Gratitude for what a man gives. Ways to express gratitude to a man

Sometimes it is so difficult to express gratitude to the man who is next to us, because it is limitless. And perhaps there are women who think that they are simply used, offended and even able to quit, after all, most of them love their men very much.

Why is it important to feel grateful to a man?

Because a man is a support and support. A man performs the most difficult job in the world - he has to earn and support his family, pay bills, protect the house from adversity, increase prosperity.

And no matter how indignant women who took on someone else's role of breadwinner or leveled their rights, depriving their husband of the opportunity to express themselves, it is important to understand:

Only female sincerity deserves all the benefits that a man gives us.

But what happens?

A man who tries his best for the family, instead of Thank you, in response, hears more and more demands and reproaches, claims and unrealistic expectations.

And husbands leave those who do not know how to be grateful ...

Why don't we women believe in our men?

How to believe and how to inspire a man?

Gratitude is the hidden power of female nature, it can work wonders.

Women's gratitude for a man is the wings that carry him higher and higher, dragging his beloved, his Muse, into transcendental distances.

We women can easily inspire our men! And gratitude is one of the forms of his inspiration. He will strive to do even more for that woman who knows how to thank. For every act, purchase or gift. For what he is. Because he is with you.

Moreover, a man needs to be thanked 10 times more than he really deserves. And then the moment will come when, in response to your gratitude, he will do 100 times more.

How can a woman express gratitude to a man?

  • warm words (“Thank you!” or “Thank you, darling”)
  • compliments and words of admiration (“You are my very best”)
  • praise to his mother, kind words addressed to her about a good son, as well as to other people (it is desirable that he hears everything out of the corner of his ear)
  • good mood and well-groomed house
  • unbelievably delicious gourmet dinner
  • relaxing massage (whole body, feet, etc.)
  • semi-erotic dance
  • sophisticated intimate caresses
  • by letter (SMS, postcard, drawing, craft, etc.)

As you can see, there are many ways, maybe you have your own proprietary secret, share it in the comments. And now we will try to express gratitude to the man with the help of a letter.

« Hello beloved!

I am very grateful to you that we are together.

Thank you for taking care of our family. Thank you for the attention you give us. Thank you for bringing money into the house, always asking what you need to buy. Thank you for paying the bills and supporting our family, as well as spoiling us with something delicious and unrealistically expensive.

Thank you for helping around the house, for regularly taking out the trash, for every nail driven in and for every light bulb screwed in every time.

Thank you for your protection, which we feel together with the children. We know that you will save us from any trouble, and we believe that you are the strongest.

I am grateful to you for the prosperity, kind words, gifts and the time you spend with us.

Thank you for your reminders and willingness to help in any matter. Thank you for the responsibility you have taken on!

Thank you for making our home and life better. Thank you for the love we feel!

Health to you, darling, we are very happy next to such a man and dad like you.

What mistakes do women make when expressing gratitude verbally?

A man is a different world. And this world is not as sophisticated and gentle as the female one. Therefore, if you want to express gratitude, it is better to choose words that do not deprive your husband of masculinity.

Calling him "kitten", "honey", "uti-way", you risk losing a real man. It is also unreasonable to praise for an impeccably performed women's work, it is better to simply thank for HELP.

Compliments, kind words should emphasize his masculine qualities, such as strength, courage, responsibility. And to be a happy woman nearby is perhaps the best gratitude for a man. Because if she is happy, there will be peace, tranquility and harmony in the family. Every man and every woman dreams of such a house.

Any person is pleased to know that he is not indifferent to anyone, and the male half of the population is no less curious and vulnerable in this than the female half. Therefore, in order to please your beloved, just let him know that your thoughts are occupied with his person. It can be a short “I think of you” or a longer message that every minute of your day is accompanied by thoughts about him. You can just wish him good night or good morning. Having received such an SMS, the guy will thereby receive confirmation of what you like, and this, in turn, will improve his mood and brighten up the rest of the day.

Meeting Reminder

Let your friend know that you miss him and look forward to seeing you. It is not necessary to directly say that you are counting the seconds until the moment you see each other again. You can send an unobtrusive reminder of the time, for example, “Today at 20:00, don’t be late” or a playful SMS “For every minute you are late tonight, a kiss from you.” It doesn't matter what the content of the message will be - the main thing is that your boyfriend understands that meeting him has a special meaning for you.

Gratitude for the time spent together

Any guy will be pleased if you thank him for any actions or deeds, and when a girl says “Thank you” only for the time spent together, this will not leave any male representative indifferent. After the next date, write words of gratitude in an SMS message, express how good it was for you together. For example, “I had a good time with you”, “Thank you for this evening, I look forward to the next meeting”, “Time with you is beyond reasonable description, it was incredible.” Do not be afraid to give thanks when you feel in your heart, sincerity is always pleasant.

Declaration of love

If your relationship has reached the level where you are ready to confess your love or have already done so, feel free to write three cherished words in an SMS message. Even if the guy already knows about your feelings, every reminder of them will please him. You can send a short “I love you”, or you can resort to the creations of poets, send quotes from songs, famous aphorisms about love. Express your love in all ways available to you, trying to make each of them special, and then your beloved will look forward to the next message himself.

Probably, many girls know the feeling when, after a date with a guy, there is a slight understatement. There is simply a desire to continue communication, if not in reality, then through the Internet or telephone. If you want to tell him something else very, very tender, do not torture yourself and do as your heart tells you.

Is it okay to text a guy first?

If you have already started a romantic relationship with a guy, then you have every right to write to him first. Too intrusive, of course, can not be too. The main thing here is to know the measure.

When a relationship is at its very first stage, young people are often embarrassed to write to each other. In fact, an innocent message will not put you in a bad light. On the contrary, you will show your lover that you are also in communication. Moreover, many guys are attracted to girls who themselves are able to take the first step.

What to write to your beloved guy?

The hardest part is the beginning of the letter. Many girls for a long time cannot figure out how to contact a guy or write about it. It really depends on the beginning of the conversation whether your conversation will start or not. Moreover, this applies to girls who have not yet entered into a relationship with the addressee of their letter.

So, come up with an appeal. If this is your boyfriend, call him “beloved” or “native”, let him feel through the message how warmly you are addressing him. If you're already very close, feel free to use "wanted".

You can write to a guy whatever you want. Imagine what words would make you happy? Write to him what you feel at the moment. Let him know what is dear to you.

If your chosen one is far from you, write that you miss him very much, that you miss his affection and care. Tell us how you dream of touching his hair, lips, etc. In such a letter, you must try to convey to your loved one the feeling of warmth and comfort that he will receive upon arrival home. After reading your letter, he should want to see you even more.

After the next date, you can just flirt a little with your loved one. If your relationship has already gone quite far, you can write about your sexual fantasies. There is hardly a young man who does not like to read such passions.

If your relationship has just begun to develop, try to write on topics that he is interested in. Praise him for something, write that you really like his hobby or something similar. You can discuss your favorite films with him, at the same time learn a little more about him.

You can also sometimes send him simple short SMS, for example, “good morning, bunny”, “sweet dreams”, “wake up, sunshine”, etc. Such a message every time will remind him of you and bring a warm smile to his face.

Whatever you decide, write sincerely. He will definitely feel it and will respond to you in return.

People in love want to please each other. But it is not always possible to be there, and you have to use the means of communication to write to your loved one. Write a sweet message to a guy to cheer him up and show your love.

When you write pleasant things to a young man, write sincerely. You should not come up with something through force, because in this case any phrase will sound strained and false. Better think about what you really love in this person, appreciate and consider good. Be sincere about your positive thoughts.

nice guy in sms

There are not many characters in SMS messages, so you need to be able to write concisely and succinctly. You can express all your feelings with a short phrase and an emoticon. Sometimes it is enough to write "I love" or "think of you" to make.

If you are not dating a man, it is better to choose neutral messages.

Through telephone messages, you can send wishes of good morning and good night. If the interlocutor has an important matter (exam or interview), wish him luck. Write that you believe in his strength, and he will succeed. The guy will be pleasantly surprised by your wishes, and this will give strength to cope with all the difficulties.

Send a compliment at work to cheer him up. You can write "I love your strong hands, I want to feel your hugs sooner." Or something intimate like "I miss your sexy ass." Emoticons can be used to set the tone of a message so that your mood is clear.

What to write to a guy on a social network

On the Internet, it is much easier to express your feelings. More characters are placed in the messages, which means that nothing will hold you back. Write him a verse of your own composition or find one that suits your mood. You can drop a quote that reflects your feelings.

Take advantage of additional social networking opportunities. You can leave not only nice text, but also accompany it with an image or a song suitable for the occasion. You can even leave your own drawing with graffiti.

Write a letter

If you do not like your own handwriting, you can print the letter on the printer.

Think how nice it will be to receive a handwritten letter on a piece of paper. There you can use all your imagination to beautifully frame the message. Add a picture of your couple or a lipstick kiss mark.

Write an email. It can be sent to a work address so that in a series of work routines a man receives a reminder of his beloved. He will be pleased to take a break and read your letter. But for corporate mail, do not use too intimate information, because the text may be available to other employees.

Communication in social networks is a modern effective way to meet and communicate with the opposite sex. There is an opinion that commenting on the entries on the page of a young man can quickly attract his attention and arouse sympathy for the girl.


Think about where and what kind of comments would be better to leave. It depends on how well you know him and how detailed his page is. If the guy is not yet on your friends list, but you want to attract his attention and arouse interest in you, select those pages that are available for viewing and editing. It can be an avatar, some photo albums and a wall. Also, if you find publications from a guy in any community, you can take part in their discussion.

To attract the attention of a guy, it is enough to write one or two words that will be compliments in his direction, for example, “beautiful” or “avatar”. At the end, be sure to add a smiling or laughing emoticon. You can even limit yourself to one smiling or winking emoji as a comment. This will be enough for the guy to want to go to your page. You should not leave a lot of notes, just comment on 1-2 photos so that you are not considered overly annoying.

If you already know the guy and he is your friend, you can leave more comments and do it more often. Since all entries will be available to you, you can comment more often. Rate photos, videos, and other posts and be verbose. You can praise the guy for his creativity or appreciate his humor, etc.

Pay special attention to commenting on the posts on the wall (main page) of the guy. You can express your point of view regarding a particular publication and its content - agree with a current quote, give an example from your own life, etc. Also, to look more creative in the guy's eyes, try commenting on his post by posting a song or animation below that makes sense.

Do not forget to put "likes" - marks "", which are available in almost all social networks. It is not necessary to comment on each entry, but at the same time, you can safely put marks, which sometimes, better than any words, will make the guy pay attention to you. And if he appreciates brevity and is easy by nature, you can leave funny emoticons under his records.

Even more than likes, reposts are valued - sending other people's publications to your own page indicating the source. Repost a few of the guy's posts that you think are the most important. As a result, he will understand that you have common interests and views on life with him.

Some young people do not know what compliments are best for girls. If you want your chosen one to appreciate your eloquence and feelings, or just want to win over a familiar female person, find the most pleasant words.


The interests of modern girls are quite diverse. Therefore, it can be difficult to understand which life aspects it is better to focus on in a compliment. Surely the fair sex will be pleased if you note her attractive appearance.

You just need to do it wisely. Now it is not enough just to tell a woman that she looks great. Such praise may remain completely unnoticed, because this phrase has become stereotyped. The girl will appreciate if you mark her style, as the desire to dress fashionably and beautifully is inherent in female nature.

Try to highlight the most remarkable details in a female image and praise them. A girl who carefully composed her ensemble, thought through accessories, tried on her hair and makeup, this will be very flattering. In addition, a woman does not expect a deepening into such trifles from a man, so a compliment will be doubly pleasant.


Women's dignity does not end with a beautiful, well-groomed, refined, attractive appearance. Believe me, the girl is waiting for warm, sincere words about her character, personal qualities, professionalism, skills and abilities. Some of the fair sex will like such compliments even more than the praise of beauty. Highlight some positive trait for a girl, mark the merits of a colleague if you want to do something nice. The girl will like the mention of her femininity, grace, well-developed intuition, taste, intelligence, sense of humor, kindness and generosity.

Some girls will not remain indifferent if you note their housekeeping skills. If a woman seeks to create comfort at home, works on the interior, she will be very pleased to hear compliments addressed to her about her refined taste and high organization. Some guys don't notice how much housework their ladies do. It happens that a man even forgets to praise the dish that his wife worked on.


The phrases that girls will be pleased with include declarations of love. Men, due to their own low emotionality, rarely show feelings, but in vain. Tenderness uttered at least once a month will make a woman happy. Also, the fair sex is impressed by young people who aloud make joint plans for the future. If a girl is seriously passionate about a guy, she expects steps from him to develop relations, including words about how their union will be built in the future.

A woman will be glad to hear from a man an offer to go on a trip that she has long dreamed of, or about going to her favorite restaurant, to a long-awaited movie show. Be more attentive to the tastes and desires of your partner, and she will be grateful to you for such an attitude.

Remember that not only men are eager to prove themselves in bed. A woman is also pleased to hear in her address words about her own sexuality, looseness, desirability. Therefore, do not skimp on the praise for your chosen one.

The girl will be pleased if her ability to deal with children is noted. If she strives to be the best mom, praise her skills in raising a child and the ability to care for him. By the way, such a compliment will be double, because you will notice both the merits of the girl and the success of her child, which will also please the mother very much.

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You appeared in my life just when it began to seem to me that the relationship between a man and a woman is just sex without obligations. I was dying in the realization that it was impossible to live like this any longer and that some decision had to be made. I did not want to be alone with a devastated soul. After all, life is beautiful and I believe in it.
Often what happens to us is the result of some of our personal actions, dreams, words, promises, etc. What is happening to us is a complex effect of many factors. And I created my current situation myself. Do I regret what happened in my life? Of course not. How can I regret the great experience that I had. But, while gaining experience, we sometimes get a side effect. It's like taking medications: we treat one thing, we cripple another.
You came into my life when the side effect started. Your careful attitude towards me as a woman allowed me to recover very quickly.
I often think back to the time I spent with you. At this time, romance reigned, which is described in books and filmed in TV shows. These are walks along the embankment with eating ice cream in a waffle cup; Chinese food packed in plastic containers turned into a lakeside dinner; film premieres viewed in different cinemas of the city, and we visited them all at that time; a huge bouquet of flowers, presented on March 8th, it was so big that it barely fit in my largest vase. Flowers retained their beauty for a long time, because you always knew how to choose the best;
You created comfort for me just like that. You gave without asking for anything in return. Often, when I get sad and depression opens its arms, memories of the past help me to live. My soul thaws and fills with warmth, returning to the past of our relationship. I sometimes refer to this as "traveling to the safety island." I cherish and appreciate this "island of safety" in the deepest depths of my soul.
I am very glad that you have read my letter to this point. Right now I will tell you why I decided to write it. There are several reasons for this:
1. I loved you and love you. The current state of my love for you can be called unconditional love. A comfortable state to be in. A state that I enjoy. Unconditional love is love without conditions. I thank you for allowing me to experience this feeling. To love unconditionally means that you want only the best for a person in his life. I don't care if you love me, I don't care how you feel about me. It matters to me that you are happy. I accept any choice you make, except sacrifice. For a person is happy only with freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of actions, etc.
2. I will not be able to tell you all this in a personal conversation. While talking with you, I will constantly be distracted by how you react to my words. Our conversation may be interrupted by the ringing of the telephone. I will need feedback (i.e. your feedback).
3. I am grateful for everything you brought into my life. With your appearance, I remembered that I am a woman. You are my doctor, you cured me of loneliness, of mental trauma, of the "side effects" of my acquired experience. You let me believe in myself. The expression "strong woman" has acquired a different coloring. A strong woman can only be when she is loved and she has a reliable rear. You have made me strong and confident.
4. I want you to know all this. I could no longer be silent, I needed to tell you all this. Whether you need it or not, and what to do with this knowledge, decide for yourself.
5. I started writing poetry. In this poem, I clearly saw my condition and understood the reason that caused it. This was the impetus for writing a letter to you.
And here is the poem itself:

She was tired of waiting for him to notice:
her love, her desire to be there every minute;
She waited so long for an answer from him
To your dumb question: "What's next?";
After all, I love you, her lips screamed;
Because I love you, her eyes screamed;
Unrequited love is beautiful
Then only if it is unconditional;
There is no self-interest in it, no envy, no falsehood;
Not many people understand her.
He should be happy
who filled her soul.
Having drunk to the bottom, not experiencing suffering.

I'm glad my message has come to an end. Once again, I sincerely thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for showing up in my life. Thank you and I wish you all the best on your life journey. You are worthy of everything you desire. And let only kind, good, sincere people meet on your way.

How delicious and skillful is it to ask a Man for anything, and most importantly, to receive it, making him happy?

Remember when you were little adorable girls, you constantly wanted something without remorse? And surprisingly, they received absolutely everything from dad!

The purity of your desires and the unconditional belief that wanting 101 dolls is absolutely normal, did their job. You were sure that dad even likes to fulfill your desires (yes, he’s just happy when his beauty wants something) and you didn’t doubt your magic “whatever I want, I’ll get everything.”

But time passed and for some reason a lot has changed. Perhaps you stopped wanting something so naively or a strange “conscience” woke up - you stopped asking!

There is another option - you stopped enjoying receiving gifts, you forgot how to thank and it stopped making dad happy! It's simple - in adult girls, the brain turns on and that naive magic from vivid emotions disappears! It is important to know: “Only the one who knows how to give thanks unconditionally will be able to receive any Benefits!” Renew the knowledge that you forgot as an adult girl, but which every little daughter remembers.
Your first task for 7 days: observe, write down and repeat the strategy for the success of little girls. Look how they perceive the world, communicate with the opposite sex, are passionate about what they do, and so on, agreed?

Today I offer you 7 steps "How to ask and thank a man", getting everything you want and making him happy at the same time!

1. The first thing that is very important when you ask someone for something is to be beautiful ! Scientists around the world have proven that it is easier for beautiful people to win in negotiations. Therefore, in any interaction with a man, it doesn’t matter ... you want something from him or sort things out with him - your appearance should be Stunning! “It is impossible to refuse a Woman who is beautiful in anger” is the only thing that appears in a man’s head when another “Head” from such a beautiful woman turns on! Beauty is our main weapon, especially if the enemy loves with his eyes!

2. Give a hero confession! Remember how, as a child, when you saw beautiful shoes in a store, you called your dad in the afternoon and said: "Daddy, I love you so much! Are you tired? When will you come home? I can’t sleep without you, you are the best!” When he rings the doorbell in the evening, she drops everything, gives him slippers, helps to undress, kisses and hugs her Hero, and most importantly looks at him with eyes full of admiration!

So let's do it:

  • Raise its importance
  • Give me a compliment
  • Show admiration
  • Touch it (brush off a speck of dust or do a light massage).

Attention! It is important for wives to know that the first 11 minutes after the husband arrives home, he can only be hugged, caressed and smiled! It is forbidden to talk and ask questions, and even more so to give tasks!

My teacher from India always says: “Women have upper lips and must smile submissively. And there are lower lips, which should "loudly" contract when the husband comes home. This is the secret of a happy family life.”.

Let me explain in more detail: there are female hormones - pheromones, which amazingly turn off and relax the head and excite men. You can increase the activity of these charms by contracting the muscles of the perineum. Shall we try?

An exercise "Blink":

Relax your belly. Focus on the vaginal ring. Close your lips. Pull up and slightly back to the coccyx. Hold for 2 seconds and relax the flower.

The second task for 21 days - blink 200 times a day (especially in the presence of your husband), you will be healthy and will attract the attention of men.

3. Show importance conversation and request. If you want respect, start with respect for yourself. Never ask for a find or between his important affairs. After all, if he considers himself a lion, then his wife is a lioness, not a goat? And you need to listen to her carefully, because she asks for a vital for her ... third fur coat. Daughter says: “Daddy, I want to tell you something, when can you listen to me? It's so important to me!"

4. Ask wisely, "delicious" . You have two ways to get everything you want from a man - to ask and thank, to ask and thank ... Asking should also be tasty. Draw images of what you are talking about, make him salivate and want to be with you in Paris (which you are asking him to do now). I felt the taste of a warm croissant, drank a cappuccino while sitting at a table on the famous street ... I felt how beautiful sex is in Paris in the early morning, when the janitor sweeps the old paving stones ... Start from afar and end your story with the phrase “I really want to go to Paris, honey! I wanted to consult with you, what do you think - is it better to go in May or in September? (short white or long black).

Attention! Always give a man two options. Learn not to impose and sell your desires, but to involve in them and seduce them.

5. "What's in it for me?" Show him the benefit . "Daddy, I promise you that for this ... I've been a whole month ...". Women don't lie, they just don't tell the truth. And daddy knows that no one will keep a promise, but it's so nice to receive promises!

What will be the most valuable promise for a Man?

  • Sex - Write him 10 coupons for his sex dreams, each for a different kind of sex based on his fantasy! He will tear off the coupon and place an order for his slave, every time he wants!
  • Money - “Now a very good price, honey! It is much more reasonable to buy a fur coat in summer"
  • Competition - "Godfather Vasily will die of envy when he sees what kind of car you gave your wife."
6. Shut up woman ! Then pause, look at him with the admiring eyes of a beautiful woman whose life depends on his decision ... oh, and don't forget to blink Remember: whoever says the first word after a pause, he loses!

7. Thank him as if he already said "Yes" . It is useless to work with the objections of a man! If you start to persuade or argue with him, then consider that everything is lost. Be silent, cry, expect the best. If not now, then when? If not to you, then to whom? If not him, then who?

And no matter what decision he makes, the girl throws herself on the neck of her beloved dad and thanks as if he had already said “Yes”!

And finally, I want to tell you the simple truths of wise women: A woman who saves on herself makes you want to save on her! The stimulus for the growth of a man's income has always been and will be his beloved woman. If you want something and love your man unconditionally, then he will be a rich man anyway! A man gives all the benefits from the heart center in exchange for the energy of female emotions. The brighter you rejoice at him and admire him, the more emotions you give him, the more, more often and more expensively he wants to pamper you. Remember how you accepted blessings and gave thanks at the very beginning of your relationship!

P.S. Fill your heart with Love - only it matters, and everything else will take care of itself.

Based on materials by Svetlana Kerimova

Sometimes it is so difficult to express gratitude to the man who is next to us, because it is limitless. And perhaps there are women who think that they are simply used, offended and even able to quit, after all, most of them love their men very much.

Why is it important to feel grateful to a man?

Because a man is a support and support. A man performs the most difficult job in the world - he has to earn and support his family, pay bills, protect the house from adversity, increase prosperity.

And no matter how indignant women who took on someone else's role of breadwinner or leveled their rights, depriving their husband of the opportunity to express themselves, it is important to understand:

Only female sincerity deserves all the benefits that a man gives us.

But what happens?

A man who tries his best for the family, instead of Thank you, in response, hears more and more demands and reproaches, claims and unrealistic expectations.

And husbands leave those who do not know how to be grateful ...

Why don't we women believe in our men?

How to believe and how to inspire a man?

Gratitude is the hidden power of female nature, it can work wonders.

Women's gratitude for a man is the wings that carry him higher and higher, dragging his beloved, his Muse, into transcendental distances.

We women can easily inspire our men! And gratitude is one of the forms of his inspiration. He will strive to do even more for that woman who knows how to thank. For every act, purchase or gift. For what he is. Because he is with you.

Moreover, a man needs to be thanked 10 times more than he really deserves. And then the moment will come when, in response to your gratitude, he will do 100 times more.

How can a woman express gratitude to a man?

  • warm words (“Thank you!” or “Thank you, darling”)
  • compliments and words of admiration (“You are my very best”)
  • praise to his mother, kind words addressed to her about a good son, as well as to other people (it is desirable that he hears everything out of the corner of his ear)
  • good mood and well-groomed house
  • unbelievably delicious gourmet dinner
  • relaxing massage (whole body, feet, etc.)
  • semi-erotic dance
  • sophisticated intimate caresses
  • by letter (SMS, postcard, drawing, craft, etc.)

As you can see, there are many ways, maybe you have your own proprietary secret, share it in the comments. And now we will try to express gratitude to the man with the help of a letter.

« Hello beloved!

I am very grateful to you that we are together.

Thank you for taking care of our family. Thank you for the attention you give us. Thank you for bringing money into the house, always asking what you need to buy. Thank you for paying the bills and supporting our family, as well as spoiling us with something delicious and unrealistically expensive.

Thank you for helping around the house, for regularly taking out the trash, for every nail driven in and for every light bulb screwed in every time.

Thank you for your protection, which we feel together with the children. We know that you will save us from any trouble, and we believe that you are the strongest.

I am grateful to you for the prosperity, kind words, gifts and the time you spend with us.

Thank you for your reminders and willingness to help in any matter. Thank you for the responsibility you have taken on!

Thank you for making our home and life better. Thank you for the love we feel!

Health to you, darling, we are very happy next to such a man and dad like you.

What mistakes do women make when expressing gratitude verbally?

A man is a different world. And this world is not as sophisticated and gentle as the female one. Therefore, if you want to express gratitude, it is better to choose words that do not deprive your husband of masculinity.

Calling him "kitten", "honey", "uti-way", you risk losing a real man. It is also unreasonable to praise for an impeccably performed women's work, it is better to simply thank for HELP.

Compliments, kind words should emphasize his masculine qualities, such as strength, courage, responsibility. And to be a happy woman nearby is perhaps the best gratitude for a man. Because if she is happy, there will be peace, tranquility and harmony in the family. Every man and every woman dreams of such a house.
