Scenario of the concert "The Secret of the Third Planet" for the holiday "Doll Country. Scenario of the holiday Cosmonautics Day "Journey through the planets of the solar system

MBOU DOD "Center for additional education of children named after. V.Voloshina»


game program

"Journey to an Unknown Planet"

Prepared by: Abiatari I.D.,


Kemerovo, 2013

Logistics: complex of musical equipment, 2 radio microphones, projector, laptop.

Brief content of the program.

Mission Control Center (MCC) employees were given a difficult task - to recruit a team of young space explorers, travel to an unknown planet and establish contact with a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. How will the pre-selection go? What tests await the guys in space? Will the young cosmonauts cope with the task? You will learn all this by making this exciting journey with us, filled with colorful video material in the usual format and format 3 D.

Hall decoration.

The hall is decorated with large silver and gold stars. On the edges of the ceiling of the hall hang balls of gold, silver and dark blue. On the wall is a large screen decorated with polysilk. All props are made in blue, gold and silver.


The MCC employees are dressed in gold and silver suits. The program is occupied life-size puppet "Alien".

Space music sounds, on the screen - video"Galaxy"

Here is the starry sky! What can be seen on it?

The stars there shine with a distant fire!

Are the stars shining in the sky?

Not! Planets roam among the stars!

How do they wander like that? Roads do not know?

Not! It looks like they're wandering!

All of them are the Sun's big family.

And under the influence of his attraction

Always making circular motions!

And with them my planet -

The one called the planet "Earth"

The one where you and I live!

Presenter 1: Hello dear guys! We are glad to welcome you to the Mission Control Center! It is from here that we observe the unexplored expanses of space, monitor the work of space stations in orbit, keep in touch with astronauts ...

Host 2: In just a few days we will be celebrating an international holiday. April 12 marks the 52nd anniversary of the first manned flight into space. The 108 minutes that Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin spent in near-Earth orbit opened the way for the world community to the stars.

Presenter 1: And it was today that the Mission Control Center set us a difficult task - to recruit a team of young space explorers and fly to an unknown planet in the constellation Alpha Centauri.

Host 2: From this offer, I'm sure no one will refuse. Look how many friends we have today!

Host 2: But only the most daring, courageous, friendly guys can go into space!

Presenter 1: Then we need to arrange a real pre-flight selection for our young explorers!

Host 2: Qualifying tests begin!

Host 2: Astronauts must be brave and courageous! And don't be afraid of anything!

Relay race "Landing on an unknown planet"

Each team member runs around the obstacle with a “snake”, makes a “fence” of the “soil” with a shovel, and returns back, putting the “soil” into the “cargo compartments”.

Presenter 1: See how quickly the young astronauts completed the task. You can definitely take them on a space trip!

Host 2: Well done boys! And now let's check the astronaut candidates for attentiveness and speed of reaction.

Presenter 1: Guys, do you know what a traffic light is? And what does each color mean? (answers guys) Our game to test attentiveness and speed of reaction is as follows. Pictures with these colors will be displayed on the screen.

Host 2: What should kids do?

Presenter 1: You need to complete tasks correctly and accurately. If a red color appears on the screen, you need to clap together, if it’s yellow, raise your hands up with the sound “Oooh!”, If it’s green, shake hands with the neighbors. Let's try!

The game "Red, yellow, green"

Presenter 1: Are the teams ready to fly?

Host 2: Wait, how do we test the erudition of our team?

Presenter 1: There is also a test. You must try and answer my riddles in rhyme. Let's try!

"Space erudite".

To arm the eye

And make friends with the stars

Milky way to see

We need a powerful ... (telescope)

Telescope hundreds of years

Studying the life of the planets.

Will tell us everything

Smart uncle ... (astronomer)

Astronomer - he is an astrologer,

Knows everything!

Only better stars are visible

The sky is full ... (moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land

But he can do it

Make fast ... (rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

English: astronaut

And in Russian ... (cosmonaut)

Astronaut sits in a rocket

Sees everything in the moonlight -

In orbit as luck would have it

Appeared ... (UFO)

UFO flies to a neighbor

From the constellation Andromeda

It howls like a wolf from boredom

Resident is strange ... (Humanoid)

The humanoid has strayed off course

Lost in three planets

If there is no star map,

Speed ​​will not help ... (light)

Light flies the fastest

Kilometers are not counted.

The Sun gives life to the planets

We are warm, tails are ... (to comets)

The comet circled around

I looked at everything in the sky.

He sees a hole in space -

This is a black ... (hole)

Darkness in black holes

Something black is busy.

There he completed his flight

Interplanetary ... (starship)

Starship - steel bird,

He travels faster than light.

Learns in practice

Stellar ... (galaxies)

And the galaxies fly in all directions, as they want.

This entire universe is very healthy!

Presenter 1: I wonder if the guys know the planets of the solar system?

Host 2: Let's get to know these planets better!

(video game "Memory", about planets)

Presenter 1: What else do you need to travel to an unknown planet?

Host 2: What do you guys think? Of course, the spaceship.

Presenter 1: What types of spaceships do you know? (answers guys)
"Pick up the rocket"

Take an iron stick from the box, run to the finish line, and, running one at a time, fold the “drawing” of a rocket from iron tubes with the whole team, then come up with a name for it related to the space theme.

Presenter 1: So, the crews are formed, the rockets have their names, and now it's time to find out what we will take on board our spaceships? Answer yes or no.

The game "What will we take with us on a flight?"

What will we take with us on the flight?
Interplanetary spacecraft?
Airplane or rocket?
Maybe a floppy disk with games?

Maybe take us glue "Moment",
To glue everything in a moment?
Compass, different devices?
Lego multiple sets?
Cup, spoon and plate?
A basin and a large heating pad?

It's not easy, I tell you, brothers,
Was going to space!

Presenter 1: Spaceships are ready to fly! Everything you need is on board! And even space glasses!

(points are given out to watch videos in format 3 D)

The phonogram "cosmodrome noise" sounds.

1 leader: Contact!
2 host: There is a contact!
1 leader: Ignition!
2 host: There is an ignition!
1 leader:
2 host: Fine!

(movie in 3 D "Space Flight"
Presenter 1:
Attention! The takeoff of the ship went well in all respects. Systems work without deviations.

(Leaders collect points)

Host 2:

MCC: Dear participants of the flight! You are caught in a meteor shower, please turn on the protective field and save the ship from destruction!

Host 2: Order - all teams to line up, we begin to protect the ship from a meteor shower. One team is "Protection Field", the other team is "Meteor Shower". The task of the "Protection Field" team is to repel the meteor attack of the second team.

Meteor shower game

A ribbon is stretched between the teams, the task is to transfer "meteorites" (balloons) to the enemy's side.

Presenter 1: The meteor shower is over! Order for the teams to take their seats in the cockpits!

Host 2: Mission control is on the line.

(video film "Conversation with MCC")

MCC: Dear participants of the flight! You have been entrusted with the great honor of testing a new space suit for especially dangerous work in open space and on unknown planets. Our employees will familiarize you with the task.

Presenter 1: On board our ship is part of this suit.

(brings two large jumpsuits)

Host 2: Blimey! What an interesting spacesuit configuration! But how to experience them?

Host 2: You need to check the strength! Ship commanders, the trials begin for you!

Relay Race "Suit Tests"

The captain is holding overalls. The task of the participants is to fill overalls with balloons.

(Contest, summing up)

MCC: Dear participants of the flight! Just received a signal from extraterrestrial civilizations. Try to decipher them!

Presenter 1: Let's listen to the signal! (the song "Smile" sounds in a fast rhythm)

Contest "Guess the messages of aliens"

In a fast rhythm, well-known children's songs, the task of the participants is to guess the songs.

Presenter 1: In my opinion, our extraterrestrial friends are very friendly, because they sing our favorite songs in their own way!

Presenter 1: Signal from the Center!

Host 2: Mission control is on the line.

MCC: Dear participants of the flight! Just received a video signal from extraterrestrial civilizations! You are approaching an unknown planet. The signal is getting stronger!

Host 2: Let's watch the video signal!

Presenter 1: Look, this planet is inhabited. But only the signal is very incomprehensible, nothing is visible on the monitor!

Host 2: Now you have to pick up markers and draw a portrait of the inhabitant of the planet yourself.

Relay "Draw an alien"

Each team member draws one detail.

(Contest, summing up)

Presenter 1: In my opinion, very peaceful aliens turned out!

MCC: Dear participants of the flight! An order to land on an unknown planet, and make contact with a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization!

(Leaders distribute 3D glasses)

(movie in 3 D"Approach and landing on the planet")

Presenter 1: Got to land!
Host 2: The brake block has worked! The pressure in the chambers drops according to the norms! The automatic mode system is disabled! We are on an unknown planet! Soft landing!

Space music sounds, an alien comes out.

Presenter 1: Wow! A real alien!

Alien:(speaking in his own way) record)

Host 2: Apparently, you will have to communicate with aliens using sign language. Try using gestures to explain to the owners of the planet that you have come to them with only good intentions.
Competition "Explainers"

1 person from each team. Communicate with the inhabitants of the planet using gestures. Explain to him the phrases: “We arrived in peace. Hello!" and “We are from planet Earth. Let's be friends!"

Presenter 1: Thanks to our helpers, the inhabitant of this planet realized that earthlings are their friends and neighbors in the Universe.

Host 2: Maybe if we became friends so quickly, we'll teach our new friend how to dance!

Alien:(speaking in his own way)

Presenter 1: You don't understand? You sent us signals with songs, didn't you?

Alien:(speaking in his own way, nodding)

Host 2: Then let's dance, let's have a disco on an unknown planet in the constellation Alpha Centauri!


Presenter 1: What an interesting journey! But it's time for us to say goodbye!

Say goodbye to the alien. Presenters hand out 3D glasses.

1 leader: Contact!
2 host: There is a contact!
1 leader: Ignition!
2 host: There is an ignition!
1 leader: Is the auto mode system working properly?
2 host: Fine!

Together: Five, four, three, two, one... Start!..
(movie in 3 D "Return")

Presenter 1: Attention! The takeoff of the ship went well in all respects. Systems work without deviations.

MCC: Dear participants of the flight! Welcome to planet Earth! Congratulations to the team of young space explorers! The flight was successful! Mission accomplished! Hooray!

Presenter 1: See how we are met by the inhabitants of the earth! They applaud the young space explorers, wave their hands to them! (parents)

Host 2: Dear guys, you are awarded a real certificate from the leader of the intergalactic expedition.

Presenter 1: Our journey is over and it's time to say goodbye.

Host 2: Goodbye dear guys!

Host 2: We wish you a great mood, smiles and the brightest spring sunny days on the best planet in the solar system - Earth! See you soon!

Used materials:


Scenario of the concert "The Secret of the Third Planet" for the holiday "Dollland"

Prologue: space music sounds.

The astrologer counts the stars,

And the stars are innumerable.

In the midst of endless darkness

Light and far

Starlit gardens shine

Dropping petals.

Mysterious fire of grief,

Far and wise

Starry seas twinkle

And star fires.

Magic light beckons us stars

And star worlds.

It is eternal, this interest

To distant shores

We are the wise book of heaven

We read in syllables.

the curtain opens.

The presenter comes out: Hello, dear friends! I live on the planet of dolls, it is called the "third planet", and there is a holiday there today and I want to invite you to visit! Well, let's take flight! And so we got ready!

All those present in the hall are astronauts preparing for the flight. Listening to the leader's commands, the players respond by following them.

Get ready for the rocket launch!

Got ready! (salute)

Enable contacts! (whack, whack)

There are turn contacts! (clap hands)

Start the motors!

Got to start the engines! R-R-R-R-R (twist hands)


5-4-3-2-1-0 Clap over head

Start! Hooray! Hooray!

Attention. Attention. The starship Pegasus landed. Greeters are asked to go to sector A.

Impact sound. Alice falls onto the stage.

Alice: Oh, it seems to have landed ... no, landed on the moon ... or ... but where did I end up ...

Presenter: To the planet of dolls, girl!

Alice: Hello! And I'm Alisa Selezneva! It's great that dad let me go on this space trip.

Host: Alice, you probably deserve it!

Alice: Yes, I tried - I studied well all year, did not do stupid things and did not engage in adventures.

Host: This is great! All the most interesting you will find on my planet of dolls! Come on girl, I'll show you the best thing in the universe!

Con. Numbers________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Alice: How unusual and interesting! Some stars all around. OH! Look, it seems that one beautiful star is approaching us. Everything shines and glows. How bright!

Host: Alice, be careful, here we have irresponsible elements - harmful meteorites who like to play tricks on aliens like you.

The space pirates are out

Veselchak U 1: What kind of subjects? Have you come back from Earth? Y-yx! This is cosmic hospitality ... We urgently need to come up with something ...

Doctor 2: While they're sightseeing, we need to find the most valuable toys, and take them to our extraordinary collection of rare toys.

Veselchak U1: Let's see how they jump for joy. Ha ha ha!

Concert numbers________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Host: Oh, woe to me! The most valuable toys have been stolen from my wonderful planet! How will our holiday of dolls go without them now! Bring me three liters of valerian!

Alice: can you stop drinking valerian? You complained to me that it has a bad effect on the heart.

Host: What to do! I have three hearts. For some of them, valerian has a very detrimental effect. But I can't figure out which one. And now all three hearts hurt at once! My wonderful, beautiful planet cannot exist without toys.

Alice: Don't worry! We will try to help you and return the dolls to the planet, we need a spark that will help ignite kindness and responsiveness, compassion and sincerity in the hearts of pirates.

Host: I heard that this spark can only be obtained on the planet Joy, where Queen Hot Star lives. She gives such sparks only to those who she likes and is not afraid of anything.

Alice: The map of the route to the planet "Joy" is stored on the planet 15 fraction 25. Near the monuments erected by noble contemporaries in honor of the great puppeteers, there is a memorial center. There, under the glass, the map is stored.

Alice: Hurry up! We must get to planet 15 fraction 25 before the space pirates!

How many crews are in the hall today

They told us this in secret in the morning!

You got to the exhibition of planets today

You haven't seen such planets yet!

If you guys are from planet Earth

Where is your right hand! /Everyone raises their right hand/

Where is your left hand! /Everyone raises their left hand/

Applause ... / Applause / Applause ...

“Be careful and careful, the Pegasus spacecraft is launching from the fifth orbit.

Sounds of noise, takeoff.

Musical numbers ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-Block-4-

The space pirates are out

Pirate 1: How nimble are these earthlings! They arrived for the map before us, but that's okay, we're not here for the first time ...

Pirate 2: While they are getting acquainted with the local flora and fauna, it is necessary to confuse the tracks and steal the map.

Alice: We're late! Nevertheless, the pirates are ahead of us, what should we do now?

Leading Alice, do not be upset, look at the clearing, it is overgrown with low grass, and extraordinary flowers grow along its edges, as if someone left us a hint.

Alice: look, the flowers are mirrored!

Host: Mirrored?

Alice: I look in them, but they do not reflect me at all ...

Presenter: Well, here are the answers to our questions, now we know how to find the way to the planet "Otrada". Get ready for takeoff!

Engine noise, flight sounds

Musical numbers ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Alice and the Host come out

Queen: Good evening, earthlings! Where are you on your way? I am the Hot Star Queens.

Alice: We have arrived on a special mission. Space pirates have stolen rare toys from the third planet, and now the inhabitants there cannot celebrate their holiday. We need a spark that will light a big eternal fire and return kindness to the pirates and then they will return the dolls back.

Presenter: Please help us, Queen! We will be very grateful to you!

Queen:. I will give you a cherished spark if you fulfill my desire. They say, Alice, on Earth the people are too nimble and cheerful. Show me your favorite dance, so that I would like to dance and all my starry people danced.

Musical numbers ____________Dance ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Queen: They danced well. Well done! Take your spark of the Eternal Flame. Light it up. May it be the fire of a great good holiday. Let's arrange a parade of all our space planets. Hey, Asterisks - helpers, send telegrams to all the planets. We have a parade today!

There is a fashion parade made of junk material


Pirates out:

Take us to your earth. You are so funny, smart, you know how to sing, dance.

Tired of just being mean and hooligan. In the meantime, you wait for aliens from other planets to joke, so you will die of boredom.

Alice: let's forgive them?

Presenter: Only after they put in order the planets on which they did evil! And bring back the dolls.

Host: All good things in life come to an end. Our holiday is coming to an end.

Alice: Everyone learned a little today

About the secrets of the planets and about the star ball!

Until next year, we part ways.

We will return to the Third Planet!

We wish happiness to all friends,

Always, always we are glad to see you!

final dance

Director's invitation to the stage rewarding participants

Scenario of entertainment "Journey through the planets".

Target : To introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day.

To expand and deepen children's knowledge of space, the date of the first flight of Yuri Gagarin into space.

To cultivate respect for the profession, to develop imagination, fantasy, to cultivate pride in one's country.

Entertainment progress:

Leading : Hello guys! What day is today?

Children's answers: Cosmonautics Day!

Vedas . On April 12, 1961, our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight. Do you know who was the first person to go into space?

Children's answers. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft flew around the globe.

Vedas: Our planet is not the only one in the universe, there are many of them.

Vedas : I invite you to go on a space journey through the planets. Ready?

Cartoon Big Rocket

The mobile game "Let's build a rocket" (children are built in pairs, they walk around the hall to the music, at the end of the music they become 2 people in hoops, the hoops are periodically removed)

And we are going to the planet Mercury.

P / and "Rockets"

Vedas : We arrived at the planet Mercury - the closest planet to the Sun in the solar system.

Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system. During the day, the planet is hot, and at night there is freezing rain.There is no atmosphere, which means there is nothing to breathe.

The game "Alive or non-living?". (Children walk in a circle. The teacher names the objects. If the object is alive, the children continue to walk, inanimate, the children stop.)

Vedas : Well done boys! We coped with the task and I invite you to the next planet Venus. Ancient astronomers, observing the morning and evening dawn, noticed the brightest star. In honor of the goddess of beauty and love, they named this star Venus. Later it turned out that Venus is not a star,

but the planet.

The game "Put on a spacesuit" (wrap a friend with toilet paper)

Vedas: Let's go to the next planet.

Well done boys! Mars is a planet half the size of Earth. Martian soil is red-brown in color. The sky is not blue, but a dull pink.

The song "You, yes, yes we are with you"

Leading : Our next trip is to Jupiter - the largest planet in the solar system. Named after the main Roman god. Jupiter is giant planet , it is 1300 times larger than the Earth. Land on thisthe planet is impossible. On the planet -the giant does not have a solid surface, as on Earth, the Moon or Mars. Jupiter consists of liquefied gases, reminiscent of hot jelly.

Let's test your play-jumping-jumping energy and cosmic mindfulness! If I shout: “Jump”, then you, jumping up, loudly and unanimously respond: “Jump!”. And if I shout: “Jump!”, then you all jump up and answer: “Jump”. Remember? Begin!

Leading: The planet Saturn is the most unusual planet in appearance; it is surrounded by bright rings. They are formed by various particles, stones, ice, snow.

"Space Landscape".

"Whose crew will line up faster". Both teams line up in 2 columns. To the music, they run scattered around the hall, and on command"Get in line", "Stand in a circle", "Stand in a column"- are being built. Whose crew is built faster - wins.

Presenter: Uranus is a cold planet. Like Saturn, it has rings.

Uranus - interesting planetUranus - the period of summer lasts 1 very long day for 42 years! And the circulation periodaround the sun - 84 years, and on Earth, respectively, 365 days. That's where you have to wait a long time for the New Year!

What cartoon character do you know who was born on the moon?

Hello guys, I'm Luntik. I am very glad that you coped with the task, otherwise you would not have been able to land here.

Help Luntik deal with words and find an extra word.

Leading: Neptune - named after the god of the sea. It is a huge ball of gas and liquid. On Neptune, the temperature is minus 195 degrees!

In such a frost, even special space suits will not save us! Do you guys think anything can grow there?

Well, the space inhabitants of Chudariki will help us warm up.

Charging with Chudariki.

Leading Planet of Childhood

Flash mob "In the sky"

Leading : Guys, in order for us to go to planet Earth, we need to answer very difficult questions. Ready?

The biggest and hottest star in the universe(Sun)

A man who flies into space.(Astronaut)

What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space?(spaceship)

What is the name of both the animal and the constellation?(bear)

Why is there day and night on earth?(the planet revolves around itself)

Who was the first astronaut to fly into space?(Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight?("East")

What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12?(Cosmonautics Day)

Leading A: Well, all the crews you have completed the task of this planet can fly home.

Leading : Congratulations guys on your return to planet Earth.

We circled the entire solar system and found no life anywhere. Only on our planet is clean air, green trees grow, birds sing. And we must not only love our planet, but also take care of it. How can we take care of you? (do not break trees, do not kill insects, do not destroy bird nests, etc.) If we do not do this, then our Earth will become as dead and inhospitable as other planets in the solar system.

Tatyana Kopchenko
"Planet Journey" Leisure scenario for Cosmonautics Day

« Journey through the planets»

(Leisure scenario for Cosmonautics Day for the senior group)

Target: to expand and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers about space to create a happy mood.

Tasks: to introduce children to Yu. Gagarin, to give children an idea of planets;

develop the cognitive interest of children;

Children are participating planets, shorties, robot. All have suits. In children - planets a headband with a picture planets.

Children enter the hall with music "April Flight" with sticks of stars.

Leading: Hello, dear children! What event do you think our meeting is dedicated to? Perhaps someone knows what holiday is celebrated on April 12?

Children's answer: Day astronautics.

Leading:That's right, Day astronautics. Unique and mysterious world planets and stars attracted the attention of people for many centuries and centuries. In 1961 the heroic astronaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to make travel to outer space.

1. Conquer the expanse of the universe

Very man wanted.

And then in the distant space

The first satellite took off.

2. And then climbed into space

And became famous forever

Following the satellite in the rocket

The very first person.

3. In space rocket

With title "East"

He is the first to planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Singing songs about it

spring drops:

Forever will be together

Gagarin and April.

People have long dreamed of mastering space. Thinking about building space ship and head towards the stars. I suggest that you do travel to space and walk around the planets.

Quiet background music "On the snake around planets»

The host reads a poem, and the children depicting planets, line up diagonally of the hall one after another.


Everything in order planets

Call any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four is Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

and ninth planet

Named Pluto.

Music sounds, the rest of the children run around with a snake planets and"head" stops around planet Mercury. Children sit down. On the stage Mercury and presenter.

Leading: Here we are on the first planet. Hello Mercury.

Mercury: Hello.

Leading: The guys and I know that the temperature on your surface ranges from +80 to +430°C. I mean, it's very hot. Mercury is closest to the Sun planet. Mercury always faces the Sun with only one side, it is yellow planet covered with a layer of dust and long deep cracks. But maybe you can tell something about yourself?

Planet Mercury:

I am closest to the sun planet

It's hot and stuffy during the day, I'll roast it into a cutlet.

Beware of the power of heat and cold.

I can't see the sun from one side

Small in size, similar to the moon.

I am dotted with a grid of craters,

The seas and pools are my element.

Leading: It's great that we settled on Mercury.

Leading: And our the journey continues.

Venus is the brightest luminary in the earth's sky after the Sun and the Moon. Venus is called evening (and morning) star, it is visible only in the evening or in the morning, because it is closer to the Sun than the Earth.


In honor of the goddess of beauty

Named, Venus, you!

You shine in dark skies

You give us beauty.

Leading: We got space task we need residents of one planets transfer to another planet

The game is being played "carry passengers"

Passengers need to be transported planet to music. Passengers are transported in a hoop running in pairs. The team that transports passengers the fastest wins. Oh, but it seems to me, from afar, small, unknown men are approaching us. I wonder what they are planets.

Dance "Shorty"

One of the shorties:

We came with a beautiful, magical planets.

Seas, oceans, islands, continents,

Animals, people and birds, flowers.

How rich is the surface...

Children. Earth!


Third from the sun planet.

Our Earth is smaller than a star.

But she lacks warmth and light,

Clean air and water.

Leading: Well done guys, a lot of different people, birds, animals, insects live here. Well, we continue our travel. Crew, stand in 2 columns, we will keep the way to the moon.

Leading: four, three, two, one. Start! The game starts.

Music plays in the background "Grass near the house"

Leading: Here we are with you on the moon. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, is the first and only celestial body, besides the Earth, which has been visited by man.

Children sing a song "Accept, Luna, guests!"

(Words by Zh. Agadzhanova, Music by T. Popatenko).

The children all sat down, the moon comes out to the music.


The beautiful moon has come

She gave light to everyone.

Now like a month, then round,

That is visible, and that is not visible.

It hurts our eyes

Faithful companion of the night.

Leading: new adventures await us on the moon. look:

(The presenter takes out an easel, to which a drawing paper is attached, painted in the colors of the flag of the Russian Federation).


What a big flag the last left astronauts who have been here before us. Yes, there are interesting questions written here, I propose to answer them.

A quiz is being held "Clever and Wise".

Music plays in the background "Let's decorate everything planets»

(Day astronautics)

Who was the first astronaut who flew to space?

(Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight?


The largest and hottest star in the universe.


The man who flies space.


Why is there day and night on earth?

(Planet revolves around itself)

Natural satellite of the earth. (Moon)

What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly in space?


What is the name of both the animal and the constellation?


Leading: Crew, stand up, we will keep the way to Mars.

Children portraying planets line up diagonally. The rest of the children run around with a snake planets and"head" stops around planet mars.

Leading: Mars is the fourth farthest from the Sun planet.

Mars reddish looks at the Earth,

Many are confused by his appearance.

baby mars:

I am part of the solar system

Red is my decoration.

Satellites fly away

Deimos, Phobos sons.

Leading: Guys, hide, I hear an unidentified sound, and I see an unidentified object, it's probably alien spaceship. Hide in place.

Comes out to the music of Robot (child's improvisation).

Leading: Guys, This is a robot, I suggest that we also sing a song about the Robot.

Song "Hey yes robot"

(Words by E. Avdienko, music by V. Ivannikov)

Music sounds, children depicting planets, lined up diagonally in the hall. Music sounds, the rest of the children run around with a snake planets and"head" stops around planet Saturn.

Leading: Attention, we are approaching the planet Saturn! Saturn is the most beautiful solar system planet. Around it revolves a ring consisting of billions "stones" various shapes and sizes

Each the planets have something of their own,

What makes her stand out the most.

You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -

It is surrounded by a large ring.

It is not continuous, from different bands.

Here's how the scientists decided question:

Once upon a time, the water froze there,

And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Ditties sound.


You will now hear

Not comical at all.

We will sing with the guys

Chastushechki space.

The very first astronaut

Yura Gagarin became.

To be as strong

We need physical education.

All children from childhood know:

Yura is not an easy guy.

He said: "Go!"

He waved his hand.

Yesterday Tanya experienced

Flying in weightlessness

When the boys pushed

Her from the hill to the snowdrift.

I equip a rocket

I'm going to the moon.

Maybe in distant space

I will find new friends.

Leading: We need to hurry before the meteor shower starts ... Fasten your seat belts. 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!

Sounds like space music.

Leading: Attention, we are approaching planet Neptune! This planet pale blue with white clouds. The strongest winds blow on Neptune.

On the planet blue blue

The wind is blowing very strong.

The year on it is very great -

Winter lasts 40 years.

And also on planet a lot scattered space debris. Help, please, to collect this garbage.


Cardboard figurines, crumpled pieces of paper, small toys are scattered on the floor. On command to the music, children collect « space debris» into baskets. The one who collects the most wins.

Leading. Fasten seat belts. 3, 2, 1, start! Let's fly!

Sounds like space music(SPACE). Slides change.

Leading: URANUS - blue planet, the third largest after Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus is very far from the Sun, so it is very cold on it.


Uranus is a couch potato, and he is too lazy to get up,

Climb planetary,

Forty years last there a day

And the fortieth is the night.

Leading: If the subject gets into the open Space, then it will be light as a feather, because in outer space no gravity of the earth. This is called weightlessness. Therefore, during a meal, it is impossible to use the dishes, all the food flies away. Tea and juices astronauts drink through a straw. I propose to continue outer space travel, and play the game "Dinner Time".

Lunch time game

Two teams of 4-5 people participate. On the way of each of the teams put cones through which you need to pass. At the end of the path is a table on which there is a bag (0.2 l.) with juice according to the number of participants. Before the start of the competition, disposable straws should be opened. On a signal, the first member of the team runs between the cones to the table where the bag stands, drinks the juice through a straw, then runs back, passing the baton to the next member (at this time, the presenter removes the drunk juices). The team that drinks the juice packs the fastest wins.

The host is counting the results of the game.

Leading: next in line planet Pluto and flying by look at it and learn a little about it. Pluto is the furthest from the Sun planet. Pluto is the last one discovered planet, it is 5 times smaller than the Earth. It is the farthest from the Sun, it is very cold on it.


Distant Pluto rushes through space,

It is barely illuminated by the rays of the sun.

And so that he does not get bored in loneliness,

With him, the satellite flies under the name Charon.

Dance with the stars.

Leading: We are returning to our planet earth.

Dear Guys. We have done with you today space trip, have been to different planets, met with alien inhabitants learned a lot of new things. And yet there is no better and more beautiful than ours. See you soon!

"Planet Journey"

(Leisure scenario for Cosmonautics Day 2017)

Characters :

Host, Dunno - adults,

Children are planets, Martians, a robot.

Leading: Hello, dear children, guests! Today is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. And today we will go on an exciting journey through space!

Stranger runs.

Dunno: Aha! They wanted to leave without me!
Leading: And who are you?
Dunno: Well, here's one for you! They don't even know who I am! I am a great astronaut! I was the first one in space! I - ….
Leading: Children, is it really Yuri Gagarin himself who granted us this? Well, hello, we are very glad to see you, sorry for not recognizing you right away.
Dunno: No, I'm not Gagarin! I don't even know who that is.
Leading (referring to children): Do you guys know who Yuri Gagarin is?
Children's answers.

SLIDE SHOW Portrait of Gagarin.


First cosmonaut

On a spaceship

He flew in the interplanetary haze.

Having made a revolution around the Earth.

And the ship was called "Vostok".

Everyone knows and loves him.

He was young, strong and brave.

We remember his kind look, with a squint.

His name was Yura Gagarin.

Leading: It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first person who flew into space and spent as much as 108 minutes in orbit of our planet! He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. And since April 12, 1961, we have been celebrating Cosmonautics Day every year.
Dunno: Oh, just think, 108 minutes! I would have spent all 200 minutes there! And you, Gagarin, Gagarin!
Leading: Well, you are a liar! And you haven't even introduced yourself to us yet!
Dunno: I don't even know if you should introduce yourself now or not.
Leading: And I think I already know who you are. You are a stranger!
Dunno: Well, it's not even interesting somehow. I will go away from you.
Leading: Wait, don't go! Stay, I think you will still be interested in us!
Dunno: Well, let's stay, but I don't know if I'll be interested.
Leading: And you stay and look. And we are leaving! Now let's imagine that we are young astronauts. And we are going to make a space trip to all the planets of the solar system, and then return home to Earth.
Song March of the astronauts

Dunno: And what are you going to travel on?

Children's answers (on a rocket)

Dunno: The rocket still needs to be built ...

Competition - "We are building a rocket" (
Children line up in 2 columns of 10 people, each has a cube in their hands, and the last child has a cone. At the signal of the leader, the first players run to the established place and place the cube, run back, etc. Until they build a rocket out of cubes. The team whose players complete the task first wins.)

Leading: Well, now you can go. We take places in the rocket.


1. Mercury - Slide 2

Leading: Here we are on Mercury!

Planet Mercury:

I am the closest planet to the sun

It's hot and stuffy during the day, I'll roast it into a cutlet.

Beware of the power of heat and cold.

I can't see the sun from one side

Small in size, similar to the moon.

I am dotted with a grid of craters,

The seas and pools are my element.

Leading: Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, it is closest to the Sun, it has no atmosphere, the temperature fluctuates constantly, the surface is covered with craters.

"Overcome Obstacles"
(crawling through the space tunnel)

Leading : And in order for us to safely continue our space journey, we need to complete the task.

Game "Find your Rocket".

Children form 2 circles, one team around the red hoop, the other around the blue hoop.

Teams walk around the hoops, pronounce the words.

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To walk the planets

What we want

Let's fly to this one.

The children are scattered.

After the words:

But there's a secret in the game

There is no room for latecomers.

Children should gather near the hoops of their color, hold hands.

Dunno: All crews coped with this task on this planet, you can fly further. We start the countdown (all in unison): “3, 2, 1, start! »

2. Venus - slide number 3

Leading: Venus is the second planet of the solar system, almost the same size as the Earth, its surface is hidden by thick clouds of sulfuric acid, it is covered with volcanoes, craters, mountains.

I suggest you play with space meteorites (rubber ball).

"Whose meteorite is faster."

(1. Children sit down one after another, stretching their legs to the sides. Pass the ball to each other over their heads - back
2. Stand up, put your hands down and pass the ball forward.)

3. Mars slide #4

Leading: the fourth largest planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system. On the surface of the planet there are craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts. There are 2 natural satellites - Phobos and Demos.

Mars baby:

I am part of the solar system

Red is my decoration.

Satellites fly away

Deimos, Phobos sons.

Leading : Guys, hide, I hear an unidentified sound, and I see an unidentified object, it must be an alien spaceship. Hide in place.

Turn off the lights, on stage to the music The secret of the third planetthe Martians come out.

Dance "Martian"

After the dance, the children remain standing on the stage. The host addresses one of the aliens.

Leading : Hello gentlemen. We are glad to meet you.

Martian : Hello, we have also heard a lot about you. You people have done the impossible - built spaceships, planes, computers. But we - people from the planet "Mars" want to show you the robot we have created that can imitate the behavior of birds, insects, and people.

Comes out to the music of Robot (child's improvisation).

Leading: Guys, I suggest that we also sing a song about the Robot.

The song "Ay, yes robot" (

4. Jupiter slide #5

Leading: the fifth planet from the Sun, the largest in the solar system.

We have a task:you need to solve cosmic riddles.

Space riddles

Clear skies are beautiful
There are many fables about him.
You won't let me lie
It looks like animals live there.
There is a predatory beast in Russia,
Look - he's in heaven now!
Glows on a clear night -
Big Dipper).

A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land
But he can do it
Make fast ... (rocket).

The rocket has a driver
Weightlessness lover.
astronaut in english
And in Russian ... (cosmonaut).

There is a special pipe

In it the universe is visible,

See the stars Kaleidoscope

Astronomers in. (telescope)

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

Mystery of the Universe -. (comet)

There is a special spacecraft,

It sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler

Flies in orbit artificial. (satellite)

5. Saturn - slide number 6

Leading: the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Saturn is surrounded by rings, which consist of particles of ice, stones and dust. There are 62 satellites around the planet. Titan is the largest of them.

Dunno: - Let's test your play-jumping-jumping energy and cosmic mindfulness! If I shout: “Jump”, then you, jumping up, loudly and unanimously respond: “Jump!”. And if I shout: “Jump!”, then you all jump up and answer: “Jump”. Remember? Begin!

Game "Confusion: jump and jump"

6. Uranus - slide number 7

Leading: the seventh planet from the Sun in the solar system. It is the coldest planet in the solar system with a temperature of 224°C. The core of Uranus consists mainly of ice and rocks. Has 27 satellites.

On this planet, tests of agility, agility and endurance are being conducted.

game of skill

(6 people start the game. They walk around 5 pins to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the pin. Whoever didn’t have time, sits down.)

7. Neptune - slide number 8

Leading : the eighth and farthest planet in the solar system. It has 12 satellites, the largest being Triton. The strongest winds among the planets of the solar system rage in the atmosphere of Neptune, their speeds can reach 2100 km / h. The core is made up of ice and rocks.

Exercise: Before launching a rocket into space, scientists calculate the trajectory of its flight. Is it possible to make a balloon move along a predetermined trajectory? What do you guys think? Let's check it out in practice.

Ball trajectory game

Before the relay, the players of each team receive a balloon. It must be carried from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and trying not to touch the floor. The winner is the team whose players finished the relay race first and at the same time made fewer mistakes.

8. Earth - slide number 9

Leading: the third planet in the solar system, the only one inhabited by living beings. The surface of the earth is covered by the World Ocean, continents, islands.

Children - earthlings: We came from a beautiful, magical planet.

Seas, oceans, islands, continents,

Animals, people and birds, flowers.

How rich is the surface...

Children. Earth!

Leading: Well done guys, a lot of different people, birds, animals, insects live here. Well, we continue our journey.

Lights the way at night

The stars won't sleep.

Let everyone sleep

She can't sleep

In the sky shines for us ... (Moon)

Leading: Here we are on the moon. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, is the first and only celestial body, besides the Earth, which has been visited by man.

Children sing the song "Accept, Moon, guests!"

The children all sat down, the moon comes out to the music.

The beautiful moon has come

She gave light to everyone.

Now like a month, then round,

That is visible, and that is not visible.

It hurts our eyes

Faithful companion of the night.

Leading: new adventures await us on the moon. Look:

(The presenter takes out an easel, to which a drawing paper is attached, painted in the colors of the flag of the Russian Federation).


What a big flag left by the last cosmonauts who visited here before us. Yes, there are interesting questions written here, I propose to answer them.

The quiz "Smarts and smarts" is being held.

(Cosmonautics Day)

Who was the first astronaut to fly into space?

(Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight?


The largest and hottest star in the universe.


Why is there day and night on earth?

(The planet revolves around itself)

What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space?


Natural satellite of the earth.


Music "Grass near the house" sounds in the background.

Leading : Hooray! We have returned home to Earth. Now you and I know what planets are in our solar system, how many of them and what they are called. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut.


We will become astronauts

We just want to.

In three-stage rockets

We will fly into space.

Light up in silence.

And we'll plant apple trees

On Mars, on the Moon!

Leading :

And you Dunno, did you like our trip?

Dunno: Yes, it's great here with you, I learned so many new and interesting things. but I have to go home! I'll go to Znaika and tell him what I've learned. Here he is surprised!
The stranger runs away.

Leading : And we will end our entertainment with a song about friendship.
