Slavic signs and their meaning. Vedic amulets: how to protect yourself from troubles and attract prosperity.

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Vedic talismans of the ancient Slavs

Vedic symbols appeared so long ago that scientists cannot even name the exact period. There are 144 species in total. They exist not only in Slavic culture but also in other nations. This is what proves their ancient origin. In those distant times there were only 4 nations, which after many times divided, mixed. AT later times all 144 characters turned into amulets. They connect a person with the gods, give him protection, patronage, strength, magical abilities. There are different symbols for men and women. Today, not all 144 are known, the meaning of some remains a mystery. Many of them have become traditional Slavic amulets. These are signs of the Sun. You can use them, wear them as charms. Choose what will help you. Life will sparkle with new colors when you get a powerful energy protection ancient symbols.

Genetically, this is a kind of literature to the monastery. In addition to the development of pastoral carols also religious hymns - the Franciscan, the Carmelites, associated with the cherished custom in the monasteries rocking the figure of the Lord Jesus. In this situation, adoration sang songs about Christmas 7.

also in traditional culture formed an interesting and valuable group of songs about the birth of Christmas. These are apocryphal messages. Folk apocryphal hymns accept different topics and motives, for example: finding a place to sleep and at the same time the birth of Jesus; Theme of the Annunciation; Escape of St. These are "People are symbols of space, a situation of transition, a beginning and an end" 8. Folk apocryphal Christmas carols are often fairy and beautiful. Most examples of miraculous events can be found in the escapist's sung. Families in Egypt: there Mary shoots with ice chairs to warm the Lord Jesus; A peasant met in one year twice harvests, etc. in turn, they gave a version in the style of songs to a beggar interesting example amazing events healing of skin diseases robber child, the Mother of God said to bathe in the water that bathed before the Lord Jesus 9.

Vedic symbolism and its meaning

The Vedas are a system of knowledge about our world. They can be written in the form of geometric symbols. They are showing man's relationship with the cosmos, nature, gods, history. Each symbol carries a certain semantic load. They became the prototypes of hieroglyphs. The Vedas are not a religion, nor a faith. It is a system of life, a way of life, a mentality. All symbols are very simple, geometric. They were easy to carve on stone, wood, embroider, put on dishes. One of the main symbols swastika. When we consider this symbol, the first association is very negative. But this sign existed long before the Nazis chose it. He is one of the main Vedic symbols of the Sun. Four divergent beams from the center. It does not carry any negative information.

However, typologically the oldest form of folk songs, carols are wishing, and therefore those associated with the concept and exchange of gifts, that is, with festivities 10. Such works exist in the context of the rite, and are organized well and sacred structure. However, Carol's most characteristic gift is the word itself. It is used in a ritual situation and is therefore sacred or holy. And the saint "possesses power." It is therefore a force capable of creating a new reality. 12. In folklore, we often find examples of the literal use of the power of the word.

Scientists have discovered an incredible fact that made it clear where the swastika and other Vedic symbols came from. The Hubble telescope made it possible to see not only the nearest planets, but also other galaxies. If you look closely at the image of the galaxy, cluster of stars, the contours of the swastika are clearly visible. Center and divergent rounded rays. It turns out that the simplest ancient sign The swastika is the spiral image of the galaxy. How did the ancients know this information? It remains a mystery. The meaning of the symbol is much deeper than it seems. It is believed that the rest of the signs come from the swastika - Kolovrat, Velesovik. This is the extended version. Perhaps scientists, researchers of heraldry are mistaken and these signs have their own, special origin.

This is, for example, the Quaker ordering formula. There the word and action are fully compensated”13. In explaining the role of ritual words, one should also turn to the etymology of the word “thing”. Brückner - its original meaning is "speech, word". 14. Therefore, the word in folk culture has a triple dimension.

Links to reality. There are no words that could not be reality, and there is no reality that can be represented without words. In addition, they are inextricably linked words and actions: speaking is an action that is especially true of God, who creates with 15 words. good example such an awareness of the role of ritual are the desired Christmas carols. Due to the subject matter, the poetics and, above all, the intentions and addressee of the text, three main groups can be distinguished among Christmas carols.

Where did Vedic symbols come from?

The beginning of the creation of the Vedic symbol system dates back to the period of 600 thousand years ago. There is a version according to which they are of unearthly origin. Representatives of a very ancient race created on our planet optimal conditions for life. Then there were only four nations:

Strollers. They focus on subject and agricultural, tribal and vegetable intentions. Quoted in these texts the words wanting to do good harvest in the field and a significant offspring in the barn, that verbal realization takes immediate expression.

Or with the help of symbolic images, including the frequently seen golden motif in this function. Another way to create a farmer's desire is to imagine a complete cycle of farming - from plowing, sowing and harvesting. These classes are often supported by a patron saint.

And on this pillar Jesus Himself sits, John of the Gentiles, Peter behind the plows, John from the Gentiles, Peter behind the plows. In turn, the meanings of vegetative carols show symbolic cosmic motifs such as the sun, moon or rain, which, apparently, is a compound formula of one of the songs from the Bilgorai region, known as the transportation of three kuchetok 18.

  • Slavic;

Tribes of Rassen, Svyatorus

  • Aryan.

Kh'Aryans, Da'Aryans

In terms of their level of development, these two tribes greatly exceeded even modern people and their technologies. The books describe it like this:

“Midgard called the soul a round dance of dreams,
for he gathered the wisdom of many stars,
which is kept by those who settled in that World.

This is the most complete repertoire of desires. They are addressed to girlfriends songs of love and affection. Their poetic world is built on references to flirtatious, amorous and even erotic symbols. There are pictures of apple and red apple, wreaths, Golden ring, water in various specifications, etc. Also known in the vicinity of Bilgorai, examples of girlish carols are the famous danube: choir choir: danube,!

From a pragmatic point of view, the cultural context of the Danube, commonly referred to as the red apple, is of particular interest. One of the contractors in this context describes: Please, you. The one left behind is a red apple and already - a few months later holds her husband in her hand 20.

The whole system of signs already existed and was actively used by the inhabitants of the planet. Then they were not yet used as amulets.

The spread of the Vedas throughout the planet

More than 100 thousand years ago there was a very powerful planetary catastrophe. Continents and continents began to change their position, the territories were divided. The Slavic tribes had to leave their inhabited places. Here the tribes began to divide, move. They spread across the planet different corners. This is evidenced by an ancient text:

These, in turn, refer to motifs about the symbolism and attributes associated with that state. Both the maiden mare and the bachelor mare have a similar structure and basic intent. In the final part of the text, the main gift is addressed to the intended recipient. For a bride, this is, of course, a bachelor who must marry "still in these burials", and for a bachelor such a gift is a girl.

The essence of this gift is still emphasized by the use suitable composition text. This feature uses, among other things, the "dress up" convention and thus gradation - for the sake of evaluation, such as composing garments that are rejected by the addressee. An acceptable gift is only intentionally basic. For the bride, this will, of course, be a bachelor.

“Many of the Clans of the Great Race
will disperse to all edges of Midgard-Earth,
behind the Riphean mountains,
and put up new Grads and Temples
and preserve the Faith of the First Ancestors,
and the secret Vedas given by Tarkh Dazhdbog ...
and other Light Gods.

If we consider traditional ornaments, patterns, mystical and religious symbols, then you will find an amazing pattern. All peoples have Vedic symbols and signs. The original sign of the swastika can be found not only among the Slavic and Scandinavian peoples, but also peoples used them:

Among large group In Christmas carols, they stand out, among other things, as separate, referring to colloquial knowledge, the nomenclature of species - groups of texts separated due to their geographical distribution. In addition to the above references to the Bilgorai Danube mentioned above, such varieties are eastern genera.

Or eastern origin and the so-called laughter in the northeast of the Lublin region. In both examples, the species name is vernacular and is a type of text quotation, most often refrained. A separate group of Christmas carols are texts that are constantly associated with certain form hobbies. Her most popular example is the song of the goat, which the carols perform on the "walk" with the goat's helper. During the ritual singing of this song, the kara performers also parallel the presented text, symbolic gestures.

In addition, today in the official heraldry of Asian countries there are solar Vedic signs:

  • China;
  • Japan;
  • Nepal;
  • Vietnam.

Their images are found all over the world. Dishes, clothes, ritual objects, amulets, weapons - symbols of the Vedas were applied everywhere.

In documents from other places, the text is sometimes abbreviated and made in the form of a recitation. Likewise, species of stabilized kryol, among others, are known in the western Lubelshchyna, a text of popular rhododendrons. They perform it - in a special melodic convention, usually in a group of young boys, for example, in Karchmishki, on the feast of the Magi, and receive a special gift - bread, also called generous 26.

There are thematically themed hymns. These works use the semantic power of well-known melodies of religious carols, such as: “Night Silence”, “Lulai Jesus”, “They Come to Bethlehem Pastors”, etc. these texts reflect the most important social and political situation.

Forgotten symbols

There have been several catastrophes on a planetary scale. The climate, living conditions have seriously changed for all tribes and peoples. All forces were thrown to survive. The system of Vedic hieroglyphs began to be forgotten. Lost her sacred meaning. Many symbols have been forgotten, others have taken on a different meaning. Today, we do not know all the information about the Vedas. Best of all, ancient knowledge was preserved in Slavic culture. They have become enduring. These are amulets that directly give a person protection and patronage of the gods. The ancient Slavs distributed all the remaining Vedic signs in their mystical system. Now this is an opportunity for pagan gods to communicate with a person, to help him. Men and women, children, the elderly - all received their personal protectors. The amulet was given to a newborn, placed in the grave of the deceased. All life was spent with them.

There are several periods in which we observe the magnificent development of updated carols. Often these were personal convictions and fervent prayers. Updated hymns were also created during the transition of the eighties. This is a large group of texts distributed in the form of songs, and most of all leaflets.

The reference to typologically and chronologically recent examples of carols has a more general meaning. It should be noted that on this path there was another meeting and synthesizing two great traditions of Polish culture - folk and Christian, and the carol was a real ark of the covenant "between the old and new years.".

The Vedas are widespread in the countries of Scandinavia - the historical homeland of the Aryan tribes. There they were transformed into another system - runes. They became not only writing, but also a tool of sorcerers, seers. The oldest runic alphabet - the elder Futhark also consists of Vedic signs. Another place where the Vedas have become an integral part of life is India. It is believed that the Nazis took the symbol of the Sun from Indian sacred texts. This sign gave life, prosperity, helped fight evil.

Author, linguist and folklorist, director of the Institute of Polish Culture at the Maria Keri-Skłodowska Institute of Cultural Studies in Lublin, sworn festival of folklore groups and performers in Kazimierz, researcher and collector of folklore, folk criticism of modern writing.

Carols in Poland and the Slavic Countries, ed. Anthologies, collected, introduction, commentary and commentary by Jerzi Bartminski Krakow, Poland. Musical notes of Kazimierz. Today, Polish dictionaries and terminology lexicons confirm basically one meaning of the hymn word. It's just a song about Christmas 1, limited edition - Church and Christmas table and bandstand, and facilities mass media. It should perhaps be added that today carols are not so much sung as, first of all, they are listened to - radio, television, discs, on stage, and often in church.

Symbolism of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Vedic signs have passed into Slavic paganism. They began to personify the most important thing - the Sun. It gives a person protection, food, warmth. The sun gives life. In the pantheon Slavic gods There were male and female deities. They patronized warriors, magicians, healers, helped women, the elderly, and children. All their power came from the Supreme God - Yarilo. He and his wife Lada gave life to all things, created the earth, water, sky, all creatures. They had children who also took their place among the pagan deities. Each of them commands his element. There are ritual designations for addressing one or another god. They were carved from stone, wood, cast iron, embroidered. There are many amulets with these signs. Slavic magic very strong, pure - it draws power from nature itself:

At the same time, even in the surviving rudimentary other senses of the word, you can recognize and read more diverse and its archaic meanings. Their detailed reconstruction should be based on the historical and etymological analysis of this word.

Meanwhile, on Polish the noun "fame" has a completely different color and means "popularity" or "publicity". It refers to temporary, often even temporary, and not always in a positive sense. Polish meanings include "famous actor", "go to fame", "cover fame" or "famous restaurant", "famous city", "place of fame". Of course, various closed groups and subcultures create their own specific language resources, which have long been recognized social psychology.

All these are the faces of the great Slavic deities. They helped the righteous, punished the criminals. You can create your own amulets by choosing the meaning of the symbol close to you. The Vedic tradition was preserved thanks to Slavic paganism. These ancient signs will help you today.

Suffice it to say that from this cry, he often causes a lot of smiles and embarrassment. Not so many - from a historical point of view - for example, those who survived the massacre of Volyn or their families, this cry can even hurt. For those who want to go with research program local beliefs to popularize it is a potentially very uncomfortable situation.

For eternal beings and deeds, the Polish language distinguishes and uses the noun "glory". The only used and cognate semantic that can be found in Polish today is the verb "to glorify" - e.g. "praise God" interchangeably with the much more popular "praise God". In Indo-European land, "glory" has a similar meaning and origin as Persian, which is sharp or glory, glory, majesty, glow, charisma - a sacred, charismatic property that the gods can bestow on mortals, primarily rulers.

Types of amulets

amulet- the key to the power of a god. The very word amulet means that someone is protecting his carrier. Higher power watch the owner of the amulet, help him or endow him with special character traits. Charms last for several types:

  • Protective - protect from all troubles, misfortunes, suffering. These can be both physical and energy hazards.
  • Amulets that protect against special threats. Navigators needed protection from death on the water, mermaids, sea monsters. A rich man wore a talisman of protection against thieves and fires.
  • Amulets that endow with special properties. They pacify the aggressive, help the weak to develop strength, raise the immune system to the sick.
  • Items that protect against magic. In battle, this will not be useful, but in Everyday life necessary. He protects from the evil eye, damage, curses, faintness, love spells. Most often they were worn by women and children.
  • Items of power with special properties. It's not easy to create one like this. They remained in fairy tales and legends.

Amulets had a clear division - male and female. There is a special class of items of power that everyone was allowed to wear. In the old days, there were many rituals for activating and charging all amulets and amulets. Most often, they were conducted at the request of an experienced sorcerer, a sorcerer.

This manifests itself in wealth, health and success. However, it should be noted that the use of the noun "glory" took place in Old Polish. Great importance here it has the Malopolska origin of Kazan, where we have already mentioned the phrase "we glorify God." However, this form of meaning disappears, however, in Polish, more often repeating the meanings typical of the Wielkopolska notation. It is also difficult to say whether this is evidence for the existence of an autonomous cry of "Glory!" at this time. in the sense of "Glory!".

Perhaps this duality comes from some earlier division or cultural influences. However, this is a question of other material, and it is too far from the topic. Slava are examples of contemporary publications and commemorative plaques. So where was "Glory!" in our time? This is a neologism, in Poland - a cry created by the creators of the modern era and supporters of pan-Slavic ideas. The form of association was the subject of dispute and discussion, most often taking the patronage or subjugation of Russia. For anyone interested in the subject here, more details on the history of Panchism.

Male symbols

Men fought, worked in the field, took care of the house and family. A man is a warrior, nurse, builder, plowman. They worshiped male deities, giving courage, courage, physical strength. Many men were engaged in divination - the formidable sorcerer was capable of great deeds. The men were helped by Svarog, Perun, Yarilo, Veles. Veles was not only a famous warrior, but also a mystic. He taught people the power of magical signs, showed rituals. Svarog gave soldiers support in battle.


Genus sign. All the ancestors lined up behind the back of the one who wears such a talisman. They patronized, instructed, gave Right way under your feet. It is considered a purely male amulet. Rodovik became the first talisman for a boy when he reached the age of 14. Mascot strong in spirit, brave heart and wise.

Charm of Perun

Amulet for warriors. He was drawn or painted on shields when they went into battle. He gave strength and courage. The God of Thunder protected the one who wears this amulet.

The inextinguishable fire of the Gods. He protected his master from enemies and sorcerers. If someone wears Znich, then it is useless to curse him, send damage. Everything will be reflected from his magic shield and will return to the ill-wisher in triple size. He carried the wrath of Heaven.


A sign of wisdom and strength. For real men who were ready to solve things peacefully, using wisdom and cunning. And if they failed, they fought bravely and boldly. Valor, courage went to the one who made this amulet himself. Valkyries are warlike maidens. They watched the battlefield and took the bravest fallen warriors to an eternal feast with the gods.


Gives great power to its owner. If a child was born weak and sickly, this sign was carved on the bed. Many men wore it to show their prowess, courage. The power of the whole family passed to the owner of such a talisman.


Brings good luck to men. This Vedic sign is still worn today. He gives success in business, patronizes those who seek profit.

Garuda is a magical bird that can rise to the stars and fly among them. This is a charm of successful merchants, farmers and those who wanted to achieve power. He gave wisdom, pointed out the only true path.

Women's symbols

Women were by no means the weaker sex in the days of the ancient Slavs. Men often went to war, decided the affairs of the state. The women were left on their own with small children, crops, livestock, households. A heavy burden was placed on their shoulders - taking care of the house, garden, giving birth to children, caring for the elderly. Helpers are needed here. Women's amulets appeal to the goddesses Lada, Mokosh, Rozhanitsy, Bereginy. Lada patronizes all women - from infancy to death. This is a very kind goddess of love, beauty, tenderness, women's health. Makosh taught her daughters to spin, knit, cook bread and tell fortunes, make amulets. Bereginya protects women from troubles - this is a goddess with bird wings. She drives away the evil eye, spoilage, removes diseases. Women in labor protect the mother during pregnancy, and each baby is given a fate.


Guardian of all pregnant women. He protected the woman and her child for 9 months, helped to relieve the pain of childbirth. When it was time to give birth, such a clay amulet was placed under the bed.

Symbol good luck. Gave to a woman's wedding as a pledge happy marriage. It was believed that if you put it on for the first time wedding night, then a boy will be born.

Cross of Lada

Protector and helper of all women. He protected them from diseases, helped them get pregnant. If pregnancy did not occur for a long time, the woman embroidered it on linen or dress. He helped from all women's diseases. Lada consoled with grief, brought peace, gave beauty, health. They washed themselves from bowls with the image of this sign in order to preserve youth for many years.


Helped with everyday and household chores. The amulets of Vedar were also a kind of symbol of the wisdom of the family. It could be passed down from generation to generation. It was believed that it contains all the experience and wisdom of mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers. With him, it was easier for a woman in her husband's house.

Protective symbols and signs of the Vedas

Their main properties are to protect. Usually these amulets are considered generic. Whoever wears it is under the protection of a whole family of his fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. In difficult times, they will all come to his defense.


A gift to people from the god Rod. It protects from curses, damage, the evil eye. This sign had to be worn secretly so that no one would know. It constantly protects against all kinds magical influence. It was advised to wear it without taking it off. If a person is already cursed, then Molvinets will remove it.

Wedding attendant

It was worn only once in a lifetime - for a wedding. This symbol consists of two parts that are intertwined into one single whole. Symbolizes marriage. Man and woman from different kinds are combined into one. This is very important point, which was witnessed before people and gods, putting on the wedding dress.

Overcome Grass

There is no such illness, hrovi or sickness from which the amulet would not protect Odolen Grass. If you turn it over, you get another symbol - Fern Flower. It is also considered healing. They protected from diseases, helped to recover faster. Often hung over the cradles of newborns to protect them.

Svarog Square

Generic sign of family protection. Left at home in a conspicuous place. It was carved on dishes to protect against poisons. The square of Svarog was the shield of the house, the protector of the family. It was added to the protective pattern on window frames.


A very strong symbol of protection. It was hung on the wall at home or cut out above the door. Protects against evil spirits, spoilage, faintness, love spells. Its bright solar energy literally burns out all evil and darkness.

Not all ancient knowledge has come down to us. Many amulets are forever lost to mankind. We can use what's left. Their power can help you in the most different situations. You are now under the protection of the gods, and they will not allow your troubles and misfortunes. For all occasions there are powerful amulets. Knowledge has passed through the ages. Echoes of the Vedic symbol system have remained in all countries of the world. Today we can use them, know secret meaning. Save this knowledge and use it for good purposes.
