How to make a mirror manicure. How to apply mirror gel polish on nails

Manicure with a mirror effect is always at the peak of popularity due to its originality.

There are many ways in which you can achieve the desired result. One of the simplest and most economical methods is to use mirror varnish.

Marigolds like a mirror

What is mirror manicure?

Mirror manicure, aka "Hollywood", appeared relatively recently. American stars and pop divas became trendsetters in “mirror” fashion, and literally every second representative of the fair sex at least once thought about creating a mirror shine on the surface of their nails.

Mirror varnish is very different from others in appearance. It contains increased amount reflective particles.

Exists erroneous opinion that after applying this type of varnish you can see your own reflection in your nails. You most likely won’t see the reflection, but you will get a truly unique effect.

Types of mirror varnishes

Mirror polishes and gel polishes are presented on the market in a fairly large assortment:

  • glossy options;
  • varnishes With metallic shade (metallic);
  • mother-of-pearl varnishes;
  • varnishes with chameleon shades, which are distinguished by a special metallic shine and, depending on the angle of incidence of the light, changing colors.

The most popular option is pure gloss, since it makes the surface of the nails almost perfectly smooth, and combining it with other decorations is quite simple.

Application Features

The technology for applying a mirror coating is no different from working with regular varnish, and making a manicure with a foil effect at home is quite simple.

For maximum effect, the surface of the nail should be smooth to the maximum, otherwise you will have every chance of ruining the gloss, which is simply unacceptable for this type of coating. For the same reason, drying with a hairdryer or air currents is impossible.

Unlike regular ones, mirror varnishes have a denser consistency. This is due to the peculiarity of the composition, namely the presence of reflective particles in it.

It is very important that the base for the mirror varnishes was colorless, since the main emphasis is not on color saturation, namely the reflective effect. It is applied to a degreased and cleaned nail plate.

Review of popular manufacturers

Many manufacturers of varnish products have released huge collections that are designed to support the trend, but some “monsters” of the industry simply leave their competitors far behind. Among them are:

Secrets correct application Bluesky mirror gel polish is revealed in this video:

Fashionable manicure with mirror polish

Mirror varnish can either be used on its own or serve as an effective basis for further decoration. It is not recommended to use a combination of such varnish with glitter, as this reduces the cost appearance, but you can combine several design options on different nails.

If you decide to use mirror varnish as a basis for the drawing, then it is better to stop at ethnic or vintage patterns.

Looks impressive on nails alternating mirror stripes with strips of varnish. How simpler pattern, the more elegant the hand looks, and the overall picture does not strike the eye with its pretentiousness.

Gained particular popularity French manicure, made using mirror varnish as one of the coatings.

No less relevant at all times moon manicure It will literally shine if you make a nail hole with mirror varnish. Special magical effect created by combining silver varnish and dark coating: black, purple, blue.

Mirror polishes will help you create an irresistible feminine manicure. You should not skimp when choosing a manufacturer, as this will affect the life of your coating. This design doesn't look good with a bunch of rhinestones or sparkles, but a little design can liven up the decor.

Mirror manicure– this is not a new thing, some will say. In any good salon You will be able to get a high-quality manicure with a mirror effect, the only pity is that this service is quite expensive. Yes, " metal nails» a wide variety of shades conquered women's hearts. In addition, this is exactly what is recognized as the most fashionable this fall. We won’t tell you about “metallic film or stickers” for nails, because this is an outdated way of creating such a manicure. The editors of WomanSovetnik have prepared for you a fascinating review of New Product beauty market - pigment for mirror manicure. After all, with it you can really create a high-quality, beautiful and neat mirror manicure at home.

Looking for the right product on the shelves of beauty stores

Mirror pigment for nails is a very finely ground aluminum powder. It fits perfectly (or rather, rubs in) into a gel or varnish base.

The result - a mirror effect - works well even for girls who have never done professional manicure before.

It is important to understand that ordinary sparkles, even the smallest ones, cannot replace chrome pigment for nails. So if you want to buy just such a mirror powder, look for one of the following names on jars of products:

  1. Chrome Powder;
  2. Glitter Powder;
  3. Chrome Pigment and the like.

These are not brand names - they are variations of the product name.

What color is fashionable?

If we talk about shades of mirror powder, then, undoubtedly, they lead in popularity gold and silver. But there are no restrictions, besides, you can find on store shelves different colors mirror powder. There are even products whose color changes depending on the angle of light.

Where to buy? How much will you have to pay?

This new product in the world of beauty has not yet reached the mass market level, so if you can’t find mirror gloss for nails in your favorite cosmetics store. Go to a boutique with professional products.

You can also find such a rub on the websites of cosmetics manufacturers or in online stores cosmetic products. Now a good choice shades can be seen on European and American trading platforms (there a 3 gram jar will cost about 15-20 US dollars), on Chinese sites, if you search very hard, you can find analogues (perhaps even in exactly the same packaging) for the same price 2-5 dollars USA and above. It's up to you to decide whether to order online.

What do you need for a mirror manicure?

Before you make a metal one, make sure that you have all the necessary materials in your arsenal.

We will need:

  1. Mirror rubbing. We choose the color of mirror powder that you like most, because the main thing is that you like the result;
  2. Gel polish or gel without a sticky layer, not necessarily single-phase. If you only have gels with sticky layer, you will also need to grab a product to remove the sticky layer;
  3. Top. For artificial and natural nails there is also different tops. We take the one that you need;
  4. Gel for extensions. We use it only if we plan to extend a little nail before doing a mirror manicure.

Important to know: for natural and artificial nails are used different gel polishes and gels. You should not replace one with another if you want your manicure to last as long as possible.

Is the color of the coating onto which the powder will be rubbed important?

If you have already held a jar of mirror powder in your hands, then you have probably noticed that its pigment is translucent, that is, the shade of the coating into which the chrome powder will be rubbed will also affect the result. If your goal is gold or silver nails, choose a black coating, but if you take color coating– we get a completely different result – the color of the coating with a gold, silver or pearlescent tint (depending on the color of the mirror powder).

Watch the video, choose the color of the coating

Mirror manicure with glitter step by step

  • 1 On a prepared nail (your own or an extended one), treated with a base (to even out the surface of the nail plate as much as possible), apply the appropriate gel or gel polish. If we choose gel polish: apply it in a thin layer, very carefully and quickly begin to dry so that it does not have time to spread. If the layer is too thick, it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the surface during drying.
  • Tip: Before each use of gel polish, we recommend shaking the bottle and mixing the liquid with a brush, since pigment settling occurs in most bottles.
    If we choose a gel, we apply more thick layer, evenly distributing the mass over the nail plate.

  • 2 To mirror pigment lay down as flat as possible, it’s worth drying your nails much longer under the lamp;
  • 3 We begin to rub chrome powder into perfectly dried nails, covered with gel polish or varnish. This can be done with either a fingertip or an eyeshadow applicator, a silicone brush, or even a foundation sponge.
  • Secret: rubbing will give a mirror shine only if you don't rub your nail too much. All movements should be smooth so that the already fixed sparkles do not move or roll down. It is most convenient to rub it on the nail plate with your fingertips, but along the edges and near the cuticle, a small sponge or a fairly hard brush can effectively apply mirror powder.

  • 4 Once the entire nail looks like a mirror, use a soft fluffy brush to brush off all excess glitter. You need to clean especially carefully near the cuticle so that there are no unnecessary sparkles left there, which with their lonely uneven shine can ruin the entire manicure, because our goal is a shine like metal, and not a manicure with sparkles.
  • 5 To make your manicure look neater, you should file the edge of your nail; this will help smooth out the edge and remove excess glitter.
  • 6 We begin to apply the top. If you see that there are several sparkles on the top brush, carefully remove them so as not to spoil the manicure.
  • Secret: if you don’t want glitter to get into the top jar (after all, you can also use it for other manicures that shouldn’t have glitter), we recommend that you first select required amount top coat, place it on the palette, and from there apply it to the brush and “seal” the nail with it.

  • 7 Before the final drying of the manicure under the lamp, carefully inspect the surface of each nail again for the presence of single loose glitter. If there are any, carefully pick them up with a regular thin brush for drawing patterns on your nails.
  • 8 Dry your nails under a lamp. If the pigment on the nail is uneven, you can apply another layer of rub-in directly onto the topcoat and then “seal” the manicure again with another layer of topcoat.


Mirror powder for nails is a fairly simple material to work with, so it is quite possible that you will succeed the first time, which is what we wish for you.

Mirror manicure VIDEO lesson, 5 ways

Mirror manicure photo

Modern manufacturers are constantly creating more and more unique compositions for manicure, thanks to which nail design turns into real art. Gel polish with mirror shine, thanks to which a woman always looks flawless and impressive. However, in order for the result to be truly unique, you should learn how to correctly select and use this unique coating.


Thanks to the use of mirror gel polish, you can get a trendy manicure in a minimum amount of time, which is characterized by an attractive metallic shine.

To mirror gel polish TNL or other manufacturers were able to bring desired result, selection should be made taking into account the following recommendations:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, since products that are too cheap will not give the desired mirror shine and perfectly smooth surface. The most the best option There will be lineups from TNL and Bluesky.
  • The coating should have a liquid consistency - when you open the bottle, the gel should flow from the brush very quickly.
  • The brush itself for mirror gel polish should be soft and have rounded smooth edges. Those manufacturers who are concerned about their reputation must pay special attention to such an accessory.
  • After examining the bottle, no delamination or sediment should be found in it.
  • Expiration dates are also important if you want to buy high-quality mirror gel polish.
  • The product looks like a matte composition containing many reflective particles.

The mirror decorative composition will become ideal solution both for glamorous young ladies and business women. Bluesky and TNL products are presented not only with a silver coating, but also with a wide variety of color variations: coral, blood red, violet, sky blue, emerald and gold. Chameleon products, as in the photo, will look no less impressive. The product is easy to use, which also pleases modern busy girls. The mirror gel polish itself looks very elegant, which allows you to avoid using additional decorative elements for your manicure.

Basic tricks for a successful manicure

Before applying TNL or Bluesky mirror gel polish, reviews of which are only positive, you should learn about the main secrets of working with such compositions:

  • To get a more uniform and lasting result, the nail plate must first be coated with a colorless compound.
  • Since the mirror coating has a very dense texture, before using it, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly so that all components are evenly distributed.
  • The first coating of decorative gel polish should be applied in a very thin layer. In this case, you need to avoid the cuticle area.
  • It is also not recommended to make subsequent layers too thick, as this may lead to subsequent swelling of the coating.
  • It is worth thoroughly drying each subsequent layer, which will also allow you to get a more accurate, high-quality and durable result.
  • Topcoat is another important element flawless manicure.

What do we need

Finger separator

If you are getting a pedicure

Sold in any themed store. For example, "Girlfriend".

Every lady has one

You can't do without them.

Regular manicure

The main condition is that they are sharp and do not break your nails.

For cuticle

Don't neglect them


For cuticle

For nails

Choose any



Regular ones won't do


For removing shellac

Sold individually or as a set


For degreasing

And removing the sticky layer


You can find an alternative

Available in sets and separately

Step-by-step process of working with mirror coating

Bluesky or TNL mirror gel polish is used using almost the same technology as a more traditional durable coating. However, due to the overly glossy surface, working with such a composition should be treated more delicately and painstakingly.

A manicure is performed using a mirror composition according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, the nail plate is prepared so that the manicure looks more neat. The cuticle can be moved back or cut off, having previously softened it in warm bath or using cosmetic oil. The surface of the nail is carefully polished, and any remaining dust is removed with a brush. Such preparation is necessary in order for the composition to lie on the nail more tightly and efficiently.
  • The mirror composition is applied in thin layers. If the first time you managed to get a uniform coating without streaks or bubbles, then you should not reuse it. In case of unsatisfactory results, mirror gel polish can be applied in 2 stages. This also applies to those cases when a woman seeks to get a more rich and spectacular manicure.
  • No matter how many layers are performed during a manicure, the result should be a very plastic film. This is achieved by drying under a UV lamp for the time recommended by the manufacturer.
  • The fixing composition is applied only after the pearlescent chips completely disappear and the film becomes invisible.

There are no special restrictions or rules regarding the use of such a manicure. As in the case nail design using any other gel polish, the mirror composition is afraid of caustic chemical substances and significant mechanical impact. That is why young ladies with shiny nails should wear rubber gloves when cleaning and washing dishes, and also avoid activities that can damage the decorative layer.

In order for TNL gel polish with a mirror shine or mirror Bluesky to help create a flawless manicure, you need to approach the procedure for applying it very responsibly. A detailed view will allow you to learn about all the features, advantages and subtleties of using such a product.

A. With its help, you can deal with persistent gel coating even at home.

In the field of beauty, technology does not stand still. This season's trend is mirror nail polish: it creates a bright, memorable image, looks amazing on your nails and attracts everyone's attention.

Nail polish with mirror effect

Mirror polishes allow you to get an ultra-shiny manicure that will have a glossy metallic sheen. There are several types on sale:

  • mirror;
  • mirror gel polish.

Manicure coating must be chosen correctly:

Mirror nail polish is a glossy coating that contains a large number of reflective particles.

The silver color of the varnish is universal; it suits both a business woman and a young fashionista. In addition to silver, a palette is presented various colors solutions: gold, coral, emerald, sky blue, violet, blood red. Metallic mirror varnish with a chameleon effect is also gaining popularity. Mirror nail polish delights women with its ease of use: it is enough to apply it to pre-cleaned nails, there is no need to use additional tools And various decorations. To ensure that such a manicure does not disappoint, you need to remember a few simple tips from experts:

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Read also: What is fluorescent varnish?

Gel - varnishes with a mirror effect

All women are familiar with the situation when they have to important meeting, and a piece of the coating has broken off on your nails, or you don’t have enough time for a manicure. The latest developments in cosmetology have encouraged women to save their time. Nail polishes have a fairly dense consistency and provide good adhesion to nail plate, very easy to level. Their main advantage is safety for humans. Gel polish can be applied to fingers and toes and is renewed every two weeks. To ensure that your manicure doesn’t disappoint, you must first apply the finishing gel for mirror gel polishes.

High-quality coatings should not flake off, flake off, must retain their appearance, regardless of temperature, humidity, without stickiness on the nails and unpleasant odor. Professional gel polishes dried under ultraviolet lamp. For a variety of color solutions After drying, special dust is applied to them. Combined mirror manicures with different color schemes are gaining popularity.

Every year, the beauty industry presents women with new products. For example, in the field of manicure, ordinary pearlescent or bright red varnish will no longer surprise anyone. A the fair sex I want to be surprised! One of the most interesting and visually stunning nail coatings today is mirror polish.

No, you won’t see your clear reflection in it, but your nails will have an original glossy finish with a metallic tint, similar to the shine of foil. Such nails are certainly not in danger of being left unattended!

Of course, not all well-known companies yet produce lines of mirror varnishes, because coatings with such an effect appeared relatively recently. If you are looking for a similar varnish, pay attention to the following options.

Budget manufacturers of mirror nail polishes

1. Delightful mirror nail polishes from the French manufacturer Brigitte Bottier fascinate with their iridescent shine. The line contains 8 chic mirror colors, is easy to apply thanks to the rounded and wide brush and lies evenly on the surface of the nail plate.

2. The largest range of shades is represented by a domestic manufacturer El Corazon. His mirror polishes Kaleidoscope different colors are gaining more and more popularity. The presented line of 14 shades contains silver, crimson, blue, gold, pink, cream and other colors of stunning beauty. In addition, those women who have already tried mirror polishes from El Corazon, note the high durability of the coating.

3. Also interesting options and almost a real mirror image can be found in the line Mirror Effect Nail Polish from the manufacturer Layla.

4. A lot good reviews assembled by a ruler Khrome by China Glaze, and especially its silver representative - Millennium.

5. Several similar varnishes can be found from the manufacturer Aurelia Magnifique Vanille.

6. Among budget brands, mirror varnish can be purchased from Avon, a series called Mirror Shine(Mirror Shine).

Manufacturers middle and luxury

1. Medium in price, but high in external characteristics - this is a mirror varnish from Maybelline collections Mirror Image.

2. Several varnishes in this category are presented in a series from Chanel "Le Vernis". The options are especially interesting Duo Platinum Silver And 607 Delight(silver and gold).

3. Manufacturer Sally Hansen also offers a fairly wide collection of mirror coatings for nails Chrome Nail.
