can use dresses and skirts with contrasting side panels. Inserts seem to be cut off from the hips extra centimeters. Therefore, the flaws become almost invisible.

6. Large-boned body type

Owners volumetric forms shouldn't worry about it. But if you want to divert attention from wide hips, a pleated skirt will help you with this. It will delicately smooth out the volumes and visually narrow the hips by a couple of centimeters.

7. Artificial tan

legs golden color appear longer and leaner than pale whites. To change your skin tone, apply a 1:1 moisturizer with a self-tanner and apply some glitter powder along your shins. For a greater effect of harmony, you need to apply a bronze-colored powder to the outer part of the calves and thighs. If you need to hide veins, blemishes and other skin imperfections, you can use a concealer that matches your skin tone.

As a result of one of the surveys, it turned out that most of the men during the first meeting with a lady first of all pay attention to her legs. It is for this reason that the mistresses of slender legs have a greater priority in conquering male heart. Anyone can become the owner of slender legs if they make a little effort!

There is a certain set of exercises that will allow you to achieve results in a few months. The main thing here is systematic training. Even if one day you get lazy and you don’t want to study, you need to pull yourself together and not deviate from the intended goal! These exercises are aimed not only at losing weight, but also at making slim Thin legs, because they generally improve the shape of the hips and lower leg.

Exercises for slim legs:

  1. standing, you need to rise on your toes and return to the starting position. Repeat these movements should be at least 30 times. Then you need to rise on your toes and roll from them to your heels, this must be repeated 40 times;
  2. between the knees put a small soft ball and try to bring your legs together, you need to do this until a feeling of fatigue appears;
  3. press your back against the wall and slowly slide along it to about the middle. Fix in this position until the legs get tired, and then straighten up;
  4. sit on a chair, raise your legs and try to keep them in an extended position for as long as possible;
  5. stand up to the support and swing your leg. Do this movement 20 times with each leg.

How to visually make legs slimmer?

Over the years, in the pursuit of beauty, ladies have learned a lot of tricks and tricks to look attractive, including so that the legs seem visually slimmer.

At the time of buying new clothes no need to choose things with a horizontal stripe, because any such division of the figure negatively affects visual perception legs. It is also better to bypass things with patterns that are arranged in the form of transverse stripes.

The same category also includes contrasting combinations colors in clothes, for example: a white blouse and black trousers. It is better to choose a monochromatic outfit. Blouse and skirt one colors or tight dress will become the best option. Monochrome outfits will not only stretch the overall silhouette, but also the legs. Wide belts, of course, make the waist narrow, but here the legs are shortened, here you need to choose what is more priority for you. Pants are better to choose the following types:

Classic. Color can be any great option there will be clear arrows in the middle of the legs themselves. The length should be such that it either covers the shoes a little, or merges with it. By the way, it is better to choose trousers and shoes of the same color.

Trousers with high waist. Hide the top of the trousers under the top contrasting color or a blouse also should not be, it also visually makes the legs shorter.

Trousers with a small flare from the knee. These pants will balance the hips and make the figure more harmonious.

Fitted trousers. Only that lady can afford to wear them, whose legs and hips do not have flaws, otherwise they will immediately emphasize them, like short shorts.

With skirts, the situation is a little different, in order to visually lengthen the legs, it will be enough to wear a miniskirt, but this is not for everyone. And the most best option- skirts middle length, skinny cut or pencil skirt. Cuts can not be afraid, they look very attractive.

Dresses need to be chosen in such a style that they sit exactly on the figure. The colors are monochromatic. Empire style dresses with a high waist look great.

Shoes should be comfortable first of all, and, of course, beautiful.

It is better to buy shoes with heels, or rather not only shoes, but all shoes. Heel height should ideally not exceed 7 cm.

Boots should be purchased in length either just above the knee, or just below. Over the knee boots that are too high will shorten your legs. Ankle boots or ankle boots can be worn only when they merge with clothing, they will not expose the leg.

Shoes with round nose. Legs in such shoes look more elegant, but women vertically challenged it is contraindicated.

Shoes and tights of the same color scheme. This is one of the tested and effective methods leg lengthening. Therefore, it is better to wear black tights or stockings under black shoes. IN warm time year, when girls wear flesh-toned tights, the color of the shoes should be appropriate.

Sandals and shoes, the fastening of which is on the ankles, it is better not to purchase. Buckles, straps, lacing, bows, and other attributes visually shorten the legs.

Most elementary way to make your legs slimmer is to straighten your back and straighten your shoulders, so you can immediately lengthen your legs by a couple of centimeters.

Unfortunately, not all girls are gifted with “model” legs that give grace and femininity. Everyone who does not have such “wealth” is forced to either hide what they have under their robes, or come to terms with reality. But still, you should not give up, because a few recommendations from fashion stylists allow you to visually make your legs longer and give them greater harmony.

Heel is our main weapon

Every girl knows exactly what a heel does. But for you to present yourself correctly, it must be stable. Those who seek to look more graceful should minimize the wearing of shoes without a heel. The height of this detail should be above five centimeters and at the same time not be too big so that you do not look vulgar. A small platform is also welcome - about 1.5 cm, which is counted as the length of the legs.

Shoe shape and color

To create the desired effect, when choosing shoes, it is important to look not only at the height of the heel. Color is of great importance. If you choose shoes to match the tone of stockings or skin, the leg visually lengthens. But the most best effect achieved if both shoes and tights are the same

In addition to this secret, you should pay attention to the shape of the shoes. It is better not to give your preference to those models that have a round or square toe. This ending visually shortens the leg. A slightly pointed toe gives the impression that your legs are slightly longer than they really are. The same can be said for boots. It is important to choose such a model so that there is a cutout on the ankle in the shape of a toe. Thus, the leg will not end abruptly, which will give the illusion of continuation.

Clothing style

If a girl is interested in the question of how to visually make her legs longer, then she should pay attention to the style of the clothes she wears. It is known that some cuts of jeans, dresses and blouses can even be shortened. Therefore, it is better to purchase skirts and trousers that have a high waist. This trick automatically creates the effect long legs. The skirts of this series can be straight, classic shape. In addition, sarafans and dresses in the style of Natasha Rostova come to the rescue. In such “favorable” models for the legs, the waist should either be raised or in its natural place. Such clothes hide the actual length, and the imagination of others draws the correct silhouette in which your legs "grow from the ears." In addition, such fashion cut gives the girl additional charm and femininity. Also, those beauties who strive to make their legs longer should remember that patch pockets or all kinds of ruffles “tear” a single silhouette and create the illusion of short limbs.

The right combination of clothes

It is important to learn how to correctly organize your wardrobe. Shoes, trousers and top should be in harmony and serve a single purpose - to visually lengthen the legs. Like shoes, skirts or pants should be made of plain fabrics, the top should contrast differently from the bottom. For example, shoes and trousers are black (or a skirt, tights, shoes), and a blouse is light. If there is a pattern on a skirt or pants, it will not allow you to achieve the goal, but on the contrary, it will add volume and shorten the legs. An exception may be a vertical pattern, such as stripes.

It is worth noting that such a common accessory as a belt is able to emphasize the waist and favorably present the legs. It can be worn with high skirt, trousers, sundresses and dresses, especially with those models in which there is no emphasis on the waist.

Some girls achieve the desired effect with tight black trousers that blend seamlessly with ankle boots. But this method suits the minority. It is advisable to pay attention to the flare from the knee, which covers half the heel and thus makes the legs longer and turns you into a feminine lady.

Short jackets

About short jackets and there is no consensus. Many believe that this element of the wardrobe really visually shortens the torso and, accordingly, lengthens the legs. Others are sure that it is the jacket that divides the body into many parts and does not honor the legs. But in reality, this element cannot serve as an independent tool. Rather, it is an original addition that does not interfere with the goal we are aiming for.

Clothing prohibitions

However, many girls who do not know how to make their legs longer often make a mistake when choosing clothes and thereby visually shorten themselves.

So, the main prohibitions:

  • Any pants that have a low waist. Although it may seem beautiful and comfortable, it actually spoils the impression of the figure.
  • Capris, cropped trousers, cuffed jeans are taboo.
  • Tight bottoms (skirts, trousers) show where your legs come from.
  • Half boots seem to cut off the leg and make it very short. They can be worn if the tops are covered with trousers.
  • Shoes or other shoes with an ankle strap or braided ankles. They also give the impression. In addition, it is advisable to choose sandals that are not overloaded with decorations.

Fitness for slim legs

In addition to selection the right wardrobe, you can start training to get the desired figure. Fitness instructor tells how to make legs longer. Exercise should be done three times a week. Under this condition, the first results will begin to appear after fourteen days.

Standing against the wall, slowly begin to squat until you reach a 90-degree angle in the knee bend. Our task is to stop in this state and stand as long as we can. After that, smoothly return to the original.

Do lunges on each leg 15 times, only two approaches. The execution scheme is as follows. While lunging, the back foot touches the mat, while both legs must maintain an angle of 90 degrees at the knees. When lifting, the first leg should not straighten.

We raise the heel on the back of the chair and remain in this position. Bringing our hands up, we stretch in such a way as to feel abdominal muscles and slightly stretch the spine. In this position, we lower ourselves to the foot and try to get the socks with our fingers. The whole process is carried out diligently and slowly 50 times, after which repetitions are made on the second leg.

Now, after a couple of weeks of training, having gathered with your girlfriends, you will be able to compete with them without hesitation in who has longer legs, and perhaps even win. The main thing to remember is that these exercises must be done diligently.

on the picture

Today, more than ever, it has become popular to hold photo shoots, so that later in in social networks show your beauty to your friends. But how to make the legs in the pictures look long and slender? In this case, you can use the same tricks that visually lengthen the legs in real life. So, big role shoes play, although in the pictures it may be without a heel. Important rule- This is a color that matches the tone of the legs or trousers. In addition, with shoes that match in color, it’s not scary if middle finger the legs are longer than the big one.

Another way to present your legs in a winning perspective is to give them a touch of bronze with the help of a bronzer. It's no secret that tanned legs look slimmer and therefore longer. And the mentioned tool gives an additional moderate shine. But the agent is not applied in a continuous mass, but only on the front side of the thigh and on the lower leg.

Also, the manner of being photographed is reflected in the length of the legs. If in a standing position they are set quite wide, they will look short. Therefore, it is better to push one leg slightly forward, towards the photographer, and put it on the toe.

Disappointment in diets comes precisely after the result does not justify all hopes. As a rule, this is due to losing weight “in the wrong place” or in insufficient volume. The most difficult thing is to throw off extra centimeters in the legs. Here, only one will not be enough, so food restrictions will have to be added and physical exercise. NameWoman offers readers body flex exercises that will make your legs slim, as well as a special video workout. A nice bonus will be tips on how to visually make legs slimmer, and a selection of additional useful materials.

How to make legs slim: adapted bodyflex exercises

Among girls and women who take care of themselves, the bodyflex technique is very popular, which is aimed at solving the problem of thick legs. An interesting advantage of bodyflex is that as a result of the exercises, the muscle mass on the legs does not increase, that is, weight loss occurs due to the burning of the fat layer and at the same time it is not replaced by muscles. In fact this technique- it's simple breathing exercises that enhance the effect of physical. With proper and intensive breathing, more oxygen enters the body, which contributes to rapid combustion subcutaneous fat. So, how to make your legs slim with bodyflex?

1. Stand up straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees a little and put your hands on them, after crouching a little. As soon as you take the necessary posture to start the exercise, exhale all the air that is in your lungs. After waiting a second, sharply draw air back through your nose, while also pause. It is necessary to exhale through the mouth, and during the retention of air in the lungs, you can move the stomach, thus performing a natural massage. internal organs. Repeat this exercise as many times as you can. Then straighten up, shake your legs, stretch, rest for 40 seconds and do the next approach. To make legs slender, you need to show perseverance and diligence, repeat 1-2 more times.

2. Correction of the legs, of course, will not do without stretching. For its correct implementation, it is necessary to sit on the floor and spread your legs as far as possible in different sides. Bring your straight arms back and lean on the floor. Straighten your back, keep your chin up, but do not throw your head back. At the same time, try to pull the socks on yourself and after a second send them back to their original position. Stretching is best done in the morning, before you go to breakfast or go to school or work. This will help you recharge your energy and ensure excellent health throughout the day.

3. The previous exercise for slender legs can be slightly modified. To do this, the hands that stand behind the back must be gradually moved in front of you and try to stretch them forward as much as possible, while they should lie on the floor. During the above exercise, try to touch the floor with your chest.

4. Stretching must be done for both the outside of the thighs and the back. To do this, try to lie on your back, lift your leg up without bending at the knee, and pull the sock towards you. Lying on your back and lifting your leg up, you will work on stretching the back of your thigh. If you are just starting to practice exercises that will make your legs slim, then do 8-10 repetitions, then change legs. Do 3-4 sets and finish with 8-10 reps as you lift both legs.

How to make legs slim: video training

To quickly get slim legs, NameWoman recommends doing this video workout every other day. The session lasts only 10 minutes, and in less than a month you will get the result - not only slender legs, but also beautiful, more toned hips, pleasant changes in the abdomen, and you will also feel a general lightness in the body. It is very convenient to perform the exercises while watching this video, so you should save the link to your computer or on your social network page.

1. When choosing clothes, avoid transverse stripes in the leg area (this also applies to ankle straps on sandals or shoes), focus on verticals.

2. Skirts and summer pants with cuts look very sexy and make the legs visually more slender.

3. Monochrome outfits help elongate the entire silhouette, including your legs.

4. For those who want to create the effect of long legs, the site has repeatedly advised choosing trousers and shoes, tights and shoes in the same color.

5. Don't wear flat shoes.

6. Round toe shoes will make your feet more graceful.

7. Avoid short shorts, overly tight trousers, and low-waisted trousers/bridge/shorts/skirts that sit on the hips.

Those who want to make their legs slim will benefit from the following auxiliary materials:

- . The article contains recommendations for conducting special exercises for this particular problem area on the legs, as well as a video, under which it is convenient to conduct training.
