Nude manicure (flesh), design ideas with photos. Natural beauty of natural nails

natural manicure is now at the peak of its popularity. Despite the fact that many consider him boring and monotonous, his popularity rating is getting higher. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the ladies are confused in the proposed variety of colors: some are tired of variegation and pretentiousness, and some are looking for versatility for their style.

It is to them that the so-called is called to come to the rescue. And if you also add a glossy finish, then you can not use decorations at all. But how to make your hands beautiful and well-groomed with a minimum of effort?

Features of natural manicure

Natural manicure can never be called vulgar or defiant. It is designed to demonstrate simplicity and calmness. After all, this is a classic, and it cannot lose its relevance in anything, including the design of nails. If you give the plate an oval or almond shape, and then painted in pink, pastel or brown tones, then the hands will look perfect. This kind of manicure is done mainly in order to give the hands a well-groomed look. In addition, it is suitable for women of any age.

Benefits of nude manicure

Natural manicure, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is very convenient for those who, by virtue of professional features cannot wear long nails and paint them in bright colors. They are mainly representatives medical professions, teachers, musicians, seamstresses, sellers food products. It also helps young mothers who need to take care of babies.

A manicure in natural shades, made according to all the rules and beautifully designed, may not lose its appearance for up to one week. If you are a business woman and work in an office, then after a hard day you can easily organize yourself cultural program without nail correction. Nude will suit any image and style, it will be perfectly combined with both evening dress as well as a business suit. Manicure, the natural color of which never loses its relevance, can also give visual length to the fingers. In addition, this shade gives the skin a very pleasant natural color. For example, the same purple or green does not give such an effect, and is not always appropriate.

If you have a minor trouble and a piece of varnish breaks off, then a natural manicure will help to hide it. With it, such a defect is not so conspicuous, and it is corrected much easier than on a dark-colored varnish. Lucky pastel shades have one significant advantage over bright and saturated ones: they are much easier to apply, and minor defects are not at all striking.

Choosing a shade for a nude manicure

Many mistakenly believe that to perform a natural manicure, you can take the first varnish of the corresponding shade that comes across - they are the same anyway. However, this is not at all the case. In order for your hands to look really well-groomed and tidy, pick up correct shade very important. This is where your skin tone will play a huge role.

Owners of bluish-green veins are best to use warm colors, but bluish-violet - on the contrary, cold. The former include beige and peach shades, and the latter - pink. For those who naturally have light skin on their hands, it is better not to use dark colors, since in this case the hands will have painful appearance, but not well-groomed and aesthetic. If you are tanned, then you can apply shades of sand or beige colour.

Design on short and long nails

Natural manicure seems to some to be boring, monotonous and uninteresting, so they do not dare to experiment with it. And absolutely in vain! Rhinestones, appliqués and other decor methods can work wonders. With the help of them, you can not only refresh ideas, but also give your image flirtatiousness and femininity. However, you should never forget about the sense of proportion, because otherwise your nails will not become stylish and beautiful, but tastelessly decorated or even vulgar. After all, you can decorate not all fingers, but only one or several, which looks very creative.

A special originality is the coating of a varnish of a natural shade with bright sparkles. It looks discreet, and you can’t call such decor boring. The main thing is to choose good combination colors.

Drawings on natural manicure

Natural manicure can be varied with patterns that are performed both on all nails and selectively. There can be no limits to your imagination, the only rule is to keep the proportions of the size of the picture and the nail plate. On very short nails, you should not make a huge bright ornament, it will not look advantageous. Geometric shapes are very relevant now, with which you can experiment as much as you like. They are easy to perform, and the effect can be amazing. Blurry drawings, which are performed in a wide variety of color combinations, are also a newfangled solution.

Using gel polish

To create a natural manicure, you can also use gel polish. The technique of execution and methods of decorating it practically do not differ from the usual one, with the exception of the technology of applying the coating itself. Natural manicure with gel polish lasts much longer, does not lose its visual appeal for at least two weeks. The only negative such a procedure is that for this you first need to purchase the necessary equipment and materials, but over time it pays off.

Natural manicure (gel) is very practical, durable and can be decorated with a variety of means. It can be performed in the same way as in the procedure with ordinary varnish, only now it will last much longer.

Sequins and rhinestones in the design of nude manicure

Perhaps the design of sparkles will never fade. It is not necessary to apply them over the entire area of ​​​​the nail plate, this can only be done on half of it, creating the so-called degrade effect. In this case, the sparkle at the tip should be much larger than closer to the middle.

Rhinestones look great on natural manicure. They are very easy to use, but their presence can make the design original, bright. In addition, this decorative element has always been perfectly combined with natural shades of varnishes. Such a manicure can be used both in and for special occasions and celebrations. With the help of rhinestones and other auxiliary materials, you can create a whole composition.

Decor on one nail

If you avoid pretentiousness and in no way want to attract undue attention, then you can also diversify your natural manicure by choosing only one nail for decoration. This option looks unobtrusive, but at the same time very stylish, original and even unusual. As a rule, ladies use the ring finger for these purposes.

Not only drawings can be used as decorations, but also foil, stickers, modeling, rhinestones and much more. It all depends on your imagination and the conditions in which the manicure will be used. For example, sculpting is only suitable for solemn occasion because in everyday work activities can cause a lot of inconvenience.

Natural manicure technique

In order for the effect to be amazing and please not only you, but also those around you, you need to follow some simple rules when performing a natural manicure. If you ignore them, then errors in applying varnish or defects in the nail plate, which would be better to hide, may become obvious. First thing nail plate should be polished, degreased and deburred. After that, proceed to align the edge of the nail and groove. To make the skin of the hands soft, you can apply a mask or scrub.

A clear base coat is initially applied to the prepared surface and allowed to dry completely. After that, proceed to the application of varnish directly. desired shade. Depending on the saturation of the coating you want to get, two to four layers are applied. Each previous layer must dry well before applying the next.

If minor flaws are obtained and the skin is accidentally stained, then this can be easily corrected with a stick dipped in nail polish remover. After that, you can start decorating the nails. It is better to apply a topcoat on a light varnish in a couple of layers, since it tends to lose its luster and attractiveness after a couple of days.

What could be more beautiful for a woman's hands than beautiful natural nails– shiny, healthy, strong and well-groomed? Even the most chic ring, worn on unkempt hands, will only emphasize flaws and look ridiculous. Many women prefer artificial synthetic materials the natural beauty of such nails. Beautiful natural nails are a sign of neatness and health, as well as prosperity - after all, natural nails require more careful care and regular manicure.

Natural or artificial nails?

All fashionistas think about this question at least once in their lives. There are several reasons not to resort to modeling. In many countries, building with acrylic is generally prohibited due to its toxicity. Although modern extensions do not contain harmful substances, gel and acrylic often cause allergic reactions salon clients. This is another fact in favor of natural nails. In addition, the wrong washed down the plates before building and wrong withdrawal artificial material injures the plate and, subsequently, a long rehabilitation is required to restore it.

Methods for performing manicure on natural nails can be used different: classic edged, European unedged, hardware manicure, as well as carry out various SPA-procedures of restoration and strengthening - sandy manicure, Japanese manicure, paraffin therapy, oil baths, etc.

Classical edged manicure provides for preliminary soaking of nails, which is unacceptable with artificial plates. Before soaking in an aqueous solution, with the help of nail files they are given desired shape. Wet nails should never be filed - this leads to their delamination and cracking.

Not so long ago he came to European countries, but has already found his fans. Japanese manicure- a great alternative to extended plates, natural nails strengthened with a preparation with the addition of silicon become very strong and resistant to external influences. All oriental manicure products are based on high-quality ingredients, they take great care of natural nails. And thanks to the pearls included in their composition, the plates at the end of the manicure procedure acquire an amazingly healthy pink color and a chic sheen.

performed without the use of baths. It is also called the dry method. A special alkaline preparation is applied to the cuticle to soften. It can be a cream and a special manicure pencil. After a couple of minutes, the product is removed along with the cuticle using a wooden or ceramic stick. This gentle method allows a short time fix your natural nails. It's nice that european manicure easy to do at home. To do this, it is not necessary to have special professional skills, it is enough to purchase special tools.

- also a great method for caring for natural nails. It is performed in the salon, the cuticle and periungual tissue is not trimmed, but gently polished. When performing this procedure, the likelihood of injuries and cuts is minimized, which is very important for natural nails.

Before carrying out procedures for the care of natural nails, it is necessary to remove old varnish. For this, in no case should you use acetone-containing agents. Acetone dries the plate excessively and deprives it of the protective film. Nail polish remover should be acetone-free and preferably enriched with vitamins.

When choosing a nail file, it is better to opt for a tool with a Teflon or silver coating. If they are brittle, then the nail files should be fine-grained. Metal files can damage natural nails and cause delamination, so their use should be avoided.

Cosmetic care should have both a hygienic orientation and a wellness one. It is necessary that the components of the preparations make up for all the components that are missing for the health of the natural plates. All high-quality manicure lines have in their arsenal wonderful remedies, preventing fragility - with calcium. Also, if desired, you can use drugs that accelerate the growth of plates. For support healthy look natural nails there are general strengthening compounds.

When visiting nail salons And self care, to strengthen natural nails, you can use a variety of rich hand baths. For example, a bath with sea salt will remarkably strengthen the nails, and a bath with olive oil will make them elastic and resistant to damage.

To restore the skin of the hands and natural nails, there are special homeopathic remedies that are rich in vitamins and nutrients and at the same time have medicinal properties. For example, with the help of thuja extract, you can solve the problem of growth of a wide and rough cuticle and periungual tissue. The use of alternative means allows you to maintain the effect obtained from a recreational holiday at sea for a whole year.

In order for natural nails to be strong and healthy all year round, they must be protected from negative external influence and the aggressive influence of domestic chemicals. IN summer time hands must be protected from ultraviolet rays, which dry out the already meager water-lipid layer on the plates. And in winter period they need to be protected from frost and cold wind. Experienced craftsmen it is not advised to cover natural nails with varnish before going out cold air. In a cold environment, the plate tends to shrink, and therefore the varnish will not wear for a long time, but will begin to crack. It is also impossible to apply varnish on cold nails - the temperature of the skin of the hands should be restored to a normal level.

Simplicity and naturalness are two factors that determine the vector modern fashion. And this is good news. Agree, the world is very tired of the images of plastic dolls in tight dresses and with complex designs on their heads. As well as from predatory stilettos studded with rhinestones, sequins and glitter. Graceful models in silhouette dresses made of natural fabrics, with light curls, whose nails are decorated with a light nude manicure, are increasingly defiling on the catwalk. This nail design looks very non-trivial, stylish and insanely neat. He instantly ennobles the image of a young lady, focusing not on external flashiness, but on the richness of the internal content.

Nude manicure - in the power of naturalness

Many girls are sincerely perplexed when they hear the word "nude". What is and what true value such a mysterious concept - all the cards are revealed by the ProstoNail expert. "Nude" in translation from English means naked, and in the interpretation of neoclassics - bodily. Essentially, this various shades beige, the variability of which is over 1000. We decided to designate the most interesting of them, firmly established not only in the first echelons of Pantone, but also on the nails of beauties.

Nude shade Characteristics and compatibility
smoky rose Pink shade with a dirty purple undertone
Sienna fashion enough saturated shade brown with warm undertones
Salmon Sophisticated orange-pink tone with warm accents
Peach The most calm, dusty, warm peach
Geraldine Another kind of muted pink with a cool purple undertone.
Japanese maple A rich, multifaceted and deep blend of brown and pink

As you can see, nude manicures are not banal. beige nails. These are natural, muted and such a variety of shades, looking unique in each specific case. Delicate manicure won the hearts of thousands of fashionistas around the world, barely appearing as a stand-alone cover in 2016. Since then, shellac in nude tones has not lost popularity, helping to collect hundreds of likes for its adherents under publications on social networks. Let's try not to succumb to the mass madness and weigh all the pros and cons of such an ascetic gentleman.

So, during the investigation, ProstoNail experts revealed a number of advantages that characterize nude nails from the best side:

  • adhering to all points of the technology of working with gel polish, you can achieve the traditional durability of such a coating that does not lose presentability for 12-14 days;
  • reasonable cost, availability and a wide palette of shades for a variety of designs;
  • beige manicure is very simply washed off with a standard remover, without eating into the nail plates, as dark pigments do;
  • the aesthetics of such a coating even after a few weeks. Growing, the nails still look neat;
  • variability of color combinations without the risk of vulgarity;
  • beautiful, nude nail polish does not attract undue attention to itself and well complements any make-up, any clothes and any image of its owner;
  • light varnish visually lengthens the nail plates, so the natural coating looks especially impressive on short nails.

Well, even on the Moon there are spots, by the way, those are also observed on a light coating. About the disadvantages nude manicure we told below:

  • manicure "a la" naturel quickly gets dirty and collects all the dust and dirt, so you need to wipe it thoroughly;
  • light varnish, as a rule, is more fluid than its dark counterparts due to the lower concentration of pigment;
  • for the reason indicated above, gel polishes of a pastel palette require layering, which is very uneconomical;
  • although the bodily shellac looks quite self-sufficient, you should think over the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmanicure with trepidation so that the desired nude does not look too ascetic.

We found disproportionately more pluses of body manicure than minuses, which confirms the need for experiments. Moreover, go further and collect the most interesting news from the colorful world of pinterest and instagram, waiting to be translated into reality.

Matte nude manicure - velvet superiority of color

The conciseness of the nude captivates with its tenderness and external simplicity. In fact, beige, milky or coffee nail polish is a timeless and fashionable classic. But the girls would not be girls if they hadn't found a way to diversify the solid body color. Without thinking twice, it was decided to cover the neutral nails with a plush top, which helps to achieve a stylish matte texture. ProstoNail went even further - added a couple of interesting features, making your pens the center of everyone's attention:

  • play on the contrast by complementing the matte nude with glossy elements. It can be a pattern with gold or silver, intricate special effects with rubbing or experiments;
  • starting from the topic of foil, we also recommend paying attention to, which is under matte top repeats the effect of an aquarium or creates the illusion of frozen particles of precious mica;
  • add a drop of color to the conciseness of milky. There will definitely not be any problems with combining shades, because the combination of flesh and black is a classic that looks luxurious on long nails;
  • geometry is another theme for variations. with stripes - a trend that has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons. A win-win for minimalists who do not hurt the multi-colored decor;
  • did the treasured nude in anticipation of the cold weather? We do not argue, monochrome winter is in harmony with light pastels on the nails. And in order to transform the flesh into, you just need to experiment with glitter. Whether it's gold or silver, it doesn't matter. The main thing is an interesting idea, which you can be inspired by after reading our article;
  • sure that most girls are supportive of the next fashion trend, named . Needless to say, nude polish is a good base that can shake even such a “stoic” nail art;
  • don't forget the classics. French manicure is the destiny of not only romantic and naive young ladies, or office ladies. It can be transformed into a solemn, complementary trembling girl under a white veil.

Nude manicure with design - we play in contrast

From a girl who prefers neutral, nude shades of varnish, no one expects eccentric antics. But we know that breaking stereotypes is yours favorite hobby. It's time to forget that pastel shellac is good only in an office and business dress code. ProstoNail will clearly prove that corporal can be bold, sexy, defiant, and minimalistically perfect.

Nude manicure with a pattern

- an easy way to diversify the usual jacket or standard lunar. Most importantly, remember the basic rules of contrast when combining a light background with a black nail art outline. What will it be - a decor with flowers or a print with hearts - the decision is up to you. An alternative would also be a trendy cartoon pattern that adds its own zest to any look. On sharp nails or almond-shaped marigolds, you can apply a botanical pattern that emphasizes the free edges of the plates.

Glitter Nude Manicure

A nude manicure with sparkles is suitable not only for a wedding, but also for other celebrations. Funny, small or large sequins have many interpretations - glitter or stardust or rubbing. Complement oval nails color, dip your fingers in a jar of acrylic powder, or experiment with a delicate ombre-style stretch. We are sure that the result of your efforts will not disappoint you.

Nude manicure with rhinestones

Design with stones will never lose its relevance in view of the love of many beauties. It looks self-sufficient, pompous and luxurious, but in tandem it is also royally elegant. Such nail art will appeal to young ladies who prefer sheath dresses to mini-skirts, and pumps to comfortable sneakers.

Geometric nude manicure

A win-win way to draw the attention of onlookers to their hands, and if a similar design is shifted to a pedicure, then to the legs. Choose simple straight lines, decoration with triangles or squares, ethnic patterns and concise dotted patterns. By the way, you can apply nude varnish not on the entire nail plate, but by improvising with the holes. So when growing back, the manicure will still look neat and presentable.

Nude gradient on nails

Manicure technique is simple and effective, bright to that confirmation - examples of luxurious manicures presented below. They will complement autumn and spring, but will look no less appropriate in winter or summer.

Unpretentious, but at the same time spectacular, simple and minimalistic, but multifaceted and variable - nude manicure will never lose its relevance. Beige, creamy, pale pink and coffee polishes are finds for women of all ages, once again proving that beauty is in conciseness.

Natural manicure is great young girls and adult women. Why does it not lose its relevance and how to choose one or another color of the coating under different season or mood? You can learn about this from this article.

What are the features of natural manicure

Manicure in natural colors differs significantly from others in that it is very simple both in the design of nails and in the perception of others. Any representative of the fair sex - from a little girl to an aged woman - will not look funny or ridiculous if a neat pattern of calm tones flaunts on her nails. Properly selected shape of the nail plate will only add sophistication to the image as a whole.

Benefits of natural manicure

Doing a natural manicure with gel polish or other means is worth it for a number of reasons:

  • The profession of a girl does not allow her to have long nails with bright colors and design. Service workers, as well as medical staff, rarely have the opportunity to stand out in the crowd with the help of nails, but this does not mean at all that pens should not look neat.
  • The status of a young mother. Young children do not often leave their mothers a lot of free time, so a quick and simple natural manicure suits them very well.
  • Such a manicure rarely needs correction if it was done correctly.
  • Manicure for natural nails is combined with any image and is perfect business women working in a large office.
  • Removing the coating from the nails at home is much easier. Girls often use nail polish removers, which do not work so well if it is dark or bright color. Saturated dark shades after removal, they can leave marks both on the fingers and on the nails themselves.
  • A natural manicure speaks of a woman's excellent taste.
  • Using light colors, you can visually increase the length of the nails, which is appreciated by the owners of short nails. But the long ones would be better to reduce a little.
  • It is a natural manicure that is best suited for a wedding look.

Natural manicure designs

The fact that a manicure of natural shades is simple and has a lot of advantages is already clear. But how to choose the right shades for yourself and which better fit design specific girl? This takes into account the color of the prominent veins and the skin itself, including the tan at the moment. The choice of design depends on many factors, which we will talk about.


Each season is significantly different from each other. Therefore, any girl who strives to always remain neat and stylish does not forget to take them into account in her manicure. So, in autumn and winter, decorating the main color with shades of beige and blue, respectively, will be appropriate. natural shades include soft pink and peach tones. The same applies to spring design. However, all these recommendations are not mandatory, because. any manicure for the natural color of the nails will be appropriate in all seasons.

In natural shades

We will divide the manicure on natural nails or artificial nails natural shades:

  1. Beige or cream universal color varnish, with which any decorative elements can be used. Combines with other colors, of which the most suitable for maintaining the effect of naturalness is pink. Looks great on nails of any length.
  2. Peach - best used in warm time year, especially after trips to the sea or visits to the solarium. This is due to the wonderful effect in combination with tanned handles. For girls whose hands have a pale tone, it is advisable to apply calmer shades of this color.
  3. Pink - classic base natural french manicure design. Looks good manicure pale pink with blue. Like beige, suitable for nails of any length.

With decorative elements

As with any other shades, with natural ones, you can use additional decorations on the nails, which will only complement the image. These include:

  • Rhinestones. With the help of these small pebbles, you can add an element of shine to the manicure. In order not to be sticky, they are laid out on one or 2 fingers, often the ring finger. It can be a path of any direction or some kind of pattern, the design is limited only by the size of the rhinestones and the imagination of the master. And yet, in the case when a natural manicure is done, with this method of decoration, the main thing is not to overdo it. To fix the rhinestones, you need to put them immediately after applying the base or pre-dip in a clear varnish.
  • Stickers. They allow you to get a neat pattern on the nails without much effort, because. The pattern will simply stick to the base.
  • Stamping. This method of decoration differs from stickers only in that stamps are used to obtain a pattern.

There are many other decorative nail decorations - fimo clay (for modeling), rubbing (adds gloss) or sparkles. Their use during the creation of a natural image can hardly be called correct, because. the effect of naturalness will be lost. However, a pale blue manicure with sparkles applied not thickly is also quite acceptable.

For short and long nails

The choice of nail design is quite diverse. middle length. Any shades and the most daring patterns will look great on them. If we talk about natural manicure, then the already considered shades of pink, peach and beige colors. It should be remembered that the lighter the tone, the longer the nail becomes visually.

Natural manicure on short nails looks very beautiful if pink is used, and the shape of the nail is square with slight rounding at the corners.

A gradient transition will look beautiful, which can be used both to increase the length and to reduce it. A good option for those girls who do not have time for length correction, but who would like not to scare others with claw-like fingers. Working with the shape of the nail can also help here.

Also applies to short nails. abrupt transition between dark and light shades or colors. Neat patterns thin lines, a small amount of rhinestones on one of the nails, geometric patterns and will also look good on short nails.

comparison table

From the table you can find out which direction of the gradient and the shape of the nail is better to choose when different lengths For visual correction.

Video "Pastel manicure"

More more ideas natural manicure is presented in the video.

With an image

Constantly walking with nails decorated in only one color will eventually get bored even by the most serious girl. Therefore, there is a desire to somehow supplement it with patterns on all fingers or with an emphasis on one of them. You can get a picture in the following ways:

  1. Using acrylic paints and a regular brush. In this case, the nail is first completely processed and varnished in a natural color, and after it dries, a pattern is applied.
  2. Classic french. Regardless of the length of the nail and its shape free edge French manicure was, is and always will be suitable for any female image.
  3. Lunar manicure. It is a reverse French design, in which a smile is drawn at the base of the nail.
  4. Gradient. We have already talked about this technique of drawing on nails, it is smooth transition from dark to light or vice versa. The direction can be either vertical or horizontal or even diagonal.
  5. Mixing different painting techniques. This can be a simultaneous application, for example, moon manicure and a gradient on one nail or different execution on two nails.

The main condition for complementing a manicure with patterns is its inconspicuousness. It should not be bright and stand out too much.

Performing a natural manicure at home

To get beautiful and neat hands, it is not necessary to constantly visit a manicure master. Each girl can do it on her own at home, after preparing the right tools and applied funds. In addition, for greater beauty hands and fingers need to be looked after, which we will talk about.

Preparation of the necessary materials

Before you start processing nails, you should decide which way to do it:

  1. Regular - using manicure tools.
  2. Mechanical - using a special apparatus that has several different nozzles with its own purpose.

Let us consider in more detail the list of tools and items used during non-hardware manicure:

  • a bowl of size sufficient to accommodate the fingers of both hands, in which they will need to be held for steaming;
  • nail files for filing the edges of the nail and polishing its surface;
  • orange stick, which pushes back the cuticle;
  • wire cutters, used if there are burrs;
  • scissors - will shorten the nail if necessary;
  • hydrogen peroxide - needed after accidental skin damage;
  • cotton pads, which will remove the old coating;
  • nail polish remover, which will remove the old varnish;
  • varnish or varnishes, which will create a new design.

Nail preparation

To get a manicure natural color, you should definitely completely remove the coating that was on the nails before. Therefore, we take the liquid for removal and moisten a cotton pad in it. You should not use ordinary cotton wool because some of its fibers can remain on the fingers and nails. It is better to take a liquid that is more expensive, in which there is no acetone, because. it adversely affects the nail plate.

After there is no trace of the old varnish left, the fingers need to be steamed out, for which a bath is made. It may just be quite warm water, but it is better to add sea ​​salt or natural olive oil. Squeezed lemon juice is also good. You need to keep your hands in such a bath for at least 10 minutes, and preferably 15.

Immediately after the bath, you can shorten the length of the nails, but grinding and filing should be done after they are completely dry.

If the edges of the nails are wet, processing them with nail files will lead to delamination.

It is important to remember that you must always move in one direction, and not side to side.

Now we apply a softening cream on the skin around the nails and after a couple of minutes we move the cuticle with an orange stick. Now we remove it and the burrs with the help of wire cutters. It is important not to make sudden movements and not to pull the skin in order to avoid possible wounds. Although most often the skin of the fingers is damaged, the damaged areas are treated with peroxide.

Lacquer application

This stage must begin with degreasing the surface of the nail and applying a base coat. Its purpose is to level the plate and ensure longer wear of the varnish. After the base is dry, you can proceed directly to the application of the main varnish. It’s worth choosing a color in advance so that you don’t have to remove it and apply it all over again.

While working with varnishes, some girls make one mistake - they apply it from the base of the nail. You need to do this, starting from its central part and gradually moving to the sides and edges. Usually each nail is covered with the base color twice so that the natural nail does not show through.

After the thoughtful design has been completed, you need to cover the nails with a finishing, fixing agent. There are many different sprays to speed up drying, but there are always the usual way- expectation. For the first couple of hours, it is better not to wet the handles, because. often varnishes take longer than expected to dry and may wrinkle.

Lovers of natural manicure tremble! This season, beige manicure is incredibly popular, which can be done in various techniques. A feature of beige manicure is that it looks as impressive as possible. The beige color is neutral, but this is where its whole feature lies. It can be safely combined with different colors, creating amazing patterns and effects. Most often, beige is used to create a French manicure. This option is universal. Great for everyday everyday life, as well as for going out. But, on the other hand, a beige French manicure may seem ordinary and even boring. In this case, designers offer to dilute it with additional decor.

Beige manicure: nud fashion

Fashion for nud did not come today or even yesterday. If you look fashion shows past years, you can see that even then this style was very popular. Literally, this is nudity. Beige manicure looks especially beautiful on short length. Nude manicure fell in love with all women and girls, regardless of their age. The main condition for decorating nails with beige gel polish is that they must be of the correct shape, have a flat and smooth surface. Therefore, before proceeding with the design, you should bring the nails in full order using standard procedures.

Beige manicure ideas are varied. Many of them can be completely repeated on their own by buying all necessary tools and consumables. This season's fashion trends allow you to turn an ordinary beige coating into a real canvas for creativity:

Beige manicure in different techniques

  • Veil

This is far from a new technique, but very popular among girls. With its help, a light and airy beige manicure is obtained. There is no single version of the "veil" sketch. It all depends on the imagination and the ability to draw. Even patterns that are not complex in execution will look quite impressive and interesting.

The lace on the nails has gained particular popularity. This nail art is perfect for wedding ceremony, wedding. Lace, beige manicure will emphasize gentle image bride.

  • Matte manicure

This stylish option which is usually performed on short nails. Beige matte manicure, like pink, is romantic and gentle. Beige color perfect base for various patterns and designs. It can be combined with white varnish and acrylic powder.

This is a new fashion trend that has managed to win the attention of many fashionistas. The essence of this technique is that transparent areas remain on the nails, which are covered only with transparent gel polish.

Looks very cozy. With the help of powder, a velvety surface is obtained. With it, you can create a chic design that will perfectly dilute the neutral beige tone.

A beige manicure will look fresher if it is complemented with various details.
Novelties in design are metallic decor, fashionable manicure with kamifubuki and sparkles. Another option to diversify the beige palette is to add a pattern lined with rhinestones to it. Manicure with rhinestones will emphasize individual style.

As for the choice color combination, then it is extensive. Manicure in beige tones goes well with bright shades. Therefore, a manicure with beige varnish can be combined with black, red, blue. Also, drawings can be drawn using gold, silver, brown gel polish. Incredible beautiful combination manicure-beige nails + turquoise. This option looks very gentle and provocatively in the summer.

Video - lesson: beige manicure with liquid stone

Photo of a beautiful manicure in beige tones

Beige manicure is aesthetically pleasing, fashionable and practical. This option will never go out of fashion, unless new techniques appear. Our blog features various options how interesting it is to dilute the beige background and give such a manicure a special zest.

Beige manicure with a simple black pattern

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