How to weave a basket out of hair. Technique and options for the hairstyle "basket

Why does this hairstyle not lose its relevance and continues to be a favorite both on the red carpet and in everyday life? It's simple: beautiful hairstyles that give femininity and naturalness, emphasizing the beauty of hair and face, will always be loved.

Many are stopped by the apparent complexity of the hairstyle, and this is absolutely in vain. No one will deny that weaving any braid requires skill. For a person who has taken up braiding for the first time, whether a woman or a man, this process causes some suffering and a loss of confidence in the sleight of one's own hands.

At this stage, many give up. But if they tried to braid the braid at least five more times, they would have one more reason to be proud of themselves. To successfully weave a basket, you just need to be able or learn how to weave braids, get used to it. And the technique itself is not at all complicated.

Suppose you know how and love to weave braids, there is enough time to train a new hairstyle. But before you get started, here are some tips to make your basket even prettier!

  • The basket is shown for fairly long hair. If your hair is not very long yet, then at the end of the article you will find information on how to easily and effectively grow your hair.
  • Did nature reward you with curly hair? Specifically, in this hairstyle it will be better if they are straightened. It will be easier for you to create a hairstyle, and the result will be more accurate. Be sure to use a product that protects your hair from high temperatures before straightening.
  • If you have thin hair and want to increase the volume of your hair, then lightly tease the strands at the roots before weaving. You can also apply a special volume product to the base of the hair.
  • No one knows the features of your hair better than you. Someone prefers to braid hairstyles on clean hair, while someone likes to weave on slightly dirty hair. Take a closer look at your hair and choose the option that is closer to you.
  • If you braid a hairstyle for not completely dry hair, then after you unravel the basket, you will receive luxurious voluminous curls as a gift! Walking with a hairstyle for beautiful curls is enough for three hours. But for a brighter effect, you need to stay with your hair all day.

Stop ruining your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent studies of hair care products have revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos damage our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the structure of the hair, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals enter the bloodstream through the pores, and are carried to the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend avoiding such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - Mulsan Cosmetic. Products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of completely natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that for natural cosmetics, the shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.

Stars choose a basket

Below are photos of celebrities with different hairstyles. Pay attention to the negligence or neatness of the hairstyle. Girls are more likely to be disheveled and careless, while women are better off choosing a neat basket design. Girls are allowed both options.

Dianna Agron

Zoe Saldana

Scarlett Johansson

Chloe Moretz

Laura Hayden

What are the baskets

There are four main types of baskets: they all look good, but differ in technique. Each option will be presented below with photos of hairstyles and detailed instructions on how to do it yourself, as well as tips.

Classic variant

This hairstyle is considered a classic due to its ease of execution and elegant result. It looks especially good on thick hair: voluminous braids create an attractive volume in the occipital region. The tied hair opens the face, the braids in the forehead do not weigh it down. Therefore, the classic basket suits everyone.

For hairstyles, you need a comb, hairpins, invisibles, thin elastic bands to match the hair. Make sure your hair is well combed and you're good to go! Here's how to create a classic basket in a few steps:

  1. With a straight parting, divide your hair into right and left sections. Start on any side.
  2. Take three strands from the forehead area and start braiding the braid using French technology. This means that in the process of weaving you need to move, grabbing new strands from the sides. Continue to weave along the length of the hair.
  3. When you are done, tie the braid with an elastic band and proceed to the second part. Do the same.
  4. When the braids are ready, draw one braid around the circumference of the head under the other braid, bring it to the forehead. The braid should be nicely arranged in a circle. Fasten it.
  5. Secure the second braid over the first, moving towards the forehead. You should end up with braids next to each other and framing the head in a circle.
  6. Make sure that the hairstyle is sufficiently fixed and fix it with varnish.

See how the classic version of the hairstyle is performed in this video:

Closed variant

This option is most often done to young ladies: the hairstyle keeps well during the day, it does not need to be adjusted. In addition, long hair is beautifully cleaned in such a basket and does not interfere with doing business. But this does not mean that if you have already left the tender age, then this hairstyle does not suit you. On the contrary, both business ladies and women working at home will appreciate its attractiveness.

Take an elastic band to match your hair, hairpins, invisibles and a comb. Follow the instructions to create a closed version of the basket.

  1. Make a circular parting at the crown. Gather the hair inside the circle into a ponytail and tie at the base.
  2. You need to start weaving the braid in the French way, grabbing strands from the tail. Weave in a circle until each strand is involved. You need to start from the side of the temple.
  3. When the basket is ready, carefully hide the end of the braid. Secure the hairstyle where necessary with hairpins and invisible hairpins, fix with medium or high hold hairspray.

If you weave according to the instructions, then you will get a hairstyle as in the photo above. There is also an interesting version of a closed basket: in it, the braid is not braided around the circumference of the head, but from two sides. At the end, these two braids are woven into one. It will not be difficult for you to see a slightly different weaving pattern for such a hairstyle in the group of photographs below.

Detailed hair styling is shown in this video:

Option for those in a hurry

What to do if you want your hair to be beautiful and elegant, but there is very little time? Then you definitely need to give preference to this option! It is good for its ease and speed of execution, as well as a decent result: no one will say by your hairstyle that you had very little time to get ready.

As usual, such improvised tools will come in handy: a comb, invisible hairpins and hairpins, an elastic band. Follow the instructions below and quickly get a beautiful hairstyle to go out. You can start weaving a braid both from the side and in the center. You can try in different ways.

  1. Start braiding the French braid, adding strands from one or two sides, depending on the type of basket you selected earlier.
  2. Weave until the braid is ready, and then tie it with an elastic band.
  3. Then wrap the braid around the circumference of your head and secure.
  4. Now you can slightly dishevel the hair and loosen it so that it seems a little more sloppy and voluminous. But do not overdo it, otherwise the basket may look untidy.
  5. Fix the result with varnish.

Royal variant

This option got its name, as many noble people wore such a hairstyle. Weaving looks very nice. Its beauty is that the hairstyle looks livelier and more active: on one side, the braid naturally turns out to be wider and more voluminous, and on the other, narrower and denser.

The removed hair does not interfere with doing business, and thanks to the better-developed weaving than in the previous version, the hairstyle does not need to be restored and adjusted. The released strands look very good in this basket.

Before proceeding to the royal version, take a comb, invisible hairpins, hairpins and a thin elastic band. Now braid your hair with this little tutorial. Start with the right or left temple. You need to weave a French braid around the circumference of your head.

  1. Take the strands and start braiding them into a French braid. Note that at first it is important to give the maximum volume and width to the braid, gradually reducing them. This can be controlled by the thickness of the strands and their arrangement.
  2. Continue braiding until the braiding has collected all the hair around the circumference of the head.
  3. After that, tie off the tip and tuck it under your hair.
  4. Secure the hair with invisible hairpins and hairpins if necessary, sprinkle with varnish.

Watch in this video how to make such a hairstyle:

wedding basket

This hairstyle is appropriate in any situation and many brides prefer it. Judge for yourself: the basket looks very gentle and elegant. The hairstyle looks especially beautiful if you decorate it with flowers or cute hair accessories.

How to grow hair fast

It's no secret that many people dream of long and healthy hair. But someone dreams, and someone ─ acts! Moreover, to acquire a luxurious mop is within the power of each. Let's start with the fact that the hair needs to be combed, but comb it correctly. This means that you need to use a comb in the morning and in the evening.

Why at such a frequency? If you comb your hair more often, they can become more brittle and thin, which is not surprising. If less often ─ the hair will lack air, the scalp ─ blood, and you will only have to complain about your hair and knots in it. It is also important what material to comb. Most of all, hair likes boar bristles and wood.

Don't wash your hair too often. You are stripping your hair of its protective shell day after day. Is it possible to expect much from a depleted and damaged hair? Wash your hair every few days. If you need to wash more often, use dry shampoo. Do not forget also about the balm: it envelops each hair and nourishes it.

Minimize extreme exposure to hair. Try not to radically change the color and do not use low-quality or very resistant paints. Also, try to use less hair dryer, iron and curling iron ─ and you can not help but notice the difference.


Replenish your piggy bank of hairstyles with one more: an exquisite and convenient basket! Pamper yourself, do your favorite hairstyles and try new ones. Take good care of your hair to keep it healthy and beautiful. Then the desired hair length will not keep you waiting.

This article shows photos of stars who prefer a basket hairstyle for the most important occasions. Here you will find four main types of baskets with detailed creation instructions and photographs. You can also watch videos showing how to make some types of baskets.

See how this hairstyle looks advantageous on brides, and also take note of how best to decorate a basket for a special occasion.

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A basket hairstyle for a girl is one of the most versatile hairstyle solutions that allows you to both decorate a child and deprive of freedom the naughty strands that always get out of the face. Along with the usual bun and various braid options, the basket becomes one of the most favorite hairstyles for young mothers - strong, versatile and giving unlimited scope for creativity on the head of your beloved child.

simple hair basket

A basket is called a hairstyle made of hair laid around the head, decorated with weaving, intricate or simple - it depends on the author's imagination. Most often, the hair is braided directly around the circumference from the temple to the back of the head and held in place by weaving the remaining unselected strands. But this is optional.

Even a braid laid around the circumference of the head, secured with hairpins, will be considered a basket. Nothing makes it more difficult to create a basket of hair than weaving a braid, taking small strands of the same size into it.

Indeed, without proper training, the strands turn out to be of different sizes, the hairstyle is not perfect and does not decorate the girl at all. There are a great many options for the variety of this hairstyle, you can choose from them according to your taste or occasion.

In fact, if a child goes to a kindergarten, sports section or school, you should opt for strong, tight weaving with a minimum of hairpins and hairpins. To save time, a basket braided from one temple to another with a French braid is perfect. The “indestructibility” of a basket made of Russian braid has been experimentally proven: the strands do not break out and do not hang in front of the child, but remain in place even after many hours of activity.

The ease of execution will make weaving a hair basket an easy task and will allow you to use this hairstyle quite often - as often as mom and baby want. But what to do if there is a holiday, a matinee, a solemn reception? This is where complicated basket options come to the rescue. Mom will need all her patience, because other models will require a lot of time. This article will give mom inspiration and ingenuity.

Complicated options

Sometimes it’s enough just to change the type of pigtail: according to the already familiar practice “from temple to temple”, we braid not a classic French braid, but a spikelet. The process is laborious, but the result is worth it! So, for this we consider the following:

modesty or solemnity

Usually the classic basket is finally fixed with studs or stealth pins. When creating a festive hairstyle, you should not limit yourself to decor. Together with the addition of strands to the braid, you can weave into the hair:

  • tape;
  • a string of beads;
  • Natural flowers.

Basket hairstyle options

Weaving a classic basket

Now that we've learned how to make a basket on your little girl's head, let's get started. We have compiled instructions only for the most common type of basket, since photos and videos convey the process in more detail.

A basket hairstyle for a girl is one of the most versatile hairstyle solutions that allows you to both decorate a child and deprive of freedom the naughty strands that always get out of the face. Along with the usual bun and various braid options, the basket becomes one of the most favorite hairstyles for young mothers - strong, versatile and giving unlimited scope for creativity on the head of your beloved child.

simple hair basket

A basket is called a hairstyle made of hair laid around the head, decorated with weaving, intricate or simple - it depends on the author's imagination. Most often, the hair is braided directly around the circumference from the temple to the back of the head and held in place by weaving the remaining unselected strands. But this is optional.

Even a braid laid around the circumference of the head, secured with hairpins, will be considered a basket. Nothing makes it more difficult to create a basket of hair than weaving a braid, taking small strands of the same size into it.

Indeed, without proper training, the strands turn out to be of different sizes, the hairstyle is not perfect and does not decorate the girl at all. There are a great many options for the variety of this hairstyle, you can choose from them according to your taste or occasion.

In fact, if a child goes to a kindergarten, sports section or school, you should opt for strong, tight weaving with a minimum of hairpins and hairpins. To save time, a basket braided from one temple to another with a French braid is perfect. The “indestructibility” of a basket made of Russian braid has been experimentally proven: the strands do not break out and do not hang in front of the child, but remain in place even after many hours of activity.

The ease of execution will make weaving a hair basket an easy task and will allow you to use this hairstyle quite often - as often as mom and baby want. But what to do if there is a holiday, a matinee, a solemn reception? This is where complicated basket options come to the rescue. Mom will need all her patience, because other models will require a lot of time. This article will give mom inspiration and ingenuity.

Complicated options

Sometimes it’s enough just to change the type of pigtail: according to the already familiar practice “from temple to temple”, we braid not a classic French braid, but a spikelet. The process is laborious, but the result is worth it! So, for this we consider the following:

modesty or solemnity

Usually the classic basket is finally fixed with studs or stealth pins. When creating a festive hairstyle, you should not limit yourself to decor. Together with the addition of strands to the braid, you can weave into the hair:

  • tape;
  • a string of beads;
  • Natural flowers.

Basket hairstyle options

Weaving a classic basket

Now that we've learned how to make a basket on your little girl's head, let's get started. We have compiled instructions only for the most common type of basket, since photos and videos convey the process in more detail.

It is not the first season in the hairstyles of celebrities and models that you can see braids and their elements. A variety of ways to weave hair are chosen by business ladies and students. One of the most popular hairstyles with braids is the hair basket. The basket looks original and fresh and does not require special skills in weaving braids; any girl can do it on her own after a few workouts.

Who is the basket hairstyle for?

The basket is suitable for almost all girls and girls. The only exceptions are chubby beauties, as they do not suit hairstyles with hair pulled back tightly. But for them, you can find a suitable version of this hairstyle with a weak weave, which will not pull the hair around the face.

The basket hairstyle is distinguished by its appearance for girls and girls. Girls are more likely to have tight braids of the same type so that their hair does not interfere during study. Girls, on the other hand, can afford both tight and loose weaving of various types. The convenience and practicality of the hairstyle is already in the background, femininity and smooth lines come first. The basket braid is used by some hairdressers as a wedding hairstyle. In this case, it is decorated with flowers and other paraphernalia.

Basket varieties

The basket hairstyle is the collective name for a braid placed around the head. The weaving itself can be different, most often it is a regular French braid.

A braid basket can be laid evenly over the entire head or be just a rim. It also sometimes resembles a wicker basket, when the braid goes in the form of a rim, and is gathered in a wicker at the back.

Step-by-step instructions for weaving a basket hairstyle

Basket weaving technique can be different depending on the type of hairstyle. But in any case, it is better to prepare a comb, hairpins, invisibles, hairspray and elastic bands in advance. If desired, the basket can be supplemented with flowers and other decorations.

In the case when the braid encircles the head in only one layer:

  1. First of all, you need to slightly moisten the strands with a light fixation spray, comb and divide them with a vertical straight parting into two equal parts. In some cases, the right side can be made a little larger.
  2. Then it is necessary from the working side of the hair, that is, from the one from which the braid begins, to separate three equal strands and start weaving the braid. The pigtail basket can be both regular and inverted weaving. You need to read more about how to weave.
  3. The basket braid should run along the hairline from the back of the head to the front of the head. After reaching the line of the middle of the forehead, you need to start taking curls for weaving from the left side of the head.
  4. When all the hair is taken, the free edge of the braid is neatly laid along the braided hair and secured with hairpins. The finished basket is a wide strip of hair braided around the entire circumference of the head.

Weaving braids basket can be done in another way. Instructions on how to weave this type of hairstyle are very simple.

  1. At the crown, you need to separate three equal strands and start braiding a French pigtail from them in a circle. You need to weave a braid so that even circles of the future basket are obtained on the head. On thick and long curls, you can end up with up to six circles of weaving.
  2. The free edge of the braid is laid under the already braided hair in the same way as the previous method.

A hair basket can also be made from two braids.

  1. Before starting weaving, the hair should be divided into two parts with a straight parting and two loose French braids should be braided.
  2. Then put the right braid around the head over the left, fix the result with hairpins. Hide the tip of the hair.
  3. Do the same with the left scythe. The result is a voluminous pigtail basket. With high-quality work, it will be difficult to determine exactly where each braid passes at a glance.

Another version of the basket hairstyle, also consisting of two braids, provides for their fastening at the back in the form of an oblong roller. If the hair is thick, then the hair basket is quite voluminous. In this case, you can combine two types of hairstyles and put one in, and make a roller out of the other. A large amount of hair needs to be fixed only with long hairpins, in this case the basket will not fall apart even after the most incendiary dances at the party.

Modern interpretations of the basket hairstyle include not only weaving French braids, but also creating rims from. In this case, the basket braid looks very original. Such a basket is suitable not only for schoolgirls, but also for girls who want to impress the opposite sex with their feminine image. Thus, the basket hairstyle is a universal helper for every girl and girl.

Video: Basket Hairstyle Technique

Weaving braids for many years remains relevant among girls of any age. Styling of this kind is made by stellar persons, striking everyone with their beauty and originality, they are chosen by girls for a light romantic look, or vice versa, a strict and businesslike one. Young ladies are also delighted with the intricate weaves on their heads using all sorts of ribbons and elastic bands. The most popular type of hairstyles has won the use of basket weaving.
This styling has a huge number of options and ways: from simple braids to fish tails and spikelets.

The basket hairstyle has won the hearts of many fashionistas due to its practicality.

She is able to keep order on her head for a very long time.
There are many variations on how to weave a basket hairstyle - look at the photo:

Often weaving a "basket" is a braid that is laid around the head. However, there are many variations.
The basket is braided in the form of a wreath or laid evenly over the entire head. The weaving itself is a French braid, but you can use any other.
We will show you how to make a simple styling for each length.

How to make a basket hairstyle for short hair

Such styling will please the owners of even short hair. Attractive and simple, it is ideal for a romantic evening or a business meeting.
Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to make a basket hairstyle for short hair:

Draw an even parting on the side, dividing the hair into parts. Roll your hair into a bundle, gradually grabbing loose strands.

Repeat weaving on the other side.

Using a small elastic band or invisible, pin the tourniquets at the back of the head. Don't worry about loose strands: they will give the weaving a romantic touch.

Divide the remaining hair into 2 parts, twist into bundles and fasten crosswise.

If you want to add more volume, gently spread some of the strands with your fingers.

To make it easier to understand how to make a basket hairstyle, look at the photo:

How to make a basket hairstyle for medium length hair

Girls with medium length hair have a richer choice.

On medium hair, the basket hairstyle looks more romantic and free - it will be a great addition to an evening walk. You can pull your hair tighter so that the styling comes out more strict - it's up to you.
To braid a basket, you do not need special skills or long practice.
You just need to follow the instructions:

Draw a straight line down the center.

Among the unused hair, take a strand, dividing it into 2 parts.

Make a hair knot.

Take the next strand, connecting it with the previous one. Tie the knot again. Weave a pigtail around the circumference of the head, using loose strands.

Pin the last strand with a hairpin or elastic band, then hide it inside the hair.

To keep the styling well, sprinkle it with a large amount of varnish.

And for clarity, look at the photo - you will see that making a basket is quick and easy:

How to make a basket hairstyle for long hair around the head

On long hair, weaving is more difficult to do.
However, the happy owners of long hair have a huge selection of weaving options: from simple and uncomplicated to the most time-consuming and festive.
Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to make a basket hairstyle for long hair:

Separate the hair bundle with a circular parting.

Make a ponytail, you will have about half of the hair involved.

Align the edges with your fingers or a comb: the tail should be symmetrical.

Disguise the elastic with a lock of hair and pin it with a hairpin or invisible.

Start weaving from the ear: take a curl from loose hair, a curl from knotted hair and cross them.

Weave a braid, alternately crossing the strands.

The braid should reach the other side of the head.

Loose hair (if any) braid by any method.

The volume of the basket can be given by loosening some strands of hair.

Such weaving is striking in its unusualness, and is done in just a couple of minutes. How to make a basket hairstyle around the head, look at the photo:

How to weave a basket hairstyle for a girl

Another option is to weave a basket around the head with small braids.
This weaving method is perfect for young ladies.
How to weave a basket hairstyle for a girl:

How to make a hair basket for a girl step by step, look at the photo:

In the center of the head, select a strand, securing it with an elastic band.

Divide the strand into 3 parts and braid a regular braid.

While weaving, add unused strands by braiding the pigtail in a circle. The braid should be made as tight as possible, otherwise it will not hold.

Continue braiding around your head until you run out of loose strands.

Braid the end of the pigtail in any way convenient for you and tie with an elastic band.

Stab him with invisibility.

Hairstyles-baskets with ribbons and elastic bands

Hairstyle can be varied with anything: ribbons, bright elastic bands and curls curling around the face. You are only limited by your imagination.
Laying with ribbons
Adding a bright touch to your hair with a ribbon is not difficult. Just while weaving the braid, weave the ribbon until the end of the hairstyle. At the very end, tie the ribbon into a bow or pin it under your hair.
The hairstyle of a basket with a ribbon looks very romantic and elegant, look at one of these options in the photo below:

Weaving with rubber bands

This styling will be a great solution for girls with squares.

"Wreath" is woven from ponytails, gradually tying them with small rubber bands. A variety of colors will add a more "childish" look to the hairstyle and will please the young lady.
Step-by-step instructions on how to weave a basket hairstyle from rubber bands:

Comb your hair.

Starting from the ear, take a small strand and tie a ponytail.

Continue weaving around the head.

Fix the resulting "wreath" with a small amount of varnish.

Hide the tip of the last tail in a hairstyle.

Hairstyle-basket of ponytails and curls

Basket of ponytails
Everyone can do such a hairstyle, especially since it does not require much effort and time.
See how this weaving looks in the photo:

Basket of curls

Such styling will be a great addition to a gentle evening look.

Best of all, it is suitable for owners of medium and long hair. To make the weaving as elegant as possible, you will need outside help to follow the shape of each curl. Together, the basket will be done much faster.
Weaving a basket is very simple:

After curling your hair, make a low ponytail out of it.

Take a curl and thread it through an elastic band to make a ring, secure with an invisibility.

Continue to thread the remaining strands until the styling is complete.

Spray with plenty of varnish so that the weave does not fall apart.

Do not neglect the decorations, they will give the hairstyle a more feminine look.

Some curls can be left loose, so the styling will look more free.
How to make a hair basket of curls yourself, look at the photo:

Simple two-ply basket hairstyle

Divide your hair in half.

On one side, divide your hair into 3 equal sections.

Braid the French braid, gradually grabbing loose strands.

Braid the braid to the end.

Repeat steps on the other side.

Both pigtails must be secured around the head with the help of stealth.

Before you fix the pigtails, they should be loosened a little so that the styling comes out more magnificent.
For clarity, how to braid such a hairstyle, look at the photo:

Don't limit your imagination: a basket can be woven both from a French braid and from any other. It all depends on your skills and desire. The original way of weaving is the "wreath" of the fish tail.

A French braid headband will suit any girl and girl.

However, with such a hairstyle, owners of a round face shape should be careful. During weaving, the hairstyle should not be tightly tightened, but, on the contrary, it is better to slightly dissolve it.
For more information on how to weave a basket hairstyle, see the video:

And finally, a few practical tips.
To make your hair look as professional as possible, follow a few of our recommendations:

  • if your curls are curly, they should be straightened. So weaving a hairstyle will be much easier;
  • before starting, the hair should be combed well so that it is less tangled during weaving;
  • if you are left-handed, then you should start weaving on the right side of your head.

The basket is a universal styling that is suitable for any event.

Everything depends on you: style the curls loosely or tight, depending on this, the styling will change from more romantic to more strict.
