What clothes will a newborn baby need for walking in the winter? Extract from the hospital in winter: what to wear for the baby.

When it comes time to pick up a newborn from the hospital, the question arises, how to dress the child? It is important to dress the baby so that he is comfortable, not cold and not hot. In this article, we will look at the basic rules for choosing clothes for a child and find out how to pick up a baby from the hospital, depending on the season and weather.

How to properly dress a baby

  • When choosing clothes, be guided not only by temperature. Pay attention to humidity, presence or absence of precipitation, sun, wind, etc.;
  • Choose clothing, especially underwear, made from soft, natural materials with minimal staining to avoid allergies and skin irritation. In addition, natural fabric allows the body to breathe;
  • Clothing should be true to size and slightly loose. In no case should she pull her arms or legs, hamper movement. You also need to swaddle a newborn freely;
  • It is necessary to dress a newborn so that there is a minimum of bare areas of the body, especially in winter, cold autumn and spring. Therefore, it is better to choose solid clothes;
  • Be sure to remove the tags from the clothes so as not to accidentally scratch the delicate skin of the child;
  • In the first month of life, dress your baby in clothes with no seams or with the seams facing out. Subsequently, choose clothes without tight elastic bands, large studs, buttons and locks. Velcro will be the best fastener for a newborn;

  • Use several layers of clothing, but do not overdo it, otherwise the skin of the newborn will not be able to breathe. As a result, irritation, specks and prickly heat may appear on the skin. It is better to wear two layers of warm clothes than four light ones;
  • Do not wrap your child too tightly or dress too warmly. He should not sweat and overheat;
  • First dress yourself, and then dress the newborn, otherwise the baby may sweat and then freeze on the street;
  • If you are planning a trip with your baby to the store or to visit, choose clothes that can be easily removed if necessary. In winter, a warm envelope will be a suitable solution, in the warmer season - Velcro overalls;
  • Feel the baby's neck and upper back to see if the baby is comfortable. If the skin is hot and moist, the baby is hot. If it's cold, the baby is cold. A reddened nose, cold hands and feet will tell you that the baby is cold.

How to dress a newborn for discharge

The time of year pours into the choice of clothes for a newborn at an extract from the maternity hospital. The best option would be an envelope, in winter it should be insulated with fur, in spring and summer more lightweight. For warm weather, choose an envelope on fleece or thin synthetic winterizer. In summer, an envelope is not always appropriate; at this time of the year, take a diaper corner.

Under the envelope in warm weather, a thin cap, bodysuit and socks are put on the child, in cool weather - overalls or slips, a warm hat, in cold weather - socks, bodysuit and warm overalls, a cap and a warm hat.

In addition, you will need diapers for discharge from the hospital. If you do not know how to properly dress a child, ask the medical staff, they will tell you. As a rule, in the maternity hospital, mothers are given a list of necessary things.

Clothes for a newborn

For a newborn up to three months, clothes of size 56 are needed. The child's wardrobe should include the following items:

  • Two bodysuits with long sleeves and two short sleeves with front closure;
  • 2-3 pants and sliders;
  • 2-3 light sweaters with fasteners in front and warm sweaters;
  • 1-2 light overalls or slips;
  • 1-2 demi-season warm waterproof overalls with wool or fleece inside;
  • Warm envelope or blanket;
  • 2-4 pairs of mittens;
  • 2-3 caps and light caps;
  • 2-3 warm hats;
  • 3-4 pairs of light and warm socks. If you plan to wear pants more often than sliders, then you will need more light socks;
  • 5 cotton diapers and 3 warm flannel diapers.

If you are going for a walk, take diapers and a clean diaper, a bottle of water, dry and wet wipes, and a handkerchief with you. In rain and strong winds, use a cape or cover for the stroller, in cold and windy winters, cover the stroller with a shawl, and in summer and spring, take a mosquito net that will protect the child from insects.

In warm weather, instead of a stroller, you can carry a newborn in a sling. Which sling to choose for a child, see the link. The first walk with the baby can be carried out on the 7-10th day after birth; in winter, in cold weather at temperatures below minus 5-8 degrees, it is better to postpone going outside.

The first walk should be 10-15 minutes, then the time can be gradually increased. Optimal for an infant is a walk 2-3 times a day in summer for 1-2 hours, in winter for 30-40 minutes. For more information on how to organize a walk with a baby, read.

Very soon you will become the mother of a charming toddler. You will leave the hospital with the most beloved person in your life. But how can an inexperienced young mother figure it out, to be discharged? Indeed, at this time it is very cold, which means that it is very important that the baby does not get sick. Now in stores there is a very wide selection of various things for the little ones. But how to decide among a large number of clothes and choose exactly what will suit your child? If he was born at the end of autumn or in winter, this means that you should stock up on warm clothes even before his birth, that is, take care of this in advance. Very often, mothers are worried long before the cold snap, in winter for discharge. In this article we will tell you about the basic rules and subtleties of choosing clothes for a baby.

First of all, you must remember that children grow very quickly, so you can’t buy a huge amount of things. Newborn babies develop well and gain weight in the first months of life, so what you buy can be small very quickly.

Things for a small child should be as soft, comfortable and comfortable as possible, made from natural fabrics. Their skin needs to breathe. It is worth considering that small children do not like to dress up, often crying loudly when trying to dress them in some kind of suit or overalls. In this case, choose clothes that are easy to put on and unfasten quickly. Both you and your child will be comfortable.

Clothing for discharge of newborns in winter should be durable and of high quality; when washed, a good thing does not shrink or shed. You will need to constantly wash and iron your laundry, so choose good materials. Labels and other pieces of paper must be removed from things so that they do not irritate the delicate skin of the baby.

Keep in mind that newborn babies have very poorly developed thermoregulation of the body. If you tightly wrap the baby, then prickly heat may appear, and the baby will be uncomfortable. The child feels great at a temperature of 23 degrees in the room. But what about the street?

This is your first time out on the street, so approach this matter as responsibly as possible. Clothing should consist of three layers:

  1. Diaper, blouse and sliders, socks.
  2. Warm suit or overalls.
  3. Hat and winter overalls.

Instead of overalls, you can use it. In it, the baby will be reliably protected from wind and bad weather. They often take a blanket for newborns for discharge. Winter may not be very severe, so you can wrap the child in a warm blanket. The main thing is to watch the weather and dress your baby accordingly.

Now you know the basic rules on how to dress a newborn for discharge in winter. Make sure that things are winter, not autumn, and the overalls are fur-lined. Be a caring mother and take care of your baby. And your little happiness will delight you more and more every day! Congratulations on the new addition to the family!

Discharge from the hospital is a celebration timed to coincide with the acquaintance of the pope and close relatives with a new family member. A young mother needs to make a list of things for herself and her baby for this day in advance in order to get together without too much fuss and time. In winter, it is somewhat more difficult to dress a newborn, because mothers are afraid to overcool the baby. Accordingly, in order to avoid this, it is better to study in advance the tips regarding outerwear and other exciting issues.

GulSara discharge kit

Baby things necessary for discharge from the hospital in winter

Future mothers are preparing for discharge long before they go to the hospital. They independently choose clothes and other items for the baby, so that on such a significant day they do not let everything out of control. The main list includes the following items:

  • warm diaper;
  • outer and underwear;
  • a beautiful blue or pink ribbon of at least 5 meters;
  • stock diapers;
  • a bottle with a formula for feeding, if the baby is bottle-fed;
  • weather cream to protect baby skin from cold and frost;
  • baby wipes.


A general photo has become a tradition in the maternity hospital, so any mother tries to take, first of all, elegant clothes. In addition to this criterion, parents of winter children are required to take care of the following nuances:

  • Things should be chosen from natural fabrics. Synthetics are strictly prohibited for babies.
  • It is better to give preference to practical and comfortable wardrobe items. Thrifty parents need to choose an outfit in which the baby can be dressed in the future, for example, for a walk or to the clinic. Moms should buy children's outfits that are not worn over the head, but have convenient fasteners from top to bottom, so as not to cause discomfort to the baby.
  • When choosing an outfit for discharge, seasonality must be taken into account. For babies born in winter, the main criterion for choosing clothes is compliance with the temperature regime.

Thus, for the baby, it is imperative to prepare a warm envelope, a blanket or overalls, as well as a fleece overalls for outerwear.

In addition to the basic things, parents should take care of other wardrobe items:

  • light slip (or bodysuit with sliders);
  • warm hat with cap;
  • insulated socks;
  • scratches;
  • wool booties.

Envelope or blanket?

Young mothers often face a dilemma between a warm envelope and a blanket. Their assortment in children's stores today is so diverse that parents are lost in the choice. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, including:

The envelopeBlanket
  • Will last more than one winter. In the first year, it can be used to shelter the baby in the stroller. In the future, the envelope turns into a cover for sledding.
  • Looks very elegant.
  • Waterproof and very warm.
  • Can be used daily for outdoor walks.
  • Suitable for further sheltering children from 1 to 5 years old during the cold season.
  • Favorable cost
  • Considerable cost.
  • Some fillers, as well as openwork jewelry, lose their appearance after washing.
  • Not suitable for a car seat.
  • It has a less solemn and festive look. However, a beautiful bow can correct the situation.

Intricate parents resort to tricks, putting on a summer envelope with lace over a warm, unremarkable envelope. Another option for inexperienced moms who doubt the choice is an envelope-blanket.

Ready kit

Manufacturers of children's knitwear began to produce ready-made kits for discharge in order to minimize the time spent by expectant mothers. They include a different number of things, but they are all very elegant. Such clothing also meets the criterion of seasonality. Manufacturers took into account all the wishes of mothers and created at the same time warm and beautiful ready-made sets. Thus, their purchase has a lot of advantages:

  • First, it's convenient. A pregnant girl no longer needs to visit hundreds of stores to choose a color or combine different wardrobe items.
  • Second, it's practical. Warm things, relevant in winter, can also be elegant. In addition, all of them are needed by a child born in winter. Not a single mother can do without them, dressing a newborn for a walk or to the clinic (for more details, see the article:).
  • Thirdly, it is fashionable. Star moms prefer ready-made kits due to lack of free time.

Set from GulSara

Kits still have a significant drawback - high cost. Some manufacturers add items of children's cosmetics, bibs or toys for the little ones to the sets. The expensive price is justified by the number of things that are usually included in the kit:

  • fur envelope or warm blanket;
  • diaper (we recommend reading:);
  • lace corner;
  • bonnet;
  • winter hat (we recommend reading:);
  • vest and sliders;
  • fleece jumpsuit.

Set from GulSara

Other things

In addition to outerwear, mothers of winter children also buy light things for their future children. Before putting them on the baby, wardrobe items must be thoroughly washed with baby powder and ironed. Future mothers should take care of such things:

  • Flannel slips. They are comfortable for newborns. In addition, the "little men" cover the legs, arms and back and fasten with zippers. Scratches are sewn into most sleepsuits, in which the baby will not be able to scratch.
  • Flannelette vests and sliders. A less comfortable option as the lower back is often left open.
  • Terry socks. A mandatory attribute for the child's discharge, since the baby's legs should always be warm.
  • Fleece jumpsuit. It is worn over a slip or vest. The overalls form the second layer of the newborn's clothing when going out into the cold.
  • Cap with a warm hat. Newborns should choose caps with ties to prevent the cold from getting in.

Things for mom

The focus of attention at discharge is not only the baby, but also his mother. This is a common holiday for both - the child leaves the place of his birth and moves to his home, and the woman returns to the family in a new status. Thus, mommy must prepare a separate package in advance with her things for discharge in order to look charming both in the photo and on the video. The kit usually includes:

  • Cosmetics and deodorant. It is better to remove harsh deodorants from your cosmetic bag, as they can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.
  • Postpartum bandage. It is necessary for women who have undergone a caesarean section, and is also recommended for mothers who have given birth to a child in a natural way. The bandage promotes contraction of the uterus and helps to get in shape.
  • Underwear and warm tights. A nursing bra is a must-have for moms. Breast pads are a necessary attribute in case of leakage of breast milk.
  • Comfortable and warm shoes. After childbirth, swelling of the legs does not always disappear immediately, so it is better to wear the shoes that mom wore during pregnancy.
  • Elegant clothes that will be comfortable for a nursing mother. Of course, any girl would like to wear her favorite dress on this day, but if it is inconvenient to feed a newborn in it, it is better to refuse it. Clothing should also not constrain and squeeze the chest.

Elegant dress especially for nursing mothers from Bambinomania

How to prepare a child for discharge?

Before dressing up the child for discharge, the mother must make sure that her baby is clean and full. A newborn should be fed 30-40 minutes before going to relatives. Babies very often go to the toilet in a big way, so the diaper should be changed for the last time in the maternity hospital 15-20 minutes before discharge, and it is advisable to do this after feeding. All other preparations, including dressing the baby, will be done by the discharge nurse.

Transport for discharge from the hospital in winter

Only a few among young fathers think about what car they need to meet a new family member. Owners of their own car should pre-ventilate and vacuum the interior. The presence of a car seat is a very desirable item, but if necessary, a newborn can get home in his mother's arms. At a comfortable temperature in the passenger compartment of the car, it is better to remove the top layer of the child's clothing. Overheating a baby is much more dangerous than hypothermia.

Beautiful design of the process

Many young dads strive to do everything so that the solemn day of discharge remains in the memory of their family for many years to come. Beautiful design of the process includes:

  • Flowers for mom. An integral attribute of a happy dad should be a bouquet for mom. Ideally, it should be accompanied by a nice gift.
  • Balloons. They are usually taken care of by newly-made grandparents.
  • Apartment decor. The young father also cannot forget about the design of the apartment. For decor, balloons or paper garlands are used.
  • Photography. On a significant day of discharge, many parents invite photographers and videographers to capture the most unforgettable moments of the beginning of life in a photo or video. Professional pictures will decorate the children's album and will please the eye for many years.

In this article:

The birth of a baby is a big event in every family. A young mother is looking forward to being discharged from the hospital to be at home with a new family member. And I want to make this day memorable, and prepare the child with maximum comfort for him. But how to do this if a happy birth happened in winter?

Baby clothes

When buying clothes for discharge, it is important to remember one rule: you can’t wrap your baby up too much, but you shouldn’t dress him too lightly either. Keep in mind that you will spend a little time on the street and immediately after meeting with relatives and a short photo shoot you will get into the car. Therefore, try to choose clothes according to the season, but without busting. There should be a measure in everything, especially in moments relating to a newborn. He was born quite recently and his body has not yet adapted to the environment, which increases the risk of hypothermia and overheating.

To discharge a newborn in winter, prepare the following set of clothes:

  • light flannel or chintz hat (bonnet);
  • warm fur hat;
  • vest or light blouse;
  • warm blouse with sleeves;
  • warm set with fur;
  • overalls.

The last two types of clothing can be replaced with a warm blanket and a special envelope for winter discharge. Please note that things should be as close as possible in size to the weight and height of the child so that he does not feel discomfort.

  1. Every mother knows that for a newborn you need to buy only high-quality clothes made from natural materials. Regardless of whether a newborn is discharged in winter or summer, the baby's skin should not be exposed to the harmful effects of synthetic materials.
  2. Buy a warm hat without pom-poms and ponytails - if you have to put on a hood, they can hurt the baby.
  3. A hat or scarf should be strictly in size so that the wind does not blow into the ears.
  4. Using a blanket instead of a jumpsuit, tie it with a festive ribbon.

Preparation for discharge

So, things are ready, relatives are in the waiting room, and you are waiting for the doctor to issue an extract. During this time, you need to prepare the baby. First of all, feed him.

If the child wakes up at the time of discharge, he will cry because of hunger. You will have to shorten the time for congratulations and drive home sooner (you will not feed the newborn in the car). After eating, hold him in a “column” so that he burps. Then put it down and let it poop. And while you can get together.

It is desirable that at the time of discharge in winter the baby sleeps. So you can not be nervous about a crying baby, but calmly accept congratulations.

Departure home

In advance with your spouse, buy a baby car seat - a cradle designed for infants. This will not only save you from a fine if stopped by traffic police, but also protect the newborn. It is now impossible to transport a child in your arms and it is very dangerous!

In the car, do not turn on the stove at full power. Let the cabin be cool so that the baby is not hot. It is not worth unbuttoning the overalls - a slight draft will lead to a cold for the newborn.

If you are a young mother of a first child, then ask experienced parents for advice. They will be able to recommend high-quality warm clothes and help you organize your winter discharge. And may this day be the most pleasant and memorable in your life!

Useful video about discharge kits

Olga, the jumpsuit in the photo is autumn-spring. In winter, you will need another, warmer one.

Regarding "buy or not buy," each mother decides for herself - depending on the family budget and her own considerations about beauty.
Usually, special envelopes are bought for an extract. They are beautiful, but they are needed almost only once - it is inconvenient to use them every day. They cost about the same as this jumpsuit. In my opinion, it’s better to buy a similar jumpsuit, it’s smart, it will look good on discharge, besides, it’s “unisex”, it will suit the second child later, well, the baby will go through it until winter - it won’t just gather dust on the shelf.

I would not buy a large size with the expectation of spring. As experience shows, it is very easy to miss the size - buy too big, it will not be comfortable now. Buy an average one - and now it is not convenient (the child will slip out of it), and in the spring it may turn out to be small. Too big will be wildly uncomfortable for the newborn and for you first of all (you will lose the child in it), and it may happen that in the spring it will also be too big for you. It turns out that you may not wear a thing when it suits you (the child will be in this size in winter or summer).
In addition, children all grow differently. I have a relative who has three children. Those things that the eldest was just at 9 months, the youngest became small at 3.

By the age of two, mothers begin to understand how her baby is growing, but now you won’t be able to predict and don’t even worry about this topic.

"Without legs" and with slots for a car seat - of course you can. Just buy it exactly with the expectation of this fall. In the spring, the child will be 9 months old - some babies are already trying to stand at this age, it will be uncomfortable for him to move in the bag. The bag is more convenient for the mother - it is faster to dress the child. And this is very important! For the first six months, proceed from your comfort in clothes, so that it is convenient for you to use clothes!

In general, try to buy such a jumpsuit for a newborn so that there are long zippers - you put the unbuttoned jumpsuit on the bed, put the child, handles in the sleeves, zipper (one or two) zipper - and the child is dressed. In no case do not buy a model of overalls, where you have to insert the child into the overalls or put on over the head. I handed one of these back to the store, he was sooooo beautiful, but when I tried to dress him, I realized that this was a mockery of my mother.

Size ... I would buy 62 or 68 (depending on the company, some are small, some are +6). If you decide to swing for the spring, then you need to buy 74 at least.

By the way, if finances are limited, then check out in a flannelette blanket with a beautiful corner (the corner costs 200 rubles). The child absolutely does not care, he only eats and sleeps. It is better to leave this money for clothes of the period when the baby begins to move.

I don’t buy Japanese diapers, although I loved them very much before the tragedy in Fukushima, and there really is nothing better than them. A child is the most precious thing you have, do not risk it.

Do you mean breast pads? Of course I did. Otherwise, milk flows and clothes get dirty. They did not save from cracks. From cracks, Purelan helped me the best (it does not need to be washed off before feeding, which is convenient) - read about it in more detail
