How to cut a straight rectangle. How to fold a flower from a square sheet of paper

A hexahedron or cube is a polyhedron whose sides are all squares. Do you like riddles and puzzles? This article will teach you how to make a cube out of paper or cardboard. Let's consider such unusual products as the Yoshimoto cube and the transforming cube.

From the scan

Developments are called diagrams that allow you to make a three-dimensional figure from paper or cardboard. First, let's learn how to build a sweep. To make it you need paper, pencil, ruler and scissors.

All sides of the cube are squares. So, first you need to draw a square on a piece of paper. At the same time, do not forget about the rules of geometry - a square has all sides equal, and the angles are 90°. Next, let’s remember how many faces the cube has – six. That is, there should also be six of them in the gluing diagram. Draw four squares around the central square. Where should I put another one? Just draw it on the side of one of the squares. The edges are in place, there are not enough allowances for gluing. They need to be drawn on three side squares. They are 0.5-1 cm.

Do not forget to cut their corners at an angle of 45°, so they will not interfere when gluing the figure.

The scan is ready! This is what you should get:

Now you need to arm yourself with scissors and glue and assemble the figure. Cut out the development using scissors. Next, you need to bend all the edges of the cube, as well as the allowances. Lubricate the edges with glue and connect the cube together. Volumetric paper cube is ready!

Origami cube

The origami technique is very ancient. Its appearance is associated with the production of paper in Ancient China. The Japanese adopted its secret, and it was there that the art of origami originated. Previously, figures made of paper had a sacred meaning. They decorated temples, wedding and funeral ceremonies. The Japanese believed that hanging balls folded using the origami technique above the patient's head would help ward off illness and evil spirits. Later this art began to be not only religious, but also entertaining.

Most origami patterns date back to ancient times, but modern masters have also made a significant contribution to the development of this unusual type of creativity. We invite you to try folding a cube using the origami technique. To do this, you need to take a square sheet of paper and make a fold in the center, and then bend the edges towards the middle. This initial figure is called a door.

Fold the edges toward the center and tuck the top and bottom corners into the pockets:

Turn the workpiece over and bend along the lines indicated in the diagram:

The result is a module. To collect a cube of such modules you need six. Each part has pockets; it is into them that neighboring modules are inserted. Connect the parts according to the diagram:

The origami cube is ready. For beauty, you can make each side from paper of different colors.

Unusual puzzle

Do you want to please your beloved children with an unusual puzzle or make an unforgettable photo album? Then a short master class on creating a transforming cube will be useful to you. On each side of such a cube you can place a picture or photograph, and inside there are as many as six more pictures.

To make such a cube you will need:

  • 12 pictures or photographs;
  • Glue;
  • 8 cubes with 4 cm sides;
  • Scotch.

You can take the most ordinary children’s cubes or glue them yourself using this pattern:

First, look at the places where the cubes are attached:

It is important to understand! The whole secret of transformations of such a puzzle is in the correct gluing of pairs of cubes.

To make it more clear, let's look at this process step by step. First, glue two pairs of cubes together as shown by the yellow stripes in the diagram:

Place these four cubes side by side and glue them together in the places indicated in blue:

Place the cubes as shown in the diagram. In this case, the yellow glue will be on the side opposite the red one. Glue along the red lines:

The photo must be placed on the four cubes. The size of the photographs is 8 by 8 cm.

It is important to glue the photo carefully, especially if you do it with glue. Otherwise, you can inadvertently glue together those edges that are responsible for the correct transformation of the puzzle. So it's better to use hot glue or double-sided tape.

An unusual photo album from a transforming cube is ready! You can see in the photo how you can lay it out and view pictures.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - cardboard;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - glue;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - colored paper;
  • - paints.


On a landscape sheet of paper, using a ruler and pencil, draw the development of the cube. It should have six faces, each of which is a square. In the development, arrange them in such a way that you have to glue as few edges as possible. Place the four side faces side by side, end to end, and the top face and base - on the sides of the development.

Strengthen the cube from the inside with a cardboard frame, making exactly the same development, but without a top and without a base. Draw the frame a few millimeters smaller than the main cube.

Draw special valves to the reamers; they will then be smeared with glue. Most often, when gluing, the valve is glued directly to the edge of the cube, but if the paper is very thin, then glue the valves together, and the edges will remain intact.

Carefully glue the frame, then glue the cube around it. Cover it with colored paper on top, you can make appliqués, paint it with paints, felt-tip pens or pencils - whatever you and your assistants have enough imagination for. If you are making a die for a board game, mark the number of points on its faces. But do not forget that on opposite sides they should add up to the number 7.

If you still want to make not a cube, but a volumetric square (although there is no such figure in geometry, since a square is a planar, planimetric figure), use the origami method.

Take a square sheet with a side of 15 cm.

Fold the sheet in half to form a crease, then fold it back.

Now bend the edges of the same sheet towards the center of the bend. Turn the sheet over and fold each of the opposite corners toward the center to form a trapezoid.

Fold the corners of the trapezoid from the opposite side towards the center to form a square. This is how you get a “volumetric square”.

Many parts for applique, origami, and paper plastic arts are made on the basis of a square. Before you start doing the actual work, you need to make the actual square. In each case, the methods for making it will be different.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - ruler;
  • - compass;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors.


To prepare the origami sheet, you don't need any tools. Take a regular rectangular sheet of writing paper paper A4 format or any other. Place it vertically in front of you. Bend it, starting from one of the corners and aligning one of the short sides with the long one. You have a double triangle with an “extra” stripe. For greater accuracy, straighten the sheet, and then fold it again, starting from the other corner and aligning the same short side with the second long one.

Bend the strip to either side. It can be cut or carefully torn off. If you don’t have scissors at hand, fold the strip on one side and the other one at a time and smooth the fold line each time. It will separate itself. The strip can also be cut with scissors. Flatten the square.

For applique, a square background made of thick paper is often required. paper. There is no point in preparing it the previous way, since the fold line will remain. Take a sheet of velvet paper or thin cardboard and turn it face down. Move the legs of the compass to the required distance. Set aside this segment from the same corner. Draw perpendiculars to the resulting points until they intersect. To make the figure more even, place the sheet on a flat surface, place a ruler or staff next to it and align the cut paper with the side of the ruler. Place the square on the sheet so that one of the legs fits tightly with the rail. Carefully move the square to the desired point and draw a perpendicular line.

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Three-dimensional crafts are always interesting for children. Therefore, it will be great if you study geometric shapes with them with the help of such creative activities, where you can not only have a great time with them, but also clearly show the shapes.

  • Stationery glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Paper

Step-by-step photo lesson:

We select paper. It is best to take half-cardboard, because it will hold the square shape better than plain paper. Color is also important. You can take either regular white or a bright, rich shade. In addition to paper density and color, sheet format is also important. If you are planning to make a large volumetric square, then take not A4, but A3 or even A2 format.

Now let's move on to the markup. For this we take a pencil and a ruler. We retreat at least 1 cm from the top edge. Next, we count out as many centimeters as one face of the cube will have. Separate with a line and then repeat this procedure two more times. Then on the left side we retreat a short distance. We form a contour along which we will cut and glue the cube.

Cut along the contour. This is how the workpiece should look like in the photo. If you have any inaccuracies, you should redo it. Because in this case, a volumetric square of paper cannot be obtained.

We make inward folds along each line. For accuracy, it is better to use the sharp end of a compass or a utility knife. With the tool, you can lightly draw lines under the ruler and get perfect folds.

Glue the bottom of the cube together.

Then apply office glue to the remaining parts of the square and glue them to the desired sides.

So we got a volumetric square of paper in a matter of minutes. Of course, everything comes with experience and over time you will get more and more accurate and faster.

Video lesson

Children learn the art of origami from school, and in most cases they become familiar with paper, glue and scissors in kindergarten, where they make their first primitive crafts together with their teachers. By cutting out figures from paper, first flat, then three-dimensional, the child prepares to study geometry and it is very important to instill in him a love for Aristotelian science right away, so that interest does not disappear later, and everything works out. A volumetric square made of paper is a figure with which one usually begins to get acquainted with stereometry. Having learned simple techniques for making this polygon, you will be able to build amazing structures based on an ordinary cube.

Basics of geometry

Anyone without advanced mathematical knowledge can make origami out of paper. A square - at first glance, a very simple figure, and constructing it will not be difficult. However, you need to start the process prepared, having an understanding of paper assembly and not being too upset at the first failures. Before you start getting interested in how to make a square out of paper, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of geometry. Do not forget that a cube is a rectangle in which all sides are equal and the angles are right. This condition is mandatory, but errors of a couple of millimeters are acceptable.

Assembly materials

The production of a square occurs in several stages. You will need a sheet of paper, glue or tape, a ruler, a pencil and scissors. If you are afraid to draw a diagram yourself, you can print the finished diagram on a printer. To make the cube bright, each side can be covered with colored paper, shiny tape, or painted with multi-colored paints or crayons. To prevent the sides of the square from getting dirty over time and to maintain their original appearance, it is recommended to cover it with a transparent film.

Paper square: manufacturing diagram

Children and adults will love making geometric figures - the process is so exciting that very soon you will have a whole collection of various cubes. Before starting work, you need to stock up on the required amount of paper, which will be enough for all sides, so that later you do not have to add missing elements to the existing frame. The development is performed on whatman paper or cardboard. The material should be moderately dense so that the figure does not wrinkle during assembly, but a sheet of paper that is too thick will also not work. A special condition is the presence of additional edges on the sides of some sides, with the help of which the cube will be glued together. A volumetric square consists of eight identical sides. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of whatman paper, perform all the calculations before drawing the drawing on a sheet of paper.

Cube assembly

Once the development is ready, it must be cut with scissors. The connection can be made with any glue or To ensure that the edges of the square are even, each fold line must be bent several times before gluing. Now the pencil drawing can be erased so that the cube has an aesthetic appearance. Depending on the purpose for which the craft is being made, it can be decorated in different ways: pasted over with shiny glossy film or colored paper, painted or glued with bright stickers.

Make it a fun process, and soon your home will have a collection of cubes of different colors and sizes. Once you know how to make a square out of paper, it will be easy for you to create miniature crafts that can be turned into, for example, dice. If there is a small child growing up in the house, you can cover several figures with colored tape to get a unique set of doll furniture.

A little imagination...

If you decide to make an unusual origami out of paper, the square can be turned into For this, it should be made of a white material. The optimal length of each face is 1.5-2 cm. Before you start making a miniature cube, you need to practice and start learning the art of origami with a larger figure. As soon as the technique is fully studied, you will be able to create masterpieces based on simple Knowing how to make a square out of paper, you can easily move on to the next stage of learning - modeling original three-dimensional crafts.

Paper people

In Russia and the West, a tendency has long been noticed to produce children's kits for creating people and animals, which are based on a three-dimensional square of paper. The diagram is no different from the development of a simple cube, only for some parts the proportions are changed. So, by putting together squares of different sizes, you can design interesting crafts. Once your child understands this simple technique, you will be able to create masterpieces with your own hands and not spend money on expensive handicraft kits. It is better if the drawing is applied to the paper immediately, and not after assembling the entire figure.

To preserve the aesthetics of the product, the edges must be glued together with hard glue, not tape. is clearly visible on paper, and the craft will not look its best. Having figured out how to make a square out of paper, you can easily make unique crafts and collect a whole collection, because origami is a fascinating art that is accessible to people of all ages.

How to make origami out of paper? Simple if you follow the instructions. Clear diagrams for beginners will help adults and children create interesting crafts, as well as develop coordination, attention and creative imagination.

Origami from A4 paper: flower

Often the rose assembly schemes are quite complex, especially when creating origami for children.

Below are two options for creating a flower that are available to any beginner.

  • Twisted rose.

The origami diagram is simplified as much as possible for children's perception. Prepare A4 sheet, scissors and pencil.

Here are the stages of the work:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in several layers. Their width depends on the size of the flower.
  2. Make a petal-shaped cut on each side.
  3. Now screw the blank onto the pencil.
  4. Secure the base with a thread, and straighten and twist the petals.

The craft is ready. You can leave the rose white or decorate it with red paints.

  • Rose by Stefan Weber.

This technique involves creating a flower without the help of scissors and glue. All you need is A4 paper.

Learn how to make origami:

  1. Fold the sheet into a square and then in half.
  2. Turn the workpiece with the open part towards you.
  3. Grab the bottom and left double corner and fold them over to the right side. Align with edge.
  4. Press down and mark the seams. Now bend the resulting vertical corner to the upper corner (do not forget that the workpiece is positioned with the open part towards you).
  5. Turn the figure over.
  6. Repeat adding the bottom and left double corners. Level it out.
  7. Now fold the central corner towards the top again.
  8. Unfold the workpiece until it is square. Turn the open part to the left.
  9. Fold the bottom double corner in the direction of the center fold line.
  10. Step back from the edge and bend it into a step.
  11. Do the same with the other corners. A cross-shaped figure emerges.
  12. Grab the fold lines with your fingers, turn over and straighten the workpiece.
  13. Place the figure in a half-bent palm. Scroll it clockwise while holding it by the base.
  14. Each time the bud should curl tighter.
  15. Now bend the central corner of the bud inward and twist it even tighter, holding it by the center.
  16. To make the flower dense, you can use pliers.
  17. At the last stage, straighten the petals and curl them with scissors.

Effective paper origami comes out without the use of complex techniques.

Origami for children from A4 sheet: crane

What can be made from paper? Of course, a crane.

This is the basic shape in origami because its creation involves all the basic elements of addition. In Japan there is even a belief: whoever folds 1000 birds will have their cherished wish come true.

There are several patterns for creating a bird, but they are all based on the double square. Get started:

  1. Take a square sheet as a basis.
  2. Fold the sheet vertically and horizontally to form a square.
  3. Straighten the base and fold it at a different angle, marking the fold lines.
  4. As a result, four rhombuses should appear on the square sheet of paper.
  5. Place the sheet at an angle towards you. Grab two side corners and bend them inward. This will create a double square.
  6. Now fold the bottom corners of the diamond towards the center fold.
  7. Bend the top corner down. Return the figure to its original position.
  8. Bend the single bottom corner up (to the middle).
  9. Bend the top corner back.
  10. Bring the outer edges of the workpiece to the center and smooth it out.
  11. Turn the base over and repeat step #10.
  12. Fold the outer edges towards the center line.
  13. Align the right fold with the left one. Do the same on the reverse side.
  14. Repeat step #13.
  15. Pull the bottom single corner towards the top. Do the same on the other side.
  16. Pull the right fold towards the left again on both sides.
  17. Pull the bottom corner up. To create wings, fold the top corners down.
  18. There will be two thin corners on top. Bend the top of one of them to the side. This is the head.
  19. Pull your head and tail to the sides.

The crane is ready to fly. Paper origami for beginners will help develop the skills of creating more complex shapes.

Origami from A4 paper: heart

This simple technique is just right for beginners. Here are two assembly diagrams:

  • Heart stand.

To work again you will need a square sheet.

Learn how to make origami out of paper:

  1. Visually divide the square into three parts. For convenience, you can draw lines.
  2. Fold the lower right corner to the first line (counting from the left).
  3. Now bend the opposite top and bottom corners so that they meet in the center of the first corner.
  4. Turn the workpiece over with the folds facing you.
  5. Bend the top corner back.
  6. Fold the top edges over to form a heart.
  7. The back corner can be straightened out and used as a heart stand.

  • Heart bookmark.

For the base, prepare a square sheet of A4 paper. Assemble the heart by following simple steps:

  1. Fold the sheet into a square with horizontal and vertical folds.
  2. Unfold the workpiece.
  3. Fold the bottom part towards the center line.
  4. Turn the shape over and bend the bottom corners into a triangle.
  5. Turn over again.
  6. Pull the bottom corner to the top line. Turn it over.

7. Unfold the folds, folding them into triangles.

8. Fold the edges up.

9. Fold the bottom corners of the triangles towards the center.

10. Turn the shape over and fold the side edges back.

Use the original bookmark for books and notebooks.

Paper crafts are not only fun to fold, but can also be used as souvenirs.
