How to tell your mom that she is a grandmother. T-shirt for future dad

Whatever the relationship in the family may be, parents are the closest people, and they should be among the first to know about your pregnancy. Do not worry about how to tell your parents about the pregnancy. In any case, they will be happy for you and will support their daughter during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

How to tell parents about pregnancy?

You can report the good news at a family dinner, by phone or via Skype. But each expectant mother I want this event to be special and symbolize the beginning of a new stage in her life. In order for the message to make an impression, which can then be told on the birthdays of a son or daughter, you need to think in advance how to tell your parents about the pregnancy.

  1. Send them a postcard to "Beloved grandparents."
  2. Order personalized mugs "Grandma (Name)" and "Grandfather (Name)".
  3. Come to visit your parents in a T-shirt that says "Happiness in my stomach!".
  4. Send a telegram to parents on behalf of the future grandson or granddaughter with a story about how he can not wait to meet his grandparents.
  5. For dinner with your parents, grab a bottle of wine with a pre-printed label that says: "Enjoy, and I'll join in 9 months."

Original ways to tell parents about pregnancy

  • If you often see your parents, go to visit them or chat on weekends, inviting them to your place, then you can come up with many ways to tell your parents about pregnancy in an original way. For example, you can bring them a head of cabbage in sliders as a gift. It will be unexpected and joyful for future grandparents.
  • If a party is planned in the family, and you already know about your “interesting” position and are ready to announce it to all family members, pre-order T-shirts with the inscriptions: “I am a grandmother”, “I am a grandfather”, “I am an uncle”, “ I am a brother." When all the guests are assembled, invite them to try on clothes, announcing the most important news for you.
  • On family dinner you suddenly want to take a group photo. Take charge of the process by saying before you click the camera: "Say 'cheeeeez'." The guests will repeat. Take a new picture, dictating "Say "kiiiiis", "Say Masha is pregnant." Perhaps someone will repeat, as they say, "on the machine", and someone will freeze in bewilderment. But in a second, everything will happily hug you.

Using fantasy, you can come up with many ways to tell your parents about pregnancy. Make this day unforgettable for yourself and your loved ones.

How to talk about pregnancy?


If there are any holidays on the horizon, for example, New Year, Christmas, March 8, birthday, you can present to your parents original box or a frame with the first ultrasound image. Usually, ultrasonography is done already on the 10-14th day from the delay of menstruation. Although it will be difficult to see anything in the picture, the hint of the birth of a new life will be very clear and accepted with the warmest feelings.

ultrasound picture

baby booties

It sounds funny, but with the help of baby shoes or touching tiny booties, you can tell others about your situation. You can also give a box of shoes to your relatives or loved ones. Or you can post photos of your shoes, your husband’s shoes and children’s shoes on your page on the social network. So everyone will be aware of your soon full family. Very original and cute.

children's shoes

The inscription on the T-shirt

If you already have a child, you can order a special T-shirt for him with the inscription "Big brother" or " Elder sister". You can write similar phrases on an ordinary white football using markers or special spray cans. Put a T-shirt on your baby and let people notice it. Believe me, this will be an unforgettable moment that you and your loved ones will laugh at.

lettering on a t-shirt

A bottle of wine

If you are planning a family holiday or you have invited your girlfriends to your place, present them to the table with a bottle of wine with a note attached to the neck. On beautiful leaf paper, write the following phrase: "Enjoy this wine. I will join you in 9 months." After your friends read this, you will have the most best toast for the celebration.

wine with note


We often congratulate our relatives and friends by mail with the help of postcards. Why not use the proven method this time too? This great option for those who are far away from you. Take a photo of yourself with your husband. Hold in your hands homemade poster with the inscription "The most important point in our life will happen (for example) on August 14, 2015."


Whatever way you choose to tell others about your situation, let this day be the brightest, joyful and unforgettable for you.

You already know that you will soon become a mother. The treasured pregnancy test confirmed the guesses, you even came up with, about the most important news in life. But how to present such information to your family and friends?

Of course, you can just call everyone on the phone and happily tell the latest information. You can even call one relative, and he will certainly tell everyone else. But it's also not interesting. But what about the surprised faces, confusion and loud happy cries of the most beloved people in the world? No, it doesn’t suit us that way - we select ideas!

The best family photo

When the whole family gets together at some event, you or your husband will ask your relatives to take a group photo. And when everyone is ready, replace the phrase “Now say “Syyyyr” with “Now say together:“ Anya is pregnant! (of course, state your name).

Believe me, it will be one of the best, or even priceless - a lot of people with surprised, dumbfounded and joyful faces. For even greater effect, you can take a camera in your hands. At just the right moment, casually say something like, “Say hi to Mom! By the way, Anya is pregnant.

Banquet with hint

Prepare a dinner for your family and friends, where all the dishes will hint at the soon arrival of the baby. For example, cakes in the shape of a baby, vegetable puree, juices in children's cups. If there is no desire to cook such a variety of dishes, you can get by with replacing ordinary glasses with baby bottles with nipples or baby plates.

Watch the reactions of the guests. If they don't get the hint, point their attention to the flashy details on the table.


This surprise will be most relevant if your child is someone's first nephew or grandson. Gather all your relatives to your place for lunch or for a picnic, where you distribute T-shirts with the inscriptions "Grandma", "Uncle", "Cousin". Of course, if you capture the moment of opening the T-shirts on camera, there will be something to remember later. Or you can make one T-shirt for yourself with the words "I'm pregnant", and let your husband remove the expressions on the faces of relatives when you go out to them.

Dinner with a secret

Another variation, arranged for the sake of communicating important news: notes in guests' dishes. You can hide the message in a cookie or roll, and put a special note on each dessert plate. For example, "You will become a grandfather" or "In 7 months you will become an aunt." Or you can come up with the same text for all notes and hide them in a common dish.

Puzzle games

You can do it even more creatively: order a special puzzle with a text that tells about the upcoming joyful event. For example, “You will become a wonderful grandfather”, “Hi, uncle” or “Grandma, will you spoil me?”. Invite loved ones to assemble the puzzle and solve hidden meaning messages. Everyone will definitely enjoy.

Of course, everyone will be extremely happy when they find out about such news. But all people with different characters and temperaments. Therefore, do not be discouraged if your surprise is not received with such enthusiasm as you expected. The main thing is that everyone will definitely love the baby very much. Have an easy pregnancy!

Pregnancy is considered joyful event in the life of every woman and girl. However, a sticky situation can also be detrimental to girls who are not ready for adulthood. result unplanned pregnancy counts serious conversation with parents. The father and mother are worried about the well-being and health of their child, so they cannot always respond adequately. To present the news correctly, you must have psychological tricks and strictly follow the plan.

Step #1. Deal with thoughts

At the initial stage, it is important to immediately determine whether you are ready to become a mother. It is worth remembering forever that a lot of trials await you ahead. You may have to combine raising a baby with work and study, not counting on outside help.

You will forever lose your carefree youth, as the responsibility for a small life will fall on your shoulders. Parental everyday life is very difficult to survive, especially at the initial stage.

A child up to six months will be constantly capricious, will start to get sick, you can simply get confused. The birth of a baby is not an exam at school or college. This step is very serious and responsible, it is important to prepare mentally for it.

As you sort through your own thoughts and decide whether or not to keep your child, think about possible consequences abortion. To date, the safest are vacuum and medical interruption pregnancy.

Step #2. Prepare to Talk to Your Parents

After making a decision (whatever it may be), it is necessary to prepare for a conversation with mother and father. Scroll past serious conversations in your head, remember the reaction of your ancestors. What was she like at the moment when you reported the shocking news?

Did your parents support you or screamed at the top of your lungs? Was their reaction calm, wise? Building on past events. Play the conversation over and over again in your head until your speech sounds perfect.

Plan ahead for answers to possible questions ancestors. They will begin to ask who the father of the child is, how you plan to graduate from college / college with a baby in your arms, what means you will live on, etc.

Step #3. Make a plan of action

Pregnancy should not be presented as a Christmas present if you understand that it is not. You must have a specific plan that takes into account everything to the smallest detail. If you decide to leave the child, sit down and think about how you will end up educational institution Where will you work, where will you live, etc.

Parents need to know that their daughter is ready for such a step, otherwise everything will end in a scandal. Set yourself up for an adult conversation, don't show helplessness, don't say "I don't know what to do."

Step number 4. Pick the right time to talk

After you have developed a plan and selected answers to possible questions, proceed to the “X” moment. Need to find right time when both parents are in good mood. Yes, you may stun them, but there is no escape from this.

If you notice that the ancestors are arguing or not talking to each other, postpone the dialogue for another time. The same applies to the moments when the parents came home from work irritated and tired, do not aggravate the situation.

The right moment is the key to a successful conversation. Most suitable option- a family dinner where everyone is in a great mood.

Step number 5. start a conversation

During the preparation of the plan, you probably scrolled through the dialogue in your head 10-20 times. The main thing is that the beginning of the conversation should be laid, then everything will go much easier. For example, tell your parents that you are going to tell them important news. After that, add "I'm pregnant!", then shut up.

No need to chatter incessantly, mother and father must digest the information received. Yes, she shocks them, wait a while. When the parents are ready to talk, slowly begin to state your decision, plans for the future, possible nuances. Answer the questions clearly, do not mumble, make yourself look like a serious person.

Step number 6. Keep calm

It is important to understand that no matter how softly you present unexpected pregnancy parents will be in a state of shock for a long time. Do not be rude to them, do not raise your voice, do not sting, do not avoid answers. Express your thoughts calmly, defend your own decision if necessary.

Learn to listen, don't interrupt. As practice shows, the mother begins to react first. Listen to her arguments, discuss all the pros and cons together. Communicate that you will be happy if the ancestors provide support.

Mom went to her room, closed the door and sobbed? Is the father sitting at the table, frowning? Reassure them, ask them to talk to you. Let the ancestors know that you understand the seriousness of the situation, but do not want to act otherwise.

Step number 7. Express your feelings

If there are anxieties and fears, do not forget to mention them: “Mom, what would you do in such a situation? What will my friends say? Do not keep emotions in yourself while there is time to deal with everything thoroughly.

If you decide to keep the child, inform the ancestors about the upcoming ultrasound. In cases where it has already been completed, show them the ultrasound picture and tell them that the grandson will appear in December / January (for example).

How to inform parents about pregnancy: original ways

The presented options are suitable for those girls who have already crossed the threshold of 20+ and are ready to take responsibility for a small life. At this age, parents can be shocked, but most likely they will not insist on an abortion.

Method number 1. Joint shopping trip
If you live apart from your ancestors, call your mother, invite her to go shopping for the weekend. Choose in advance shopping mall, in which there are boutiques for pregnant women.

Upon arrival at the shopping center, head to the selected stores, pulling your mother by the hand. Browse dresses, sundresses, jeans for ladies in position.

Consult with your mother, ask her opinion regarding this or that item of clothing. At the same time, observe the reaction. When she understands everything and asks the long-awaited question, answer with a slight smile: “Yes, I am pregnant!”.

Method number 2. family shot
This option is more suitable for girls whose parents have long wanted to have grandchildren. Present the news as a surprise at a family dinner. Gather all your family and friends (optional), have a meal, chat, have fun. At the end of the evening, ask everyone to stand next to each other, parents should be in the center.

You'll be taking pictures, so brace yourself instead of the usual "cheeee!" or “Smile and wave!” say "I'm pregnant!" After a few seconds, press the camera button.

The reaction will be sincere, all faces will be captured in the pictures. If you wish, take a few photos, later you can laugh, considering the surprised face of each guest.

Method number 3. Album with photos
Get a photo album, print your pictures. All images will do: it can be a photo from family holidays, birthdays, vacations, buying an apartment, etc. Try to print as many photos as to fill the album completely (about 25 pieces). Attach the ultrasound result to the center. After you give the present, watch the reaction. On the ultrasound picture, you can sign "I will be in 6 months!" (it all depends on the timing).

Method number 4. New Year's gift

If the news that you are pregnant has become a joyful event, take advantage of any holiday. To inform parents ideal option will be the coming New Year.

Buy gifts, pack them beautifully, write on postcards: “Mom, you will soon become a grandmother!” or “Dad, you will become a grandfather in July!”. Or you can write "I'm pregnant!", Proceed from personal considerations.

Matryoshka dolls (number of about 6 pieces) can act as a gift. Take little leaf, write your news on it, place a smaller matryoshka in the cavity. wrap a present gift paper, put under the Christmas tree or hand it over personally.

Method number 5. chocolate egg
In order to surprise your family and inform them of your pregnancy, you will need to buy one or two Kinder Surprise eggs. Print a sweet present, try not to damage the packaging. Take sharp knife with a thin blade, first heat it over a gas burner, and then lower it into boiling water.

Take out the "yolk" ( Plastic container inside), roll up the ultrasound image and place the yellow box back. To glue the chocolate halves, you need to heat them along the contour with a hot knife, then quickly press. After the chocolate sticks together, wrap it in foil.

It is quite difficult for young girls to tell their parents about pregnancy, and this is not surprising. For a father and mother, a daughter will forever remain a little girl who needs to be protected. Mentally prepare for the conversation, think over the answers to possible questions, choose the right moment. Start speaking calmly, listen to the position of your ancestors, defend your decision.

Video: how to tell mom about your pregnancy

Pregnancy- This beautiful time attention from relatives, friends, a touching period of development of a new life inside a woman. When a woman enters an interesting position, she begins to shine. But when and how is it better to tell about your situation? In our article, we will talk about how to talk beautifully and creatively about your pregnancy, who is better to tell, and who should not be told yet.

The main thing in the article

How long does it take to report a pregnancy?

  • There is no definite confirmation of when to narrate the position of a woman. Each representative of the fair sex must determine for herself the date when she will talk about pregnancy.
  • Usually, most women talk to close friends and relatives in the first trimester, from about 4-8 weeks. This happens when family relationships are well established.
  • If relations in the family are strained, then not every woman will allow relatives to own classified information about his position.
  • With work colleagues, things are exactly the same, it all depends on how the pregnant woman decides. If she believes that this information is necessary for colleagues, then she will tell. If she does not consider it necessary to explain herself, she will remain silent until her stomach makes itself felt.

A pregnant woman owes nothing to anyone. Therefore, she herself decides who and when should find out about her. interesting position.

How to tell your husband about pregnancy beautifully: TOP 10 ways

The father of the child is in most cases the first to know about the position of his chosen one. We offer you 10 interesting ways position narratives:

  1. Take pictures of the first ultrasound and put in a bag or pocket with your husband.
  2. Draw on the baby's belly and show it to your loved one.
  3. If this is the second child, buy a vest or bodysuit with a slogan « Younger sister» or "Younger brother".
  4. Purchase a crib and ask to be assembled.
  5. Buy a book about a man's role as a father and let your loved one read it.
  6. Give your husband a rattle wrapped in a box with a bow.
  7. Inflate a lot of balloons, write on them "Congratulations, you're about to be a dad".
  8. Make breakfast and write in the plate with food "Future Dad".
  9. Write with chalk under the window on the pavement, for example: "Andrey, you will soon become a dad".
  10. Buy cubes with letters and assemble into a sentence "Darling, you will become a dad!".

How to inform a loved one about pregnancy in verse?

  • Some women know how to compose poetry and are fluent in word and rhyme. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to dedicate poems to a young future father. Especially it will sound great on the eve of some holiday, for example, New Year, Christmas, February 23, birthday.
  • Poems are great option telling and expressing your thoughts. Your loved one will appreciate your message and will be extremely happy with his new position.

How to inform parents about pregnancy in an original way?

  1. Gather your parents and your family and propose to do family photo. When everyone is gathered, say instead "smile""AName pregnant."
  2. Come to visit your parents and present an envelope, tell them to open it, and you can film it. Put the ultrasound images of the baby in the envelope.
  3. Write beautiful letter parents about your interesting situation and tell them when you meet. Ask to read it aloud in front of you.
  4. Come visit with a cake that will have an inscription "Congratulations, you will soon be a grandparent".
  5. Wrap up your positive tests V beautiful packaging and give to your parents.
  6. Give your parents small gifts with booties inside.
  7. Invite your parents to a cafe or dinner and raise a toast to future grandparents.
  8. If the parents live in another city and there is no way to come, contact by video call and show the ultrasound image on the screen.
  9. Offer to play a game of scrabble. Make a sentence on the board that you are pregnant and pack it up. Let the parents open the package themselves. Or during the game, write about your situation.

How to announce pregnancy by surprise?

  • Order a t-shirt « best dad and ask to be measured.
  • Give a Kinder Surprise and put a note inside "I'll be out in 8 months".
  • Bake fortune cookies and give him a note "The best dad in the world, I will come to you in 8 months".
  • Make a gender test and give it to your husband with the words "We will have a girl" or "We are having a boy".
  • Before the husband arrives, put cabbage in the refrigerator with a sticker on which there will be an inscription "Pick me up in 8 months".
  • Calculate approximate date childbirth and ask your husband “Do you know what will happen on October 12, 2018?”, he will remember the alleged events for a long time and finally give up. And you tell him: “On this day we will become the parents of a beautiful baby”.

How to inform a guy about pregnancy?

  • Take a picture of the test with the rattle and pacifier and put it in the envelope with the ultrasound picture. Present the envelope, and tell him to open it when he's ready.
  • Present a fork of cabbage, and put the dough inside.
  • Rename your name on his phone to "Stork" and write a message "I'll be back in 8 months".

How do you tell your ex you're pregnant?

  • Order dinner for three and ask the waiter to say “The guest is a little late, apologizes, and asks to wait another 8 months”.
  • Send a courier gift box, put cabbage forks with the inscription in the box “Dad, I will fly in 8 months”.
  • Write a letter and put it in an envelope with the attached test.
  • Invite to dinner, hold out a beautifully packaged dough, booties and a pacifier.

How to inform the child about the second pregnancy?

  • Older children do not always understand what the appearance of their brother or sister really means. Try to explain to the older child about the specific date of the birth of the youngest, focusing on the holidays that he knows about.
  • Do not give vain promises that when the child appears, he will play with him and the two of them will have fun. Tell the truth that the little one will need to be looked after and taken care of. Do not give vain hopes, because with the advent of younger child the other is disappointed.
  • In order for the baby to accept the information about the future brother or sister well, try to introduce him to the crumbs at a friend's house, pay attention to passers-by with strollers on the street.

Interesting surprises about the position:

  • Assign a medal for promotion to older sister.
  • Order t-shirts for the whole family with inscriptions "Baby Lives Here", "Best Dad", "Elder sister".
  • Offer to make repairs, justifying this by the appearance of a younger child.
  • Make a collage with a stork and write "I'll be there soon, dear brother".

How and when to tell friends about pregnancy: 10 cool ways

You can tell your friends about pregnancy when you are sure that all the troubles are behind you and you are ready for more attention.

  1. Gather your friends for tea with a cake that will have figures of a stork, dough and pacifiers.
  2. Come to a meeting with friends in a t-shirt with a slogan "Baby Lives Here".
  3. Gather your friends in nature and offer to do joint photo and instead "Cheese" Tell "I am pregnant".
  4. Play a game of truth or dare and tell the truth about your situation.
  5. Retire to the ladies' room with friends and let them get nervous, and when you return, say that you are suffering from toxicosis.
  6. Come to the meeting with a sly smile and stick to the last if you are asked questions about what is wrong with you. And when they get tired of asking questions, tell them you're expecting a baby.
  7. State your position right from the door.
  8. Prepare a gift with an ultrasound image, put it in a box, put the box in big box, the one in an even larger one, and so on. Give a surprise to your guests.
  9. Make a video of how you beautifully announced your pregnancy to your husband and show it to your friends.
  10. Arrange forks with cabbage around the apartment and invite friends.

At what stage of pregnancy to report at work?

Before reporting at work about your situation, you need to be aware of some things:

  • How will this affect relationships in your team?
  • Should colleagues have this information?
  • Do I want to listen to the same questions every day?

In any case, it is up to you and only you to decide when to talk about pregnancy. You also need to understand that relationships in the team play an important role. If the relationship is strained, then it is better to wait until the moment when the pregnancy is difficult to hide. If the relationship is really warm and friendly, then you can tell in the first trimester.

When should you tell your employer if you are legally pregnant?

  • By law, the employer must know about the situation of his employee up to 30 weeks, that is, until she can officially go on maternity leave.
  • If you do not want to inform your superiors about the situation, you can report it at week 28 so that he has time to find a replacement for you during your absence.
  • If you have a good relationship with the authorities, and no one asks you to quit, you can report when you see fit.

How interesting is it to inform employees about pregnancy?

  • If a holiday is planned, say that you cannot drink alcohol, commenting on this with an interesting position.
  • Order a courier dressed up as a stork. When he comes, let him give you a pacifier and booties in front of the employees.
  • Offer to watch a video of your surprise to your husband.
  • Treat your colleagues to a cake that is creatively themed around pregnancy, like this:

The Best Ways to Creatively Announce Your Pregnancy to Your Loved Ones

  • Write a letter from the future on behalf of the baby and put it in an envelope. When loved ones gather, open it in front of them and read it.
  • Make a photo collage of your family and future replenishment. Invite loved ones and show them.
  • Order a video report for an ultrasound and show it to your loved ones.
  • Bake cookies, put pregnancy notes inside and treat your loved ones.
  • Gather your loved ones around the table and serve a cabbage-shaped cake with dough inside.
  • Invite loved ones and take out undershirts bought in advance with them.

Video: The best ways to tell family and friends about your pregnancy

You can talk about your pregnancy simply, but you can be interesting and original. In any case, relatives and loved ones will always be happy with your news. And having learned about it, they will take care of you and take care of you even more carefully. Creative messages can be captured on video for future generations - such memorable moments will remind you of pleasant and beautiful moments life.
