What to give a man for Airborne Forces Day. Airborne Troops Day is celebrated at the beginning of the last month of summer

Do-it-yourself gift for the Day of the Airborne Troops. Master class with step by step photos

Master class on making a gift for the Day of the Airborne Troops with your own hands.

Author: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region.
Description: work can be done with children of primary school age. The material can be useful for teachers of additional education, teachers, all who are proud of the history of their Fatherland and honor the memory of the heroes of the wars.
Purpose: the work will be a wonderful gift for the holiday of the Airborne Forces, as well as decorate the interior of the festive event on this day.
Target: creating a gift for the day of the airborne troops.
- to teach children how to create a gift from fiberboard material with subsequent painting of the product;
- improve skills in gouache technique;
-expand the horizons of children about the branches of the armed forces, introduce them to the history of the airborne troops. To instill in children a sense of pride in their people, valor, courage and honor!

I wish us, brothers, on this day
Let the weather please us today
After all, we are in berets, the colors of the sky, sideways,
On the day of the Airborne Forces of the next year.
To all officers and to privates,
So that the last exit will never be the last,
So that it's just as fun in blue berets
We all met year after year August summer.
To raise the third toast less often,
Not forgetting to raise a glass for the fifth,
And so that our wives do not burn the bridge behind us,
And let all those who are waiting back wait for us.

I also want to wish us, brothers,
An open dome above their heads,
And never catch a random bullet,
And do not tell how the son died, with his mother.
Let there be clean armor under us,
May we be lucky with the commander and the soldier,
And if you have to die in battle, guys,
Something worthy and, of course, not in vain.
I congratulate all who serve, retired,
Zapasnikov, who is alive and well and crippled,
I congratulate everyone, both the fallen and the living,
Paratrooper - a title that lasts forever.
To never ask us for anything
Also, as was once asked:
To have the opportunity to serve our Motherland,
After all, we are soldiers of our Motherland - Russia.
Let the landing be soft always
And so that they don't betray us up there,
To fly another star on the shoulder strap
And they did not order to shoot at their people.
I congratulate all who serve, retired,
Zapasnikov, who is alive and well and crippled,
I congratulate everyone, both the fallen and the living,
Paratrooper - a title that lasts forever.
I congratulate all the brothers on this day,
After all, what is the weather for us?
After all, we are in berets of the color of the sky, sideways,
On the day of the Airborne Forces of the next year ...
Ismailov Vladislav 1996

Hello dear guests! What date is the holiday of Elijah, perhaps everyone knows. Prophet Elijah is highly revered by both Christianity and other world religions - Judaism and Islam.
On August 2, everyone celebrates Ilyin's Day or the Day of the Prophet Elijah, he belongs to the most popular saints, along with Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the Slavic folk tradition, he is the lord of thunder, heavenly fire, rain, the patron of the harvest and fertility. Ilya is a “terrible saint” On the day of Elijah, all the evil spirits, fleeing from the fiery arrows of the saint, turn into various animals - hares, foxes, wolves, cats, dogs It was believed that on the night of Ilya there is a “sparrow” or “rowan” night, when lightning flashes all night and deafening peals of thunder are heard, and frightened birds rush about and stumble upon various objects. However, despite his severity, this revered Saint is always generous to the righteous. It is he who carefully monitors the fulfillment by people of human and divine laws. The first church built in Russia was dedicated to Saint Elijah.
Prophet Elijah, one of the most "strict prophets". His prayers, according to Holy Scripture, brought people back to life. For great righteousness and devotion to God, Elijah was taken alive to Heaven, but, according to legend, he should be the Forerunner of the Second Coming of Jesus.
The Slavs consider Ilya the lord of rain and thunder, turn prayers to him during a drought, and also pray to him for harvest and fertility. On Ilyin's day it was not allowed to work, especially in the field. It was customary to bake the first bread from the flour of the new crop and to make religious processions.

The Old Testament prophet Elijah is considered the heavenly patron of the Russian Airborne Forces. The Airborne Forces is a highly mobile branch of the Russian Armed Forces, designed to cover the enemy by air and conduct combat operations in his rear.
Celebrations dedicated to the day of memory of the prophet Elijah and the Day of the Airborne Forces are held with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. The holiday "Ilyin's Day - Airborne Forces Day" is traditionally held on August 2 on Red Square and Ilyinka Street. It combines the patronal feast of the Church of the Prophet Elijah, the Day of the Airborne Troops of Russia.

Airborne Forces (VDV) - "winged infantry", "blue berets" - an honorary nickname, many soldiers would like to wear it. But this is not available to everyone - harsh selection and intense training make the airborne troops special, paratrooper units are still relevant, despite the fact that the war has long ended. Always, at all times and under any circumstances, invariably remained for the concept of strength, courage and reliability, people living by the principle: "NOBODY BUT US!".
For the first time, the concept of "landing" arose in 1930 - on July 2, 12 people were landed on exercises over Voronezh to complete a training task. Apparently, they coped with it very well, because at the beginning of 1933, 4 special-purpose aviation battalions were formed. And the second of August entered the history of three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - as a professional Day of the Airborne Forces (VDV). From the first day of its existence, these are "forefront" troops capable of performing any task, no matter how impossible it would be considered.

"VDV - Troops of Uncle Vasya" - this is how the paratroopers themselves say about themselves, and this phrase contains a readiness to fulfill an order at any time of the day or night, special pride in belonging to the airborne brotherhood and special love and respect for the person who gave the troops all of himself - to the Commander of the Airborne Forces, General of the Army Vasily Filippovich Margelov - a man-legend, paratrooper No. problem solving virtually anywhere in the world.

The military, like representatives of all other professions, have their own distinctive form and attributes in it. One of these elements is the blue beret, which is worn by employees of the airborne troops of Russia and some other states. But, for example, not everyone knows that at first the airborne troops were supposed to wear a crimson beret, the founder of this idea was the artist Zhuk, who is also the author of many books on small arms. But in 1968, at the insistence of the commander of the Airborne Forces, Vasily Filipovich Margelov, blue (sky) berets were introduced in the color of the buttonholes of the landing uniform. War became associated not with red, but with radiant light blue. Such a headdress was more suitable for parachute units and was very liked by the employees themselves.
Of course, a single style of military uniform has always existed, but the blue beret of the Airborne Forces became an official element in the military suit by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense only in 1969 in an order of July 26.

The holiday of the Airborne Forces will be celebrated in many cities of our country, from those who are currently serving to veterans. What makes these people different from everyone else? Courage, courage, valor, reliability, strength - that's what comes to mind when you think about such people. The motto of the airborne troops is "No one but us." It is under this slogan that a festive concert program is held in Moscow near the walls of the Kremlin with the participation of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Airborne Forces, pop artists. The celebrations begin with a prayer service and liturgy in the Church of the Prophet Elijah, the heavenly patron of the Airborne Forces. Then the procession, along with soldiers and officers of the Airborne Forces, follows Ilyinka to the Execution Ground on Red Square. Well, after the main square of the country becomes the venue for the festive march and demonstration performances of the fighters of the airborne troops.

It so happened that an obligatory component of the holiday on August 2 is bathing in the fountains of the heroes of the occasion. The question of where this tradition came from is of interest to many people who watch the fun of blue berets.
So, on July 31, 2013, the paratroopers were officially allowed to observe unspoken traditions, namely: to swim in fountains and break bottles on the heads of their comrades. “Bathing in fountains is not a crime. This is not an end in itself - to swim and beat bottles on the head, this is a purely symbolic event, and, in my opinion, it does not entail any consequences, ”commented Lieutenant General Ignatov, Chief of Staff of the Airborne Forces, on the unspoken tradition.
There are various versions about the history of the emergence of these unspoken traditions, here are a few examples:
- In the water, the paratroopers see the reflection of the sky and just want to be closer to it. Hence the love for water.
- As they say in the circle of paratroopers, “we served in hot spots, there was no water there ... If there is a tradition, then it cannot be violated. We had to fight - we fought. It was necessary to go to the sky, which means - to the sky. We had to jump - we jumped. We need to swim - we will swim.
-2 August - Ilyin's day. In Russia, it was believed that this is the last summer day when you can swim in the reservoirs. Here paratroopers also use the last chance.

To understand the secret of the airborne brotherhood, you need to experience the difficult, often deadly service in the "winged infantry", with its invariable sorrows and joys, the hardships of military training and incomparable moments of flight under a parachute canopy. Combat airborne brotherhood is a sense of elbow in the general ranks, a readiness to always come to the rescue, to cover a comrade from a bullet, clinging to the lines, to hold the extinguished dome of a friend - a paratrooper. The airborne brotherhood is an incomparable feeling of unity among paratroopers of all generations, from gray-haired warriors - front-line soldiers to beardless boys who have just made their first parachute jump.

According to its combat mission, meaning and traditions, the Airborne Forces are always where it is difficult, almost impossible. Over the entire history of its existence, the Airborne Forces have written many bright pages of courage, valor and honor in the book of military history of the Fatherland Army. Millions and millions of citizens of the country went through the harsh school of paratrooper service. After all, it is not in vain that they sing: "There are landing troops, and there are no impossible tasks ...". Great Patriotic War, Mountain paths of the Afghan war, "hot spots", "peacekeeping operations". Our country has experienced many wars, but one of the most terrible, stupid and bloody was the Chechen one ... You can talk a lot about this terrible war, the opinions are the most contradictory ..... but today is not about that ...
Russian people are a unique people ..... they are capable of a lot, and at all times and wars, there were heroes among us! People who gave their lives, health, for a just cause, for saving other lives .... real heroes!

To create a gift you will need materials and tools:
- hardboard sheet
-A3 sheet of paper (for stencil)
- wood saw, scissors
- water-based paint
- brushes, simple pencil, eraser
- a glass for water, a cloth for brushes
- universal acrylic lacquer

Master class course:

We start work with a sketch of a drawing, come up with a composition.

On paper, draw the silhouettes of cats and cut them out with scissors along the contour.

We transfer the drawing to the fiberboard, apply a paper stencil to the base and circle it with a pencil, paint on the letters and cut out the silhouette. If there is no hacksaw, you can use a regular knife.

Next, cover the product with a layer of water-based paint and let dry.

To simplify the next work, we need to cut the paper stencil along the lines connecting the bodies of the seals. Then circle their contours on a blank painted with white.

We start working with white and black gouache, making strokes on the cat's face. The paint is mixed and different shades of gray are obtained. On wet paint, we introduce smears of orange.

The cat will be red.

The cat will be gray, draw with strokes of white and black. The brush is not mine creating shades of gray.

We decorate the bottom of the torso of our couple. We draw with strokes, as if drawing hairs.

It's time for vests, draw blue stripes and decorate the beret. White draw the silhouettes of the eyes.

Each of us associates a paratrooper with a man of tremendous willpower, hardening, sports training. What to give to a paratrooper is a question to which you can find a lot of answers, and each example should be associated with the masculinity of the hero of the occasion, because there are simply no other paratroopers.

Extreme adventure as a gift

When thinking about what to give a paratrooper, present him with a certificate for several parachute jumps, or a gift bag for several extreme adventures as a gift. In the latter case, the hero of the occasion will choose for himself the adventure that he wants to experience for himself. As a rule, the recipient can activate such a present at the most convenient time for himself. Paratroopers are extraordinary people living with high adrenaline in their blood. Therefore, such a present will be received with delight by them. If you don’t surprise your friend with skydiving, present him with a ticket to such a popular and fashionable attraction today as zorbing. The sensations will be similar, and the surroundings are much more original than the usual clouds and the horizon line that goes into the distance.

An essential accessory for every paratrooper

Unusual accessories are good options for what to give a paratrooper. I must say that there are no former paratroopers, and even if the hero of the occasion was a paratrooper during the period of army service, and quite a lot of time has passed since then, the memories of the years spent, as well as one’s own belonging to the paratroopers, will remain with a person forever. In this regard, a vest or a military sapper shovel can be the best present. These attributes are familiar to every paratrooper, so the joy of receiving such a present will be truly genuine. In addition, both can be used in civilian life. A vest can be perfectly worn (most importantly, guess with the size), and a sapper shovel can be used while relaxing in nature. By the way, those who prefer to camp with a tent or have picnics with barbecue can be presented with a unique gift skewers or a great picnic set. Good accessories will also be a camping flask, all kinds of folding knives or a high-quality leather belt made of rough leather.

gift award

Another original example of what to give a paratrooper is a reward as a gift. Since these people are inherently real men, a suitable gift in this category would be the Order of the "Real Man", "For Courage at Work" or the Order of the "Best Military". You can pick up any other award and make a unique inscription on it, which will reflect all the originality and integrity of the nature of a real paratrooper.

Choose original gifts for someone who is directly related to the landing troops, but remember that you are giving a present to a strong and courageous person.

Probably everyone is wondering what date is the day of the Airborne Forces in 2018? And this holiday is traditionally celebrated on August 2. What is the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning the day of the Airborne Forces? Of course, swimming in the fountain, daring paratroopers in demonstrations, airborne flags flying over cars. If one of the men in your family served in these troops, then you definitely need to congratulate him at least verbally on this event. And if the budget allows, then the gift will be appropriate, especially if it is designed in the style of a holiday.

What would be a nice gift

The paratroopers are accustomed to steadfastly endure the hardships and hardships not only of military service, but also of civilian life. Therefore, first of all, the attention and love of friends and loved ones will become pleasant. For them, this day is an occasion to remember the fallen comrades. The main paraphernalia of the holiday - flags of the Airborne Forces, blue berets, vests - will always be in demand. Also a gift with an engraved landing slogan "No one but us!" will also be an expensive gift. After reading this publication, you will be able to pick up a gift for Airborne Forces Day that will please a man. Here are some ideas.

budget gifts.

Any gift symbolizes, first of all, attention to the donee. It is very difficult to surprise the brave military men who risked their lives in hot spots, jumped with a parachute with a bang, it remains only to please with a pleasant gift. For example, a T-shirt with the aforementioned slogan of the Airborne Forces, or with a toast “For the Airborne Forces!”, Will cost you 300 rubles in the cost of a T-shirt, plus the cost of an inscription or drawing - another 350 rubles.

A camping flask is also a necessary thing for a man, it will come in handy on a hike, fishing or hunting, and it will also remind you of relatives and friends who are always waiting for their warriors.

A soldier's belt, on the buckle of which you can engrave the symbols of the Airborne Forces, as well as the slogans of these elite troops.

Portrait to order - now you can easily order a portrait from a photograph. Give the artist a photo in uniform and he will fit the soldier into a combat situation. The gift must be very impressive. As a rule, artists take about 500 rubles.

A comic paratrooper's certificate with prescribed benefits in the form of access to the fountain without a queue, always a soft landing, always a clear sky will amuse and amuse any paratrooper.

A flash drive is always a necessary gift, especially with the appropriate symbols.

Unusual gifts.

If you want to pick up a gift for a guy on Airborne Forces Day, then you should read this article. Say what you like, but these troops are elite, where they take only the most healthy, hardy and trained guys. Some directly dream of getting there and have been preparing for years. And to make this preparation more effective and the dream come true, you can help with this by giving, for example, a boxing set - a pear and gloves.

Flying in a wind tunnel simulates a free fall, just like skydiving. To remember the former service with jumps, just such a flight will help. And landing there is guaranteed soft and safe.

And you can give a certificate for a real parachute jump!

Fireworks - it will cost from 2 to 10 thousand rubles, but it will leave unforgettable impressions and memories for the whole year!

Paratroopers, as a rule, even today participate in real military conflicts, and even more so, they are very reverent about the exploits of the Second World War. Organize a trip for him to the battlefields of glory of the Great Patriotic War, for sure he will accept such a trip with gratitude.

Nominal army watches - inexpensive such watches will cost you 1,500 rubles, but you can then engrave them with warm wishes, or with the slogans of the Airborne Forces.

A gift to your beloved Airborne Forces - Shnik.

Sometimes it’s not easy to make a gift to a man on Airborne Forces Day. For his beloved man - a paratrooper, no gift is a pity for his professional holiday. But sometimes nothing sensible comes to mind in this regard. Here we will help you, give examples of suitable gifts.

Acoustic guitar - guitar songs in your spare time - an integral part of military service. These songs help to remember the home and beloved wives and mothers, so this gift will remind men of the time of service and their comrades-in-arms.

A certificate for playing paintball is a popular entertainment now, and for professional soldiers it is like an analogue of a children's war game, a fun game, and at the same time an opportunity to remember army skills and spend time with great benefit in the company of their comrades. An hour of such a game costs 900 rubles.

Award figurine with the appropriate engraving, for example, "Our main defender." Together with engraving will cost about 1000 rubles.

A game console - sometimes you just need to relax and then you can have fun playing in tanks, for example. Also a kind of recollection of military service.

Jewelry - a pendant, a gold chain as a gift will emphasize the status of the owner and become a pleasant gift and memory of a loved one.

Name badge - engraved with the name - surname, blood type and type of troops. Depending on the material, it will cost from 600 rubles, but your hero will definitely like it.

Homemade gifts for August 2

Here we bring you original gifts for the Airborne Forces Day. But on this day you can give not only purchased gifts, but also homemade ones. In gifts with your own hands, a part of your body and soul is invested, everyone knows about this, the more severe warriors - Airborne Forces will appreciate it. And here's what you can create with your own hands.

Cake. And thematic. Maybe in the form of a blue beret, or maybe a parachute against the blue sky. Do not forget about the inscription in the form of a landing slogan.

Do-it-yourself thematic greeting card - You can do this with your children, you get a family greeting. There may also be wooden versions of the postcard with wishes burned on the pages with a burner. It will turn out to be very brutal.

Exclusive hand-painted mug - mugs without a picture are now sold, take one and paint it from the heart with VDV emblems and symbols, you can write wishes on the other side. Your man will use such a mug with special pleasure.

Children's poster - you can connect your children, ask dad / grandfather / uncle / brother to draw a picture on the theme of the Airborne Forces, you can paste a photo there, you get a fun collage. Such a gift will definitely be remembered for a long time!

By the same principle, you can make a thematic album. If you have a lot of army photos, you can easily make a beautiful and original album, with photographs and drawings, funny inscriptions.

Slide show or video. Every year you can add new videos or photo pages there, and you can easily make such a gift on a laptop or computer.

Summing up

Using our recommendations, you will be able to choose a good gift for a paratrooper on the day of the airborne forces. Regardless of whether you bought a gift or made it yourself, it should symbolize your love and care, as well as emphasize the masculinity, health and prowess of your man, but if there is also a share of healthy humor in it, then it will be more pleasant.

And now it’s worth offering congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in beautiful verses.

On a worthy, proud holiday
I'll tell you on occasion:
Happy Airborne Forces Day, paratrooper.
I wish only the best!

More health
And a sea of ​​pleasure
For life to be love
Warmth, abundance.

Takes the colors of the sky.
Even though you're wearing a vest
It's not a secret for friends
That the soul is wide open.

If you suddenly need to fight -
There is no bolder and cooler.
And for those who are with you
There is no better defender.

Happy Airborne Forces Day
Congratulations, paratrooper!
Heaven in blue
Dissolved your holiday.

Calling, burlya,
Let the oceans of love
Happiness lays fields
Fountains of wealth are beating!

And luck flies
Already straightened the dome.
So meet! Let him watch
To find the way to happiness!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, strong, brave, Pride of our vast country! Everywhere - both in battles and in everyday life - you are skilled, With you we have calm dreams. Our warriors, the support of the Fatherland, Let the youth take an example from you! A soldier of the Airborne Forces is a sign of courage, A bow to the ground to you from us and honor!

Today the holiday is celebrated by our beloved troops! Everyone knows about your exploits - Imprinted for centuries! Happy Airborne Forces Day, hero paratrooper, We wish you to keep the “marochka”! In your heart you are a true romantic, Since you can easily fly!

Well, friends, for the Airborne Forces! For the most important! For our strength, our valor, our glory! We'll drink and party until dawn! For elite troops, after all, prohibitions are unwritten! What to wish? I will wish everything is standard: Love and fidelity big, big salary! And so that health does not dare to let you down, And be happy in everything - such a thing!

Every year on August 2, many vacationers in parks or city squares equipped with fountains observe such a picture - bathing men in vests. And everyone immediately remembers the Day of the Airborne Troops. The military who served in the winged infantry are always unusually brave and lively comrades who are proud of their belonging to this type of troops.

They sincerely rejoice at congratulations from close people who do not forget about their professional holiday. And useful or touching gifts can please them. You can give inexpensive things, but with all your heart. The wives and children of the paratroopers can present something made by themselves, as well as bake a delicious pie or cake - any stern infantryman will be happy with such a surprise!

Serious men - solid gifts

First, you should congratulate a friend on his professional day. Present useful devices in everyday life:

  • USB flash drive;
  • external battery for phone charging;
  • survival bracelet;
  • sneakers;
  • leather belt;
  • purse or key holder made of genuine leather.

You can safely give expensive “male” presents to your best friend:

  • cognac or brandy of long-term exposure;
  • quadrocopter;
  • radio-controlled car model;
  • tourist backpack;
  • comfortable urban backpack for a laptop;
  • multitool.

Choose the most practical and beautiful things. If your budget is tight, don't try to choose a spectacular gift, it is better to give something small, but high quality.

Engraved items are a great choice

In order for the present to remind the soldier of you, order an engraving in the workshop. The main thing here is to agree on the timing of the execution of your order so that you do not have to rush to look for another surprise.

You can engrave any inscription, including the classic "For a long memory", "Happy Airborne Forces Day!". Such a present is wonderful if you congratulate the airborne infantryman with a whole company. Engraving should be done on useful household items that a man will carry with him. It can be:

  • cufflinks;
  • flask;
  • silver or gold ring;
  • lighter;
  • cigarette case;
  • key ring;
  • thermos;
  • watch.

If a friend collects something, for example, small figurines of aircraft or ships, then find a rare figurine or model in an antique store and order an engraved plate for it. Any present with memorable words is doubly dear!

Handmade gift from a beloved family

If your beloved spouse served in the airborne brigade, then his day is your day. Don't be lazy to get up early and cook those dishes that he likes. There are many options to please the infantryman without spending too much money:

  1. Order matching T-shirts with "Airborne Forces" or "Airborne Troops" printed in the same color for you, your spouse and children. Dress up in them and congratulate your dear person. Poems about soldiers read by children to their father or uncle will also be a charming present.
  2. You can also make a cake using ready-made cakes, or bake everything yourself. You can decorate a sweet surprise with both cream and mastic, laying out a congratulatory inscription or blinding a skydiver.
  3. Buy a plain pillowcase and embroider it with inspirational words about how proud you are of the airborne infantry. Or embroider the inscription "For the Airborne Forces!" on the shirt.
  4. Children can take part in coloring the T-shirt with acrylic paints, for which you must first make an outline with a pencil. After the paint has completely dried (1-2 days), the T-shirt is washed by hand and ironed through tracing paper or white paper so that the coloring pigments are fixed.
  5. Buy glass and ceramic paint and a white cup from stationery, make a stencil and have the children color it.
  6. If you have photographs of a loved one from the time of his service in the army that are not framed in an album, correct this situation by collecting it and pasting additional pages with congratulations from friends and relatives, as well as postcards from small households.
  7. For those who love to sing but can't find the money to buy a guitar, give this instrument as a gift and ask them to arrange a small concert.

Do not be afraid of a creative and non-standard approach to presentations!

Surprise a representative of the winged infantry

Gifts may not be related to the day of the Airborne Forces, but fit the hobbies of the military: or. If your friend visits the gym, then give him boxing gloves or weightlifting accessories. Present a ball to a football and volleyball lover, and most importantly, get out into nature more often so that gifts do not gather dust in the closet.

Pair jump with a parachute is an unusual gift for a loved one. You will remind him of the days of his service, and you yourself will get an unforgettable experience from the jump!

If you plan to gather several comrades who served together, then arrange with their families and arrange one of the surprises:

  1. A trip to the recreation center in the region by a company of several families. Fishing and outdoor recreation will bring you closer.
  2. A barbecue picnic in the city or not far from it. Most importantly, organize transport for those who will drink alcohol.
  3. Hike to the shooting range - ask a friend to teach you how to shoot.
  4. Paintball is a popular and fun entertainment for a large company.

Remember that no matter what your gifts for Airborne Troops Day are, your attention and care for your loved one, which can be shown every day, will be the most valuable.

17 Aug Author: Q-River

Is your young man, friend or relative a paratrooper? Then the Day of the Airborne Forces for him is a real professional holiday, even if the last time he jumped with a parachute was 15 years ago. The army years for a man are a special memory, for many they changed life, if not dramatically, then quite strongly.

Let, on this day it is not customary to give gifts, your surprise from this will become more significant. The gift must be truly masculine. A good switchblade knife, collectible dagger or other type of edged weapon will give a man great pleasure.

Wristwatches - mechanical or quartz - on a durable high-quality bracelet will also be a good gift. This is a classic piece of men's clothing, relevant at any time.

Real vests - with or without long sleeves - will be the most relevant gift for a paratrooper. In addition to being a fairly fashionable wardrobe item, they are, like berets, the pride of any paratrooper.

For a loved one, you can make a new army album, for this you only need photographs, imagination and the ability to draw. If you ventured to make such a gift, remember that the main thing is to consult with the men who served so that the gift does not turn from a surprise into an annoying factor.
