Recipe for sugar depilation with citric acid. What is shugaring? Lemon Juice Pasta Video

The sugaring procedure is becoming increasingly popular, replacing traditional waxing. It's all about the effectiveness and naturalness of this method of hair removal compared to the rest.

Salon services will be expensive, but you can learn how to cook shugaring with citric acid at home.

Depilation with sugar paste, or shugaring, was carried out by women from the time of Cleopatra. This method of hair removal has passed through the centuries and is now available to all the fair sex.

Due to the high demand for the procedure, many salons have retrained their employees, the number of people who want to learn this technique is constantly increasing.

Advantages of sugaring

Recipe with citric acid

Everyone can do shugaring at home according to a recipe with citric acid. For this you will need:

  • 2 tsp warm water.
  • 6 tsp Sahara.
  • 2 tsp citric acid (or lemon juice).

In order to find out if the caramel is ready, you will also need a small container of cold water.

Cooking paste for shugaring:

1. It is necessary to mix sugar with water until a homogeneous consistency, then put on a slow fire, stirring the mixture constantly.

2. If the transparent composition begins to turn golden and looks like amber, then it's time to check it for readiness. To do this, a small part of the mixture must be placed in a container with cold water. Its transformation into a drop indicates the readiness of the composition, if it blurs, then you need to continue cooking further.

3. When the sugaring paste is ready, citric acid or juice is added to it. But you still need to stir so that there are no grains. The mass should be homogeneous and have a pleasant golden color.

The paste needs to sit for a while. so that its temperature drops to a comfortable level. When it cools down to 30-35 degrees, then you can safely use it.


Instructions for shugaring at home

  1. A small portion of the paste must be taken in hand and kneaded. Actions with caramel resemble plasticine modeling. When the mixture softens and becomes a pearly shade, you can apply it to the skin on which you plan to epilate.
  2. Important advice! The paste is applied in the opposite direction of hair growth, and removed along with growth. This technique makes it possible to remove not only the hair, but also its bulb, which provides a long-term result.
  3. It is best to do sugaring on hair 2-3 mm long if they are longer, then irritation may occur. When the hair has grown more than the prescribed norm, it is better to do the epilation in a different way before that.
  4. The movements to remove the sugar mixture must be sharp and precise so that the hairs disappear completely and the first time.
  5. It is best to stretch the skin before removing the paste, and after the procedure, run your hand over the treated area.
  6. First you need to do shugaring on more sensitive areas of the skin, then on the rest.

Despite the difference in the rate of hair growth in each person, in most cases the skin remains smooth for 20 days.

To keep your hands dry while shugaring at home, it is convenient to use napkins. It's best to always keep them somewhere nearby. Talc will also come in handy here, with which you can sprinkle your hands. Wet wipes are suitable for removing the remains of the sugar mixture from the hands.

On sensitive areas, such as the bikini area and armpits, apply a little bit of the paste in a thin layer to reduce pain and skin irritation.

It is not necessary to cook a new pasta each time. It can be perfectly stored for three months, provided that it is sealed.

If you didn’t like or didn’t like this method, we advise you to try threading - see.

Moisture should not get on the mixture, and it is better to choose room temperature. To do epilation next time, you just need to warm up the paste in your hands and you can start shugaring.

Removal of body hair, in terms of aesthetics, is a must. There are many ways to do this, but sugar hair removal, called shugaring, can be called one of the most popular. Shugaring is currently not something new and inaccessible, the procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home, and not only an experienced master, but also the one who does it for the first time will be able to cope with it.

Sugaring allows you to get rid of unwanted hair on any part of the body in a short time, and skin smoothness lasts up to two to three weeks. The main components of the paste are sugar and water, but shugaring with lemon juice or citric acid has an additional caring effect on the skin.

Types of paste for hair removal

The principle of preparing a mixture for shugaring at home is the same as for preparing sweet caramel for lollipops. Recipes may vary slightly from each other, this is due to the fact that pasta can be of three types:

  • Liquid - used for soft hairs and fluff, applied with a special spatula or, if experience allows, with hands, a bandage removal method can be used;
  • Medium density - used for hair of thin and medium thickness, well suited for large areas of the body, a manual or bandage method of work can be used;
  • Hard - the thickest caramel, used to remove thick, coarse hair, it is best to work with such a paste with your hands.

Recipes using citric acid

For making sugar paste, it is best to take a pot with thick walls and a bottom, but if you are worried that the caramel may burn and ruin the dishes, you can cook it using a water bath.

Recipe #1

You will need:

  • 10 st. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water (it should completely cover the sugar);
  • 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid.

Sugar and acid must be poured with water and put on a small fire. It is recommended to stir the mixture throughout the entire time, as it may burn. The caramel should be removed from the heat as soon as it thickens and begins to darken to a light brown color.

Recipe #2

According to this recipe, a more liquid shugaring paste is obtained and it is applied immediately after preparation, as soon as it cools to a tolerable temperature.


  • 70 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of clean water;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

All ingredients are mixed and sent to low heat. Constantly stirring the mixture, you need to wait until it becomes a dark yellow hue, then remove it from the stove.

Recipe #3

Caramel prepared according to this recipe, on the contrary, has a thick consistency. It is suitable for hair removal in the armpits and bikini area.

For cooking you need:

  • 20 st. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of citric acid;
  • 8 art. spoons of water.

The mixture should be kept on low heat, without ceasing to stir, until boiling. Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring until the caramel turns brown.

Recipes using lemon juice

Recipe #1

This paste is thick and great for getting rid of coarse hair.


  • 250 gr of granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of water;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Sugar is soaked in lemon juice, and then diluted with water. Boiled over medium heat until boiling, and then brought to readiness on low until it acquires an amber hue. It is important to stir the mixture all the time and do not leave the stove, as it can burn or caramelize heavily.

Recipe #2

The recipe is suitable for epilating a small area of ​​the body at a time. The paste turns out to be of medium density and quite elastic, it is good to work with it with your hands.

You will need:

  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of clean water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice.

The mixture, throughout the entire time, is boiled over low heat until a rich caramel-honey shade is obtained. Also, do not forget that it must be constantly stirred.

Recipe #3

  • 200 gr sugar;
  • 8 art. tablespoons of water (the amount can be adjusted at your discretion, it is important that the water covers the sugar completely);
  • juice of 1/2 lemon.

Everything is mixed and cooked over medium heat until cooked. The paste should resemble a thick syrup in consistency, after cooling it will become a little thicker.

Recipe #4

You can also cook the pasta in bulk and store it in an airtight container.


  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • clean water, enough to cover all the sugar;
  • juice of a whole lemon.

The first couple of minutes you need to start cooking such a pasta on high heat. After it needs to be reduced, cover the pan with a lid and wait for boiling, be sure to stir while doing this. As soon as the caramel begins to boil, you can remove the lid and continue to cook until tender. It can take up to half an hour to prepare this amount of sugaring paste. Once the caramel has cooled, it can be stored in a storage container and used as needed.

Signs of readiness of caramel for hair removal

  • Pure transparent color. It can be darker or lighter, depending on the density, but without burns and foreign debris;
  • Sticky consistency. Caramel should flow from the spoon in an even continuous stream, should stretch and be elastic, and not break off and fall off it;
  • Sugaring paste should be quite sticky, but not sticky.

The use of sugar paste for shugaring

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin. It needs to be steamed in a hot bath or shower, scrubbed and cleaned. Then dry it well, as the sugaring paste does not contact well with wet skin. If there is talc for the body, then you can use it.

Then you need to apply sugar paste at a safe temperature on the treated area of ​​​​the body and after a short amount of time, remove it from the skin with a sharp movement.

Ways to use caramel for hair removal:

  • Manual method - all manipulations, such as applying and removing paste, are done only by hand;
  • Bandage method - to facilitate the removal of the paste from the skin, special strips of paper or fabric are used. Immediately after applying caramel, they are applied to it, and then removed along with the hair;
  • Also, a thicker paste can be rolled into small balls, which you just need to knead over the body for application. Such balls can be stored for a long time.

During shugaring, the application and removal of the paste is not recommended against hair growth, as this entails breakage and the presence of ingrown hairs after the procedure. And if you perform actions for hair growth, then they will be much easier to pull out with the root, which will make the procedure more effective.

Skin care after epilation

After shugaring, it is not recommended to wet the skin, use deodorants and creams for 6-8 hours. You can then apply a soothing healing cream. Also, in the next few days, it is better to abandon intense loads, visits to the solarium, swimming pool and sauna.

Repeated epilation is allowed to be done no earlier than a week later.

Sugaring with lemon juice can be an indispensable tool in the fight for smooth skin. A systematic procedure can make the hair structure thinner and weaker. The main thing is to follow all the rules and recommendations, the care of daily hair removal will disappear and life will become easier, more free time will appear.

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. And many girls, in order to have beautiful, smooth skin and get rid of unwanted hair on the face and body, agree to endure rather painful procedures for their removal. We are talking about wax depilation, laser and electrolysis, plucking and pulling out hairs with a depilator.

One of the methods of removing unwanted hair. This method, whose name comes from the English word "sugar" (sugar), is gaining more and more popularity. However, it is not an invention of modern cosmetologists: shugaring was practiced by the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Persia. This fact is reflected in one of the names of the method - Persian depilation.

How to do sugaring at home on your own?

Excellent result!

This method is based on the use of sugar, or rather, an elastic caramel mass, which is obtained by boiling sugar syrup. With this method, unwanted hairs can be removed both on the face and on the body. Sugaring has a number of advantages over other types of hair removal:

  • The mass that is applied to the skin is not applied hot, but warm, and is heated to a temperature of no more than 35-37 degrees. Therefore, there is no risk of getting burned.
  • The hairs are removed in the direction of growth, they do not break off and do not grow.
  • This procedure is less painful than most other methods.
  • Sugaring paste is safe and non-allergenic.
  • The remains of the sugar mass, unlike wax, are easily washed off with plain water.
  • When making pasta at home, its cost will be minimal.
  • After shugaring, there is practically no skin irritation.
  • The procedure can be carried out both in a beauty salon and independently.

In terms of effectiveness, this method is comparable to waxing, but is considered less painful. The skin after sugar paste is smoother and more delicate than after wax. And this effect lasts at least three weeks.

Today, the procedure for depilation with sugar paste is performed in almost every beauty salon. And for those who want to apply this method at home, manufacturers of cosmetic products produce professional products and kits for sugaring.

They include natural pastes, which differ in different volumes and degrees of density, plastic spatulas and epilation strips. Pastes are available both regular and flavored. By choosing a mass of suitable density, you can achieve the most comfortable procedure on different parts of the body.

To make caramel waxing at home a more inexpensive procedure, you can cook sugaring paste yourself. When making it, use any of the many well-known recipes, for example, with citric acid.

You ask: why add citric acid to the caramel mass? And try to make it only from water and sugar. Guess what will happen? That's right, the most common confectionery caramel, from which you can make candy.

Citric acid gives the paste for shugaring a very important property, without which it cannot be used for depilation - plasticity. After adding this component, the sugar mixture becomes very soft, viscous and viscous. Such a mass can be easily kneaded in the hands to the desired consistency, it adheres tightly to the skin and firmly captures the hairs.

How to cook sugar paste for shugaring with citric acid? First, sugar must be poured into the dishes where the mass will be prepared, add water to it and mix thoroughly. Dishes with sugar syrup should be put on the stove, on the smallest fire, and stir occasionally.

Gradually, the caramel paste will begin to change its color from transparent to light golden. It is at this stage that citric acid should be added to the mass, not forgetting to stir. When the mixture acquires a beautiful honey color - the product is ready!

The color change occurs very quickly, and it is important not to miss this moment, because the burnt mass will be unusable. Properly prepared caramel paste easily rolls into a lump, has an elastic texture, adheres well to the skin, but does not stick to hands. An undercooked mixture will be too thin, and an overcooked mixture will be too thick.

High-quality paste can be kneaded in your hands like plasticine, while it becomes lighter and more opaque, acquiring a mother-of-pearl hue. In case of solidification of the mass for shugaring with citric acid, it can be slightly warmed up in the microwave or in a water bath. Using the second option is preferable.

If you are going to make caramel paste for the first time, it is better to take the minimum number of components and prepare a mass of a small volume that is designed for one use. In the future, you can increase the number of components at your discretion.

The specifics of the manufacture of sugar mass is such that in addition to strict adherence to proportions, it is necessary to accurately determine the time of product readiness. In most cases, this skill comes with experience, so if you don’t get the caramel mixture of the right consistency the first time, don’t be discouraged. All the necessary ingredients for its preparation are always in the kitchen of every housewife, and at any convenient time you can repeat your experience.

The technology for preparing sugar mass has already been described in the previous section. It will be the same for all options. And recipes can differ only in the proportions of their components, which affect the degree of plasticity of the mixture. To make citric acid sugaring paste at home, use one of the recipes below:

  1. You need to take 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of water and 1 teaspoon of citric acid. This minimum amount of products will be enough to try to make a small amount of caramel mass if you have started cooking it for the first time.
  2. Many girls who practice sugar depilation at home use the following standard mixture recipe: 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of citric acid.
  3. Beauticians who make sugaring paste on their own believe that to prepare a mass of ideal consistency, you should take the components in the following proportion: 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons of water and 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid.

The question would be logical: is it possible to replace citric acid in the caramel mass with something? Yes, there are acid-free sugar paste recipes that include lemon juice. Below is a recipe for a mixture with liquid honey and lemon juice. To prepare shugaring paste according to this recipe, you should take the components in the following proportion:

  • granulated sugar - 20 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 6 tablespoons;
  • water - 8-9 tablespoons;
  • natural honey - 1 tablespoon.

Sugar must be dissolved in water over low heat. Then you need to add honey, mix everything thoroughly and pour in the lemon juice. This mass should be boiled, not forgetting to stir, until it acquires an amber color. After that, you need to turn off the burner and leave the mixture for two hours. Then the paste should be well kneaded, and you can proceed with the procedure.

If you need to prepare a large amount of mass for shugaring at once, you can use this recipe:

  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 40 ml lemon juice.

All ingredients should be placed in a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom, mix thoroughly and put on a small fire. While the sugar dissolves, it is better to cover the pan with a lid for a few minutes so that the heating process occurs evenly. After dissolving the sugar, the lid must be removed and monitor the change in the color of the mass.

As soon as the paste acquires an amber hue, becomes transparent and homogeneous, the dishes must be removed from the heat. The mass should not be left in the pan, otherwise it may overheat and become "glassy". It must be immediately poured into another heat-resistant dish. If the density of the resulting caramel mixture does not suit you, next time you can adjust it with lemon juice, reducing or increasing its amount.

It is preferable to use citric acid for the preparation of sugar mass, since lemons can be more or less acidic, and this will affect the quality of the paste and its plasticity.

Lump of finished pasta, photo

So, you have chosen a recipe for shugaring with citric acid and prepared a paste of the desired consistency. When doing sugar depilation at home, you must adhere to the following tips and recommendations:

  1. A few days before the procedure, the skin should be treated with a scrub. This will exfoliate dead cells and prevent the formation of ingrown hairs.
  2. Before the session, the skin must be steamed out by taking a warm shower or applying a hot towel to the body area.
  3. Then the skin should be wiped with a cleansing lotion to degrease it.
  4. A piece of soft caramel mass should be heated in the microwave to body temperature or kneaded in your hands until it acquires an elastic consistency.
  5. After that, the paste is applied to the area of ​​the body against hair growth. It adheres tightly to the skin and envelops all hairs, even the thinnest and shortest.
  6. Remove the sugar mass with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth.
  7. After the procedure is completed, a gel or cream with a soothing effect and cosmetics that slow down hair growth are applied to the skin.

Sugaring techniques

There are different techniques for depilation with sugar paste. With the manual technique, a lump of caramel mass, the size of which depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, is pinched off with your hands. Apply the paste to the area of ​​the body, and, for tight adhesion, iron it with the palm of your hand.

Remove the mixture in several jerks and use the lump again, until the mass completely loses its elasticity. For this technique, a hard paste or a mixture of medium hardness is used.

With the bandage technique, a fabric strip is used - the so-called bandage. Sugar paste heated to body temperature is applied to the skin with a spatula or roller. Remove it with a bandage with a sharp movement. This technique is applicable for soft caramel mass.

  • For use at home, you can choose one of the methods or combine both methods in one procedure.

Contraindications and precautions

Sugar paste has a natural composition and acts on the skin delicately and gently. Painful sensations are present, but they are less than with other methods of depilation. The shugaring procedure is safe, but, nevertheless, there are some contraindications to its implementation:

  • diabetes;
  • skin inflammation;
  • rosacea and varicose veins;
  • allergy to the components of the paste;
  • skin damage.

Do not do sugaring after visiting the solarium, or after taking "sunbathing". Before the procedure, it is necessary to wait until the hairs grow by approximately 2-5 mm, so that they can be easily captured with the caramel mass. Do not depilate on areas of the skin where moles, warts, "wen" and bruises are located.

When pulling out hair with sugar paste, the follicles remain intact, and after a while new hairs will grow from them again. Hair follicles are not destroyed, but the procedure significantly affects their regeneration. Therefore, after each session, the hair will grow thinner and weaker.

Sugaring is hair removal using sugar caramel. This procedure can be carried out independently at home. It has such a name in connection with the translation from English of the word "sugar", which means sugar. This manipulation is also called Persian hair removal, as it came from the East. Sugar hair removal is considered as effective as waxing. The level of pain during the procedure varies from person to person. After using caramelized sugar, the skin becomes smoother and softer than using wax. The effect of manipulation lasts longer.

Benefits of sugar hair removal:

  • inexpensive way;
  • absence of inflammatory reactions after the application of epilation;
  • available components of the product (sugar, lemon juice and water);
  • safe procedure (without burns, irritations, cuts, peeling off the upper layers of the skin);
  • absence of ingrown hairs;
  • minimal risk of developing allergic reactions.

Removing unwanted vegetation with sugar is of two types:

  • with the use of finished mass (Sugar Waxing);
  • using caramel balls (Sugaring).

For the first type of procedure (waxing), you need to purchase a ready-made mass. Its use resembles the removal of vegetation with wax. Using a special spatula or spatula, the product is applied warm to the area with hairs. A paper strip is pressed on top, which is smoothed out by hand. Then, with a little effort, we tear it off in the direction opposite to the growth of vegetation. These manipulations require patience.

Preparation of the remedy at home

In the second method (sugaring with citric acid), self-made caramel balls are used as a means to remove unwanted vegetation. This method is less painful than waxing. It is often used at home. When manipulating with shugaring, it is better to prepare a small amount of caramel. If you understand the principle of the paste and the production technology, then in the future the use of this method will be simple.

Recipe #1

  1. sugar 6 teaspoons;
  2. warm water 2 teaspoons;
  3. citric acid 2 tsp.

Cooking method: take a small saucepan, put sugar in it and pour out the water. Mix everything and cook the syrup over low heat. It must be constantly stirred so that the sugar does not burn. When the mass begins to acquire a yellow-brown hue, you need to take a drop of the mixture and drop it into cold water in a saucer. In this way, the readiness of the product is checked. A drop of caramel should solidify and not spread in water. When the sugar paste is ready, add citric acid to it and turn off the heat. Everything must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. There should be no grains in the finished product. The resulting golden mass should cool to room temperature. This amount will be enough for one procedure.

Sugar caramel at home

Recipe #2

To make more pasta and harvest it for the future (about 4 months), sugaring with citric acid is prepared in the following proportions:

  1. granulated sugar 1 kg;
  2. citric acid 7 tbsp. spoons;
  3. water 8 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method: mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a heat-resistant bowl or pan, then put on the stove over high heat. You have to be careful not to burn the sugar. Cook the caramel for a few minutes, reduce the heat and close the lid. We leave it like that for 10 minutes. Stir and wait another 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure. Sugar should look already homogeneous and liquid. When bubbles appear in the sugar, it is stirred again and left to simmer for 10 minutes. The mixture should darken and smell like caramel. After a while, the sugar will discolor due to its dissolution and become transparent. Foam and air bubbles will begin to appear in the mass. It must be stirred and left, uncovered, for another five minutes. At the end of the total preparation time, which is 45 minutes, the product is mixed and poured into a plastic container of a suitable size. The dishes in which the syrup was boiled must be washed immediately with water. The resulting hair removal mixture should cool for three hours.

Recipe #3

  1. granulated sugar 3 parts;
  2. 0.5 parts of citric acid or lemon juice;
  3. water 1 part.

Cooking method: mix everything with lemon juice and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. The mixture will be ready when it resembles caramel. Pour over and allow the material to cool. Suitable for removing unwanted vegetation with balls.

Steps for making sugar paste with lemon juice

Recipe #4

  1. granulated sugar 250 grams;
  2. 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid (lemon juice will do);
  3. water 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method: mix all ingredients thoroughly with citric acid and put to boil on fire (small). The product is constantly stirred, allowed to dissolve the sugar and wait for it to begin to boil. Care must be taken not to burn the sugar. When acquiring a golden color, shugaring is ready and can be removed from the stove. From the finished mass, balls for epilation should be easily molded. If the product turned out to be watery, then it can be boiled or used with paper strips (as when removing hair with wax).

The amount of lemon juice affects the plasticity of the product. If there is a lot of it, then the caramel will harden badly, and with a small amount it will be fragile and difficult to knead in the hands.

Recipe number 5 (thick shugaring)

  1. granulated sugar 10 tbsp. spoons;
  2. lemon juice (half a large lemon);
  3. water 7-8 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method: all components must be combined, mixed and put to cook over low heat. When the syrup boils, it must be constantly stirred for 10 minutes. The color of the mass should become golden yellow (like honey), and the density should resemble syrup. Turn off the heat and let the caramel cool down. After cooling, the tool should look like plasticine.

Hair removal with caramel pieces is as effective as sugaring in the salon. At home, the procedure will be cheaper. After hair removal in this way, no irritation remains on the skin.

Mode of application

When the balls are welded and ready, you can proceed to the epilation procedure. Ready caramel, similar to a piece of amber, is kneaded in the hands. In the process of kneading, the product will begin to brighten and acquire a pearly hue. In terms of plasticity, the mass will be similar to plasticine. We roll balls from this plastic caramel and apply to the desired area. The correct application of shugaring is the direction against hair growth. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on this. Hair removal is carried out according to the growth of the rod. If you see that the mixture is solidifying, it must be heated in a water bath.

Sugar hair removal is used on hairs from 2 mm to 5 mm long. If they are longer, then it is advisable to remove them in a different way and wait for exactly the optimal length for the best result. All this is easy to do at home.

Ready for shugaring

Use on the legs and arms

From a piece of caramel, which we preheat in our hands, we roll up a ball and apply it to the skin. It must be evenly rolled against hair growth. The paste sticks to the hairs and hardens in a few minutes. There should be a feeling of skin tension. Now, in the course of hair growth, we sharply tear off the caramel from the surface of the skin. Together with the frozen mass, excess vegetation is also removed.

Then the same used piece is again warmed up in the hands for the next repeated manipulations. Sugaring is carried out on the entire area of ​​​​the arms and legs where hair is to be removed. When the ball is in the hair, it must be replaced with a new portion of the sticky mass. For a good result from the procedure, all manipulations should be performed parallel to the surface of the skin and with sharp movements. When performing the procedure on the legs with one free hand, you can hold the skin on the leg to reduce pain. Then you need to wash your hands and feet with warm water. You can apply moisturizer. Sugaring does not cause irritation, so you can immediately put on open clothes. This method of removing unwanted vegetation is very painstaking and will take about 1.5 hours.

The main thing is the correct manipulation. Vegetation with the help of the paste should break out, and not break off. The procedure should be performed without violating its technology: sudden movements and applying efforts parallel to the skin, and not perpendicular. Otherwise, the effect of smooth silk skin may not work, as the vegetation will grow back in the coming days and will prick. Sugaring also helps to get rid of the effect of ingrown hairs. There is no risk of burns during epilation.

Use on the underarm area

This is a very sensitive and delicate area. Therefore, it is necessary to use small amounts of paste on it. The ball on the skin rolls downwards, and the hair breaks upwards. Similarly, epilation of the bikini area and face is performed. The drug is applied with a slight tension of the skin against hair growth, and removal is carried out according to the growth of the hair shaft.

Several times I tried to cook this very pasta, and I didn’t succeed at all ((((I cooked all the times according to the recipe with lemon. And when it didn’t work out, I sinned on lemon (I think sugar is sugar everywhere, water too, apparently some kind of lemons I’m buying the wrong ones ....) I read another recipe here, with citric acid. And I realized that’s what I’ll try now, while my child fell asleep at an hour’s sleep ...

RECIPE that worked for me:

Stirring all the time as bubbles appear put out the fire. And checked on a plate with water drops of the mixture every minute. Once the mixture does not dissolve in water, but remained formed by a fallen drop, I took it off the stove and immediately poured into a plastic container.

After about 15 minutes, when the mixture had cooled and hardened a little, I checked it by pressing my fingers, and began to knead the ball.

!!! Because It was only at that moment that I realized that everything turned out as it should, I began to photograph step by step what I did next):

And here is the result!

I just can’t get enough of that I have mastered the pasta cooking technique, I share my successful recipe, and I need to improve in the sugaring technique. After all, next in line Bikini and underarms. I hope I don’t get sick from pain (it still hurts, whatever one may say, I need to get used to it and tune in), and in the coming days I will show my results, and at the same time I will repeat the result of a successful pasta and cook another portion!))))) Hope someone can make this recipe!

I take off 1 star for the difficulty of making pasta at home and the instability of the recipe due to the products included in it. And so the penny cost of the procedure and the result are pleasing!


Update dated 22.04. 2014

The news is not very good:

FIRST. I'm a coward. I made 1 right leg, but I can’t do anything else. Painfully! I feel sorry for myself. Before that, I did it several times at the armpit master: antiseptic, preparation, right 5 minutes, left 5 minutes, I wait for the product to be absorbed after shugaring and you're done! The whole procedure takes 20-30 minutes! ITSELF, with the right leg, swarm all evening! And this is only up to the knees! ((((The next day I tried to make a bikini, who is there ... I would process the panty zone ... for 2 hours of pain and pain - 4 square centimeters.!!! Now I understand how much space I have for processing ... I am disappointed .... in myself ((((

SECOND. Armpits turned out to be completely unrealistic to process, because for the purity of the procedure, the skin must be strongly stretched. All in all to myself I didn’t manage to make the armpits ((( Tell me, can anyone get used to it????

THIRD. After three days of torturing myself, my husband had already returned from a business trip and I had to relocate to the bathroom. There I realized that after taking a shower, it is generally unrealistic to carry out the procedure, because the humidity is high there, the fingers are apparently hotter than usual ... in general, I couldn’t even roll a ball. I'm upset.....

BUT! ... I do not give up, to be continued)))

