How to make a beautiful heart. How to make voluminous paper hearts with your own hands

A loved one does not need a lot of time and money.

One has only to turn on the imagination, learn a few secrets of making a souvenir and prepare the necessary materials.

The heart can be made from paper, candy, clay, and it is suitable as a gift for various holidays, whether it's a birthday, Valentine's Day or March 8th.

Here are a few options on how you can make a beautiful heart with your own hands.

How to make a paper heart

You will need:


Wrapping or other thin paper

Heart template (can be drawn on cardboard and cut out)

PVA glue


How to make papier mache mix

Prepare a bowl, flour, water and some salt. Mix everything to get a paste.

cooking heart

1. Put the heart template on the cardboard and circle it several times to get several cardboard hearts. Their number must be in pairs.

2. Start tearing off small pieces of thin paper, grease them with glue and stick them to cardboard hearts.

3. Glue another cardboard heart to the pieces of paper to end up with a kind of sandwich.

4. Prepare the newspaper, tear it into small pieces and start gluing them to the voluminous heart.

5. Leave the glue to dry.

6. When everything is dry, you can decorate the hearts in any way you like, for example, use acrylic paint, glitter, glue multi-colored buttons, add colorful threads.

How to make a heart out of thread: Celtic necklace

Making such a heart can be tricky at times, but very interesting, and at the end you will have a beautiful heart that can also be used as a bracelet or necklace.

* You will need colored shoelaces or similar ropes.

* Follow the arrows to help you tie the knots correctly.

* To find the correct size, wrap the laces around your neck or arm and cut off the excess.

* For contrast, choose laces in different colors.

* Use two laces as one.

* Try to keep the laces straight for the best effect.

* If the first time did not work out, do not stop trying again and again, and you will definitely succeed.

What can a heart be made of: wire and thread

You will need:

plain or floral wire



1. Cut off a piece of wire and use pliers to bend that piece into a heart shape. Twist the ends of the wire together.

2. Start wrapping the wire heart with thread. Try to wrap it so that there are no large holes.

* You can also attach a note to the heart.

How to make a beautiful heart: tea bag

Surprise your significant other with a beautiful heart-shaped bag of your favorite tea.

You will need:


Heavy paper

tea bags

tea leaves

Tea spoon

1. Cut out a heart from thick paper. It should be large enough to fit a spoonful of tea.

2. Put the paper heart on the tea bag and begin to circle it with a thread and a needle, making stitches. Make sure that there is no place through which tea leaves can fall.

3. Leave some space to fill the heart with tea leaves.

4. Make a tube out of paper and insert it into the hole of the heart and pour tea with it.

5. Pull out the tube and sew up the hole in the heart. Tie a knot and cut off the excess thread.

* You can make a label in the form of a heart. To do this, you just need to use a thread and a needle to connect a tea bag with a paper heart made of thick paper.

How to make a heart out of cardboard and newspaper

You will need:


Stationery knife

1. Prepare a newspaper and cut into several long strips.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard. Using a utility knife, cut out another heart inside the heart. As a result, you will get a frame in the shape of a heart.

3. Twist each strip of newspaper (you can secure the spiral with glue) and start wrapping the spiral around the frame, periodically adding glue for better fixing.

4. It remains only to add a thread or ribbon so that the heart can be hung on a gift.

How to make a paper heart

You will need:

- scrap paper (wrapping paper)

Glue (glue gun)



1. Draw a big heart on a large sheet of cardboard.

* You can choose the size yourself, the heart can be small.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard, and cut out another heart from this heart to end up with a frame.

3. Cut out thin strips of wrapping paper.

4. Using a pencil, twist the strips into tubes (diagonally).

5. Cut each tube into smaller tubes.

6. Start gluing each tube to the cardboard heart. The tubes do not have to be the same length.

7. You can stick a ribbon so that the heart can be hung somewhere.

* You can also cut out a heart from red construction paper and attach it to the frame as a decoration.

How to make a voluminous heart

Using ordinary threads and a ball, you can make a beautiful and original heart.

You will need:

Threads (2-3 colors)

Heart shaped balloon


PVA glue

Ribbons in different colors

Jewelry (decorative butterflies, beads, palettes, etc.)

1. First you need to inflate a heart-shaped balloon.

2. Now you need to lubricate the ball with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

3. Apply PVA glue on top of the Vaseline and start gently winding the thread around the ball. * If necessary, you can lubricate the thread with an additional layer of glue during the winding process.

4. The ball must be hung up and the glue left to dry for a day.

5. When the ball has become hard, the ball needs to burst and pull it out of the frozen threads with a hook.

6. It remains to decorate the heart of threads to your liking.

How to make a candy heart

Option 1

You will need:

Thick cardboard


1. Using scissors or a utility knife, cut out a heart from cardboard and cut another one inside this heart to make a heart-shaped frame. It is worth noting that the width of the frame should be approximately the same as the width of the candy.

2. Start attaching the candies to the frame. You can do this with the help of threads - take two sweets and tie them with threads, tying the thread to the ends of the candy wrappers on one side. This should be done with all sweets.

3. Now you need to put the whole structure on a heart-shaped frame, and tie the candy wrappers on the other side.

A paper heart for children can become a craft that is relevant for any holiday: this symbol reflects all the warm feelings that every child has for his closest people.

Having made even a simple heart out of paper with your own hands, the baby will remind you that in his little heart there is always a place for a loved one.

Of course, there are a huge number of ways to make a heart out of paper. We propose to consider the most interesting and unusual of them, and then choose the one that the baby will like more and be able to do it.

Heart from pieces of paper

In order to make a heart, we need to cut out the base from white paper. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half and cut out a half heart on the fold. We open both halves - the base of the craft is ready.

Cut out strips from pink paper. You can use different colors of paper.

Cut pink paper. It is not necessary to cut it in even squares - random cuts look interesting in their own way.

We apply glue to the base and glue our paper cuts.

Application heart from pieces of paper - ready!

Paper heart (openwork postcard)

For an openwork heart, we need to cut out three hearts of different sizes and shapes from red paper, one heart from pink paper, as well as a frame and a declaration of love.

We glue together large hearts in such a way that the simple red is in the back, the red openwork is in the center, and the pink is in front.

Glue a red small heart on top. The paper heart is ready - it remains only to hand it to your loved one.

Paper napkin heart (video):

paper rose heart

A heart with roses, decorated with a ribbon around the edge, looks very beautiful.

Fold with a stapler or glue flower buds.

Glue stems with leaves and buds to the heart. At the bottom, we decorate the craft with a beautiful ribbon. Paper heart with flowers - done!

Hearts made from paper cupcakes

Hearts cut out of paper cupcake tins are interesting. Cut out a heart shape.

We fix it.

You can color them using prints applied with cotton swabs.

Moisten such prints a little with water - and you get the original color.

You can glue a ribbon to the heart.

Paper hearts - accordion

A very unusual heart can be made from accordion-folded paper.

Watch how to make a paper heart garland in the video:

simple paper hearts

Hearts are easy to make from paper strips - using a stapler.

Dip one edge of the heart in glue.

We decorate with them a whole tree, into the silhouette of which it is very easy to turn the contours of a child's hand cut out of brown paper.

One by one, glue the hearts to the palm.

Thus, you can arrange a greeting card or a picture.

Slightly more complex hearts are made from strips of colored paper, the ends of which are twisted into curls. From such hearts you can make a very beautiful, elegant pendant.

You can cut a heart out of paper, cut it into strips and stick it on a plastic tube. We have a very simple and cute valentine.

Heart - valentine

Application "heart with roses" from twisted paper

An interesting paper heart is obtained using the application technique of twisted paper. We will need to twist the colored paper into a tube, then cut the tube into small curls.

We fix the ends of the curls with glue so that the curl is quite free. Glue the curls to the paper base.

Glue small green curls to the base. Before us is an applique "heart" decorated with a bouquet of roses!

Application "heart with roses"

Twisted paper heart card

We take special paper for quilling or cut into thin strips. We twist the strips into curls. The ends can be fixed with glue or left free.

Glue a heart from a strip of paper onto the base of the card folded in half.

We place our twisted paper curls (rolls) inside the heart. We fix them with glue. Quilling heart card - ready!

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful quilling heart pendant:

Quilling heart

In order to make a heart using the quilling technique, we need quilling paper. We twist paper rolls (basic elements of quilling). If you glue together paper ribbons of different colors, you will get very interesting two-color rolls.

We lay out a heart from paper rolls. We fix each roll with glue.

Technique heart - done! With such a heart, you can decorate a greeting card or make an original Valentine for your loved one.

Paper heart scrapbooking

You can decorate a paper heart using the popular scrapbooking technique. The main thing for scrapbooking is layering and the effect of antiquity. Based on this, we select materials for crafts.

On a paper heart we glue an openwork paper napkin, an inscription, an angel figurine.

We supplement the craft with paper flowers and ribbons. Scrapbooking heart - done!

Volumetric paper heart-pendant

From thin tissue paper, you can make a very effective heart-pendant. Cut out nine identical hearts according to the template.

We sew a heart in the center on a sewing machine. We do not cut the thread - for it we will hang the craft.

We straighten the paper - the voluminous heart is ready!

Origami heart

To make a heart, we take a square of red paper. Special paper from origami kits is best, but plain colored paper can also be used. We cut the square into two parts.

We fold the triangle, then straighten it.

Bend the top of the triangle down the center line.

Fold up the side.

We turn over the workpiece. Bend one end to the side.

Bend the other end and press firmly.

We bend the upper and side parts of the heart, giving it a rounded shape.

These parts are well fixed with glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

The heart on the back will have a pocket in which you can put a note.

If we add bows to our hearts, we will get a very pleasant souvenir.

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful origami heart:

Watch the video - how to make another origami paper heart. It can be used as a bookmark for books.

A tulip flower is glued together from several folded paper blanks.

Paper heart pendants

From paper hearts, you can make beautiful and delicate pendants that can be hung on a window or decorate a chandelier.

You can even make a garland of many glued hearts.

Styrofoam and corrugated paper heart

Cut out a heart from the foam. Cut out a heart from crepe paper.

We wrap it with corrugated paper, fixing it with glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

Along the edges, such a heart can be wrapped with beautiful ribbons.

Each craft can be supplemented with unusual elements, decorations, drawings - then it will acquire a special charm.

DIY paper heart reviews:

Thank you, there are interesting ideas) (alevita)

The heart symbolizes love, tender feelings. Decorating the room with hearts of different shapes and colors does not lose its relevance both for romantic evenings and holidays, and for ordinary days. A handmade heart is a great gift option for Valentine's Day, for an anniversary of a relationship, for a birthday. Also looks good as a design element of a girl's room.
The presented product, in the form of voluminous hearts, attracts with the simplicity of the workflow and affordable materials that do not require large financial investments. Despite this, it looks attractive and interesting. For the manufacture of flowers, you can use corrugated paper, but based on the price category, ordinary napkins look just as good, but many times cheaper.
Materials for manufacturing:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue moment transparent crystal;
  • stapler;
  • pink table napkins;
  • acrylic paints, brush;
  • sequins;
  • harness or ribbon for hanging.

Manufacturing process

1. Draw a heart on the cardboard for the base. In this craft, a composition of three hearts will be made, one - 30 cm, two - 20 cm each in the widest part.

2. Cut out the hearts with scissors. A more convenient option is a clerical knife.

3. Paint over the back of the hearts. It uses pink paint to match the color of napkins. In the absence of pink, it can be obtained by combining red and white.

4. Immediately, before the paint is dry, sprinkle it with sparkles. They will stick directly to the paint, without the need for an additional adhesive base. We decorate the back part if the heart is given as a Valentine, or hung in the center of the room or on the windows. In the case when the heart is hung on the wall, it is possible to skip these steps and focus on the design of the front part.

5. Leave the hearts to dry completely.

6. The front of the hearts will be decorated with flowers. To make one flower, you need two napkins.
7. Cut the napkins into single-layer squares.

8. Fold the resulting 8 squares with an accordion, one side, which is 1 cm.

9. Fasten the accordion in the middle with a stapler. If it is not available, you can tie the accordion with a thread. But this will require additional time and possibly the help of another person.
10. Trim corners on both sides. It is possible, by cutting, to make a sharp corner to obtain a flower, such as a dahlia or chrysanthemum. Can be cut in a semicircle, then the flower petals will be softer, like a rose.

11. Open the harmonica. Gradually, gently lift all layers to the center.
12. Fluff the flower randomly to give the finished shape.
13. Prepare the rest of the flowers in a similar way. For smaller hearts, you will need, on average, 13-15 buds, and about 25 will fit on a large one.
14. Before fixing the flowers, take care of the hanging hole. Make it with scissors or an awl, stretch a ribbon or rope for a loop in advance.
15. Apply Moment glue to the entire surface of the heart.
16. Starting from the bottom, fill the entire area with flowers. Glue The moment is good because it quickly fixes the parts, an important factor for its use is the first firm pressure.

You can always make a huge heart out of paper or a garland of felt hearts yourself. Even if you do not consider yourself a creative person capable of creating masterpieces in the origami style, you can be sure that making a figure from the right material is not at all difficult. Of course, this time is wasted, but as a result you will get a very beautiful product that can be made as an addition to any gift.

DIY paper hearts

If you decide to give someone a heart as a gift, and there is not much time left, then paper is the easiest and most suitable element for such crafts. It will be convenient for a beginner to work with thick paper: it does not deform, keeps its shape and lends itself easily.

There are many options for creating a paper heart.

First, pay attention to the simplest and most intelligible examples.

Create a valentine with a voluminous heart. The first thing you can do is draw a freehand sketch of your heart. If you are not sure that your heart will turn out symmetrical, then you can use templates, which are enough on the Internet. You can print a suitable template on colored paper or cardboard.

Think in advance if you want to make several large hearts or many small ones. By the way, from small hearts you can make both a postcard and a homemade picture. An example is shown in the photo below.

You can stick hearts only with "roots". To do this, you must first bend each heart in half and apply a small drop of glue to the heart itself. If you apply glue to the canvas of the picture, then in the future it may be visible.

Since we work with small products, and the surface to be glued is small, it is better to use glue-moment in small tubes so that you can easily adjust the amount of glue on the paper. In this case, the finished product will be very strong and neat.

When you start making a heart or several hearts, imagine what you want as a result: a postcard, a product that can become a collage or wall decoration, a hanging figure, or another format. In this case, it will be easy for you to use your imagination and create, since from any number of hearts of any shape you can create something very airy and beautiful.

DIY heart garland

One of the most "airy" options for such crafts is a garland. You can make it long and use it to decorate a chandelier or window. You can also place the hearts more closely together, as if creating a cloud shape. Such a garland will look beautiful, for example, on a lighted wall. The main thing is not to make the garlands very thin and long. Such garlands are usually confused and, as a result, are short-lived.

Hearts can be of different sizes and colors, and perhaps your garland will consist of blank hearts of the same size. In this case, to save time, it is better to immediately draw or print the required number of hearts on paper so that during the process you are not distracted by “finishing”.

Garlands are usually fixed on threads or fishing line. If your garland is “light”, then it is better to use a transparent fishing line. If you want to make a semblance of a "New Year's wreath" of hearts, then such a product will stick very well on a wire or a circle of thick cardboard.

Do-it-yourself voluminous hearts

Volumetric hearts can become a separate piece of furniture. Volumetric products of large sizes look especially impressive. Such a fake can become a bright accent in your living room or, if you make a voluminous heart small, decorate a greeting card.

The technique we are going to talk about now has its own name.

Quilling is a technique of "paper rolling", due to which your hearts will turn out to be very light.

You will need glue, scissors and double-sided colored paper of any color. In fact, a heart made of paper of several colors that blend into each other looks very beautiful. For example, range from burgundy to pink. It all depends on your preference.

You can deform paper with an ordinary pencil. By pressing the paper against the pencil and twisting it, you fix the shape of the paper.

This fake does not require a preliminary layout. On the contrary, you take a sheet of paper and cut it into equal strips. Wind each strip on a pencil according to the above scheme. As a result, you will get a certain number of paper spirals.

Now you have to glue them together starting from the center. You choose the size yourself. Such voluminous do-it-yourself paper hearts can be a replacement for postcards or serve as an interior decoration.

DIY hearts made of fabric

You can not only make a soft voluminous heart out of fabric, but also use fragrant fillers. For such a fake, you need a suitable fabric. On it, you draw a layout of the heart and cut it out in duplicate.

The larger the heart, the easier it will be for you to sew it. You attach the sides of the future symbol of love to each other with the front side and stitch with suitable threads along the edges. Be sure to leave a small hole in order to pour filler or foam into the resulting case. If neither is available, you can use leftover pieces of cloth or cotton.

Your heart will probably consist of a plain fabric. Perhaps you will sew decorative elements and ribbons on the heart. Show all your imagination. If a small loop is sewn to the heart, then the heart can become a decoration for your man’s car, and you will not need to pick up a gift for.

DIY felt hearts

Crafts made of felt according to the principles of creation are not much different from other materials. You can also sew a voluminous heart or create a garland. In addition, you can sew a whole blanket out of felt hearts! Your girlfriend or mother will definitely appreciate such a fake. It is enough to cut the required number of hearts and sew them on top of each other, leaving a little space between them. Such a product will be a wonderful decoration for a bedroom or living room.

The advantage of the material is that it does not crumble when cutting. Therefore, you do not need to sheathe each product around the edges.

DIY heart box

In such a box you can present a gift to your beloved friend. If you make a box of thick cardboard, then you can even store jewelry or small accessories in it.

Making a cardboard box is perhaps a little more difficult than a garland or postcard. The box requires accurate calculations and minimal drawing skills.

For example, the photo below shows not the most complex version of a heart-shaped box. You can print the box diagram on the printer and quickly fold it along the ready-made lines.

DIY heart card

Postcards with voluminous hearts look very impressive.

You will need plain paper or special for scrapbooking. Different patterns will greatly decorate your postcard. You can cut out the same hearts and fix them with glue or thread on a cardboard postcard.

Hearts need to be attached in two pieces, one on top of the other. The edges of the upper heart must be bent or pre-wound on a pencil. This will add volume to your postcard.

DIY heart toy

The difference between a heart-toy and a voluminous heart made of fabric, for example, is that various patches and applications are more appropriate here. If you are making a toy for a small child, you can sew arms and legs into the heart. You can also use multi-colored pieces of fabric and buttons to make your toy look bright and interesting. The main thing is that all materials should be soft and pleasant to the touch, and there should be more filler so that the product does not lose its shape during the game.

DIY origami hearts

Making origami hearts is one of the very first ways to turn sheets of paper into something voluminous and original. Hearts assembled in the origami style, although they have a rather complex pattern of folding and folds, cannot become a full-fledged interior decoration.

Origami hearts are often used to decorate gift wraps or boxes.

DIY coffee hearts

This symbolic gift is made using coffee beans. If you want to give this to someone close, then use fresh coffee beans, then your craft will remain fragrant for some time.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • wire;
  • coffee beans;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • a thread;
  • iron can;
  • jute thread;
  • sponge;
  • decorative flowers and ribbons;
  • brown paint.
  1. On paper, you need to draw a heart, and then cut it out. To make your heart symmetrical, you can draw it on the bend of a piece of paper folded in half. Then the two halves will be exactly the same.
  2. Then take the cardboard and circle the heart. You will need two cardboard hearts. Cut them out too.
  3. Next you need wire. Two long pieces of wire need to be wrapped in paper. It is better to fix the paper with glue.
  4. Then glue the wire to the heart.

5. Now you need to glue cotton pads between the cardboard hearts. Due to this, the figure will take the form of volume. It is necessary to glue the discs tightly, laying them on top of each other. Glue discs in several layers.

6. When you glue the discs between the cardboard hearts, then glue the whole figure on the outside, and then wrap everything with a thread. The thread is better to choose a dense and thick. What you should get is shown in the photo below.

7. It remains to paint the heart with brown paint and paste over with coffee beans.

8. Next you use a sponge and a jar. Insert the core of the resulting heart shape into a sponge, then put it all in a jar. It remains only to decorate the jar. To do this, you can use decorative pebbles, and ribbons and fabric. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious and that sponge, glue and wire are not visible. Wrap the wire with ribbons or thread.

Again, the red color and the shape of a heart will be relevant. We offer three simple master classes, guided by which you can make voluminous hearts with your own hands. Decorate the interior of your apartment, office with them, or just give them to loved ones and friends!

In order to make a decorative composition of hearts, you will need:

  • sheets of colored paper (not necessarily only red);
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Stage 1. On a piece of paper, draw hearts of different sizes. You can use a template to keep the heart shape neat and correct. Cut out each shape with scissors.

Stage 2. Make a small incision in the upper part of the figure, bend the edges slightly inward. Apply a small amount of PVA glue to the edges.

Stage 3. Grab the edges with glue with your fingers and press well against each other on the back of the heart.

Stage 4. Hold the glued edges for a couple of minutes.

Stage 5. Repeat steps 2-4 with the rest of the hearts.

Volumetric origami hearts

  • For work, you only need scissors and colored double-sided paper.
  • Detailed step by step instructions are shown in the photos below.
  • Fold a square sheet of paper in half, then in half again and unfold.

  • Bend the corners as shown in the photos.

  • The final touch - inflate the heart through the hole below!

Hearts in the form of boxes (diagrams):

Required materials and tools:

  • thick paper (for gift wrapping - cardboard);
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Stage 1. Print or redraw the template on paper.

Stage 2. Cut it out with scissors or a utility knife (X-Acto knife). Fold over the areas to be glued. To make it more convenient to bend thick paper, help yourself with a ruler.

Stage 3. Bend the main part of the heart along the lines, helping with a ruler. Fold the figure into one piece. Apply a thin layer of glue to the corresponding protrusions, glue the heart.

If you are making a box, then bend the protrusions for gluing inside the box, and you can attach a tongue to the side of the “lid” to easily open it.
