Protective symbols of amulets. Slavic amulets - the power of the Family in ancient symbols. Chinese talismans and their meaning.

Khors is a religious Slavic symbol of God Khors. God Khors is the God of the Sun, the God of sunlight and the solar disk. God Horse is the son of our Supreme, Most High God of the Family, the brother of the Almighty Svarog and the Wise Veles. The name of Khors reflects his divine essence: the root of the word "Khors" means a circle, a circle. We see this root in familiar and familiar […]

The trinity in the spatial domain corresponds to the triad also of the temporal structure, which is the result of the primary experience of the past, present and future. Here, too, diverse traditions suggest a common origin for Indo-European myths. In Scandinavian myth, three beings, Verdandi and Skuld, who turn the fate of gods and people, are phenomena of that time. In Greek and Roman mythology, Moir and Parzen correspond to them, and in the Slavic world there are various gods or demons who protect the sanctity of time or time rhythm, such as noon, midnight, sunset, etc. in particular, noon and midnight are generally considered the hours of the spirits to be experienced in the world.

The Tausen symbol is a religious Slavic symbol of God Tausen. Tausen - God of Autumn, patron of leaf fall, autumn sun. God Tausen is the elder brother of God Kolyada, to whom he became the main assistant in creating the calendar. Autumn, as you know, paves the way for winter, saying goodbye to the warm golden gifts of nature. God Tausen surrenders his post to the beautiful and cold Goddess of Winter and Death Marena. […]

This is the hour of Polesnitsa, Noondays, Holy Places, etc. common demon of the meridian, which was also known to all Slavs. The demons of demons and destiny often appear in a frightening form: they, like the Greek sphinx, require certain tasks to be completed and threaten punishment if they fail to complete them; But there are also fates of fate that have positive, protective functions.

The South Slavs Sreča and Srjača, an analogue of the Roman Fortuna and the Greek Tyche, who was described as a beautiful girl in later folklore, knew golden thread revolving around the nursing home and its property. Their opposite pole is Nesrecha, which is evidenced only by folklore, in the form of a rotten, ugly old woman with a dull eye, from which one can soon get rid of.

The Rod symbol is one of the most famous and ancient religious Slavic symbols. The Rod symbol belongs to the Single Ruler of the World-Universe God Rod. In order to show their affection for God Rod, master carvers cover His images and idols, amulets and amulets, dishes and amulets with intricate ligature. Craftswomen-embroiderers put the symbol of the Family on shirts and sundresses, on belts and […]

Medieval sources of Russia lead Rod and Rozhanitsy as special fate who are always together. Genus is a mysterious creature associated with the birth of a person and the genesis of sex. Therefore, some researchers have made him one of the main Slavic gods. But there is no reliable support for this. The century when the Russian Teachings turned sharply against him. He was, of course, not a central natural deity, but a being of lower and local rank, who was worshiped only East Slavs. The genus stood for human fertility and probably worshiped in a phallic cult; He sent human souls to be born on earth, in the form of lions, which he threw to the ground and from which children were born.

The Pravda symbol belongs to the ancient religious Slavic symbols. The symbol Truth is under the auspices of the supreme Slavic God of justice and the guardian of laws. This God is our slavic god Truth, in whose power is not only the supervision of the observance of laws, but also the supervision that a person correctly conducts Slavic rites and rituals. The symbol of Truth is in the hands of […]

Video: what are Slavic runes and their meaning

This Zhed belongs to a group of demons, indicating that he was afraid of children. These are the beings that determine the fate of mankind at birth, which has been known since antiquity and worshiped throughout the continent of Europe. They appear within three days after the birth of a child at midnight, usually three, sometimes also several, like transparent figures. beautiful girls or grandmothers, one of whom leads the main speech. In Bulgaria, she is called the Golden Grandmother.

They rotate the fate of a person, like a golden thread, whose tearing or cutting means death. It is difficult to choose between these two interpretations. According to Lelewel, it is obvious if one interprets the four directions not geographically, but mythologically: East and east, south and the pinnacle of life, west and north as departure rather than death. Since before the eastern entrance fragments of the Cup, a cattle skull and the remains of horse skulls were found, it can be assumed that it lay on the sunrise side of the sacred area of ​​the temple.

The Zhiva symbol belongs to the ancient religious Slavic symbols of Life, Spring, flowering and the Goddess Zhiva. The Alive symbol is the information and energy keys to the absolute, endless source light energy of Happiness and Love. Goddess Zhiva is dedicated to many different symbols and signs. Many of them are reflected in the protective embroidery of Russian shirts and in the protective signs woven into […]

She lives in the East, where she bathes in the morning sea. During her daily walk, she fights the clouds of demons during the eclipse, he threatens the dragon or werewolves, like the Germans the Fenrir wolf. At sunset, the Ukrainians stopped work; Farmers could have their prayers when there just wasn't holy image at hand, even in the face of the sun to do, and it was considered indecent to point a finger at the sun. The cult of the sun is evidenced by traditional circular, wheel, cross-rosette-shaped symbols and ornaments in the crafts of the Slavic peoples in various forms; religious significance is suggested, such as the decoration of urns by the Baltic Slavs.

Winter is an ancient religious Slavic symbol, which is one of the manifestations of the omnipotent Goddess Mary-Marena. In their winter clothes The goddess of death and winter, Marena, commands the elements of Winter more than death. In summer, a person dies much more often than in winter. This is a completely natural consequence. winter holiday the all-powerful goddess of death. The blue, winter, cold symbol of Winter depicts the Goddess Marena in […]

To the same extent, the symbols of the sun were like that. Solar turbine and solar spirals, which represent the movement of the sun in the sky, even with the Germans in use. As the sun and moon were worshiped, which in the sun is in polar contrast between light and dark, masculine and feminine, clarity and mystical depth. Even the moon meets the sign of the cross or the bow, but reverence and even fear outweigh the joy with it, when some believed that on the new moon the spirits floating in the mountains and forest glades were mischievous.

On the other hand, the perception of contraction may be related to diseases that may thus be cured during the waning moon. Even if the sun often appears in fairy tales and legends, and the moon, as evil or, according to at least, scary, but we shouldn't make any generalized assessment. Life and in general all the actions of the cosmos unfold in the eternal play of polarities, in the alternation of life and death, flowering and decay, death and rebirth. It has penetrated into the emphasis of dualism among the influences of the Slavs of Iran since the time when the Slavic and Iranian tribes, the Eurasian steppes, however, want to recognize the Norse religion as a dualistic structure, especially in the myth of Ragnarok, the cosmic final battle between the gods and the forces of chaos.

The sown field is an old religious Slavic symbol. At its core, the sown field symbol contains an image of cultivated, sown plots of land. The sown field symbolizes the fertile land and at the same time is a symbol of female fertility. In this symbol, we see the sacrament of the birth of a New Life, which carries the four main human primary elements - Conscience, Spirit, Soul and Body. Wearing […]

In the end, however, he withdraws into a cyclic worldview, due to the death of the old world after the appearance of the renewed earth, the return of the light of God Baldr from the underworld and the creation of a new cosmic order. Among the Slavs, dualism manifests itself in the interaction of a "good" and "evil" God in world creation. They say that the god of heaven, Svarog, called on the god of the underworld Veles to take sand from the bottom of the sea. Then Svarog threw him to the surface of the sea, where he turned into fertile land. However, Veles kept a few grains in his mouth to create his own land; when he spat them out, pink mountains rose where they had fallen.

The religious Slavic symbol Zaichik characterizes the renewal of the Family throughout life. The bunny is a typically solar, sunny, masculine symbol. The Bunny symbol favors the growth of the family and patronizes pregnant women. In addition, the Bunny symbol helps pregnant women give birth only to male children during childbirth. If a pregnant woman is put on a dress or belt with the image of the Bunny symbol, then […]

Thus, the barren areas are the result of divine interest, but they are part of the world at large. In superficially Christianized versions of this myth, God and Satan work In a similar way in creation - satan must sink because, contrary to the angels, he has the necessary gravity - regional deviations show, for example, that satan is driving force Or even the faithful angel who, in the first place, according to his craft, intends to take the sand away for himself, will turn into a devil; However, the basic structure remains the same, pointing to the dualism that some religious scholars associate with ancient Zoroastrianism, through the model of Genesis in which God was known to be the only creator whose world was "good".

The religious Slavic symbol Doukhobor means the inner, primordial fire of life. This fire is able to destroy any bodily disease and any illness of the Spirit and Soul. In order to preserve the former health of a sick person, the Doukhobor symbol is depicted on his clothes. A sick person, feeling such support, begins to recover quickly. A warrior wounded on the battlefield will also feel the physical and […]

According to Zarathustra, the world originated from the struggle of two divine brothers born from Tzurvan - uncreated time: Ahura Mazda as a representative of the light forces of good and Angranainu, representing dark forces evil. Through the mediation of Manichaeism, these ideas were taken up by the Pavliks, Christian heretics in Anatolia, who in the course of a century passed them on to the Bulgarian Bogomils, and this again to the Western European Cathars. Slavic cosmogonic myths are most closely related to the doctrine of the Bogomils, both geographically and ethnically, who spread to the Serbs and Russia in the Middle Ages.

The Dunia symbol is a religious Slavic symbol of the fusion of Heavenly and Earthly living fire. The Dunia symbol was created to preserve the unity of the Family. All paths that unite the Family are gathered under the symbol of Dunia. The fiery altar, created for offering bloodless sacrifices, is built in the form of dunya. The fire burning on the altar unites all people and all Gods. A person can directly turn to his patron God, and the patron God […]

Therefore, it seems logical that the dualistic view of the Slavs on the creation of the world rejects this source. The religious terminology of the Slavs and Iranians also shows some similarities that distinguish them from other Indo-Europeans. With the same meaning of the word "day" as a unit of time, but specifically "bright day".

Thus, divinity was associated with light, the sun, brightness, and a radiant sky; accordingly, the gods of the heavens and the cosmos bear names derived from this root. However, on Slavic languages a different concept was used to describe the divine: swamp, god and Czech. In Persian, Baga means "God" and is an epithet of Ahura Mazdas.

The Thunder Wheel is a religious Slavic symbol that bears the power and strength of God Perun. The symbol of the Thunder Wheel began to help Perun even before He became the patron of all warriors. This symbol arose even before the ubiquitous and all-striking lightning and thunder became the weapons of God Perun. The Thunder Wheel is a sign of military prowess, bravery and courage. […]

The etymology also suggests that dualism in the sense of Christian heresies is not a strict opposition between good and evil forces, but as a combination of various forces that generate, order and shape the world in their communion. There is no place for evil in the pagan world, because any destruction, no matter how painful it may seem from an individually limited perspective, is always a transformation and a new beginning in the cosmos of eternal repetition and new creation.

Therefore, the gods are not evil, punishing forces, but donors of abundance and wealth, even if they do not distribute their gifts evenly, and sacrifice, which is a central cult practice in all pagan religions, does not have to be an attempt by angry gods to calm down. This original phenomenon of religious action can also be interpreted as the ritual participation of man in the process of creation: as thanksgiving, giving the deity something of what he sacrificed, as well as the achievement of his aimless, joyful creativity, As if in free play, instead of using and consuming all the gifts.

Gromovik is a religious Slavic heavenly symbol. The Gromovik symbol protects the Ancient Universal Wisdom of the Gods, enclosed in our Ancient Slavic Vedas. As a talisman, the Gromovik symbol is depicted on military armor and weapons. The Gromovik symbol is also hung above the entrances to houses, storages or temples. Its protective function is to make the one who enters with malicious intent immediately feel his vulnerability, […]

In the words of Werner Meskank: When Vendenzetter should have died. Zdeněk Wana: Mythology and the world of the gods of the Slavic peoples. Since ancient times, the keepers of wisdom, the keepers of ancient Slavic wisdom, lived far from the civilizations of the world in the regions of the Siberian taiga and the Urals. There knowledge continued until today, from a great time and this perfect culture. Once, at the end of the last century, he was visited by "guardians and elders" and blindfolded in hidden place Brought to the underground caves and halls, and all the symbols and swastikas were presented to him, which were depicted or drawn on partially pure gold plates, tree branches or papyrus scrolls.

Grozovik belongs to the religious Slavic symbols, with the help of which a person joins divine essence and gains the ability to control unpredictable weather behavior. The Grozovik symbol can influence the natural elements of the weather, control rain and hail, snow and lightning. The swastika symbol Grozovik also has a protective meaning: it protects human dwellings and temple buildings from the manifestations of bad weather. Our Ancestors are always […]

Indian amulets their meaning

He was instructed to transfer the texts and signs on the documents that he brought with him and copy them in order to publish all this hidden truth. The time has come to rediscover eternal knowledge. He submitted twelve volumes and published a total of four books, which are currently only available in Russian and have yet to be translated. The books currently published contain a total of 76 swastikas, each with a completely different meaning. There are exactly 144 characters or symbols.

Garuda is a religious Slavic symbol, a divine heavenly sign. The Garuda symbol is an image symbolizing Vaitmara (the Great Divine fiery chariot), on which our Supreme God travels through the pure Svarga. Garuda is a bird flying in starry spaces, crossing the expanses of the endless sky, carrying law and order in the Universe on its wings. Garuda is often depicted on cult objects dedicated to the Supreme […]

The Vseslavets symbol is a religious Slavic symbol that brings all the Clans of the Rus to universal glory and harmony. The Vseslavets symbol has a protective function for each Genus. He saves dwellings and granaries from destruction by fire, saves family unions from too hot disagreements and disputes, and protects the Ancient Clans from abusive quarrels and bloody civil strife. Fiery amulet - the Vseslavets symbol preserves all […]

The symbol of the Heavenly Boar is a religious swastika Slavic symbol denoting the signs of the Hall in the Svarog circle. The symbol of the Heavenly Boar is the symbol of Ramhat, the patron God of the Hall. The meaning of the symbol of the Heavenly Boar is a combination of the future and the past, Heavenly and Earthly wisdom. People who have returned to the bosom of their natural, natural faith and embarked on the path of spiritual self-improvement use the protective essence of the symbol of the Heavenly Boar. The swastika in this […]

The Velesovik symbol is a religious Slavic symbol, meaning a protective heavenly amulet. With the help of this amulet, you can protect a loved one from bad weather and bad weather, as well as from any unfortunate event. The Velesovik symbol helps a loved one who is far from home, fishing or hunting. This symbol-amulet is intended exclusively for men. The second name of Velesovik is Sveta Dar. […]

The Veles symbol is a religious Slavic symbol of belonging to God Veles. For example, a brand sign on bulls is a symbol of their belonging to God Veles. Although everyone knows that Veles is the patron saint of cattle. But He is also the patron of poets, singers, musicians, merchants. Each person would be happy to have such a patron as the Wise Veles. […]

The symbol of Vedar is a religious Slavic symbol of the priests-guardians of our ancient Faith of the distant Ancestors, who keep the shining and bright, ancient Wisdom for posterity. The person wearing the symbol of Vedar is the true keeper of Divine knowledge. Vedar's symbol contains elements such as gift, faith, happiness. and joy. This symbol patronizes the Vedic culture. At the heart of the symbol is Kolovrat, a vital amulet containing a […]

The Vedaman symbol is an ancient religious Slavic symbol of guardian priests, who are destined to protect the Ancient Wisdom of the Great Clans of the Great Race. It is known that the ancient Wisdom carries the memory of the patrons of the Family, the Ancestors and the Gods. Veduns and Witches are the most ordinary people, and Vedaman symbolizes a person who is destined to keep all the accumulated wisdom and pass it on to descendants. In addition, Vedaman-man kept traditions, knowledge and […]

The Slavic religious German-Scandinavian symbol Valknut belongs personally to God Odin and everyone associated with him, magical rituals. The Valknut symbol is a symbol of the worlds, a symbol of the Yggdrasil tree, in which nine worlds were enclosed, the main of which were: the Upper world - Asgard; Middle world– Midgard; The underworld is Helheim. Valknut symbolizes the connection of all worlds and the free transition between them, which is subject to […]

The religion and mythology of the ancient Slavs is considered to be paganism. In another way, paganism can be called folk religion. Such a religion covers the sphere of both spiritual and material culture. However, the priority is relationship between people and nature.

Slavic paganism reflected all stages of a person's life path: life, agriculture, wedding and funeral rites. And always ancient Slav accompanied by symbols and amulets.

The meaning of symbols and amulets in the life of the Slavs

Nature is the main thing in the paganism of the Slavs. They recognized its various objects as deities, for example, celestial bodies, representatives of flora and fauna, elements, and the like. Often it is natural elements were depicted on the charms of the Slavic people.

The Slavs attached great importance to symbols. They carried the main meaning in Slavic magic and the priesthood. A symbol is, first of all, a sacred meaning, which has magical effect . The aesthetic load was secondary for the Slav. In paganism, with the help of symbols, they influenced the world, changed it.

It is also important that many symbols of the Slavs themselves are already amulets. Some are able to divert dark forces, others help their owners to travel between the dark and light worlds, others allow them to turn to the gods.

The ancient Slavic sorcerers were priests of deities in the human world, and they communicated with the gods with the help of Slavic runes carved on bone plates. The sorcerer threw plates with runes onto the altar, which as a result formed a phrase, that is, advice, a hint from the gods. Thanks to them accepted important decisions in the military and economic fields, the gods also helped in a similar way in love affairs.

It is known from Slavic mythology that a person living at that time encountered various deities and spirits every day.

To evil spirits did not harm the person he wore amulets, portrayed protection symbols and animal silhouettes on their clothes, utensils in the house. Also, with the help of images, the Slav could attract to his side the coasts, creatures that later helped him.

Symbols and their interpretation

An important theme in Slavic paganism is resistance and union of two opposites. Day and night, man and woman, light and darkness, truth and lies, heaven and earth, peace and chaos. These couples have their own symbolism.

Such symbols are straight lines, which are intertwined, and eventually crossed into one line, also the symbol is simply intersecting straight lines or corners.

Masculine and feminine

The ancient Slavs had a saying "The sun is a prince, the moon is a princess." That is, the image of the sun personifies the masculine principle, and the moon - the feminine. In the legends of the Slavs, the Sun and the Moon are presented as sister and brother, as well as married couple, whose relationship is far from cloudless. However, initially it was the other way around - the month symbolized the masculine principle, and the sun symbolized the feminine.

The Slavs have always revered the earth, as it feeds, waters and clothes. It is important that the land is fertile. The symbol of fertility is depicted as a rhombus divided into 4 parts - this means a field with holes for seeds. Inside each part there is a dot - these are seeds.

If the rhombus is depicted without seeds, this means that the field is not sown. The goddess of the earth and its fertility in Slavic mythology is Makosh, therefore the amulet is also called the symbol of Makosh.

To a woman who wears an amulet with this sign, it gives abundance, well-being and joy in the house.

Fire symbol

Fire in Slavic paganism is a sacred phenomenon, with which sacrifices are associated. The Slavs shared the fire of heaven and the fire of the earth. The symbols of fire are represented various combinations crosshairs. They are associated with the formation of human activity, directing him to the right way , also give it the necessary strength. From these symbols, the Slavic heritage rune is made.

The sun is a symbol of grace

Apart from masculine the sun among the Slavs was associated with goodness, as it gives light, warmth, helps agriculture. Slavs believed that kind people it comes to help, and punishes the evil ones.

The sun was considered among the Slavic pagans as the protector of homeless children and patron of the home. Therefore, the Slavs necessarily had the image of the sun in the house and decorated their dwellings with many of its symbols.

Solar signs are symbols of the sun and all the gods of light. Among the solar symbols there are none that could be harmful. All signs help to acquire and increase material and spiritual benefits. Also they protect from evil spirits .

Many solar signs are based on the swastika. There were a lot of such symbols among the ancient Slavs, but the main one was Kolovrat - main symbol sun, it is also otherwise called the solstice.

It symbolizes that the darkness will be unquestioningly defeated by the light.

Swastika symbols

Swastika - means the eternity of the universe, the highest law of the heavens, which controls everything that exists. This sign, according to the customs of the Slavs, protected order and the laws of life.

six pointed cross, which is enclosed in a circle - this is the sign of the god Perun. The thunder sign is a symbol of courage, the valor of a warrior.

- a sign depicting two intersecting S-shaped curves that look clockwise. It symbolizes celestial movement, the cycle of life in the universe. The Slavs depicted this symbol on household items so that there would always be prosperity in the house.

Charovrat- a symbol-amulet that is able to protect a person from the influence of Black Charms. Charovrat was depicted as a cross rotating clockwise.

Colard is the update symbol. The sign was used by young Slavic men who, being married, are expecting children. Colard was depicted in the form of a diagonal crosshair with 4 small branches from the middle of each straight line segment. The rotation of the sign is counterclockwise.

- a sign similar to a colard, looking in the opposite direction. Solard - symbolizes the Fertility of Mother Earth, which is heated sunbeams. This sign gives a person prosperity and reminds him of the prosperity of the ancestral lands.

Kolyadnik- a sign of the god Kolyada, who controls great changes in people's lives. Kolyadnik is a talisman that gives men strength both in everyday work and in a fight with the enemy. It was depicted as an eight-beam crosshair with small branches looking counterclockwise.

Cross of Lada the Mother of God- a sign similar to Kolyadnik, only its branches look clockwise. Ladinets, as this sign is also called, is a symbol of love. This is a predominantly female amulet that is able to bring harmony and happiness into the life of its owner.

Fern flower- this symbol has healing power. Symbolizes the purity of the spirit. A fern flower can help a person to reveal his spiritual power. Also, the ancient Slavs believed that with the help of this sign, you can easily find treasures.

Description of amulets

As already mentioned, the entire life path of the Slavs was accompanied by amulets. A man decorated his clothes and house with images of birds, animals and plants, as well as special characters, which denote natural objects and elements. This was done in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, to attract patron deities, to acquire love, luck and strength.

Charm amulets

One of the most interesting Slavic jewelry is amulets-amulets. They could hang separately, for example, around the neck or at the waist, and as part of a necklace, as well as whole sets, that is, several pieces with different symbols. Since the heart is the center of life, it has always been covered with one amulet or whole sets.

Traditionally, chest amulets had an image of some symbol enclosed in a circle. Performed protective function, and also were a kind of assistants.

You can also meet and - amulets in the form of a crescent, with horns facing down. Such decoration was girlish at the time when the month was considered male sign. The composition of the month and the cross meant the unity of two principles, male and female.

Lunnitsy themselves had some images and symbols. Often they depicted the firmament hanging over the earth, which was depicted as crosses or squares. It was also possible to see on such amulets three images of the sun, which is presented in three different positions: at dawn, at zenith and at sunset.

In addition to various single breast amulets or whole sets similar decorations sets were very popular among the Slavs, which were fastened with metal chains and hung on a small arc, also made of metal. This design of the set suggests that all the elements must, of course, be nearby, together. Such amulets were given, as a rule, to newlyweds.

Considering such a set, it is worth noting the most popular set of symbolic items:

  • bird figurine in a calm static position;
  • small spoon(there could be two in a set);
  • File-like object, which symbolized the jaw of a predatory beast;
  • Key.

Birds in such amulets were always depicted as calm, as if sitting in a nest, which speaks of incubation of eggs so that chicks hatch from them. Accordingly, this amulet was supposed to help the successful reproduction of offspring.

Spoons are a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Often the spoons were decorated with ornaments. The handle of the spoon was covered with lines crossing each other diagonally, forming a braid. In the formed rhombuses there were signs symbolizing the sun, as a rule, there were seven such symbols.

Also, the spoons were decorated with the symbols of the earth, the signs of the goddess Makosha - rhombuses with dots inside it in the amount of 4 pieces. The presence of two miniature spoons in a set of amulets shows that two people want to be full in the family.

The image of the jaw of a predatory animal was supposed to protect the Slav from evil forces and from meeting with the predator himself.

Keys as amulets are symbols of the safety of a person's property, everything that is in his home. There is also a version that the key symbolizes the inviolability of the casket, which stores the amulets that a person possesses. This assumption is put forward in connection with the miniature size of the amulet keys, only 5 cm, respectively, they do not look like keys from padlocks.

Sometimes a set of amulets-amulets was supplemented with a small comb. It symbolizes hygiene, which is important for human health, from which it follows that the comb is a talisman against diseases.

The Slavs richly decorated the collars of clothes. This is due to the fact that the neck is the most vulnerable part of the body. There was also embroidery on the forearms of the sleeves, which contained the symbol of the patroness of the Makosh household. The same symbol, as well as conditional images of a house, a log house, were embroidered on clothes along the hips - this was due to the fact that that magical signs had to give strength to the legs.

The hem of the dress was also decorated with embroidery. The Slavs depicted mainly vegetation and birds that walk the earth. AT rare cases one could meet the symbol of the sown land.

An important part of the attire of a Slav was a belt. By itself, it was a talisman, as it was formed into a circle, girdling the waist. According to Slavic beliefs, the belt held together the union of the newlyweds, if it was used in wedding ceremony. Since the belt gives vitality, people believed that it helps childless women to have offspring.

Slavic beliefs say that evil spirits are afraid of the crowing of a rooster, which announces the approach of morning. With the rising of the sun, the evil spirit recedes. In this regard, the Slavs defended themselves by depicting the symbols of the sun on the porches and "towels" of their huts.

The signs of the sun were located at the lower ends of the piers along with the sign of the earth. The sun depicted below the earth symbolizes sunset, and half of the sun symbol above the earth represents sunrise. At the very top of the facade of the hut, a symbol of the midday sun was placed. The image represents two solar symbols, mostly six-pointed, located one under the other.

It should also be noted that several tiers of ornaments were carved on the chapels, symbolizing the reserves of rainwater and its transfer to the lands of plowmen.

In addition to the external elements of the dwelling, the Slavs decorated the skates by the stoves, ladles, spinning wheels and other household utensils with security patterns. They embroidered ornaments on towels and the lower curtains of the bed, hoping to attract joy and well-being.

The symbols and amulets described in the article - this is just a small part. Since in the life of the Slavs there were many gods, spirits, evil spirits and various small deities in which they believed, they needed to establish contact with them or even protect themselves, their family and their home from them.

For every occasion of life there were signs and amulets-amulets. Now all this has lost its mythological meaning, but it is still of great interest, since it tells a lot about the culture of the ancestors and their way of knowing the world.
