Saved apple honey nut what date. How to attend church on the Day of the Savior of Apples

The First Spas is associated with the beginning of honey collection, which is why it is called Honey. This day is considered not only an Orthodox holiday, but also the day of beekeepers. According to legend, on this day the bees no longer bring honey to the hives, therefore it is allowed to begin collecting honey from the honeycombs. In connection with the holiday, various fairs are held and honey markets are opened. Let's consider when the Honey Savior is in 2016, what date, as well as the main traditions of this fun and sweet holiday.

Date of the Honey Savior in 2016

Honey Spas is celebrated on August 14th. The date of this holiday does not change every year. This year the date of the holiday fell on Sunday, so big cities fairs will be held in small villages, festivities and other events dedicated to this day. On this day, the Assumption Fast begins, which will last two weeks.

Surely, many people have thought at least once in their lives: “Why is Honey Spas called that?” The first Savior is called Honey or Maccabee, as it is associated with the beginning of the collection of honey and poppy seeds. Honey Spas is also called Gourmand, because many honey-based treats are prepared to celebrate this day.

It is believed that it is necessary to taste honey from a new harvest for the first time at Honey Spas. The moment you taste the first spoonful of a new harvest of honey, you need to make a wish. It is believed that if you dream with all your heart about what you wished for, then your wish will definitely come true.

The main dish on the holiday table should also be honey. On the eve of the holiday, honey should be blessed in the church. On this day, the product is credited with almost magical properties. It is believed that it can cure serious illnesses, rejuvenate a person and even help women conceive a child. In addition to consecrating honey, it is recommended to consecrate wells and other bodies of water.

After visiting the church, people organize festivities. However, Honey Spas is also the beginning of Lent. Therefore, celebrations should not be too fun, but strong alcohol they are prohibited. Instead, kvass is most often used.

Before the holiday, housewives prepared delicious and aromatic dishes. Each of them must be based on honey. Various buns and other pastries, sweet cereals and honey and fruits were popular on this day.

Not only honey is collected at Honey Spas, but also poppy seeds. Also, a traditional symbol of the holiday is a healing bouquet, which must be collected in advance and blessed in the church. It should include poppy heads, calendula and other aromatic plants. After consecration, the bouquet must be kept in the house until spring. It is believed that it protects the house from sorrows, and people from diseases and troubles. With the first rays of the spring sun, this bouquet is taken outside to scatter the poppies into the beds. Young girls weave dried flowers into their hair. This ritual helps make hair stronger and thicker, and the harvest richer.

After the consecration, honey is served to orphans, the poor and the needy. It is also customary to provide assistance to them on this day. It is believed that this helps bring happiness and joy into the home.

In Honey Spas it is customary to swim in rivers and lakes, as well as to bathe livestock in them. All water on this day is sacred, so it helps to cleanse the body and soul of sins and vices.

Honey Spas 2016 is approaching. What date and main traditions of this holiday we examined. But don’t forget that on this day it is important to get together with the whole family and go to church together.

The generous month of August gives us warm days and an abundant harvest; he is also rich in Orthodox holidays. Three Spas - Honey, Apple and Nut - are celebrated from August 14 to 29. It is very simple to determine when which Savior is in 2016 - these holidays are celebrated every year on the same days and on church calendar are called non-transient. Each Savior has its own history and traditions, but they are all connected with the Savior Jesus Christ and correlate with his deeds.

Honey (First) Spas: history, traditions

All Orthodox Christians know when the Honey Savior will be celebrated, because on this day the strictest Assumption Fast begins. Day 14 (1) August has many names: First Saved, Bee Festival, Makovey, Medolom, Lakomka, Spas on the Water, Wet Spas. For a long time, on this day, the collection of honey began, wells and other bodies of water were cleansed and blessed, and the water contained in them, according to legend, acquired healing powers. Popular etymology has identified the generic name of the Christian martyrs the Maccabees, whose memorial day falls on August 14, with the poppy that ripens by this time. This is how the tradition of cooking Lenten pies, gingerbreads, buns, pancakes with honey and poppy seeds appeared on this day. The baked goods are blessed in the church. It is also customary to bless flowers on Makovei, otherwise property and health will not prosper.

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates on this day the holiday of the Destruction of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's. Since ancient times, a relic kept in Constantinople - pieces of the Cross on which the Savior was executed - was carried through the streets of the city on hot August days to sanctify them and prevent illness. Thus a holiday was established honoring this custom.

In Honey Spas it is not customary to have fun, you cannot eat eggs, meat, dairy - the Assumption Fast, although short, is very strict. On the First Spas, women are forgiven all their unforgivable sins.

On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
From the First Savior the dew is good.
On the First Savior the deer wet its hoof (the water is cold).

Apple Spas: history and traditions

Apple Spas (Spas on the Mountain) is dedicated to Christian holiday Transfiguration of the Lord. Celebrated on August 19 (6). The Second Savior replaced the celebration of the first apple harvest. The pagans believed that apples collected on these days had life-giving powers and filled the body with health and beauty. Christian church filled old tradition a different meaning, giving it unprecedented spiritual power. 40 days before the crucifixion, Jesus Christ and his disciples climbed Mount Tabor, where the future Savior appeared to his followers in the radiance of heavenly light. So the disciples of Christ revealed his divine essence, and the God-man himself learned about his destiny, and on what date martyrdom awaits him. Jesus forbade his disciples to talk about what they saw, and after descending from the mountain, he commanded people to gather apples so that God the Father could sanctify them.

Traditionally early in the morning Yablochnogo Savior Baskets with apples, grapes and other fruits, berries and grains of the first harvest are brought to the church. It is advisable that the fruits be fresh, just picked. Lenten dishes are prepared from consecrated fruits and berries:

  • pies and rolls with fruit filling;
  • preserves, jams;
  • compotes;
  • dried fruits and berries;
  • apples baked with honey;
  • soaked apples.

The main fruit is, of course, the apple. Apples were distributed to the poor, friends and relatives, taken to the cemetery - primarily to the graves of deceased children, and only then eaten themselves. There is a belief that the first apple eaten gives a person health and wards off sorrows and misfortunes. Before the Apple Savior, eating apples was prohibited; other fruits were prohibited.

Another name for Apple Spas is the First Autumn. From this day the onset of autumn begins - the days become shorter and shorter, the nights become cooler. Nature itself is being transformed. This was celebrated on the evening of Apple Savior, when young people, looking at the sunset, said goodbye to the sun with songs.

Apple Spas is the second, but the main Spas. On this day the ground was consecrated new harvest, preparing it for the start of sowing.

Well-being in the future depends on the rites and rituals performed at Apple Spas; the foundations of the coming harvest are laid. Apples harvested these days magically protect the house, preserve youth and health, and bring love.

The Apple Savior has come and summer has left us.
The Second Savior has arrived - take mittens in reserve.
What is the day on the Second Savior, such is the Intercession.
Before the Second Savior they do not eat any fruits except cucumbers
When you eat the first apple, “what is far-fetched will come true, what will come true will not pass away.”
Whoever wants (to fly away), and the crane to the Savior.
On the Second Spas even a beggar will eat an apple.

Nut (Bread) Spas: history and traditions

The last, third Spas, is called Orekhovoy. It comes the day after the end of the Dormition Fast - August 29 (16). Ending a fast allows you to celebrate Nut Spas more riotous and fun than the previous two.

The Nut Spas also has several names, the most significant of which are Nut, Khlebny and Canvas (Spas on Canvas). Nut - because it was believed that they ripen by this day hazelnuts. Bread - because bread was baked from the grains collected this year, and the Canvas Savior is associated with Jesus Christ, with the legend of the Image Not Made by Hands. This legend tells of the miraculous discovery of an image of the face of Christ on canvas, which later became the prototype of all icons. In Rus' these days, trade in homespun canvases began at fairs.

On Orekhovy Spas, hazelnuts and bread from grains of the new harvest are blessed, and winter rye begins to be sown. On this day, the last cranes and swallows fly away to warmer lands.

Dishes at Nut Spas are tasty and nutritious:

  • all kinds of baked goods;
  • dishes with nuts and honey;
  • honey, nut sweets;
  • tinctures on nuts.

The festive table should be rich and varied, you should try all the dishes, and then next year will be joyful and fat.

The Third Savior saved bread.
The Third Savior is good - there will be kvass in winter.
The harvest for nuts is the harvest of bread for next year.
There is no harvest for nuts two years in a row.
First Spas - standing on the water; second Spas - eating apples; The third Spas - they sell canvases on the green mountains.

Photo: Symbols of the three Saviors and favorite summer treats: honey, nuts and apples (

August celebrates three important church holiday in honor of the Savior. When and how to celebrate Spas 2016, as well as the main features of the holidays in the material Styler

“What date did 2016 save: apple, honey and nut saved, how to celebrate and what is the history of the holiday?” – read the answers to all these questions in our article dedicated to the three August holidays.

Sweet Spas 2016: what date to celebrate

The Orthodox holiday of the Savior 2016 is traditionally celebrated by the church in honor of the Great Savior - Jesus Christ in August. Last month Summer is rich in delicious gifts of nature and the symbols of the holiday are such delicacies as honey, apples, and nuts. In the old days, there was a strict ban on consuming these products before the holiday. The taboo was lifted gradually - with the onset of each of the three Spas.

Photo: Spasy in 2016 - time to enjoy the taste of ripe berries, honey and nuts (

It’s not difficult to find out when which Spas will be in 2016. Like our ancestors, we will celebrate Honey Spas 2016 on August 14, Apple Spas 2016 will come on August 19, Nut Spas 2016 is celebrated at the very end of summer - August 29.

Honey Spas 2016 – what date does honey become healing?

Honey, Wet Spas or Makovey 2016 is celebrated on August 14. It is believed that after this day the pumping of honey ends. The honey collected at Spas has always been attributed special medicinal properties. It must be consumed after consecration in church.

When is the Honey Savior in 2016, it is useful to know for those who are planning to fast. It is on August 14 that the Assumption Fast begins, so meat and fish dishes are prohibited for the holiday. But you can pamper your loved ones with baked goods with poppy seeds, because the second name of Spas is Makovei.

Photo: Festive treat for First Spas 2016 - poppy seed rolls (

Along with honey, on August 14, poppy heads are blessed in the church, and rolls and buns with poppy seeds are prepared. After church, poppy seeds can be placed in the corners of the room to protect the house from negative energy.

The third name of Honey Spas is Wet. What date Honey saved in 2016, as in ancient times, you can guess by the water in rivers and lakes. People believed that after August 14, the water begins to bloom and becomes cold. In First Spas there is a tradition of blessing water, and even dew is credited with healing properties.

Apple Spas 2016 - what date do they say goodbye to summer?

The Second Savior is the apple holiday, celebrated annually on August 19th. From this day you can start eating apples. Our ancestors believed that an apple eaten on Spas Day would definitely bring good luck. And if you make a wish on a holiday by biting off the last piece of ripe fruit, it will certainly come true.

On the day of the Apple Savior in 2016, the church also celebrates the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and on folk calendar On August 19 we celebrate farewell to summer. At sunset, you need to go outside, thank nature for its gifts and ask for prosperity for the whole next year.

Nut Spas in 2016 - what date do they bake loaves and tell their wishes?

Nut Spas 2016 is celebrated at the very end of summer. By this time, the nuts ripen, on the holiday they are blessed in the church, and after that they are eaten and distributed as gifts to family and friends.

You can cast a spell on nuts on holiday. To do this, you need to make a wish and crack the first nut that comes to hand. If it is ripe inside, your plans will definitely come true.

Photo: Nut Spas - what date are nuts blessed in 2016 (

On August 29, when the Savior of Nuts in 2016, the Dormition is celebrated Holy Mother of God, in honor of this, a solemn liturgy is held in churches.

The Third Savior is also called the Bread Savior. By this day, the villages finished harvesting grain in the fields and baked the first bread from newly ground flour. The loaf baked for the Savior was blessed and eaten at the festive table. A crust of bread was wrapped in a piece of linen and placed behind the icon for prosperity and protection from hunger.

Savings in 2016 (honey, apple, nut) will come very soon. This is a great excuse to enjoy some goodies. In addition, it is believed that on these holidays special energy is concentrated in the gifts of nature, and they will bring a charge of vigor and health for the whole year.

In August, three important church holidays are celebrated in honor of the Savior. When and how to celebrate Spas 2016 and what are the main features of the holidays?

Sweet Spas 2016: what date to celebrate

The Orthodox holiday of the Savior 2016 is traditionally celebrated by the church in honor of the Great Savior - Jesus Christ in August. The last month of summer is rich in delicious gifts of nature and the symbols of the holiday are such delicacies as honey, apples, and nuts. In the old days, there was a strict ban on consuming these products before the holiday. The taboo was lifted gradually - with the onset of each of the three Spas.

It’s not difficult to find out when which Spas will be in 2016. Like our ancestors, we will celebrate Honey Spas 2016 on August 14, Apple Spas 2016 will come on August 19, Nut Spas 2016 is celebrated at the very end of summer - August 29.

Honey Spas 2016 – what date does honey become healing?

Honey, Wet Spas or Makovey 2016 is celebrated on August 14. It is believed that after this day the pumping of honey ends. Special medicinal properties have always been attributed to the honey collected at Spas. It must be consumed after consecration in church.

When is the Honey Savior in 2016, it is useful to know for those who are planning to fast. It is on August 14 that the Assumption Fast begins, so meat and fish dishes are prohibited for the holiday. But you can pamper your loved ones with baked goods with poppy seeds, because the second name of Spas is Makovei.

Along with honey, on August 14, poppy heads are blessed in the church, and rolls and buns with poppy seeds are prepared. After church, poppy seeds can be placed in the corners of the room to protect the house from negative energy.

The third name of Honey Spas is Wet. What date Honey saved in 2016, as in ancient times, can be guessed by the water in rivers and lakes. People believed that after August 14, the water begins to bloom and becomes cold. In First Spas there is a tradition of blessing water, and even dew is credited with healing properties.

Apple Spas 2016 - what date do they say goodbye to summer?

The Second Savior is the apple holiday, celebrated annually on August 19th. From this day you can start eating apples. Our ancestors believed that an apple eaten on Spas Day would definitely bring good luck. And if you make a wish on a holiday by biting off the last piece of ripe fruit, it will certainly come true.

On the day of the Apple Savior in 2016, the church also celebrates the great feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and in the folk calendar on August 19 they celebrate farewell to summer. At sunset, you need to go outside, thank nature for its gifts and ask for prosperity for the whole next year.

Nut Spas in 2016 - what date do they bake loaves and tell their wishes?

Nut Spas 2016 is celebrated at the very end of summer. By this time, the nuts ripen, on the holiday they are blessed in the church, and after that they are eaten and distributed as gifts to family and friends.

You can cast a spell on nuts on holiday. To do this, you need to make a wish and crack the first nut that comes to hand. If it is ripe inside, your plans will definitely come true.

On August 29, when the Walnut Savior in 2016, the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated, in honor of this a solemn liturgy is held in churches.

The Third Savior is also called the Bread Savior. By this day, the villages finished harvesting grain in the fields and baked the first bread from newly ground flour. The loaf baked for the Savior was blessed and eaten at the festive table. A crust of bread was wrapped in a piece of linen and placed behind the icon for prosperity and protection from hunger.

Savings in 2016 (honey, apple, nut) will come very soon. This is a great excuse to enjoy some goodies. In addition, it is believed that on these holidays special energy is concentrated in the gifts of nature, and they will bring a charge of vigor and health for the whole year.


The date of the nut Savior 2016 is known to all Orthodox Christians, because on this day the Assumption Fast also ends. The history of the third Savior, traditions and signs of the holiday can be found out by reading this publication.

What date is Nut Spas 2016: history, traditions and signs of the holiday. Nut Savior is the third Savior that Christians celebrate. Before this, the Honey and Apple Spas had already passed. The holiday got its name after the head of the city of Edessa, Abgar, was cured of leprosy, receiving as a gift a canvas depicting Jesus Christ. He sent his artist Ananias to the Savior with a request for healing. The artist tried to depict the features of Jesus, but he failed. Then the Savior washed and dried himself with a towel, and his face remained on the cloth. This towel was taken to Edessa and protected him from sorrows and illnesses. The Savior on Canvas is the time for the sale and consecration of canvases and paintings, in addition to the Nut Savior, it is called the Canvas Savior, the Small Savior, the Bread Savior.

What date is Nut Spas 2016: history, traditions and signs of the holiday. Nut Spas is celebrated on August 29 and ends the strict Dormition Fast. From that day on, it was allowed to collect nuts in the forest and make bread from the flour of the new harvest. On this day you also need to purchase canvas. Bread and nuts were brought to the church for consecration, and then they became the main products festive table. On the day of the Nut Savior, housewives baked bread from flour of the new harvest, adding nuts to the dough. The woman had to get up at dawn, pour as many handfuls of flour as there are members in her family and say: “Flour-flour, you are strong, give strength and goodness to all your relatives.” The housewife gave the first baked loaf to her husband, accompanying him to work in the field. Then everyone in the family ate a piece of fresh bread, topping it with honey.

What date is Nut Spas 2016: history, traditions and signs of the holiday. On this day, relatives and friends were invited to the house, setting a rich table. Since the fast had already ended, meat and fish dishes were prepared. They also made sure to prepare dishes with nuts, apples, honey, as well as pies with mushrooms. On this day, healers prepared a medicinal tincture on the membranes of walnuts. Walnut twigs collected on this day were used to make brooms for the bathhouse. They were considered healing. On the nut Spas most senior woman in the house, using a walnut rod dipped in well water, she blessed all the corners of the house. There was a sign for unmarried girls. The mother of a girl of marriageable age went around nine happy houses and asked for a nut. Then the girl had to eat these nuts. It was believed that after this she soon will find a husband and will live happily.

What date is Nut Spas 2016: history, traditions and signs of the holiday. On this day infertile couples could ask the hazel tree for a baby. On the eve of the Walnut Savior, a husband and wife went to a hazel tree, hugged it and asked for the same harvest as his. Then they had to collect as many nuts as they lived together and put them under the bed. In the morning, the woman carried nuts to the church for blessing. Since ancient times, it was believed that a child born on Orekhovy Spas would be strong and strong. The grandmothers made him a talisman from three nuts strung on a red thread. The talisman was hung over the crib, and when the baby was one year old, it was hidden, only being taken out when the child was sick.
