The healing properties of urine. Beneficial properties of urine and its use

There are many radically opposing opinions regarding the usefulness or harmfulness of using urine. Let's try to figure out in this article what is true and what is false.


Urine has a set of valuable characteristics:

  1. destroys pathogenic microorganisms (disinfects);
  2. disinfects;
  3. removes toxins;
  4. eliminates inflammation.

Applications backed by science

At the end of the 18th century, a chemist from France, I. Ruel, isolated a component from human urine, which later received the name. By reacting with various elements, it produces many useful complex compounds. It is this component that has become widespread in various areas of life.

Dentistry and cosmetology

Gels designed to restore teeth to a snow-white shade contain urea peroxide. When it decomposes, oxygen atoms are released. They penetrate the enamel and destroy the pigment that contributed to the darkening.

The effect of hydroperite for lightening hair of dark colors is based on this same feature.


Due to its bactericidal properties, it is included in shampoos, soaps and other hygiene products that help destroy bacteria and fungi. Can serve as a deodorant and antiseptic.

Furniture industry

It is synthesized to produce resins and adhesive, glue-like substances, which in turn are used for the production of fiberboards. Cabinet and upholstered furniture are made from fiberboard.


Osmotic diuretics are intended to eliminate swelling. After ingestion, the liquid from the tissues gradually moves into the blood. Most often they are prescribed for lungs.


Agricultural crops are fed with the help of urea fertilizer. It has a good effect on the growth and formation of plants, especially strawberries.

White granules containing nitrogen are poured into the soil or dissolved in water, and then the resulting solution is sprayed onto trees, shrubs and seedlings.

Common Misconceptions

Proponents of urinotherapeutic methods believe in miraculous cures. However, this confidence is not confirmed or scientifically substantiated. Followers of urine drinking are at the mercy of myths.

Urine therapy is a panacea for all ailments

A universal method that relieves ailments of any etiology does not exist in nature. Taking urine inside can only temporarily relieve the sufferer from unpleasant symptoms; steroid medications also act. Then the symptoms return with renewed vigor.

Why buy artificial hormones if you have your own?

Hormonal levels and balance are regulated by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. When a person applies evaporated urine to the skin or drinks it, he adds unaccounted for, and therefore unnecessary, hormone-containing substances to the body. Such rash behavior leads to disruption of the regulation of hormone production.

No contraindications

Such self-deception can be costly for people with sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the digestive system, and inflamed mucous membranes of organs.

VIDEO About urine therapy

Prevention of ailments

Never used for prophylactic purposes. They are prescribed exclusively during periods of exacerbation.

And urine therapy is almost identical to the consumption of steroids.

Urine therapy has no side effects

The opposite is true. Consumed over a long period of time, the yellow liquid has the same harmful effects as steroid treatment. Patients treat the latter with apprehension, trying to delay the moment and trying to find a non-hormonal approach. The same should apply to drinking urine.


The long-term effects of urine can affect:

  1. the functioning of the adrenal cortex, leading to dysfunction and premature aging;
  2. women's health, resulting in;
  3. endocrine processes, contributing to obesity;
  4. the functioning of nerve endings, causing mental disorders;
  5. the vital activity of hormone-producing cells, promoting their death, and when the changes become irreversible, leading to disability.

When planning to take the advice of urine worshipers, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and carefully study the possible prospects.

VIDEO We smash traditional methods of treatment (urine therapy) - Everything will be fine - Issue 295 -11/27/2013

Urinary therapy is a time-tested method of treating diseases. Surely many have heard about a treatment method called urine therapy. This topic has been raised more than once in print and on television. But for some reason, this method scares many people and treats it with distrust. I don’t really trust it either; I personally have never met a person who would use the method of treating urine, and taking it orally. However, according to the literature, it is known that since ancient times people have known about the healing properties of urine and used it to treat diseases of the ears, abrasions, eyes, joints, cuts, non-healing wounds, and to disinfect cuts and abrasions. Currently, many traditional healers recommend treating diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis, dyspepsia, eczema, hemorrhoids, hepatitis and obesity, tuberculosis with urine. They refer to the experience of healers from India.

Dr. Shastri from India has repeatedly stated in his interviews that he consumes cow urine every day and in every possible way promoted urine therapy as a true remedy for curing all ailments. Perhaps the ingestion of cow urine is due to the fact that in India the cow is a sacred animal. As for ingesting human urine, often one’s own, it is known from some sources that this method of treatment gives good results in the treatment of serious illnesses. When urine enters the stomach, it carries hormones and antibodies, which are absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body, reaching the liver, heart and intestines. The body is completely cleansed. The body's natural resistance is restored, immunity increases and the disease recedes. However, these are just hypotheses.

When starting the urinotherapy treatment method, you need to switch to a separate diet, exclude all dairy products, all flour products and limit your meat consumption. They suggest taking morning urine, collecting it after water procedures, into a container from which it is pleasant to drink, and eating it with a slice of lemon or washing it down with fruit juice.

Doctors question such recommendations; discussions and disputes constantly arise around this topic. But so far no consensus has been reached and treatment using urine therapy remains a folk remedy. Whether or not to drink urine is something everyone must decide for themselves; doctors will not prescribe such treatment. Urine is a waste product of the human body; it is something that a person does not need.

The use of urine in the form of gargles in the treatment of sore throat, laryngitis and stomatitis is possible. It is even possible to use urine to rinse the sinuses for sinusitis and sinusitis. At the same time, the sinuses of the nose are well cleaned, mucus comes out of them, it is possible to use urine in this case even more effectively than saline solutions.

As for the external use of urine, there is no danger to health and, on the contrary, you can get a positive effect. Probably, older people remember that during our childhood, urine therapy was widespread; urine was used instead of iodine or brilliant green. Having broken their knees, scratched themselves, or cut themselves, people immediately washed the wound with their urine. It stung a little, but the wounds healed quickly without complications or suppuration. Apparently, the bactericidal properties of urine disinfected the wound.

Urine can be used externally in the form of baths, lotions, rubbing and rubbing. Can be used for skin diseases and joint diseases. Urine can be used to treat osteochondrosis and radiculitis, in the form of compresses. The compress is placed as usual, gauze or flannel is moistened with freshly collected urine, while it is still warm and applied to the sore spot, put cellophane on top and wrap it in a blanket. If the urine has already cooled down, it needs to be warmed up a little. Keep the compress for 20-30 minutes; if a burning sensation begins, it must be removed. Long-term use may cause skin irritation; use with caution.

It was believed that the urine of young children is especially effective for the treatment of external skin diseases, since the composition of the urine of an adult varies depending on lifestyle and diet and diseases. A child’s urine is very different in composition, because the child has a completely different diet. If boils or pustular inflammations appeared, people always made urine lotions or baths, and rapid healing occurred. I remember an incident when I was working with my mother in the garden, weeding the beds, my hands were all dirty, calloused, and cut with grass. The best remedy was to wash your callused hands with your urine. My hands tingled pleasantly, but all the dirt was easily washed off, and the wounds were disinfected and did not become inflamed. The skin on my hands became clean and smooth. I think many people did this, and maybe they still do.

When studying the chemical composition of urine, it was found that one hundred cubic centimeters of urine contains the most urea (nitrogen) - 700 milligrams, urea - 1500 mg, ammonia - 200 mg, chlorides - 350 mg. A large proportion of the composition of urine, as can be seen, is urea. Therefore, if you are a summer resident, you should know that organic fertilizer is used as fertilizer. One type of such fertilizer is animal urine and feces. Therefore, by using human urine diluted with water to water garden plants, you are adding fertilizer. The plants begin to grow better, give good growth, this has been precisely established by the author of the article. Like any nitrogen fertilizer, urea contained in urine perfectly stimulates plant growth.

We have already established two beneficial properties of urine, confirmed by personal experience. I personally believe in the effectiveness of only the external use of urine, but many scientists claim in reference books and other literature that the internal use of urine can give good results in the treatment of gangrene, tuberculosis, heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases and general strengthening and rejuvenation of the body.

According to scientists, human reason is an important factor in human life; it determines our actions, our thoughts and our lives. Whether to believe in the healing power of urine therapy or not is up to each person, but the role of the mind in healing is great. You can be healed by anything if you strongly believe in it. If a person is sure that he can be healed with urine therapy, then so be it. For those who risk doing urine therapy, I advise you to first consult a doctor.

Composition of urine and its beneficial properties

Urine is a complex chemical compound that contains a large number of elements. Currently, science has discovered about 150 components of urine. The basic composition of urine is:

  • water, structured in a strict order, thanks to which it is able to clean well;
  • ammonia, which helps soften pores, and therefore deeper penetration of oxygen and other beneficial substances into the skin;
  • calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium salts, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • hormones and enzymes, the natural property of which is rejuvenation;
  • vitamins that nourish the body and give it strength for regeneration.

A very good feature of urine is its acidity, which completely matches the pH level of our skin, so when using urine the skin does not get irritated.

Today, urine therapy is not recognized by official medicine either as a means of healing the body or as a cosmetic product. But since ancient times, traditional medicine has widely used urine to treat a variety of diseases, and also successfully uses it in cosmetology, for example, urine helps with acne on the face, pigmentation, wrinkles, and has a general anti-aging effect.

It is important to know that you need to use only fresh or evaporated urine; when stored, urine quickly loses its healing properties.

For a high-quality result, the urine must be “clean”. How to achieve this? First of all, review your diet:

Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress also have a negative effect on the composition of urine. Therefore, before you start urine therapy, pay attention to your lifestyle and adjust it if necessary.

Urine therapy and health

The list of ailments that urine therapy can treat is almost endless. People using this method report the following results:

  • relieves any inflammation;
  • quickly heals wounds and other skin damage;
  • normalizes the functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • successfully treats rheumatoid diseases;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • heals joints and cartilage, indispensable for bruises;
  • helps overcome food allergies;
  • treats sinusitis, sore throat;
  • restores skin well after burns;
  • heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  • helps restore skin with eczema and psoriasis;
  • stops hair loss, stimulates its growth;
  • Effectively fights wrinkles, scars and skin pigmentation.

The use of urine cleanses the body of toxins and other accumulated harmful substances that poison us and cause various inflammations and defects. Our appearance always depends on the internal state of the body and is its reflection. When the body is “slagged”, acne and wrinkles appear, the color of the skin becomes gray, dull, sagging skin occurs, hair becomes thin and falls out.

Just one week is enough to cleanse the large intestine of toxins. Stages of the procedure:

For a high-quality result, the procedure must be carried out regularly throughout the week; it is better to use morning or child urine. The method is safe, has no side effects, cleanses and heals the body well. The result will certainly affect the condition of the skin: it will become elastic, tightened, inflammation will disappear, and the skin will glow.

For more information about the procedure for cleansing the intestines with urine, see the following video:

The use of urine in cosmetology

Urine therapy has been used in cosmetology for a long time and allows one to achieve excellent results even in the most advanced cases. The use of urine for wrinkles and acne is especially popular. Urine can also rid the skin of excessive pigmentation, scars, peeling, manifestations of skin diseases and other defects.

Urine therapy for facial skin is a method of external use of urine.

Washing your face with urine

The most common way to use urine on the face is as a wash. For this you will need morning urine. This method perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also enriches the dermal cells with beneficial minerals. After washing with urine, your face should be rinsed with clean water or herbal decoction and apply your favorite cream.

Using urine on your face, you can achieve the following results:

  • the skin becomes elastic and smooth;
  • skin turgor increases;
  • complexion is normalized;
  • wrinkles and pimples disappear;
  • the oiliness of the skin decreases with increased secretion of subcutaneous sebum;
  • pigmented areas are lightened;
  • scars are smoothed out.

It is important to know that with regular use of urine, the skin becomes slightly lighter.

Using urine lotions

In addition to washing, you can use lotions. First, the facial skin is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in urine, thus cleansing the dermis of impurities and sebum. Then, gauze or a terry towel soaked in urine is applied to the problem areas or to the entire face (except for the eye area). After 15 minutes, rinse your face with water. In this case, there is no need to apply cream. The procedure must be performed daily or at least 3 times a week until improvement occurs.

For cosmetic purposes, you can only use the urine of a healthy person, preferably your own or a child’s. The urine of a sick person, like that of an old person, is not used in traditional medicine. The richest in useful substances is urine collected around 4 a.m., as well as urine from pregnant women (3rd trimester).

Compresses with urine - amazing results

Urine therapy for the face can solve the problem of acne, boils and other inflammations. To treat these problems, compresses with urine are used:

Compresses with urine will help to cope even with eczema and manifestations of psoriasis on the face. They need to be done every day until there is visible improvement.

Good results are obtained by using compresses with urine on the neck and décolleté area, because the skin there is thin and early reveals a woman’s real age through the appearance of wrinkles. To enhance the result, it is recommended to use evaporated urine, because In this version, substances beneficial to the skin will be in increased concentration. As a result, the skin smoothes out, becomes more elastic and tightened.

Facial massage and urine therapy

If you use urine during a regular cosmetic facial massage, the effect will exceed all expectations. Just apply a small amount of urine to your fingers and massage your face as usual, not forgetting the massage lines. After the procedure, wash with herbal decoction and apply cream to the skin.

When using evaporated urine, you can get a light scrubbing effect. And you are guaranteed high-quality peeling in any case.


The results of urine therapy for facial skin against wrinkles and acne often exceed the effect of using expensive cosmetics. And the rejuvenating properties of urine therapy are comparable to some salon procedures.

Numerous positive reviews from people who use urine therapy for cosmetic purposes speak for themselves. Of course, the method is unique and is not suitable for everyone, but it works great, has no “side effects” and has long been time-tested. If you do not have insurmountable prejudices, this method can be a real discovery for you of a new means of rejuvenation and salvation from many skin problems. We wish you all health and unfading youth!

The beneficial properties of urine are used to treat many ailments. The method of treatment through urine is called urine therapy. This method appeared in ancient times, and at the present stage has gained quite wide popularity. In our country it began to be used in the 20s of the last century. There is a lot of debate about it, but cases of healing from illnesses do occur. In India, some religious sects preach urine drinking in the belief that it will help avoid diseases throughout life. Urinotherapists do not recommend drinking urine for a long time because it contains human waste.

But there are some conditions under which ingesting urine is beneficial. It cleanses the body, removing blockages and obstacles, and restores the functioning of organs affected by diseases. It has a beneficial effect on the normal functioning of the heart, pancreas and liver. But a person who decides to resort to treatment with urine should not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, infectious diseases and other serious ailments. Morning urine portions are most effective. Its taste is bitter and salty, and many consider it unpleasant, but they approach it like taking medicine: unpleasant, but useful.

Urine can be used to wash any cavities of the human body. It is sterile, so you can safely wash your ears with it, for inflammation - your throat and nose, and for conjunctivitis - your eyes. Often the intestines are washed with urine using an enema, but this method is considered quite extreme. The urine of newborn babies can extinguish putrefactive processes in the intestines. It kills pathogenic microflora and activates the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Such urine also has diuretic properties. The urine of pregnant women contains a lot of vitamins, glucose, amino acids, and cortisol. It can be taken to improve blood generation and destroy free radicals.

People often consider urine therapy unacceptable for themselves, but it happens that the healing properties of urine become the only means that can help. For example, recovery occurs much faster if you wipe your body with urine. After just two weeks of such procedures, you can get rid of skin problems such as scabies, lichen, eczema and others. You can also add therapeutic fasting, and then the result will be noticeable even faster.

Women are also well aware that urine can be used as a cosmetic component. Fresh urine can rejuvenate your skin. It is added when preparing compresses, all kinds of creams, masks, body and face scrubs. However, when added to cosmetic products, urine must be mixed immediately before use in a separate jar. So, urine therapy has two directions: internal use of urine and external use. Such widespread use only confirms the benefits of urine therapy. And if the use of urine therapy is supported by a person’s sincere confidence in the benefits of this system, then he will definitely get rid of ailments, improve his health and achieve excellent results. True, when following urine therapy procedures, it is necessary to periodically consult with specialists.

Can urine be called a real panacea? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider in detail the chemistry of urine composition. Urine contains many metabolites of steroid hormones excreted from the human body, so it has anti-inflammatory properties. The main task of such hormones is to participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Metabolites excreted in urine retain anti-inflammatory properties.

The amount of steroid hormones consumed in the body is quite large, both when taking a full portion of urine and when taking part of it. Hormones influence both human diseases and health. Thus, we can conclude that urine therapy is a kind of hormonal therapy. Drugs used in hormone therapy are sold without a doctor's prescription. These medications are recommended for inflammation accompanied by painful reactions. This is precisely the reason that urine therapy is used for any painful sensation. But the instructions for hormonal restoration products state that steroid hormones are contraindicated for long-term use. This is probably why urine is often used externally - as compresses for skin burns or for sprains and bruises.

What is the reason for the fact that urinotherapists prescribe massage using evaporated urine 6 times a day? One can only imagine what “aroma” the apartment is filled with! What happens when urine is heated or evaporated? What happens is that when heated, the concentration of steroid hormones in the urine increases. The result of such “healing” can be the development of early menopause, osteoporosis, accelerated aging, and obesity. Mental disorders may also develop. A person can become disabled!

Urine therapy specialists believe that urine contains only natural hormones, and only artificial analogues can be found in pharmacies. But when treated with evaporated urine, an uncontrolled amount of such hormones enters the body. They can destroy the functionality of hormonal secretion, just like artificial types of hormones that are sold in pharmacies.

Doctors know of cases of gonorrheal conjunctivitis, which developed due to washing the eyes with urine. It also happened that when urine was taken orally, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases developed, including ulcers, enterocolitis, colitis and other diseases. The list of such incidents is endless, but perhaps a couple of examples are enough to understand the true effect of urine on the human body.

The only thing that can be recommended is to forget about the widespread statement about the usefulness of everything natural. You should not trust those who have a vague idea of ​​what they are trying to promote. And if it concerns your health, then even more so!

The urine reaction of children in the first days of life is strongly acidic. Most of the nitrogen excreted in urine is excreted as urea. In addition, the urine of newborns is saturated with information from rapidly unfolding life processes. These features of the urine of newborns can be successfully used to suppress putrefactive and fermentative processes in an elderly body, when the internal environment of the body is shifted to the alkaline side and it “rots alive.” Therefore, it is recommended to drink it for people who have senile body odor. For those who have dysbiosis in the large intestine and other disorders, give an enema.

Urine from newborns also helps tremendously with rotting, non-healing wounds, gangrene and other similar diseases. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of urea, it can be used as a natural diuretic to remove excess fluid from the body, to reduce cerebrospinal fluid pressure, intracranial and intraocular pressure; heal the kidneys (especially if they have various infections); strengthen digestive processes; suppress various kinds of infectious diseases; dissolve blood clots; reduce blood clotting. You can also use it for oncology (drinking internally, applying compresses externally).

The main advantage of children's urine (from 1 month to 12-13 years) is its saturation with immune bodies and a development program.

The immune system has central and peripheral organs. The central organs include the bone marrow and thymus gland; to the peripheral - the spleen, lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue of the gastrointestinal tract.

By old age, the weight of the thymus gland decreases by 90%, and the spleen by 50%, which indicates a transition of the body from material-immune protection to energetic (field) protection. In an adult, the immune function in the bone marrow and lymph nodes is gradually inhibited due to slagging in the body. In order for “field” protection to be complete, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, control everyday consciousness, and avoid stress. It is rare who does this, and therefore it is rare who has an organism that is well protected from various kinds of infections and viruses.

A person who wants to get rid of infectious, viral and tumor diseases, along with taking baby urine to boost immunity, needs to cleanse his own body at the cellular level, using urine fasting. To do this, it is very important to master your feelings, mind, eat right and lead an active lifestyle. As an additional means to boost immunity, you can use fresh baby urine as compresses and rubs.

Next chapter >

In what form is urine used for the face?

The positive properties of urine contribute to a wide range of uses for skin treatment. Long-term exposure is most effective, as practice shows. But specialists do not limit themselves to lotions and compresses. For example, it has been proven in practical ways that urine is an excellent way to enhance the positive effects of various types of massages.

It is used instead of oil for a rejuvenating skin massage. In some cases - as an addition to the main professional oil. Patients claim that the final effect of such a massage is much better than with the standard procedure. But it all depends on whether the product is right for you.

At the moment, urine therapy is still an alternative treatment. This means that in any case you will have to use it for treatment at home. Therefore, study the properties of the substance as much as possible. The likelihood of a negative impact is minimal, but it’s worth being safe. If you feel that the urine is negatively affecting your skin, stop use immediately. See a doctor and get tested to understand what exactly went wrong.

What specific effects does urine have on acne?

Carefully study the properties of urine and decide whether you specifically need such an effect. It’s worth noting right away that the list is quite wide, so, most likely, you are definitely part of the audience for whom such treatment is suitable.

  • Cleaning sebaceous canals. Pores become clogged with sebum, dust and dead cells. This leads to inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of acne on the dermis. Urine effectively breaks through the “plug” and removes the contents of the pore.
  • Destruction of harmful microorganisms. The antiseptic effect negates the impact of microbes on the body. This saves you from many potential pathologies associated not only with the skin, but with the entire body.
  • Acceleration of regeneration. New epidermal cells are formed much faster. And the keratinized particles gradually dissipate.
  • Moisturizing the skin. Ideal solution for dry skin. The dermis is moisturized without unnecessary activation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Skin nutrition. Urine provides the skin with useful substances. Vitamins, minerals and other elements penetrate the dermis much more actively and, most importantly, are absorbed there.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. By applying urine to the skin of the face, you alleviate the symptoms of dermatological pathologies.

The main advantage of urine is the ability to use it to treat purulent inflammation. Practice shows that compresses and lotions actively dry out the surface of formations and gradually promote their healing. It is known that with the development of purulent pimples and blackheads, harmful bacteria actively multiply on the skin. In this case, they do not remain in the skin, but spread throughout the body. A properly prepared and used compress allows you to prevent the penetration of bacteria inside in time.

The advantages include the presence of nicotinic acid in the composition. This is a substance that is beneficial for the skin. It helps restore the integrity of the dermis when damaged. Vitamins of groups A, C and D were also recorded in children's urine.

The most effective method of using urine against acne

The product is used as a regular lotion. Pre-collect the urine in a jar and store in a cool place. Treat problem skin twice a day. Using a cotton swab, apply the product to the rash twice a day - morning and evening. Continue treatment until you see visible results.

There are no restrictions on treatment time. But if within three months the pimples and their number do not change in any way, it is better to stop using urine.

All the beneficial properties of urine are explained by the principles of its formation. Famous doctors often discuss this topic publicly. Watch the detailed explanation in the video below:

A urine compress will help you quickly get rid of acne and other types of inflammation. The main thing is to use the drug correctly, from preparation to application itself.

Internal use

Under certain conditions, internal use of urine can have a positive effect. Urine can cleanse the body, remove blockages, and restore vital organs destroyed by disease. Urine, when taken orally, has a particularly beneficial effect on restoring normal functioning of the pancreas, liver, and heart. But at the same time, a person who decides to use it internally should not have gastrointestinal problems, infectious diseases or other serious ailments. As a rule, the most effective effect is fresh morning urine, which has a salty-bitter taste that many find disgusting. But this must be approached in the same way as taking medication.

In the treatment of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, the urine of newborn babies has proven itself to be excellent - it effectively kills pathogenic microbes, helps to activate the digestive tract and kidneys, and is also an excellent diuretic. A rich source of vitamins, amino acids, glucose and the hormone cortisol is the urine of pregnant women; it is taken orally to improve blood production and prevent cancer.

External use

Urine can also be used to wash various cavities of the body due to its sterility. Urine is used to wash the ears for inflammatory processes, the nasopharynx for sinusitis and sore throat, and the eyes for conjunctivitis. Sometimes even the large intestine is washed out with a urine enema, although this is a rather extreme method.

Despite the fact that the method of urine therapy seems unacceptable and unhygienic to many, the use of urine can sometimes provide invaluable assistance in some critical situations. For example, wiping the body with urine has proven itself to be effective, ensuring a quick recovery. It has been noticed that after 10-15 days of such procedures, eczema, scabies, and ringworm disappear; in some cases, urine therapy is combined with fasting to treat severe skin diseases.

Many women know that urine can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Fresh urine can rejuvenate the skin, so it is used for compresses and added to creams, masks, and scrubs for the face and body. The only condition: you must mix urine in equal proportions with the cream in a separate container, and not in the original jar. Thus, the use of urine is divided into two main categories - internal and external.

A person who wholeheartedly believes in urine therapy, in the benefits of urine in the treatment of diseases, in some cases can improve his health, but only by following the recommendations of a specialist. So use natural remedies when necessary, but with great caution. Take care of your health wisely, and it will repay you handsomely!

What is the sediment like?

Based on their origin, there are several types of sediment in urine:

  1. Crystal.

In a child, a cloudy sediment appears in the urine when there is an excess of salts. If the kidneys do not pass enough water through themselves, then the urine becomes concentrated. Salts cannot dissolve completely in it and form small crystals. The loss of such sediment indicates an increased content of salts, from which stones are subsequently formed. Treatment should be discussed with your pediatrician. Salt crystals may appear in the urine as a result of the physiological process of urination or due to kidney pathologies.

Insoluble crystals can damage the urinary tract, thereby causing inflammatory diseases such as cystitis and urethritis.

  1. Organic.

Appears as a result of severe forms of diseases of the genitourinary system. Epithelial cells of the urinary system organs precipitate.

  1. Flaky.

Flakes in the urine appear due to severe inflammatory processes and infections of the genitourinary system. A white flocculent precipitate indicates compounds of a protein nature. Protein sediment or proteinuria can signal kidney pathology or exposure to external factors that affect metabolic processes in the body. In children, the loss of protein sediment is associated with the introduction of protein foods into the diet. If the flakes appear sporadically and then disappear, then there is no need to panic, the child’s body simply begins to assimilate a new type of food. If the child is active, eats well, plays happily, then everything is fine with him. If the baby’s behavior changes dramatically, it is worth taking a test for protein and sugar in the urine.

Causes of sediment in urine

Normally, the urine of a healthy person is yellow, the shade of which varies from pale straw to intense yellow. It is transparent, without sediment, impurities, pus, blood, mucus, and does not smell of anything sharp or unpleasant. If a precipitate forms in it, this indicates the presence of various pathologies. However, under certain conditions, the urine becomes cloudy and sediment appears in it even in a healthy person.

The following reasons contribute to this:

  • Contact with oxygen.

The transparency of urine is due to the complete dissolution of all its components. Slight cloudiness is due to long-term storage of urine, and over time, a precipitate of salts will form in it. If you collect urine in a container and leave it for a while, it becomes cloudy due to precipitated salts. In fresh urine, the salts are completely dissolved and cannot be seen. When urine comes into contact with oxygen or at low temperatures, it precipitates. Therefore, urine for analysis is collected in the morning, immediately before delivery.

  • Biological features.

In newborn children, sediment is constantly present in the urine in the first days of life, but over time it will quickly become transparent. If this happens occasionally and then your urine becomes clear again, there is nothing to worry about. Urine with sediment appears in the first morning portion, since during the night the baby’s fluid balance is disturbed, which naturally affects the urine.

  • Changing your diet.

In children under one year of age, sediment in the urine may appear when the diet is changed, for example, when complementary foods are introduced. The main task for parents is to monitor the baby’s urine and his general condition. If the sediment continues to fall for several days, the baby loses appetite, is capricious, then you should definitely consult a pediatrician for advice.

  • Other reasons.

Sediment in a child’s urine may appear for a number of other reasons and may not indicate the presence of pathologies. The composition of urine, its color and transparency, and specific density are influenced by many factors: food consumed, amount of liquid drunk, physical activity, taking certain medications, elevated temperature.

When should you worry?

If sediment or flakes appear in the urine, it has a pungent odor, or an unnatural color (pinkish, greenish), then it is important to consult a doctor to conduct tests and identify the cause. It is also worth doing if the above symptoms are accompanied by poor sleep, lack of appetite, and discomfort during urination. Sediment is caused by the presence of bacteria, red and white blood cells, and salts in urine. It may be a symptom of diabetes. As a result of this disease, dehydration develops and an increased concentration of mineral salts in urine is observed.

If there is sediment in urine tests, the pediatrician may suspect the presence of the following pathologies:

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • blood composition disorder;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • dehydration associated with vomiting and diarrhea;
  • problems with liver function;
  • diabetes;
  • acetonemia;
  • dehydration of the body.


The appearance of sediment in a child’s urine means that the amount of any organic impurities in it is greatly increased. It is necessary to find out which substances are present in excess of the norm in order to eliminate the sediment. Organic acids (oxalates and urates) fall out most often. You can get rid of them by increasing your drinking regime. But sometimes the sediment is caused by toxic kidney damage. In this case, qualified help is needed.

The appearance of white flakes may indicate the presence of cystitis or pyelonephritis. To prevent this from happening, the child must be taught not to sit on cold ground, stones, metal, to dress for the weather and not to walk with an open back in the cold season. If the disease has already been diagnosed, then it is treated with antibiotics and the treatment is long-term.

Parents should not be afraid if sediment appears in the child’s urine, but at the same time he is cheerful and cheerful. This is a normal reaction of a child's body. However, if the sediment is combined with a pungent odor, a change in the color of the urine and the baby’s general poor health, you should consult a pediatrician. For different diseases, the sediment may have a different composition, so only its careful examination helps to establish the reasons for its formation.

Treatment with urine (urine) is a common method of treating various diseases in folk medicine. Urine has a unique composition and contains many active substances that can help with a number of diseases and pathological conditions. The advantage of using your own urine is that the body does not have an allergic reaction in response to this product; it does not perceive substances coming from urine as foreign.

There are various recipes for using urine: they drink it, make compresses and cleansing enemas from it. Many people are interested in what urine helps with. This therapy is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, endocrine diseases, joint diseases, infectious processes, skin problems, and urine cleanses the intestines and the entire body from waste and toxins.

  • Psychological aspect of urine treatment

    For many people, urine therapy is a powerful taboo. They feel disgust at the thought of using this remedy externally or ingesting it internally. This taboo is a consequence of moral prohibitions imposed by society. We are taught from childhood that urine is something bad and disgusting. Public morality puts all physiological processes (defecation, urination, various sexual aspects of human life) prohibited. It’s “indecent” and “shameful” to talk about this. In the process of social education, a child develops blocks associated with the natural physiological needs of the body, which are very difficult to cross.

    In early childhood, these psychological prohibitions do not yet exist. A child is born free from the moral principles imposed on him by society. That is why children talk so freely and naturally about these physiological processes: they simply do not know that it is “forbidden”, “indecent”, “unpleasant”. But the fact is that there is nothing indecent or disgusting about this, these are natural processes that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

    If a child comes into contact with his own urine, it does not cause him discomfort, fear or disgust. Moreover, up to a certain age, this process is absolutely natural: the baby urinates in diapers or pants, his skin comes into contact with urine regularly. At the same time, his skin (normally) does not experience any unpleasant consequences from contact with urine. On the contrary, there is nothing more tender and healthy than the skin of a baby. Thus, this is a clear example that urine does not harm health, but, on the contrary, improves its condition.
    Moreover, during intrauterine development, the fetus is in the amniotic fluid of the mother. The kidneys and excretory system of the fetus begin to function at 14 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, urine begins to be released, which mixes with the mother’s amniotic fluid. It is absolutely natural for the fetus to be in a solution of its own urine, swallow it, and absorb it into the skin during 2/3 of pregnancy. Thus, urine is simply physiologically incapable of harming a person.

    Of course, this statement is true if we are talking about the urine of a healthy person, which does not contain harmful substances and if the course of urine therapy is carried out correctly.

    Prohibitions, fear and disgust towards urine appear in a person during the process of education. These are artificial psychological blocks that not only prevent the use of urine for the treatment of various diseases and general cleansing and healing of the body, but also interfere with the realization of a person’s potential. The more such blocks and prohibitions in a person’s consciousness, the less comfortable such an individual feels. Children are much more free and happy than adults. Because they are not afraid to say out loud what they think, to ask for what they want, to realize themselves without regard to the opinions of others. This freedom is then replaced by moral guidelines, concepts of “decent” and “indecent”, imposed by society and preventing a person from living a full life. As a result, neurosis and dissatisfaction develop.

    Overcoming such prohibitions and attitudes is very important for the psychological comfort of the individual. One step in this process may be the acceptance that urine is not a taboo product, and that healing and cleansing with urine can bring significant benefits to the body.

    Urine treatment: methods of application

    You can drink urine, make compresses and baths from it, lubricate the skin, drop it into the nose or ears, use it to gargle, or cleanse the colon with an enema. The method of using urine depends on the disease and the general physical condition of the person.

    Taking urine inside

    So, what does taking urine by mouth help with? In the oral cavity, this substance has an antimicrobial effect, helps fight putrefactive bacteria and bad breath. Regular daily rinsing of the mouth and larynx with urine will help strengthen the gums and oral mucosa. Some people use urine instead of toothpaste. This substance effectively cleans plaque and disinfects. Long-term use of urine helps improve the quality of tooth enamel, since the microelements that urine is rich in strengthen teeth, and the antimicrobial properties of this substance help stop caries. Gargling with urine is used for chronic and acute sore throat.

    Urine travels through the esophagus to the stomach. Urine has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal. The mucous membrane is cleansed. If there are any wounds or ulcers, with regular use of urine they heal and tissue regenerates. This effect of urine is explained by the steroid hormones and anti-inflammatory substances found in it.

    After the stomach, urine enters the duodenum and then into the small intestine. Due to the high concentration of mineral salts, urine absorbs water into the intestinal lumen. This helps cleanse the mucous membrane and microvilli of the small intestine. Toxic substances deposited on the walls dissolve in the urine. Regular treatment with urine helps cleanse and normalize the intestines, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. At the same time, your appetite improves.

    However, in order for the therapy to be effective, it is important to eat properly, not overeat, and give preference to home-cooked foods of plant origin. A fully functioning intestine will reap the maximum benefits, but this requires a healthy diet. If a person eats junk food, fatty, fried foods, fast food, then urine therapy will only increase the negative impact of these products on the body, since the entire complex of toxic substances and carcinogens they contain will pass from the intestines into the blood.

    In the small intestine, urine is diluted with water to such an extent that its osmotic potential is comparable to the intercellular fluid. After this, urine is absorbed. All useful components of this substance enter the blood. It is important to note that urine does not contain complex substances that are broken down in the digestive tract. Steroid hormones, amino acids, and vitamins are small in size, so they are freely absorbed through the cellular transport system of small intestinal cells and enter the blood. Minerals contained in urine also enter the bloodstream.

    With the blood, urine first enters the liver. This treatment helps with, since urine helps dissolve gallstones. The functioning of liver cells also improves, and natural cleansing of the organ occurs.

    Subsequently, all components of urine are carried with the blood throughout the body and have a complex positive effect on the body. Urea has an anti-carcinogenic effect and promotes the removal of excess water. The vitamins contained in urine strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate and improve the general condition of the body. Hormones contained in urine help normalize hormonal levels and improve the functioning of the endocrine glands.

    As a result of urine therapy, the functioning of the entire body improves, because the functioning of the intestines directly affects the functioning of all organ systems. Regular intake of urine through the mouth helps eliminate infectious and inflammatory processes, is effective in strengthening the immune system, normalizing the hormonal balance of the body, improving complexion and skin condition. Drinking urine has a complex positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and improves kidney function. The use of urine is also useful for the treatment of joint diseases. Urine therapy is used for polyarthritis. With the help of this treatment, joints are cleansed of salt deposits, pain is eliminated and mobility is restored.

    What are urine enemas used for?

    Urine enemas are an effective way to cleanse the large intestine. Urine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane and helps fight putrefactive bacteria developing in the intestines.
    As you know, the large intestine is the most polluted place in the human body. Slags and toxins accumulate there; during the formation of feces, a sediment of residual digestive products forms on the intestinal walls. In the case of dysbacteriosis, putrefactive bacteria develop in the intestines, which paralyze the normal functioning of the digestive system, cause constipation and gas formation, and poison the body with the products of their vital activity. A urine enema normalizes intestinal function and thereby improves the condition of the entire body.

    For enemas, 500–100 ml of urine is used. The procedure is carried out one day after bowel movement.
    The course of urine therapy begins with whole urine. Then, after about a month, you can begin a course of enemas with evaporated urine. The urine is evaporated to half, and then to a quarter of the original volume.
    They begin to do enemas with 100 ml of evaporated urine. For each subsequent procedure, increase its amount by 500 ml. Enemas are still given every other day. After the amount of urine for one procedure reaches 500 ml, the volume of the enema begins to be gradually reduced. Having reached 100 ml of evaporated urine, intestinal cleansing can be considered complete. This treatment is repeated if necessary. In order to prevent various diseases and regularly cleanse the intestines, it is useful to undergo a course of urine enemas every six months to a year.
    This treatment helps cleanse the large intestine and improve its functioning. A course of urine therapy helps to cope with constipation, dysbacteriosis, cleanses and improves the condition of the mucous membrane, and prevents the development of colon and rectal cancer.

    You need to be careful when using enemas for hemorrhoids. In some cases, this can lead to prolapse of hemorrhoids and worsening of the patient's condition.

    Why bury urine in the ears and nose?

    Urine can be used for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Instilling urine into the ears helps fight inflammation in the ear.
    For treatment, rinsing the nasopharynx with fresh urine 1-2 times a day is used. 5-10 drops of urine are dripped into the ears several times a day.

    Urine is also used for inhalation. This procedure will help cope with chronic runny nose, bronchitis, and will help cure pneumonia. Urine has an antimicrobial effect and thus fights infection.

    Why is external urine therapy used?

    The skin has absorption properties, so the external use of medicinal products, in particular urine, has not only a local, but also a complex effect on the body.

    Cleansing the body through the skin occurs if you use rubbing and massage with urine. Hormones, amino acids and urea are absorbed through the skin and help cleanse and improve the condition of the body. The beneficial components of urine are especially actively absorbed during a massage.

    Important! If an adverse reaction occurs and rashes appear on the skin, the procedure must be stopped.

    Urine has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, so it is also used for cosmetic purposes. To do this, use fresh urine or urine evaporated to a quarter of the original volume. It is recommended to wipe the skin of the face and neck every morning. After the procedure, you need to wait until the skin dries and rinse it first with warm, then cool water. It is not recommended to use detergents that dry out the skin. Urine also has a beneficial effect on hair growth. It is recommended to rub this substance into the hair roots before washing your hair.
    To treat burns, purulent wounds and skin infections, compresses with urine are used, which are applied to the affected areas. It is recommended to apply compresses 2 times a day. For the procedure, fresh or evaporated urine is used.

    Cleansing joints from salt deposits and treating polyarthritis is carried out by alternating compresses of fresh and old urine on the area of ​​the damaged joint. Therapy must be comprehensive. Effective purification of the compounds is possible only with the parallel use of urine orally and the use of enemas.

    For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for conducting urine therapy. Uncontrolled and thoughtless use of such treatment can do more harm than good.

    Basic rules for drinking urine:

    What could be the dangers of urine therapy?

    The healing effect of urine is associated with its rich composition. It contains water-soluble vitamins, minerals, amino acids, urea and corticosteroid hormones. Hormones are removed from the body by the kidneys, so urine is rich in these substances. Hormones have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate tissue regeneration.

    However, this may also be a danger of urine therapy. Since a significant dose of corticosteroid hormones enters the body with urine, such therapy is essentially an analogue of taking hormonal medications.

    Taking hormones orally in large quantities can lead to disruption of the functioning of the endocrine glands, in particular the adrenal glands. A so-called feedback loop occurs: the concentration of hormones in the blood regulates the synthesis of these substances by the body’s glands. If the concentration of corticosteroids is exceeded, the adrenal glands stop producing them and may atrophy over time. This is exactly what happens when you ingest urine for a long time. Ingestion of urine in children can cause stunted growth and development.

    It is also important to note that hormonal therapy eliminates the symptoms of the disease: it reduces inflammation and has an analgesic effect. However, this does not always equate to healing, since the cause of the disease has not been eliminated. Treatment with urine should be supplemented by identifying and eliminating the factors that caused the development of a particular disease.

    In order for the external and internal use of urine to be safe, you need to be sure that the urine is sterile and does not contain pathogens. The presence of bacteria in the urine may be indicated by its cloudy color and unpleasant putrefactive odor. But the absence of these signs does not always guarantee sterility of urine.

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  • Urine therapy is a treatment method that came to us from India, but did not receive official status, so it belongs to alternative medicine. Modern scientists and doctors have not been able to give a single answer to the question “How useful is urine therapy?” Therefore, today we decided to tell you about this folk method of treatment in more detail.

    Urine therapy: composition of urine

    Urine is a waste product of the human body. Its main component is water, and everything is dissolved in it metabolic products, toxic substances, trace elements and hormones, which have already completed their service life. But generally speaking, urine contains substances that, for one reason or another, are no longer needed by the human body.

    In the presence of pathological conditions, urine may contain corresponding inclusions. For example, in case of diabetes mellitus, sugar can be detected in the urine , in case of kidney pathology - proteins; in case of hormonal disorders, many macro and microelements are excreted in the urine , with improper nutrition, urine is formed uric acids (oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates, etc.).

    Treatment with urine - for what diseases is it effective?

    Today, urine is used to treat various diseases and for cosmetic purposes. Adherents of this method of treatment provide many arguments confirming its effectiveness.

    • For example, there is an opinion that all water in the human body, including urine, has a special structure. Its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for water to acquire the desired structure, the human body spends a colossal amount of energy on its transformation. If you drink urine, then the body does not have to convert water , which means it wears out less, and accordingly a person will live much longer.

    Urine has a very complex structure. It includes more than 200 different components. It is thanks to this that its use allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. It can also successfully replace many medications and dietary supplements.

    Today, urine therapy is successfully used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, infectious and colds, fungal skin infections, and eye diseases.

    Harm of urine therapy: the biggest misconceptions in urine therapy

    Fans of urine therapy, being influenced by myths, consider it a natural method of treatment. However, this is actually not the case. Now we will tell you about what misconceptions about urine therapy can lead to serious consequences and harm your health.

    • Myth 1: Urine therapy is effective in treating all diseases
      Remember, today there is no medicine (neither folk nor pharmacological) that helps get rid of all diseases. And urine therapy is also not a panacea. It acts like hormonal drugs and can temporarily alleviate the patient’s suffering, but no one can predict the consequences of such treatment. To date, the effectiveness of urine therapy has not been scientifically proven. And those cases when a cure does occur are nothing more than a placebo effect.
    • Myth 2: Urine therapy has no side effects
      The real situation is completely opposite. Treatment with urine has a lot of side effects. Scientists claim that the effectiveness of urine treatment is ensured by the presence of steroid hormones in it, which have pronounced antibacterial properties. However, you will not find a mention of this in any book on urine therapy, since society treats hormonal treatment with great caution. In addition, long-term use of urine, like other hormonal drugs, can lead to the fact that your own hormonal system will stop working normally, and then completely shut down. Experts say that this process can become irreversible and the person will become disabled for life.
    • Myth 3: Pharmacological drugs are artificial hormones, and urine is natural
      In any book on urine therapy you can find a statement that the body will not be harmed by the hormones it produces itself. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. The amount of hormones in our body is strictly controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, but only as long as it is in the blood. Once they are processed and excreted in urine, they are no longer counted. Therefore, if you drink or rub urine, then you saturate your body with “unaccounted for” hormones, which disrupt all hormonal secretion in the body.
    • Myth 4: Urine therapy has no contraindications
      As mentioned above, urine therapy is harmful to humans. But it is especially dangerous in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, kidney diseases, liver and pancreas. The result of such self-medication can be infection of the blood or internal organs. It is also strictly contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems, since urine will contribute to the development of ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis.
    • Myth 5: Urine can be used to prevent disease
      Where have you heard about prophylaxis with hormonal drugs? Urine therapy also refers to hormonal methods of treatment. The consequences of such prevention will be unpredictable, starting with stomach ulcers and ending with infection of the blood and respiratory tract.

    Urine therapy - pros and cons: authoritative opinion of doctors on traditional treatment with urine

    A clear answer to the question “Is urine therapy effective or not?” It is very difficult to give, since there is still active debate on this topic in scientific circles. After talking with doctors, we found out their opinions on this issue:

    • Svetlana Nemirova (surgeon, candidate of medical sciences):
      For me, the word “urine therapy” is almost a dirty word. It saddens me to see how people ruin their health, considering this method of treatment a panacea for all diseases. In my practice, there have been cases when, after using urine therapy, a patient was brought to me by ambulance in terrible condition. It all started with a small spot between the fingers, which was mistaken for a callus. Of course, no one went to the doctor, but began to self-medicate, using urine therapy. As a result of such irresponsibility, he was already brought to us with terrible pain in his leg and tissue necrosis. To save the man's life, we had to amputate his leg.
    • Andrey Kovalev (general practitioner):
      All substances that enter the human body, and therefore the blood, are carefully filtered through the kidneys. And then all the excess fluid, along with toxins, as well as excess other substances, is excreted along with urine. Our body worked, expended energy to remove all unnecessary substances, and the person then peed in a jar and drank it. What benefit could this have?
    • Marina Nesterova (traumatologist):
      I will not dispute that urine really has excellent antiseptic properties. Therefore, for any cuts, bruises or other injuries of a similar nature, its use can be effective. Urine compresses will help relieve swelling and prevent germs from getting into the wound. However, internal use of urine is out of the question, especially for a long period of time. You will ruin your own health!

    Although representatives of traditional medicine have a negative attitude towards urine therapy , many famous personalities do not hide the fact that they use this method of treatment in practice. For example, the famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda not only does he not hide the fact that he uses this method of treatment, but also openly encouraged others to do the same. Famous TV presenter Andrey Malakhov also speaks positively about urine therapy.

    Many people believe that urine therapy means drinking urine orally. Alas, they are very wrong. Urine therapy is an entire branch of traditional medicine, and it doesn’t end with drinking urine. There are many forms of its manifestation and varieties; it is used both internally and in compresses, baths, rinses and many other procedures, which we will tell you about in this article. We will talk about its types and forms of manifestation, and also touch on the benefits and harms of these procedures.

    What is treated with urine therapy? Applications and forms of urine treatment

    Proponents of urine therapy are poking it in all its holes. Wherever they pour urine on themselves - in the butt, in the mouth, in the eyes and even ears. Her hair is washed, her throat is gargled and her teeth are also cleaned with urine.

    So, if you run out of toothpaste, it’s no problem, you can pop it in your mouth and rinse. Experts in urine therapy claim that after urinating, your teeth will become much cleaner, and it also has a whitening effect. And why give money to dentists for a Hollywood smile? After all, you can be guaranteed snow-white teeth.

    Conventionally, urine therapy can be divided into two groups:

    • Internal. In this case, the urine is drunk, various types of washing, rinsing, enemas, etc. are done. in order to cleanse the body from the inside.
    • Outdoor. This variety includes various kinds of baths, compresses, washings, and cosmetology also has a place in this matter.

    In general, almost everything is treated with urine, from colds to gangrene. Although official sources and medical practice say the opposite. But we'll talk about this a little later.

    Urine treatment methods

    Now let's talk about the basic urine treatment methods. How to properly use this miracle drug that can get rid of all diseases.

    Urine therapy in the treatment of internal organs

    For urine therapy, it is recommended to use a medium stream of urine. What does it mean? First you need to flush a little down the toilet, and only then collect the urine for preventive action. It should also be used immediately after collection. Also, you should not start treatment with urine if you are using a medicinal form of therapy. At a minimum, you need to completely stop taking any medications and only after 3-4 days can you begin treatment with urine.

    • Oral.
    • Anal.

    With the oral method, gargle and.

    There is nothing special about rinsing. Place fresh urine in your mouth and begin rinsing for 2-3 minutes. If you want to treat your teeth with homemade medicine, then rinse your mouth for 30 minutes. The main thing is not to vomit, otherwise you will upset the acid balance and you will have to start all over again, but only the next day.

    When drinking, you must follow a diet. And prepare the body before the course. You need to take urine on an empty stomach in small sips, savoring it a little. You don’t need to swallow it right away and you shouldn’t drink it in one gulp either. You need to fully experience all the delights and tastes of urine.

    In the case of the anal method of introducing urine into the body, just as in the oral method, fresh urine must be used. To flush the intestines with urine we will need an enema. Before administration, the urine must be boiled and cooled so that it is barely warm, but not cold. As a rule, half a liter to a liter of urine is administered per procedure. A urine enema should be done only after you have had a bowel movement. The course lasts a month, 15 repetitions every other day. This is followed by a second washing step. Evaporated urine is already used here. The course begins with 100 ml of evaporated urine, then each time we increase the dose by 50-100 ml. Having reached 500 ml, we begin to reduce the dose in the same increments as when increasing it. Connoisseurs of urine enemas in the second course add herbal tea to the urine, and at the same time they add seaweed.

    ON A NOTE!!!

    Urine therapy experts believe that urine can cleanse the brain. To do this, you need to instill 10-20 drops of urine into your nose. You can even make various kinds of additives to your urine to cleanse your brain, depending on your taste. This recipe, in addition to cleansing the brain, is suitable for restoring vision, smell and memory. However, if you decide to resort to urine therapy, cure of the first is not guaranteed.

    External treatment with urine

    The external form of using urine consists of various types of baths and compresses. You can piss in the bath and lie there to soak, thereby having a complex effect on the body. You will need approximately 500 ml of sak per bath if you want to strictly follow the recipe. You can steam in such a bath from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Just don’t be surprised later if people around you start sniffing at you and turning up their noses when you approach.

    Urine massages - rubbing with urine - are also actively practiced. However, if irritation appears on your skin in the form of a rash, this is considered a good sign. If the rash is too severe, you should stop the procedure - overdose.

    Hands and feet are steamed in urine baths; for this purpose, the urine is first evaporated.

    If you have pimples on your face, then don’t be disappointed, this doesn’t mean you need to run to the store or to a cosmetologist. Urine therapy has succeeded here too. Lubricate your face with urine and everything will go away. But don't be surprised if the rash gets worse, this is just the other side of the coin. If you just have irritation, then be glad that it is not an infectious infection.

    During the phases of the first and third lunar cycle, it is better to drink urine. And in the second and fourth phases of the moon, the area of ​​​​use of urine migrates outside - we rub ourselves and bathe.

    About the dangers and benefits of urine therapy

    Much has been written about the benefits of urine therapy and its miraculous healing properties. You can find quite a lot of articles on the Internet about miraculous recoveries and the like. But this information is united by one important fact - the absence of any evidence base and logical explanation, at least at the level of school chemistry and biology.

    Perhaps there are much more negative consequences from treatment with urine than cases of miraculous healing. Think about it, people who practice urine therapy are treated with it all their lives, but for some reason they are never cured.

    With the help of feces and urine, harmful substances are removed from the body. Although uropractitioners claim that it contains vitamins and other beneficial substances. Yes, they exist, but their content is so meager that they will have absolutely no positive effect on your health. At the same time, it contains various kinds of toxins, salts and metals that can harm your body. Especially if you use any medications, have an unhealthy diet, and also considering other external influences on the body, the content of toxins in the urine can be significant. The same guidelines on urine therapy say that drinking, and in general, treatment can only be done with the urine of a healthy person. In addition, it is not recommended to use someone else's. And if you are going to get treatment, that means you are sick, right? And your urine isn't the best quality either. And all the infection that your body is trying to get rid of, you pour back in. Paradox.

    If you are going to treat acne with urine, you risk getting an infectious infection, which can lead to immediate surgical interventions. Of course, this will leave a mark and a reminder of yourself for life.

    If you are planning to treat the intestines with urine, then there is reason to think about it. The intestines have their own microflora; if you introduce urine into it, which is rich in various types of bacteria, you risk disrupting the intestinal microflora. Which will entail a number of other consequences in the form of digestive disorders and dysfunction of internal organs.

    There is also medical practice where there are cases of gangrene developing as a result of treatment with urine and various complications of many diseases.

    And finally, urine therapy is effective only if a number of conditions are met, up to the lunar phases, which already raises doubts about the effectiveness of the treatment.

    But it still has one positive property - self-hypnosis. It is what heals you, despite the fact that the body is poisoned by urine. You program yourself for recovery by sincerely believing in healing.

    As you can see, urine therapy is a rather complex set of procedures that requires a thorough approach. In addition to basic knowledge and 0.5 liters of urine, you will need a lunar calendar, otherwise the treatment may be ineffective.

    Judge for yourself the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of urine therapy treatment. There is an evidence base for the negative effects of these procedures, but the beneficial qualities have not been scientifically confirmed. Reviews from doctors are also not in favor of urine therapy.

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