Dye gray jeans. How to dye jeans: easy ways to update your wardrobe

With the help of simple home remedies, you can restore the brightness of your favorite, but faded jeans. Special fabric dyes and other substances can save the budget or provide a temporary solution until new pants are bought. You should not expect from the procedure that it will return the look of the jeans you just bought, but dyeing can significantly refresh the thing. Another plus of painting at home is the ability to create original colors with your own hands.

How to prepare jeans for dyeing

Working with dyes requires preliminary work. A few rules for painting jeans with your own hands:

  1. If you need to update the color, then the paint for gins is selected to match. And if a stubborn stain appears on the product, then it is worth trying a darker paint.
  2. Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the product.
  3. If possible, stains from fruit juice, wine, ink, grass and grease should be removed with bleach for colored fabrics. These traces may affect the staining result.
  4. For each type of matter, a special paint is selected. Not all substances are combined with certain tissues. Information should be sought on the labels and in the instructions for the dyes.
  5. For a uniform tone, the dye should be diluted in water and filtered. So it will be possible to avoid lumps of paint and, as a result, stains on jeans.
  6. If you want to achieve the effect of streaks and stains, jeans are rolled up and tied up. So they will be colored unevenly.
  7. Do not forget about the preparation of the room: it should be well ventilated. Protective gloves must be worn on hands.

Methods with special paint

Powder dyes for fabrics are sold in needlework stores, as well as in the household departments. You can use the paint at home both in the washing machine and in the basin. The first method is the most convenient, but risky, since the device itself can be stained, and it will be dangerous to wash other things, as they can acquire a bluish tint.

Coloring in the pelvis is not the most convenient, but safe. By the way, not only jeans are updated with special paints for textiles, but also a denim jacket, shorts, etc.

The first way is in the washing machine:

  1. Instructions are attached to powder paint, according to which it is necessary to dilute the substance in a certain amount of water and filter it. Sometimes manufacturers recommend adding soda or salt to improve the result - these methods work, so do not neglect them.
  2. Jeans are turned inside out. They must be clean and free of grease.
  3. The pants are placed in the drum, then the dye solution is poured in.
  4. Mode - for cotton fabrics, temperature - at least 90 degrees, duration - the longer the better.
  5. While the jeans are spinning in the drum, a rinse solution is prepared in the basin: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. l. food vinegar.
  6. After washing, the jeans are transferred to the rinse solution and left in it for 30 minutes. This will help set the color.
  7. Now you need a washing machine again. Jeans are washed with powder on a short program in cool water, not warmer than 40 degrees.
  8. Dry the painted product away from light and heat sources.

Advice! Cotton often shrinks from washing in boiling water. Therefore, the last time you take out your jeans from the washing machine, put them on, button them up and walk around a bit, then just hang them up.

The second way is to use an enamel basin:

  1. A pack of dye is diluted in a liter of hot water, stirred so that the lumps dissolve, and passed through two layers of gauze.
  2. If necessary, add soda or salt.
  3. 5-7 liters of clean water are poured into an enameled basin, followed by a dye solution.
  4. Jeans are immersed in a basin and put on fire. Pants need to be boiled at a high temperature - about 90-95 degrees - for about 50-60 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. While the jeans are being dyed, prepare a bowl of warm water for rinsing.
  6. After an hour, the jeans are carefully removed from the pelvis - proceed carefully and in no case take them out with your bare hands! - and transferred to a basin with clean warm water.
  7. After the first rinse, the second is carried out, this time in cold water.
  8. In the last rinse water, it does not hurt to add a little vinegar.
  9. Finally, jeans are washed with powder, preferably by hand.

Important! To avoid burning yourself, use a wooden spatula to stir occasionally.

Blue staining

Blue is a substance that contains starch and a blue dye. It is skin safe and easy to use. In addition, this is the most budgetary way to dye your jeans blue. The main drawback of this method is that maximum accuracy is required, otherwise everything around will turn blue. Another disadvantage is often called an unstable result, however, the stains left from undiluted blue on cotton are not completely removed for a long, long time. Finally, the third weak point of blue is that after dyeing things shed, so they will need to be washed separately.

Where to buy blue? The substance is sold in hardware stores in the form of a powder or a ready-made solution. It is more convenient to work with the latter, you just need to pour the desired amount of dye into the water and renew your clothes.

How to dye denim with bluing:

  1. Warm water is poured into a wide basin, about 30 degrees.
  2. Blue is poured in next. The amount is determined by eye: the more blue - the brighter the result will be, and vice versa.
  3. Jeans are soaked in the solution for several hours. Periodically, the product is turned over for uniform staining.
  4. After the procedure, you need to rinse the pants in clean water. To fix the color, add vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter

Advice! For durability and brightness of the result, add 2-3 tbsp to the blue solution. l. table salt.

Hair dye

Regular hair dye will help blue jeans or give them a different shade. This method is more risky than the previous ones, so it's best to try it on old things that you don't mind throwing away.

How to proceed:

  1. For one pair of jeans, you will need about two packs of paint, get any shade that you like.
  2. Next, you need a roomy basin. Water is poured into it and paint is poured or squeezed out.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Jeans are soaked in a basin for 1.5 hours.
  5. Rinsing is carried out according to standard rules: first in warm water, then in cold water with the addition of vinegar.
  6. Jeans are washed with powder.

Advice! Sometimes you need not to tint your jeans blue, but to lighten them to a blue "boiled" shade. The burnt effect is achieved with the help of whiteness. Solution: for 10 liters of water - 250 ml of the product.

Jeans must be completely immersed in the solution. Boil the pants for 15 minutes, making sure the pieces don't float. Attention: when boiling, the solution will emit harmful substances, so work is carried out in a ventilated area.

Method with potassium permanganate

Dyeing old jeans with potassium permanganate is convenient, since boiling is not required in this case.

Staining rules:

  1. Solution: 80 g of potassium permanganate, 30 ml of peroxide, 120 ml of vinegar 9%. Water is added to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Clean, dry jeans are immersed in the solution, pressed with something and incubated for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse in warm water.
  4. Transfer to the machine and wash with powder.

Paints in aerosols

Acrylic paints are used by needlewomen for a durable pattern on clothes. Not everyone can paint with brushes, but the dye in the form of an aerosol opens up scope for creativity. This format is convenient because jeans are dyed in a continuous layer or stenciled.

How to make a drawing with paint:

  1. The product is turned out.
  2. Lay out on a wide piece of unnecessary matter.
  3. If necessary, stencils are fixed on top (these can be home-made paper cutouts or ready-made templates).
  4. Spray the aerosol.
  5. Apply a sheet of paper and iron.

What else can you do with jeans? To give a green tint, a solution of pharmacy greens is suitable. Light products are easily stained with herbal infusions, berry and fruit juices. Berries give the most persistent staining. Remember how difficult it can be to get a random drop of juice out of your clothes. The disadvantage of the method is that it will take a lot of berries to squeeze the juice.

Blackberries, blueberries, and cauliflower give fabrics a blue tint. Brown color - tea leaves, oak bark. Yellow - turmeric, dried marigold flowers. Pink - cherry or raspberry juice.

General rules for staining with infusions and juices:

  1. A decoction or infusion is prepared from herbs, juice is squeezed out of berries.
  2. The intensity of the color depends on the amount of water added.
  3. The fabric is soaked for at least 4-5 hours.
  4. For uniform coloring, you need to stir the product.
  5. Rinsing is carried out in a weak acetic solution.

How to save the result

Tinted denim needs special treatment. How to properly care for such products:

  1. Wash in warm water, temperature not higher than 40 degrees.
  2. We recommend manual wet cleaning or machine on delicate mode.
  3. The best detergent is dark laundry soap. Soap shavings are prepared for washing in the machine.
  4. Dyed jeans are washed separately from other garments.
  5. It is advisable to abandon the air conditioner.

Advice! When experimenting with dyes at home, you should be careful. It is better to practice on an unnecessary piece of matter.

When parsing the details, it turns out that home-dyeing jeans is an easy process, and the materials are mostly cheap. All that is required from the needlewoman is attentiveness, caution when working with hot solutions and a willingness to take risks.

Jeans are comfortable, practical and appropriate for almost any event. But over time, they change color, stains may appear on them, but not everyone decides to throw away their favorite thing. The way out of this situation will be staining. In this article I will explain how and with what you can dye black jeans at home.

Before painting

There are a few things to consider before painting things:

  1. Analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure. This is a risky business, and the result may not meet expectations.
  2. Consider fabric composition. It is easy to change the color of natural fabrics. But if synthetic threads are present, then the color may turn out to be paler.

  1. Consider the original color of the clothes. If white is dyed black, the result will be gray or dark gray. But not black! It is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
  2. Work must be done with gloves.

  1. Follow the instructions on the dye. The instruction will explain the necessary proportions and procedure.


Before changing or updating the color of a denim item, you must prepare:

  1. . Check for grease stains. When washing, do not use rinse aids, they can make it difficult to paint.
  2. Cut all labels. Labels on jeans in most cases are also stained, and therefore deteriorate. After the process, they can be re-sewn.

  1. Bleach if necessary. If your jeans are not blue, then you will have to use bleach.
  2. Preparing a place to work. We clear the surface, cover it with newspapers so that the dyes do not get on objects nearby.


To improve the result of dyeing, it is better to bleach a denim product. For this:

  1. We dilute water and bleach in a ratio of 1: 1. It is best to use a deep container, such as a bucket or basin. If the jeans are light, then a weaker solution is made.

  1. We place the denim product in a container and leave for 1-2 hours. Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the thing, that is, stir.
  2. After bleaching you need to rinse the clothes again.

Jeans should not be pure white, they will most likely have a yellowish tint. Don't worry, the black pigment will cover everything!

How and how to dye denim clothes black?

Now many will ask themselves the question, why complicate everything, if it's easier to go and buy new trousers of any color and size? However, it is not a fact that they fit perfectly on the figure and become loved.

But small flaws can be hidden under the paint. By changing their color, you will revive the jeans, and they will look like new.

How to dye jeans black? I have identified 3 main ways to change the color scheme. Let's analyze each case separately.

Method 1. Special paints

You can purchase specialty powder paints online or at a hardware store. With their help, you can paint a thing in the washing machine. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the package.

If you have purchased a composition of foreign production, then proceed as follows:

  1. We prepare jeans, turn them inside out, look at the optimal temperature on the label.
  2. Then we put them in the washing machine and pour the powder on top.
  3. We start the selected washing mode.

  1. After that, rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar, it will help fix the color.
  2. Then we wash in the usual way with powder.

There are paints that do not pour into the drum, but are placed directly with the packaging in the washing machine. Read the instructions carefully!

Method 2. Hair dye

How to dye black jeans at home if it is not possible to purchase special paint? For such purposes, ordinary hair dye is useful.

Be careful with shades! And if the jeans are large, then buy 2 packs of paint.

  1. We dilute the paint in warm water so that the trousers are completely covered with a solution.
  2. We leave everything for 1 hour.
  3. We take them out and rinse first in plain water, and then add salt and vinegar.

Method 3. Paint for fabrics

My favorite way remains! Now I will tell you how to dye black jeans at home using fabric dyes. This method differs from the previous ones in that you have to tinker a little.

If you purchased such paint, do the following:

  • we dilute in water (proportions in the instructions for the composition), it is better to use a bucket or a deep container;
  • put our jeans in the prepared mixture;
  • put it all on fire and boil for 1-1.5 hours;
  • constantly mix the pants so that they are painted evenly and without streaks;
  • after that, rinse in salt or acetic water to fix the pigment.

other methods

I'll tell you about rare and interesting ways to change or update the black color on clothes. To refresh the color, you can soak the item in coffee, tobacco or black ink.

  1. Coffee or tobacco. We prepare the solution with our own hands:
  • we breed 50 grams of ground coffee or 15 grams of tobacco in 1 liter of water;
  • soak black trousers for half an hour, the water should be cool.

  1. felt-tip pens. Of course, we will not directly decorate our jeans with them! We take the rod from the felt-tip pen, break it and lower it into the water so that it changes color. And the paint is ready!

What to look for when choosing coloring agents:

  • on the instructions, it should be indicated on the package;
  • for what material it is intended;
  • if you don’t know what your trousers are made of, take universal paint.

If lavsan or nitron is present in jeans, then the paints may not saturate the fabric. The result is that the thing will not be painted.

The price of specialty powder paints can be high and often hard to find. Ordering via the Internet will take some time, but it is real to buy.

Care after staining

Dyed clothing must be carefully monitored and cared for. Improper washing or drying can change the resulting shade, the item may shed and have to be thrown away.

I will share with you a few simple tips:

  1. Dry clothes where they are not exposed to direct sunlight, so they will not fade.
  2. Wash separately for the first 2-3 washes to prevent the new paint from fading.
  3. Add vinegar in subsequent rinses, it serves as a color fixer.

  1. When washing, use only powder for colored fabrics. Powder for white laundry contains bleach.


Above, we looked at the most effective ways to dye jeans black. Choose the most suitable for yourself and do not be afraid to change your style and wardrobe.

Watch the video in this article for more information on this topic. If you know other methods for dyeing denim, share them in the comments! I would appreciate that!

Jeans have long been the basic wardrobe of all fashionistas and fashionistas, without them it is difficult to imagine a casual look. Pair them with sophisticated shoes, a classic jacket and jewelry to create a look for a date, exhibition, or any occasion. But within the framework of this material, we want to talk about how to dye jeans black. Some time ago, fashionistas and fashionistas owned all the intricacies of dyeing such a fabric, today more modern methods have joined the traditional methods, accompanied by minimal labor costs. It is about them that we will talk.

What you need to know

Every modern housewife can paint jeans black at home, this does not require special skills. But before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities:

  • Analysis - the decision to dye denim should be weighed: analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure, prepare for a negative outcome. It should be understood that staining at home is a risk, a tape measure, the result can be both positive and negative.
  • The composition of the fabric - natural fabrics, such as cotton, are the most malleable in dyeing. If your jeans are predominantly synthetic fabrics, the dyeing result may not meet your expectations, you will have to repeat the procedure many times to get a rich, bright shade.

  • The original color - it must be taken into account. If you decide to dye your white jeans black, you end up with a grayish tint. That is why, in order to obtain an expressive color, it is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
  • Protective Equipment - When working with dyes, arm yourself with rubber gloves, which can be purchased at any hardware store.
  • Compliance with the recommendations - on the packaging with the dye, the manufacturer leaves recommendations and useful tips, so to get the maximum result, you should unquestioningly follow them.

Preparatory activities

Many are wondering if it is possible to dye jeans black or update a shade that has lost its saturation. Of course, you can, but you need to approach the work more responsibly. To obtain the desired staining result, the item must be prepared.


How to dye jeans black, so that the shade is even and saturated? To do this, first of all, it is necessary to remove all contamination from the product - wash it with the help of modern means. And here's what's important: in no case do you use rinse aids and conditioners for washing, which, due to their density, can complicate the process of further dyeing.


To dye blue jeans black means to dye the entire product, including the label, which contains basic information about the product, the intricacies of caring for it. That is why it is better to cut off the label before washing: if necessary, it can be re-sewn after the dyeing procedure.


Blue is a classic denim shade, but if you're dealing with other colors like terracotta, blueberry or green, you'll need to use bleach. Opt for an effective yet gentle bleach that won't damage the fiber structure of your denim. Can't choose? Ask for help from consultants in the store - they will help you choose the best option from all the variety presented.


The surface where the staining will be done must be covered with old newspapers, you can use pieces of wallpaper, ordinary plastic wrap, which can be purchased at any hardware and hardware store.

Remember that correctly performed preparatory measures are 75% of the success of subsequent staining.


How to dye jeans black if we are dealing with red, green or orange shades? This is a very common question. So we have already mentioned that it is better to pre-bleach the product. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve the selected bleach in water in a ratio of 1: 1. For these purposes, it is better to arm yourself with a deep container: a bucket, a basin. You should not use the bath container, as bleach can not affect the surface in the best way.

Then we place the product in the prepared solution (if you use white jeans as a base, the concentration of the solution can be reduced). The whitening procedure lasts 1.5-2 hours, and every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the product for uniform processing. After bleaching, rinse the jeans several times: do not worry if they become not snow-white, but yellowish, the dye will paint over all this.

What to use for coloring

Of course, it is much easier to go and buy jeans in the right shade, but no one guarantees that you will find a model that fits your figure perfectly. That is why the coloring of old favorite products is so popular at the present time. By updating the shade, giving it depth and expressiveness, you will get a product that will look like new. So how can you dye your jeans black? We want to bring to your attention several proven methods.

Special paints

Surely you have seen special powder paints for denim in hardware stores more than once. Few people know that with their help you can paint the product in the washing machine. How to dye jeans black with paint at home? You will only need to strictly follow the established instructions indicated on the package. Most often, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • turn the jeans inside out, look at the optimal washing temperature indicated on the label;
  • we put it in the washing machine, falling asleep on top with coloring powder;
  • set the desired washing mode and start the machine;
  • after the dyeing process is completed, rinse the product in water with the addition of vinegar - it is he who will help fix the shade and protect it from subsequent washing;
  • repeat the machine wash, but with the use of an ordinary washing powder.

Looking for an answer to the question of how to dye jeans black at home? It is important first of all to follow the instructions indicated on the package with the powder. There are dyes that can be placed directly in the package in the drum of the washing machine - once again carefully study the instructions before using the dye.

Hair dye

Yes, you can update the shade of jeans with hair dye. If it is problematic to find a special dye for denim in your city, go to the nearest supermarket or cosmetic store - here you will find a variety of shades. How to dye jeans black with hair dye? Everything is extremely simple:

  • pour warm water into the basin and dilute hair dye in it;
  • immerse the jeans in the solution so that it completely covers them, and leave in this state for 1 hour;
  • after the specified time, first rinse the jeans in running water, and then in a solution with the addition of salt and vinegar.

Fabric dye

Before the coloring process, it is necessary to dilute the paint in a container with water, it is better to choose a basin or bucket, then mix the jeans into the solution and put them on fire in this form - boil for 1.5-2 hours. And here you need to be extremely careful: constantly stir the jeans in order to get a uniform shade. After the dyeing process is completed, rinse the jeans well and fix the result with salt or vinegar water.

Summing up

As you can see, it is quite possible to update the shade or completely change, transform your jeans at home: for this you do not have to resort to the expensive help of professionals. We strongly recommend that you carefully approach the choice of bleach to prepare the product for dyeing, as well as the choice of the pigment, dye, on which the result of the work done largely depends.

And, of course, strictly follow the instructions on the package, you should not experiment, because otherwise you will not only not get the expected result, but also completely ruin your favorite jeans.

Jeans are stylish and practical clothes that will never go out of style. Spectacular denim trousers are a solid foundation for a casual, sporty, business and even romantic look. As a rule, a quality product lasts more than one year. But from frequent washing, friction and sunlight, the fabric loses color. Fortunately, it is quite easy to restore the brightness of the product and breathe a second life into it. How to dye jeans at home?

A few centuries ago, dyeing fabrics was a respectable craft. Not everyone could afford to use the services of dyers. Today, such services are provided in dry cleaning and some ateliers. But why overpay if hostesses have access to a wide range of traditional and alternative means.

Choosing a store drug

Can you dye your own jeans? Of course, because this does not require any special skills. The main thing is to decide on the color and type of dye.
If you do not know what paint to dye your jeans, go to a specialty store. Depending on the desired effect, you can choose the right tool.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of different types of dyes

Dye typeAdvantagesFlawsPurpose
Blue- Affordable price;
- ease of use;
- safety
- Low durability (blue color is washed out after two washings)- To give freshness to blue or blue color
Aniline paint- Ease of use;
- the ability to mix colors with each other
- Low resistance;
- fades in the sun
- To create color streaks and other original effects
acrylic paint- Color fastness;
- a wide palette of shades;
- ease of use
- High price- For artistic painting of fabric
Powder dye- Low price;
- ease of use
- Low resistance;
- a small selection of colors
- For dyeing faded jeans

Features of the use of acrylic products

How to dye jeans if you want to get an original thing at the exit, which no one else will have analogues? The ideal option is bright and resistant acrylic paints that will not fade or fade. They are used for artistic painting - a good option to refresh a thing or hide a stain. The use of this type of paint has seven features.

  1. Training . Before starting work, jeans are washed, and also completely dried and ironed. This will allow the paint to better adhere between the fibers.
  2. Ease of application. The area on which the drawing will be applied must be placed on a flat surface and fixed (for example, with paper clips or double-sided tape).
  3. Outline. This can be done with a soft pencil or carbon paper.
  4. Amount of paint. The acrylic layer should be as thin as possible. Otherwise, he may start to climb.
  5. Correct brushes. To apply a clear pattern, which implies a dense overlap, soft bristles are suitable. For translucent patterns, it is better to use hard brushes.
  6. Drying. Acrylic paint sets instantly. But it will take at least 15 hours for it to dry completely.
  7. Fixing the result. To keep the paint firmly on the jeans, iron the product from the wrong side or through a sheet of paper.

Despite the fact that acrylic is highly resistant, it is not recommended to expose a thing painted with such paint to high temperatures. Machine wash and strong friction should also be avoided.

How to dye jeans with powder dye: 2 ways

Powder dyes are the most common. They are easy to use and quite inexpensive. There are two ways to use this kind of funds.

In the washing machine

Dyeing jeans in the washing machine is the best option for those who value their time. The procedure is carried out in six stages.

  1. Preparing jeans. Wash well, rinse and dry jeans completely. If stains or particles of detergent remain on the fabric, the dye will not be evenly distributed.
  2. Dye preparation. According to the instructions, prepare the coloring composition. If using a powder product, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Otherwise, the fabric will be colored unevenly. You may have to strain the composition through several layers of gauze.
  3. Load the jeans into the drum, pour the prepared dye composition there. Immediately proceed to the next step so that the pigment does not have time to eat into the fabric.
  4. Mode selection. Jeans should spend at least two hours in the washing machine, and therefore you should choose the longest wash cycle. The water temperature should be the maximum allowed, according to the label.
  5. Fixing the result. When the dyeing process is completed, put the jeans in a basin of acidified water for a quarter of an hour. For every liter of liquid should be two tablespoons of vinegar.
  6. Final wash. To remove dye residue from the fabric and remove the smell of vinegar, machine wash the jeans again without any detergent. This time the water temperature should not exceed 40 °C.

Modern fabric dyes do not harm the washing machine. The only vulnerable element is the rubber gasket on the door. If at the end of washing you notice that the surface is stained, immediately wipe it with a sponge and soap.

In an enamel basin

If you want to control the staining process, you have to do everything manually. An enamel basin is ideal for these purposes. Follow the seven steps.

  1. Paint preparation. According to the instructions, dilute the dye in water. If there are undissolved lumps, the mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. Preparing a container of water. Pour about 7 liters of water into a large enamel basin. Put a container of water on the fire.
  3. Product immersion. When the water warms up well, dissolve the dye in it and submerge the jeans. The liquid should be hot enough, but not boiling.
  4. Cooking. For 40-60 minutes, boil jeans in a coloring composition.
  5. Rinsing. After cooking, rinse the product first in hot and then in cold water.
  6. Color fixing. Dip jeans in vinegar solution (two tablespoons per liter of water) for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Final wash. Wash your jeans in warm water with a little powder or laundry soap.

During digestion, you will have to constantly ensure that the product is completely immersed in water. If some parts of the fabric float to the surface, they will not be dyed, and light spots will appear on the jeans.

Alternative Solutions

If you like experiments, buying a dye and then applying it according to the instructions is too banal and boring. A number of alternative means will help to achieve the desired color and original effects.

chlorine bleach

Peculiarities. Varenki are legendary jeans. More than one generation of fashionistas sought to own this little thing. The technique came to us from Japan. There, nodular staining is elevated to the rank of art. If you want to show off in jeans with beautiful white stains, you will have to do a little magic on the thing.


  1. Fill a metal bucket with water and add a glass of chlorine bleach.
  2. Roll the jeans into a ball or twist and tie tightly with string to secure the shape.
  3. Immerse the item in the liquid and place the bucket on the burner.
  4. Boil jeans over medium heat for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Rinse the product thoroughly in cold water.

If you don't know how to dye old jeans that have faded, try bleaching them completely to get a new stylish item. The technology is the same as in the manufacture of "varenki", but it is not necessary to twist and tie the product.

Potassium permanganate

Peculiarities. Potassium permanganate is another tool with which you can make fashionable "dumplings". This is a great way to partially dye jeans by hand without boiling or any other heat treatment.


  1. Mix a heaping tablespoon of manganese with half a glass of vinegar and two tablespoons of peroxide.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition with water (3 l).
  3. Twist your jeans tightly and secure with ropes or elastic bands.
  4. Place the product in the solution for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse your jeans several times in cold water and wash them with powder.


Peculiarities. If you want to dye your jeans green, the ideal remedy is brilliant green. By simple manipulations, you can turn it into an excellent dye for clothes.


  1. If you want to dye white jeans, just wash and iron them. If the product is of a different color, it must first be kept in whiteness.
  2. Dissolve the contents of a standard vial of brilliant green in 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak wet jeans in the solution for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the product in cold water and soak in water with vinegar for a quarter of an hour.

Hair dye

Peculiarities. Hair dye is one of the alternative means for dyeing jeans. It gives the fabric a rich shade and holds well. As a rule, it is used to dye tight regular or corduroy jeans.


  1. Pour warm water into a basin or bucket and add paint of the chosen shade. If you use a tonic, then for the brightness of the color you will need two bottles.
  2. Washed and dried jeans are completely immersed in the solution for one and a half to two hours.
  3. To remove the remnants of the coloring composition, rinse the product several times. Alternate warm and cold water.
  4. Pour water into the container. For every liter, add two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of salt. Soak the item in the composition for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash the product in powder and hang to dry away from sunlight and heaters.

If you want to refresh the black color of jeans, use basma. This is a natural dye that will not harm either the skin or the fabric.

Vegetables, berries, herbs

Peculiarities. You can dye light jeans at home with food products. Natural dyes in all the colors of the rainbow from the table will help you experiment with style. The process includes four steps.


  1. Squeeze juice from berries or vegetables and dilute it with hot water. Pour boiling water over dried herbs or spices and let steep until cool. The proportions of dye and water are determined "by eye". The more pigment, the brighter the color will be.
  2. Place the product in a container with a solution. The liquid should completely cover it.
  3. Within three to five hours, constantly turn the thing over to evenly distribute the dye.
  4. Rinse the product in water acidified with vinegar or a weak saline solution.

Table - Natural dyes for jeans

Desired shadenatural dye
Orange color- Carrot;
- onion peel
Yellow- Bay leaf;
- dry calendula flowers;
- turmeric
Brown color- Oak bark;
- nut shell;
- Black tea
Green color- Sorrel root;
- spinach
Pink color- Cherry;
- raspberry
Grey colour- Blackberry
Blue- Red cabbage
Blue colour- Cauliflower;
- dry cornflower petals;
- blueberry;
- dark grapes
Red color- Pomegranate;
- beet

The highest color intensity is noted after staining with berry juices. In vegetables and dry dyes, the pigment is much paler.

  1. Water temperature. Dyed items can only be washed in cold or lukewarm water. The high temperature will help wash out the dye.
  2. Detergent. Washing powder is better to replace with laundry soap.
  3. Wash type. Ideal - hand wash without friction. Use the machine only in delicate mode.

Do not use fabric softener when washing dyed jeans. It can change the shade of a thing beyond recognition.

If you want to revive old jeans that have lost their color, synthetic and natural dyes will come to your rescue. But having put one thing in order, it is important not to spoil the others. If you decide to dye your jeans with your own dye, remember that you need to wash them separately from other clothes. After washing, thoroughly wipe the basin or drum of the washing machine to remove dye particles.


Black jeans can be considered universal clothing, which sometimes replaces trousers. Unfortunately, over time, light scuffs appear on them. I would like to know how to dye jeans black using improvised means, and if there are special dyes that can be used at home.

Application of special paint

Of course, worn jeans can last more than one year. We walk around the house in them, put them on in the country, use them as clothes for repair work. But if there is a desire to return a decent look to your favorite pants, then they need to be dyed and this can be done at home without the help of a specialist.

On sale there are paints designed for dyeing fabric by hand and in a washing machine. You need to buy black. You can do this through an online store or in the household chemicals department of a supermarket. If there is a specialized store in your city, you can go there.

Next, you need to prepare the jeans. They must be clean, free of oil stains and other contaminants. If you don't remember the last time you washed your jeans, then wash them again, but without using a conditioner, since the conditioner can affect the dyeing process.


Read the instructions on the paint package. It should be written there how much it should be used and in what sequence the actions should be performed. Most often at home, painting is used in a washing machine.

  • Check all jeans pockets, they must be completely empty.
  • Turn the pants inside out, if the label is preserved, then check, just in case, at what temperature it is recommended to wash them. Usually this temperature is not more than 40 °.
  • Put the jeans in the drum, sprinkle powdered paint on top in the required amount.
  • Close the hatch door and turn on the washing mode.
  • When the wash is over, the pants are taken out and rinsed in clean water with the addition of vinegar. One tablespoon is enough for a liter of warm water.
  • After rinsing, the jeans are washed with the usual powder for colored things.
  • At the last stage, they are taken out of the machine and dried.
Rinsing with vinegar is necessary to fix the color, but more modern paints already have a fixative, so this item may not be in the instructions. There are also paints that do not need to be poured out of the package. The package is simply opened and placed in the drum.

There is no need to be afraid that after such staining the machine will deteriorate or begin to stain the laundry. After the last rinse, the paint from the washing machine is washed out and leaves no traces behind. If the sealing gum has changed color, then it can be wiped with a soft cloth.

Coloring with improvised means

If for some reason you cannot buy a special paint, but really want to return the black color to your jeans, then you can use improvised means.

Most often used hair dye. You need to buy 2 packs of black paint without any shades and tints. Painting is done with gloves. Dissolve the dye in lukewarm water and soak the pants in it for an hour. After that, remove and rinse in water with the addition of vinegar and salt. Please note that after such painting, the jeans will shed heavily.

An even whiter extreme staining method is with the help of felt-tip pens. It is necessary to gut the black felt-tip pen, dip it in water so that it turns black and soak the jeans in the solution. It is better to try this method first on old unnecessary clothes.

A more common method of dyeing is with a sachet of textile dye, which is diluted in a basin of water. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty. Since the dye is inexpensive, you can buy 2-3 packs and test its effect on an unnecessary piece of fabric.
