We ask our spouse a direct question. He confesses his love to you

Sooner or later, many women are faced with the insidious question: “How can you tell if a man loves you?” This question is insidious because its very occurrence is already a bad sign. After all, you should feel the feelings that a man experiences. Although, given how often men are conspirators in terms of hiding feelings, the emergence of this question in the minds of lovely ladies is quite normal. You yourself have probably noticed how skillfully male representatives can hide their emotions. This is how nature works. Women tend to be more emotional creatures, unlike men. Therefore, sometimes, in order to really be convinced of the sincerity of your partner’s feelings, you have to carefully observe his behavior and attitude towards you. In this article, we will try to figure out what behavior is one hundred percent proof of your significant other’s warmest feelings towards you.

First, let's talk about why doubts about the truth of feelings arise in our heads. The fact is that some people often confuse the concept of “love” with the concept of “passion”. After some time, when passion fades into the background, emotions become dull, the question arises: “how can I tell if he really loves me or if this is just an ordinary hobby?” Below are a few points that absolutely prove his love for you.

Don't underestimate women's intuition. It is she who will help you determine how your partner treats you. Only your heart can give the most accurate answer to the question that interests you. Just try to listen to what it wants to tell you.

. One of the signs of his love for you is his willingness to help in solving everyday problems, his caring attitude towards what worries you.

. If he considers it necessary to talk about how his day went, shares his problems, asks for your advice - be sure that everything is in order. This means that you are far from a stranger to him, and it is important for him to hear your opinion regarding this or that situation.

. Observe how he treats your requests (small requests, such as “take out the trash”, “wash the dishes” are better not taken into account). If, after a lot of nagging, he still does what you asked him to do, this is a clear sign that he truly loves you.

. His desire to spend his free time with you is irrefutable proof that he loves you.

. Regular manifestations of his care are also an irrefutable fact of his love for you. When he worries whether you are dressed warmly, is interested in your well-being, tries to improve your day in any way - you can consider yourself a happy woman!

Don't forget that love should be two-sided. And a lot is required of you to maintain this flame. You have the power to improve your relationships. At the same time, with your actions, obsessive questions and doubts, you can ruin everything. Therefore, instead of asking such questions, just enjoy the company of your loved one, give him and yourself positive emotions, love and be loved!

Learn to analyze his behavior and, most importantly, listen to your feminine intuition. Throw away all the petty mistakes of your partner and pay attention to the main thing. Be honest with yourself even if you come to the conclusion that there is no love, be able to leave with dignity, putting an end to your relationship.

We hope this article helped you better understand how a man acts when he really loves, and you are convinced that you are a happy woman!

How to understand that a man really loves you? A psychologist’s opinion on this topic cannot be unambiguous, because all people are different and express their feelings in their own way.

Everyone has special characteristics, as well as circumstances in which the interpretation of certain behavioral changes can be truly twofold. On the other hand, there are certain nuances that answer the common women’s question “or not?”

In contact with

The opinion of psychologists regarding certain emotional states cannot be unambiguous. No self-respecting psychologist would dare to put everyone under the same brush. Psychologists do not consider love to be a banal chemistry or an instinct for procreation. Their opinion agrees that love as such is dictated by both internal impulses and social nuances, but is still based on something instinctive. Roughly speaking, a man loves, and society dictates how to love.

Society, psychologists believe, imposes certain behavioral stereotypes on men. This also applies to expressions of love. Let's say a man is supposed to always be the initiator of relationships. And there is also an opinion that he must definitely give the girl flowers if he loves her. And give some stupid toys, again, if he loves you.

Psychologists are of the opinion that the majority act according to this pattern, even if it is against their nature. This is the initial problem of understanding men's feelings. If socially acceptable ones disgust him, but he forces himself to follow them, it often looks ridiculous and insincere. The result: the man is misunderstood, and the woman intensively asks her friends and psychologists for advice on the topic of the young man’s strange behavior.

How do men love?

Differently. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally about how to understand that a man truly loves.

A woman, unfortunately, is quite often interested in some amorphous external manifestations, which usually turn out to be artificial.

Candy, flowers, compliments and invitations to a restaurant are not signs that a man loves you, this is just the most banal and hackneyed type of courtship.

How can you tell if a man loves you without knowing his individual characteristics? Psychologists are sure that something truly special is happening inside everyone.

  1. There are men who love it loud. They cannot and do not consider it necessary to keep their feelings inside, so they begin to do truly amazing things. If they love you, they talk a lot and do a lot, for example, they can order car covers for your car with your name. As a rule, these are extroverts.
  2. Some men love silently. They keep the feeling somewhere inside them, it inspires them. They don’t need to notify everyone about what they love; it’s enough for them to just feel it. They will always be able to truly understand and listen to you, and they rarely lie when they love you.

These are just examples, individual opinions. Some are jumping around and are in a euphoric state, while others are quietly radiating warmth from within. If you yourself really know a man, you have a better chance of understanding that he still loves you than psychologists from the outside.

How to understand that this is really love for real?

If you wish, you can find thousands of instructions and opinions from psychologists on how to understand that a man loves you. Do they really work? Psychologists identify three categories of interaction between a man and a woman, by which you can try to understand whether he loves.


Psychologists are sure that this is really the most important point, and not chatter and facial expressions. After all, this is logical.

How can you understand that a man loves you and needs you, if not by what he does towards you. What matters is what he does, not what he says or how.

According to psychologists, the following habits will help you understand that a man truly loves:

  • he keeps his word;
  • he helps when there is a need;
  • he doesn't try to limit you;
  • he really tries to understand you;
  • it supports your endeavors and contributes to your further development as a person.

Nonverbal signs

Body language will not answer the question of how to understand whether your husband loves you or not. He may tentatively make it clear that he is interested in you or that he wants to isolate himself. Or about indifference. But these signs will not give you the opportunity to really understand what is in a man’s soul.

The following signs can really indicate his sympathy:

  • dilated pupils;
  • observing you during some general interaction with society (for example, when someone jokes, he subconsciously looks at your reaction);
  • a sincere smile (with “smiling” eyes - “crow’s feet” appear);
  • hands in the waist area (pockets, belt) - in this case we can really talk about specific sexual interest;
  • an attempt to touch (for example, hug, remove a speck).


The conversation itself, the manner of conducting it and, in fact, its content can make it clear that he loves you only indirectly. Like nonverbal cues, communication can indicate that someone is attracted to you rather than that someone really likes you. that love is a serious emotional state, and not a fleeting splash in the form of butterflies in the stomach.

According to psychologists, a man respects you and is really interested in you if:

  • when speaking he is sincere;
  • the conversation he started concerns your general topics;
  • the man is not trying to derail the conversation that concerns you.

How to check that he needs you?

The opinion of psychologists agrees on one thing: if a person needs someone, then he cannot be called truly self-sufficient. Feeling inferior due to the absence of a person nearby is a sign of lack of independence and inability to occupy yourself with anything.

Therefore, think a hundred times about whether you really want your boyfriend to need you. The fact that he loves you does not mean that he urgently needs you and cannot live without you.

On the question of how to understand that a man loves you, which women usually don’t like. Why? Because this is not blaming or analyzing someone else, but taking responsibility for yourself. How to check if a man truly loves you?

No way. Surely - really not at all. Since, of all the people around you, you are really only responsible for yourself, psychologists suggest looking at the root.

Psychologists believe that if you are asking this question, there are two options:

  1. You have low self-esteem, which fuels your doubts about your own attractiveness in the eyes of your chosen one.
  2. Somewhere inside you really understand that your actions, actions, attitude itself, in the end, cannot contribute to love.

If we talk about self-confidence, the opinion of psychologists is clear and at the same time banal: if you start to really take care of yourself for yourself, your sense of self will change a lot. There is no need to do this for the sake of a man, for the sake of the same psychologist or for a page on a social network!

If your goal is to improve one or another of your facets, you will feel like a completely different person.

You will understand that there is no point in comparing yourself with others, as well as trying to be good for everyone. And questions like “How can you tell if a man loves you or not?” you don't even want to type it into the search bar. You won't need it. Psychologists believe that there really won’t be any doubts themselves.

The second option deserves a separate lecture from psychologists. The opinions of psychologists agree that women are often thrown into extremes in relation to the stronger sex.

There is an opinion that there are two radical poles, when a woman is truly convinced that she is right, but at the same time behaves extremely destructively for the relationship.

First pole:

  • entertainers from the category “I am a woman, which means I am a goddess”;
  • ladies who believe that everything is owed to them simply because they exist;
  • hysterics who turn any substance into a scandal.

Second pole:

  • ardent connoisseurs of the division of functions in life according to gender;
  • amorphous amoebas who hid their opinion in the deepest and ugliest chest, and now indulge others (including men) in everything;
  • girls who look at their man in love and really see in him the meaning of their whole life.

Psychologists believe that if you have signs of any of these groups, it’s time to really change something about yourself. If you decide to create a new relationship or develop an old one, everything will most likely go according to the usual scenario, where you will find yourself a misunderstood victim and will again be left with nothing.


If you are wondering how to check whether a man truly loves you, the test will not help. Of course, you can lie that you are pregnant and see his reaction. You can flirt with other men in front of him.

But will this reaction be proof that he loves? And will your behavior towards a man be truly honest? If not, then is it really possible to demand decent treatment from him after this?

The opinion of psychologists is that if you are really curious about his feelings, then the optimal “test” would be a human conversation, where you find out everything for yourself. Just for fun, you can study it here. Perhaps she can help you with something else.

Perhaps he's just using it?

Well, yes, it's quite possible. If you look globally, we all use each other. In most cases, of course, psychologists do not deny sincere altruism.

But! Agree, when someone “sacrifices himself,” doesn’t he expect some kind of reaction from the outside? Psychologists believe that this is pure manipulation, which implies obtaining one’s own benefit.

Think about it: aren’t you using it too? Psychologists advise not to lie, at least to yourself. If the honest answer to yourself is positive, then don’t be surprised if the use turns out to be reciprocal. There is an opinion that people around us really are mirrors of ourselves, remember this.

If you are diligently searching the Internet for materials on how to understand whether your husband loves you or not, then:

  • or there really are some precedents;
  • or you’re just bored, so you decided to create a problem for yourself out of the blue.

The opinion of psychologists regarding the second option is clear: in this case, you must first of all take care of yourself and your development, and not try to look for a catch in your man’s behavior. So let's talk about the first one.

So how do you understand? If you really want to understand your man, there are approximate signs of his potentially materialistic behavior.

  1. He only turns to you when he needs something.
  2. He is not interested in your personal development, and he will demand that you sacrifice something of your own for his sake.
  3. He doesn’t help you unless you ask him about it a hundred times and, in addition, promise something in return.
  4. If you have any problems that really need to be solved, he doesn't have time.

Useful video

The psychology of men in love and relationships is quite contradictory. On the one hand, he wants independence, and on the other, home comfort and attention. The video below should help you understand this a little:


  1. The opinions of psychologists on this topic cannot be characterized in any specific way, because everyone expresses what is inside them in their own way.
  2. Some recommend paying attention to peculiarities in conversation or body language.
  3. But how can you tell if not by his actions? The way he behaves towards you speaks most eloquently about whether he loves you or not.

How to find out if a guy loves you? This question is asked sooner or later by every girl who starts dating a young man. She wants to feel confident in her companion, to feel inspired that the person she likes is nearby. This is a normal desire, dictated by natural impulses. People often cannot control them. In most cases, at this moment the girl herself feels some transformation in her soul; she wants to feel confident in the future. At the same time, any girl wants attention, warmth, care. She craves courtship and gifts. For this reason, she wants to meet a reliable person on whom she could rely and share her sorrows and joys with him. How to recognize a man's love? Are there signs that a guy loves a girl?

Signs of attention

The behavior of a guy in love is fundamentally different from someone who dates a girl without any feelings. Such a person begins to look at the surrounding reality differently. True love changes your attitude towards life, and very quickly. Values, spiritual guidelines, and many of these things that used to have a special meaning in a person’s life are changing. People around them often do not recognize their acquaintances, being surprised that such significant changes have occurred to them. It is possible to distinguish love from simple interest, especially since it is quite easy to do.

How to understand that a guy loves you? How to recognize a man in love? He will definitely show pronounced signs of attention. There is no way to do without this. A loving person begins to feel that only now he has found a special meaning in life, he looks at the world with completely different eyes. The guy will begin to notice the girl’s mood, will be interested in how her day went, what new happened. These questions are not asked out of politeness; behind them lies true interest. If your significant other has some kind of anxiety or upset, then the young man will definitely sympathize and show the necessary signs of attention. This is a clear sign that a man is in love.

Gifts and flowers

This is another gesture of affection and respect that a real man never neglects. One of the signs of true love in a man is the need to give gifts. A guy with special enthusiasm can spend hours choosing a present for his beloved, spend large sums of money and not regret it. If an adult man is in love, he will be happy to please and surprise his beloved girl. He has such a psychology, dictated by the need to please his chosen one.

Gifts and flowers are an integral component of any courtship. It is known that most girls are extremely partial to various soft toys, sweets and other cute trinkets. They put a lot of meaning into the process of spending time together. All this is of great importance to them. When a man loves a woman, his behavior changes radically. He begins to literally shower his chosen one with gifts and touching souvenirs. Most of the fair sex can appreciate this. It is not difficult to understand what a man loves. It is only important to take a closer look at his everyday behavior.

Striving to become better

How do you know if a man loves you? This question makes many girls not sleep at night, but tormented by painful doubts. After all, sometimes it can be so difficult to ask about it directly. There is a fear of ruining good relationships and frightening away a brewing romantic feeling. That's why the fair sex is in no hurry to confess their feelings to a guy. Instead, they want to understand how a guy feels about them.

If a man loves, how does he behave? It must be said that the behavior of a truly interested person always changes. An expression of love among men is the fact that they strive with all their might to show themselves from their best side. Some abruptly quit smoking, others stop drinking alcoholic beverages, for fear of making a repulsive impression on the girl. All this happens for one simple reason - a man is changing, he is interested in changing. How to determine if a man loves you? It's simple. If his behavior has become somewhat surprising and does not correspond to usual actions, it means that something truly non-standard is happening to him.

Frank confessions

How to understand that a man loves you? Are there characteristic signs of a man's love for a woman? Frank confessions are considered one of the most striking manifestations. The man begins to confess his love and make tender, touching speeches. If we are talking about an adult man, then he does not skimp on praise and scatters numerous compliments to the woman. Many girls wonder if a man loves me. They try to guess the mood of their chosen one, tenderly looking into his eyes. Meanwhile, you need to pay attention to how a man behaves.

How to understand that a man really loves you? A lover always strives to say something pleasant; he will not allow a woman to become bored in his presence. A mature person prefers to express his feelings openly, without hiding or shying away from beautiful words. Frank confessions serve as a kind of indicator of how much a guy is fascinated by a girl and wants to please her.


How do you know that a guy loves you? Embarrassment to a certain extent is common to every person when he begins something that is of great importance to him. A person in love always experiences embarrassment to one degree or another. New feelings take over him completely.

Girls often wonder how to check what a guy likes? How do you know if a boy loves you? Women's psychology is different from men's. A girl always prefers to remain confident in her chosen one. How to tell if a guy loves you? If he becomes noticeably shy when meeting, it means that he really cares about the girl. Some young people, in order to cope with their own awkwardness, begin to talk a lot, sometimes becoming confused in their statements. Others, on the contrary, cannot bring themselves to utter a single coherent sentence.

The desire to be close

How to understand that a man loves you? The eyes of a person who has fallen in love glow with a living fire, they twinkle with interest. How is this possible? When a man has truly fallen in love, he strives at all costs to take a close position next to his chosen one. The desire to be close as often as possible is dictated precisely by tender feelings. He wants to look after and protect the girl from anything that could cause her intentional or unintentional harm.

To understand what men love in women, you need to turn to his inner needs. A representative of the stronger sex always dreams of becoming a support and protection for a girl. If there is any doubt that a guy is in love, you need to look at his behavior. If he does not strive to see his chosen one as often as possible, most likely he does not love.

Married man

Some girls agree to date men who already have their own families. How can you tell if a married man loves you? Is it possible to love two men at the same time? Of course, it’s more honest to choose one person. Whether a guy loves you or not, time will tell. If a married man is not going to leave his wife and connect his life with the one who dreams of it, it is hardly worth wasting your time on him. It is better to look for a person who is ready for a serious relationship.

Thus, there are many ways to answer the question of how to understand that a guy loves you. Signs and behavior will tell a lot. It’s just important not to deceive yourself, not to try to wishful thinking.

There are happy women who absolutely know that their significant other has sincere, deep feelings for them. But there are those who have to figure out what is hidden behind the beautiful words of their young man: love, lust, lies, emptiness.

How do you know if a man loves you or if a relationship with you is just a game for him? Ask directly? But it’s so easy to lie.

It is better to look not at words, but at actions. And also look for the right signs that will definitely indicate the strength and genuineness of feelings.

How do you know if a man loves you by his behavior, look and other signs?

To find out exactly what your man feels, you just need to take a closer look at him. Move aside for a while your own feelings that blur your view and analyze his actions, words, gestures, etc.

You will easily understand whether he loves you or not if you do not deceive yourself.

1) 10 phrases that men say when they love

  1. "I love you".

  2. “Let me introduce you to my friends/colleagues/family...”

  3. “You are the most beautiful and smartest, I am so lucky to meet you.”

  4. “How many children would you like to have?”

  5. “In the future, I plan...” (you are also in these plans).

  6. “I want you to know more about me.”

  7. "I'm afraid to disappoint you."

  8. “I miss you so much, even though we haven’t seen each other for only two days.”

  9. “I'm worried/worried about you.”

  10. “Dress warmly, it’s cold outside. Please have lunch, don't go hungry all day. I bought fruit and medicine at the pharmacy and am already on my way to you.”

Of course, phrases can be formed in other ways. But I think you understand the general meaning.

A man who loves will not:

2) Actions of a man that will indicate that he loves you

If you come across a silent or stern man who says little but does a lot, do not rush to blame him for not loving you. Just analyze the young man’s actions, not his words.

Actions of a man who truly loves his woman:

3) 10 more additional signs that will indicate that a man loves you

  1. Looks full of love and a desire to admire you when he thinks that you don’t see it.

  2. The desire to share both sorrows and joys with you.

  3. An adequate response to your mood: the desire to console when you feel bad, maintaining cheerfulness when you feel good.

  4. Constant presence and desire to help when you are stressed, in a bad mood, depressed, during PMS, etc.

  5. The pride a man feels for your victories and achievements.

  6. Lack of selfishness in terms of sex and the desire to please the woman you love, and not just take care of your own satisfaction.

  7. Knowledge and understanding of your tastes, hobbies, likes, dislikes, allergies, etc.

  8. The value of your opinion for him is undeniable.

  9. A loving man will not take out his bad mood on you and pour out his problems on his head in order to throw out his anger, and not to get help or practical advice.

  10. The desire to please your friends and parents, to gain a foothold in your life and become an important part of it.

How to find out that a man does not love you, so as not to waste time on him?

We, women, are creatures of a different make-up than men, so we cannot always understand them.

In my female opinion, the easiest way to understand whether a man loves you or not is to simply feel it. If something confuses you in a relationship, if you don’t fully believe him, and even if you often ask yourself the question: “Does he love you or not?”, most likely there is no true love.

There is sympathy, affection, passion, perhaps love, but this is not enough to marry a man. Where is the guarantee that when you are already married, he will not meet someone he will love with all his soul?

But this is my, female view of the problem. And I would like to know what men think about this.

A male friend of mine, a psychologist by profession, told me several signs that will definitely indicate that a man does not love you:
