The script for a children's birthday, a bun in a new way. Salute from balloons

One of the first fairy tales that little readers of our country get acquainted with is “Gingerbread Man”. A child of about three years old can independently determine its meaning: be careful, do not boast in vain. However, the request to name the place of birth of Kolobok will surely cause confusion among many. So, let's try to find the answer to this question.

Place of birth Kolobok according to the text

Many of those who are asked this question are trying to remember a fairy tale and say that the “homeland” of the protagonist is a furnace. The situation changes when there is text in front of your eyes. Name the place of birth of Kolobok in this case. This makes us take the issue more seriously, and a more or less attentive reader will definitely say that Gingerbread Man was born in a barn or bin.

The fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", the text of which is known to everyone, repeatedly reminds of the birthplace of the protagonist with a song that he sings to the Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. It is worth noting that modern options publications of this tale differ from each other. In particular, for the Fox in different copies, Kolobok performs the song one, two or three times.

Geography of fairy-tale characters

In 2011, a project was launched in our country to create a geographical map, which marked the birthplaces of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. Thanks to this project, it became known that Alyosha Popovich and the Frog Princess come from Rostov region, and the Snow Maiden is from Kostroma. Beloved's homeland fairy tale character all children, Santa Claus, are considered Veliky Ustyug, Moscow, Vologda region.

Birthplace of Kolobok

The studies of the local historian helped to establish that the birthplace of Kolobok is the Ulyanovsk region. Now there is a hero's estate. Going to Ulyanovsk, you can buy wooden koloboks (koloboks) as a souvenir.

Sergey Petrov analyzed a lot of information about koloboks. koloboks are creatures of different sexes: a sway is a female, a sway is a male.

The fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", the text of which every child can retell, does not contain information that the birthplace of Kolobok is the middle Volga. Apparently, it was in those parts that the grandmother, obeying the will of her husband, baked this culinary product.

So, the birthplace of Kolobok from a fairy tale, based on the data, is the Ulyanovsk region.

Gingerbread man as a dish

Gingerbread man - originally which went out of use around the 17th century. This fact again confirms the origin of our hero. The birthplace of Kolobok is the vastness of our country.

Dishes in the form of koloboks are still popular today. They are stuffed with meat, cottage cheese, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Literally, according to the data obtained by Sergei Petrov, a bun is “the last dough from sourdough”. It must be assumed that few of the modern inhabitants understand what it is. It is all the more difficult to imagine that someone bakes them according to a traditional recipe.

Deeper understanding of the meaning of the tale

Attempts to determine the meaning of this tale are still ongoing. For preschoolers, it is obvious, but older people begin to think and understand that the meaning of this simple story is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. There are, for example, suggestions that Kolobok from this tale can also be called a "round fool." However, this does not bring us closer to understanding where Kolobok was born.

Attempts to interpret this tale led researchers to very unusual conclusions. They do not fit in with the traditional understanding of this work. There is an opinion that the tale of Kolobok is a kind of analogy to the fact that our wise ancestors in ancient times, who lived in a civilization different from ours, created a semblance solar system. Having left its creators, this system chose a special path of development, but became a victim of cunning and deceit, paying for pride with its death. Such an understanding makes one think deeply. It turns out that Gingerbread Man is the center of the system, and the place of his birth is the whole Universe. However, this understanding can be simplified to the point that Gingerbread Man is not like the Solar System, but a civilization. In this case, it becomes more simple. So it is: any, even the most perfect civilization inevitably perishes.

Now let's try to turn to the sacred meaning of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". The old man with the old woman is the personification of the male and from which all living things come. The expression "scrape the bottom of the barrel" has a very interesting meaning. Ancient legends say that the body is recreated from dust and goes back to dust. Flour is dust, and “place-scrape” is creation. The word "kolo" in translation from Old Slavonic means "circle" - a symbol of infinity, eternity, soul. This understanding completely breaks all traditional ideas about where Kolobok was born. This point of view has a deep philosophical meaning.

Summing up, we can say that it is impossible to understand unequivocally where Kolobok was born after all. Nevertheless, if you have read this article to the end, then when you hear the request: "Name the place of birth of the kolobok", you will definitely be able to give a few interesting options response.

1. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This beast of the forest ... (bear)

2. A fluffy tail sticks out from the top.

What is this strange animal?

Cracks nuts finely.

Well, of course, this is ... (squirrel)

3. Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail- beauty.

Who is this? (fox)

4. Who is cold in winter

Is an angry, hungry wandering in the forest? (wolf)

5. He is afraid of everyone in the forest:

Wolf, owl, fox.

Runs from them to escape

WITH long ears… (hare)

Klepa puts these animals on the board.

Well done guys, guessed all the riddles! Where do they live? How in one word can you call the animals that live in the forest, get their own food?

We will go with you through the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles.

Here is the road. Guys, what is the way? Wide or narrow? Long or short? Everyone lined up behind each other and hit the road!

The children are walking.

Look how beautiful flower meadow! Let's stop and enjoy.

How many flowers?

How many butterflies?

Let's find a flower for butterflies. Children connect the butterfly with the flower by color. When the guys planted all the butterflies, Klepa asks questions. What color is your butterfly and flower Alikhan (Arina, Nikita ..? How many butterflies do you have ... ..? And flowers? What can we say: there is only one butterfly and the flower is also one - they are ... .. (equally, equally). We continue, guys, your way.

A bunny is sitting under a tree, crying.

What are you crying about?

How can I not cry? Clever Aunt Owl gave me a task, but I can't handle it. Guys, help me arrange the cubes by color in a box. certain color, and then they all got mixed up with me.

Thanks guys, you helped me. The bunny leaves.

They go through the Forest.

Ahead is a swamp. To get over it, you need to arrange the pebbles in order. After all the children complete the task, the teacher offers to walk through the swamp.

Klepa invites the children to relax in the clearing.

Fizminutka "Butterfly"

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

(body to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore

(torso in front, back.)

Moved, stretched

(hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew

(hands up, stretch.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly spinning, winding.


We continue our journey through the forest.

We walked, walked, walked

Finally they came.

Klepa suddenly screams.

Guys, how did we forget about the gift for Kolobok? Help, what to do, where to get a gift?

How to be? Think, think, think. I am a magic clown.

Invented. Now together we will conjure over my backpack and appear and appear magic colors. Here they will help us to make a gift. Shall we conjure? Repeat everything after me: rex-fax-pax - magic colors appear. Klepa gets out of the bag watercolor paints.

Look, on the edge of the forest is Kolobok's house. Get on the road!

Someone's song is heard. The bun comes out.

I am a gingerbread man - a rosy side!

Hello Klepa! (Hug)

Hello Kolobok! And here are my friends. We thought for a long time and decided to give you a picture as a gift, which we will draw together.

Kolobok: - With pleasure.

Kolobok, what would you most like to receive as a gift?

Gingerbread man: I really love flowers and many good friends. Okay, let's draw flowers for you (with stamps - unconventional technique drawing - cork imprint)

What a beautiful flower meadow turned out - the gingerbread man rejoices and thanks.

Dear Guys! Was your journey long? What did you see? Whom did you meet? What they were doing?

This is amazing. I also have a gift for you. (Sweets)

Kolobok treats children with sweets.

Cheerful music sounds, children dance, and Kolobok lets bubble.

After the "Disco" the clown Klepa and the guys say goodbye to the bun and leave.


Travel game.

Theme: "Kolobok's Birthday"

PURPOSE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY: Summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn.


Corrective tasks:

Correctional training.

1. Continue to form ideas about seasonal changes in nature, to promote the manifestation of adequate positive emotional reactions when perceiving the beauty of autumn signs.

Corrective development.

1. To develop the ability to use the sense of touch in the process of recognizing the shape of objects based on past experience.

2.Develop fine motor skills fingers.

3. Exercise in comparing the leaves of trees in shape, size, color.

Correctional education.

2. To cultivate the ability and desire to see and show a positive emotional response to their successful actions and the success of their peers.

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL AREAS: "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Music".

By purpose and content

correctional and pedagogical work

Through the organization

and optimization of the educational process

"Communication". Activate vocabulary, achieve intonational expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate the ability to listen to the teacher and each other.

Encouraging children to ask questions active participation in conversation.

"Socialization". Encourage children to join in a joint game situation with an adult.

To form goodwill in communication, the ability to see and rejoice in their successes and the successes of their peers.

The use of active-effective forms of interaction between children and adults, older children, peers in solving a variety of entertaining game tasks in which all children are performers, active participants.

"Health". Contribute to the activation of the muscles of the oculomotor apparatus.

Use of visual gymnastics for the eyes.

"Music". Contribute to the spiritual enrichment of children by saturating their lives with bright, unusual, interesting events, expanding their knowledge about the signs of autumn.

Use of musical

works for choral singing, improvisation.

Material and equipment: Presentation equipment; letter; aprons with pockets; models of vegetables and fruits; gift bag; laces, silhouette mushrooms; house; trees; leaves of birch, mountain ash, maple, oak; toys: squirrel, bun; audio recording "Wind noise", "Visiting a fairy tale".

I.Organizing time.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a circle.

Exercise: "Smile"

All the children gathered in a circle, (the children stand in a circle)
I am your friend and you are my friend! (The defectologist points to himself, then to the children)
Hold hands tightly (hold hands)
And smile at each other! (We smile at each other)
Guys, let's give our smiles to our guests.
II. Game motivation. Letter from Kolobok.
Under the sound recording of the sound of the wind, the letter is lowered.

Oh guys, to our window

The breeze brought a letter

We will open and read

Who wrote it?

(The teacher opens the letter, shows a picture of Kolobok)

Kolobok. Let's read it:

"Hello my friends!

From a fairy tale I send my greetings.
I invite you to my birthday! Gingerbread Man"

III. Main part.

It is customary to go with gifts for a birthday, let's prepare gifts for Kolobok.

Do I know that we will give Kolobok?

What shape does the Gingerbread Man look like? (Round).

The gingerbread man is round, so we will give round objects.

Go to the table, put on aprons and stand in a circle. Now find round-shaped objects in the pockets.

Didactic game "Find all round objects»

Liza what shape will you look for in the pocket?

Sasha, what did you find? What about Dasha? (Children lay out items on a dish.)

Tomato, cabbage, turnip - what is it? (Vegetables)

Apple, orange, tangerine - what is it? (Fruits)

We will give Kolobok vegetables and fruits - healthy foods. And now we will go to visit Kolobok.

Where does Kolobok live? (In the fairy tale "Kolobok")

Along the path we will go straight to the fairy tale we will come.

A fairy tale, a fairy tale, we have come, open the door for the guys. (The music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds. The curtain opens. The hall is fabulously decorated: an autumn forest, a fairy-tale house.

Here is the house. Kolobok probably lives here. Let's knock on the door. (Knocking on the door).

Gingerbread man we came to you for your birthday, meet us.

Fox: There is no kolobok here, I live here! Go look for him in the forest!

Defectolo g - Well, let's go, let's look for Kolobok's house in the forest. How beautiful in autumn forest. The trees are dressed in autumn clothes.

What is the name of this tree? And how did you guess that it was a birch? What is it called beautiful tree? (It's maple) What can you say about it? What color are the leaves? What do the leaves look like?

This is an oak tree mighty tree, and there is a hollow in it.

Who lives in a hollow? (Squirrel).

Let's say hello to the squirrel and ask: "Didn't she see the bun?"

Squirrel: I have no time to talk to you, I'm stocking up for the winter. I collected a whole basket of mushrooms and now they need to be hung on a tree and dried.

We will help you, and then you will tell us where Kolobok lives?

-Squirrel: I'll tell you.

(The teacher takes a basket of mushrooms and invites the children to the clearing to pick mushrooms on a string. The children sit at the tables)

Name the mushrooms that the squirrel has collected. (chanterelles, boletus, fly agaric) Are all the mushrooms edible here? We will collect only edible mushrooms on a rope.

Didactic game "Collect edible mushrooms"

Our fingers worked hard, let them rest a little, let's do finger gymnastics.

Children carry mushrooms and hang them on a tree.

Squirrel, we helped you: we collected mushrooms on a string and hung them on a tree. Now tell us, where does Kolobok live?

Squirrel: Have you seen the house on the edge of the forest? That's where he lives!

Defectolo g: Guys, and there is now a fox, because she can eat Kolobok. Let's rescue Kolobok. (Back to the house)

Fox: Are you looking for Kolobok?

caregiver: Yes, he invited us to his birthday party. Give us Kolobok, please.

Fox: What can you do?

Defectologist: We know how to do visual gymnastics and we will teach you.

Visual gymnastics

We are gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, up and down

Don't be lazy to repeat.

Fox: Okay, I'll give you a kolobok, but first complete my three tasks!

You will go along the path and turn behind the bush!

And behind this, behind a bush, there is a stump covered with moss,

And under it - riddles! (We walk along the path, jump over puddles, the children sit in the clearing facing the screen)

caregiver: Well, guys, let's listen carefully to the riddles and guess them!

First, listen to the riddle completely, and only then say the answer! If you correctly guess the riddle, then the animal about which the fox made a riddle will appear on the screen.

It rushes without looking back, only the heels sparkle, it rushes that there is a spirit, the tail is shorter than the ear

Guess who it is? (Bunny slide No. 1)

On the branch is not a bird, the animal is small

The fur is warm, like a heating pad, who is it? (Squirrel slide No. 2)

Needles on the back, long and sharp

And he will curl up into a ball, there is no head, no legs! (Hedgehog slide number 3)

Who took the big and clumsy honey out of the barrel with his paw?

Ate sweetness, and roar. And his name is (Bear slide No. 4)

Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest,

He steals chickens in the village! (Fox slide #5)

Educator: Well done. Guys, skillfully coped with riddles.

Fox: well, you did it with this task, get the next task!

The wind flew past, scattered all the leaves

You collect them in a bouquet and take them to the trees!

Educator: Oh, guys, look how beautiful it is in the autumn forest! Leaves fly in autumn, which means (leaf fall )

Take the fallen leaves in your hands. Turn around, spin around and turn into leaves!

You autumn leaves, colorful leaves.

You were sitting on the branches, the wind blew - flew

Falling leaves, falling leaves, bright leaves are flying! (Running to the music)

The earth is covered, the earth is covered! (Sit down)

Well done, now come to me! What sheet do you have? What kind of leaf do you have? (Rowan, oak, maple, birch) That's right!

The wind scattered all the leaves, and you take them to the trees from which they fell! (Children carry the leaves to the trees)

Well done, guys, and you coped with this task skillfully!


You look at the screen, you will find migratory birds

You name all of them to me, and why they fly away, tell me!

caregiver: Sit comfortably in the clearing so that everyone can see!

What is this bird? (Cuckoo, swallow, swan, cranes slide No. 6)

Why do they fly to warmer climes? (Because it became cold, the insects all hid, soon it will snow and there will be ice on the river, there will be nothing for the birds to eat)

Fox: You have completed this task! Well done!

But I'm a cunning and treacherous fox, here's another task for you!

Everyone around me is calling me a cheat, it’s a shame to me, I want to be affectionately called me!

caregiver: Guys, how can you affectionately call Lisa? (chanterelle, fox, fox-sister)

Fox: okay, so be it, take Kolobok!

Kolobok: Thank you guys for saving me and coming to my birthday!

Defectologist: We brought you gifts!

Educator: And we will sing you an autumn song! (Children sing a song with noise musical instruments. slide number 7)

Kolobok: thank you guys! I have prepared a meal for you! Look, the basket is on the windowsill!

caregiver: Guys, in the basket there are apples, as round as a bun! Let's thank Kolobok for the treat! (Thank you!)

Defectologist: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten we will go along the path, we will come straight to the kindergarten! Here we are in kindergarten.

IV. Reflection.

Tell me where were we? Why did Kolobok invite us? What tasks did we do? Children, you all coped with all the tasks. Well done!

smile! It annoys everyone ;) They were first used in e-mail on September 19, 1982. Today is the birthday of the most popular kolobok on the Internet. And he, as you guessed, does not come from a fairy tale. Smileys have long settled in ICQ, SMS and just letters. Without them already anywhere. How else can you convey your mood virtually when words are not enough? I would not like to hit hard in banality, but each "phenomenon" has its own beginning, in this case author.

Version one

So, the "parent" of the yellow muzzle is considered to be the American artist Harvey Ball.

The fact is that in the early 60s of the last century in America, the process of merging large insurance companies began, and rather painful, which could not but affect the corporate culture and morale of employees. Still, as you may have noticed, few people in a crisis are calm, cheerful and even self-confident: it is not known what awaits us tomorrow.

Americans obsessed with corporate spirit did not find better way raise the morale of colleagues, other than trying to make them smile every time they meet with clients, telephone conversations, and even when working with documents.

But how do you force it?

It was decided to conduct an advertising campaign, which required a bright, memorable symbol. Representatives of insurance companies came to Ball, who did not bother with creativity and all sorts of art there, and in 10 minutes he “faded” a yellow muzzle, for which he was paid $ 45. If he knew...

The first smiley badge was attached to the clothes with a pin. It became a kind of badge for office employees. It was also issued to the company's clients.

Emoticons began to enjoy success in other companies, but worldwide fame did not come until the 1970s, when two brothers from Spain came up with the slogan "Have a Happy Day" for the smiley. Now this muzzle could be seen on emblems, postcards, T-shirts, baseball caps, even on postage stamps - everywhere, everywhere.

Finally, in 1971, an entrepreneur thought of registering a smiling face as trademark. It was a Frenchman named Franklin Loufrani. He claimed to have invented the symbol in 1968 in Paris. So the cunning Loufrani made his fortune.

Ball later registered a different version of the smile, in which he included his initials. Harvey founded the World Smile Corporation, now run by his son, with all after-tax profits going to charity.

And in the 80s, the smiley settled on the World Wide Web in the form of ordinary punctuation marks, where it lives to this day. Emoticons migrated to both letters and SMS. A rare text message does without them.

It is believed that the emoticon appeared on the Web thanks to an American from Carnegie Mellon University, who posted an ad on the university computer network that "one of the elevators in the building is deadly due to mercury contamination due to some kind of physical experiment." What is the point of the joke remains unknown, but they laughed at it, and decided to identify the jokes in order to somehow distinguish them from serious announcements and avoid incidents. Programmer Scott Fahlman suggested using "colon-hyphen-right parenthesis" for jokes, and "colon-hyphen-left parenthesis" for non-jokes, respectively.

History preserved the same letter that Fahlman sent to the local bulletin board, which was the prototype of today's forums and at that time was the main means of communication between university staff.

Here is his letter:
19-Sep-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman:-) From: Scott E Fahlman I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers: :-) Read it sideways.

Actually, it is probably more economical to mark things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use:-(

Do you know what the original name of the smiley was? Well, firstly, of course, “smiley” and “smiley” (eng. smiley), less commonly called “emotion icon” (eng. emotion icon), “emotion icon” or “emotion”.

Version two

Did you know that before officially registered in shorthand, they already used the “smile”, if I can say so about it, - “()”. That's what applause means. And if there is a space between the brackets, then the applause was a long “()”.

Version three

The third version tries to find "smiling" roots already in Ancient China. It is believed that emoticons were one of the types of cryptography that appeared after the hieroglyphs.

The first emoticons date back to the 16th century BC. They are not at all similar to modern options, but there are quite a few of them. Rock emoticons, handwritten emoticons, "smiles" on horseshoes and even on tree bark have been found.

Of course, these emoticons did not play any role in the appearance of modern ones. And yet, most likely, they were the first.


In the 21st century emoji, such a concept as emoji has appeared - a creative process, as a result of which new smilies appear, old ones change or die. In other words, they evolve.

Russian officials have decided to legally allow emoticons. In accordance with the order federal agency for press and mass communications mass media you are allowed to use in your materials "the simplest icons depicting emotions" (the official definition in the documentation).

The emoticon has firmly entered our lives, denoting not only the mood, but also the attitude to any issue. What can be without him virtual communication? After all, emoticons allow us to at least assume the mood of the interlocutor and build a dialogue with him.

Meanwhile, it should be remembered that a smile is an information supplement, and therefore you should not overdo it in an Internet conversation. Indeed, thanks to these images, the image of those with whom we communicate is formed.


Yellow faces are, of course, funny, somewhere even hilarious. But very often you can see not graphic emoticons, but varieties of pictograms consisting of punctuation marks.

You can draw anything, it would be a little imagination. Most often we type “face”, but you can come up with (something has already been invented) other parts of the body ...

The most common European emoticons:

:-) smile, joy
:-(sadness, sadness
:-| thoughtfulness or neutrality
:-D laugh
X-D laughter with closed eyes
:-C strong chagrin
: dissatisfaction, perplexity or resentment
:-0 surprise (open mouth)
=-O intense surprise (open mouth, wide eyes)
:- strong surprise (dropped jaw)
:-[ embarrassment
%0 confused
>:-D malevolent laughter

]:-> sly smile

:"-D strong laughter, laughter to tears
D-: intense anger, anger
;-) wink

:-b show tongue
:-* kiss
:-() a passionate kiss

:[email protected] scream in anger
:-X keep your mouth shut
:-! nausea, disgust

B-) man with glasses
O:-) angel
%) crazy (slanting eyes and nose)

:E Cthulhu

o/ Medved or "Preved!"
:-E grinning vampire
:-F grinning vampire without one fangs
::-) mutant or alien
[:] robot
-=<:-) волшебник

<|-) китаец

O-) Cyclops
:-][ scull
:-? man smoking a pipe

3:-) deer
*:O) clown
:*) drunk
-- flower, rose
m/_ goat (gesture)

[:]|||[:] button accordion

/:-] "the roof is going"
(_!_) buttocks

Stroganova Arina



Western Department of the Ministry of Science and Culture of the Samara Region

District Research Competitionprojects of junior schoolchildren "Gulliver"





Strogonova Arina;

2nd grade student

GBOU secondary school pos. Volzhsky cliff

Work manager:

Korchagina Marina Vladimirovna;

primary school teacher

Syzran, 2016

  1. Introduction
  1. Relevance
  2. Objective of the project
  3. Project objectives
  4. Problem
  1. Main part
  1. Kolobok - a culinary product
  2. Recipe for Kolobok
  3. Fairy tale map of Russia
  4. And Kolobok is nearby!
  5. Visiting the master
  1. Conclusion
  2. Application
  3. Bibliography

Once, Baba Yaga came to visit us at an extra-curricular event “On the Roads of Russian Fairy Tales”. She played with us, gave us different tasks, and at the end of the fabulous holiday she said that she was from the village of Kukoboy, Yaroslavl Region. Baba Yaga talked about herself, about other magical heroes of fairy tales, about the fairy tales themselves.

Relevance : Traveling around our wonderful land, we see how many historical places we have. In recent years, many buildings have been restored, new monuments have been erected. Our region has an ancient history. And antiquity is fairy tales, epics, legends, legends. Maybe, Is our region also the birthplace of some fairy-tale hero?

On the Christmas holiday, I participated in the play, I had the role of the Christmas Kolobok. My hero was very cheerful, kind, inquisitive. Interesting, I thought, where did this fairy-tale hero come from?Who is Kolobok?

The purpose of my project:find out where the fairy-tale hero Kolobok came from.


Problem. One of the first fairy tales that we get acquainted with in childhood is "Gingerbread Man". Its meaning: be careful, do not boast in vain. However, to name the place of birth of Kolobok will surely cause confusion among many. So, let's try to find the answer to this question.

Place of birth Kolobok according to the text

The bun was baked in the fairy tale, it turns out that the “homeland” of the protagonist is the oven.

The fairy tale says that Kolobka made a grandmother from the remnants of flour “she broomed in the bottom of the barrel, scraped along the box, picked up two handfuls of flour and baked Kolobok.

The origin of the word "kolobok"

In the famous “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, it turned out that there was an old word “kolo”, which meant “circle, circumference, rim, hoop; wheel"; there was the word "kolob", meaning "head, rolled lump, ball, pile, felt, katanets; small, round loaf; konurka, thick flatbread, round cake with oatmeal. Thus, the round shape of the protagonist of the tale comes from his name. In the old days, the word circle was denoted by the word kolo. Hence - "bun", that is - a round side or "circle", "circle".

Gingerbread man - diminutive of kolob - “rolled lump, ball; small, round loaf, bread; unleavened dough dumpling." In Tver dialects there are the words kolobukha "dumpling, dumpling", koloban "thick cake", okolobet "shrink". A thick, round flatbread made into a bread ball, nearly a ball, or expanding into a ball shape by the end of baking.

Kolobok - a culinary product?!

Why did all the heroes of the fairy tale certainly want to eat the bun? Probably, Kolobok was a very tasty pastry. It would be nice to know the recipe for baking Kolobok - a culinary product and bake Kolobok yourself.

We re-read the fairy tale again to find out the recipe for Kolobok. In the fairy tale, everything is simple: “The old woman scraped two handfuls of flour, kneaded the dough with sour cream, cooked a bun. I baked it and put it on the window to chill.

And again the dictionary helped here - in the “Culinary Dictionary”, “... kolobok (kolobukha) is a purely Russian bread product, the occurrence of which was accidental, but its taste and shape were due to the very nature of the dough. The fact is that koloboks were not always baked, but only in the absence of supplies for bread in the required quantity. On the bun - there were the remains of various flours and all the scraps of sourdough that were left for sourdough. From this prefabricated test, a not particularly high-quality product should have turned out. However, it was the high percentage of sourdough and the varied nature of the flour (wheat, rye, oatmeal, barley, etc.) that created the excellent taste. It turned out lush, especially nostrilous, soft, well-baked and not stale bread for a long time.

The peasants could explain such a phenomenon only by a miracle. Probably, this helped to create a fabulous story about a kolobok.

Recipe for Kolobok

Now the culinary recipe of the old fairy tale is completely restored:

Pour flour 2 handfuls,
Put a spoonful of yeast
Break the egg quickly
Pour sour cream into the dough,
Do not forget about sugar, salt,
And the oil should be poured.
To the frying pan.
Fire faster!
And put it on the window
Just three minutes...
Look out!

Fairy tale map of Russia

In 2010, the Fairy Tale Map of Russia project began to be implemented in Russia. The author of the project, developer Alexei Kozlovsky, says that local historians and mythology researchers are involved in the work on the project. The author also invites everyone to participate in the project, because many heroes of fairy tales do not have their own small homeland.
So far, the geography on the fabulous map of Russia covers the native places of far from all the heroes of Russian fairy tales. Now it is only a dozen addresses. After all, no one yet knows where Vasilisa the Beautiful comes from. And in which village was Kolobok baked? The author of the project hopes for cooperation - there will be enough heroes of fairy tales for everyone! However, although the list of “rootless” fairy tale heroes is long, some cities are arguing for the right to have a relationship with the heroes of fairy tales. Officially, only the Snow Maiden - in Kostroma, as well as Grandfather Frost - Veliky Ustyug, have a homeland. These cities have issued copyrights for the opportunity to be called the place of residence of the heroes. According to the author, Alexey Kozlovsky, with the help of the map it will be possible to assess the audience's interest in fairy-tale projects. If there is interest, then perhaps the local authorities will be more willing to accommodate fairy-tale heroes.
The Yaroslavl region turned out to be the most hospitable place on the fabulous map of Russia, both for fairy-tale heroes and tourists. Now Alyosha Popovich, Emelya together with Pike, Hen Ryaba and Baba Yaga herself live there. All locals are friendly. True, Baba Yaga did not take root right away. Around the village of Kukoboy, where the old woman was settled, there are many temples, and the priests decided that such a “demonic” character had no place there. I had to conduct long negotiations, as a result, the Yaroslavl Baba Yaga became a completely different person. She was re-educated, always ready to help and only sometimes a little hooligan.

And Kolobok is nearby!

In November, our sanatorium hosted a meeting with representatives of the Simbirsk Center of Slavic Culture. We were there as a whole class. And suddenly, the chairman of the Center, Vladimir Andreevich Lanko, told us that their center was also studying the issue of the Kolobka deposit. He confirmed my assumptions. Local historian Sergey Borisovich Petrovfound confirmation of the origin of the kolobok from Simbirsk in Dahl's dictionary, where the definition of the word "kolob" indicates "kolobyatka, in Simbirsk - the last bread from sourdough".

Kolobok is a native Russian dish that went out of use around the 17th century. This fact again confirms the origin of our hero. The birthplace of Kolobok is the vastness of our country. Dishes in the form of koloboks are still popular today. They are stuffed with meat, cottage cheese, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

In the Simbirsk annals, the day of his birth is clearly indicated - September 14th. This is the date of Semyonov's Day. Semenov's day has long been considered the beginning of the Indian summer, on which the first gatherings after the summer were held in Rus', for which bread and koloboks were baked from the flour of the new harvest. The Simbirsk Center of Slavic Culture advocates the revival of this holiday as the birthday of the kolobok.
The authors of the all-Russian project "Fairytale Map of Russia", which creates a geographical map of the country indicating the places of birth or "residence" of the most famous fairy-tale characters, intends to declare Ulyanovsk the birthplace of Kolobok. Thus, this city will become the 18th in the country, in which the heroes of children's fairy tales have received a "registration".

In addition, the idea of ​​nominating Kolobok as a mascot for the 2018 FIFA World Cup is already being promoted.”

This year, the Kolobka estate appeared in the region. "Manor Kolobka" is located in the "Center of Crafts", which is located in the village of New Bedenga.

The estate includes a number of objects: "Kolobok's House", "Kolobkodrom", a playground, a souvenir shop and a "live" Kolobok, the functions of which, of course, will be performed by an animator. "Kolobkodrom" and a playground are planned as objects of active recreation with attractions.

The Center of Slavic Culture sent Kolobok to the first World Fairytale Games, whereour Kolobok became the winner .

Our friend Vladimir Andreevich Lanko composed a new fairy tale about Kolobok - “Kolebyatko”, he tells a new story about Kolobok. The author of the new version of the old fairy tale could not help but pay attention to the end of the story. In its Ulyanovsk version, the gingerbread man escapes from the fox, returning home unharmed to grandfather Semyon and grandmother Paraskeva and their festive table. People and animals gather around him. In addition to the kolobok, the author collected other symbols of the Volga region in the book. So, the solar eagle, a natural symbol of the Simbirsk province, and a silver wild goat with golden horns, a symbol of the Samara region, are watching the heroes having fun.

Visiting the master

Chairman of the Simbirsk Center of Slavic Culture Vladimir Andreyevich Lanko invited us to visit him. Vladimir Andreevich usually meets guests on the porch of his workshop, where old cast-iron irons, samovars and old balalaikas flaunt. But its main decoration is an unimaginable number of smiling Koloboks. There are so many smiles that you yourself can not resist stretching your mouth to your ears. And they are all koloboks! Kolobkovs here are a whole family. They smile at you from the tables, because of the brushes and paints, from the piano and even from the windowsill, from which, it seems, they are ready to jump out the window and roll off towards adventure.

The owner of the workshop spins a bun with mischievous eyes in his palm, like a football player, and suddenly grabs it tightly. "Stop! Where?" Vladimir Lanko says seriously to the kolobok. Although this bun was not baked in the oven, but carved from linden and painted in the walls of this workshop, he still has a temper ... The owner puts the bun away from the edge of the table, reprimands him severely and shakes his finger.
Vladimir Andreevich Lanko is a former military man, his former colleagues who visit him in the workshop in Bezymyanny Lane cannot believe that this man, who grinds balls from linden, is their former strict boss. How could one believe that Colonel Lanko would become the chief master of koloboks in Russia. And now Vladimir Andreevich is even proud of this title.


Tales accompany people throughout many centuries of its history. Simple, wise and beautiful, they are dear to every person, dear in the way that the Motherland, the people and its history can be.

Favorite fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" is familiar to all of us since childhood. Together with Kolobok, we find ourselves in the wonderful world of the past, touched the history of our region (by the way, the territory of Syzran and the Shigonsky district, where I live in the early 20th century, belonged to the Simbirsk province).


  1. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: T.1-4.M., 1978-1980.
  2. Ozhegov S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. M., 1973 - 939 p.
  3. Reader on children's literature: Proc. allowance for students. avg. Ped. Proc. Institutions / Comp. I.N. Arzamastseva, E.I. Ivanova, S.A.Nikolaeva.-2nd ed., stereotype. M., 2000.
  4. Dal V.I. Russian tales. St. Petersburg, 1832.
  5. Afanasiev A.N. Russian children's tales / Nauch. ed. text, foreword and note. V.P. Anikina; Rice. L. Nepomniachtchi. - M., 1986.
  6. Culinary Dictionary / Ch. ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. SPb., 2002.
