Names of autumn bouquets with their own hands. Ekibana from dried flowers

There are many reasons to give bouquets and pleasant emotions, and creating them with your own hands is more pleasant at times from your favorite garden flowers. A chic autumn bouquet with your own hands to school can be made using spikelets, autumn leaves berries and the following flowers:

  • chrysanthemums,
  • october,
  • asters,
  • marigolds…

Any autumn bouquet can be decorated with maple leaves (just pre-dip them in melted paraffin so that they do not dry out and fly around).

1. Autumn bouquet of marigolds in rustic style.

To create such a masterpiece, you do not need to travel far, very often marigolds are grown in front gardens and flower beds in the city. For our bouquet, tall plants, with a lush head, orange or bright yellow. You will also need twine and kraft paper (this is ordinary wrapping paper).

We cut flowers sharp knife so that they become the same height, about 20 cm. Small round bouquets look wonderful in the hands of babies. We collect the flowers together and tie them tightly with twine, and then wrap them in kraft paper and decorate with twine.

To complement such an autumn bouquet to school, they are perfect wooden figurines, toys, simple pencils.

Autumn bouquet of marigolds

2. We make an autumn bouquet using a floral frame.

If you want to make a bouquet as a gift using seasonal more noble colors, and it is intended as a gift, it is best to use plants and berries in the colors of Autumn, for example:

  • spikelets,
  • viburnum,
  • gerbera,
  • roses,
  • chrysanthemums,
  • green decorative leaves.

To create a beautiful bouquet for Teacher's Day, you will need a floral round frame. It can be found in any flower shop, and we will collect it in a spiral:

  • put sprigs of chrysanthemum in the center,
  • next we add roses and greenery, which will add shape, volume and brightness,
  • we add spikelets, a branch with viburnum and the rest of the flowers in a spiral, following the resulting shape, it should turn out to be round.

When the composition is ready, we tightly tie everything, cut the whole bouquet and wrap it with twine.

For more information on how to make such a bouquet with your own hands, here:

3. White autumn bouquet of their chrysanthemums.

The next version of the autumn bouquet with our own hands, we propose to make from:

  • white spherical chrysanthemums,
  • light green needle chrysanthemums,
  • hydrangeas,
  • bouvardie,
  • peonies can be replaced with roses.

Such a composition is assembled simply - in a spiral, making round shape. If you can’t make a round bouquet, then add green leaves to the flowers. Such white bouquet would also look good for a winter gift.

4. Bouquet of sunflowers with feathers.

Use different decorative elements to create a bouquet with your own hands to school - the most the right decision. Moreover, decor elements can be any, for example, feathers.

To do small bouquet, take yellow roses in the color of autumn, and colorful feathers. Roses, you can use both small, local, and large. The only point is that they should be low, so immediately pick up short plants. You will also need a few branches with green leaves (you can use maple).

After gathering the flower arrangement together, tie it tightly and insert the feathers. If you plan to take it to school, glue the feathers to wooden skewers with clear glue and insert into the center.

5. A bouquet of autumn leaves.

Still at the peak of popularity, making bouquets from maple leaves with your own hands. To do this, collect bright maple leaves. If you want your roses to be the same size, pick the same leaves.

Autumn is a season that is different special charm. It is associated with the harvest, rich colors of foliage and flowers. We will teach you how to create autumn bouquets quickly and simply with your own hands, so that you can transfer a piece of this season to your home.

A flower arrangement is a bouquet assembled in a certain way. In addition to cut flowers, ribbons, beads, balls and other decorations can be included in the composition. When making such a bouquet, one should take into account where in the setting it will stand and in which vessel. To flowers for a long time do not fade, it is advisable to use a special floral sponge dark color. Autumn compositions can be made up of flowers, yellowed leaves, dried flowers, cereals and various fruits. We are offering to you detailed photo Master Class.

We collect beautiful autumn bouquets with our own hands in a step-by-step lesson

  • flowers: gerbera, daisy, dahlia;
  • decorative elements: small apples, foliage of pittosporum and eucalyptus;
  • sponge Oasis;
  • wooden box;
  • wrapping paper and transparent film;
  • secateurs, scissors, floral knife.
How to make an unusual bouquet:
  1. We are preparing the base for the future composition. We line the bottom of the box with paper, cut off the protruding edges.
  2. Lay on the bottom of the box transparent film so that water from the sponge does not leak into the box itself. Cut the edges of the film along the edge of the box.
  3. We lower the Oasis bar into a container with water, then we take it out and put it on the bottom of our base.
  4. We insert the greens into the sponge so that it completely hides the edges of the box.
  5. We place white dahlias in the center of the composition in the form of a triangle.
  6. We insert the remaining flowers around the edges.
  7. We decorate the composition with apples.

Such a peculiar bouquet is perfect for the school, as a gift to the teacher on September 1. Optionally, you can supplement the composition with school supplies.

For original decoration own home, you can use compositions made from natural materials. Leaves dyed in bright color, will serve as an excellent basis for this.

  • freshly fallen maple leaves different size. They need to dry out a little.
  • rods for stems;
  • teip tape dark green;
  • scissors and thread.
We collect a bouquet:
  1. Take the smallest sheet, turn it over front side down and bend the tips inward.
  1. Roll up a roll from a folded leaf. The core of the future flower is ready.
  2. At the second sheet, in size a little more than the first bend the center tip. Lay a pseudo-bud on top of it. wrap side edges around the bud.
  1. Continue wrapping the rest of the leaves around the base, from smaller to more.
  2. After the craft acquires required dimensions you need to rewind the stems with teip tape.
  1. Tie the stems to the twig with green tape. The flower is ready.

We are trying to collect a beautiful and bright topiary from autumn leaves

one more beautiful decor rooms will serve artificial tree- topiary. There is a sign according to which such a tree brings happiness to the house.

We will need:
  • clay pot;
  • wooden stick;
  • foam ball blank;
  • autumn leaves, berries, moss;
  • alabaster, thermal gun, spray paint.
Making a topiary:
  1. Plaster a stick in a pot, and after drying, paint both parts black.
  2. Put the ball on the stick. Using a gun, smear the base of the leaves with glue and insert them into the ball. Periodically dilute the foliage with rowan berries or other small fruits on the branch.
  3. Decorate the trunk with foliage.
  4. Disguise the plaster in the pot under a layer of branches, moss and berries.

We study the creation of a bouquet of sweets for relatives and friends

It is very effective and inexpensive gift. It will appeal to many sweet tooth. Let's learn how to make an autumn-style candy arrangement.

  • autumn leaves, small apples or cones;
  • wooden skewers;
  • candies;
  • colored corrugated paper;
  • teip tape;
  • basket;
  • Styrofoam;
  • scissors, ruler, thread, mesh.
We make a bouquet:
  1. Place a piece of Styrofoam in the basket and hide it under the net.
  2. Arrange fallen leaves around the edge of the basket.
  3. Attach candies to wooden skewers with a thread.
  4. Cut out leaves from paper. Shape them with your fingers: pull the blank across the paper.
  5. Cut leaves out of green paper.
  6. Wrap leaves around the candy, securing them with threads on the base.
  7. Attach green blanks and wrap the skewer with teip tape.
  8. Insert the skewers into the sponge, decorate the basket with apples. You can tie a beautiful lush bow on the handle itself.

Video master classes on the topic of the article

We want to showcase some videos. With their help, you can create a unique flower arrangement.

Only the lazy did not sing the beauty of autumn. It is not surprising, because those bright colors that this time of year gives are truly many-sided and intricately intertwined, creating masterpieces. And how many diverse natural materials can be prepared for creativity! It is simply impossible to count. A nice bonus - all blanks are absolutely free, available and they are collected during a walk that gives good mood, positive and positive emotions. Apparently, it is this energy that nourishes the natural material and wonderful crafts are made from it. Autumn bouquets with your own hands from fallen leaves, fruits and berries, cones and moss - this is a small list of how you can extend the charm of this time of year for a long time.

It is in the autumn that various competitions are held in all general educational children's institutions. the best craft from the gifts of nature or a harvest festival. At this event you can see great amount truly unusual, bright, creative creations. Of course, every child dreams of winning the competition. But more important than victory may be the understanding that your craft is unique and unrepeatable and there is simply no other like it.

Consider a few crafts made from natural material that you can build with your child for a school competition.

Photo gallery of children's creativity

Children's imagination is not limited by boundaries and is not subject to conventions. Toddlers see the world differently than adults. It is on this fertile soil that shoots of future masterpieces sprout. If the skill and experience of parents are added to the thinking of the child, then everything together is embodied in creative masterpieces. An example of such a combination is shown in the following photos.

roses from leaves

In almost every craft for school, the guys use fallen leaves. A properly dried and ironed sheet of bizarre shape and color is already beautiful. But it is very banal and uninteresting - to collect a bouquet of leaves. More creative idea will make roses out of them, which are very similar to real ones. In addition, the leaves for this craft do not even have to be dried.

A step-by-step instruction that details the process of creating a flower is shown in the photo.

Depending on how many maple leaves and what color will be used to make a rose, the size of the bud and the color of the final product depend. It is very good to use leaves of contrasting shades for crafts - straw, lemon, red and ocher.

living beauty

The simplest, but no less spectacular, bouquet can be assembled from flowers that delight the eye in the flower beds almost until the first snow.

For such a composition, asters, phloxes, rudbeckias are suitable. Their bright and juicy color will create sunny mood even on cloudy days.

Marigolds are the kings of flower beds in autumn time. They do not fade for a long time, but their colors, which varies from pale yellow to deep orange, awaken vital energy human body. A bouquet of these flowers will look unusually good and cozy both in the kitchen and in the office.

Combined compositions of bunches of berries, cones and flowers look very appetizing. Collecting such an ikebana during the harvest period will not be difficult.

A bouquet of vegetables, fruits and cereals can become a real stylish gift for the girlfriend who adheres healthy lifestyle life and take care of your diet.

Of course, do not forget about physalis and dahlias. These flowers are so self-sufficient that they look great even in ordinary banal containers without additional decorations. But do not lose sight of the moment that there should be a lot of flowers, and not two or three branches. Only in this case you will get a spectacular bouquet.

A bouquet of physalis can stand for a very long time, until its color fades or fades. You can assemble compositions from other sukholet, which are presented in a wide range.

Bouquets or sweets

Of course, while the flower season is in full swing and has not ended, you can always create original bouquet easily. But what to do if there are hopeless rains outside the window and autumn has already passed the middle? There is an exit. You can make an original beautiful autumn bouquet of sweets and corrugated paper.

Such a composition looks very stylish and bright, and it is not difficult to make it. You just need to buy a variety of your favorite candy, a few tubes of corrugated paper various shades, tape and scissors. Even children can be involved in the work. They will be happy to wrap sweets in paper petals.

You can decorate the craft with wrapping paper, ribbons, ribbons, openwork meshes, beads and rhinestones.

Video on the topic of the article

More more ideas on creating a variety of bouquets, compositions and flower arrangements is presented in a selection of videos. Watch and be inspired!

It bursts into flames. The last flowers of the outgoing summer, ripened fruits and vegetables can make an excellent ensemble that decorates and refreshes the interior.

Autumn bouquets of flowers

When it's raining and slush outside, it can warm the soul sincere gift- a bouquet of fresh flowers. Such compositions have their own characteristics:

  1. Creating an autumn bouquet, you can combine live plants and dried flowers in it. It would be appropriate to supplement it with fruits, berries, autumn colorful leaves.
  2. The color palette should match the season. The choice should be stopped at red, orange, yellow, burgundy shades. However, it is necessary to maintain moderation in the choice and avoid unnecessary variegation.
  3. Flowers, traditionally symbolizing spring and summer, will be out of place here. The basis of the bouquet is usually made up of gerberas, asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias. And, of course, cream and orange roses are great.
  4. Harvest, prosperity, satiety serve as the leitmotif of the compositions. This is not the time for minimalist solutions and asceticism. Autumn bouquet should look rich and luxurious.

Florists prefer compact round compositions. People with a fair amount of imagination can experiment and create complex and unusual shapes. Very popular and often used to decorate any interiors. ornamental trees- topiary.

A bountiful harvest

When creating autumn bouquets and compositions, you can completely abandon the use of cut flowers. Other gifts of autumn will help to revive the atmosphere of the house quickly and effortlessly. The basis can be completely different elements: spectacular branches, dry ears, ripe fruits.

An autumn bouquet of leaves is the simplest and most popular home decoration. It can be collected right on the street and supplemented with bunches of mountain ash, cones or acorns. Fruit and vegetable compositions rustic style not only beautiful. Admiring the spectacular basket filled with fruits and autumn berries, you can use an edible art object for its intended purpose

Wreaths on the door are used not only at Christmas. The rods twisted into a ring are decorated with small apples, scarlet balls of viburnum and barberry, nuts and bright foliage.

Pumpkins are a separate issue. They can be used both solo and in an ensemble, choosing according to the color, size and shape of the fruit. Small decorative pumpkins can be placed in a tall transparent vase. Large orange beauties themselves can serve as a vase for autumn compositions. And you can turn them into original candlesticks by taking out the pulp and cutting out an unusual pattern on the walls.

Worthy frame

Three things are needed to successfully compose a composition:

The container in which the autumn bouquet will stand should be selected in the same style as it. It would be appropriate to look like an earthenware jug or pot wrapped in terracotta velvet paper and tied with a checkered ribbon.

Decorative baskets are good on their own, but you can add bright accent, fixing tangerines or dried orange slices between the rods.

Different shapes will decorate a table or a mantelpiece, if you pour decorative seeds and inflorescences into them, and put a few branches next to it and put candles.

Tablecloths matched to the tone will help maintain the atmosphere of autumn, kitchen towels, decor items.

As a rule, we accompany congratulations on the holidays with the presentation beautiful bouquets. However, it is already difficult to surprise the hero of the occasion with a bouquet of roses, chrysanthemums, lilies. And if you still want to surprise, then you can do bouquet of autumn leaves and rowan berries with your own hands. Such a bouquet will be an extraordinary gift for someone who celebrates the holiday in the fall.

Fortunately, to make such a bouquet, you need completely simple natural materials that you can collect while walking in a park or forest. What do you need to make a bouquet

Add a few more sheets - we get a chic flower.

For creating flower arrangement you will need about 15 roses.

Gluing roses and berries to a ball of thread. We pass the “stem” of the rose (leaf cuttings collected in a heap) between the threads of the ball and glue the flower to them.

We place the next few colors, gluing them to the ball.

We glue all the flowers from the leaves, leaving gaps between them - we will fill them with mountain ash.

We fix the rowan between the threads of the ball and the brush, gluing their cuttings to the base for better fixation.

We get such a flower and berry composition.

Pay attention to the fact that rowan and flowers are located quite tightly relative to each other - jute threads balls are invisible.

From the other side.

We put the composition on a decorated bottle - we get a flower and berry autumn bouquet of leaves and rowan berries.
