Concert script “Moments of Happy Childhood. Holiday script for elementary school "childhood holiday"

Music sounds and presenters appear.

HOST 1:Good afternoon everyone! It's time for radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day!!!

VED USH IY 2: It all starts with a school bell: Dream, science, friendship - whatever you want! Road to the stars! Secrets of the ocean! All this will be late or sooner! Everything is ahead, but for now... Do you want to go to the planet of CHILDHOOD? Which our children came up with. Everyone hold hands tightly! Close your eyes and rush forward!

SPEAKER 1: Friends, can you imagine, we have a miracle today, After all, we have gathered for the holiday of CHILDHOOD. Surprises await you everywhere, Already fairy lights lit up! The magical land will open its doors, It’s time for us to start the holiday, friends, Perhaps someone will be surprised, won’t believe it - You will be greeted here with a joke

INGOING 2: Today, such beautiful, mature young men and women, Boys and girls, have gathered in this hall. you are leaving fairyland childhood and enter a big life.

VED USH IY 1:: Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?

INGOING 2: What a pity that the days will not return happy childhood! And each of us wants to be there, at least for a moment, in this small country called “Childhood”!

INGOING 1 : Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a shovel.

INGOING 2 :: Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing. INGOING 1: To truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, to turn into pirates...

INGOING 2: But childhood is gone forever. Now, if only I knew where?

INGOING 1: Let's try to perform a miracle today, on Children's Day, and turn back time. Let's remember our golden childhood!

INGOING 2: So, pay attention! The journey to the land of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very small and had not yet gone to school. kindergarten.

Relay "Drivers"

2 teams of 6 people are invited. The first two boys are given children's cars on strings. The participants’ task is to “go” the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knocking them down. The team that does this faster and more accurately wins.

INGOING 1: Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there good company, then even tasteless porridge, an angry teacher and old toys recede into the background.

Competition “Dress your baby for kindergarten”

The girls are blindfolded and asked to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, trousers big size). Whoever can do it faster and more accurately wins.

INGOING 2: Well done!!!

INGOING 1: According to the daily routine in kindergarten, after games and lunch it is necessary to take a break - “ quiet time».

INGOING 2: Our “quiet hour” will be a musical break. And at the same time, we’ll check how obedient your kids are.

INGOING 1: Impression early childhood often remain in memory for a lifetime. And the holidays give them a special brightness .

INGOING 2: Joyful excitement, decorated rooms, guests, gifts, a festive table - this will be remembered for a long time. And what are the possibilities for a flight of children's imagination? !

INGOING 1: And the fantasy of adults usually comes down to one thing: mothers and fathers love to show off their beloved, smart and obedient child to guests.

INGOING 2: “Daughter, baby, stand on the chair and tell the guests a poem.” I think many of you complied with this request so as not to upset your parents .

INGOING 1: We invite 2 boys and 2 girls who still have a love for poetry to decorate our holiday.

Children's poetry competition Everyone comes out and reads children's poems. Prizes are awarded for artistry and originality.

INGOING 2: Everyone knows that children and animals are the most great friends. To the little man it just needs someone to yap, meow, chirp or croak next to him.

INGOING 1: Children love to take care of our little brothers: they treat the cat with candy, save fish from the aquarium so they don’t drown, and share toys with the dogs.
The cat says to me quietly:
- Have pity on me a little!

INGOING 2: I don't understand this cat:
I poke candy in her mouth
I hugged her neck:
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?

INGOING 2: She says:
- A little, at least a little regret -
Let me go quickly!

During the text, the presenters hand out notes to the children with the names of the animals.
INGOING 1: Attention! Now our little brothers will appear in this hall! I ask everyone who has received notes to come to me. The cats stand on the left, the piglets on the right, and the horses in the center.

INGOING 2: Have you forgotten how these little animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Animal Concert"

Teams are introduced to the song they will perform:
Cats – “Two Cheerful Geese”
Piglets – “Grasshopper”
Horses - “I’m lying in the sun”
Songs must be sung by making sounds appropriate to the animals. From the outside it looks very funny

INGOING 1: Ah, kindergarten! Ah, kindergarten! First friends, first love... Yes, yes, it is in kindergarten that this feeling comes .

INGOING 2: I would really like to know which of our young men was a Don Juan in kindergarten. I ask two confident guys to come out.

INGOING 1: We announce a dance break, and during the first dance the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Autograph competition

Two participants are given sheets of paper and markers. The participants’ task is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The one with the most signatures on the piece of paper wins.

INGOING 2: It was good in kindergarten!

They loved us there, raised us,

fed and taught to be real

But parting comes
We'll have to go to school soon,
And today, goodbye
We speak from the heart:

INGOING 1: “Goodbye, kindergarten! –
All the guys say -
We will never forget
Our favorite kindergarten!

INGOING 2: And now we are no longer just children, but students. At the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.

INGOING 1: The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.

INGOING 2: We invite two teams of five people, for whom the memories of their first teacher are still dear.

INGOING 1: Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a souvenir. And you will draw it.
Relay race “Portrait of the first teacher”

Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of the teacher on sheets of whatman paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - lips, the fifth - hair. The team whose drawing is the most artistic wins.

INGOING 2: School is over,
You have moved to senior class.
Lie in the sun
The sea invites us.
INGOING 1: Holidays, holidays, fun time! Sea, sun, soft sand and, of course, beach volleyball. We invite you to take part in volleyball competitions to prepare for the beach season.
Air Volleyball Competition

All team members inflate two each balloon. And then the game of volleyball with balloons begins..

INGOING 2: Childhood is fading, so why be surprised?
It leaves everyone somehow.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I don’t want to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.

INGOING 1: It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go into our youth along rainbow paths,
Through the snow and thick grass.
We are leaving for youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about our childhood.

INGOING 2: But don't be so sad. First of all, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood stays with you or goes away forever depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes look at least for a minute into childhood and take a break from it. adult life.

INGOING 1: Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories

Try to save!

Scenario for the holiday “In the Land of Happy Childhood.”

Leading:- Good afternoon, girls and boys! Radiant smiles and good mood to everyone! Because today is a really good day. We are glad to welcome you to our concert. There are many of you and you are all very interesting. I really want to meet you. I will now say my name, and when I wave my hands, each of you must say your name. So, pay attention!

My name is Elena, what about you?

- (all children shout out their name)

Well done, I remembered everyone, so we met!!!

And today we will go to the land of happy childhood.

Guests are glad they came

They found some time for us

We'll have fun here

Great performances

We are in a hurry to amuse you

Maybe we'll make you laugh.

Now watch the concert

Don't squeak, don't make noise

They will sing and dance

And we clap and help.

Leading:-Sparks of childhood fly into the sky

Beckoning you far, far away

There are hundreds of guys here today

They believe in a dream, and their souls are so light!

And our planet is spinning, spinning,

She is warmed by the palms of the sun.

And they warm the planet much warmer

Smiles and laughter of so many children.

It’s true, friends, it’s good on the planet,

When children are the masters of the planet!

Leading:- I dream of spreading a star garden on our planet,

So that all the children in the world could draw him.

And everyone will boldly draw everything that interests him:

Flowers, drawings, forests and fairy tales, he will draw everything, if only there were paints,

Yes, a sheet of paper on the table, and the world, and mom on the ground.

Leading:-There is no room for boredom today

Watch the dance "At the Ball".

He's funny and good

Get ready to clap your hands!

Leading:-How many interesting things happen in childhood! So much free time! And how many friends there are around!

Neither oceans nor meridians

They don't stop us from being friends

Friendship, like a bird, to distant lands

Flying in spite of all winds!

Leading:- Guys, I suggest you take a short break and warm up a little. I will read the poem, and you will listen carefully and perform the actions. Ready?

Everyone in this room is friends!

Look at the neighbor, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

Me, you, he, she - together Friendly family!

Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

Me, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Hug the neighbor on the left, hug the neighbor on the right.

Everyone in this room is friends!

Me, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Wink to the neighbor on the right, wink to the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

Me, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Smile at the neighbor on the right, smile at the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

Me, you, he, she - together a friendly family!

Look at yourself - together we are a hundred thousand “I”!

We played great

They just didn't dance

………………I suggest

I invite everyone to the dance.

Leading:-If you want to sing while sitting

Don't sit down like a bear

Straighten your back quickly

Put your feet on the floor, be bold

Once, take a breath and sing!

The sound of a bird flew away

Hands, shoulders - everything is free,

Singing is pleasant and comfortable!

Leading:-Everyone knows here and there

Everyone knows this:

The children are waiting impatiently

This is a performance.

Guys, together with choreographic team“Sunny” you can do simple exercises, and you will have a set of warm-up exercises for every day.

Leading:-May the angel always protect you

From life losses

And childhood, at least sometimes

The door opens for you!

Childhood is a golden time

AND magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

Leading:- Guys, let's play.

Do as I do.

Let's play like this (2p),

Let's all together, all at once,

They only play like this here.

Come on, clap like me (2p),

Only here they clap like that.

Come on, stomp like me (2p),

Come on, all together, all at once,

Only here they stomp like that.

Come on, spank me like I did (2p),

Come on, all together, all at once,

Only here they spank.

Come on, let’s all shout: “Hello!” (2p)

Come on, all together, all at once,

That's how they shout hello here.

Tell me what your name is (2p),

Well, what are all of you names?

They only get to know each other here.

Well, say: “Apchhi!” (2p),

Tell APCHHI now,

Are you sick here?

Come on, show your tongue (2p),

Show your tongue now

No, are you healthy with us?

Let's start the engine (2p),

The engine will start in one hour,

We will go to Moscow now.

Well, let’s all shout: “Ha-ha!” (2p),

We all shout in unison: “Ha-ha!”

Only we laugh like that.

We had great fun

We played and joked

And now it's time

Let's dance, kids.

Leading:-We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances

But there is nothing more interesting

Than our fairy tales.

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever.

Presenter: - We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
There are dawns.

Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where brighter world around
And the bird trills are louder.

Leading:- Do you know what summer thunder is? What about lightning? Is the rainbow colored?

Are you saying that this doesn't happen?

It happens, but I’ll talk about that later.

My school desk is covered with a pile of papers,

And the phone rings incessantly.

I can't get down to earth...

All thoughts are about you.

How strange it is ».

Leading:- Guys, let's play some more? A game called "Italian Football". We divide the hall in half. The first command obeys the right hand, the second - the left. When will I wave right hand, the first team shouts: “Goal!” When I wave with my left, the second team shouts: “Past.” When I raise both arms at shoulder level, both teams shout: “Barbell!”, and when I raise both arms up, both teams shout: “Hurray!”

Leading:- There is such a cherished, unusual, seven-colored country,

If you have never been there before, you should know that the forests there are orange.

The sea is sweet there, not salty, the sky there is cheerful, green,

This treasured country is my seven-colored childhood!

Leading:-Thank you all for your attention

For the enthusiasm, for the ringing laughter

For the fire of competition

Guaranteed success!

Now the time has come to say goodbye

Our speech will be short,

We say to you: “Goodbye!

See you happy next time!”

“Let the children laugh!”

Description of the material. I offer you a script entertainment event, dedicated to the celebration Children's Day. This scenario is educational and entertaining. Thanks to this scenario, you will be able to expand children’s horizons in the field of literature, develop creative abilities, and systematize knowledge according to the rules traffic, improve health, charge children with energy and good mood.

Children's age 7-12 years old.


Educational. Expanding your horizons. Systematization of knowledge on traffic rules.

Developmental. Development creativity, imagination, logical thinking. Development of communication skills.

Educational. Fostering camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Form: journey

Methodical techniques. Game situations, conversation-dialogue

Equipment: 2 cones, 2 mops, 2 balls, scissors, colored paper, ribbons, stapler, bags, artificial flowers.


Cat Basilio

Fox Alice

Police dogs


Girl Stephanie


Progress of the scenario.

(Clowns run in to cheerful music.)

1st clown.

What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

A real mess!

How many of you are here today?

I can’t read it in a day!

2nd clown.

Here are both Sasha and Natasha,

Vanya, Ksyusha and Lyubasha,

Vova, Slava, Petit -

That's what children are like!

1st clown. Hello, friends! Everyone who has a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none! Hello to everyone who has braids and ponytails and sticking out different sides hairs! Hello, elegant, cheerful and ordinary. We congratulate you on great time year - in the summer! From time to time amazing adventures and discoveries!


1) Hello, berry summer!

Greet your guests quickly!

The strawberries are ripening,

Fireweed is blooming.

2) Reveal your secrets,

Strawberry caskets,

Treat summer with gifts!

Let the flowers bloom in the meadows!

3) Let it sparkle in the glades

Emerald dew,

The birch trees are turning green

Silky braid!

4) Let the river call you cool,

The sun is pouring over the edge,

And in the fat ears it ripens

Delicious, fluffy loaf!

5) Hello, summer, sea of ​​light,

Sun, air, warmth!

Waiting for you to visit today

Looking forward kids!

The song “Summer without questions” performed by a vocal group.

2nd clown. We invite you, my little friends, to go to amazing country Childhood, where all dreams come true and miracles happen!!! And we'll go on the chamomile train.

Get ready for the morning train soon

Waist-deep grasses have been waiting for you for a long time,

Hurry to the forests and fields,

While the earth shines with gems.

Cat Basilio: O-pa. Where did we end up?

Fox Alice: (Laughs). Don't know.

1st clown. Hello. Who are you?

Fox Alice: (Approaches slowly). Hello. I'm Lisa Alice, and this is...

Cat Basilio: (Approaches Alice the Fox and pushes Alice the Fox away). So so so. Don't talk to us, say, where is the gold?

1st clown. What kind of gold?

Cat Basilio: Which one, which one? Golden! As if you don’t know, well, Pinocchio also buried five soldi in the ground.

2nd clown. Sorry, but where were you going?

Cat Basilio: Where where. To the land of fools. On the field of miracles.

2nd clown. But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood.

Cat Basilio: (Turns to Alice Fox). Well, where have you taken me?

Fox Alice: Well, how did I know that we would end up in the wrong place?

Cat Basilio:(Grievles). How did I know? How did I know?

1st clown. Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.

Fox Alice: What holiday is today?

1st clown. What don’t you know? Well, if you think about it carefully.

Fox Alice: Think about it, you say. ABOUT! I remembered the day of baked chicken legs!

2nd clown. No. You are not right.

Cat Basilio: Today is smoked herring day.

2nd clown. What do you. What do you. You were wrong again.

Cat Basilio: No? What day is it today?

1st clown.(Addresses the children). Children, let's remind our guests what holiday it is today.


1. On June day, the first day,

Let's drive laziness out of sight,

Together we will say “no” to boredom,

Let's distribute sweets to friends;

2. We will jump and gallop,

Play all sorts of games,

Smile and joke

And be kinder to each other.

Cat Basilio: So what? What's good about this holiday?

2nd clown. Well, how's that? Children are gold.

Cat Basilio: O. Gold. So Alice we have come to the right place. Let's go for the gold (they begin to pull the child towards them).

2nd clown. Stop. Don't you dare do that! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.

Cat Basilio: Fine. What are you doing here?

1st clown. We are now going on a journey. To the land of childhood, where there are many amazing games, quizzes and other wonders. But do you like games?

Fox Alice: Yes, I really like to play with chickens and fish. (Licks lips). But my friend Basilio the Cat loves to play with mice. We love to play with passion, especially those games where dexterity, ingenuity, and dexterity are demonstrated.

1st clown. We invite you to join us in the land of Childhood.

Cat Basilio. Hurray, let's go to this country soon. Maybe I’ll find a whole pile of gold there and buy myself a carload of fish and milk.

2nd clown. We take our seats in the carriages. Good luck.

(a recording of the sound of a diesel locomotive whistle is played). (Children, imitating a train, go to the station. Having arrived at the station, the children are divided into 2 teams).

1 station "Sportivnaya"(conducted by Sportokus)

(recording of Lev Barashkov’s song “Cowards Don’t Play Hockey” sounds)

Game "Hockey with a mop".

Are you real athletes? Do you love hockey? Yes, now everyone loves hockey and even girls play it! You know that hockey happens with a ball and a puck. And we have mop hockey! You line up one after another, with this mop you must push the ball to the finish line and back. And pass the mop to another participant.

(After the end of the relay race, the children, after recording the sound of the locomotive whistle, go to the next station)

Station 2 “Two slams, two stomps”(conducted by Stephanie)

Dance (any dance music is played, children repeat the movements after the leader. The team that performed all the movements and made no mistakes wins)

Continue to the next station.

1st clown. Look, guys, who’s sitting on the stump, looking at everyone at the guys...

3 station “There on unknown paths”


I've been sitting here for a long time

I'm waiting for the kids to visit.

I would be glad to invite all my friends

The holiday will be more fun.

Come on, start singing a little song.

The song Anthem of the Barbariks “What is kindness” is performed by a vocal group. (The rest of the children sing along)

Pierrot. You sing well, but do you know that you have found yourself in a fairyland?

There are many fairy tales in the world,

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them...

How many fairy tales do you know?

(questions are asked to teams in turn, the team that gives correct answers to all questions wins)

1. Name the fairy-tale character who sings the song:

“...I am every animal

Stronger and braver!

Trembling before me

Clubfoot bear,

When will the bear

Defeat me!

2. In which fairy tale did this event occur:

“...Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king...”

3. About whom they say - “She only has two legs!” What squalor! She doesn’t even have a mustache!..."

5. Which one fairy tale hero was one of the sons of the old tin spoon?

6. In which fairy tale did the princess find a groom with the help of a pea?

7. Which boy had to spell out the word “eternity”, for which they promised to give him skates and the whole world?

8. What was the name of the elf queen Maya at the beginning of the fairy tale?

9. What did she answer? gold fish to every request of the old man?

10. Which fairy tale ends with the words:

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

A lesson to good fellows!”?

11. What did the queen say when looking into the magic mirror?

12. Which fairy tale are these lines from?

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up,

He runs in the waves

With full sails.

13. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea?

14. How did a man divide one goose into seven without offense: a master, a lady, sons, two daughters, and did not offend himself?

(Going to the next station)

4th station "Traffic"(conducted by police dogs)

The siren sounds and the police dogs come out.

Police dogs.

Dear young citizens!

We send you police greetings to one and all!

We invite kids to a wonderful game!

This game is the most necessary!

Because you are all a little naughty!

There are too many dangerous undertakings

Our smart and lively children!

There is a lot of traffic on the streets,

It's time to teach him respect!

To teach children about street stops,

We started our game!

Think - guess

Rules: you must give the correct answer and not shout it out in unison. The one who gets more chips for correct answers wins.


How many wheels does it have? passenger car? (4)

How many people can ride on one bike? (1)

Who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

Who is driving the car? (Driver)

What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (Crossroads)

What is the roadway for? (For traffic)

On which side of the roadway is traffic moving? (Right)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident)

What is the top light at a traffic light? (Red)

At what age are children allowed to ride bicycles on the street? (from 14 years old)

How many signals does pedestrian traffic light? (Two)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Three)

What animal does it look like? crosswalk? (to the zebra)

How can a pedestrian get into the underground passage? (down the stairs)

If there is no sidewalk, where can a pedestrian walk? (On the side of the road on the left, towards traffic)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? (" Ambulance", fire and police vehicles)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand)

Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground)

Station 5 "fantasy"(meets Pinocchio's children)

Cat and Fox. Oh, my dear, I got it! Confess where did you hide the gold?

Pinocchio. Gold? I didn't hide the gold. Gold is my friends, whose heads are full of ideas and fantasies. Look, dear cat and Alice, what my friends can come up with.

Assignment for children.

Make a summer suit from scrap materials.

Cat and fox (watching the children making crafts). Can we also come up with something like that?

(Clowns and Pinocchio allow it, but warn that it should be kind)

Cat and fox. We realized that the main gold is not money, but friends with their ideas.

It’s not for nothing that they say “friendship is worth its weight in gold.” Take us into your company, we also want to have such gold.

1: Good afternoon everyone!
2: Radiant smiles and good mood to everyone! Because today is a really good day

3.Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
4.Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
5: Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?

6. We will be reminded more than once
That good planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
There are dawns,

7.Where miracles live,
Wizards and fairies
Where the world around is brighter
And the bird trills are louder.
8. What a pity it is that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there, at least for a moment, in this small country called “Childhood”!
9: Dig in the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a shovel.
Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
10: Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...
11.But childhood is gone forever. Now, if only I knew where?
12. Here today, my friends,
We gathered for a reason.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and boys!
May the angel always protect you
From life's losses
And childhood, at least sometimes
The door opens for you!
13.The ship of childhood sails to childhood.
The large white pipes are sloping backwards.
Let me see, let me see goodbye,
Let me hear how they hum!
14. The breeze on the deck touched someone’s hair,
A naughty tear suddenly flashed on her cheek.
How madly I want it, believe me, I really want it
Time is fleeting and turn back!
15. Let's try to perform a miracle today and turn back time. Let's remember our golden childhood!
Now you and I will write an essay about this cloudless time in our lives. I only need adjectives from you. I will write them down in the blank, and in a few minutes the essay on the topic “Remember our golden childhood” will be ready.

Game-story “Remember our golden childhood”

The spoken adjectives are entered into the blank text, and the story is ready.

How good it is to be a child! No worries or problems for you. ... in the morning... your mother wakes you up, feeds you... breakfast and takes you to... kindergarten. And there... teachers,... friends,... toys and very... life are waiting for you. ... holidays, ... activities, ... walks - there is never a dull moment! And at home... grandma will treat you... to a pie,... dad will let you knock... with a hammer on the table,... mom will tell you a bedtime story... a fairy tale. Everyone loves you, cherishes you, takes care of you, pampers you... with gifts. And I want... childhood to never end!

: It turned out to be a wonderful essay. And your childhood was very fun. That's why you are so cheerful and joyful today.

: So, attention! The journey to the land of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very small and had not yet gone to kindergarten. All children love gifts very much. I invite two teams of six people who want to receive holiday prizes the most.

Competition "Skins"

Team captains are given a large vessel with a drink (compote, juice, water), and each participant is given a long straw. Team members stand around the vessel, simultaneously lower their straws into it and begin to drink the drink. The team that empties the vessel first wins. Prizes for winners and incentive prizes must be prepared in advance and do not forget to present them at the end of each competition.

At home, under my mother’s warm wing, of course, it’s good. But the day comes when the baby goes out into the world for the first time. And a great life usually begins in kindergarten.
Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there is good company, then even tasteless porridge and old toys fade into the background.
Many, many days in a row,
In summer and winter,
We went to kindergarten
To my native kindergarten.
We were always in a hurry here,
We loved him very much.
All the guys say:
“Let's not forget kindergarten!”
With such a rosy mood, two friends are going to kindergarten. It will be you (two young men are invited).
: Their mothers, hurrying to work, try to dress them quickly. Here we have “mothers” (two girls are invited).
So, the clothes are already prepared, but suddenly the light goes out!

Competition “Dress your baby for kindergarten”

The girls are blindfolded and asked to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, large trousers). Whoever can do it faster and more accurately wins.

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever.

Far, far away lies the kingdom of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And whoever has been there at least once will remain a prisoner forever.
Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible.
And also because from childhood we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and courage from fairy tales. Let's remember Russian folk tale“Turnip” and we will show a performance based on it.

Fairytale game "Turnip"

Participants are called to play the roles: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.
When the presenter reads the text of a fairy tale, each hero must, upon hearing the name of his character, say the words assigned to him and make a gesture:
Turnip - “Oh, yes I am!” and shows with his hands how big she is.
Grandfather - “Oh, sciatica!” and, bent over, holds his lower back.
Grandma - “Fathers of light!” and at the same time throws up his hands.
Granddaughter - “Well, here’s another!” and puts his hands on his hips.
Bug - “Woof! Will you give me a bone?” while resting his hands on his bent knees and wagging his “tail.”
Cat - “They don’t let me sleep! Meow!" and stretches, arching his back.
Mouse - “Well, where would you go without me!” and shows off strong biceps.
Overall, this staging of “Turnip” looks very funny.

Host: Today you will see the Game Festival, in which children and their parents participate. Attention! A team of children appears, greet them with applause - they have already earned it, since they are children.


This a comic fairy tale can be performed without prior rehearsal. The texts should be prepared in advance and distributed to the participants before the performance, with each person playing a role. To prevent grandfather from getting confused, we put paper “hats” with images of carrots, potatoes on the participants’ heads...

Grandfather planted a turnip...

Grandfather said to turnip:

You grow, grow big.

Become a rich harvest

So that I can be proud of you.

I'll bring you some water,

Five buckets of fertilizer...

Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.

(Lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)

Grandpa sleeps without worries.

Meanwhile the turnip grows,

Yes, he fights with weeds:

Their feet and hands...

It's already autumn in the yard.

Chilly morning in September

Grandfather woke up and got scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, his teeth chattering.)

Ah, I'm old enough to sleep.

It's time to pull the turnip.

I've grown up, I look a little.

Oh, yes, the turnip is born!

I never dreamed of such a thing.

(Grabs a turnip and pulls.)

Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.


What a clumsy old man you are!

I'm not a turnip, I'm a carrot.

You clearly haven't washed your eyes.

Turnips I'm a hundred times slimmer.

And more orange too.

If you need Korean salad,

Without me you will be lost...

You can't drink carrot juice,

I have no substitute for soup...

And one more secret.

I'm rich in vitamins

All useful carotene.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

What is this, what a miracle

Maybe I didn't sleep well?

I sowed turnips in the spring.

Okay, my friend, wait,

I'll pull out another turnip.


Oh oh oh,

I protest!

I'm not a turnip. I am Potato!

Even the cat knows this.

I am the head of all fruits

It’s as clear as two and two:

If there are no potatoes in the soup,

There is no need to pick up a spoon.

I'm talking about chips, grandpa,

The most important component.

In hot oil, look

I can become French fries

I am your main harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

I'll go down the turnip again.

How tightly it sits in the earth!

Oh yes turnip, here you go!

Really, I'm outraged!

Grandfather, you've eaten too much Snickers,

I've seen enough TV series,

Maybe you fell off the stove?

Once I didn’t recognize cabbage.

I don't look like a turnip

She has only one clothes

I have a hundred of them!

All without buttons...

I am crispy cabbage!

Without me the salad is empty,

And any lunch with me

Cabbage roll or vinaigrette...

It will be 10 times more useful!

And then me, my dear,

You can ferment and salt...

And store it until summer.

You can eat me all winter!

You are the basket.

What kind of miracles are these?

It's already been two hours

I spent time in the garden.

Where is the turnip! This one seems...

Again the grandfather did not guess correctly.

You lost your glasses,

Or has the demon misled you?

I confused beets with turnips.

I'm a hundred times redder than her

And healthier and tastier!

There are no beets and no borscht,

In vinaigrette and cabbage soup...

I alone am the source of color!

And the beet cutlet -

This is simply delicious!

One hundred percent - weight loss.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

And there will be a place for you.

But it's still interesting

Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

I'm almost the same color

But not a turnip, old man,

I am your onion!

Even if a little insidious,

But he is popular among the people.

The most delicious kebab

The one with the onion in it.

All housewives know me

Add to soup and porridge

In pies, in mushrooms, in broth...

I am a nightmare for viruses!

Even the flu scares me...

At least now I'm ready to fight.

I am a great harvest!

Well, get into the basket.

The evening is already coming to an end.

The moon is coming out in the sky.

Yes, it’s time for me to go home.

Tomorrow morning

I’ll start looking for the turnip again,

And now I want to sleep.

Wow, heavy basket

A car would be useful...

The harvest has grown well!

Grandma, come on, curtain

The fairy tale has come to an end.

Well done to whoever listened.

We expect applause from you,

Well, and other compliments...

After all, the artists tried,

Let them be a little confused.

Everyone knows that children and animals are the best friends. A little man just needs someone to yap, meow, chirp or croak next to him.
Children love to take care of our little brothers: they treat the cat with candy, save fish from the aquarium so they don’t drown, and share toys with the dogs.

The cat says to me quietly:
- Have pity on me a little!
I don't understand this cat:
I poke candy in her mouth
I hugged her neck:
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
She says:
- A little, at least a little regret -
Let me go quickly!

Attention! Now our little brothers will appear in this hall! I ask everyone who has received notes to come to me. The cats stand on the left, the piglets on the right, and the horses in the center.
Have you forgotten how these little animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Animal Concert"

Teams are introduced to the song they will perform:
Cats – “Two Cheerful Geese”
Piglets – “Grasshopper”
Horses - “I’m lying in the sun”
Songs must be sung by making sounds appropriate to the animals. From the outside it looks very funny.

I ask two confident guys to come out.
We announce a dance break, and during the first dance the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Autograph competition

Two participants are given sheets of paper and markers. The participants’ task is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The one with the most signatures on the piece of paper wins.

And now we are no longer just children, but students. At the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.

Who will show the letter "A"?
Multiply twice two?
Will he write the sticks in the notebook?
Will you give it a “5” for the first time?
Our very first teacher,
Guardian of the light of wisdom.
The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.
We invite two teams of five people, for whom the memories of their first teacher are still dear.
Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a souvenir. And you will draw it.

Relay race “Portrait of the first teacher”

Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of the teacher on sheets of whatman paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - lips, the fifth - hair. The team whose drawing is the most artistic wins.

And along with the portraits, we give this song to teachers.

Song the first teacher

Girl: Today we will congratulate you,
Sing songs and read poems.
Maybe we'll dance, maybe we won't,
This is our most big big secret!

Boy: Our guys tied up the presenters,
So that we can talk about our lives.
The holiday Children's Day occurs only once a year.

Boy and girl (in unison, threateningly): We’ll tell you everything now.

It's a huge amount of time for us to sit at our desks.
Conjugations, verbs - a tedious lesson.
They added English, they think that
We still don't need enough lessons.
And so we crawl to school, we don’t have the strength to straighten up,
Our hands can no longer bend our hands.
And so we walk across Russia every day
In a crowd, bent, we crawl with a backpack.
Bound by one chain, bound by one goal.
Shackled by one chain, bound by one...

The sun is shining above us, not life, but grace,
It’s time for everyone who is responsible for us to understand,
It’s time for everyone who is responsible for us to understand:
We are little children, we want to go for a walk!

And we are second graders, we are completely adults,
We hardly go for walks, we all need to cram.
Save the poor kids.
In class we multiply, write and read.
We don’t know any rest at all; we don’t go for walks.
Save the poor kids.

If only I knew what torment
I'll have to endure
I would stay in kindergarten
Another six years!
(shakes his fist at the audience)

Girl: Guys, what's wrong with you? That's not what we wanted to say at all.
There are sections and clubs at school so that you don’t get bored.
So that they don’t howl from longing, so that they can play.
You can sing or dance, or kick a ball around the hall.
And you will have time to walk outside.
I think I know who came up with all this, probably the poor student Petrov, he is always dissatisfied with everything!

Girl: It is completely unclear why the school needs
Music and physical education, life safety, healthy lifestyle, works?
Is it not enough for us to have a load of six lessons and homework?
We plow all day long from dawn to dusk.
What are these items for? Who came up with it and why?
Someone has the answers, listen to ours now.

Once upon a time there lived a poor student named Sidorov. And he was not just a bad student, but a complete bad student. There were two grades in all subjects.
And when they asked him: “Well, what about you, Sidorov, why do you even have a D in music, even a D in physical education, and a D in labor?”, he was indignant and asked: “Why is music needed at school?”
They answered him: “So that you, Sidorov, grow up cultured.”
“Why do you need a physicist?”
"So that you, Sidorov, are strong and healthy."
“Well, what is the work for?”
“And this, Sidorov, is so that you can do at least something with your own hands.”
And then one day the poor student Sidorov had a dream. He went to heaven. The Archangel met him, looked at the diary and sent Sidorov to heaven for poor students.
And Sidorov went to heaven. And in that paradise, the flower beds are overgrown with wondrous weeds, the fountains with unknown, terrible figures stand blackened. The trees are withered and the grass is withered in the park, where the tabernacles of heaven should be. Palaces in paradise are like nothing else...
An angel with one wing met Sidorov near the skewed gate and asked:
“Tell me, Sidorov, in what subjects did you get the most failures?”
“In physical education,” Sidorov answered, blushing.
“That’s good,” said Angel, “you will coach a football team. In a week we will have a friendly match with a team from a neighboring paradise for C students.”
“Okay,” Sidorov agreed, “just tell me that this is some kind of left-handed paradise? The paths are overgrown with grass, the houses are slanted and crooked, they’re about to fall apart, the gates will fall soon. And where are the statues of monsters from horror films from here in paradise?”
And the Angel with one wing answered: “So this is a paradise for poor students. The garden is looked after by the poor student Lopatin, he has the most bad students in work, the houses were built under the leadership of the poor student Oglobli, the poor student Ivanova is in charge of the dining room, so I don’t recommend eating there, but The figures were sculpted by the poor student Klyachkin.”
And Sidorov, a poor student, coached a football team, and a friendly match took place, and the team of poor students won against the team of C students.
The Archangel who sent Sidorov to heaven appeared here and said: “Well, Sidorov, you deceived me, go to hell!”
And he pushed Sidorov off the lopsided bridge. And Sidorov flew to hell shouting: “Spartak is a champion!”
I opened my eyes and realized that it was a dream. But since then I began to pay more attention to “unnecessary” items. And then you never know...

Now guess the riddles:

Walking to school with a book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name?

"ABC", Buratino.

Now let's talk about another book.

Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.

The old man went to the sea, he will cast a net,

He will catch someone and ask for something.

A story about a greedy old woman it will work here,

And greed, friends, will lead to disaster.

And the matter will end in the same trough,

But not new, but old, broken.

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

IN nut shell that girl was sleeping.

That's what a girl is, how small she is.

Who read such a book -

They know a little girl.


Someone grabbed onto someone tightly.

Oh, I can’t pull it out, oh, it’s stuck tightly.

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

Who is stuck so tightly? Maybe this...

Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates rose

There is beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The Seven Color Bridge is cool."

A cloud hid the light of the sun,

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path,

From grass to blade of grass

The spring jumps

Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt.

Whoever passes

Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).

A cap and a leg -

That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

The sisters are standing in the field:

Dresses are whitewashed, hats are green. (Birches)

In the forest, I’ve already forgotten which one,
One day the birds were singing... (in chorus)
Sitting firmly on a branch
The rooster crowed...(crow)
And every time in response to him
The cow answered tenderly... (moo-moo)
And next to the little bullfinch
The pig whispered...(oink-oink-oink)
Can't make out the words
The frogs are screaming... (kva-kva-kva)
And smiling to himself
The goat answered tenderly... (meh)
I wanted to say “bravo!” to the singers,
But only the cat succeeded... (meow)
The dogs bark woof woof.

And now the Riddles are changelings... (be careful):

The bunny went out for a walk
The hare's paws are exactly...(not five, but four)

I have a dog
She has as many tails...(not 6, but 1)

Eat funny sign:
Snow has fallen - welcome...(winter)

The blizzard howls like a drill,
It's sleeping outside... (not April, but February)

Birthday is around the corner
We baked... (not sausage, but cake)

At Irinka and Oksanka's
There are three-wheelers...(not a sled, but a bicycle)

The police siren sounds and Uncle Styopa comes out. (where the traffic light poster is).
- Dear young citizens!
I send police greetings to everyone!
I invite the kids to a wonderful game!
This game is the most necessary!
Because you are all a little naughty!
There are too many dangerous undertakings
Our smart and lively children!
There is a lot of traffic on the streets,
It's time to teach him respect!
To teach children about street stops,
We started our game!
Uncle Stepa:
Road riddles.
Runs, hums,
He looks into two eyes.
And he will get up,
A bright red eye peeks out. (automobile)

The guard watches vigilantly
Behind the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye.
They will all stop at once.
A green eye looks
He tells you to go. (traffic light)

Early in the morning under the window
Knocking and ringing and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks.
There are blue houses. (trams)
Relay "Drivers"
Host: Now let’s have some fun car racing, are there any dads among our spectators? Or older guys. If there is, then I will ask three people to come to us. Here are your cars. Your task is to “go” the distance, going around the placed pins, and not knock them down. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins. (to the song “Rock-yu”)


It all starts with a school bell:
Dream, science, friendship - whatever you want!
Road to the stars! Secrets of the ocean!
All this will be late or sooner!
Everything is ahead, but for now...
Do you want to go to the planet?
Which the children came up with.
Everyone hold hands tightly!
Close your eyes and rush forward.

To find out how big the earth is,
To open sciences like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

You are a newcomer, happy and confused,
The school crossed the threshold without fear!
Inspired by a magical dream
And the first day of school, and your first lesson

Like every school, our school has a Charter, and in it there are 12 rules for you, and our ministers will introduce you to these rules.

The floor is given to the Minister of educational work and the Minister for educational work.

(Ministers take turns reading the rules, and the guys answer)

    Did you get up early in the morning and didn’t give in to laziness? No.

    The dew washed the petal, but the soap washed you? Yes.

    Didn’t wait for prodding, did you run to school on time? Yes.

    Before slamming the door, of course, you checked for the presence of a pencil case, a textbook, and a notebook, and of course, you didn’t forget your student’s diary? No.

    At school, brother, didn't you lie? No.

    If you cleaned it dirty? Yes.

    Didn't carry chalk in your pocket? This, my dear, is not the point. No.

    He was careful in his clothes, avoiding holes and stains! Yes.

    Were you rude to adults? No.

    Did you feel sorry for the kids, did you love them? Yes.

    Did you know that good grades didn’t grow on a branch in the garden? Yes.

Sentence: 11 years of school regime with confiscation of toys.

In the director's office.

Maria Ivanovna, tomorrow a new exceptional student will come to your 9th grade.

So exceptional?

Yes, he has already been expelled from three schools.

The conscience of the hooligan Petrov does not answer or is temporarily unavailable...

It is the teachers' fault that children lie - they ask too many questions.

At the lesson.

Petrov is a big fan of sleeping in class.

You offend me, Mary Ivanna, I am a professional.

Those who go to school in the morning go... to universities!

Those who get up early are told: “Sit down, the lesson is not over yet!”

Petrov, why were you late for class?

Left home late.

Couldn't you have gone out earlier?

It was too late to leave earlier...

Traditionally, Russian school martial arts are a fight against laziness.

We have a superstition at school that if you lean out the window the night before an exam and... memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass.

Scary tale for graduates: "Baba Unified State Examination".

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?

This means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!

At the life safety lesson.

When crossing the road, look at the cars, not the traffic lights. Traffic lights have never hit anyone.

Semyonova whines during the exam:

Mary Ivanna! I don't deserve a bad mark!

I know, but unfortunately we don’t have lower ratings!

I hope, Ivanov, you have seriously prepared for the exam?

Of course, Eduard Ivanovich. Imagine, I taught day and night.

Day and night. This is what I imagine. I can’t imagine anything else: what can you learn in one day?

Excuse of a lazy schoolboy:

We will do it, but not until later.

Mary Ivanna, is it possible to punish a person for something he didn’t do?

You can't, Vovochka.

Mary Ivanna, I didn’t do it homework!

During a medical examination at school, the doctor asks Vovochka:

Do you have any complaints about your nose or ears?

Eat! They bother me when I put on a sweater.

Mom is not as scary as first-graders draw her.

To be at the top of your game in all subjects, you need... to study on the very top floor of the school.

I speak Russian, English, French fluently... and in other lessons too.

A good half of Russian teachers write comments in their diaries, and the bad half also call parents to school.

– Notice that parents say, “We didn’t do this when we were kids,” only if grandparents aren’t around!

In a home economics lesson:

For Olivier salad, all products are cut into cubes, except peas.

– Have you already prepared for school?

- We bought a diary and a belt...

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!

Yes, it's not heavy.

Yes, and I’m not strong!


Vovochka, what do you think it should be A perfect school?

Locked, Maria Ivanovna.

Diary entry:

Parents! Cut your child's hair, you want to look him in the eye.

A candle is lit and the process of passing it from hand to hand and with wishes goes through.

Childhood is fading, so why be surprised?
It leaves everyone somehow.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I don’t want to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.
It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
But don't be so sad. First of all, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood stays with you or goes away forever depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes look at least for a minute into childhood and take a break from adult life there.
Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!

Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of your bad days
Never take it out on them.
Don't be seriously angry with them
Even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more expensive than tears
That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.
If you feel tired
I can’t cope with her,
Well, my son will come to you
Or your daughter will extend her hands.
Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
Is this happiness? a short moment
Hurry up to be happy.
After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
These golden days will flash by
And they will leave their native hearth
Your children have grown up.
Flipping through the album
With childhood photographs
Remember with sadness the past
About those days when we were together.
How will you want
Return again at this time
To sing a song to them little ones,
Cheeks tender lips touch.
And while there is children's laughter in the house,
There's no escape from toys
You are the happiest person in the world,
Please take care of your childhood!


The Tale of the Lost School

Interlude script for a concert dedicated to Teacher's Day.
A small skit serves as a prologue for student performances and sets the tone for the entire concert. In addition, the unusual beginning of the concert will attract the attention of the audience and put them in a festive mood.

On stage there is scenery depicting a school yard. In the yard there is a hut on chicken legs and a school building. They are drawn on large sheets of paper, and the sheets are fastened to each other so that as the action progresses, the hut “turns” into a school, that is, the sheet with the image of the hut is turned over, and it is replaced by a sheet with the image of the school.

Janitor (scared).

God Almighty! The school is gone!

Primary and secondary school students run onto the stage in a noisy flock.

1st boy (with regret).

How are we now without school?
It’s impossible to live without her!

Mom and dad are at work...
Well, what about me? And what about me?

2nd boy (indignantly).

The school is clean, the school is tasty,
Cabbage pies at school!

1st girl (addressing her friend).

There is no school and no after-school activities.
So, you and I are homeless?

2nd girl (persistently).

We will stand here and wait!

3rd girl (crying). My feet are cold...

3rd boy. Tsits, you fool! Don't squeak!
Teachers will help us.

Teachers take the stage.

Teachers (perplexed):

– I have an essay about happiness in the ninth grade...
– Today I have the Pythagorean theorem again.
- I have a vocal club...
– Half past one – teachers’ meeting...

1st boy. Look, there is no building!

Teachers (surprised). So there is no work?!

The teachers freeze in bewilderment. The students lower their heads, all except for one lively boy, Vanya.

Vania. Why did you hang your heads?

Children (in chorus). Let's study the situation!

Vanya (examining the hut).

Instead of a school there is a strange house...
Two legs, wooden itself.
Let's knock on the window - knock-knock.
Come out, since you are our friend!
Together we will decide everything,
How can we return school!

Baba Yaga. I don't hear a knock on the window!
I am deaf, and for a long time...
You knock harder
Don't knock on the window, knock on the door.

Vanya knocks on the door. Baba Yaga leaves the house, yawns, stretches.

Baba Yaga. WITH Good morning, Guys!

1st girl. Well, this is Grandma Yaga...

Baba Yaga. Yes, Yaga! So what?

Vania. Answer, Yaga, where is the school?!

Baba Yaga (sarcastically). The school is here, not far away,
Seven kilometers in total.
It's across the river, in the forest.
Resting... On vacation!

Vanya (decisively). Schools don't go on vacation!
Teachers go on vacation
In the summer they go, not in a snowstorm.
Give us back school soon!

The girls start crying.

Baba Yaga. Don't cry, kids!
I'm bored in the wilderness.
And from this terrible boredom
I hid the temple of science.
I don't go to theaters
I don’t watch TV -
You will cheer me up
Raise your spirits.
Here is my task for you:
A concert for me
The school building is for you.
Do you agree?
Children (in chorus). Unanimously!

Concert performed by school students.

Baba Yaga. We completed my task -
I am returning the school building.

Baba Yaga claps her hands: the hut on chicken legs “disappears”, the school “appears”. Rings school bell. All participants go on stage.

Teachers. It's good for us, it's gratifying!
Baba Yaga (in despair). I'm not going anywhere!
I'll be at school for free
Use a mop to clean the floors.

(To the audience.) All agree?
Spectators. Unanimously!

Baba Yaga. I know: there will be school!
I know: the school will bloom,
When such people
IN Russian schools There is!

Children got creative

Children got creative

New Year's scene for students primary school

Children come onto the stage, bring out a poster, paints, brushes, sit with their backs to the audience and begin to draw something on the poster. The audience does not see the drawing.

The Teacher runs onto the stage.

Teacher. Guard! Epidemic! Doctor! Doctor!
The ambulance siren sounds and the Doctor appears.
Doctor. What's happened? What's happened?
Teacher. The children are sick! They sit and do something all day! There will be no New Year! We declare quarantine.
Doctor. I do not understand anything…
Teacher. Now I’ll explain everything!

The Teacher and the Doctor sing to the tune of the song “So-and-so ran away from the palace” from the cartoon “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians.”

1st verse (Teacher sings):
Look, Doctor! What
Happened to young people?
They sit in place all day -
They don't make noise, at least you crack!
Chorus (Doctor sings):
So what's wrong with that, dear friend!
No noise, no fuss! And everything is quiet around!

2nd verse (Doctor sings):
Calm down, Teacher!
You are not a pest for children.
Look, everything is fine:
The boys got down to business!
Chorus (Teacher sings):

Such a misfortune! What to do? Help! Probably, all this was set up by the enemies!

Doctor. Calm down, everything will be fine! (Examines the children: puts in thermometers, touches the forehead, looks at the throat.) That's it!
Teacher (horrified). What all? Are they incurable?!
Doctor. Don't know!
Teacher. Why, you are a doctor!
Doctor. And what?
Teacher. Like what"? Give them some medicine!
Doctor. I don't know what to treat them for!
Teacher. And what do you suggest?
Doctor. Gather a consultation!

The ambulance siren sounds and Doctor Evil and Doctor Good run onto the stage.

Doctor Evil. Where are my subjects? A?
Doctor Good. Oh, you are as always! Where are my little patients?
Doctor Evil. Wow, my little mice! Well, shall we dissect it?
Teacher. How do we prepare?
Doctor Evil. Let's open the brain, look at the stomach - what if you were poisoned with what?
Teacher. I'm not giving it!
Doctor Good. Do not worry, everything will be OK!
Doctors approach the children.
Doctor Evil. Amputate the arm!
Doctor Good. This is very hasty decision! You can simply remove the splinter from your finger!
Doctor Evil. Yes?! And this one has forty injections!
Doctor Good. For what? One tablet is enough!
Doctor Evil. Don't interfere! Needed here radical measures! They are sick - look! They behave strangely: they sit, they are silent... They... they work! This is not normal at their age! It's a plague! We must burn everything!
The teacher gasps, faints, Doctor Good catches him.
Doctor Good. Don't worry, your kids are getting creative! And this, fortunately, is incurable. But the holiday, of course, will take place!
Doctor Evil. Ugh! What unscientific nonsense! I can't listen to this!

Dr. Evil goes backstage. Children rise from their seats and approach the edge of the stage. The teacher and doctors stand next to them. Song to the melody of “Songs about a Dream” (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

Verse 1 (doctors sing):
The children are healthy, the time is coming,
The guests have gathered, the holiday is coming.
And there are many smiles in our house.
This is happiness! There is no sweeter one!
Chorus (all sing together):
Oh, if only my dream would come true,
What a life it would be like then!
Oh, if only my dream would come true,
What a life would begin then!

2nd verse (Teacher sings):
What a day! And this is a holiday?
Well, New Year hic! Well, you're a prankster!
Fainting, shaking, tension and stress!
And this is happiness? Total misfortune!

Verse 3 (doctors sing):
We wanted to congratulate you all,
I wish you happiness and health here!
And so that the old year will take away the troubles!
Here it is, welcome our New Year!

Battle of the teachers

Battle of the teachers.

Host: So we begin the program, “battle of teachers” - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you that everything is fair with us and without any setups, tricks, tips or steps.

A teacher is invited to complete the task junior classes Ivanova Marya Ivanovna. Marya Ivanovna you will have to enter the classroom today and force third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give him a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me the diary.
Student: I won’t.
Teacher: Sidorov, open your briefcase, take out your diary.
Student: My grandmother took it from me to read before bed.
Teacher: Vasya, give me the journal, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.
Vasya: And for what?

Host: Unfortunately, time is up.
We invite the second teacher - Petrov Petr Petrovich.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I’ll give you some candy.
Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.
Teacher: Vasily, I’ll put you in a corner!
Student: And what didn’t I see there?

Presenter: It’s unfortunate, but the second teacher didn’t have time to complete this task either. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don’t you give the diary to teachers?
Student: I forgot at home (slides down the desk)
Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE.
Student: Nope. (uncertain)
Teacher: I’m calling my father (takes out his phone and pretends to select it from his contacts)
Student: (takes out the diary he was sitting on) Mom on the diary, just don’t call your father! those.

Host: As our program showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental assistance it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents yielded results this week - you will find out what the next battle will be tomorrow.

Mikha: Oops, it looks like they use fruit and dishes here instead of TV in the old fashioned way.

Bogdan: Listen up, guys! There are a lot of us? A lot of! Why can’t we pull a girl out of some swamp?

Mikha: Yeah, Bogdanchik, only the old woman talks about the knight, but this doesn’t happen among us.

Bogdan (proudly): Maybe you don’t consider yourself a knight, but all the girls in our school consider someone among us an idol. So it's worth a try.

Mikha: Is he talking about himself, or what? What a knight! If he is a knight, then I am an Indian cow.

Stasik: I've been looking at this for a long time, you remind me of a ruminant animal.

Goshka: Yeah, come on guys! A knight is not a knight, but we have no other way out of here. There are four of us, we can handle it! Right, guys? Lead us, old lady, to the palace.

(They leave to the music)

Scene 4

The royal palace, the inconsolable king and queen, next to Maryushka silently embroidering and sighing.

Queen(with a threat in his voice): How many times have I told you, there was no point in sending Yank to Koshchei for training! She learned from him how to conduct experiments and use witchcraft in everyday life. And he is glad, so now she has gone to Koshchei to receive a higher education in witchcraft.

King Eremey: How about you, mother, your tongue turns to reproach me! And who said that handwash outdated, but for borscht you need a pressure cooker! To whom food processor was required, but, you see, it’s a shame to get to the balls on horses! My clever daughter, Yanochka, began to study technology for her mother, and Elena the Wise began to make all these little things with her little white hands. It’s good that Maryushka stayed, my affectionate hostess.

Queen: Yes, our daughters are smart, it’s immediately obvious that they didn’t follow their dad’s smarts, but you, your royal sloppiness, should understand that grooms these days are picky and don’t want to take girls without education as wives. Only education is different from education! You should turn your attention to the Unified State Exam, but you distinguish science the old fashioned way. And I found a teacher for my daughter, Professor Kashchei!

King Eremey: You, little wife, are completely out of your mind. You forgot about the prophecy: whoever dares to go to the lair of the witches and rescue Elena the Wise from earthly and sea captivity, then everything will fall into place. I wish this good fellow could be found sooner!

Queen: Quiet! Someone goes here. Come on, take on a regal appearance, nothing else, the knights are volunteers.

Pythoness (appears with the boys): Your Royal Majesty - Excellency, I brought to your Grace four good fellows, glorious heroes, fearless guys. They dared to go in search of your dear daughters, they want kind word hear parting words.

Tsar: Who are they? What kind of tribe?

Bogdan(looking at Maryushka): We, schoolchildren, from the 21st century, are ready to help you in your search.

Tsar: I don't understand what they are saying. Are schoolchildren schismatics?

Queen: Don't go into details. There were boys who wanted to lay down their heads, but don’t dissuade us, what difference does it make to us who finds their daughters? .

Tsar: Whoever of you finds my missing daughters will receive a royal reward from me - half a kingdom for each daughter as a reward.

Maryushka: Wait, good fellows, I can come with you!

Queen: Here's the news! Where are you going, little one!

Maryushka: Father, mother, let me go on the road to follow my sisters, I will show the way to the good fellows, I will tell you about secret paths. (How I want to become a designer, have my own sewing workshop fashionable clothes open! But in the royal chambers I can’t achieve all this.)

Tsar: Only over my dead body!

Queen: Don't perform, probably not in the theater! Let him go! With such eagles you won’t be lost! Good luck, come back soon Bon Voyage!

To the music, the characters move away, the curtain changes, the music and scenery change. A dense forest, in the middle there is a stone with the inscription: “If you go to the left, you will lose your freedom, if you go straight, you will lose your mind, if you go to the right, you will ruin your reputation.”

Scene 5

The heroes stop in front of the inscription.

Goshka: Yes, it's called choice.

Mikha: You have to go straight, whoever doesn’t have something doesn’t mind losing it.

Stasik: You have nothing to lose, but I don’t want to walk around stupid all my life, I have to turn right. No one knows what a reputation is, so it’s not a shame to ruin it.

Bogdan: Oh, reputation is the opinion of others about a person. Earning the respect of people is not easy, but losing what you have already achieved is as easy as shelling pears.

Goshka: Okay, we need to turn left. Slaves in Rome and serfs in Rus' fought for freedom with weapons in their hands, and there are many of us - we will not give up our freedom to anyone.

Bogdan: You don't know history well. Don't you remember how all these uprisings ended?

Maryushka: No, guys, Gosha is right, I feel in my heart that this road leads to my sisters.

Goshka: Then go ahead!

Music starts and a gang led by the Atamansha jumps onto the stage. They sing the song “One-Eyed Pirate” to the lyrics. Yu.Entina, music D. Tukhmanova.,<>.

Chieftain: Who are they? What do you need?

Mikha: We have come to rescue the royal daughters! Who are you?

Chieftain: And we supply free labor to Koshchei. He himself is all about science, he doesn’t have time to clean his shoes and cook porridge for himself, he needs slave girls. Come on, guys, grab their little hands by the legs and drag them to Kashchei.

Goshka: Guys, it seems like you smell something fried! Get into a perimeter defense!

Bogdan: You're telling the truth, Goshka! The main thing for us is to insure each other.

There is a fight to the music, the guys quickly deal with the gang, the Atamansha is grabbed, she screams.

Mikha: So what are you, girl?

Chieftain: What, unnoticed?

Mikha: So you're all grimy! How did you come to this life?

Chieftain: Magda, the great sorceress, promised that if I and my friends blocked the entrance to Koshchei, then she would turn me into a beauty the likes of which the world has never seen!

Maryushka: And you believed it! Without washing your face for years, and adopting savage habits, when will you become a beauty? In about 200 years! (Takes out a sponge and washes off the dirt from Atamansha’s face.)

Stasik: Yes, it turns out that you are nothing without Magdina’s love spells.

Maryushka: Come with us, we'll take you to Koshchei, he knows magic remedy from dirt - a mixture of sodium, oleic and stearic acid salts.

Goshka: What?

Bogdan: Eh, Goshka, you’re a good guy, you just need to study more, because every schoolchild knows that we’re talking about the simplest things solid soap!

Goshka: Oh, how ashamed I am in front of the robber! Now, just let me get back to my time, I’ll definitely start studying properly!

Maryushka (Atamansha): Let's go, let's go, it won't be worse than it is.

They all go to the Koshcheev Palace together and enter the Koshcheev Hall to the accompaniment of mysterious music.

Scene 6

Koschey and Yanka pour something into the vat, and clouds of smoke and fire come out. The guests come closer and hear the conversation:

Koschey: I believe, colleague, that you should not use diaquatetrahydroxoaluminate in this case.

Yanka: Well, of course, teacher, after all, under the action of alkalis, fats must break down into glycerin and fatty acid.

Koschey: This is true, but why is… needed here?

Maryushka: So, they are doing experiments here, but the fact that their parents were tortured, that their sister was kidnapped, that time turned back and the future was confused with the present does not concern them!

Yanka: Maryushka! How did you end up here? Who are these people?

Maryushka: These people from the future have come to us! Space and time were bent by the grace of Magda and Amalia. Our sister, the unfortunate Elena, was hidden by Magda and Amalia in the kingdom of the sea for her intelligence and beauty. They say that a knight from the future was supposed to come for Elena, and as soon as she took his hand and said a warm word of gratitude, everything in the fairy-tale and earthly world would fall into place. You yourself understand that this is not included in the plans of the witch of earth and sea. Without your scientific and educational help, we won’t be able to do anything, and we need not only to rescue Elena, but also to return these young boys back to the future.

Koschey: So, of course, again the competing company is confusing its plans. Indeed, we have become too carried away with experiments; it’s time to put our knowledge and skills into action! Come on, Yanochka, look into the magical chemical vat, where should our travelers go next. (A fire breaks out in the vat.)

Yanka: I see, I see, teacher, the whole team needs to follow a straight path from the stone, they will have to solve the problems that Magda came up with, only the problems are so difficult that a hundred noble knights have lost their minds from the stress of solving those riddles.

Mikha: I told you that we need to go straight.

Yanka: I just see the magic number of infinity - 8, which means that Magdino’s spell will subside if 8 correct answers are given to all 8 questions.

Bogdan: Nonsense, I can handle all the issues.

Koschey: No, young man, every question must be answered by someone else every time, otherwise the spell will remain.

Goshka: Well, I’m in trouble, because of my laziness I’ll let the guys down, because I won’t be able to answer a single question.

Stasik: Yes, but there are only seven of us, what should we do?

Koschey: Okay, I’ll shake off the old days and go with you, because Koschey, I’m withered from great knowledge, how can I not help the nice guys!

Everyone shouts “HURRAY”! Everyone leaves to the music and reappears at the stone with the inscription.

Scene 7

The witch Magda dances and sings by the stone to the tune of the song “Baba Yaga” by D. Tukhmanov<>, <>.

Magda: Oh, who I see, what people! What, they decided to straighten the space and put time in place? This means that you, lazy people, can enjoy all the benefits of civilization, but we, the backward and dark ones, cannot!

Maryushka: Don't talk to us about it! Tell me where you put my sister.

Magda: But I didn’t put it anywhere! Elena is wise, the only one who knows the answers to all my questions, she, perhaps, of all the people I know, has the right to enjoy the benefits of civilization! But these friends who have cool mobile phones do not know at all how they work. These vaunted people of yours from the future are accustomed to pumping out all their knowledge from the Internet, but their heads are empty. We’re not used to living with our little mind!

Bogdan: How dare you talk about the future generation like that!

Magda: Oh, let's not argue! Prove that you are smart and well-read, guess all my riddles - problems! Then I will show you the way to the underwater kingdom, to my friend Amalia the sea! This is where your sister and friend Elena Stoumovaya gets wet. If you don’t guess, you will remain in the past forever, you will plow our land here with a plow, carry water in buckets, weave bast shoes.

Koschey: You're not very scary! Where are your problems, ask!

Amalia: Yes, a strange company has arrived! (Looks at each of the characters). Magdochka said that the spell would subside if the knight galloped after Helen the Wise. Somehow I don’t see a single knight among this company.

Yanka: What kind of lady is this?

Amalia: Well, first of all, I’m not a lady, but the princess of the water state herself.

Maryushka: It’s you that we need, they say, you have our sister, Elena the Wise, in captivity, it’s time for you, Amalia, to stop mocking good people.

Amalia: Who, poor, honest people, offends you?

Koschey: Eh, Amalia, it’s time for you and Magda to stop playing weird with times, there’s no point in confusing the discoveries of the past and the future, everything has its turn.

Amalia: And no one wonders, but you, poor travelers, are probably tired, dying of thirst? After all, you had to come a long way?

Stasik: And in fact, we haven’t even had poppy dew in our mouths for a long time.

Bogdan: Yes, I wanted to at least take a sip of Coca-Cola.

Koschey: What is this unprecedented drink?

Bogdan (dreamily): Oh, this is a delicious drink of the future, you here, in the distant kingdom, have never dreamed of such a thing.

Amalia: Why didn’t you dream? Thanks to Magda and me, many new products of the future can be in our hands. In addition, I am the queen of the entire water fairy element and can fulfill all your desires related to water. Order whatever you want?

Stasik: Well, in general, Bogdan and I, Coca-Cola.

Koschey: What is it, serve everyone an unprecedented drink!

Amalia (claps his hands): Hey, you, phlegm and fabulous dampness, bring here the poison - cola!

Music sounds, Amalia's assistants bring drinks on trays, everyone pounces on them, not noticing that Elena appears behind the trees. Amalia grins. Only Goshka, with his mouth open, forgetting about the drink, looks at Elena in surprise (as at the beginning of the fairy tale).

Elena: Dear sisters, help me out. (No one hears her over the noise.) How is it possible that you can completely forget about a person in just a sip of water?

Amalia(mocking): And not just for a sip! Look, Elenushka, there is no sisterly loyalty or brotherly friendship left on earth! Both your overseas guests and your relatives have forgotten about you!

Goshka, as in a dream: This is Lenka Krasnovskaya, and not Elena the Beautiful, although no, she looks even more beautiful here than here in reality! Lenka, Lenka, it’s me, Goshka, your classmate!

Lenka looks at Goshka in surprise, trying to remember something.

Goshka: Lena, don’t pay attention to her, come on, hold my hand tightly, I’ll get you out of here! No troubles, no obstacles will stop me! I may be small in stature, I may not be as smart as Koschey, I may not be as strong as Bogdan, but a fiery heart beats in my chest, and it will not betray, will not change, it will burn in any darkness.

Elena: Here's my hand! I thank you for not forgetting about your duty, for not being seduced by sweets and delicacies. With such a person it’s not scary to go to the ends of the world!

Amalia (shouting): You're not going anywhere! Only a knight has the right to lift the spell! Look at this slob, what a knight he is!

Koschey: You, my dear, are mistaken. In all times, in all centuries, a person with a noble and brave heart was called a knight, believe me, and I live longer than you in the world.

Amalia: This should not happen! Hey, my servants, liquid ones, stop these ragamuffins.

Claps his hands. Disturbing music sounds, travelers huddle together. Amalia's servants circle around them, the curtain closes, and terrible thunder - lightning - is heard.

Scene 9

Four guys rise up, clutching their heads.

Mikha: Second attempt, unsuccessful.

Stasik: What was it? (Looking around.) The weather is gloomy.

Bogdan: I was late for tennis and didn’t get to sambo.

Goshka: It happened to us, didn’t it, was it true or fiction?

Mikha(getting up, feeling himself): Well, I don’t know, friends, is it me or not?

Stas: Hey, let's get up, why are we lying here?

They shake hands with each other. They look at each other confusedly.

Goshka: It was as if I had been in a fairy tale or flown to the moon.

Stas: Have you forgotten about the fight, how they beat each other here?

Bogdan: It was stupid, stupid, we will part ways like brothers . (Goshka)- You are my friend now, remember and forgive me for everything.

Goshka: We have traveled so many roads in this fabulous distance, we have been able to understand a lot, we have been able to understand a lot!

Bogdan: It's great to have two friends!

Stas: And when there are four,

Goshka: We will go along all the roads,

Mikha: There are so many things to do – you can’t count them!

Bogdan: What kind of torment, suffering, adversity and simply persecution you need to try,

Goshka: What was clear, enemies and friends, was that it was impossible to be alone in the world!

Three friends appear.

Yanka: Oh, girls, I don’t believe it, look there: Mishka, Goshka, Stas, Bogdanchik together - what kind of nonsense?

Maryushka: Have we really become friends, but I don’t believe it, I don’t understand where they managed to do it, how they managed to do it, how and why?

Lenka: And I remember something: was it somewhere, with me? Goshka saved half the kingdom and brought me home.

Stas: Hey girls, let's go to school, let's run with us!

Goshka (with hope): And we’ll probably solve the test together together. A?..

Everyone goes on stage and sings the final song “Don’t regret anything” to the music. R. Gorobets, lyrics. P. Zhaguna.

Scenario “Childhood Holiday”

(Fanfares sound - the call signs for the beginning of the holiday)

Host: Hello, friends! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and cute bangs. Hello, smart, cheerful, happy. Today is June 1st, which means it is celebrated wonderful holiday"Children's Day" and it's time for the holidays, and holidays are great!

(Children come out to the music and read a poem)
The first fine day of summer
Brought us a glorious holiday!
This holiday is without bouquets,
And without burning bitter tears!

This is a children's holiday
All children from all over the Earth!
Day of girls and boys
Those near and far!

This is a holiday for adults too,
That they take care of children
Those who think seriously
Those who respect work.

Who is ready without delay
Withstand the impact of the wave!
Protect sons and daughters
From violence and war!

Ved: Guys, today is the world.
On the whole planet, children are the masters.
Let's all sing together guys
The owners are children on the globe!

Song "Childhood Holiday"

Ved: - Guys, today is June 1, the holiday of all children on our planet, and what would a holiday be without congratulations! And it is with great pleasure that I give the floor to the director of our orphanage Vikhrova Valentina Vasilievna.
(Director Vikhrova V.V. speaks with congratulations to the guys)

(Carlson appears dancing, with balloons in his hands, to the song “Fat Carlson”)

Carlson: Stop, car!
Hello, little kids!
Shout loudly: "Hurray!"
After all, Carlson has flown to you,
And immediately the room became cheerful!
I arrived for a reason
Today is a holiday - everyone knows!
After all, without me, what kind of holiday is it?
I am Carlson, the main disgrace!
Hi Hi!
Before you is a well-mannered and moderately well-fed, the most cheerful man in the world in full bloom.
And today for the holiday in my magic balls I brought good mood! (hands out balls)
To begin with, guys, I suggest we greet each other.
- When we meet the dawn,
We tell him... (Hello!)
– With a smile the sun gives light,
He sends us his... (Hello!)
– When we meet after many years
You shout to your friends... (Hello!)
- And they will smile back at you
From a kind word... (Hello!)
– And you remember the advice:
Give to all your friends... (Hello!)
- Let's all answer together
We will tell each other... (Hello!)

Carlson: Well, we said hello.
I wonder what Freken Bock is doing now? Well, remember, this is the same housekeeper who raised the Kid? Yes, more harmful than a woman I have never seen it in my life!
But now Freken Bock has changed and become kinder. Oh, hear someone coming! It's probably her. It's time to reel in the fishing rods!

(Carlson hides. Freken Bok comes out to the music and rolls out the chest)

F. Bock: It’s strange, the Kid is not there, he probably went to visit Uncle Fyodor in Prostokvasheno. There is no respected, dear Carlson either, but today is a holiday of childhood throughout our vast planet. I know that Malysh and Carlson have many friends, and I have prepared a surprise for everyone. But apparently I tried in vain.

(rolls out the chest)

The sound of a motor.

F. Bock: Oh, who's here? (Carlson appears). My dear Carlson, how glad I am to see you!

Carlson: Madam, I'm not alone! I'm here with friends. (points to the hall).

F. Bock: Children!!! Amazing! There are so many of them! Who are there more here: girls or boys? I would like to get to know them better.

Carlson: Okay, now we'll play the game
Let’s find out who came to our holiday!

Come on Nastya and Alyosha! clap your hands loudly!
Pasha, Goshi, Vicky, Vanya, stomp your feet!
Raise your hands above Yulia, Galya and Nadyusha!
Wave to me quickly, those whose name is Andrey!
And do a squat dance for Tyoma, Sasha and Alena!
Shout loudly “Hurray! »Who was Anton in the morning!
And Maxims, Dimas, Vali and Marats,
Turn your head...

F. Bock: There are so many of you! My God!

Carlson: And now for one - two - three... Say your name!

(Children's response)
F. Bock: So we met, I’m very glad to see you.

Carlson: Madam, do you know that today is the most fun party on the planet?
F. Bock: My dear, who, if not me – the most wonderful housekeeper – doesn’t know about the Children’s Day holiday!

Carlson: F. Bock, what did you like to do as a child?
F. Bock: - Well, my friend, like any child, I really loved to play, dance, sing, dream and of course draw.

Song "I draw on the window"

Carson: Indeed, childhood is the most important point in the life of every person. This is a sea of ​​poems, songs, dances, drawings on the asphalt, games and, of course, gifts. And today our chefs came to us for the holiday to congratulate the guys:
The word for congratulations is provided……..
F. Bock: Carlson, do you know that childhood is called a small country with miracles, fairy tales, good fairies. It’s a great pity that childhood is gone forever from me and many people in the room. Now, if only I knew where?

The song “Childhood Country” is playing.

Carlson: Madam, I don’t agree, you are the teacher of my friend Baby, so you will always live in this fabulous, forever young country. In this wonderful country My friends also live there. I think they have a good life in this country!
F. Bock: - But now we will find out.
(to music)
I suggest playing a game called “If life is fun...”

Carlson: You see F Bok, the guys really have fun living here! F. Bock: So you have great mood?
Carlson: Oh, we played great, but do you remember, madam, how we danced dashingly!?
F. Bock: Of course I remember!
Carlson: I suggest you continue to have fun, have fun dancing around.
Let's all dance “Dance of the Little Ducklings” together - we all repeat after us and so we started.
(Children perform dance movements, repeating after Carlson and F. Bock)

Carlson: Well, I’m kind of hungry! Dear Freken, do you have a small three-liter jar of jam?
F. Bock: Dear Carlson, I have everything you want for you! But you know that you are not the only one who loves jam.
Carlson: And your milk has run out!
F. Bock: Lord! Milk escaped! Wait, what kind of milk? Ah, joker!
Carlson: Yes, I like to joke, play, sing, dance, and also ask riddles! Listen very carefully.

F. Bock: My dear friend, I completely forgot that I had prepared a surprise for your friends, help me.
(adjusts the chest)
Carlson: Chest? But why do we need a chest?

F.B. – This chest is unusual, after all, summer has arrived... It’s time to change the decor in the house. Now we will move it all...
K – Like a holiday, it’s necessary to ruin the mood..

GHOST background.
Carlson and F.B. in different directions.

Carlson: Calm, just calm!
(The ghost runs around the stage.)
Ghost: I always fly in the dark
And sometimes I scare people.
And my outfit is a sight for sore eyes,
Maybe it's a sheet?
Do you recognize Ghost?
Look at me!
F.B. -Ugh, I scared you, little naughty...
Cast: Why do you leave good things unattended?
(F.B is looking for the key)
F.B: Guys, Carlson, what have I done, I think I lost the key to the magic chest, everything is gone, there won’t be a surprise?

Ghost: Don't be so upset, while you are looking for your magic key, I will play with the children.
Raise your hands up!
The right hand was waved
The left hand is still lowering slightly
On your shoulder, but not yours.
And his neighbor.
Left, right turned
And the neighbors smiled.
So that the children are happy
We will shout together: “Hurray!”
- What friendly guys, well done! Let's have another quiz, shall we? I have my questions ready.
1. The squirrel sings songs
And he keeps nibbling on nuts.
Remember this fairy tale.
Did you guess it?.. (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)

2.To find Kai,
Gerda, brave girl,
Set off on a long journey
In a fairy tale... (“The Snow Queen.”)

3. The brothers turned into wild swans,
They need nettle shirts quickly.
My sister weaves shirts many days and nights
In a fairy tale by a friend... (“Wild Swans.”)

4. A very small horse,
He is Ivanushka's friend,
Always helped him out
In a fairy tale... (“The Little Humpbacked Horse.”)

5. “Children, be dirty
It’s bad for your health!” -
Washbasin says
In a fairy tale... (“Moidodyr.”)
6. Together the crops were grown,
And then they divided it
Bear with a man
In a fairy tale... (“Tops and roots.”)

7. Sew a suit for the king out of nothing - Such are the talents
Discovered by cunning people
In a fairy tale... (“The King’s New Dress.”)

8. She lost her glass slipper in a hurry, When she ran away from the prince from the ball at midnight... Feel free to call this heroine, Don’t be mistaken... (Cinderella.)

9. Cat, Rooster, Donkey and Dog
To everyone's surprise
They dance and sing wildly
In a fairy tale...
("The Bremen Town Musicians".)
Cast: Well, what did you find?
-Together: -Finally, found.
Ghost: - Okay, you have a good holiday, but it’s time for me to go home.
Carlson: Stay with us at our holiday. GAME music F.B opens the lock.
F.B: Now I want to give you something that has been kept here for so long.
OPEN THE CHEST - the balls flew into the sky!

Today everyone is rejoicing
In the hands of a child
They dance for joy
Different, different,
Blue - red,
Yellow – green
- I give you children summer.
(Summer coming out)
Summer: Hello my friends!
I'm so glad to meet you,
You have grown up, you have become big,
Tell me, did you recognize me?
I'm made of heat
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
I invite you to swim
And you all love me for it
So tell me who am I?
(Children answer “SUMMER”)
It's great that summer has come! The holidays have already begun! And I came to visit you to congratulate you on this wonderful event! I suggest you play the shouting game “HOW LUCKY WE ARE!”
- Guys, now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then say in unison “How lucky we are!”
Long-awaited summer
Fun and hot!
Children: How lucky we are!
Textbooks are abandoned!
Good days have come!
Children: How lucky we are!
Birds are singing everywhere,
Butterflies are flying around!
Children: How lucky we are!
In the summer we can swim,
Roll on the grass and sand!
Children: How lucky we are!
For mushrooms in walk in the forest,
Carry berries in baskets!
Children: How lucky we are!
You can wait until September
To get ready for school!
Children: How lucky we are!

Summer: Dear friends, here it is for you long-awaited holiday sunshine, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, holiday! And the most important thing is peaceful sky above us!
Ved.: - We want children not to know the terrible horrors of a terrible war.
Only the world is not calm yet. Somewhere children are not sleeping in a crib.
And deprived of food and shelter, they look into the menacing sky, crying.
We never went to kindergarten and never learned to read or write.
We want children to never have to go hungry from now on.
We are for a peaceful, kind sky, we are for a childhood without adult problems!
Pupil. Thank you, adults! Thanks to those who are close to us! Thanks to you, we sing cheerfully, dance fervently, draw, achieve high results in educational, labor and creative activity. Thank you!!!

Song "Childhood Holiday"

Carlson: The fun day is over. It always turns out this way:
As soon as you play out, it’s time to go home!
F. Bock: Is it time to be sad? Only the first day ends
Summer will bring you a hundred thousand joys!
Cast: Congratulations to everyone on the holiday, on the beginning of summer, on the start of school holidays!
Ved: Now take the crayons
And draw, write on the asphalt,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings include:
Happiness, sun, friendship.
