Summary of a walk in the spring at an early age. Summary of the walk "observing the sun in spring"

Elena Lamonova
Outline of a walk in early spring with young children

Plan - outline of a walk in early spring with young children.

Target: Form ideas about winter natural phenomena: It’s snowing, it’s white, fluffy, cold. Involve in winter fun (downhill and sledding, snowball fight). To develop in children a desire to play together with the teacher in outdoor games with simple content and simple movements. To promote the development of children's ability to play games, during which basic movements are improved (walking, running, jumping). To teach expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the simplest actions of some characters (jump like bunnies.). Cultivate interest in the work of adults.

Equipment: basket with snowballs, Bunny toy, dog’s hat, shovels and buckets, hoops.

Watching the snow.

Program content: Explain to the children that it is cold outside and snow is falling from the clouds. Give knowledge about some properties of snow (white, cold, fluffy). Cultivate observation skills.


1. Artistic word:

In the morning on the puddles Thin ice

White snow is spinning in the air

Light fluff curls on the street

The children admire how good it is.

2. Questions:

What is this thing spinning in the air? What color is the snow?

Catch it in your palm, where did she disappear to?

3. Explanation:

In cold weather, snow comes from the clouds. It is fluffy, cold, white. Snow falls everywhere - on paths, trees, houses, benches, people.

4. Children's actions:

-Breathing exercises: blowing a snowflake from your palm.

-Exercise: snowflakes spin and land on the ground.

The arrival of a fairy-tale hero - a bunny (brought the dog's hat).

Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".

Target: teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text. Develop endurance, patience, run without bumping into each other. Cultivate a desire to play.


1. The arrival of the fairy-tale hero Bunny, who brought the dog’s hat.

2. Artistic word:

Here sits a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws,

He sits quietly, either dozing or sleeping,

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens.

Outdoor game "The little white bunny is sitting".

Target: teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text. Develop endurance, patience, jump on two legs. Cultivate a desire to play.


1. Artistic word:

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears,

Bunny is cold sit, we need to warm our paws,

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny hopped and ran away.

Sedentary game "Cap".

Target: teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text. Develop endurance, patience, the ability to perform dance movements, and the ability to walk in a circle. Cultivate a desire to play.


1. The bunny brings a cap.

2. Artistic word:

Cap, cap, thin legs, red boots

We fed you, we gave you water,

They put me on my feet and made me dance.

Dance as much as you want, choose whoever you want.

Labor activity "Collecting Snow".

Program content: teach children to do feasible work, remove snow. Develop work skills. Cultivate hard work.

Equipment: shovels and buckets.


1. Problem situation: There is a lot of snow and it is difficult for Bunny to get through.

2. Work assignment, joint with teacher: Let's clear the path for Bunny.

Individual work "Jumping from hoop to hoop".

Program content: Teach children to jump from hoop to hoop moving forward. Develop motor activity.


1. Jumping from hoop to hoop towards the Bunny.

2. Incentive action: Let's pet the Bunny.

For independent work I bring in cleaning supplies garbage: shovels, winds, children's brooms; For game: plumes, windmills...

Brader Elena Yakovlevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU Kindergarten "Firefly"
Locality: urban village Industrial Kemerovo region
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Visiting Vesna (note of a walk in an early age group)
Publication date: 16.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Firefly"
Visiting Spring

summary of a walk in an early age group

Compiled by:

Brader Elena Yakovlevna,

teacher of the first category Industrial 2016

Implementation of content in educational fields
: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.
Types of children's activities:
gaming, creative, cognitive, communicative, motor.
instilling a caring attitude towards nature in young children, enriching children’s experience with new impressions, promoting health, preventing physical and mental fatigue;

consolidate children's knowledge about spring and spring phenomena; expand your vocabulary; - intensify motor actions; consolidate the ability to interact with nature (observe plants and birds, dress appropriately for the weather); - cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and birds, develop aesthetic taste.
Materials and equipment:
wax pencils, album sheets according to the number of children, whatman paper, hoops, illustrations.

(Expected results

communicates happily with adults, shows emotional responsiveness, takes part in joint discussions with the teacher about birds, in productive activities (drawing), answers questions, and can, at the request of an adult, show drawing techniques.

reading fiction, memorizing poetry, looking at illustrations, observing the weather conditions (blue, clear sky; bright, radiant sun, etc.).
Methods and techniques:
visual, practical, verbal.
Contents of organized educational activities

Organizing time.
(Funny music sounds. Children are on the playground.) Veselushka the Clown appears: - Hello children! Today I decided to come visit you. I’m in a great mood, and I decided that you should be in the same great mood. Do you know why I am in such a good mood? Because spring has come to us! How nice it is to wake up, get up, and see the blue sky through the window! And again find out that spring is everywhere.
That the sun and morning are more beautiful than sleep. In spring everything comes to life, everything around wakes up! The snow has melted, the snow has melted! This is good news! This means real spring is coming.
Main part.

1. Conversation.
- Children, are you happy about spring? (Children answer in unison.) - What is the sun like in spring? (Bright, affectionate, radiant, kind, spring). The sun shone and gave our land warmth. - Children, what happened to the snow? (Melted) - Why did the snow melt? (The sun warmed up, it became warm, the snow turned into puddles.) - Children, let’s get into a round dance and sing a song with me - Vesnyanka.
2. Round dance “Vesnyanka”
Oh, the water is running like a stream, No snow, no ice Oh spring, oh spring, no snow, no ice. We sing to Spring, we call for red Spring. Oh, let's sing, oh, let's sing! We are calling for red spring!
3. Reading poems
- The loose snow melts in the sun, the breeze plays in the branches. The voices of birds are louder, So, spring has come to us... (Spring!) - Children, do you know poems about spring? Spring is coming towards us with quick steps,
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet. (2-3 children read the quatrain).
4. Physical education
. -And now we are with you

Let's rest a little! - It’s good in the spring in April: Different birds sing, They build nests in the trees. In the clearings, the lungwort strives to go out to the sun. -I have prepared riddles for you, and you guess them.
5. Guessing riddles
(everyone needs to go to the tree on which the birds “sit”: sparrow, starling, woodpecker, tit). - There is a palace on the pole, in the palace there is a singer. What's his name? (Starling) - Children, show me which branch our starling is sitting on? - What color are the starling's feathers? (Black). - Who sat down on a thick branch and knocked “Knock, knock, knock”? (Woodpecker) - Children, find which branch the woodpecker is sitting on? - Look what a strong nose the woodpecker has. Why do you think he needs such a nose? (So ​​that the worms can be removed from under the bark). - What color is the woodpecker’s cap? (Red) - Show me how a woodpecker knocks? (Children point and tap their fingers on their palms.) - Chip-chirp, jump to the grain, don’t be shy to peck, who is it? (Sparrow) - Show me where the sparrow sits on our branch? - What color are the sparrow’s feathers? (Brown).
6. Game “From twig to twig”
(Veselushka draws a tree on the ground and shows how a sparrow jumps from branch to branch, and the children repeat).
- Tell me, children, what are the names of the houses where the birds live? (Nests).
7. Game “Bird in the Nest”
- Children, let's play birds. You know that all birds have nests, and we will also have nests. When the music plays, you little birds will run and fly. As soon as the music stops, all the baby birds fly to their nests. - Well done, children!
8. Drawing “Sun”.

Children, look what sunshine I brought you today. What is my sunshine missing? (LUCHIKOV). So let's draw some rays for my sun. (Children take wax pencils and draw rays to the previously prepared sun). - You and I have a real radiant sun. Well done! - Why do we need the sun? (Children answer).
9. Reflection.
- Did you like our walk today? - What time of year is it now? - What sunshine? -Where have the snowdrifts gone? - What color are the feathers of a sparrow, a starling, and the breast of a tit? - What kind of beak does a woodpecker have? Why does a woodpecker need a strong beak?
- Look what balloons I brought you as a gift. And now I need to leave. - Goodbye, children.
Insert- Observation Work activity Individual assignment?

Target: form the first ideas about spring; show the children that spring is green, learn with them A. Barto’s poem “Ball”.

Progress of the walk

When going out for a walk, the teacher draws the children’s attention to bright clothes: beautiful jackets and coats, colorful hats and shoes.

The teacher says:“Spring has come and brought warmth. Spring beauty in a green elegant dress. Why is spring green? The adult draws the children’s attention to the bright green grass and the shiny small leaves of bushes and trees: “A white birch tree with green curls and branches stands, showing off in the sun. There is a lot of greenery around, that’s why they say: spring is green.”

Then everyone goes to the flowerbed, walks along it, notes: bright, beautiful flowers have bloomed in the flowerbed, they smile at us and at the sun, tulips and daffodils nod their heads, greet us: “Hello, smart children! We are glad for spring, glad for the sun! And you?" The children answer: “Very glad!”

The adult continues:“Spring has come and brought gifts to everyone. Listen."

M. Piudunen reads the poem “Spring”. Then, together with the children, they find out who received what gift from spring. The teacher explains: “The word “krasna” does not always mean the color red. “Krasna” means beautiful. Is spring beautiful? And “red maiden” means a beautiful girl.”

Having finished the conversation, at the teacher’s suggestion, everyone moves on to various games with balls: throwing to each other and catching, throwing into a basket, rolling to each other, knocking down pins with the ball.

After the games, the teacher asks the children: “Do you think the ball sinks or floats? Let's check!" Children throw a ball into the “lake”.

The teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “Ball”, then asks questions: what is the girl’s name? Why did she cry? Would you cry if the ball fell into the water? No? Of course, there is no need to cry, the ball will not sink, it floats. Tanya didn’t know, but we know. Calm Tanya down, tell her:

- Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

Then the children, together with an adult, repeat the poem in its entirety.

The walk continues. You can invite children to play the game “Oh, what kind of people?”

Goal: to awaken children’s emotional responsiveness to the condition of people and birds. Expand children's knowledge about birds, cultivate a desire to take care of them. Cultivate a desire to tell nursery rhymes together with the teacher and independently. Enrich children's vocabulary with the words "owl", "magpie-white-sided", "spring-red"

Materials and equipment: phonogram “Birds singing”, “Singing of a magpie, owl, sparrow”, mock-up trees, birds cut out of cardboard, food for birds, feeder, jars of different colors, pictures and photographs.

Educational areas: cognitive-research, communication.

Progress of the lesson:

The phonogram "Birdsong" sounds.

Children, what do you hear? (birds singing)

Why do the birds sing so loudly and cheerfully? (Spring has come, it’s become warm)

Spring has come. It is also called red spring. The sun warmed up, it became warm, streams began to flow, the birds began to have fun, they sang songs.

I suggest going into the forest for a walk. And we will take a camera with us. If we see birds, we will photograph them.

Legs, legs walked along the path

We ran through the forest and jumped over the bumps

Jump-jump, jump-jump, bang into the hole!

And keep quiet!

Children perform appropriate movements.

Guys, we came to the forest. Look how beautiful it is here, there are many trees.

We came to the spring forest

There are so many miracles around here!

on the right is a birch tree with leaves

On the left the tree looks at us,

The sun is smiling in the sky

A little hare washes itself in a stream.

And who sits in the trees (birds). What birds do you see? (sparrow, magpie, owl).

Listen to the riddle: a white-sided bird with a long tail, flies, crackles. Who is this? (forty)


Find this bird on the tree. Do you know why it is called white-sided? (it has white sides)

Listening to the nursery rhyme "The White-sided Magpie" and performing actions corresponding to the text.

I draw your attention to an owl sitting on a tree. A soundtrack of an owl singing sounds. Children greet the owl and tell it a nursery rhyme. performing movements along the text.

Owl-owl-big head,

He sits on a stump and turns his head,

With your eyes clap-clap, with your paws stomp-stomp.

The owl smiles at us, she liked the nursery rhyme. Let's not disturb the owl. She sleeps during the day, let's see who else is sitting in the trees.

Who are these guys sitting on a branch? (Sparrow) How does he tweet?

Guys, the sparrow chirped in my ear. that he wants to play the game "Sparrows". The game is being played.

Guys, let's treat the birds with grains. While I was carrying the treat, all the grains got mixed up. Help me sort out the bird's treat.

Game "Put into jars"

I show the children three jars - yellow, red, green.

Children select pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and grains from a plate.

At the end of the lesson, I invite the children to treat the birds and take a photo as a souvenir of the forest walk.

We return to the group along the level path.
