Healing of the umbilical wound. Umbilical wound in newborns

Immediately, after your baby was born, family life is filled with new experiences. For young parents, caring for a newborn in the early days is unfamiliar and rather difficult. From the first days of a baby's life, an incredible number of questions arise! One of the first questions for young mothers is how to properly treat the umbilical wound in newborn babies so as not to harm.

umbilical wound in newborns is formed as a result of falling away umbilical cord for 3-5 days of life.

How is an umbilical wound formed?

At the birth of a child, the umbilical cord is fixed with a clamp and tightly bandaged near the future navel. Next, the umbilical cord is cut off: the doctor makes an incision between the clamp and the ligation site. As a result, a small section of the umbilical cord remains, which later dries up and falls off on its own. In the place where the umbilical cord is separated, the so-called umbilical wound appears.

How to properly handle and care for a wound

What you need to have for the treatment of the umbilical wound:

  • Cotton buds;
  • Pipette;
  • Sterile gauze wipes;
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution);
  • Zelenka (1% alcohol solution of brilliant green);

Step by step processing:

If you notice discharge from the wound or reddening of the skin around it, then the wound should be treated 2 times a day (morning and evening), it is also necessary to notify the patronage nurse or doctor about this.

Hygiene of a newborn with an unhealed umbilical wound

Until the wound has healed, it is necessary to prevent possible contact of the skin of the navel with bacteria. To prevent infection from entering the wound, the following measures are taken to treat the wound:

But if your newborn baby has a navel bleeding, then check out

What should parents do with a long-term non-healing weeping umbilical wound in a newborn? Is it worth it to see a doctor? How to care for and treat an umbilical wound -

When does the umbilical wound heal?

Subject to hygiene recommendations and the rules for treating the wound, the healing of the navel occurs no later than after 2 weeks (10-14 days) after birth. It should be noted that in the first few days after discharge from the hospital, the child observes visiting nurse from the clinic. She can demonstrate how to treat the wound if the hospital staff did not.

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How long the navel heals in a newborn depends primarily on proper care. The individual characteristics of the body play a role, but if the navel does not heal for a long time or becomes inflamed, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. How to take care of the first and such a serious wound so that the baby successfully survives the healing?

A child is born - the umbilical cord is cut - and now he already has a navel, like all people. On the way to the last point, time passes (about 2 weeks), when the wound must be constantly treated, ventilated and protected from infection.

Within 9 months, the whole life of the child is based on the umbilical cord. 3 large blood vessels pass through it, providing the exchange of substances between the fetus and the mother's body. It is logical that when cutting the umbilical cord, a rather serious wound remains, for the healing of which proper care.

How to do everything as efficiently as possible and not harm the child? How and when does the navel heal in newborns? What can be done to make this process easier for the baby?

Immediately after the baby is born, the umbilical cord is squeezed with a special clamp. The tummy around her and the base of her are treated with an antiseptic, then the umbilical cord is cut off with sterile scissors at a distance of about 2 cm. For the next few days, a knot-tail remains in this place, which will eventually dry out and fall off.

At the very first time, the healing of the navel in newborns does not require special efforts : it is enough to treat it with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate once a day.

Under the action of antiseptics, the tissues above the clamp noticeably dry out, the tail of the umbilical cord darkens and wrinkles. The rest of the umbilical cord lasts an average of 4 to 10 days, and then falls off on its own - this usually serves as the determining period for discharge from the hospital.

When the clamped piece of the umbilical cord falls off, an open wound remains under it, which is a cause for concern and a reason for careful care. The first lessons in the treatment of the navel are usually given by the doctor before discharge: the area must be disinfected and kept dry to prevent infection.

Terms and stages of healing

On average, the healing time of the navel is 2 weeks.

The first stage of healing takes place in the hospital. There are exceptions when the umbilical cord does not fall off for more than 7 days, then a woman in labor with a baby can be discharged home.

If there is no inflammation, this situation is normal: how long the navel heals depends on individual characteristics and immunity.

The second stage lasts approximately 7-10 days and takes place already at home. At this time, the wound at the site of the navel needs careful care - then it will heal quickly and will not cause discomfort to the baby.

In total, healing takes 2-3 weeks.

Newborn care at home

Care involves not only antiseptic treatment, but also special rules for bathing, wearing clothes and other aspects of life little man. Highlight the main points of care and possible problems.

How to treat a wound

How long the navel heals in a newborn directly depends on the correct and regular treatment of the wound with disinfectant compounds. It is important to remove the ichor from the damaged area and protect it from infection. When discharged from the maternity hospital, the following drugs should be waiting for a mother with a baby in the first-aid kit:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) is needed to remove the dried crust from the ichor and speed up the healing process.
  2. Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic composition for the treatment of open wounds.
  3. Zelenka (1% solution) - disinfects the wound well and promotes tightening. But it requires a moderate dosage, as it dries the skin, and in very in large numbers can cause burns. In addition, redness is not visible under a layer of brilliant green, if they appear. It is necessary to apply brilliant green dotted, only on the wound itself, not on the skin around the navel.
  4. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, sold in the form of crystals, the solution must be prepared independently) is a strong bactericidal agent.
    Use carefully: apply only to the wound so as not to burn sensitive skin, the concentration of the substance should be the weakest.

You will also need cotton wool and cotton buds, a sterile pipette, medical alcohol, adhesive plaster.

How to treat an umbilical wound

The optimal frequency for the treatment procedure is 1-2 times a day: after morning toilet and evening swim. Wash your hands before starting.

  • Take peroxide into a pipette and drop it on the wound. Wait a few seconds until the dried crust gets wet.
  • Pure cotton swab carefully remove the remaining crust. If it does not give in, again drip peroxide and wait. It is important not to rub with force so as not to injure the sore spot.
  • Blot the wound dry with a piece of cotton.
  • Moisten a new cotton swab in brilliant green and apply to the future navel. To do this, push the skin around with two fingers.
  • If possible, leave the child undressed for a while so that the tummy "breathes".
  • In the first days, before dressing, stick a patch, when the wound heals, it is no longer needed.


Today, this approach is not considered acceptable, and I fully support it. Complete water procedures important for hygiene, normal physical development and formation immune system. Bathe for sure! Just be careful and attentive, pour.

Bathing is a must hygiene procedure . How the navel heals in a newborn depends not least on immunity and general condition skin - both are associated with bathing.

You can (optionally) boil water for a newborn, add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the bath to protect against accidental infection. It is undesirable to wet the rest of the umbilical cord and a fresh wound - there are special waterproof plasters for everyday bathing. Or you can gently pour water on the tummy without immersing it in the bath completely.

Air baths

How long the navel heals in a newborn is directly related to the ability for the skin to “breathe”. Between bathing and dressing, it is advisable to leave the child undressed for a while for adoption. air baths. So the umbilical wound will heal faster, and excess moisture will not accumulate in the folds of the skin. Naturally, this should be done in a fairly warm room.

How to properly handle diapers and clothes

When the umbilical wound heals, you need to minimize annoying factors and make sure that clothes and diapers do not injure delicate skin. You should choose sliders with a wide elastic band or without it at all - with a bib and fasteners on the shoulders so that they do not put pressure on the navel.

As for diapers, there should be a cutout in the place that covers the navel. There are special diapers for the smallest - the manufacturer prudently made such a cutout on them.

But analogues with a regular belt do not matter either - just try on which part of the belt will cover the navel, and cut out the extra section with scissors or tuck it. When changing a diaper and changing clothes, you should get your navel wet cotton pad to remove moisture that may accumulate in it.

Reasons for excitement

It happens that the navel in a newborn does not heal well even with careful care. In this case, you need to consult a doctor Urgent measures. Usually such problems are solved quite easily, but there are situations when complications with the umbilical wound indicate serious problems.


If the baby's navel does not heal well, you should immediately consult a doctor

The reason for suspicion should be redness of the skin around the navel.

If you start the situation, then suppuration will appear, bad smell from a wound, pain from touch, fever.

With any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, describe how the care of the navel was, since most often it is the wrong care that leads to infection.


If blood periodically oozes from the wound, it may be a granuloma - a pathology of the vessels near the wound. The situation provokes accelerated growth capillaries and tissues in the navel. The granuloma is treated: after making a diagnosis, the doctor performs a cauterization procedure, and the wound heals normally.


A dense navel strongly protruding outward, similar to a bump, indicates a hernia. In some cases, it appears during childbirth or in the first days after them as a result of the fact that the abdominal wall of the baby is in a weak tone. The treatment is massage. Also, a child with an umbilical hernia should be placed on the tummy more often, and crying should not be allowed to turn into hysterics, as tension abdominal muscles may aggravate the situation.

What to do if the wound oozes and gets wet

The baby's navel gets wet because of the lack of proper wound care

It happens that the navel becomes inflamed, the unhealed place begins to fester and get wet. Most often this happens due to lack of proper care: either with insufficient regular treatment with medicines, or due to the fact that the skin does not “breathe”.

If you notice in time that the navel is oozing, you can fix the problem simply by increasing the duration of the air baths for the baby.

When the site of the wound is not only moistened, but also reddened, and the discharge begins to resemble pus, you should consult a doctor. The situation can be both the result of water retention after bathing, and a manifestation of an infectious infection. What to do if the navel gets wet in a newborn, what problems can arise if measures are not taken in time - read the article on.

What is forbidden to do

It is impossible to pick off dry ichor from a still unhealed umbilical wound- this injures the tissues and makes healing longer and more painful. Excessive care can also slow down the process: you need to treat the navel 1-2 times a day - this is quite enough. It is not necessary to do washing more often, on the contrary, this will prevent the formation of new tissues at the site of the wound.

It is pointless and dangerous to try to change the shape of the navel by wrapping it with a bandage or bandage. If the navel sticks out, it will remain the same, but the above measures violate the natural ventilation of the wound and interfere with healing.


Proper care of the umbilical wound in the first days and weeks of a baby's life is simple and does not require special skills. All that is needed is a responsible attitude, strict hygiene and regular medical treatment. Once or twice a day, the navel needs to be disinfected, in addition, it is very important that the skin “breathe”.

In the vast majority of cases, the wound heals without complications, but if they do occur, you should not panic and show the child to the doctor as soon as possible. Redness, constant moisture, suppuration, bleeding and hardness of the navel should be a cause for concern. To notice in time anxiety symptoms, you need to carefully examine the tummy of the newborn and do not paint over the large area around the navel with green paint - only the place of the open wound.

In the womb, the baby is connected to the mother by a special formation - the umbilical cord. Its meaning for intrauterine life the crumbs are huge. But at the moment the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut. And this education no longer connects mother and baby, but requires indispensable care. Because after the umbilical cord is cut, the umbilical wound remains, which, without proper treatment, can become inflamed and fester. Therefore, young mothers often ask the same question - how long does the navel heal in a newborn, when and how should the umbilical wound be treated? To answer these questions, you just need to familiarize yourself with the tips and recommendations below.

Treatment of the umbilical wound in the hospital

At the moment when the baby is still with his mother in the delivery room, the umbilical cord residue undergoes additional processing. As a result, only a 2-3 cm section remains from the long umbilical cord, which is “bandaged” with a special clamp. However, this is not done in all hospitals. Some specialists practice the open cord management method. With this method, the umbilical wound is treated with antiseptic solutions, which include potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and hydrogen peroxide. In a situation with a clamp, the baby's navel is also processed. But until the navel falls off, the child is not discharged home. Sometimes the delay in returning home is due to the fact that the umbilical cord is initially thick and does not fall off for a long time (does not dry out). But, as a rule, even in this case, the umbilical cord in newborns falls off on days 7-9.

In addition to the above methods, another tactic for managing the umbilical cord is practiced - surgical clipping. It is produced on the second day by cutting off the umbilical process with scissors or a blade. The healing of the umbilical wound in this case is much faster. After cutting off, the umbilical wound is closed with a pressure bandage, and if newborns do not bleed, then it is removed the very next day.

The umbilical wound does not heal for as long as it might seem at first glance. With proper treatment, the wound becomes covered with a hemorrhagic crust, and after a couple of weeks it becomes a place with normal skin.

If a child has a discharge from the wound of not abundant sanious discharge, then the treatment is carried out not only in the morning, but also in the evening.

Home treatment of the navel

After discharge, if it was on time, the doctor will recommend daily treatment of the umbilical wound for 7-10 days. This should be done immediately after swimming. At home, parents are advised to use hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. You can also use an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, which should be applied exclusively to the wound, since there is a risk of burning skin covering baby in the navel. Sometimes you can notice that the crust on the wound begins to gradually peel off. This indicates that soon the process of processing the navel of a newborn can be completed. When the crust begins to stick, as they say "by a thread", it can be removed. It is best to do this after bathing, as it will soften a little and be easily removed with a cotton swab. If the crust is still tightly seated, then it is impossible to tear it off by force, since there is a risk of bleeding and infection.

If the baby's navel does not heal for a long time, and at the same time there are discharges in the form of blood with pus, you should immediately contact a specialist. In some cases, the doctor recommends cauterizing the navel with iodine. This can only be done by a person medical education, since iodine can burn the skin of the crumbs.

Today, some maternity hospitals discharge babies on the 3rd day after birth. In this case, it is almost certain that your baby will arrive home with a cord residue that has not fallen off. You should not worry about this, since the care of the navel is carried out according to the principle described above. There are no restrictions on bathing the baby either. As with the umbilical wound, the baby can be bathed on the day of discharge. Just do not forget about the rules for bathing a baby in the first days of life:

  1. It is better to use boiled water.
  2. The water temperature should not be higher than 37 and not lower than 36 degrees.
  3. Until the navel has healed, it is recommended to add a solution of potassium permanganate to the water (crystals of potassium permanganate are diluted in a separate bowl and gradually poured into the bath until light pink water is formed).

What is forbidden to do with the navel

Sometimes young mothers forget about safety after discharge, because there is no longer control over them in the form of a pediatric nurse. And then they make a number of mistakes in the treatment of the umbilical wound, which can lead not only to long healing, but also to purulent omphalitis. This disease is nothing more than inflammation of the tissues around umbilical wound. To prevent this, it is worth remembering what is impossible:

  • forget about the daily treatment of the navel;
  • close your eyes to the discharge from the wound;
  • bathe the baby without potassium permanganate;
  • seal the wound with a plaster;
  • cover the navel with a diaper.

Many mothers, being in the hospital, feel confident and calm. But once home, left alone with your baby, be afraid to even touch the umbilical wound. You should not do this, because the well-being of the crumbs depends on the quality of your care. Do not be afraid to push the skin near the navel if you need to clean out the discharge from there and carefully lubricate the wound with brilliant green. This procedure will not bring unbearable results to the baby. pain, the maximum that he can feel is a slight discomfort.

Hello, dear readers, today I want to talk about a frequently asked question among newly-made mothers, namely, how long does the navel heal in a newborn. You will be surprised, but this topic is also relevant for women who have given birth to more than one child.

If at the maternity hospital they forgot to tell you how long the navel heals in a newborn, it doesn’t matter - this is fixable. We are a little luckier than our parents, because for any problem you can use the World Wide Web, which, regardless of the time of day, can answer the question of interest to us.

The process of falling off the umbilical residue can be delayed for many reasons, one of the main ones is incorrect processing. When mothers rush from one extreme to another. They begin to forcibly pick out the crusts, lubricating the navel ten times a day, using different antiseptics, or they simply forget that the umbilical wound must be treated in a timely manner.

Many parents are lost in terms and do not know how long to process the navel of a newborn, therefore, even after healing, they continue to lubricate it with brilliant green for a long time.

The period of treatment of the umbilical wound should continue until the moment complete healing. Usually it is 2-3 weeks.

Parents often have the question: “How long does it take for the navel to heal in a newborn?” I will answer that each baby has a healing period individually, but on average the whole process can take up to a month. Exceptions may be complications that prolong the healing period.

In order for the healing process not to be complicated, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules umbilical wound treatment:

What antiseptics can be used

No need to look for something supernatural for quick healing, dear parents. To treat an umbilical wound, a vial of hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green is enough.

Remember.A solution of hydrogen peroxide is necessary for the treatment of the umbilical wound.

Remember Dear Parents that on how correctly you follow the umbilical wound, it depends on how many days the navel of the newborn will heal. If you notice even the slightest change in appearance navel, contact a specialist immediately. I think my article has clarified the questions you are interested in, now the small navel will not be so frightening and shocking.

The well-being of the baby largely depends on how parents take care of his hygiene. How to carry out these procedures correctly?

Until the moment of birth, the baby and his mother are connected by a special formation, which is called the umbilical cord. Its significance for intrauterine life of the fetus is enormous. But the baby was born and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, proper care is necessary.

The umbilical cord is a union of three blood vessels- veins (arterial through it, rich in oxygen and nutrients blood is coming from the placenta to the fetus) and two arteries through which the "waste" venous blood flows in the opposite direction - from the fetus to the mother. These vessels are surrounded by a gelatinous substance, which prevents their possible damage.

After the birth of a child, the need for communication between mother and baby through the umbilical cord disappears. The child acquires the ability to breathe independently, receive food in the form of mother's milk excrete unwanted substances through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, almost immediately after removing the crumbs, a special clamp is applied to the umbilical cord, and it is cut. The blood flow through the umbilical vessels stops.

Treatment of the navel in the hospital

While the baby and mother are in the delivery room, the rest of the umbilical cord is additionally processed. As a result, only a small section about 2 cm long remains from the umbilical cord. On the remainder of the umbilical cord is a plastic or, less often, a metal clip.

Some maternity hospitals now use open method management of the umbilical cord. This means that a bandage is not applied to it, just every day until the baby and mother are discharged from maternity hospital the umbilical cord residue (and after it falls off - the wound) is treated with antiseptic solutions (as a rule, these are hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate - the so-called "potassium permanganate").

Every day, the umbilical cord residue above the bracket becomes more and more dry, in other words, it mummifies. Daily processing also contributes to the drying of the umbilical cord residue. As a result, on the fourth or fifth day, in most babies, the umbilical cord looks like a patch of dry, dense, inanimate tissue. Soon, along with the clamp, this tissue "disappears". It remains a wound, which is called the umbilical. In babies with an initially thicker umbilical cord, the rest of it can dry out for quite a long time, for 6-7 or even more days.

In many maternity hospitals, a different tactic has been adopted for maintaining the umbilical cord, when it is usually cut off on the second day with a blade or sterile scissors. With surgical excision, the healing of the umbilical wound proceeds faster. A pressure bandage is applied to the wound to prevent bleeding, which is usually loosened after 1-2 hours and removed the next day during the treatment of the umbilical wound.

Some babies have a so-called "skin" navel. With it, the skin, passing from the anterior abdominal wall, covers the umbilical cord, and the impression of a "long" navel is created. It should be noted that after the umbilical cord remnant falls off or is removed, the tissues of such a navel are retracted and, as a rule, the umbilical region does not differ in any way from the usual one.

The umbilical wound gradually heals, becoming covered with a hemorrhagic (dense "bloody") crust. If the child continues to be in maternity hospital, then the umbilical wound is treated in the same way as before the umbilical cord residue - once a day. With a wide umbilical wound, possible non-abundant sanious discharge, a doctor may prescribe more frequent treatment. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears. If the healing proceeds safely, then after the thick crust falls off, there is no discharge from the wound. Sometimes, when a large crust falls off (this happens with a wide umbilical wound), there may be a release of droplets of blood, the wound "tints". Usually, in such cases, an additional (2-3 times a day) treatment with solutions of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate is sufficient, and sometimes a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge, which in most cases is sufficient to be applied to the wound once.

Treatment of the navel at home

At home, the umbilical wound is treated for 7-10 days until it is completely healed daily 1 time per day after bathing. If the umbilical cord was removed in the maternity hospital surgically, it may take less time to treat the wound at home. Sometimes, for example, with a slow formation of a crust, the presence small secretions from it ("wet"), it is recommended to treat the wound twice a day or even more often. The wound is lubricated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green - "brilliant green". "Zelenka" at home is preferable compared, for example, with "potassium permanganate" due to the lack of the need to prepare this solution. It is sold in any pharmacy.

A 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt containing a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves may also be suitable for treating an umbilical wound. This solution is colorless, which allows you to identify signs of inflammation, since the wound is not painted over.

To avoid unnecessary trauma to the skin chemical preparation(up to a skin burn!) should avoid getting the solution on the skin around the wound.

If there is a crust on the wound that has already begun to peel off and does not hold firmly, it is better to remove it first by soaking it with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. A ready-made preparation of hydrogen peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy. It must be borne in mind that its shelf life is limited! You should not prepare a hydrogen peroxide solution yourself at home, since in this case it is difficult to achieve the desired concentration, and the sterility of the prepared preparation will be doubtful.

The crust, as a rule, after bathing the child becomes softer, and it is easier to remove it from the wound. Of course, if this is a newly formed crust on a wide wound, then it is not worth making an effort to remove it without fail. It is convenient to treat the umbilical wound at home with cosmetic cotton swabs. When treating a wound with a large and index fingers the left hand is pressed on the tissue near the navel so as to "open" the navel area as much as possible for inspection and more thorough processing.

When there is a prolonged "wetting" of the wound, bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you should consult a doctor!

If you have any doubts about the correct processing of the baby's navel, consult with nurse, which should visit the newborn daily in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Many maternity hospitals now practice early discharge of newborns. Moreover, by the time the baby is at home, the umbilical cord may not yet fall off. If the pediatrician did not give other individual recommendations at discharge, then bathing a child with a “non-fallen” umbilical cord residue, as well as with an umbilical wound, can be done on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Before falling off, the umbilical cord residue is treated at home once a day with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.

For bathing babies, you need to use a baby bath. During the first two weeks, it is better to pre-boil the water used for bathing the baby, and then cool it to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, a solution of "potassium permanganate" is added to the water until the water turns slightly pink. Remember that "potassium permanganate" must first be completely dissolved in a separate container, such as a cup, in order to avoid burning the baby's skin with grains of potassium permanganate.

What not to do with the navel

Do not be afraid to touch the umbilical cord or umbilical wound when processing them! At the same time, babies, of course, may experience some discomfort, but this does not hurt them. Care of the umbilical wound should be especially careful, as it can serve as an entrance gate for infection, as a result of which catarrhal and then purulent omphalitis may occur first - inflammation of the tissues near the umbilical wound.

In cases where there is a prolonged "wetting" of the wound (more than 2 weeks), bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you should consult a doctor! Do not try to treat the baby yourself: it may be unsafe for him.

The wound should not be under a gauze or disposable diaper, as this makes it difficult for the crust to dry, provokes wetting and thus prevents rapid healing wounds and contributes to the possible attachment of infection. Sometimes there is additional irritation of the skin of the umbilical region. To avoid this, bend the belt disposable diaper to keep the navel open.

Usynina Anna, Neonatologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Neonatology and Perinatology
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk


Us so the doctor advised better ask your doctor

02/06/2016 14:53:56, 245mp

We smeared with magnesia, that is, we moistened the cotton wool and applied and fixed it with a band-aid, several times a day I did this and so for 2 days and everything went away

02/06/2016 14:51:35, 245irrr

My baby is already 8 days old. Two days ago, when we were bathing a child, his navel began to bleed a little. Please tell us to do it, we have already made peroxide and brilliant green for 1 day, but it pedals to stop the blood, but it is very small

04/24/2015 20:47:24, Suzana

Comment on the article "Attention - the navel! Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home"

Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. How to properly care for the navel of a newborn. Print version. As a result, on the fourth or fifth day, in most babies, the umbilical cord looks like a patch of dry, dense, inanimate tissue.

Again about the navel. Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. I assumed umbilical hernia, a pediatrician, when they were at the reception at 2 months, confirmed my fears. Taping the navel approved and advised ...


http://www.missfit.ru/mammy/massage-1/ exercises

The small one also had a hernia the size of a five-ruble coin, even a little more, I was going to buy a bandage, but I didn’t, literally within a week (it was about a month ago, he had just grown a lot), she went back on her own and so far did not appear, as long as the umbilical is expanded, but there is no hernial protrusion. So maybe you will be lucky to heal yourself, by the way, this is not so rare and happens. and this is the reason for the "success" of grannies who speak hernias))

Treatment of the navel of a newborn in the hospital and at home. How to properly care for the navel of a newborn. Print version. As in the case of any wound, the hemorrhagic crust formed on the umbilical wound gradually disappears.


On the 12th day, the clothespin fell off, bathed from the 3rd day, then wiped it lightly with an alcohol wipe or a dry cotton swab, after it fell off, the navel was wet (oozing) for another week.

Our clothespin was removed in the hospital. and the crust fell off after 2 weeks. It is necessary to move it carefully and blot with a cotton swab with alcohol, and dry on top.
Wait, there is a point of view that it is not necessary to process - but if it gets wet, it is necessary. You really can't swim.
A few days before the "fall" may bleed a little, it's not scary.

How to clean the navel in a child? Parental experience. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Tasyuni's navel is deep and "closes tightly." It's clear that everything accumulates there. And how do you get it out of there?


pour a little hydrogen peroxide, and then it will all rise - and wash off with a cotton swab

We have the same trouble, dirt accumulates in the navel, but does not allow cleaning. And I wash it every day since my birth, and still it’s a bug .... I drip peroxide periodically, it becomes cleaner, but I wouldn’t say that much .... But there’s no question of a wand, it’s not given ........ .

Belly button question :) - get-togethers. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. I want to clarify for myself a very burning question :) How is it now customary in maternity hospitals to tie children's navels? The thing is, I'm about to...
