The most loyal dog breeds. Dog devotion: fact or fiction

When buying a puppy, each of us hopes to find a true friend. In order for a reliable companion to grow out of a shaggy baby, it is necessary to approach the choice of the breed of the future pet with the utmost responsibility. Of course, all animals are attached to their owners in their own way, but among them there are those that are especially faithful. After reading this article, you will understand which breeds are the best fit for the saying that there is no creature more loyal than a dog.


Dogs of this breed get along well with all family members and get along well with other pets. suspicious and even a little arrogant towards strangers, but very attached to those whom he considers his own. Representatives of this breed do not tolerate loneliness and require increased attention from the owners.

The main distinguishing feature of the Scottish Shepherd is considered to be a narrow long head with dark almond-shaped eyes and wide-set small ears. The weight of this dog can reach up to 35 kilograms, and height - up to 60 centimeters.

Those who are considering the most loyal dog breeds can be advised to opt for collies. These are highly intelligent pets with a keen ear and a keen sense of smell. These fearless dogs remain faithful to their owners to the last. They are perfectly trainable and, if desired, they can be taught even the most difficult tricks.

However, in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that these animals need regular grooming. They need to be brushed daily and vacuumed from time to time. Unobtrusive and gallant Scottish Shepherds do not require long walks and increased physical exertion.

German Shepherd

These animals will also suit those who choose the most loyal dog breeds. These animals are distinguished by a strong physique and well-developed muscles. They are easy to train and clearly aware of the boundaries of the territory that needs to be protected. Any aggression or sudden movements towards the owner or members of his family is regarded by the dog as a signal for an instant attack.

This dog (sheepdog) lives on average from 12 to 14 years. But with proper care and proper balanced nutrition, this period can be extended to 17 years. The growth of an adult animal varies between 60-65 centimeters, and its weight is 32-40 kilograms. Therefore, the Germans are not suitable for keeping in a one-room apartment.

These energetic dogs require daily long walks. During the molting period, they must be carefully combed out with a special brush, and for brushing the teeth, the animal must be given special bones with fluorine.

Labrador retriever

From the very beginning, dogs of this breed were positioned as hunting dogs, but later they began to be perceived as companions for sports and guides. These animals have a perky, playful and kind nature, so they are perfect for families with children.

The Labrador Retriever has a broad skull and powerful paws. The growth of adults reaches 54-57 centimeters, and the weight is not more than 40 kilograms. These animals are excellent swimmers, so they are often used as rescuers.

As a rule, they are very attached to their owner. Therefore, those who choose the most devoted dog breeds can be recommended to pay attention to these animals. They are unpretentious to food and are ideal for keeping in city apartments. But these playful and active dogs need regular long walks in the fresh air.

st bernard

Those who want to make sure that there is no creature more loyal to the dog can be recommended to pay attention to these animals. Perhaps these are the most calm and phlegmatic dogs. Their height reaches 70-90 centimeters, and their weight can be up to 90 kilograms. A broad, short-faced head with a slightly upturned nose and round, hanging ears is considered characteristic.

These hardy and agile dogs have an excellent sense of smell and well-developed intuition. They lend themselves well to training, but will not tolerate rude and cruel treatment. These docile and kind animals will become a true friend for the whole family. Despite the fact that St. Bernards are not characterized by aggressive behavior, they are unlikely to calmly watch how someone offends their adored owner. In such situations, this bumpkin turns into a formidable defender in a matter of seconds.

English bulldog

It is ideal for city dwellers considering the most loyal dog breeds. These contact and very friendly animals with the same success will take part in active games with the master's children and lie down with them in front of the TV. They are so attached to their owner that parting with him is perceived as a severe blow.

These small dogs, which are 32-41 centimeters tall, are ideal for inexperienced owners. They don't require much grooming. It is enough to clean them once a week from dead hairs that have appeared with a special brush.

It is worth noting that noisy, gambling and incredibly energetic bulldogs do not tolerate loneliness and lack of attention. In this case, they turn into obstinate and gloomy dogs.


These obedient and quick-witted animals have a stable psyche. They are very attached to their owner and lend themselves perfectly to being considered one of the best defenders. However, despite the incredible strength, dogs of this breed are very affectionate and loving. Rottweilers require constant attention from the owner.

The growth of these animals reaches 56-68 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 42 to 50 kilograms. Rottweilers are rather stubborn dogs, striving in every possible way to establish leadership in the family. Therefore, they are not suitable for weak and inactive people. Strong stocky animals of this breed have a large skeleton and developed powerful joints. They need daily long walks. Rottweilers make great running and cycling companions.

Most people dream not only of a smart, but also a devoted pet. Many stories and legends are associated with this quality, however, the special features of the breed determine the degree of fidelity of the dog to the owner. Each pet recognizes and respects its owner in its own way, but there are varieties of four-legged friends that are distinguished by great devotion and courage - they take risks, participate in a person's life and do not leave him even in a critical situation.

What breed of dog is the most loyal? There are a dozen names in the world, the future owner of the animal should know them. All of them are famous for their loyalty and other valuable qualities.

What determines a dog's loyalty?

As a rule, the described quality is inherent in the animal at the genetic level. Once upon a time, all dogs in the world were wild and lived in packs where there was a leader. Now four-legged friends have become exclusively domestic and see the leader in the face of their master, which means they obey and respect him.

When listing the most intelligent and loyal dog breeds, it is important to know that a lot depends on the person. The dog keenly feels a good attitude and will adore the one who gave him care and a cozy home.

Over time, a strong emotional connection is established between the owner and the dog, however, if the first one dies, then the pet continues to remember him and wait, since the concept of death is not familiar to the animal.

It is interesting that the most devoted dogs love their owner despite external factors, they are indifferent to his position in society. So, history knows cases when four-legged friends took their owners out of danger zones, assisted a person in critical situations.

How to choose the right dog?

Before buying a puppy, future owners want to figure out which breeds are different for the better. Connoisseurs have compiled a list of the most loyal pets, which includes the following dogs:

  • German Shepherd;
  • Labrador;
  • Border Collie;
  • Japanese Akita Inu;
  • collie;
  • St. Bernard;
  • bulldog;
  • doberman;
  • rottweiler;
  • dachshund.

The top 10 most loyal dog breeds are rightfully headed by the German Shepherd. She has served a person for many years, performs complex tasks and quickly learns new commands.

This animal has developed intelligence and courage, which allows it to participate in rescue operations and cope with the search for criminals. Purebred representatives of the breed do not have negative character traits and, subject to proper upbringing, become excellent companions, benefiting people.

The most loyal dogs in the world are Labradors. Like their close relatives, retrievers, they love their owners very much, however, they cannot be considered guards.
Ideal companions, guides, detectives grow from such pets. It is worth noting that their scent is impeccable, this allows you to use the Labrador to search for missing people or objects. In general, this is a good-natured family dog ​​that adores its owners.

And also in the top ten breeds devoted to man is the border collie. This wonderful friend is smart and quick-witted, and his cheerful disposition attracts pet lovers from all over the world.

What are they? Such dogs become attached to all family members, are easy to train and do not show aggression. In order to teach your pet everything you need, you need to apply knowledge and spend a lot of time, but the result is worth it - a faithful and reliable companion will accompany you everywhere.

Included in the top of the most faithful dogs, the Akita Inu in Japan is revered as an eternal symbol of devotion and friendliness. It is curious that the most loyal dogs are famous for their independent and proud character, while they are strongly attached to the owner.
Therefore, if you are looking for a reliable and brave life partner, take a closer look at the Japanese dog. Despite its large size, it retains playfulness until old age and is able to carry out all kinds of commands, however, the owner must be insistent and demanding, otherwise the puppy will dominate people.

The Scottish Shepherd or Collie is a popular dog in the world. These animals are famous for their luxurious coat and magnificent colors, and their intelligent eyes deserve attention. What are they like next to a person? Such pets get along well with all family members, but behave arrogantly with strangers.

All collies do not survive loneliness well and cannot be left without love and affection. A favorite appreciates care and will never betray his master.

The 10 most loyal dogs cannot do without a St. Bernard - a calm and good-natured pet. She enjoys participating in games, remembers commands and loves her hosts very much. It is worth noting that the dog does not follow all the instructions blindly, the animal understands the situation and evaluates it sensibly.

Having earned the love and devotion of a St. Bernard, a person can feel safe. The four-legged friend treats children with tenderness and is the best companion.

The ten most faithful dogs include the bulldog. This charming pet is very attached to people and does not understand his life without a master. Contact and playful, he will gladly keep the child company in games or calmly lie with a person on the couch while he watches TV.

The bulldog suffers parting with the owner very painfully, the animal experiences stress even with a short separation. Therefore, when starting a representative of this breed, you should take care of free time for walks and joint games.

Doberman became famous for his devotion. The dog, which is included in the top of the most faithful pets, is considered an excellent watchman and an intelligent companion. He is easy to train, balanced and calm.

Rottweilers have similar qualities, such animals, despite their formidable appearance, are in great need of affection and love. However, you need to play with large dogs carefully, otherwise the pet in a fit of fun can injure the owner.

Surprisingly, dachshunds complete the top of the most devoted pets. These funny but proud dogs follow their owners everywhere and even stand up for him in difficult situations. There are cases in the world when long and seemingly clumsy dogs protected children and detained criminals.

Which dachshunds are most loved by owners? People respond positively to both standard and miniature representatives of the breed. They spend maximum time with the owner and look forward to his return from work. Therefore, despite its modest size, this pet is rightfully included in the top ten faithful animals.

What other breeds of four-legged friends are distinguished by love for people? The world famous boxer, who constantly needs the presence of the owner, this dog requires a special approach and is happy to serve people.

In addition, the beagle selflessly loves its owner. This pet is always ready to be with him, but requires training and demanding education, otherwise the animal will become uncontrollable.

Cultivating Loyalty in a Pet

It's no secret that humans and dogs have a lot in common. However, in order to grow a true friend and a cheerful companion from a small puppy, the owner needs to make a lot of efforts.

Try to find out as much information about the animal as possible, because the breeds included in the top of the most devoted dogs need training and learning the norms of behavior. In addition, a person needs to express severity, otherwise the pet will turn into a leader.

The most loyal dog breeds become so after understanding the educational process. Cynologists believe that any pet that people care about can become faithful and reliable.

However, do not spoil the dog and ignore its territorial claims, otherwise you risk getting an irritable and noisy animal. Everyone knows how funny little dogs are at home, many owners do not treat their training with due interest, which is why pets bark and demand the fulfillment of all their desires.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that relationships in which the pet acts as a junior partner are considered optimal. Perfect mutual understanding and love must be achieved between him and the owner, the only way to grow a true friend.

Dogs have surprised and continue to surprise people with their unconditional love, devotion and desire to rush to help at any moment. On the birthday of one of these real four-legged friends - Hachiko, we have collected heroic and very touching stories of various dogs that happened in different countries at different times.

(Total 9 photos)

Dog Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in the Japanese city of Akita. Shortly after his birth, he was presented to a professor of medicine, who gave the dog the name Hachiko, who grew up to be a faithful dog who followed his master everywhere. Such an amazing devotion of this dog in the future will make all representatives of the Akita Inu breed symbols of devotion and fidelity.

In May 1925, the owner died of a heart attack, when Hachiko was already one and a half years old. Every day the dog came to Shibuya Station, as before, and waited for the professor until dusk. And Hachiko spent the night on the porch of his native house, which was tightly closed ...

The dog was not abandoned by the professor's relatives. They tried to place Hachiko in familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its owner. Railway station workers, local merchants and just passers-by who knew the whole story never ceased to be amazed at this devotion.

Hachiko became famous all over Japan in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with an article about this devoted dog, who had been waiting for the return of his deceased master for more than 7 years. After that, crowds of people poured into the Shibuya railway station in order to see this faithful dog live.

So Hachiko came, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years, the faithful dog has been waiting for the return of the professor. The day of Hachiko's death became a day of mourning for all Japanese.

In 1925, in the small town of Nome in Alaska, disaster struck: an epidemic of diphtheria suddenly raged. It was not possible to deliver the vaccine, as Nome was buried in snow far from civilization. Children were dying from a rapidly spreading illness, and then the only therapist in the city decided to take desperate measures. He equipped a relay expedition, which consisted of 150 dogs and 20 drivers. The final stage of the delivery of the vaccine was entrusted to the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his team of Eskimo huskies. The leader of the team was a young, but strong and hardy black Eskimo Balto. In harsh conditions, the team had to make their way to the goal: -51 degrees of frost, a snow storm. Kaasen lost his bearings, he was blinded by thick snow. Gunnar had no other choice but to completely trust the leader. Balto confidently led the team, and they delivered a valuable vaccine to Nome that saved hundreds of lives. After the successful completion of the mission, Balto became a real celebrity, and a bronze monument was erected in his honor in New York.

A guide dog who went to work at the World Trade Center every day with his blind owner Omar Eduardo Rivera. On September 11, 2001, Dorado was dozing at Omar's feet on the 71st floor of the center. When the terrorist attack occurred, due to panic, fire and destruction, the blind Omar did not have the opportunity to get out of the building, he had already resigned himself to his fate when he felt that the dog tightly grabbed his clothes and pulled him to the emergency exit. Omar completely relied on his four-legged friend, and this saved the man from death. Dorado led him out of the building unharmed.

A dog named Kabang in December 2011 threw herself under the wheels of a motorcycle that literally flew at the daughter of the owner of the dog. The girl was not injured, and Kabang received terrible injuries, but, fortunately, he managed to survive. The treatment of a devoted friend took place in one of the veterinary clinics in California for a whole 7 months. And upon returning to the homeland of Kabang - to the Philippines, the dog was greeted as a real hero.

Eve selflessly saved her partially paralyzed mistress: once an American, Katie Vaughan, was driving a truck, when suddenly the car stopped, a flame appeared, and the cabin began to rapidly fill with smoke. Kathy couldn't get out of the car on her own, but she managed to open the door for her Rottweiler dog. Katie felt that she was starting to lose consciousness, but at the same time, Eve, firmly grabbing the hostess by the legs, was able to pull her out of the burning car, and as soon as the dog managed to drag Katie a few meters to the side, the car completely caught fire.

A blind and deaf dog named True bravely saved his owners during a fire. Somehow late at night in the house of an American Kathy Crosley, an electrical wiring caught fire. The hostess and her little son were sound asleep, but their disabled dog, which, in addition to birth defects, had only three paws, sensing something was wrong, was able to get into the hostess’s bedroom and wake her up, “reporting” about the fire.

Katie says that she appreciates her faithful friend very much and is grateful for saving her life and the child.

The heroic deed of the pit bull Lefty is admired by all the inhabitants of the state of Virginia. The dog literally took the bullet from the robbers who broke into the house who shot at her owner. Even when she was wounded, she fearlessly attacked the criminals, but they managed to steal valuables and money.

And since the dog's family was robbed and could not afford expensive treatment for the injured Lefty, their neighbors and friends on the Internet organized a fundraising campaign for the heroic pet, thanks to which Lefty underwent surgery, and she quickly regained her strength.

Siko weighs only 5 kilograms, but despite its small size, the dog faithfully protected the little granddaughter of his mistress, who was playing in the sandbox, and tried to stand between the girl and the poisonous snake approaching her. The child remained alive and unharmed, and Siko almost lost his eye from a snake bite, but thanks to the operation, the dog managed to save his sight.

Now, in the Siko family, he is called nothing more than a "little hero."

In the small Russian town of Primorsk-Akhtarsk, there is an obelisk with the names of police officers who died as a result of hostilities, and more recently, a monument to the dog Elga appeared nearby. The shepherd began her service together with the guide Evgeny Shestak, and Ingushetia became their first business trip. Then - Chechnya. Already in the first reconnaissance, Elga found a tripwire with a hand grenade. A month later, she "sniffed out" a mined machine gun, thereby saving 10 policemen. Usually the period of work in dogs lasts no more than 6 years, since they begin to go blind from the smell of TNT and plastid. At 20 percent blind Yelga worked for another 3 years. The last time she was blown up by a mine. Shepherd survived, but began to get sick. She died in the arms of Eugene at the age of 13. At the request of the veterans of the unit, a shepherd fighter, who saved the lives of dozens of people, was erected a monument in early 2013.

The Akita Inu dog named Hachiko is the most famous symbol of canine fidelity. He saw off and met his master every day at the railway station. And even after the death of the owner, he came to the station for another 9 years, until he died. However, the Akita is only one of several of the most loyal breeds. We bring to your attention the TOP 10 most faithful dogs.

Despite their formidable appearance and reputation spoiled by Hollywood films, Dobermans are kind and loyal. They get along well with children, they will never offend them, and in case of danger they will stand up for them. They are distinguished by poise and calmness, they lend themselves perfectly to training.


If the terrier shows character, then this is the cost of education, not the breed.


You should not judge the character of a quadruped by the name of its breed, and boxers are the best confirmation of this. It has been proven that representatives of this family are strongly attached to their owner, and if you suddenly decide to give your pet to another family, then the animal may become aggressive or even die. Ideal as a guide.

A boxer cannot be sold or given away. Away from his native family, the four-legged, at best, will begin to show bouts of aggression, at worst, he will die.

Beagles are often compared to cats. They are just as playful, affectionate and loyal. The puppy is always and everywhere. Enjoys playing with kids. Before buying, please note that beagles are very mobile and without sufficient physical exertion they become extremely naughty.

It is important to properly educate the beagle, otherwise, instead of a devoted friend, you will get a real "harm".

Another representative of the canine family, famous for its devotion and loyalty to its owner, is the Scottish Shepherd (collie). He behaves somewhat arrogantly with strangers, but he gets along well with members of the host family. It requires a lot of attention and love, but in return it will never betray.

Everyone remembers a St. Bernard named Beethoven from the movie of the same name? This phlegmatic, calm and good-natured dog cannot leave anyone indifferent. And by the way, if you need a faithful and intelligent four-legged friend, then a representative of this family is an ideal option, because he even tolerates childish pranks without aggression. The main requirement is to be caring and kind with the pet, try not to offend him and not scream.

Looking at this dog, hardly anyone would think that such a mask hides a kind, intelligent and devoted animal. And in vain, since it has been proven that Rottweilers are one of the most faithful dogs that are ready to give their lives for their master. Without fear, you can go for a night walk with him and be sure that your four-legged friend will definitely protect you.

You should not leave a Rottweiler unattended while playing with children, because in a fit of enthusiasm, not on purpose, but due to its massiveness, it can injure a child.

In third place in the ranking of the most faithful dog breeds was the dachshund. These seemingly funny and slightly awkward four-legged animals are actually ready to stand up for their master at any moment. There are known facts when dachshunds protected babies and even helped in detaining criminals. If you decide to have such a dog as a pet, keep in mind that it does not tolerate long separation from people.

Dachshunds do not tolerate shouting and punishment, in which case they can become stubborn and closed.

Not a single rating dedicated to the smartest and most faithful dogs is complete without Labradors. Despite the fact that retrievers were bred for hunting, they have a friendly and perky character. The dog lends itself perfectly to training, gets along great with children, forgiving them all pranks, and is often used as a guide. But do not forget that the dog needs space, so it is better to start it for families living in their own house, it will simply be cramped in the apartment.

German Shepherd

And finally, first place. Here, quite expectedly for everyone, is a German Shepherd. Representatives of this breed recognize only one owner and remain faithful to him until death. Shepherd dogs see their main purpose in the only thing - in the service of their owner.

There are several stories about the loyalty and devotion of shepherd dogs. One of these happened in 2012 in an Australian town. A three-year-old kid named Dante Berry got lost in the woods, a few kilometers from home. Fortunately, the child was found healthy and unharmed on the second day. Perhaps the outcome would have been much sadder if not for the shepherd named Dashera, who did not leave the boy a single step until his mother found him.

How many stories have we heard about dog fidelity! The heartbreaking, amazing story of one dog's devotion is shown in the film "Hachiko".

I think there is not a single person who, after watching the film, would not wipe away bitter tears. Many people, after getting acquainted with this masterpiece, wanted to let the same selfless love into their lives.

Any four-legged pet is able to give sincere love, but dogs are divided into different breeds, which differ from each other in fundamental features.

I was wondering what are the most loyal dog breeds in the world.
If you also thought about this question and want to get a pet, we present to your attention a rating - the 10 most loyal dog breeds.

1st place - German Shepherd

In the first place is probably the most famous breed of dog - the German Shepherd. Thanks to the cinema, many wanted to get a dog of this particular breed. I've always wanted a German Shepherd after watching the next series of the film masterpiece "Commissioner Rex".

True, then I remembered that I would not have time to walk her, I was saddened and drove my desire deep into the subconscious, which again crawled out when I once again watched this gorgeous series.

The German Shepherd is a strong, brave dog, ready to help the owner at any second. This breed is ideal for training.

The German Shepherd belongs to a variety of service dogs, so fearlessness, endurance, courage and energy are inherent in it. German women interact well with children, they can become a real nanny for a child.

2nd place - Labrador

The most loyal breeds include Labrador Retrievers, which are the kindest dogs that are perfect for humans as companion dogs. They are brought up in families with small children, because they get along well with babies.

Labradors have a sharp mind and a strong attachment to the owner. They are so kind that the owner may not regard them as defenders: Labradors do not know how to show in relation to a person in principle.

Some people consider this character trait to be negative, believing that a four-legged friend must be able to protect the owner. It is pointless to argue on this topic: there are no comrades for the taste and color.

Someone gets a dog to always have a protector and a guard nearby, while someone just needs a cheerful and good-natured companion. If you need a dog that has the latter characteristic, then the Labrador is perfect.

3rd place - dachshund

The most loyal breeds include the Dachshund, a small, long, highly agile dog that is ready to follow its owner to the ends of the earth. She always gladly accompanies the owner, worrying if he has gone somewhere.

Small fidgety "tails" require a lot of affection, attention and care. Constantly working people and those who are rarely at home, such a dog is not suitable. Dachshunds are very smart, very inquisitive and incredibly fast.

They can instantly make a tunnel or dig a hole if they feel the rustle of prey, because they are hunting dogs. Despite its diminutive size, the dachshund is a bold and courageous dog. She knows how to protect and can easily give a serious rebuff to the robbers.

4th place - Rottweiler

If you are interested in the question of what are the most devoted breeds you can have in the house, then you can pay attention to the Rottweilers. They have a very formidable appearance, which makes them excellent guards and inspires fear in all passers-by.

They can easily protect the owner and his property from the encroachments of unscrupulous people. In addition to excellent security qualities, the Rottweiler shows sincere loyalty and devotion, giving its owner his heart without a trace.

5th place - Doberman

Many fans believe that Dobermans are uncontrollable dogs with an abnormal psyche. Professionals refute this myth, they talk about the Doberman as an intelligent, loyal and easy-to-train dog.

The owners of these wonderful animals claim that the Doberman gets along well in the family and is a good protector and companion. To get such a dog is worth experienced dog breeders.

Who responsibly approach the maintenance of animals and are able to recognize the needs of the pet. Dobermans are great with children. Strangers are treated with distrust and apprehension.

6th place - collie

The most loyal breeds include the collie, an incredibly loyal pet. She is an excellent nanny, gets along well with other pets in the house. For a large family with children and other animals, a collie is an ideal option.

They love to communicate with children, play with kids and spend leisure time together. Collies, which have been properly raised, are distinguished by their friendliness, gentle attitude towards the owner and incredible responsiveness. They are so devoted that they will swim across the ocean for their master.

7th place - boxer

Some people think boxers are stupid. They simply could not find an approach to the boxer and attributed their failures to the mental abilities of the dog. If boxers are properly educated, starting from childhood, they will grow up to be excellent devoted pets.

If your choice fell on this breed, keep in mind that they are very mobile and sometimes with their activity and temperament they can annoy owners who are not ready for such a lifestyle.

8th place - terriers

The most devoted breeds include terriers. Any representative of terriers loves his master to the core and is ready to give his life for him. Terriers are ideal dogs for children, they quickly get along with children.

And between the dog and the child, a real disinterested friendship is tied up. You should not get a terrier if other pets live in the house, because dogs of this breed are hunters.

9th place - sheltie

The most devoted breeds include the miniature Sheltie. It differs from the older comrade not only in size, but also in color. Despite small differences, the Sheltie's character is similar to that of the Collie, which means that this breed can be safely attributed to one of the most loyal dogs.

Shelties unconditionally love the owner, hard to endure the forced separation. They can die and get sick if the owner leaves them for a long time.

10th place - pit bull

Many gasp when they read the name of this breed in the top 10 most loyal dog breeds. Yes, yes, don't you think, the pit bull really takes 10th place. The dog belongs to the category of fighting, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most sincere and faithful breeds.

Those who once read creepy stories about these breeds are now clutching their heads in hysterics. Haters of fighting breeds should understand that they were born as a result of the actions of a person who wanted to breed a dog with aggression inherent at the gene level.

Therefore, when you see a pit bull on the street, you should not lament indignantly: “All sorts of monsters walk around here.” These "monsters" appeared precisely because of a human whim, and the poor animal is not at all to blame for aggressive behavior.

In fact, in the right (!) hands, competently raising a pit bull, he will turn into a devoted and faithful dog. If you have no experience with dogs, do not even consider buying a puppy of this breed.

We have learned which most devoted breeds are ideal for the home. Not only thoroughbred dogs can give the owner sincere love and devotion to the tip of the tail.

Ordinary outbred mongrels are no worse than purebred relatives. They will love the owner no less, and maybe even more, especially if you take an animal from a shelter, giving it a chance for a happy life.

Believe me, neither a tiny puppy, nor an already adult dog will ever forget your kindness and give his life for you and even more, if necessary. And what could be more than life... I don't know. And he knows and will definitely sacrifice himself for you.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget that any dog ​​needs proper education. If you treat your four-legged friend with aggression, do not pay attention and do not pay attention to the needs of the animal.

Instead of an affectionate pet, you will get a nervous, twitchy animal that is unlikely to bring you much joy. Why torture the dog? Subscribe to updates, see you soon!
