Interview with Natalia Vodianova for PRO Life magazine. About the nightlife

Natalia Vodyanova, in an exclusive interview for Life Financial Group's client magazine, spoke about her charitable activities, children and life path.

Natalia, the theme of the game goes through your charity work "Naked Hearts". It's clear from your interviews that you endow the game healing power from which children forget about difficult moments. Is this your main philanthropy?

Yes, the game is very important to me. The tragedy in Beslan in 2004, which we experienced together, turned out to be an opportunity for me to look into my childhood, which was also not easy. I have a sister who is disabled, and for me it was the burden that I carried. And those children will have the burden of this event, which they will bear for the rest of their lives. This event allowed me to return to my childhood and ask myself what I really lacked then. This is where the idea of ​​play parks was born.

It turns out that the beginning of your charitable activities falls on 2004?

Having become the face of Jacob&Co, you said that Jacob himself took part in charity events in Beslan, you weren't an icon of the world fashion business then...

Yes, I was at the beginning of my career, although I was already quite successful, I was the face of Calvin Klein.

This is simple important point, because now, in terms of attitudes towards charity, people may think that you are doing it, based on your status.

But you do it on the basis of your inner desire, as I understand it?

Of course! This is the only reason. Few people in their 30s think about charity! People who believe that philanthropy is done for other reasons are wrong. It's always something personal. There are times when people don't give their time, but give their name to support charities, and that's a big contribution - sometimes that's enough. For me, this is a real call of the heart, to which I cannot but listen. I, as they say, always feel in my gut that I should do it, and therefore I do not betray myself. You can fool everyone, but you can't fool yourself. I wake up every morning and understand that this is my path and my life, but I cannot judge others if they live differently. I give the most precious - my time; despite my extremely busy schedule, I always find strength for the fund.

I AM I know that now your charitable activity has a new facet - you are participating in a marathon in Paris. Can you elaborate on this?

You know I don't like running at all! But it seems to me that doing something all together, a big team, with the people with whom we work together is an extraordinary unity! This is an opportunity for people to support us in a different way, not only financially. For me it is very symbolic!

Are these marathons only held in Paris?

For now, yes! But it would be great to arrange them in Moscow and other Russian cities.

And the project “Every Child Deserves a Family” – can you tell us more about it? Is it really something new?

Yes, the first time I announced it in February 2011, this is our new direction, which is becoming a priority. This is a support program for families raising children with handicapped. We think that today, in order to change the situation in the country where such children and their families live, it is necessary to support the family. Big problems in the educational sphere, in the laws concerning these families. Such children are left at birth, the doctors themselves suggest not to take them for upbringing. This is contrary to the concept of "childhood" and what the child needs: love, which he needs more than even material well-being. In our country, leaving such a child in a family is a real feat, since our social system does not provide that children with disabilities can be brought up at home. However, if the child remains in the care of the state, he receives only one guarantee - that he will never receive anything, and this is actually a death sentence. This is an extremely emotionally difficult topic, but we try to look at it positively, so our main idea is to create family support centers so that the family does not feel that they are alone with such a problem. We have discovered many people who work individually in this field, we want to bring them together and unite their efforts.

Since we touched on the topic of the family, please tell us: if you compare the childhood that you had with the way your children’s childhood goes, do you realize the importance of strictness in upbringing, the desire not to spoil them, to explain to them the value of money? How do you raise your three children?

It seems to me that it is good to pamper children, but they need boundaries, certain commandments. They need to believe in something, in some symbol. And parents for children are like God, who gives commandments, and at the same time is all-forgiving. The main thing that a child needs in childhood is the love of his parents, and I was spoiled for it. Therefore, I give children this main thing - my love and a series of restrictions that will enable them to understand what is good and what is bad. But in those seconds when I feel some kind of negativity about their spoiledness, I try not to show it. It's just that I've always been so protective of my mother from own desires that I don't want to put any responsibility on them for being tired or something. It is important to me that my children do not have this.

You are like a mother, very patient, caring, that's what I see now!

Well, that's what they say... I'm always critical of myself. Of course, I try to spend a lot of time with my children, but still I devote a lot of energy to other people's children. At the same time, I spend much more time at home than other mothers - I can sit with them for 2 weeks, take them to school, play with them.

Accept the compliment, your children are absolutely adorable, can you already see what they like, what they love, what talents they have, what pleases you, what surprises you?

Of course, you can already recognize in them the desire for art, they are sincerely creative: they love to draw, learn new things, interested children.

Do your children enjoy your publicity? Drive around Paris, see you on the streets? Or are they used to it?

They are used to it since childhood. But my eldest son is very proud of what we do, we are, because he was at the opening of the first parks, and he recently spoke to the whole school, representing the Naked Heart Foundation, in a competition for charitable foundations that the school will support. And he won!

Congratulations on such a nice achievement! He feels his involvement and contribution ...

Yes, that's very sweet, he's 10 years old, and he's already going to be my successor as President of the Foundation!

If you think about who Natalia Vodianova is now - a top model, an actress, a public figure, how do you yourself determine what is more, and in what role are you more comfortable? Where will we see you next?

Probably, for myself, I am first of all a mother, and then a philanthropist. This inner feeling, for me it is the most important thing in my working life.

Are there any world examples for you, whose charitable work is a model for you?

There are foundations that I admire, such as "Women for Women”, it was created by an Iranian woman who created a correspondence between women who suffered in the hostilities from violence, poverty, and women from Europe and the USA. They give them support both morally and materially, allowing them to get a job, education and continue to lead some kind of normal life.

We have found some of your life principles, have you remained true to them, or has something changed?

I don't know, let's see, very interesting!

"Often people from whom you do not expect anything can lead you to some goal."

Yes, it happens, I'm just not afraid to ask. I do not expect anything from anyone, and therefore people often surprised me.

"Beauty is a gift of fate, and fate must be thanked for this goodness."

I cannot underestimate the importance of my appearance in this situation, since my profession is directly related to this. So, if I did not have these tools, I would not achieve anything and would not be able to help others. I have a metaphor that many people like, when you get on a plane and you are given a briefing - you always need to put on a mask on yourself, and then on another. So it is here - you first need to take care of yourself, and then you can help others.

Short questions from Marcel Proust's questionnaire.

What qualities do you value most in a man?


In a woman?

What are your ideas about happiness?

If not yourself, then who would you like to be?

What are your favorite characters in real life?

Diana von Furstenberg, Mario Testino, Lucy Yeomens, Matthew Freud, Henri Loshak, Anastasia Zalogina.

Is there a person among the living people who you do not yet know, but whom you would like to meet?

You know, probably, there is one, but I just somehow believe in my path, so I don’t calculate my fate, and I believe that if there are such people, then I either already know them or will meet them in the future.

What is your favorite literary female character?

It's a difficult question…

Yes, very much!... This is probably the girl with matches from Andersen's fairy tale.

Your favourite dish and drink?

I love sea buckthorn tea, red wine, dumplings, pancakes and fruits. My favorite dish is spaghetti with broccoli and cheese!

What is your main weakness?

I can not rest, it seems to me that this is a disadvantage, I am a workaholic.

What is your favorite motto?

Seven times measure cut once. Look into life like a mirror - if you smile at her, she smiles back at you.

And finally, do you have any wishes for the readers?

I wish people to remain indifferent and not indifferent. In our country, feelings of shock from some events are easily blunted - we have the phrase "Nothing will surprise us anymore." And this fate, the cross that we carry on ourselves, but everyone makes the choice for himself - and it is easier to carry the load if we do everything together. I wish everyone positive, look for it every day, and if it doesn’t exist, it seems, then forgive yourself and life and continue to look further!

PRO Life talks about people, events, trends that are aligned with the values ​​that define our corporate culture. In addition to financial topics, we will show the most relevant, non-standard and innovative from the world of public interest, technology and entrepreneurship, giving Special attention issues of social responsibility and unique stories success.

“My marriage is destroyed, and nothing, unfortunately, is no longer able to restore it. But the divorce, I'm sure we will have an easy one, ”admitted the top model Natalya Vodyanova in an exclusive interview with the 7 Days correspondent.

We went to Moscow from Nizhny Novgorod - hometown Natalia Vodianova. Outside the train window, a sad landscape of provincial Russia flashed by, and Natalya kept looking at him with her bewitching and slightly sad blue eyes.

“When at the age of 17 I ended up in Paris, in a modeling agency, a psychologist was assigned to me, and he kept saying: “Natalya, you are no longer in Russia. You need to learn to think differently, to live differently. Try to be liberated, trust people. And smile! Indeed, as a child, I did not know how to smile. She was a real animal - closed, unsociable. I didn't even have girlfriends at school. And I really didn't trust anyone. She perceived everything in a negative light, was extremely irritable, started up from a half turn, quickly became aggressive. If anything, she could easily hit. I always had to run to survive.” Vodianova was afraid and hated men, but meanwhile, every year they showed more and more noticeable interest in her. Moreover, these were, as a rule, men older than her in age. Natalia was of little interest to her peers.

Photo: Photo from a family album

What would have happened to her if she had remained in Nizhny Novgorod? “I don’t know, nothing good would have come of it for sure ...” - my interlocutor answered after a pause.

In the West, no matter what article about Natalia Vodianova, they will certainly write: “ modern Cinderella". The story of a girl from a provincial town in Russia, who made a dizzying career, and even entered the high society, really looks like a fairy tale. However, now that Natalia broke up with her husband, Lord Justin Portman, they may come up with some other image for her. Natalia and Justin met a few months after her arrival in Paris. It happened in a restaurant where Natalia was invited by her friend, who came to that meeting with her friend ... 30-year-old Justin Portman.

“They were sitting next to each other and talking about something,” says Vodianova. - Suddenly, their conversation changed dramatically, a quarrel seemed to be brewing between them. I sat quietly, did not interfere in anything. Then Justin quickly got up and sat down next to me. I was outraged, I thought: “What does this man allow himself? What does he even think about Russian girls?!” She said something unpleasant to Portman, he replied in the same vein - the altercation lasted almost the entire evening. But Justin was hurt by the inaccessibility of a young Russian girl, he began to conquer her, and the matter ended in a wedding in November 2001. They seemed to be an extremely harmonious couple, gave birth to three children and almost never parted (her husband accompanied Vodianova in almost all of her travels around the world). And now, after ten years of marriage, which seemed perfect, they are now preparing divorce papers.

- Natalya, from whom, I think, no one expected a divorce, it's from you and Justin!

Maybe from the outside our break looks unexpected.


But in fact, the decision to break up with Justin has been brewing for a long time. The reason was not jealousy or treason. It's just that over time, both realized that we were completely different people. You know, like water and oil. Yes, in the beginning we had a lot of connections, but over time, relations began to crumble. And nothing, unfortunately, they are no longer able to restore. I'm sure we'll get divorced easily. There will be no clarification of the relationship through the courts. In addition to children, we, in fact, have nothing to share. And regarding them, we have already agreed in principle: Justin can meet with children whenever he wants.

All is well: the children are charming and, fortunately, healthy, and the relationship with the prince, alas, has come to a civilized end. But the main thing is that Vodianova is not bored. A person who has earned money since childhood and cared for a disabled sister can hardly be bored at all. There is no time left for this, you need to work. And the dizzying career of the model, and the covers of the most famous magazines - it's just work. By the way, it is insanely difficult, but is Natalya getting used to difficulties? And since 2004, her work has also charitable foundation"Naked Hearts"

For almost 10 years, Natalia Vodianova has been raising money to build playgrounds in Russia. Not because the rich and famous are supposed to do charity work. But because he knows for sure - by himself - how often children in Russia lack the opportunity to be happy. Yes, there may not be enough money, and medicines, and much more. But a great playground with slides and swings, which used to be seen only in the movies, is perhaps more important. After all, here for half an hour you can forget about money and medicines - just play and be happy. Isn't that the most important thing any child needs? Except, of course, parental love. Therefore, in addition to playgrounds, Natalya is now also involved in the program “Every Child Deserves a Family”, the purpose of which is to change the attitude towards children with special needs. Make sure that they are not left in orphanages as hopeless.

Natalia Vodianova again and again organizes charity evenings and balls. And again and again he explains to their guests that this should not be so - so that the children have nowhere to play. And then he goes to Russia and opens a new playground. Or the Family Support Center, as in your native Nizhny Novgorod. Now it is her job to help children be happy. And Natalia, as always, works without sparing herself. In another way, she does not know how, but in another way nothing would have happened at all. Because in order to become a princess, you first need to be a good Cinderella, and this is also not so easy.

We are talking in the morning empty bar of a large metropolitan hotel. I have 40 minutes at my disposal: the press agent has already explained that Natalia has only one day between two flights, many meetings, a press conference ... But the girl sitting in front of me is absolutely in no hurry. She speaks through pauses, as if thinking aloud and helping herself in this. thin hands, meticulously chooses words to answer as accurately and sincerely as possible. A cup of tea, a spoonful of cherry jam in a rosette, not a drop of makeup, not a hint of glamour. Actually, this time she is in Moscow on business far from secular and fashionable life.

Autism Forum

In 2011, the Natalia Vodianova Naked Heart Foundation, which had already built dozens of children's playgrounds throughout Russia, began working in a new direction: helping families who raise children with special needs.

On October 14–17, Moscow will host the second international forum dedicated to autism, “Every Child Deserves a Family”. For details see the Foundation website


Why did you decide to talk about your sister's illness today?

Natalya Vodyanova:

I never hid it. But just a year ago, Oksana was diagnosed with a different diagnosis than at birth - autism. For my family, this was a great discovery, because autism and cerebral palsy are different conditions. Both are not completely curable, but there is a different approach to working with autism, and this gives us other hopes. Now Oksana is studying at the Support Center, which our Naked Heart Foundation opened in Nizhny Novgorod. And we are already seeing progress: intellectually, she definitely can do more than we could hope for.

My sister

You are 6 years older than Oksana. When did you realize she was different?


It's hard for me to remember a certain moment ... Oksana was born when I just went to school. And my mother, who was persuaded by the doctors to leave her sister in the hospital, immediately told me that Oksana would never be the same girl as me. But I felt it all the more when she had grown up. Mom worked all the time, and I followed Oksana. We always walked with a stroller, and people said: “Well, such a big girl, but she still doesn’t walk ...” The children teased, laughed at us. Of course it was embarrassing. In addition, the yard was small, and Oksana did not behave very adequately: she cried for no reason, disturbed her neighbors. Or she could scream, just because she liked it so much ...

If you met one of those neighbors today, what would you say to them?

“It is important for us to be able not to miss the beauty that fate gives a person through trials”


Nothing, well, or - how are you? (She laughs.) I don’t have any particular anger - after all, children teased me, and children in their spontaneity can be very cruel. Perhaps they themselves now understand that it was not easy for me. But people still need to be explained what it means similar diagnosis how to treat him. If a child is born with autism, cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, this does not mean that his parents are some kind of alcoholics or drug addicts. This can happen in any family. And you need to know this. And think about how to give the child a chance to live an interesting life.

What helped you cope then?


I loved Oksana very much, for me it was the most close person. Yes, it was difficult for us. But I think—strange to say—some of my girlfriends were, in a way, less fortunate than I was. For example, for someone main problem was: "Buy me this or that ..." I did not understand! Oksana taught me… the lifestyle. This is the ultimate honesty in relationships, this pure love, which will be through. This is wealth. It is important for us to be able not to miss the beauty that fate gives through trials.

If you had the opportunity, what would you say to yourself, a little girl, from today?


Everything will be fine! (She smiles.) So easy.

My decision

How did you decide to create a fund to help children?


In 2004, when the school in Beslan was seized, I was in Moscow. And all these days I spent watching TV. The brutality shocked me. I just couldn't understand! And when I can't understand, I need to do something. So, apparently, my mindset works to cope with what shocks me, with which I cannot live. I felt like a huge jolt. I thought: what can I and what do I want to give to the children who survived this tragedy? What can I do for them? For the first time since I left Russia, it made me go back to my childhood, to the little girl that I was. And try to understand how I would help her. Of course, I do not compare my childhood experiences with what happened in Beslan, but it gave me direction. The pain and helplessness that I then felt became a stimulus. Then I did not understand that I would create a fund, I did not know what it would do. I just knew that children should play: the world for a child begins to be built with play. And the opposite of the game is war.

Today Russia is not at war, but do you still think that the state should help take care of children with special needs?


I'm not talking about politics. I just think that only interested people– those who have been affected by this problem and who understand how hard it is to live with it have enough motivation to deal with this part of society – people with disabilities. Although such a child can be born in any family. At friends. At relatives. Our task is to convey this idea. Today, 70% of such children in our country are sent by their parents to orphanages. And this is unhealthy neither for the whole society, nor for any of us individually. Orphanages should not exist at all - in principle! But then these children need support - and parents, and the state, and charitable organizations.

My character

A girl from the Russian provinces, then a world-famous supermodel - did the changes make you look at yourself differently?


Basically, I have always respected myself. (She smiles.)

Have you had any regrets?

N.V.: You know, sometimes you light up, spend a lot of time on some not very interesting things ... And then you think: well, why did you need this? (Laughs.)

Like what?

What is the best thing to know about you in order to communicate with you?


You have to speak to me directly and frankly. I, like all of us, can not read other people's minds! If, for example, a person is offended by something, but does not speak, I can’t stand it, neither at work, nor in relationships. Yes, I am Natalia Vodianova, and, probably, this means something, but not for those who are close to me.

“Children should play, their world begins to be built from this. And the opposite of play is war.”

What surprises you in people?


The ability to be generous. Willingness to invest in changing the world. Help someone, support someone. Personally, this is the most important thing. No, money is also very important, but if a person gives his time as well… It is very encouraging and inspiring to me. I meet many such people.

Corr: You are all beaming, what was the reason?

Natalya Vodyanova: Yes it is. But the reason is not just in any particular event, the reason is in general positive attitude, which is essential for happy life! For me, a sunny day, the opportunity to be with my family and the absence of trouble - this is happiness!

Corr: Tell me, how did you meet your husband, Lord Justin Portman?

Natalya Vodyanova: Well, we met at a party hosted by a modeling agency in Paris. I was new and just starting to adjust to the city. That evening, I wasn't in the mood to meet anyone, but Justin insisted on our interaction all evening, and in the end I gave in. I think it was love at first sight for him. A year later we got married in St. Petersburg.

Corr: You have perfect family - loving husband, three wonderful children. How important is family life to you?

Natalya Vodyanova: It is very important for me when my children have the opportunity to see mom and dad always together. I love Justin because he is so kind to me and the kids. For them I try to be best wife and mother in the world. Like any mother, I am very worried about my children and try to protect them from everything that could potentially be dangerous, however, I understand perfectly well that this does not contribute to the development of independence and independence. It's hard to find the middle ground!

Corr: How do you manage to be the best for the hearth and career at the same time?

Natalya Vodyanova: Well, I became a mother quite young, I was only twenty, so when it comes to some projects, I am very demanding, because I always take my children with me. I must also confess that I am terribly bored with all these parties of the fashion world! People who do not have children seem to wonder why I do not have the strength and desire to stay at such events until the morning. Usually I choose a party based on the possibility of joining the interests of my family.

Corr: How does your day start?

Natalya Vodyanova: I drink a lot of water because it helps me keep my skin in good condition and also energizes me. After I accept cold shower and eat some fruit for breakfast.

Corr: Are you on a diet?

Natalya Vodyanova: No, I just eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and try not to eat sweets. I also go in for sports: I swim, ski, I love yoga. I love to play sports on the street, I hate gyms!

Corr: And what if you get up “on the wrong foot”, how do you get back into a positive track?

Natalya Vodyanova: Well, usually I get up on that foot (laughs). I look at myself in the mirror and just smile, then I drink a lot of water, do a manicure and feel much better!

Corr: What do you think about fashion in general?

Natalya Vodyanova: Fashion is a gift! I am so lucky that I have a direct relationship with her! I am always surrounded by such talented people! I met amazing professionals in this industry! I have many good friends from the fashion world such as Carmen Kaas, Eva Herzigova and others.

Corr: How was it to grow up in a small town in Russia?

Natalya Vodyanova: I was born in a small town in Russia - in Nizhny Novgorod. She lived there with her mother and two sisters. From an early age, I worked in the market, selling fruits, so by the age of 15 I had saved enough to buy myself a ticket to Paris. When I arrived in Paris, I signed up with a modeling agency and was extremely happy when they promised me a job if I could learn English in 12 weeks, which I actually did.

Corr: I.e. your childhood is not quite like a fairy tale, right?

Natalya Vodyanova: By at least, not this part. When I was 15, the only thing I thought about was the possibility of survival. Thank God that from that moment my life took a completely different turn.

Corr: What do you think is the key to your fame?

Natalya Vodyanova: To tell the truth, I don't know! I just enjoy what I do and I know it's not easy to tie a career and family life together. But I can say for sure that now I know perfectly well the exact meaning of the word "happiness".

Corr: How would you describe yourself?

Natalya Vodyanova: Well, in general, I'm a pretty typical individual, quite optimistic and absolutely 100% sincere.

Corr: In 2005, you founded the Naked Heart Foundation. Tell me about it.

Natalya Vodyanova: I have always thought about how to use my fame for good purposes and help children in Russia. I decided that the best way will be the construction of playgrounds. I think it good way to entertain the children, giving them great pleasure.

Corr: You're always like this good mood? What would total collapse mean to you?

Natalya Vodyanova: I am happy, and it is difficult for me to imagine a situation that would mean a complete collapse for me! Everything new for me is a definite experience! Let tomorrow I lose my career, I will not die of misfortune. It will only mean that I can spend more time with the kids! I always try to be positive and even with big failures, focus only on the good!

Good luck to you all and happiness to you!

0 March 1, 2017, 14:00

On February 28, she celebrated her 35th birthday, and before her birthday, the Russian supermodel gave an interview to the British newspaper The Guardian, in which she spoke about poverty, charity, parties and much more.

About poverty

Poverty makes you feel humiliated. You think something is wrong with you, especially as a child. You see other kids who are happy and you think it's amazing. You dream of being not yourself, but someone else. Maybe that's why I became a model.

About childhood

At my school in Nizhny Novgorod, the boys simply hated me. I was very thin, because sometimes we simply had nothing to eat at home. They called me stick. In addition, they blamed me for my sister's illness (at younger sister Natalya Oksana was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and autism, - approx. ed.) and called dirty.

About intuition

I have an animal instinct that helps me make decisions based on intuition. I came to Paris at the age of 17, but I changed agencies almost immediately. On the second night, the agent sent me to a club with several men. Nothing happened, but I was a young girl and I liked young guys, and those men were aged (in the world functions great amount unscrupulous modeling agencies engaged in escort services. Natalia in Paris got into such an agency with an unscrupulous reputation, - approx. ed.). A day or two later I got a call from the Viva agency and offered to work for them. I immediately agreed.

About sister

Sister with disabilities me love and patience. As a child, for Oksana, fun meant throwing boxes around the kitchen and making a mess. She sat on top of a pile of garbage, boxes, food and laughed: "Ha!". For a family with very little food, this was a disaster.

O nightlife

I have never been an angel. I could stay up all weekend if my friend and I wanted to have fun in nightclubs. For three years in a row I spent every weekend on the dance floor, I think that's why I have preserved a model figure.

About the birth of children

I once said that having children improves the condition of the skin. And I have . Do not try to repeat at home.

About charity

By 2004, I was already a very successful model, but I did not understand what the use of this was. The siege of Beslan made me realize that I could do something good: I could build playground for children who suffered during the tragedy. The game is a great way to distract children from the harsh reality and help them recover faster (Natalia Vodianova's "Naked Heart" raised 39 million euros for families with children with disabilities and built 177 playgrounds in Russia - ed.).

About husbands

The biggest difference between England and France is the form of government, the monarchy and the republic, which has been reflected in my marriage. My Justin Portman didn't work, but he was a walking encyclopedia and very creative person with lots of free time. My second, Antoine Arnault, is a workaholic. The upside of a first marriage is that the spouse has more vacation time.

On criticism of the son

I like it when I have loose hair. When I collect my hair, he says: "Mommy, you are so ugly."

About money

They say money can't buy happiness, but only the rich know that. When you are poor, there is no time to think about the future, and the main thing is to find something to eat... When you are rich, you constantly think about the future, but focusing on your goal is not so difficult. I have been poor and rich and I can say that money really does not buy happiness.

Source The Guardian

